sycopomp · 2 years
Hey I'm back not cos of a chapter or anything but because I've been having this thought chase me around in circles about Sun and Moon and how Sun is usually depicted w flat teeth and Moon w Sharp teeth and I just. I really need someone to hear me when I say that the only difference between Flat toothed Sun and Sharp Toothed Moon is that MOON IS SMILING WIDER. LIKE LISTEN. SUN IS PRESENTING EVERYONE W A SMALLER AND MORE POLITE SMILE. BUT IF HE FUCKING. RELAXED FOR EVEN A SECOND. THE RAZORS ARE OUT.
Anyway sorry for being unhinged just here's some food for thought lol how's u day
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No wait come back you're right and you should say it
I love this so much like. You're RIGHT. And the way you phrase it, a thin veneer of decorum, very delicious.
I can't guarantee this is exactly how Sun is characterized in ooie (just as a disclaimer) but I LOVE when he's written like this and I will absolutely be writing him like this in some side project or another, thank you
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papersong · 2 years
Im literally so DUMB EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTEEER catch me going back to the permanently open chicago & tokyo tab and refreshing twice a day so i can catch the second it updates.
Ello, thank you for reaching out! It would be next Sunday at the soonest. In the meantime, have a preview of reader getting ready to gaslight gatekeep girlboss her way into homeownership in Japan :3
On that thought, Tomioka is rather normal-looking, unlike all the men you've met in Japan. Though he has blue eyes, the Rengokus look like walking flames, Himejima is seven feet tall, Uzui is, well, flamboyant, Iguro has bicolor eyes over his bandage-mask, and Shinazugawa is Shinazugawa.
If you passed Tomioka on the street, you might mistake him for an ordinary person. On top of a relatively unremarkable appearance, Tomioka is also quiet and good at putting off people trying to ask questions. The water hashira is almost painfully forgettable, which is exactly what you need in a fake husband.
chicago & tokyo (link to AO3) is actually a Rengoku x Reader fic (sorry Tomioka) where reader is a thousand-year-old bootlegger living in 1920's Prohibition-Era Chicago. She eventually gets to Japan through a series of unfortunate events including: - Rengoku showing up dying in her living room. - Akaza showing up dying in her living room. - Both recovering, then immediately attempting to kill her.
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humunanunga · 4 years
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@galaxmousey I scribbled these as fast as I could
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herbertwest · 7 years
@galaxmousey said: Thats cos its likely how you feel you’d ideally (or realistically) to a situation like that and you might be taking a lil bit of you and using it to make them. Most commonly it seems to be the inability to give a fuck.
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chom-raaa · 7 years
Tag Meme: 10 Favourite Characters
I was tagged by @pakuiberries :D
Rules: List ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms, then tag ten different people!
(In no particular order)
1. Black Cat: Train Heartnet
2. Angel Beats: Yurippe
3. KnB: Kasamatsu Yukio
4. ATLA: Zuko
5. Drrr: Heiwajima Shizuo
6. Magi: Yunan
7. BSD: Fukuzawa Yukichi
8. SnK: Levi Ackerman
9. Noragami: Yato
10. Naruto: Temari
I’m going to tag @star-tear, @akai–kami, @zerogravitychuuya, @catsbythegreat, @galaxmousey yeah ok that’s all I got I don’t even know you guys that well so if this is annoying please ignore x.x
The invitation extends to anyone else who wants to do this (say that I tagged you and I will actually tag in the future)
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37h4n0l · 7 years
tagging thing
Tagged by: @stavroginova <3
Rules: Answer the questions, and tag nine people you want to know better.
Relationship status: Taken 
Lipstick or chapstick? Lipstick, although my lips keep getting dry so I should probably start using the other
Last song I listened to: I actually unironically think it was We Are Number One
Last movie I watched: Paprika, and I recommend it to everyone
Top 3 shows: I hope anime counts... 91 Days, Bungou Stray Dogs and No. 6
Top 3 characters: Too much to choose from... *sweats* I’ll go with ma boi Strega (91 Days), Akutagawa (BSD) and Deidara (Naruto).
Top 3 ships: Avilero (91 Days), Daaku (BSD) and Tobidei (Naruto). 
I’m not being very imaginative today lmao.
I tag: @thewandererlova @ertal77 @deathtopi4 @dark-saber @jrockloverforever @galaxmousey @histrionic-roman @anglcndy @the-ghost-of-banquo I’M SORRY GUYS
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rosesoma · 7 years
Me : Hey, can I make it official to call you my friend ?
User : Sure~
Me : Great, now things will stay exactly the same and we will never talk because we're both too socially-awkward to start conversations and keep them up ! :)
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sycopomp · 2 years
Wow. Oh wow I just read the first chapter of ooie and OOOH my god I have. So many words. It's just all SO GOOD. Like I can't begin to fully articulate how good this is already and how excited I am for what's in store.
It feels like there's lots of hints and clues about how things are going to go! I really like the implication that MOON might be the one to warm up to the reader first! Bc while Sun is decidedly obstinate and very stubborn in skewing everything the reader does as manipulative or sneaky or malicious, Moon immediately picks up on differences that might clue him in to the assistant's clumsy but genuine heart of gold WAY before Sun might get with the program. Probably because Sun is used to dealing with people saving face and putting on smiles to keep up the act because usually they'll have an audience, so he's guarded and sensitive against possible manipulation; meanwhile Moon has probably always dealt with a more unfiltered version of all the previous assistants, due to a lack of audience and thus a lack of needing to save face among other things.
I also LOVE that reader may bond with mini music man!! Emotional support spider robot is a go!!! AND THE KITTY!!!! Ur absolutely correct we WILL need two emotional support creatures to carry us thru the hazing Sun n Moon are about to subject the reader to.
I can't wait to see what else you have in store. I'm in love with your writing style and I can see all the effort and love you're pouring into this! I hope you continue to have fun writing this story <3 I'll be back to gush about the next chapter!!
oh my god I love all of this?? the analysis and the theorizing FUELS ME, this gives me LIFE, thank you so much for this message I will definitely reread it when I have any self-doubt about my writing
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papersong · 2 years
I'm back to yell at you on tumblr. THIS CHAPTER WAS KINDA SWEET. Plotwise i like how it feels very like. Game of Chessy? Like there are certainly peices being moved around in our periphery that will most definitely build up to something but our attention is quite willfully distracted by the CUTE that is Kiku and Kyou. Like. Him being there like. I WOULD LIKE IT IF U DID ANYTHING BUT MARRY TOMIOKA. And then gets them their own property with a fingersnap. Like lol. If u needed a house just say that. AND SHINJURO BEING FUNNY WAS SO CUTE... THE HEAD PAT WAS SO SWEET!! You could see how much it caught Rengoku off guard and how like he definitely had a Moment in his head.
AND RUKA... BEST MOM!! SHES SO. SHE. SHES SO! Her steadfast and stern energy... The way u can tell she just Knows her boy is in love with Fujiwara and is like ... Maybe Shinjuro is on to something. And leaves the task of caring for them to Kiku. You ever have a ghost adopt u into the family?
Kiku's new ghost powers seem really intriguing, i feel like its lowkey a metaphor of facing the ghost of her past that is THE ENTIRETY OF JAPAN, and i'm very interested in who else she will run into-- all the characters have quite a few ghosts at their heels...
Once again i am THRILLED to see this new chapter, and I can't wait to read the next one!! I hope you've been doing well <3 - Mousey
this is a comment about chicago & tokyo (link to AO3), my Rengoku x Reader fic
welcome back, friend! i'm glad u enjoyed my playing chess with these characters and setting them up to TOPPLE MUZAN bwahahaha. my reader-characters have to get their plotting tendencies from somewhere after all ufufufufufu
fake-marriage is a lovely romantic trope, as is romantic jealousy. i enjoyed playing them into a serious conversation about different values and gender dynamics in the 1920's and earlier.
i'm glad u enjoyed the portrayal of the rengoku family dynamics. as i said to an ao3 commenter, the tragedy of the rengoku's in canon is showing us the hint of what the family and its members could have been, had fate (cough canon cough) not screwed them one thing after another. as a fix-it heroine, reader's narrative arc isn't just demon slaying, but fixing the ravages of fate (cough canon cough); not just eliminating muzan and his demons, but fostering people's recovery from life's cruelty. restoring families, delivering closure, and helping people become the best version of themselves is a part of that.
i will say that i don't believe ruka approves of reader, or will ever approve of reader because of their drastically different upbringings. reader is her only option, really, b/c nobody else talks to the dead. to her credit, however, reader has demonstrated caring and ability to support the remaining family in the chapter, which is why ruka chooses to appear to reader at the end.
i am fascinated by all the reader theories on these powers. i guess u'll see ohonohonhon. no idea when the next chapter will be done yet, but I am well and hope you are as well~
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Eggplant, wisteria, honey, butterscotch !!
honey: would you be open to ordering a pizza together sometime. like are we friends in that wayI would love???? to have pizza with you?????????butterscotch: i would give you candy if i couldarigatoooowisteria: i support and believe in uO////O I won’t let you downeggplant: boy howdy!Hooooo boy!
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papersong · 2 years
Im coming to realize u respond to my second comments around the same time you update the story. It is a very nice way to know to check :)
But this chapter!!! Again its so so nice, deceptively calm but you know. Calm before the storm and all that. Also its very fun to see Kiku take to her Ghost Gate duties almost like a fish to water. I would say its refreshing to see an mc not cower and quail before their newfound abilities but it does make more sense for Kiku to take the approach she does-- studious and earnest, very straightforward and orderly about things, even if she's a little confused and doesn't quite get it she's got oodles of spirit to make up for it. And I suppose you can say her staunchly Not approaching all the spirits she did see until she was approached first as 'avoiding the problem' until it couldn't be ignored but still!!! Duck to water vibes.
Its nice to just sit with the reader for a bit and not have them too entangled with the general happenings of the others. But the moments we did have were still meaningful even if they were brief! Idk i feel like reader might be starting to wear at Unayashiki just a little bit. By like a centimeter. He's showing to be a very stubborn set-in-his-ways kinda guy. I expected that kind of resistance from Shinjuro but seeing what Ubayashiki himself grew up with, you can kinda see why hes perhaps a bit inflexible in his beliefs because hes so concerned with his lack of time-- he might feel like he cannot afford to bend too much because that is wasted time. It's stupid. And not good for anyone involved. But.
Again i loved this chapter so much!! I'll probably go back and chew thru it again because I find I do that a lot with your chapters. The language you use and the flow of ur writing itches my brain real good. I hope you are doing well!! - Mousey
Hi Mousey~ Good catch, when I publish another chapter is generally when I check that I've closed the loop on previous messages~
The storm starts in the coming chapter. Ohonhonhonhon~
Reader is way too old to do the whole "fear and awe" routine. She legit thought spirits were normal people at first, I made a tiny revision to hopefully make that more clear. She is very business-like.
Shinjuro did some character development (courtesy of Tanjiro + headbutts) after Kyojuro's "death," so reader gets a nicer version of him. Good for Shinjuro, he would not like reader when she's angry. Ubuyashiki did not do that character development, period, not in canon. We'll see how far he gets in fic.
D'aww thanks for the comments, I'm always excited when people find work worth coming back to. As always, I appreciate the feedback and your thoughts!
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papersong · 2 years
I'm back!!! Life has been super hectic and left little time for fic reading, and also when I did get around to reading ch.18 they were aparse and inarticulate and I was like. I can do nothing but bask in this. But with Chapter 19 out!!! I feel like I have more to say this time :))
The chapters a lil niblet I feel like I blazed through but also like!! It had DO MUCH GOING ON in a good way! I feel like its nearly a reflection of like, how Kiku is a little touch and go mentally with the whole thing because of the trauma she has already faced in the past. Like her dry outlook on sex is not just an opinion but a necessity. Especially during the last few paragraphs when Shimida burst in-- I feel like it was all moving very slowly and also very fast at the same time??? As a reflection of her state of mind. She went from focusing on the clear cut and logical to nearly panicking as she realized she could not rationalize away the instinct to run, flee, retaliate, do anything to stop what was going to happen, that if she did anything she'd blow their cover but could she really remain so docile and powerless, could she really remain passive--?!?!
And then Kyoujuro busts down the door like I THINK THE FUCK NOT :). Tanjiro is right u wouldve been a little more convincing if you perhaps masquaraded as an older sister and not Also Sumiko lololol. Seeing the little outtake I wonder if one of the boys didnt send Kyo a crow and he was like :). >:). The way he must have immediately hightailed it to Yoshiwara from wherever he was to prioritize helping them-- Fujiwara especially!! And he was sitting there letting Uzui do his makeup but he was like. 'Do it faster.' On the inside of his head. Esp since i imagine Tanjiro mustve gone to Uzui quite frantically about the whole HEY FUJIWARA SAN ACTUALLY GOT PURCHASED--! oh hi Rengoku san. What he must be feeling right. I'm VERY excited for chapter 20.
No worries, I have had a week as well, it be like that sometimes~
I'm glad to see how you responded to the the free indirect speech-style look inside Kiku's mind. It's a useful technique to slow a quick chronological moment and give it the psychological impact. Sometimes a second stays with us for a lifetime.
Tanjiro has his head on right. The adults in the room weren't thinking straight at the moment lol.
I've outlined the next chapter of the related fic, chicago & tokyo. Here's to hoping it's finished quickly, schedule permitting~
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