#galaxy gal i know you are thinking of their respective backgrounds
phtalogreenpoison · 1 year
BTS and TXT if they were benders
So sometimes I have the worst timing where I will come up with something absolutely brainrotting and mental illness inducing at the worst possible timing (like when I have a deadline in like five hours). And my friend commented on my yoongi/agust d keychain i got as a freebie at the D-day concert, saying he looked like an arsonist. And I had a brilliant idea.
So I just texted my friend @1001galaxygal (aka @onedreamseeker) about which kinds of bender from the ATLA world both BTS and TXT members would be, and we came up with a whole list.
Yoongi - obviously fire (how many times has he had lyrics about burning everything down? plus of course his passion for music)
Namjoon - water (as the leader, he is adaptable and flexible, he also loves nature and art and is intelligent as well as go with the flow)
Jimin - air (like when he dances he floats, showing the freedom of his spirit and movement)
Hobi - earth (in the words of my friend, "that man is so strong and stubborn," also super grounded)
Jungkook - fire (i was convinced by friend, bc he is passionate and works hard)
Taehyung - nonbender (also maybe air - feel free to expand on this one)
and then
Jin - initially earth, but also the avatar (I literally couldn't place him, and then my friend suggested this, and we both immediately went to "like if Toph was the avatar" and "hilarious and OP" and also "Kyoshi vibes" and "feralness")
then for txt!
soobin - water (also as a leader, he is calm but able to connect to people and direct them)
yeonjun - fire (passionate, in the words of my friend, "emotional in the fire bender way where their passion and emotions drive them to intense heights" and "they also take a lot of pride in themselves and their abilities and work hard to push themselves further" which is stuff she considers "fire traits")
beomgyu - nonbender ("he has cool weapons sokka style though" absolutely, he's just Some Guy with a boomerang equivalent and then shows up with impressive skills)
taehyun - fire (see above quotes for yeonjun)
hyuka - air (feel free to expand here, he just seems to have this aura)
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carionto · 1 year
I like to think the humans ambassador hides black powder weapons around their office instead of Lazer guns or plasma, just walks about with 2 hidden flintlock pistols
You sir or madam or otherwise have given me the biggest grin with that idea, thank you.
(me from after having written it out) I did not know where this idea would take me, stream of consciousness writing will do that.
Every delegate of every integrated species aboard a Coalition governing station in their respective segment of the Galaxy receives full accommodations in the form of an isolated embassy structure.
One day, as per a Human custom, the main delegate - Ambassador Glenn York, invited several other delegates on a tour of his embassy. With some hesitation from a few due to their prey-like ancestry and associated cultural background, but ultimately won over by the Human's eager friendliness, they embarked on this little cultural exchange.
It was a little difficult to move about, as each embassy is adapted to suit the environmental preferences of the respective species, and Humans live on a high gravity and dense atmosphere world, so much so in fact, some of the less physically suitable delegates had to put on an exoskeleton, while many others required a breathing apparatus to thin out the poisonous air.
Once we were underway, Glenn showed us that the Humans were diligent in their work - acquiring information from and learning about all the various species within the Coalition, establishing communication lines with the respective counterparts in the disparately varied local government structures, and most importantly continually updating the translation modules.
In addition, we admired their art they had installed along the barren walls. Most, Glenn explained, was done by the delegates and their staff themselves during free time, and it ranged from tiny contraptions painstakingly assembled within a minuscule glass container (we did not realize they could hone their dexterity to such a precise degree!) to large murals covering an entire wall with the most vivid color and shape combinations one could imagine; from the very clear and obvious to impossibly abstract! Though the music they had to turn down - the vibrations of the thick atmosphere were beginning to overload the dampening systems and one of the delegates almost passed out.
Near the end of the tour, Glenn invited us into his office to show off what his "hobby" is:
"The boys and gals I work with are all talented people, but none of them appreciate the kind of craftsmanship I prefer. It's kind of a ancient art form, you see, high maintenance too, very delicate."
He pulls out a pair of ancient looking projectile weapons, at least judging by the shape, but none of us can quite grasp, aside from the trigger, how it operates. We are all silent as he pours some sort of fine grain from a small bag into the upturned tube then drops a small metal ball and proceeds to jam it further in with a cloth and stick.
"I handcrafted these myself. Sure, I could get a printer to do it and it'd be perfect, but perfection just ain't right when it comes to work of the soul, amirite? I find it therapeutic, to mold the shape, heat the iron, cast the shape, smooth the edges, straighten the barrel, carve the grip, roll the bullets, grind the powder... just..."
He lets out a long sigh of relief? satisfaction? euphoria? as he gazes with great affection at the pair of devices in his hands. We feel the urge to end the tour. Like. Right now. But Glenn insists on a demonstration. We hesitantly follow him to a largely empty room below where he sets up a couple of small wooden block on a pedestal. As he points one of the devices and is about to pull the trigger, he stops, looks back at us and says:
"Almost forgot, you'll want to take a few more steps back and turn your dampeners to max."
Heeding his advice, we do so, and after he appears satisfied with our... safety?... he returns his gaze to the wooden block and pulls the trigger.
We awaken after a short while, the sturdier of our fellow delegates say the rest of us were out for just a few moments, but the ringing reverberation of the shockwave through the Human atmosphere still resonates throughout our bodies. Glenn, worry in his eyes, is apologizing profusely:
"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't think you'd still react so poorly. Is anyone hurt? I even put in less gunpowder than normal, but I guess that's still too potent. I--I'll file an official apology and compensate for any damages I may have caused to any of you. I will take full responsibility for this incident. Please do not think poorly of us as a whole due to the willfulness of one individual, it was never my intention to inflict any injury on anyone."
After a thorough medical examination, it was determined that only a few delegates suffered a minor case of shock, which was alleviated rapidly at their respective medical stations. Ambassador Glenn York was reprimanded and sent back to Earth, a replacement will arrive shortly. The one permanent remnant of the incident is the wooden block that was struck by Glenn's pistol - now put on a small display in one of the inner rooms of the Human embassy. The bullet still embedded half-way and the splinters it shot out arranged in a chaotic manner, befitting an explosion, down in front.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Okiko the Fairy Pred
Basic Concept: A tiny insect alien fairy girl with the ability to gulp down anything she can kiss; the ultimate tiny pred girl!
Species: Unnamed insect-like fairy species from an isolated world that has been retroactively called Igbolan; these apex predators are survivors of an ancient cataclysm that reduced their civilization to pre-Stone Age status, but they have rebuilt over the ages and had achieved a technology state on par with the Industrial age, with basic electronics, prior to her leaving the planet.
Height: Approximately six inches tall.
Appearance: Imagine a fairy, the classic image. A tiny humanoid, likely super cute, with a pretty little dress and glittery wings. Now, imagine that… and forget pretty much all of it except the most basic image because she is actually an insect-like being with no apparent connection to the Fae.
She fits the look, admittedly. Her thick and super short stacked body is covered in black chitin that glistens in various colors against the light, with bipedal legs able to support her body and resemble the legs of a grasshopper, but adjusted for biped stance. She is extremely thick, several times wider than she is tall, almost a foot and a half across with sheer curve volume, with massive breasts massing nearly as much as her entire body (and producing a sweet sugary substance), and a equally massive butt. She has a belly big and plump enough that it stretches past her chitin, a lighter color than the rest of her.
Her face is cute, with multiple eyes, and extremely large, luscious lips that dominate her face and make up the bulk of her sensory organs. Do not let her kiss you. It’s a bad idea. While she has no hair, a cluster of antenna around a primary pair gives something like hair.
She has not just one pair of wings, but dozens, perhaps over a hundred or something in between there; they grow in many rows from the back of her head all the way down to her chins, each set larger than her and beating furiously with a helicopter effect. These wings are beautiful and glittering, shining gorgeously, and resemble stained glass. They also give her an impressive turn of speed.
She’s become something of a fashionista and likes to wear random objects as clothing; scraps of flat as a sash, bottle caps for boob covers, or ‘clothing’ herself in stolen jewelry. Her chitin is no less decorated, painted in vibrant and beautiful patterns that might make a biologist reminded of venomous animals that have bright colors to warn predators of the danger.
Backstory: Originally from a very obscure world forgotten by surrounding systems, her people lived in peace and tranquility as they recovered, tending to their jungle and delicately maintaining it, harvesting it and feasting upon every single thing that lived in it the instant they felt even slightly peckish. These fairies possess the unusual power of swallowing whole anything they can press their mouths to, instantly gulping it down into their infinitely expanding bellies. A natural glutton, Ikiko was content with this to the day she saw the sky come down.
A ship crashed, carrying a traveler from across the stars who rampaged through the jungle in a hissy fit, only stopped with Ikiko swallowed her whole in self defense. This invader, Yatruiga, was brought back to her village and in her recovery over the years, told the people there about how things had changed in the multiverse over the ages. Ikiko was entranced, eager to see the galaxy, and incidentally wanted to sample all the delicious two-leggers walking about up there!
Since then she’s become Yatruiga’s best friend and rival, acting as something of a calming influence on the cantankerous warmonger.
Personality: Take a magpie, make it sapient, and set it loose on a multiverse where everything is VERY INTERESTING and new; you have the basis of Ikiko! She’s a deeply inquisitive, massively curious and impulsive gal, with all the self control of a crow that’s been tossed into a shiny thing factory.
She’s even prone to stealing random things, on the basis of ‘i want it, therefore it is mine’, and places where she goes tends to have random things vanish, and show up again on her person or in her various hidey holes.
She’s not a bad person, nor is she cruel. Her recklessness means that she really doesn’t think things through, which is ironic considering that she is the calming voice of moderation between her and Yatruiga. The distinction between them is that Ikiko rushes into things after she takes time to consider them, and while she is bad at consequences, she simply doesn’t have a ‘stop now maybe’ button.
One of her faults is that she’s still hazy on the distinction between ‘animal’ and ‘being’. She will happily gobble up humans, orcs and anything else in a single swallow as she would a rampaging monster or livestock, without any second thoughts or hesitation. Her people were the only sapients on her homeworld, and their outlook on the world has lead her to view other beings as ‘animals that can talk’; people, yes, but not fundamentally different. She eats animals, so why not the ones who talk?
A glutton and gourmand, she regards her travels across the multiverse as an excuse to snack on everything, and she intends to sample at least one of every being in the cosmos, and this suggests a more hedonistic aspect of her personality in general. She wants to enjoy life, and doesn’t care much about success or personal ambition. She even has rather cynical outlooks on ambition as a concept, deeming it a zero sum game that’s just wasting time when you could be having fun.
She is also very practical and pragmatic, with no real room for sentimentality. When she sees a jungle burning down, she thinks of the ecological devastation and problems this will pose for the inhabitants, but she won’t cry for the despoling of nature, because she wouldn’t understand or care about what that even means. This somewhat grim outlook explains a lot of how she thinks.
However you may not realize this at first glance. She is very bubbly, excitable and friendly, with a somewhat airheaded way of talking (“OH MAH GOSH YOU GUYS! CHECK THIS THING I FOUND OUT! ISN’T THIS SHINY JUST THE SPARKLIEST!?”) all full of exclaimations, run-on sentences and overflowing excitement at everything, forever. Her default mood is just immense pep!
Fandom: Original character! Her influence maps to general notions of fairies as ‘not nice, but not malicious’ archetypes, and she is heavily inspired by the original incarnation of Tinkerbell from the first Peter Pan novel.
Abilities: As a fairy, she can fly extremely fast and far, so much that she moves around like a rocket, and is ludicrously hard to pin down. She is also much stronger than her size indicates; she is weaker than a human or even a goblin would be, but she can pick up and carry large objects without much problem, and her strength increases for a short time whenever she eats, getting stronger the more she has eaten.
She’s very durable as well, about equivalent to her strength. You couldn’t stomp her, but you might be able to crush her, but that’s still a very bad idea.
For all fairies like her have the ability to swallow whole anything their lips touch, instantly sucking down the entire prey. Size doesn't matter; she has eaten things as big as humans, cars, small buildings, elephants, kaiju, giant robots and even bigger, without any problem. Her stomach will expand to fit anything she swallows. In theory she could gobble up a city, if only she thought to try it, and anything in her stomach will be digested, with the exception of tough metals and minerals. Gems would be in no fear of her, for example, and Transformers would probably find this a mild inconvenience, but to organics, it is certain doom. Digestion will happen almost instantly, and she experiences digestion as another part of the tasting process.
She will devour anyone, anything, any time, and with the emotional awareness of a flytrap grabbing its latest victim. At this point it's an automatic reflex.
While she has yet to acquire a multiverse standard education, she is learning fast, and may even be gaining the knowledge of those she consumes, or at least believes she is. In any case she has amassed a respectable amount of technical knowledge and is doing her best to learn more. However she thinks she is a lot more skilled or knowledgeable than she actually is.
Relationships: She has a wide variety of friendships and makes friends easily. She might tend to instantly gobble them up the instant she decides they look tasty, or to examine them more intimately, but she genuinely likes people… and not just in the ‘you’re delicious’ sense. Accordingly, she will quickly befriend people with ease.
She gets along well with the MILF Fleet, finding kindred spirits with them. She really doesn’t get their concerns with morality, and can find them self-righteous to her pragmatic views. Still, they’re nice ladies… but she’s worried about eating them. They seem like they might bite back.
She would probably join the Cobalts if she wasn’t already tied up with Yatruiga, relishing their carefree attitudes towards life and indifference to collateral damage. As it is, she has accepted a freelancer status with them, doing small missions on their behalf in exchange for some loot and prestige in their ranks.
Yatruiga is her closest friend and rival, the two of them constantly competing to outdo one another and denying that they really like one another. Yet at the end of the day, Ikiko knows that she is Yatruiga’s only real friend, and sticks to her in order to take care of the big goohead. Additionally, Yatruiga is very powerful and can protect Ikiko, so there is an element of self-defense involved. The two of them are growing inseparable, even just in a ‘those two people in the background making funny comments’ way.
Pred Level: Extremely high. She will eat anyone and anything, and she will eat them at any time without a second thought or awareness of timing. She’s not a random eater, and regards it as fine dining; she likes exotic, interesting meals, not random fare she could anywhere! She loves fighting monsters for this reason, since they are all unique and totally interesting wonders. Horrible murderous brutes and abominations, but tasty ones. Note that her rating is partly due for how easy it is for her to eat someone; all she has to do is lock her lips around them, suck, and they area inside her stomach and already digesting. Due to her extreme speed, agility and small size, this makes her terrifyingly effective at devouring, though once she eats enough, she is effectively immobilized and can no longer consume unless they are foolish enough to touch her lips.
Prey Level: Fairly low. Her sheer voracity and the ease she can consume others makes actually consuming her extremely hard and pointless. To be in a position where you can swallow her, you have to be close enough for her to swallow you, and she’ll have an easier time of it. She can be eaten and has no special options, but it is very hard to see how it could happen.
Relevant Kink Material: Extreme size difference (she’s the tiny), shortstack, hyper proportions, vore (soft vore, predator), xeno monster girls.
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aly-the-writer · 7 years
☂ for Claribel ♟ for Aydin
Hello Nonnie! :D I got the stories you requested, although, Aydin is apparently worse at the “friendly” thing than I thought.
Despite my claims that Tusin is myusual Outlander both your requests ended up being written with someone else inthat role. For the first one Clari is the Outlander, inthe second one Jedi Knight Dak Izma (Aydin’s boyfriend) is.
Without further ado I give you “An Idiot’s Array” and “Arcere”.
☂ for Claribel
An Idiot’s Array
“Captain, you’re sulking,” Lanasighed, trying not to pinch the bridge of her nose again that day. With Koth’s crew workingon the Gravestone things were looking better around the place – or at least thelights no longer flickered wildly and the Captain wasn’t compulsively checkingon the life support systems every hour.
The Sith had every faithin Koth’s abilities and that of his crew.
“I am not,” she huffed at Lana beforegrimacing and inputting which deck she was going to into the elevator controls,“Okay, maybe I am – a little.”
“What is on your mind?”
“Besides Valkorian?” she joked justas the lift ground to halt and the lights flickered ominously. “Uh…thelift isn’t supposed to do that, right?”
Lana frowned andtapped her com, “Koth, there’s something wrong with the lift to the hangar bay.”
“Yeah, uh, aboutthat. We were rerouting power and we seem to have cut it off somehow.”
“’We’?” Tora’s voicescoffed in the background.
“How long’s it gonnabe, Koth?” Claribel asked.
“And don’t say three minutes,” Lana added.
The smuggler laughedat that, sitting down to lean against the wall – a ship this big, especiallyone without a handy manual from its builders, it would be a while. Anotherreason to miss her Blurrg – she knewevery circuit on that stupid ship.
“Don’t know, but we’llwork on getting you out of there soon as we can,” the naval captain was saying.“Hang tight.”
If Lana were anyoneelse but the ever composed Sith Lord that she was she might’ve groaned. Insteadshe glanced at the Captain who was busy searching the multitude of pockets onher vest for something.
“Here we are!” shegrinned, pulling out two dried pallie bars and passing one to Lana.
The Sith eyed the food,“This wasn’t in carbonite with you was it?”
“What? Noooo, I atethose before we got to Asylum,” she snorted. “I restocked when I was outlooking for Tora.”
Lana sat down acrossfrom her, unwrapping the snack bar. It was a childish sort of treat, overlysweet but the smuggler didn’t care much for subtle flavors so that was to beexpected. “You are bothered by having Valkorian in your mind, aren’t you?”
The smuggler scowleda little, “You know, when people deflect with jokes you’re supposed to letthem. That’s the polite thing to do, Lanaaa,” she drew the name out teasinglybefore taking a bite of her snack.  “I’ma smuggler, I’m supposed to be annoying Hutts and cheating folk out of theirmoney at the Sabacc table not the galaxy’s last hope of salvation. I never wanted to be depended on, I didn’twant to get trapped being the only one who stood between hundreds of peopleliving or dying.”
Lana studied heragain: “You involved yourself in a lot for someone who doesn’t care.”
“Never said I don’tcare,” she grumbled, propping her knee up. “Just don’t want the responsibility.If I did I wouldn’t have run off when I worked out that I was being groomed tobe a Cipher and what that meant.”
“You don’t talk muchabout your Imperial background,” Lana murmured – it was only after Yavin she’d discovered thatClaribel had Imperial connections. Had she not spent her days in SithIntelligence working closely with the woman’s father – the infamous Cipher Two –she may not have believed it.
She gave a slightshrug, “Not much to say. I didn’t want the life so I smuggled myself to Huttspace and used the skills I’d been taught to disappear. Got some blasters,stole a ship, crashed it, made a lot of really stupid decisions, bought the Blurrg, and the rest you should know. I’mjust a gal that got lucky with my gun and unlucky with where I was. You want tosave the galaxy you get a Jedi, not a spice-runner.”
Lana tried not tolaugh – the ridiculousness of the statement, “Clari, you can’t really believe that, can you?”
Seeing the greeneyes looking thoroughly unimpressed with her.
“Force preserve me,”she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She’d seen the signs of thesedoubts on Zakuul but the revelation about Valkorian being in residence in thesmuggler’s mind had distracted her. “You realize you already have saved the galaxy? Or at leastthousands of lives. On a number of occasions?”
Green eyes narrowedat her.
“The pirate fleet forCorellia, the battle over Rishi, and Yavin.”
“Didn’t save anyoneon Ziost.”
“There were Jedi onZiost who failed as well,” Lana countered. “Clari – you can do this.”
The brown hairedsmuggler opened her mouth to refute the statement but the lift hummed intomovement again. The door opening to an apologetic looking Koth.
“You two okay?” heasked them.
“We’re good,”Claribel nodded before looking to Lana as she got to her feet. She glanced atKoth then back to Lana, “I know thereare people who could do a better job of saving the galaxy, Lana, but you’ve gotme so, I guess, we’re going for an Idiot’s Array.”
Without giving time forLana to answer or to explain the statement to the confused looking Koth theCaptain vanished around a corner, probably making for the market or cantina totry and get information on her oldcontacts and see if she could get messages out to her former crew.
♟ for Aydin 
The footstepsapproaching drew him out of his meditation, at first he thought it might beSenya but there was no Force signature to indicate the approaching individualwas his mother or any of the Jedi or Sith that the Commander had drawn to hiscause.
Even with the threatof Zakuul removed by his claiming the Eternal Throne many of Dak Izma’s powerfulallies had opted to remain with the Alliance rather than return to theirrespective factions in the outlanders’ ongoing war between Republic and Empire.
The silent strangersettled down across from him, a long jacket or robe brushing the ground withthe movement.
He hadn’t sensed any danger from the stranger, whichwasn’t as comforting as it might have been when he opened his eyes to find aMirialan turning a vibroknife over in his hand, bright red eyes pensive. Withthat species it was possible the red eyes were natural not the influence of thedark side but knowing who this wasdidn’t assuage any more fear than the lack of bloodlust directed at him had.
If he had to guessthis was Aydin Olasee.
The man wassomething of a mystery, though his name signed off a large number of reportsdelivered to Lana and Theron, he was rarely at the base for long in the past.Something that he’d overheard Lana apologize to the Commander about…
“We haven’t beenintroduced,” the accent was the clipped tones of the Imperial capital. Thesmile was friendly – too friendly. “Youare Arcann, are you not?”
“You already know the answer tothat,” he replied – keeping his eyes on the blade.
The spy gave a softsnort, “Well, maybe. I’m called Aydin.”
Arcann glancedaround, outside here was the grassy area where the Commander’s personalstarship usually sat but was currently absent. Other than the Jedi Master ValirekSilver, seeking the same sort of solitude he had come out here for, it was rareto see anyone out here without them having a specific task to carry out. Rightnow no one was about besides the two of them.
He thought he caughta flash of red in the doorway – Theron making sure no one was being murdered?That seemed…unlikely given the Republic spy’s feelings towards him.
“I asked about you – Val claimsthat you have ‘healed yourself of your suffering’, Caderasays you saved him from Vaylin, Dak tells me that he rather haveyou where he can watch you while you atone, Lana thinks you’re useful. Therongave me a non-answer, which is practically spy speak for ‘I don’t know’, or he’sstill annoyed about the time I sliced his mail to send Hylo and Oggurobb lovepoetry. Not really sure which.”
“I there a reasonyou are talking to me?”
“I came out to see ifI needed to kill you because I don’t know you and considering what you’ve done,who you were I don’t like the idea ofyou at Dak’s back.” All the faux-friendliness dropped and with it Arcann finallyfelt he presence of a potentially murderous intent.
He looked away –considering what he’d done to the Alliance, to the Core Worlds he had no rightto even desire trust. Still there was something different about this threatthan the others that had been laid before him.
“You are verydevoted to the Commander.”
A soft laugh andglimpse at what lay behind the façade vanished beneath another lazily friendlysmile, “That would be a way of phrasing it, I suppose.”
“I am watchedalready, Master Spy. Your Commander has chosen to trust me for now, that is allthe assurance I can think to offer.”
“Trust me, Dak’s trust not going to help you winany confidence,” the spy drawled. “Between dating an Imperial Spy andrecruiting your father’s personal butcher Dak had disqualified himself from everbeing considered for any measure of good judgement long before you decided tocause problems.”
Arcann frowned – notsure what this man wanted.
Aydin switched whichhand held the knife lazily watching, studying him. “Do you remember them?”
“Who?” the inquirywas guarded.
“The innocent ones –the ones you couldn’t rationalize but killed anyways because that what wasexpected, what had to be done. The hope of approval, orders, expectations,whatever pressure pushed you to do it.”
Arcann grimaced andlooked away from those red eyes suddenly too like the color of blood, thinkingof the five worlds that he had allowed Vaylin to bombard, “I can’t rememberthem all – there are too many.”
“And redemption?”
“Impossible. Not forwhat I’ve done.”
“Huh,” the noise soundedalmost impressed, the Mirialan watching him with a curious expression.
His brows furrowed –unsure how to respond to that, some in the Alliance had promised him redemptionwas possible, others claimed that nothing he did could help and that theCommander should have killed him.
“You’re not what Iexpected,” the spy confessed after a moment before he sheathed the vibroknifeinto his jacket. “Although if you were anything like what I expected I wasgoing to shoot you, so there’s that.” Propping his knee up a bit he leaned hiselbow against it and set his chin in his palm.
“Do you usually tellpeople when you’ve planned to murder them?”
“Only about half thetime,” he grinned brightly. “And planningis hardly the same as trying. If I was going to actually kill you I’d have waiteduntil Dak was around. You’re a powerful Force user, I’m not a sniper so I’dneed help or a lot more motivationthan ‘you ran my boyfriend through after locking him in carbonite’.”
Despite himselfArcann laughed – the motivation given was plenty of reason but something else entirely had changed the Mirialan’smind. “Do you tell lies to everyone?”
The Mirialan grinnedbrightly, “Almost everyone, yes. Never Dak. Not usually my friends.” He hoppedto his feet in a smooth motion before adding: “Maybe try smiling more often?People will think you still want to kill them you go around with that grimexpression of yours all the time.”
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