galleryyuhself · 9 months
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Galleryyuhself - Illuminating information. Less illuminating design.
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galleryyuhself · 1 year
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Galleryyuhself - Chethinks clearly.
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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                                             Happy Divali 2022
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galleryyuhself · 4 months
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Galleryyuhself - An unusual approach in terms of colour and aesthetic, so it makes me look.
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galleryyuhself · 10 months
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Galleryyuhself - The Blackout that was and then was not.
In Trinidad and Tobago yesterday the national electricity commission T&TEC announced that electricity would be gone from ten Saturday night to nine in the morning on Sunday. Most of the island believed that T&TEC stated that ALL of the country would be in a blackout for several hours. The steupsing and jokes ensued and an entire nation bullied a company out of making necessary repairs.
Trinidad and Tobago is not a real place (for true)
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galleryyuhself · 10 months
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Galleryyuhself - My Divali post is late. However I got it done.
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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                             Some LIGHT humor for Divali 2022
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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                        Happy Divali 2022 Trinidad and Tobago
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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Galleryyuhself - At long last - We cyah let Monday pass without stating the obvious!
2 weeks till The 3canal Show 2023!!
3 weeks till 3canal Jouvay 2023!!!Allyuh ready?! Come dong and come een!
We Black, We Blessed + We Beautiful! Outta The Darkness…Must Come Light!
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galleryyuhself · 20 days
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Galleryyuhself -See the SEA.
Join us on September 7th, 2024 for an essential workshop designed to guide parents through the S.E.A. Journey with their children.
What to Expect:
Cost: $100 (Light refreshments will be served)
Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself and support your child's success!
Register here: https://shorturl.at/zLYAP
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galleryyuhself · 6 months
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Galleryyuhself - Be in the pink of health by knowing the green (light)
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galleryyuhself · 1 year
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Galleryyuhself - A rousing tribute to the late (Auntie) Hazel Ward Redman by her fellow colleague Neil Giuseppi.
Image of Morris Connor Pianist and co host to Auntie Hazel Ward at (far left)
This morning I am presenting a biographical sketch of one of the greatest women I have ever known.Apart from my mother, Undine Giuseppi, I cannot think of any professional woman who has had a greater impact on my life than Hazel Ward-Redman.Hazel was the consummate professional. She insisted on excellence in everything that she did.
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From the time I joined television I watched her every move, intent on learning whatever I could from this very talented woman.Hazel was one of the pioneers of ttt, (Trinidad and Tobago Television) which she joined in 1962 prior to the launch of the station. She had previously worked at Radio Trinidad.She was born Hazel Avion Wilson on July 20th, 1935, at Number 8 Fonrose Street in San Fernando. She was the daughter of Austin and Valentine Wilson and was one of nine children.Hazel’s primary education was at the Coffee Street E.C. School. She then attended St. Joseph’s Convent in San Fernando.
On graduating she taught at the Convent for a short while before venturing into the field of broadcasting. She became a Radio Announcer with the Voice of Rediffusion. From there she moved to Radio Trinidad where she produced and presented a number of programmes, mainly dealing with women’s issues.But being a radio presenter was not to be the eventual  role she was destined to play.And so it was that when a new dawn was emerging over an independent Trinidad and Tobago in 1962, Hazel Ward-Redman was one of a team of pioneers who braved the uncharted waters to launch ttt, an institution which over the next 43 years was to play an integral part in the development of Trinidad and Tobago and which was instrumental in moulding the lives of each and every one of us.Aunty Hazel, as she became known to all, was an almost larger-than-life figure on our television screens for most of those years.Her cultural programmes like “12 and Under” and “Teen Talent” and her magazine programmes like “Mainly for Women,” “Centre Stage” and “Not for Women Only” set standards of excellence that television producers and presenters today would do well to emulate.Strange though it may seem, few people remember that she was the first Weather Anchor at ttt, a position she handled with the same flair and professionalism she did on all her other television programmes.
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Image of Morris Connor Pianist and co host to Auntie Hazel Ward at (far left) a young entertainer on her Twelve and Under Show, Auntie Hazel herself and her co-host Richard Pierre.
But Aunty Hazel was more than merely a Producer and Presenter of Television programmes.She was a teacher and mentor to thousands of young people whose lives she influenced positively. She was a guiding light when all around seemed dark and hopeless. While at ttt she got the opportunity to be trained at the B.B.C. in London.The story of how that came about is quite interesting and speaks volumes to the high regard in which she was held at all levels of the society.She related to her sisters that one day, while at work, she received a telephone call from the-then Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Eric Eustace Williams.“What can I do to help you?” was the question posed by Dr. Williams.Hazel immediately thought that this was a great opportunity for her to get the much-needed funding and support that was required for the children’s programmes she was producing at the time and she began to outline the areas that wanted the greatest assistance.“That’s not what I meant,” interjected Dr. Williams in his usual abrupt manner. “What can I do to help you personally?”Hazel could not believe what she was hearing and immediately told the Prime Minister that her greatest dream had always been to receive professional training at the B.B.C. in London.
Shortly afterwards, her dream came to pass, thanks to Dr. Williams.She received many awards during her lifetime.These include the Hummingbird Medal (Gold) in the sphere of Culture…. the National Women’s Action Committee Award for outstanding contribution to the development of Women in the Arts… the San Fernando City Council Award for her contributions in Arts and Entertainment… the Trinidad and Tobago Publishers and Broadcasters Association Award for Media Excellence… and the Vanguard Award from the National Drama Association of Trinidad and Tobago.Hazel had a deep religious faith and whenever in Port of Spain she ensured that she attended service at the All Saints Anglican Church.Her love of Almighty God was uncompromising.Although she had none of her own, Hazel loved children and devoted her life to creating opportunities for the nation’s youth.She was also very family-oriented and took great pain to ensure that her brothers and sisters remained a close-knit unit at all times. She also took great interest in her nieces and nephews, particularly those who were involved in the arts.She was a loving and committed wife. In the last few years until his death in 2012 she devoted herself to caring for her husband, Archie, during his illness.
She was always impeccably dressed in public, as most of us knew.What we perhaps did not know was that this emphasis on dressing properly extended even to the confines of her own home.Her niece, Gillian, who lived with her for some time, recalls that she was always amazed that whenever Hazel came home, she would never put on a T Shirt and shorts as most of us are wont to do but instead would change into some elegant wear, a Meiling creation perhaps.This prompted Gillian to remark one day in true local parlance, “But like this woman ent have no home clothes or what.”But this was the woman, Hazel Ward-Redman. She maintained the highest standards in all aspects of her life at all times.I knew Hazel even before I joined ttt in 1971.My parents were very friendly with Wilton Hercules and his wife, Ena. Ena was Hazel’s elder sister. Uncle Will was my Godfather while Aunt Ena was my sister’s Godmother. The two families were very close. When I joined ttt, she always took a keen interest in my career and would always be willing to provide advice and assistance whenever she could. She was also never afraid to pull me up when she thought I had done something wrong.I remember in 1979, after the coup in Grenada, I had succeeded in obtaining an exclusive telephone interview with Maurice Bishop, one of the leaders of the insurrection.The day after the interview was aired, Hazel stormed into the Newsroom and although she congratulated me on scooping the other media and conducting what she thought was a very good interview, she chided me for calling him Maurice and not Mr. Bishop.“You must understand,” she said, “that although you know him personally, you must realise that he is now the Head of the Government of Grenada and must be treated with the dignity and respect that that office demands.”I have never forgotten that lesson.                                                                                                                           
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That was the type of person that Hazel Ward-Redman always was. She gave everyone the respect that they deserved.And she handled everything she did with class. I remember at a function at which both she and I were present, a slightly intoxicated individual attempted to make a pass at her. I was actually sorry for the poor individual when she had finished with him. And she never raised her voice; she never used any language of which she would be ashamed. It was a truly classy put down. I always admired that about her.After I left ttt she always followed my career with interest and many were the conversations we had on the telephone. In 2014 during her illness I felt it important that she should meet Carol with whom I was about to get married.We visited her at her home in San Fernando and spent an hour or so with her.As we were leaving she gave me a wink and a nod of approval.That was the positive note on which my visit ended. It was the last time I saw her alive.On Monday 27th October, 2014, at 7.15 a.m., Hazel Ward-Redman, Teacher, Television Producer and Presenter extra-ordinaire, Educator, Guide, Mentor, Patriot and Wife breathed her last on this earth and went to sit alongside her late husband, Archie, forever at the feet of the Lord.I shall always remember being tremendously honoured when I was asked by her niece, Gillian, to deliver a tribute at her funeral, an invitation I accepted without hesitation.To the end of my days, I shall always be proud to have had this champion of a woman as a friend and professional associate.
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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Galleryyuhself - PETER MINSHALL’s death - ABSOLUTE FAKE NEWS on a grand scale
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and a reflection by Richard Burton on Facebook - Thank you Peter Minshall for still being hereHow come Neil Guisseppi knew that he needed call Peter Samuel to confirm that one of Trinidad and Tobago's greatest national treasures, Peter Minshall is still alive before he posted on his page? How come the folks at TV6 know that all rumors need to be verified as true before they are first reported to the public?It is one thing for some attention-seeking, idiot wannabe to start a rumor, but for legitimate news houses to run with it and report it on national television, and on their online platforms without first verifying both its source and veracity is lazy, sloppy, and irresponsible. This is not journalism, this is rumshop reporting.As I watched the "mas" today I kept reflecting on the magnificent presentations we received from Peter Minshall over the years. I remember as a child and even as a young man watching the pretty mas even when all we had was black and white TV. We used to watch the parade of the bands all day waiting patiently on Mr Minshall's band to cross the Savannah stage. The masqueraders in the other bands were dancing and having a time but Peter Minshall saw mas as more than just a party. Every year Minshall gave us street theatre. I could never forget the year he presented "Rats" and Paul Keen Douglas narrated the story behind each section.
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"Callaloo" and "The River" were epic presentations. My proudest moment as a musician occurred in 1990 when my band Fireflight supplied road music along with Charlies Roots for Minshall's winning band Tantana. I got to see Tan Tan and Saga Boy up close. Such are the memories I have of Minshall's mas. So, for somebody with nothing better to do than start a rumor of his passing on Carnival Tuesday of all days, well that is as effed up as it gets. However, it is still not as bad as a TV station ruining the Carnival spirit by reporting on it without any hesitation, ironically close to the time of day when Minshall's band would traditionally be getting ready to hit the Savannah stage.Look, it was bad enough to have to endure those two women's lack lustre Carnival commentary all day, but to have them report on something this important that turned out to be not true is the proverbial icing on the cake. Holly B. or Maurice Brash, or Allison Hennessy would have checked first because they were real journalists.Trinis like to kill people too much, and they love to carry bad news even more. Those two women and the director at TTT who gave them the green light all need to be either suspended or fired. They also need to stay off Facebook while they are on the job.Thank you Peter Minshall for still being here. Here's hoping that we will one day see another Carnival presentation from you.
Peter Minshall (1941 - still with us) May you stay forever young.
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galleryyuhself · 4 years
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~Galleryyuhself~ An attractive approach to an Easter message.
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galleryyuhself · 2 years
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                           Four retail locations to choose from
Why is air conditioning and spacious aisles still something to draw the customer in? Shouldn’t that be a given in such a space?  @galleryyuhself
Chain of retail stores catering to home improvement.Main departments include: Household, Lawn & Garden, Paint Centre, Hardware, Plumbing, Lighting and Electrical, Toys and Storage Solutions, Fully air conditioned, Wide & Spacious Aisles.
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galleryyuhself · 3 years
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        The island experienced eleven hours without electricity nationwide
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