“You look pale… sit down.” from donna
Harvey had just gotten off the phone after making a doctor's appointment to check on his heart. He knew he didn't have heart problems, but both his parents dying from heart attacks did have him worry the smallest bit.
...Except it wasn't small. Not long after making the appointment, Harvey felt himself spiraling. It was the unknowns that started eating at him. He could feel his throat tighten and his body start to numb.
At the sound of Donna's voice, he tried to focus on that and the fact she was in front of him. He took her advice, carefully sat on one of their kitchen chairs. His body trembled lightly and he already started on trying to keep his breathing under control.
"Sorry, I was just-" Harvey had to take a moment to breathe in deep and out again. "Maybe I shouldn't have made an appointment."
Because now his mind was filled with 'what if I have heart problems?' thoughts.
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[Harvey has a panic attack [panic attack starters]]
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fyrewalks · 1 year
"Are they always so fucking stupid," he groans, pushing sweaty hair back from his forehead as he sinks into the old, worn leather couch in the ready room. It's mostly empty and he's sure the minimal company, with a longer time teaching than Bradley, is used to the sentiment.
Bradley's grateful for that. Despite his more public spats with Maverick and Hangman, his quickness to anger he's all too aware of, he does what he can to keep a good, heavy lid on it. He doesn't want to drag down his students with his bad attitude, even if there's a lecture or two awaiting them during the post-hop debrief he's currently avoiding. It's not cowardly - he's just waiting out the worst of the thunder. // @gallntry
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brdshwed · 1 year
@gallntry asked: ❛ you’re lucky you’re cute. ❜ from natasha!
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oh, the grin he had on his face was absolutely devilish, stretched wide on his face, toothy and all. accompanying the absolute devious smirk were wide eyes, almost sparkling as they took in the exasperated form of his friend. the two of them were out at a diner bradley had found on his phone and enjoying some burgers and fries between the two of them. though, while natasha was distracted, bradley took it upon himself to snag a few fries here and there from her plate to stuff his face with.
of course, she ended up finding out in the end. it wasn't as if he was trying to hide it. "you really think so?" he inquires with a playful lilt in his voice, already reaching for his glass of mr pibb, which he took a few careful sips of before he spoke again. "cute enough to have more of your fries?"
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nctafraid · 1 year
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“You’re probably just shopping for groceries, not wanting to hear about my messy break up.” Jonah didn’t mean to overshare, but at this store it tended to happen. “Is there anything I can help you find?” 
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prettytragcdies · 1 year
gallntry requested: "Write me a starter where..." elyse takes scarlett out drinking after a breakup
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Never date a married man. Ever.
It was the most important rule in the book, yet it was also the first one Scarlett had broken. The fact that she'd had no idea until her father had had Bum do some digging into the skeletons that lurked in Bryan's closet didn't matter, nor did the fact that husband and wife had been estranged for a long while now. No, all that she cared about was how he was obviously willing and ready to take that particular secret to the grave with him. Needless to say, giving Bryan a chance to explain himself had been for no other reason than Scarlett's genuine curiosity. She'd wanted to hear how he planned to try and talk himself out of the whole thing, but as soon as he'd finished speaking, she'd announced that they were finished and left without ever looking back. Returning to the city where they'd originally first met didn't help any of the feelings that still lingered, yet she had business to attend to there, and she wasn't about to pass it off onto someone else to take care of as her proxy. The wheeling and dealing was fortunately a very much welcomed distraction, and if an earlier promise hadn't been made to a friend, the heiress would've been on the first plane back to Dallas just as soon as the deal was official.
"Does this dress say take me home with you tonight in a fun, mischevious way or an easy, trashy way?" The outfit in question was simple and tight enough to hug all the right places and not too low cut in an effort to leave a little bit to the men's imaginations. Slipping on a pair of heels once Elyse had been given a good look at her appearance, Scarlett honestly couldn't wait to see what her friend's bar of choice had to offer in all of the various departments.
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a1truist-moved · 1 year
“   ━━━━━   and   then   i   see   him   walk   up   to   the   table   with   his   girlfriend.   i   lasted   thirty   minutes   and   then   i   had   to   say   i’d   been   called   to   cover   a   shift   just   to   get   out   of   there.   ”         at   this   hour,   the   common   room   was   largely   empty,   save   for   ritter   and   @gallntry   huddled   around   one   of   the   tables   and   capp   keeping   to   himself   in   the   corner,   devouring   his   lunch.   he’d   been   distracted   for   the   most   part,   too   engrossed   in   his   sandwich   and   the   sports   podcast   streaming   loudly   through   his   earbuds   to   pay   them   any   mind.   he   had,   briefly,   shot   ritter   a   disgruntled   glare   after   he’d   gotten   a   little   too   animated   recounting   the   events   of   last   night’s   disastrous   ‘date’   and   practically   screamed   in   exasperation.   not   looking   to   get   on   capp’s   bad   side,   ritter   leans   in   conspiratorially   and   plants   both   elbows   firmly   on   the   edge   of   the   table,   eyes   signalling   for   his   friend   to   do   the   same.
he   lowers   his   voice,         “   you   know   i’m   blaming   you   and   vi   for   this.   convincing   me   to   talk   to   the   guy.   ‘oh,   yeah,   he’s   totally   into   you,   no,   seriously,   i   can   tell   these   things’.   ”        he   puts   on   a   show   of   poorly   imitating   his   friends’   well-meaning,   but   ultimately   off-mark,   encouragements,   before   sinking   back   into   the   hard   plastic   chair   and   throwing   his   head   back   in   defeat.   a   breath   is   pushed   out   past   lips   pursed   together   in   a   tight   frown.   despite   the   uncomfortable   angle,   he’d   much   rather   count   the   marks   on   the   ceiling   tiles   than   see   the   look   on   gallo’s   face   right   now,   which   would   almost   certainly   be   a   toss-up   between   sympathy   or   amusement;   he’s   not   sure   which   one   he’d   prefer.
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mastermicd · 1 year
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"what's with the face?" scottie asked, taking careful steps inside of his office, having managed to safely dodge donna on the way in. eyebrows raised slightly, lips pursing as she looked at @gallntry. "didn't expect they'd send me? i'm their best, remember?" it always had been a competition.
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ltkarma · 1 year
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IT TAKES HER A SECOND, A DOUBLE TAKE ; a moment that feels strangely like déjà vu as avi looks from the file in her hand to the man that stands directly in front of her - her eyes narrowed eyes and a fixed expression lingering on him longer than they probably should. she recognises him - and not from deployments or stations or bases she's been stuck at. it's something else - somewhere else - and she can't quite place her finger on it. the frustration becomes evident, her mouth opening slightly before she thinks better of it , returning to focus on the task in hand as she hands the file over with a respectful nod of her head.
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❛ admiral simpson said you wanted the hard copy file for the recruits, sir. you can access the digital files on her secure server if you need them. if the information you need isn't in there we can pull it from archive.    ❜ maybe the fact she's trying to wrack her brain for the connection is evident , maybe not - but she lingers a moment. not exactly kicking herself for her curiosity , but wondering if he finds the same familiarity just as confusing.
starter for @gallntry
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✘ -Donna
Harvey had been working at the kitchen counter while he let Donna relax for the day. She had done a great job at the office, per usual, and he didn't want her stressing out anymore. So after dinner, Harvey told her to go relax on the couch while he did some extra work.
Before he knew it, hours passed, and Harvey closed his laptop completely drained from the day. It turned out he wasn't the only one drained, because when he walked to the living room to join Donna, his wife was laying down, snuggled on the couch.
Harvey's chest filled with a warmth that he was still getting used to. Donna looked so peaceful sleeping there, but it wasn't going to do anything for her back if she stayed there.
With calculated, gentle movements, Harvey lifted Donna into his arms and slowly made his way to their bedroom. He carefully laid her on the bed so as to not wake her, leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Sleep well, sweetie."
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[Harvey finds your muse asleep on his couch [send X meme]]
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fyrewalks · 1 year
"Hey!" The door has barely shut behind him before he's spinning on Natasha, angrier than he knows what to do with. It's a practice hop, another one in the endless set of runs they've been tasked with. The Dagger Squad looks great on paper and with the bragging rights of surviving an impossible mission, Bradshaw's disobeying orders and Hangman's rescue notwithstanding, there's talk of making the detachment more permanent. But it's obvious the brass still needs convincing. For now, they've been kept under the guise of further training. Every move, on the ground or up in the air, is under more scrutiny.
"What’d you do that for?" He demands. Practice or not, what happens up there matters. "Why'd you cover for me?" Their mistakes matter. His matter. If Bob doesn't make the final cut, if he's sent back to the Eagles, then he isn't going to drag Natasha down with him. She's too good of a pilot for that. If it weren't for the bird strike, he'd think she'd have a decent chance at flying a single-seater. //@gallntry
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totallykelsey · 1 year
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IT'S LUNCHTIME and for this sophomore that means one thing. avoid the cafeteria at all cost. last year, she would've considered herself one of the most popular kids in the class. but popularity and friends were not the same thing and when her world came tumbling apart that became very evident. she got by, but sometimes very simple things in high school were not so easy without friends. lunch period being one of those things. she promised herself that she would never sit alone in the cafeteria. which usually meant she didn't even bother. for a while she had stuck to the library, but you couldn't eat in there. it really took a toll on her eating habits. it's crazy how one little thing can effect your life in such a huge way.
then, one day, she'd discovered that mr. alderidge had a free period during her lunch. she came in with some questions on a homework assignment and then she came back the next day, and the next day. eventually the homework questions stopped, but kelsey kept coming back. in that classroom she felt like she belonged. maybe it was silly, but if she couldn't eat lunch in the cafeteria with a table of friends this space was comforting enough to get her through the day. she would much rather kids assume she needed extra help than see her eating alone. not that her peers were even noticing anyone but themselves.
now she was seated at a desk, her history textbook off to the side as she pulled out her lunchbox. unsurprisingly she wasn't too hungry, but she always packed food just in case and at least tried to eat a little. with a sigh, she turns in her seat and pulls the chair from the desk beside her to put her feet up as she takes a bite from the apple now in her hand, glancing over at mr. alderidge. "so, why history? like was that an intentional choice, what you wanted to teach? or did it just happen?"
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brdshwed · 1 year
headcanon + pizza toppings
send  me  ‘ headcanon ‘  +  a  word  and  i  will  give  you  a  headcanon  around  it. | accepting.
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bradley isn't really picky when it comes to his pizza and he'll eat just about anything you put in front of him. though, if he's in charge of choosing the toppings for the pizza, he'll probably go for a combo of pepperoni, onions and bell peppers.
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theirlives-a · 1 year
@gallntry         :         𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐃   𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒   𝐅𝐎𝐑   𝐀   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   𝐅𝐎𝐑   𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍.
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"         YOU   DON’T   LOOK   SO   GOOD.            ―            did   something   happen?         "
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prettytragcdies · 1 year
Scarlett, age 14
Send me an age and I'll tell you something that happened to my muse at that age.
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Putting on an annual mini camp for kids ages five through ten who thought they might be interested in becoming a cheerleader one day had almost become like a tradition of sorts for the high school. It always took place in the gymnasium between nine and noon on one of the final Saturday mornings of summer, where the group learned a short routine to perform at the first home football game of the season, complete with a t-shirt and matching cheer bow to take home once the clinic was over and wear on the upcoming Friday night. Making the varsity squad as a freshman was rare, yet it wasn't impossible. Scarlett had accomplished the feat, and that meant she was able to help out with the camp. She'd quickly noticed there was one little girl inparticular who seemed a bit more reserved than the rest, despite the effort she was putting in to learn the steps. The brunette made it a point to keep her eye on the kindergartener, who she learned during their short break period had only recently moved to Dallas from New York. While it'd taken the five year old a bit to warm up to her, she'd soon enough become attached to Scarlett's hip for the remainder of the morning. Noon had officially arrived before anyone knew it, and it was already time for the parents to return to pick their children up. There was something the tiniest bit familiar about Ryleigh's father, yet Scarlett wasn't able to put her finger on exactly what it was. There wasn't very much time to bother with trying to figure it out anyway, given how excited the young girl was to tell him all about everything she'd learned and the new friend she'd just made. "See you at the game?" Bending down to Ryleigh's level, the two completed their secret handshake they'd made up on the spot during the water break earlier that morning. "I can't wait," she nodded, grin wide for further confirmation of the verbal response. "Bye, Miss Scarlett." Mr. Richards offered Scarlett a warm, appreciative smile of his own before the pair turned to leave, but not just because he was grateful that his daughter seemed more upbeat and positive about things than she had when he'd originally dropped her off. No, between the fact that one look at the fourteen year old had taken him right back to his college days and reminded him all too much of Sue Ellen Ewing -- or at least what she must've looked like at that particular age anyway -- and the verbal confirmation of her first name, Peter was almost positive he'd just come face to face with his firstborn and Ryleigh had just officially shared her first bonding experience with her big half sister without either of the girls even realizing it.
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a1truist-moved · 1 year
“   gallo, we can't keep avoiding places every time you see one of your exes.   ”         ritter's being generous using the term 'ex' here; the exclusion zone seemed to include anyone who'd been lucky enough to find themselves tumbling into the king size back at gallo's apartment. he swats at the hand bunching in the fabric of his sleeve, trying to tug him out of the booth seat, and takes a drink of his beer.
“   come on. we need to get out of here. come on.   ”         @gallntry, blake gallo.
ritter's not confident that the woman at the bar had even noticed the two of them, tucked away across from the dancefloor. there were far more interesting things to be distracted by; the dj remixing the latest charts, to the friday night crowd of couples, friends and strangers swapping spit and body heat under the gaudy neon lights. his fingers slide up and down the chilled body of the beer bottle, once-sympathetic face contorted in irritation as he watches gallo fidget beside him, bouncing on his heels like a hare ready to flee at the first sign of danger. “   sit down, man.   ”
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andcrsonn · 1 year
gallntry asked: “ i just need to finish what i’m doing, then i’ll sleep. “ from nick d. maybe nick and Blaine were close while nick was in law school. ❤️
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    ❝ you said that two hours ago. ❞ tone growing somewhat annoyed. blaine himself was an overachiever, someone who never allowed themselves to rest. and he knew it never ended well. ❝ come on. you’re not getting anything done anyway. ❞ he reaches an arm out, forcing the laptop closed.
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