#game comment
goldensunset · 6 months
people who go through the main tags of big and tumultuous fandoms looking for new fresh good posts to reblog are essential to any circle. they’re like true hunter gatherers leaving the safety of settlement and braving the unknown wilderness to find food for the flock. they risk their lives every day and will come back with a few scratches at best and severe psychological damage at worst
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fictionadventurer · 7 months
Personally, it's always a bit wild to me to see commentators interact with the Hunger Games franchise as if Collins were writing science fiction stories instead of essays with faces. She's just not that interested in fleshing out side characters or digging into the details of the worldbuilding. These characters are concepts and symbols before they're people. There's an almost mathematical precision to who and what she explores and how deeply she does it. This is a step or two away from pure allegory. If she were writing a couple of centuries ago, she'd have named her characters things like Innocence and Anger and Watch-Carefully-Your-Soul-Lest-Ye-Be-Damned, but since she's writing for modern audiences, she has to settle for puns and allusions. If she has another essay to write, she'll assign some faces to it; she's not going to look into backstories or other eras just for the sake of storytelling, and it's not a failing as a writer that she doesn't.
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otterlyart · 1 year
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Link...you must find me.
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cherubifyy · 3 months
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alibonbonn · 1 year
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Light dragon armor set 
(set bonus: spawns a surprise froggy in your inventory every once in a while).
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posting this with absolutely no context
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verocitea · 11 months
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So I got the funniest hate comment today
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Is it just me but your SB Vanessa looks a lot like Samus Aran from Metroid???🤔
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Yall heard of Michael Leon Kennedy
Now get ready for Vanny Samus Aran
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 3 months
My hc is that not only do Neil and Kevin host their own Exy Podcast as a side hobby but at one point Kevin is explaining a very funny Exy anecdote and the two of them Crack up so hard that the fans realise that Kevin's real non-public persona laugh is filled with cute hiccups and snorts. And that Neil Jostens laugh is adorably wheezy
The public would be OBSESSED (like me)
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x-i-l-verify · 4 months
Something that I've noticed ever since the Smiling Critters were introduced is that they can so easily be paired off into complementary duos, ones that are specifically designed to teach children fundamental lessons about life and self-care from two different angles. It's really interesting to me.
Like obviously you have Dogday and Catnap, with their sun/moon, dog/cat dichotomy, that stress how important it is to have fun and get things done during the day, but also that it's important to wind down, relax, and get a good night's sleep.
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Bubba Bubbaphant and Craftycorn were introduced as a duo in the Smiling Critter show's intro, and their dichotomy is quite obvious. They are basically the right and left sides of the brain personified. Bubba is the left side of the brain, logical, analytical, focused on math and science. Craftycorn is the right side of the brain, creative and imaginative, focused on the arts and self-expression. They represent learning and academia in all its forms, the different ways people engage with and understand the world.
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Hoppy Hopscotch and Kickin' Chicken form the sportsmanship duo. They are both portrayed as enjoying sports and the outdoors, but in different ways that highlight the different ways sports can be played and enjoyed and also what it entails to be successful at them. Hoppy Hopscotch may be loud and impatient, but she is also a team player, shown in her willingness to slow down her fast pace to make sure none of her friends are left behind. Kickin' Chicken, on the other hand, is laid-back, relaxed, and chill, the described "cool kid" of the group, but he's also described as having a ton of perseverance, more of a "slow and steady wins the race" type of person.
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This leaves Bobby Bearhug and Picky Piggy as the last pair. Fittingly, these two are all about how to meet the fundamental needs of yourself and others. Bobby teaches children how to nourish themselves emotionally through showing and receiving care from others, while Picky teaches them how good food is important to nourish the body and soul. Depriving oneself of either of these things only makes oneself and therefore everyone around one miserable, because those fundamental needs are no longer being met.
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Like fr, this is some pretty genius marketing right here. You have enough characters that every kid will have their favorite, but not so many that any would get lost in the shuffle, because the lessons each one of them would teach would be integral to the group as a whole. It really makes me that much sadder we saw basically nothing of the Smiling Critters during the game itself, because Mob Games struck gold with this concept, only to ultimately do nothing with it. :/
But I guess that's what fandom is for, eh?
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soukeyed · 4 months
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submech · 1 year
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kth1 · 2 months
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bangtan gif challenge ☆ ↳ stage mix (one song) + your bias → spring day stages & taehyung (cr. namuspromised)
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transgenderprototype · 2 months
Bitches will be like "I want more morally gray characters!" then they cant handle Five Pebbles and either write him off as an irreemable monsterous villian or as a baby whos dumb and doesn't know anything and thus cant do anything wrong because he was a kid
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muskoxen · 8 days
So I just reread The Hunger Games trilogy
And just think about the first time Katniss notices that she has just a little bit of pudge on her belly or on her thighs
What that would feel like. To be food insecure your entire childhood, then go through not one but two starvation-level acute stressors, and then a war with rationed food, and all the while you’re consumed with eating as much as you possibly can while also being hyper aware of needing to feed your sister first. And most everything you eat is just not very good, but when it is good it’s because it’s Capitol food and so soaked with blood that you can’t enjoy it
And then at the end of it all, there’s peace to rebuild and a home to rebuild and a mind to rebuild and a heart to hand over to the only good person you know
And then he feeds you bread, and cheese buns, and pastries, and beautiful cakes, and he gets a little soft belly, too
And you can lay down together at the end of the day, and be soft together
Secure in knowing that you have plenty of food, and you aren’t dependent on the weather or the mood of the police or the season or politics happening thousands of miles away
All I’m saying is that Katniss would find Peeta’s dadbod so super hot and comforting and, like, be proud of it. To know that even when a bad day comes around, they have the safety and security of being well-fed, and that their kids will never know what it’s like to worry about their sibling starving, or know that they’re only good enough for day-old bread.
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maroisedot · 2 months
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One of my first thoughts upon meeting Loop was that they would be BESTIES with Eyala. Like literally gossiping about the universe kinda besties. Love that for them.
(I drew this back when I was still in act 2)
(you know... before the horrors)
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