#game development planning
sm-techved · 7 days
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sadisthetic · 1 year
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my only critique of hi fi rush is that there shouldve been blood. and sure, maybe it wouldve been totally tonally incongruous, but consider this: i want BLOOD.
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dragon-oasis-game · 7 months
New update!
Fluffy Wyverns and Drakes are now real
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Ryoma and Taka's interaction
Did you know Ryoma's cigarette was a piece of candy this whole time? So far this is the only dialogue in canon that I know of that mentions it.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
*This is a fan art of Ultimate Ask Blog (@ultimateask).
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I didn't know until today that there was a story after Chiaki and Hajime got married in the blog, but as soon as I saw it, this image came to my mind and I drew it on impulse. (I have a drawing in progress and would continue to work on it today, but I couldn't help but draw this RIGHT NOW! 😆)
There is no story posted about the married Hajime and Chiaki actually being together (maybe?), so how they look is totally my imagination, but it made me inexplicably happy to think about their loving married life.
For those interested, here are the original posts:
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bizlybebo · 10 days
hi guys ^__^
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melonthesprigatito · 7 months
Me, a Pokémon fan who has also played Yokai Watch and Yokai Watch 2: Psychic Spectres, watching my fellow Pokémon fans freak the fuck out about Pokémon Legends Z-A only being set in Lumiose City: You know there are other monster collecting games that have no issues putting a full Dex worth of monsters into a game set in one city, right?
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shadow-kid-cole · 3 months
hello friends i wanted to ask for help from those with a better memory for lore/details from the games than i have. a friend of mine is doing a presentation party soon, and i want to do mine on da2 - why my favorite game kind of sucks and how i’d fix it lmao i’ve got a lot of ideas and have been replaying it to find extra details, but my memory isn’t great and i know there’s a lot of great meta posts about it on here, so i wanted to give y’all a chance to chime in! what are some things you think i should include? what are your favorite or least favorite aspects of the game? what parts are really cool and what parts do you hate? specific examples of scenes/quests/dialogue would help - also, if you know of any posts or anything else that have this type of info, send them my way! i love da2 and i’m very excited to talk about the game that it is and also the game that it could have been, so i want to be sure i have enough for it to make sense!
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declawedwildcat · 4 months
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I've gotten a few different questions about this, so I tried to put together a quick visual reference for why I think the short hair will show up again!
It's very very tiny, but the edges where Kuras' hair cuts off in the "NPC" screenshot don't match up with where his hair normally falls on his real sprite – that little loop you see at his neckline cuts right through a lock of the short hair, and new lineart has been drawn over that gap. So this is actually a different hair, since if the longer part was just on a separate layer from the top part you would still see the edge of that lock through the loop.
I don't think it will actually be the Hot Topic Kuras in the full game (as much fun as I've had theorizing how it could be), but I do think this short hair will show up on his normal look at some point in the story! Hair cutting has a lot of symbolic uses, and a narrative about guilt/repentance is rife with ways to use that imagery.
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blerdyotome · 2 months
Interview with Best Laid Plans the team behind Save the Villainess
I had the privilege of chatting with Tanya & Emily of Best Laid Plans @bestlaidplansproductions in an exclusive interview! We talked about their upcoming game, Save the Villainess & their experiences as a new dev in the indie VN space!
Check out the interview, shares and comments on the video always appreciated💖
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anjasitdown · 1 month
I have so many Thoughts I wanna say before I move on from the Public Safety Arc. There'll be manga spoilers by the way.
To be honest, I put off watching Chainsaw Man when I heard the protagonist's sole aim in life is to... touch boobs. I thought Denji was just like any other shonen MCs with perverted tendencies. I tried watching because it was animated by Mappa, but I stayed because of Aki, Denji, and Power (and Meowy). But as I reached the ending of Public Safety Arc, I realized Denji's more complex than that.
All his life Denji was deprived of basic needs; he couldn't even afford the bare minimum. He didn't get to experience love from a parent or admiration from his peers. Denji craved so much for love and affection, but the only way he knew how to get that was through sexual intimacy with a woman. Receiving affection from friends is completely foreign to him. That's why when he and Power did that in the bathroom, Denji's like, "Wait a minute... that's it?" Deep down Denji knew there's more to love than that—there's more to affection than just touching breasts. The moment he started to realize that, Makima just had to twist his mind and turn him back to his sexual urges (screw u for that makima btw).
Throughout the whole arc, Denji continued to believe in his idea that love is just about touch and sex. He ran after women after women who fulfilled that but left him feeling hollowed because, well, they tried to kill him afterwards. It's actually entertaining to watch Denji finally gets his first kiss only to get barfed on the mouth and his second got his tongue cut off. And Makima, the woman he truly loved, not only used him but also discarded him when she got what she wanted. Most of those women don't see Denji as more than a dog. Denji is just some dumb boy who doesn't deserve the normal life he's having.
But Denji really is just some boy. But he's Aki and Power's boy. There's nothing special about him. Aki and Power know that because they looked beyond the Chainsaw—they saw Denji as he is, and accepted him. People treated Denji like a dog and no one saw his worth as a person. But not Aki and Power. Aki gave him a house, taught him and Power manners, cooked for them, and taught him how to cook. Aki treated Denji and Power as his own. And Power, as unhinged and selfish as she is (affectionate), relied so much on Denji. I think that trust taught him to be a better person. To have someone rely on you can make you feel loved and respected. That's why helping Power overcome the fear of the Darkness Devil felt so natural to him. Sleeping with her on the same bed, taking a bath together, and Power walking in on him while he's on the toilet didn't feel naughty (as Denji said). The love Denji's searching for everywhere has always been in front of him: Aki and Power.
Makima can tell Denji she fabricated everything for all I care, saying everything has been a lie and that she set it all up to destroy Denji's mind and heart. But what Aki and Power felt toward Denji was real because they were the only ones who truly loved Denji without asking for anything in return. They saw him as he is, and loved him.
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My precious children 🥺🥺🥺 I'm going to miss them
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shitouttabuck · 1 year
wip wednesday
tagged by @diazblunt @rewritetheending @forthewolves @alyxmastershipper @anxieteandbiscuits @thewolvesof1998 thank u angels
i've thrown myself into fighting with i love you like a dog fic and now that we are both on the same page (breathless bloodied bruised) it's letting me write it. a silly eddie diaz high on painkillers:
Beside them, Marisol takes a small step back, and Buck fights a thousand different feelings he hates himself for as he slides seamlessly into her place, helping Eddie into the shirt. He kneels before him and buttons it deftly, starting from the bottom. He stops level with Eddie’s clavicle and pats the last button gently when he’s done. “Looking sharp, Diaz,” he tells him, giving him a playful onceover. “Blue’s your colour.” Eddie rolls his eyes. “Okay, Molly Ringwald.” Buck barks a surprised laugh. “Excuse me?” “You know,” Eddie says, holding his gaze with a grin, woozy and lopsided. “Pretty in Pink.” He gestures at Buck’s hoodie, worn and faded baby pink. Then he’s reaching out, and Buck can’t even chastise him for lifting his arms unnecessarily because he’s pressing his thumb to the centre of Buck’s lips. Buck swallows, suddenly very aware of the position they’re in. On his knees before Eddie feels like the most natural supplication in the world, only intensified by the vulnerability Eddie’s trusting him with. Before he can reach for some levity for the sake of everyone in the room, Eddie’s thumb travels up, up, up, stopping when it reaches the birthmark splotched rosily across his brow. “Pretty in Pink,” he murmurs again. Marisol drops a hairbrush where she’s repacking the duffel, Hen waltzes back in with the completed paperwork, and Buck leans back on his heels, away from Eddie’s touch, before springing upright.
tagging @jeeyuns @transboybuckley @colonoscopys @onward--upward @athenagranted @buckactuallys @panbuckley sorry this is late buds but feel free to use it to share anything whenever???
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leoneliterary · 5 months
I love HaT so much, you have no idea. How do you plan for the IF? Do you make flowcharts, or just go with the flow as you write? Do you put in stats/code as you go, or add them in when your writing bit is over?
Thank you so much!
I'm looking at being more organized, so I might get fancied with my plotting in the future, but right now I just make bullet points for what needs to happen in each scenario.
It's like an overview of the paths before I write them. Sometimes I write things that happen chapters ahead, so I have to ask myself, 'What must happen here, in order for that to happen there?'
As for stats, in the beginning I put them in as I went, but my stat page is volatile, so I stopped inputting it for the sake of speed. (I may not be the fastest, but I'd be even slower dealing with the stats haha!)
Now I make a note of potential stats and use a temp stat for each scene. If it's relevant outside of that, then I go ahead and add it to the startup page.
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verflares · 6 months
this all being said about the light dragon and how it is definitely the biggest highlight of totk (for me at least), i Do think a lot of the reaction to it Is dependent on botw and zelda's characterisation from that game... a lot of which is kind of lacking in totk because of her more passive role (e.g. you are told about her + see her actions after they have already happened)
like. if you didn't already really like zelda and were sold on her relationship with link (and not even just from a shipping zelink perspective, like. just UNDERSTANDING they have a strong bond from everything they've gone through together) then i'm not sure if any of that stuff in totk would've hit as hard as it did. the game does very little to build on what we already know about them, which i think is both a letdown to new players (which. i am not sure why they are playing the sequel before botw, but that is how totk acts most of the time lmao) and returning ones, and as time goes on it's become harder for me to blame people for not caring for it as much.
what a truly odd game
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caernua · 8 months
it is actually devastatingly ironic that ac valhalla told its main story about a woman refusing to bow down and lose control to the man who represents the past life she used to be even delivering the very powerful line “i will not be captive to another man’s gaudy design, my fate is my own” only for her to not receive a proper farewell bc ubisoft instead chose to make the big budget dlc based on the man who was her past life. thanks
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tomurakii · 11 days
Urgh boothill is truly the only good HSR character the new event quest is so annoying. STOP MAKING ME TALK TO IPC SHILLS THOSE MFS NUKE PLANETS
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