#game of thrones Jon
Jon hey, do you think i can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Sansa: you're a hazard to society
Arya: and a coward. do 20
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lolitastories · 1 year
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Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.
Chapter 2:
“Our IronBorn and Dornish allies were attacked on route to Dorne '' Daenerys says as we enter the chamber of the painted tables. “As you know of course” she turns to offer me a chair which I refuse. “Two or three ships escaped. The rest sunk or were captured.Same could be said about Ellaria and the Greyjoys.”
“So with the unsullied taking over an abandoned place. Greyjoys and Ellaria’s support are gone, what are you planning to do?”
“The unsullied will return and with the dothroaki we still have enough men to take over King's Landing” I nod. I get up excusing myself and make my way to the sand. Above a cliff I watch as my people train.
“I don’t mean to disturbed you” I turn around coming face to face with Jon. I give Malakho, my personal dothraki a nod. It was okay for him to leave, I can protect myself.
“What can I do for you-” I didn’t know if to refer to him as your grace or lord. He responded to both in the throne room “Your grace?”
“Jon is fine” he moves beside me looking ashore. “Back home, have you ever seen a place like this before?”
“We have our shores but no, nothing like this before.” I turned to Jon and we both locked eyes. “What can I do for you Jon?” I always thought our eyes and hair were the darks it could ever get but when I looked at Jon this close I stood corrected. His eyes were black, filled with so much pain and responsibilities yet the slight hint of a child is all I can focus on.
“I came out here to brood over my failure to predict the Greyjoy attack. You two are making it difficult.” Our gaze moved to Tyrion walking up to us. “I am sorry if I interrupted princess” he looks over to Jon “Jon” I couldn’t help but smile at his antics
“You’re not interrupting Tyrion” I smile turning my eyes to the shore again
“I'm a prisoner on this island.” Jon quickly remarked
“I wouldn't say you're a prisoner on this island. You're free to walk the castle, the beaches, to go wherever you want.”
“Except for my ship. They took my ship.”
“I wouldn't say we took your ship.”
“I'm not playing word games with you. The dead are coming for us all.”
“Why don't you figure out what to do about my missing fleet and murdered allies, and I'll figure out what to do about your walking dead men.
“ It's hard for me to fathom. It really is. If someone told me about the White Walkers and the Night King–” I turn to look at him. Stress as he pushes his hair back shaking his head. “How do I convince people who don't know me that an enemey they don't believe in is coming to kill them all?”
“Good question.” Tyrions responds
I know it's a good question. I'm looking for an answer”
“People's minds aren't made for problems that large. White Walkers, the Night King, Army of the Dead, it's almost a relief to confront a familiar monster like my sister.”
“I need to help prepare my people for what's coming. I can't help them from here. I'd like to leave.”
“It seems unlikely that you became King in the North by giving up that easily.” Jon turns towards me now. “A man I heard about in the North doesn’t add up”
“Everyone told me to learn from my father's mistakes. Don't go south. Don't answer a summons from the Mad King's daughter, a foreign invader. And here I am. A northern fool.”
“We are not our fathers. Thankfully” I look at Tyrion with a smile as he only nods his head in agreement. “Daenerys could have sailed for Westeros long ago but she didn't. Instead she saved many people from horrible fates, some of whom are on this island with us right now.” My people “While you're our guest here you might consider asking them what they think of the Mad King's daughter. She protects people from monsters, just as you do. That's why she came here. In this time her priority is the queen, she is not to head north to fight an enemy she's never seen on a word of a man she doesn't know after a single meeting”
“She is right. So King in the North, is there something we can do to help?” Jon looks towards Tyrion and nods. On hearing his request we move towards the chambers again.
“So.” My mind was somewhere else as we waited for Daenerys to show up. “Princess?” I could see a faint smirk on his face. I sat across from him as Tyrion and Varys were speaking at the other end of the table. I didn’t say anything. Just sat there staring back at him. “I heard stories about you too. A warrior leading their people across the sea with the mother of dragons. The daughter of the Great Khal is it?”
“Is that the reason that makes you a princess? Khal is some sort of King?”
“No” I responded planly. In his expression I knew he was waiting for more but I just stood my ground.
“Okay. So you said you were from the unknown lands but Dothrakis have their own lands. Omnis right?”
“Yes” I was holding back a smile as was he.
“I can only guess you didn’t grow up with Khal, You were taking in by a family or maybe you are married which somehow-”
“No” he was thinking too much. But then again he didn’t have all the information.
“Dragonglass?” We turn as the doors open.
“Yes. Volcanic glass, obsidian. He says you have a tremendous amount of it here.” Tyrion responds waiting for Daenerys to take a seat.
“Why are we talking about glass? We just lost two of our allies.”
“Which is why I was speaking to Jon Snow, a potential ally.”
“And what does the King in the North want with Dragonglass?” The same question is running in my head.
“Apparently it can be turned into weapons that kill White Walkers and their foot soldiers, or stop them, destroy them. I'm unsure of the nomenclature.”
“And what do you think of this Army of the Dead and White Walkers and Night Kings?”
“I'd very much like to believe that Jon Snow is wrong, but a wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it.”
“Which wise man said this?”
“I don't remember.”
“Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?”
“I wouldn’t doubt that but if or not that truly is an uncertainty” I stand up making my way to her. “He has every reasonnot to come here. As probably advised by his people, but we don’t lose anything by letting him mine what he finds''
“Let him mine the Dragonglass. If he's wrong it's worthless. You didn't even know it was here. It's nothing to you. Give him something by giving him nothing. Take a step toward a more productive relationship with a possible ally. Keep him occupied while we focus on the task at hand. Casterly Rock.” Tyrion whispers quietly.
“Very well. Lead the way Y/N.” I nod moving towards the door while Jon stays closely behind.
“This way your grace” Malakho walks ahead for him to follow.
“Thank you princess” I rolled my eyes making our way down to the shore. A long path guides the way to a cave. The sun can be seen coming down along with the wind. These are the cleanest winds I have felt.
“Gather yatholat alikh chomak. Kisha tikh zigereo eyak” I tell Malakho. He hands Jon the torch and turns to leave. I sent him to get more men to start mining.
“So are you going to tell me how you came to be a princess?” We walk into the cave taking in the walls and continue on looking for the so-called Dragonglass.
“Khal is my father but not the one who raised me. We moved to the unknown lands and that is where I grew up. My father is ruler of Omnis”
“So you are a basterd?” I look at him noticing the horror in his face “I apologise. I shouldn’t have said it that way?” I laugh shaking my head
“There is no such thing as a bastard in my land. That doesn’t change the fact that it feels wrong becoming one of them”
“Is that why you choose to lead your people with Daenerys?” I shake my head “So why are you here?”
“You asked too many questions now it's my turn” I stop and turn towards him. I could see a slight glimer on one of the walls. So if we got closer we would get distracted and I wanted to know more about the King in the North first. “How did you become King, yout grace?”
“My father was beheaded. Lady Stark and my older brother Robb were ambushed at my uncle's wedding. With the help of wilding and the night watch we took over my home, Winterfell, which was being ruled by the Boltons. Another family” he explains. To many names and too many things have happened already. “The houses of the north came together and voted me as king”
“But you don’t want that title” He shakes his head. “Why not?”
“Because in this land a bastard means somthing. I am not a Stark. Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa”
“Yet I believe this has more to do with the word bastard than what other people think” I look at him. “The word bastard has been what you were branded as and you seem to take that to heart. You fight for your family, would die for your family, hell travel all this way for your family and continue fighting for them yet you think you are still not worthy” I move close catching his gaze. “And I most certainly feel like your sister Sansa and any relative you may have left love you as a real brother, a nephew, a son, a cousin, and for that a King” I see all thoughts, mainly doubts in his mind. “Should we continue?” He clears his throat, moving to look behind me.
“Yes'' He moves past me and I follow. He moved the torch towards the wall, right to left. The so-called Dragonglass glimering with the light. “We are going to need a lot of men, '' I nod. He continued on his own as I stayed by the entrance waiting for the men to show up.
“Did he find what he was looking for?” Daenerys says walking down the path.
“He found more than he was looking for '' I motioned for her in. Jon appears and tells her to follow.Messandei and I stayed behind outside the cave waiting until they showed up again.
“You like him” I look at her and see a slight smile on her face. “You and him share a kind of stare that can hide millions of emotions. But I swear I saw a light glimer in your eyes when you look at him” I roll my eyes shaking my head.
“That is crazy. I just met the guy, I don’t even know anything about him” Another roll of eyes but this time from her.
“Have you ever heard of love at first sight?” Now that I laughed too. There is no way I am interested in him and there is no way she can tell. I mean yes he has some characteristics that I admire in a person and he didn’t look bad but come on, love? Of course not. “Deny it all you want but I know love, and even if you don’t release it now, you will soon enough” I shake my head. I was about to make a reference to a grey worm when Tyrion catches my eye.
“Where is our queen?”
“With Jon,” Messandei responded. I catch his worry.
“We took Casterly Rock” I let out a sigh. I would say happy news but I have a feeling there is more to that. “They knew we were coming” I tell Messandei to call Daenerys up, she is not going to like the news.
“Where are you going?”
“To prepare the Dothraki, I have a feeling we are closer to another fight” And I was right. Fully prepared to go to a fight, Daenerys sends us to meet up with the queens brothers in the fields of kings landing.
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kintochaos · 2 years
hi, hey, what the actual genuine FUCK IS THIS
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reneewalkersknives · 7 months
one egregious thing the game of thrones show misses out on is that the stark kids are CONSTANTLY thinking abt each other!! there isn’t like a single POV chapter from any of them where they don’t long for their siblings!! Jon wants to have a son and name him Robb!! Bran wants to be a bird so him and his siblings can live in a nest together!! Sansa prays for her siblings every night and makes the Winterfell castle and then gets upset bc there’s no one to throw snow at!! Needle IS Jon!! Arya’s list is her own prayer for her siblings, she doesn’t care that Joffrey is dead bc Robb is too!! Every single one of them believes that their big brother will come to save them!! there’s sm love and tenderness there and GOT missed out on lots of it bc it tries too hard for the grimdark angle without realising that the center of the stark’s story is their love for each other. anyways.
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volukyrja · 4 months
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When your aunts dog looks weird
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yosb · 9 months
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been so obsessed lately with young griff/aegon "blackfyre" targaryen vi... its bc the idea of a pisswater peasant, a Foreign girl, and a bastard becoming the next targaryen triumvirate is... Rad As Hell, Actually
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amber-laughs · 4 months
edric dayne thinking wylla the wetnurse is jon’s mother while simultaneously believing ned and ashara were in love omg ned they’re calling you a whore down in starfall
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helaenna · 19 days
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GAME OF THRONES 6.04 "Book of the Stranger"
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elena-gilbert · 1 month
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GAME OF THRONES — 6.09 "Battle of the Bastards" HOUSE OF THE DRAGON — 1.05 "We Light the Way"
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grandkhan221b · 4 days
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Stark and co doodles as an excuse to draw more Northern fashion
(from top left : random northern woman just to draw that headwear -my boy robb - sansa - sansa and jeyne gossiping - bran watching jon brood)
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lolitastories · 1 year
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Y/N L/N is the daughter of the Great Khal Drogo although she was raised by the king of the unknown lands. After finding out he died she travels and finds the one who caused his death. Along this adventure she meets the mother of dragons. Jon Snow. Night walkers. We will see if she really has the Dothraki blood flowing through her veins.
Chapter 17:
Ghost lays down probably over the whole situation. While my hands were shaking and my head spinning I tried to open my mouth. “My Queen, you need us to arrest this man?” I look back and there were 2 guardsmen there.
“No. Leave us, go back to the castle”
“Yes your grace” My gaze fell to the ground. I took a deep breath breaking down in my minute what I needed to get out before anything else happened.
“Queen?” I turn to him and give him a small shrug.
“Not officially. Just filling in until Stella is old enough.” I walk closer to him. He was close enough that I could feel the warmth radiating from him even in the summer weather. He had gotten rid of his fur but the leather armour is still on. “Or maybe if someone kills me” I let out a chuckle which only covered the tears that were threatening to come out. “Some people will fight it” How can anxiety fill me up so quickly? “ I know for a fact one of the council members will” That's when I feel his hand on my chin and he lifts it up so we are looking eye to eye. “I don’t want any of this and I don’t know what I am trying to prove anymore” Looking into his brown eyes only made me feel vulnerable in his presence. I look away but am pulled back to him.
“You don’t need to have all the answers, just a goal.”
“But what goal is that? Place Stella in the throne? Give Omnis the ruler they deserve? Give into every request to make them happy? You know they want to sentence my father to death?! I can’t do that. I can’t stand infront of everyone especially Gris and Stella and pretend I know what I am doing because I don’t!” My heart was speeding up.
“You are a natural leader. I know it can be sufficating but you have to remember who you are doing this for.” Then it hit me. His words and what Bran told me the day I left. I hadn’t gotten the chance to stop and think about it but the signs were there. It has been a month and nothing. “If anyone can deal under pressure is you” I took a second to just look at him. He was here. How was he here? Well I have an idea on how but, how? And why? What happened at Kings Landing? “Can you get out of that little head of yours?” I playfully hit his chest.
“Shut up. I didn’t know what I want to know first” One hand drops down and wraps around me to pull us closer.
“You know what I want to know?” The other hand moves my hair away and pulls my face closer. “Did you miss me?” I stare blankly at his grin. Of course I missed him. I thought about him all night and day. Whether he had survived Cersei. I know for a fact he would have told Daenerys about his true heritage and she probably didn’t take it lightly. I wished and prayed for him to be saafe and in no harm's way. Hoped for the day I will see him again. Hold him again “Am just going to kiss you already” And what a kiss it was. My arms finally wrapped around him. A part of me was scared that if I touched him he might not have been real. Maybe a part of my imagination. But he was truly here. His lips moved in sync with mine. I tangled my hands in his hair. “So you did miss me?” I roll my eyes pulling backwards towards the trees.
“Can you just kiss me again?” I didn’t wait for an answer and pulled him in. My back hits the tree and a moan leaves my mouth. His lips move over my jaw and down my neck. “It's hot. I think you should get rid of all this leather”
“I agree, it's hot even for this silk” I looked down and my knees buckled seeing the sight of his hand wrapping my clothing in his fist pulling on it.
“I agree.” He pulls me up straight as I gain the strength back on my legs. I pull the clips out and his armour falls. The cotten white undershirt caused another issue for me. I caress his chest slowly untying it. I felt his quicken heart and my movement stopped. “Jon” he picks up his head to look at me. His smile dropped at my whisper tone. “Its no you and I anymore”
“What?” A smile appeared on my face. It was probably a bad time to bring it up but I needed him to know. What if he has other feelings about it? I want to be able to walk away with nothing but his loving memory in Westoros. I wouldn’t bear losing him after I lose myself with him again.
“I’m pregnant” I looked into his eyes for any sign of life but no emotion was there. I realize he wasn’t looking at me but a haze was probably blocking his eyes. I ignored every question and doubt to fill my thoughts. I needed to give him some time to think. I ball my hand and move it away.
“No” He catches my wrist. Pulling my hand gently so it finds his shoulder just like the other and as soon as he lets go he pulls me closer into a hug. “Bran told me to come find you” I hear him whisper. “I wanted to give you time and let time bring us together. Daenerys attacked King's Landing. She did the thing she said she wouldn’t become.” He pulls away, grabbing my cheeks with both hands. “I knew if she was still here she wouldn’t stop fighting for the throne” I gasped. Daenerys is dead?. “I accepted whatever came after my actions. Bran became the protector of the six kingdoms. Sansa, Queen of Winterfell. For my action they exile me to the wall, per the request of the unsullied. Arya brought me over to begin her travels”
“Hey” It was my turn to get his attention. “I know your actions had their reasons. I know it wasn’t something you wanted on your hands”
“I gave my word” His eyes moved down to my stomach. “I must travel to the wall. I know I can wait for you but now,” He looks up to me again “I love you and now Its not longer you and I”
“Everything is going to be okay. We don’t need to have all the answers right now” I smile taking a hold of his hands. “Let's go and get some food for you and figure everything out. It's still you and I, this little person is just going to have to step aside for a bit” He chuckles.
“Hey” He pulls me back holding on to my hand. “Don’t get lost in that mind of yours. This is nothing to think about with this. It's still us” He places both hands on my stomach. “This is us. You and I”
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joanna-lannister · 9 months
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JON SNOW AND SANSA STARK 6.10 | “The Winds of Winter”
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meanlikeachild · 4 months
oh nothing, just thinking about how Robb chose duty over love when he refused to trade Jamie for Sansa and Arya and got killed and how Jon chose love over duty when he was going to desert the night watch to go save his little sister from her abusive husband and he too got killed. Theres just no winning, whatever you chose.
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toadpeee · 1 month
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Jon & Dany toads. If you even care 😒🫶
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kitnjon · 3 days
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Live Slug Reaction + Jonsa (Insp.)
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