#gangster bucky drabble
jm-2406 · 2 months
Jay's Masterlist.
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❣️ ~ personal favourite || ❤️‍🩹 ~ mainly angst || 🩷 ~ fluff and romance || 🖤 ~ dark/twisted || ✓ ~ finished || 💌 ~ requested
Always updated whenever I post something. Texts in red are not posted yet.
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One Shots:
S03 tommy X nurse!reader - When Frances comes running to the hospital with little Charlie in her arms, you decide to give a piece of mind to the bigshot gangster.
Just a ring ❤️‍🩹- “He has asked me to marry him but I had to come here first. I just need to know if you feel anything... anything at all for me?”
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Boyfriend! Bucky surprising you. 🩷
[coming soon]
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One Shots:
Answers ❤️‍🩹- Theodore Nott corners you in his bedroom, demanding answers for your reckless behaviour.
Questions - prequel to "answers".
Just a ring ❤️‍🩹- “He has asked me to marry him but I had to come here first. I just need to know if you feel anything... anything at all for me?”
You're feisty 💌- a study session in the library ends with a confession.
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One Shots:
Love me tender 💌- an unfortunate accident almost cost your boyfriend's life but you are there to help him recover.
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More to be loaded...
Request status - OPEN.
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stuckybingo · 25 days
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Stucky Bingo Round-Up #25 (May 19th - 23th)
Don’t forget to fill out the submission form to be a part of the round-ups and to get your bingo badges!
A Marriage to Save Humanity by DarthBloodOrange Square filled: G1 - Arranged Marriage Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Light Angst, Arranged Marriage, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes and the 21st Century Summary: Bucky thought he was done being surprised at the curve balls this new century kept throwing at him. Format: Drabble (exactly 100 words)
The Dorito by DarthBloodOrange Square filled: O3 - Dorito Ao3 rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Minor threats of violence Major tags: Humor, Costumes, Established Stucky Summary: Steve has some fun as he gets ready for one of Pepper's fundraisers. Format: Drabble (exactly 100 words)
A Sexy Death by DarthBloodOrange Square filled: I4 - Murder Strut Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Implied Sexual Content, Swearing Major tags: Humor, Clint Barton is So Done, Horny Steve Rogers, Assassin Bucky Barnes, Shrunkyclunks Summary: Clint's beginning to think he and Steve are in separate minds when it comes to the Winter Soldier... Format: Drabble (exactly 100 words)
For the very first time by late-to-the-party-81 Square filled: N2 - 5+1 Writing style Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Group Sex Major tags: PWP, First time, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Blow jobs Summary: Five times the Cap Quartet slept with each other and One time they slept altogether Format: Long oneshot (over 5000 words)
Sunshine and Gunsmoke Ch1 by late-to-the-party-81 Square filled: O3 - AU: Mob/Gangsters Ao3 rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Discussion of previous abusive relationship Major tags: Shrinkyclinks, Omegaverse, FWB, Alpha Bucky, Omega Steve Summary: Steve is a down-on-his-luck Omega, freshly out of an abusive relationship, trying to get back on his feet. Becoming a stripper was never on his anticipated career path, but beggars can’t be choosers. Bucky, Alpha heir to the Barnes Mafia empire, likes to work the front lines of one of their legitimate businesses. It helps to keep him grounded, keeps his father in a permanent state of confusion and you never know what tidbits you might pick up when working as a bartender at a strip club. What he didn’t expect, though, was to make friends with the new hire. He didn’t anticipate becoming friends with benefits with him either. He absolutely did not expect to fall in love. There’s now two major problems - Steve isn’t looking for anything other than casual and he doesn’t actually know who Bucky really is. Format: Part of a multichapter fic
Sunshine and Gunsmoke Ch2 by late-to-the-party-81 Square filled: I3 - Stalking Ao3 rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Physical Assault, Medical Assault (drugging), Attempted Sexual Assault Major tags: Stalking, Dark Stephen Strange, Anxiety, Vomiting Summary: Bucky knows he should say no to Steve for his own sake, but he can’t seem to let the feisty Omega go. Eventually his secret will come out, so he wants to savour every moment he can get. Steve is content. He’s in a better place financially, he has a good friend (?) in Bucky and is basking in his freedom. But why does he have the feeling he is being followed and watched. Could it just be because he works for a mob fronted business, or is there something more sinister happening? Format: Part of a multichapter fic
Sunshine and Gunsmoke Ch3 by late-to-the-party-81 Square filled: O4 - Pancakes Ao3 rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Alcohol Abuse Major tags: Trauma Response, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Trauma Recovery, Forgiveness Summary: WIth the imminent threat removed, Bucky needs to make a decision about Steve’s welfare, knowing neither option is ideal. How will Steve feel when he comes back to himself? Will he understand the choice Bucky made? Will he forgive Bucky for lying about who he was? Will either of them be able to recover from this trauma and move forwards? Format: Part of a multichapter fic
Who vibes for Vibranium? by late-to-the-party-81 Square filled: I4 - Vibranium Ao3 rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Implied Bondage, Implied Impact Play, Steve Rogers is a little Shit, Soft Dom Bucky Barnes, Not canon compliant. Summary: Steve likes to be indulged. It's a good thing Bucky likes to indulge him. Even if he's a thieving big brat sometimes. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Meet, Greet, Indiscreet Ch1 by late-to-the-party-81 Square filled: N5 - Flashback Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Shrunkyclunks, Modern Bucky Barnes, Meet Cute/Ugly, Flirty Steve Summary: When Captain America, Steve Rogers, and his boyfriend, YouTuber Bucky Barnes’ private relationship gets accidentally made public, they end up being interviewed about the romance between them as part of the PR repair. How did these two love-birds meet, and what happened to make hot gossip for the media? Format: Part of a multichapter fic
Time off Taken Together by DarthBloodOrange Square filled: N3 - Free Space Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Partial Nudity Major tags: Domestic Fluff, Comfort No Hurt, Established Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Cuddling & Snuggling Summary: Steve and Bucky spend time in the bath together during their Avengers mandated time off. Format: Art
Looking out for a Hero by DarthBloodOrange Square filled: I2 - AU: Firefighter Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Blood and Injury, Head Injury, Burns Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, First Meetings, Firefighter Bucky Barnes, Shrunkyclunks, Hurt Steve Rogers Summary: When Bucky got out of bed this morning, he never thought he would help save a hero that day. He also never thought Captain America would be so charming... whilst he was burnt and bleeding and struggling to breathe. Format: Art
The Captain and the Nerd by Buckys-Wintersoldier Square filled: I4 - Writing Format 5+1 Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Slight bullying Major tags: College au, secret relationship Summary: James Barnes — Captain of the Hockey team — is secretly dating Steve Rogers. But when Steve gets more confident they decide to show that they are in love and dating. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
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If you are taking black serpent request still I have an idea where y/n’s mob is trying to do one deal and Bucky’s mob messes it up somehow not realizing it was y/n deal or whatever and a big fight comes between her and Bucky but they somehow make up in the end. Just an idea
An extension of this one-shot: Black Serpent 
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Bucky was looking at some papers in front of him when Sam and Clint walked into his office.
“What’s going on, fellas?” The mob boss asked without looking up.
“We managed to intercept the drug load from that gang in Long Island,” Clint informed him.
Bucky nodded happily, and leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “How much you get when you sold the load?”
“80 grand,” Sam answered with a smirk.
“Well done, boys.” Bucky smirked.
Suddenly the three of them were interrupted by Steve rushing into the office. He looked a little scared.
“What? What is it?” Bucky asked hurriedly.
“Y/N’s here. You might want to make a run for it, Buck.”
Bucky squinted in confusion. But then he heard the clicking of her heels coming down the hallway with an aggressive and purposeful pace.
“Get outta here,” Bucky shooed his three men out of his office.
They both muttered polite hellos to his girl as they hurried out of the way.
Y/N ignored them.
She walked in with her four-inch stilettos and high-waisted jeans with fishnet tights peeking out of the waist and ankles. The whole outfit was covered by a long fur coat.
Bucky would’ve been more in awe of the sexy ensemble if he weren’t so distracted by the death glare he was currently receiving from his girlfriend.
“Could you be more of a fucking idiot?” Y/N hissed.
“Hello to you too, doll.” Bucky answered back.
“That payload you just stole… How much you make off it, huh?” She snapped.
Suddenly Bucky’s stomach dropped as he slowly put together what had happened.
“How much, James?” She hissed again.
“God damn it, James!” Y/N bellowed. “You really can’t think about anything other than the money, can you?”
“Doll, what am I missing here? It’s not like I stole your drugs.” Bucky held up his hands in surrender as he stood up and moved out from behind the safety of his desk.
It was a risky move. 
“I’ve been planning that interference for a month!” She shook her head.
“Doll, calm down. I’ll give you the money,” Bucky tried to reason.
“It’s not about the fucking money!” She yelled at him. “I was going to plant that payload and use it to frame Rumlow and Rollins.”
Bucky’s face dropped when he recognized the two names. The two good-for-nothing, wannabe gangsters. They were too stupid to be successful, but hungry enough to still make trouble in the city. But, at the moment, Bucky was only remembering their confrontation with Y/N at the gala months ago.
“Jesus Christ, doll, I had no idea. I’m sorry.” He rubbed his face in frustration.
“Can you imagine what I look like to my crew? My men come back to tell me our deal was fucked up because my boyfriend took the drug load I was supposed to use. You made me look like a fool, James.”
Bucky took a step forward, wanting nothing but to comfort her with his touch. But her eyes were filled with fire and warning, so he kept his distance. “Y/N, you gotta believe me… I would’ve never got my men involved had I known anything about this.”
He didn’t think there was anything worse than having his girl be mad at him, to look at him with such rage.
But then Y/N’s face dropped to disappointment and dejection. And Bucky realized it was so much worse.
“You know, James, maybe…” She stop and took in a shaky breath. “What were two opposing mobsters thinking, dating each other like they lived in some kind of stupid fairytale?”
Bucky realized what she was trying to say. His eyes widened and his heart started beating rapidly as he took a quick step toward her. “No, doll, don’t even start going there.”
But she was already shaking her head.
“We’re not rivals, Y/N. We never were and we never will be,” Bucky urged.
“It doesn’t matter. We run in the same world and this is going to keep happening,” She argued.
All signs of anger had disappeared. In its place, Y/N only had hopelessness.
“James, I think we should–” “Don’t. Please, Y/N, don’t do that.” Bucky begged. His voice shook as he did it.
This time he rushed forward to her. But she quickly backed away.
“I’m gonna go,” Y/N told him weakly, making sure to keep her distance.
Despite wearing four-inch heels, Y/N sped out of the office with the grace of a ballerina.
Bucky moved to go after her. But he didn’t even know what he would stay to keep her there. Maybe she had wanted to leave him for awhile and this was just the first excuse she came upon.
“Fuck!” Bucky bellowed as his hand punched the wall. The blow cracked a dent in it.
Bucky’s penthouse had never seemed so quiet and cold.
He’d grown used to Y/N’s warmth filling it up. Over the months, she was there so much that she basically lived at his place.
Before their argument, she has told him she would head over there after work. Bucky had promised to make her dinner. (He’d tried to learn cooking more and more as soon as they started dating.)
But Y/N never showed up.
Bucky felt sick as he started to believe this was really how things were going to end between them.
Were they fools for thinking they could make it work?
The two deadliest mob bosses of New York City dating each other. It did sound ridiculous. Almost like the premise for a cheesy sitcom.
Bucky had fallen so hard for her, he never even questioned whether it was possible for it to work. He only knew that he wanted it to.
He tried calling Y/N. He sent her nearly a dozen text messages. All went ignored and unanswered.
Bucky knew he fucked up. Y/N held herself at a ridiculous standard when it came to her work. Nothing was every simple; nothing was halfheartedly executed. She always had a plan b or even a plan c. He could only imagine how much work and resources she had put into that job. And it was all for nothing, because he ruined it for some petty cash.
Y/N had locked herself in her apartment for almost a week. She decided to take some time away from work. She’d made a fool of herself and her crew after the their big job ended up being a bust.
Fury was the one to convince her to take some time off.
So there she was, lounging on her couch in leggings and a hoodie. She’d ordered takeout for all three meals of the day and had no regrets about it. She was currently waiting on her dinner to arrive.
She was on her fourth documentary for the day when there was a gentle knock on her door.
Y/N jumped up, realizing how starving she was even though all she had been doing the past week was eating, working out, and watching TV.
But when she opened her door, she was not met with her takeout.
Bucky stood before her. He wasn’t wearing his usual three piece suit. Instead, he was wearing black jeans, a hoodie, sneakers, and a denim jacket. Y/N didn’t even know that Bucky owned a hoodie.
Her eyes quickly moved away from the outfit when she took in Bucky’s face. He had messy scruff from the pure laziness of not shaving. There were shadows under his eyes from lack of sleep. His hair was a shaggy disorder, desperately asking for a trim.
“We need to talk,” Bucky told her firmly.
Y/N realized he had two coffees in his hand. He held one out for her like a peace offering or a fee that would allow him inside her apartment.
“Bucky…” she sighed.
“No. I let you have your space. Now we’re talking.”
Y/N blinked at his steadiness. But then she found herself taking the coffee out of his hands and moving aside to let him in.
They walked into her kitchen. Y/N took a seat on one of the stools at her island. However, Bucky seemed too tense to even consider sitting.
“You need to tell me right now if you want out. If you don’t love me and – ” He stopped and took in a short breath. “Were you too scared to end things? Are you just using that bust as your out?” The words came out quick and loud, like he had been rehearsing them over and over again.
He continued, “If you are, then I’ll go right now. I’ll leave you alone and I’ll stay away,” 
She knew it was a real promise, even though the very idea would break his heart.
“I do love you,” Y/N inserted before he could keep going.
It made Bucky freeze.
“You do?” He whispered.
Y/N scoffed. “Yes, you idiot.”
“I don’t want to fight with you, Y/N. I don’t want you to be mad at me. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
Y/N sighed and ran a shaky hand through her hair.
“We were living in our little paradise for too long, Buck. And that deal was the thing that finally popped it. What are we gonna do when something worse goes down? What happens when one of my guys accidentally kills one of your’s or vice versa? We both know our power depends on our wrath and the reputation that follows.”
Y/N shook her head at the idea. “What happens when the person everyone expects me to seek revenge on is you?”
“What if I throw it all away?” Bucky asked quietly.
Y/N’s face fell. “What?”
“What if I gave away this life? I left it behind and never went back.”
“Bucky, that’s absolutely ridiculous! You built an empire! You can’t just abandon it!”
He shook his head. “You don’t understand…”
“What, Bucky? What could I possibly not understand?” Y/N yelled.
“I’d do anything to keep you!” Bucky finally yelled back.
That shut Y/N up.
“You asked me to fight for you,” Bucky whispered. “So that’s what I’m going to fucking do, okay? There is nothing in this world worth doing if it means I lose you. Nothing.”
“I’m not asking you to do that. Because you would never ask that of me,” she whispered back.
“You didn’t ask,” he quickly replied.
Suddenly Y/N rushed off the stool and into his arms. She buried her face in his shoulder. Bucky instantly wrapped his arms around her body and held her close. God, he missed the feel of her. He missed her scent, her warmth. He missed her.
“As far as I’m concerned, my gang and I work for you now, you hear?” Bucky told her confidently. “That’s the only way this is going to work. If people know we’re connected, the miscommunication goes down to 0. We’ll share the same enemies, but will be stronger together.”
Y/N pulled away to look up at his face. “You’ve already thought this through.”
“I tried to think more like you, doll. Come in with a plan b,” he smirked shyly at her.
“Why didn’t you start off with that?”
“I just needed to make sure you weren’t trying to find an out. I wanted to hear your side before I came in trying to solve everything,” Bucky explained.
Y/N gave him a small smile.
“What?” He asked her.
“It’s just – you’re really trying. You really want this to work.”
“You and I both know that I’m no relationship expert. I don’t know how to do this. And I mean any of it. It’s all new for me,” Bucky admitted with embarrassment.
“I don’t know about that.”
“Well, what I do know is I never want you to be mad at me again. Because that really fucking sucked, doll. Worse than takin’ a bullet, if I’m being honest.” Bucky smirked again.
Y/N chuckled. “Well, you know there’s a silver lining of couples fighting.”
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that?” Bucky asked curiously.
Y/N smiled mischievously. “Makeup sex.”
“I’m unfamiliar. You’re going have to walk me through it step-by-step,” Bucky played dumb.
Y/N let out a loud laugh at his antics.
But then she yelped when Bucky suddenly picked her up by the back of her thighs and brought her hips to his. She quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, giggling as he led them to her bedroom.
Well, tumblr is alive…….for now. Write me love letters before it’s too late and my secret life dies with this website. 
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Logically I know Alex would've been different if his dad had known about his existence but I still can't shake off Alex being a young gangster in training who really doesn't like doing any of it and just wants a normal life while juggling his embarrassingly obvious crush on his brother's best friend whose bakery he uses to hide from his father and lowkey bond with Peaches and Bucky
Can we get a drabble of that?
Omg I absolutely love thiiiis! ❤ I made it a HC, I hope it's okay ❤
Let's do this! ❤
So I think he'd sneak out and find Bucky and Peaches at the bakery and Bucky would be nibbling on a cookie while Peaches is making cupcakes and Bucky would go like,
"Didn't you have something to do with dad?"
"Yeah but I told him I wasn't feeling well."
"Mm hm, so you escaped?"
"Something like that."
"Alex, would you like a cookie?"
"...I would love it, thank you."
"Great, Bucky has the jar-"
"It's my jar!"
"It's not your jar, Buck."
"It is, you gave it-"
"I didn't give it to you so that you could finish the whole thing. Alex, feel free to get some from the jar."
"It's fine, I don't mind. What are you making?"
"Chocolate cherry cupcakes. They'll be ready in like an hour, so if you want to try them, stick around."
"I think I will."
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amysnotdeadyet · 3 years
the lovely @lilolilyr tagged me and it’s been a minute since i did it, tho i am ashamed to admit that not much has actually changed lol. also, darling child, PLEASE tell me you back up your wips somewhere that isn’t an ao3 draft for fuck’s sake, that’s not what those are for. just thinking about it gives me anxiety.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.  
my actual WIP files are 3 open scrivener docs called WIPs, Drabbles, and solarpunk2, and i will break it down for you in that regard.
first, solarpunk2 is the sequel to To Hive & To Hold, so that has such exciting names as “Chapter 1″ and also contains the entire manuscript of Hive in a subfolder. some writers keep world bibles. i do search and also ask dr qt if she can remember wtf i was doing.
second, Drabbles just has the 3 word-prompts I took last month and haven’t written yet, ahaha.
third, WIPs, the actual file of DOOM.
art ideas
john wick, insurance adjustor
monster bond spectre
monster bond wedding
seducing death
WIP exchange fic (which is super abandoned I’M SO SORRY POOR PERSON)
portrait of a hung man
boner werewolf
tindr bucky
gangster werewolf abo
cat tony stuckony
Smooth Gear Action: ten
Boundary Negotiations & Strange Treaties: Forgiveness (Winter Comes Slowly), Die in Winter
hey buddy
artist’s model AU
epistolary stuckony
mermaid/wizard urban fantasy AU
Gifts of the Faerie Queen
unboxed in wonderland
alex lectures
.......look, when i tell people i can provide one or seven plot bunnies, i am Not Kidding Around.
these range from “done, in editing” to “just an empty file with an idea in the notes” and everything in between. i have worked a little on a few of them lately, but none of them are near ready for ao3 (the finished one is for my Consulting Magic series, and turned into a novella on me when I wasn’t looking, sigh)
anyway, i tag @teacuphuman09 & @deinvatiwrites & @fiamac because it’s late and i’m tired, and i made tait do it last time.
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empyreanwritings · 5 years
I'm so glad I reminded you then, it definitely makes my Mondays better. Can I request a small drabble where Steve and Bucky go to meet their significant other's father only to realize that he's Tony Stark, the notorious gangster and their mob boss.
Steve helped Bucky adjust his tie, quietly noting the panic in his lovers eyes.
They were meeting your father today. You hadn't given them many details about your life or your family. They didn't even really know your last name - apparently, you went by your mother's - but you never explained why. It was all a mystery.
Which made the whole "meeting the parents" deal a lot more stressful on them. Would he know who they were? Would he immediately ban you from ever seeing them again?
"Dinner is being set at the table now. They'll be here soon," Steve said, hoping to soothe Bucky's nerves. "Everything will be fine."
Bucky nodded slowly. He loved you so much - the last thing he wanted was to lose you because of something out of his control. Fathers were a hard hurdle to overcome.
The doorbell rang, and both of them tensed up. It was now or never.
When Steve opened the door and saw you, his whole face lit up. He couldn't contain the smile that spread across, and it took everything in him not to whisk you into his arms and kiss you silly.
But the smile dropped and terror filled his eyes when he saw Tony Stark standing behind you, bearing an uncanny resemblance to you.
"You're a Stark," he let out a surprised cough, "You're Tony Stark's daughter."
After hearing this, Bucky poked his head around and ended up in the same terrified position as Steve.
Tony was, technically, their boss. They ran separate companies, but if he ever needed one of them to do something for him, they did. He was one of the reasons they managed to get as much money as they did in the beginning.
And now they were dating his daughter.
You smiled sheepishly. "I thought you knew but never said anything. Potts and Stark are pretty big names. Everyone knows they're married."
Tony stepped forward and slapped a hand on Steve's shoulder, flashing a smile towards Bucky at the same time. He was enjoying this way too much.
"So," he practically sang out, "Nice to see you two again."
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killmongerdreams · 7 years
fic fest writing challenge
Thanks so much for another thousand followers! I did a writing challenge when I hit two thousand, and I decided to do it again when I hit four. I really loved the last one I did, and I’m hoping this one can be even more amazing than the last!
[note: not all these prompts were my original ideas, but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless! I might end up adding more if these are taken quickly.]
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you don’t have to, but, I’d gladly enjoy it if you were following this piece of shit
reblog this post, pretty please
you’re allowed to write for any character from the MCU, any of Seb’s characters (i.e. Bucky, Jefferson, Hal, etc), any of Chris’ character’s (i.e. Colin, Frank, Steve, etc), as well as any character from Vikings (i.e., Ivar, Ragnar, Athelstan, etc.), but everything must be a reader-insert
your fic can be any genre - smut, fluff, angst, but please tag it accordingly, and it can be any type - series, one-shot, drabble, but the minimum word count needs to be at least 500. There is no maximum.
if you write smut, please be at least eighteen years of age
furthermore, if you write for Peter Parker, ABSOLUTELY NO SMUT WILL BE ALLOWED
you can submit/post your fics whenever, but the deadline is October 15th
the prompt you choose must be the basis for your fic, not just included in the title and whatnot
tag your fic with the tag ‘blade’s fic fest’, and tag me in your author’s note so I can find it
if you need to drop out for any reason, please please please tell me!
send me an ask with whatever prompt you want and the character you will be writing for
“You actually gonna talk, or are you gonna just stand there and look stupid?” [@purple-mango - bucky]
“You look like a wannabe gangster.”
“If you walk out that door, don’t come back.” [@lovely-nemesis - bucky]
“How in the hell did we end up in fuckin’ Purgatory?” [@emotchalla - bucky]
“I’ve done some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.” [@magellan-88 - steve]
“Did you just...stab me?” [@221bshrlocked - bucky]  ✔
“Dude, I’m immortal. You can’t kill me, especially not with a butter knife.” [@cleverfandomurl - bucky]
“I’d murder anyone for you.” + “That’s kind of sweet...in a weird, twisted way.”  [@wanderlustingandwandering - ivar]
“You have a baby? How did that happen?” [@beyondbarnes - bucky]
“I’m only here to establish an alibi.” [@whothehellisbella - bucky]
“You love me? Prove it.” [@sexylibrarian1]
“I never noticed how long your eyelashes are.” [@persephone-is-here-omg - bucky&ivar]
“Since when did you speak another language?” [@thecrownedrose]
“I’m rich, damn it. I can do whatever I want.” [@haven-in-writing]
“I’m not sure if that’s my blood or your blood, but either way, you need to get it off your shirt.” [@captainpoopweinersoldier - ivar]
“I’m not a bad person. I promise that I’m not.” [@kyleannsmut - bucky]
“I loved you, you know. I think I still do.” [@faithers10911 - bucky]
“Dollface, I’m famous. I can do anything I want.” [@dividedwecantfall - peggy]
“Your O-Face is blasted across every major magazine in the world, by the way.” [@4theluvofall - bucky]
“You wear a startling amount of leather.” [@ruby-white-rabbit - bucky]
“Tell me, can your dick even breathe in those pants? [@buckys-fossil - bucky]
Grease AU [@lauxeyson - bucky]
‘I’m a superhero and you’re my arch nemesis but we don’t know each other’s identities and we’re actually best friends’ [@green-eyeddragonfanfiction - bucky]
‘You’re both assassins and get hired to kill the same target’ [@iobeyfandoms - bucky]
“S/He is your college roommate who doesn’t like to sleep, and you’re a very light sleeper’ [@intergalacticaroline - bucky]
You’re the photographer hired to do their photo-shoot [@marvelous-avengers]
You’re both strippers who work at the same club
You’re a witch/warlock and s/he breaks into your spell shop and accidentally turn themselves into a rabbit [@starrywriting - bucky]
‘We’re both running for valedictorian and hate each others’ guts, but we also secretly want to bone though we refuse to admit it’ [@ivartheboneme - ivar]
You own a bar and s/he is one of your regular patrons. [@waywardimpalawriter - bucky]
Tangled AU [@chaoswandas]
S/He is your guardian angel [@barnesvogue]
Accidental prostitution [@bitsandbobsandstuff - bucky]
S/He is really nerdy and you’re very popular and everyone's clueless as to how you two are in a relationship [@a-splash-of-stucky - steve]
You’re both dancers who get paired up for a steamy/sexy routine [@charliexowrite]
You two are chefs competing against each other on a TV show [@thewinterswimmer]
song: Bruises by Lewis Capaldi [@literaturetears]
song: Dusk Till Dawn by Zayn ft. Sia [@stevnsbucks - bucky]
song: Too Good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith [@sanjariti - bucky]
song: Scared to be Lonely by Dua Lipa [@sebastian-stans-thighs]
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Black Serpent - Universe
Black Serpent - Universe
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Black Serpent - One Shot 
James Buchanan Barnes was the most the notorious mobster of New York City. He was rich. He was powerful. He was feared. But something – or rather someone – made him realize his life meant so little to him. | Mobster!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Black Serpent - Drabble 1
Black Serpent - Drabble 2
Black Serpent - Drabble 3
Outfit Ask
Headcanon 1
Headcanon 2
Headcanon 3
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I know you hate cliche tropes so i would be excited to see your take on bucky/reader handling jealously/miscommunication mix ups in maybe Howling for You or Black Serpent universe? Any headcanons for that?
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Howlin’ For You - Masterlist
Bucky is a pretty confident man
He’s not intimidated very easily
He doesn’t get jealous: he gets unsure of himself
He still remembers the type of men Y/N’s sister and mom would try to set her up with: rich, work in finance, wear suits to work, don’t have a criminal record, don’t know what it’s like in prison
When he sees men like that being friendly with Y/N, he just thinks they’re better for her than he ever could be
But Y/N always shoots down those negative thoughts, reminding Bucky that he’s all she’s ever wanted and needed
Bucky doesn’t get aggressive or possessive unless they safety becomes an issue. Or the men get inappropriate with Y/N. He always lets her handle it until it’s clear she needs backup
On the other side of that, every once in awhile, Y/N gets a little green
Anyone with eyes can see that Bucky is ridiculously handsome and sexy
It not uncommon to catch women at bars – hell, even at the grocery store – catching out the biker
Y/N only gets irritated when their at the local bar and she walks in to see the local biker bimbos getting handsy with Bucky and attempting to flirt
The only reason she doesn’t get in a fight with him about it is because he never, ever flirts back and he politely steps away from their touch without causing a scene. He doesn’t have to be rude or mean to make it clear there’s only one woman he’s got eyes for
Y/N can’t really blame the girls. She struggles with keeping her hands off her boyfriend too
However, she doesn’t like the dirty glares they give her when she makes her presence known and Bucky instantly greets her with a sloppy kiss and every other woman becomes invisible to him
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Black Serpent - Universe
Flirtation is unfortunately a big part of Y/N’s job
She knows how to wrap the strongest men around her finger
It’s one of the many ways she became so powerful in New York
However, it always brings a sick feeling to Bucky’s stomach
It doesn’t help that Y/N oozes sex appeal. She just has a presence that men can’t seem to resist
He can get snappy about it
He’s caused scenes
It’s caused a few fights between the two of them
Bucky just can’t stop himself from stepping in when men get handsy with her. He’s broken wrists, punched guys out, nearly choked them to their last breath  
But it’s not even jealousy. It’s the anger Bucky gets towards men who think they can just touch and possess whatever pretty thing they see
The fights come from Y/N accusing Bucky of not believing she can take care of herself
Deep down inside, Bucky knows Y/N would never cheat on him or do something that would hurt him
(But he does fear that one day Y/N will decide she wants to go straight, leave the life of a crime. And then start a life that had no place for him.)
Meanwhile, Y/N doesn’t get jealous
She knows her hold over him
But also, Bucky’s feelings for Y/N have been made very clear through his actions and words
He ain’t leaving her
Even when Bucky is at gentlemen’s clubs for meetings or male-only celebrations, he doesn’t even glance at the female employees. They’re nothing compared to Y/N. And Y/N’s not even there to witness his loyalty
Y/N feels secure in her relationship with Bucky
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What's a Sunday like for your Black serpent bucky and his girl?
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Black Serpent
Y/N tends to do all her errands or personal stuff that she’s too busy to do during the week. She goes to the weekend food markets, might get a pedicure or manicure, go shopping.
Bucky, however, likes to sleep in. And he hates waking up to an empty bed. He just wants to cuddle with his woman. Is that so much to ask?
However, sometimes he’ll roll out of bed, get his coffee, and find Y/N working out in the gym of his mansion or her penthouse. That is not a sight he minds waking up to.
Y/N’s errands and overall business is just mornings and afternoons.
They almost always end their Sunday nights with dinner at home and a TV show or movie.
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Heya, ummm... what about any headcanons for Black Serpent universe for how bucky and reader handle anniversaries or big events?? Moving in together?? Hope your day picked up!
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Black Serpent - Universe
Y/N isn’t really a fan of celebrating big and extravagantly
Anniversaries have never really been a thing for either of them
Bucky was always having casual flings
Y/N didn’t even give men the time of day
So anniversaries are a new thing for both of them
They mostly just shut off from the rest of the world
Phones are turned off, all their men are under strict orders not to disturb them, no business – nothing
They keep it low key
In their line of business, their lives are filled with fancy dinners, five-star restaurants, high-end and exclusive clubs
So for their anniversaries, they like to just keep to themselves
Stay in, order takeout, drink some wine – just be themselves
Birthdays are kind of different, since both of them want to spoil each other rotten
Bucky will fill Y/N’s entire entryway with flowers, get her ridiculously expensive jewelry (to the point where Y/N legitimately scolds him)
Meanwhile, Y/N will rent out an entire suite for sporting events or buy out an entire theater of the hottest Broadway show at the time
Two words: birthday sex. All day.
Moving in together is a strange thing
They’re both stupid wealthy and have multiple properties of their own
So saving money is not a necessity
They never sell any of their places to live with one another
It’s just a matter of them spending time together
All their homes have belongings of the other
So they never really have the typical, “Hey, wanna move in together?” conversation
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What was early life like for Y/N in ‘Black Serpent’? How did she felt when she had to take over her fathers empire?
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Black Serpent
Y/N’s dad never insisted that she would take on the family business after he passed
He left the choice up to her
(But if he were being serious... he wanted a better life for her, a life outside of crime, an honest life)
But he knew better than to tell his daughter what to do
Y/N didn’t think she would ever follow in her father’s footsteps
But the older she got and the more of the real world she saw, Y/N realized that crime was everywhere
In the government, in education, blue collar, white collar
If the places that were supposed to bring justice to the world were actually just corrupt, she was going to play the game too
She realized she could try to become successful the honest way. But at the end of the day...the people that were above her – the gatekeepers – would abuse their power
She built the system to help those who were being ignored and oppressed
There weren’t many women as powerful as her father was in NYC
So she decided she’d become that powerful woman
But she’s protect the weak while she did it
Y/N learned everything she could from her father and his men that were trusted enough to know she existed
But her mother and father made sure she had a normal upbringing, a life away from organized crime
When Y/N took over the business, she cleaned it up
No selling of drugs, sex, or guns 
People could do whatever they wanted when they weren’t on the job. But if Y/N caught someone shooting up or doing a line at the compound, they were done forever 
Y/N decided to get her strength from outsmarting the competition without trying to sell the same supply 
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Bucky and Steve came from poor families in Brooklyn
They saw gentrification firsthand, watching rich men and families kicking out people that were born and raised New Yorkers
Bucky was 8 years old when he committed his first crime, stealing a man’s wallet after he watched him cuss out his wife on the streets of Manhattan 
After that, Bucky quickly got addicted to adrenaline of crime
He always looked for loopholes, tried to cheat every system  
Bucky saw the same flaws in the system that Y/N did 
However, Bucky used power and fear to gain his way to the top
But he wasn’t a bully
Steve made sure of that
Bucky only instilled fear in those who used their power against the innocent and weak, on men who deserved to be picked on by someone their own size 
Soon Bucky got addicted to the money 
Loved what it go him: power, luxury, women, fame 
He was so obsessed with making more and more that he forgot why he even wanted it in the first place
He’d already paid off his ma’s mortgage, even moved her into a mansion outside of the city, in a boring and safe neighbor somewhere in Westchester 
Then the bloodshed took a toll on him, started changing him 
He pushed people away because he started seeing himself as a danger 
Then he felt like the only tangible thing he had left was the violence 
Steve and Sam quickly dragged him away from that darkness when they saw the first signs of it 
Steve brought him home more, showing him what a normal life could be 
That was why Bucky became so instantly mesmerized with Y/N 
She saw all his flaws and called him out on them. Didn’t let him get away with ignoring his toxic behavior 
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I don’t know if you’ve answered this before but in Black Serpent, do you see them ever getting married or even starting a family?
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Black Serpent
I swear I could’ve answered this before. But I can’t find it anywhere, so oh well.
Bucky and Y/N aren’t too concerned with marriage. They’re not really old-fashioned that way. They can really take marriage or they can leave it. If they did get married it would be so out of nowhere and in the moment. Maybe it would just be a courthouse wedding and they don’t tell anyone before they go. Or maybe it’s a huge mobster wedding that costs them over a million dollars, but its the classiest wedding anyone’s ever been to. It really depends on if and when they would ever decide to do that. 
In regards to kids, they really don’t live a life where they could realistically have them. Their children would always be in danger and email them, so they refused to be selfish.
I’d also like to reiterate again… Not all of my stories need to end with a wedding and kids. Come on, people, be a little bit more creative and open minded. It’s 2020. 
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What would be the reaction (fallout?) if the Black Serpent reader was either found out to be a mob boss or arrested?
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Black Serpent
In reality, Y/N would never get caught by the law. There’s a reason she’s even able to keep her identity completely secret from the real world and the crime world. She’s extremely smart and resourceful and careful. Bucky would be caught long before Y/N ever would.
It would be more realistic for Y/N’s true identity to be discovered by the crime world. After the joining of forces with Bucky’s crew, it just upped the risk of Y/N being found out. It’s easy to make new enemies or have friends become enemies in a life of crime. There’s a chance an ex-member gets bitter and outs Y/N. If that did ever happen, Bucky would end them personally. Anyone puts his girl in danger, they’re dead. And he’s going to be the one to do it.
Y/N is fully capable of bringing down her own wrath and invoking fear into her enemies. But she knows sometimes it’s something Bucky needs to do.
And after all, Bucky made it known that he takes orders from the Black Serpent now, so no one would find it weird or suspicious that he was doing the dirty work for his “boss.”
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Hypothetically, if you were going to write a sequel-series to one of your original series, which one would it be? -x
I always love writing additional pieces for my Black Serpent universe. That’s not technically a “series,” but I always feel like there’s potential for more. I enjoy writing AUs the most because there’s so much room for my own original world building and it’s more of a puzzle piece when I’m figuring out how the characters we love would fit into the new worlds and situations I’ve built.
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I really, really enjoyed writing Howlin’ For You as well. But I’m not really sure there a sequel in that story. I have one or two one-shot/drabble ideas for that universe. I just haven’t been able to write EM out.
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Hiya! I have a bit of a request for the black serpent universe Bucky...what about like a public outing with him and her but because her identity is a secret someone is like "oh hot new thing" and her or bucky cant reveal her title but essentially verbally decimate them...??? Is that something you could work with
An extension of this one-shot: Black Serpent
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“You sure about this?” Bucky asked Y/N one last time.
He was leading her to the gala, her arm gripping his left bicep. He could feel the warmth of her hand through his fancy suit. They had a few more yards before they were actually at the event and he was going to use it to check for the 5th time if Y/N was okay.
Y/N stopped Bucky and made him turn to face her head on.
“I don’t do things halfway, James. That includes being with you. I’m here or I’m not. And right now…I just want to be with you. Okay?” She replied.
Bucky hated being called James. He hated it so much that he thought Bucky was better. If anyone other than Steve called him it, they’d end up six feet under. Though only his close friends were allowed to call him Bucky, his inferiors were expected to call him Mr. Barnes or simply sir.
But when Y/N called him James, he melted. He never loved his given name until it flowed off her tongue and lips.
“You realize there’s no going back after tonight, right? Once these people see you on my arm, you’re linked to me.” Bucky urged.
Though her alter ego of Black Serpent could remain secret, she was about to lose a part of her real identity. After tonight, she would no longer be Y/F/N Y/L/N, but James Buchanan Barnes’ girlfriend.
Y/N smirked at his protectiveness. Though it was adorable and chivalrous, it was also unnecessary. “Yes, James, I understand.”
“Sure you want to sully that name by being associated with me, doll?” Bucky teased as he pulled her closer by her hips. They still had a few moments of privacy before all their intimacy would be up for everyone’s viewing.
Her eyes flickered to his lips and gave him a teasing smirk. “I think I can handle it,” Y/N cooed before kissing his lips.
With that, Bucky led her up the carpeted stairs that led up to the gala.
It was one of those fancy charity events. The wealthy tried to redeem their lives of spoils and privilege by giving away the money they didn’t need to the poor.
But it was also a great place to make business deals and make friends from all the wrong places.
Despite the event being filled with businessman, aristocrats, and even politicians, everyone still knew of Bucky’s real job and identity. People smiled to his face, but still cowered in his presence.
When they entered, Bucky took in the room. Then he turned to stare at Y/N, who was still doing the same thing.
“God, you’re beautiful.” He practically whimpered.
She tore her eyes away from the crowd to look at him and laugh. “Buck, you say that to me every day.”
“Yeah, because you’re beautiful every damn day.” Bucky responded incredulously.
Y/N just laughed more and shook her head. “You go and make friends. I’m going to get myself a martini.”
“Don’t leave me alone for long,” Bucky whined.
“Be a big boy, James. I know you can,” she teased and added a wink before sauntering away.
He couldn’t help but watch her move away, enjoying the sway of her hips. Whoever made that dress of hers, he planned on writing them a handwritten note to thank them for its creation. 
However, he was broken out of his reverie when he noticed other men also enjoying the view. Other men that were not him and weren’t looking at her with both love and desire, like he was. No, they were just watching her with a disgusting hunger.
Bucky pushed his anger away. It was too early to pick a fight and ruin such a nice event.
He did as Y/N said, making new friends and greeting old ones. 
Y/N was good at entertaining herself, not depending on him to keep her company all night. She would flutter in and out of his conversations, always introducing herself elegantly and charming whoever he was speaking to. It amazed him how everyone’s eyes lit up when speaking with her. She could pretty much make anyone fall in love with her. 
Bucky felt her start to excuse herself from the conversation he was having with a senator that was rather corrupt in politics. Bucky knew because he was the man helping him corrupt.
Bucky grabbed Y/N’s wrist before she could slip away. He assumed she was going to sneak away to the bar again.
She looked at him curiously, but waited.
“What?” She asked when he didn’t say anything.
“Nothing. Just wanted to look at you a bit longer.”
“Always managing to sneak in a charming line,” Y/N rolled her eyes and continued to exit to the bar.
The night went on and Bucky lost track of Y/N. His eyes roamed the party, desperately looking for her.
He instantly relaxed and smirked when he spotted her chatting up an elderly woman. They were both drinking their martinis at the bar.
Bucky started across the room. He just about had enough socializing for the night. He wanted to take his girl home. She’d spent far too much time away from his side, making the conversations even more boring.
Bucky was halfway to her when he heard it.
“Don’t even think about it, Brock. Did you see who she came in with?” He heard a man’s voice say. He quickly paused and searched for the body it was attached to.
He recognized Rollins and Brock Rumlow. They were mobsters themselves. Bad ones at that. They didn’t care about money or reputation, they just wanted people to fear them. They got off on it.
Which was exactly why Bucky and his crew barely tolerated them. Bucky had even considered running them out of town a few times.
“Who Barnes?” Brock scoffed back. “As if that matters. You know how many of his bitches I’ve bagged just days after they’re on his arm. They don’t mean shit to him.”
Bucky’s fists clenched. There was truth in Brock’s words: Bucky didn’t care about any of those past women. They used him as much as he used them. 
But Y/N was different. And he would tolerate no such talk about her.
“But this one,” Brock practically drooled. “I think she’s one I’ll keep around for awhile. The sooner Barnes tosses her aside, the better.”
That was it. Bucky took a step toward the two men. He made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t cause a seen at this event. But he was about to throw that out the window.
However, he was so preoccupied with eavesdropping on their conversation, he hadn’t seen Y/N walking over. But she wasn’t walking towards him, she was walking towards the two men Bucky planned on murdering.
“Hello,” she murmured to Brock as if she planned on devouring him.
Bucky’s brow furrowed, wondering what game she was playing.
“H-Hi,” Brock replied, utterly caught off guard by being pursued instead of pursuing.
“I think I may have overheard you speaking about me…” She talked to him like a mother who was about to lecture her toddler.
“We…W-We were just kidding,” Brock stuttered.
“Oh, were you? What a shame. I was going to ask about all the things you wished to do to me tonight. Come on, don’t keep it to yourself. I wanna play,” Y/N almost whined.
Brock looked at his friend Rollins for support. But he gave none. Brock opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, looking like a fish out of water, as his mind went blank.
Y/N’s teasing posture then shifted to one of dominance and intimidation. She now appeared utterly unimpressed and disinterested.
She smiled condescendingly at the man, crossed her arms, and tilted her head. “Men like you think you have such a way with women. You can’t even seduce me with words. I fed myself to you on a silver platter, didn’t even make you do any work by coming over here myself. But what did you offer me? Nothing. Men like you can never satisfy a woman like me, let alone even get your tiny dick up.”
Bucky smiled and shook his head as he witnessed the savagery.
“You two enjoy the rest of your evening,” Y/N told them. Then she gave Brock one last up and down, earning the man another look of disinterest. If Brock’s ego wasn’t already hurt, that look of her’s had decimated it.
Y/N took a few steps away from them, paused, and turned back. “Oh, and my boyfriend over there heard all of that too. Congrats on signing your own death certificate.” She winked and then sauntered her way over to Bucky.
Before her boyfriend could say anything, Y/N grasped his face and pressed her lips to his, capturing him in a long and amorous kiss.
Bucky instantly reciprocated, his lips dancing with hers with the coordination of a waltz.
Y/N finally pulled away with a half lidded gaze.
“That was just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Bucky whispered with a rough voice.
“Please don’t kill them and ruin our night,” Y/N barely even asked. She knew how much hold she had over him. She could half request him to do anything and he would deliver.
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky laughed. “I think your emasculation hurt them more than my fists ever could.”
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