#ganpati article
crispnebula · 2 years
lady grey:favourite outfit?
oolong: ideal romantic partner?
peppermint:what’s your favourite holiday and why?
rooiboos: 3 facts about my family
lady grey:favourite outfit?
Hmmm this is difficult, I'd have to say a shirt over a tshirt or a jacket over a tshirt I feel like those are good outfits. If you're wearing a shirt as an over or just that, you have to roll up your sleeves, dems da rulez. But also since I've been wearing formals regularly I feel like a good set of formals is also amazing
oolong: ideal romantic partner?
ooh smart, funny, can take a joke, have similar political beliefs(I feel like that's usually overlooked) but also cheesy (sometimes), understanding, supportive, someone who i can really have good conversations with, like stare-at-the-stars-on-the-rooftop conversations about everything and nothing at all and i think at last mutual respect and trust
peppermint:what’s your favourite holiday and why?
honestly, anyone where i get to rest. but maybe diwali most, because food and sweets 😋
rooiboos: 3 facts about my family
my sister just completed her masters in comp sci
my mom makes really cool festival items like diyas and rangolis and torans and stuff and people love them
my dad was recently appreciated as the treasurer of our panchayat
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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"Om Gajananaya Namah" Ganesha ॐ Talon Abraxas
Lord Ganesha is worshipped at the beginning of any auspicious work or puja. He is considered the remover of all kinds of obstacles. And without his blessings, no task can be accomplished. Thus, he is also known as the Vighna Vinashaka. Lord Ganesha's intelligence was glorified all the more when he walked three times around his parents. It was for the competition carried out by his parents, of taking three rounds of the universe, with his brother Kartikeya. Later he explained that his parents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati symbolise the world to him so he paced around them. In fact, because of Lord Ganesha's wisdom and strong listening power, he was chosen by Veda Vyasa to write Mahabharata. There is one interesting story also attached to it; while he was writing, his stylus or pen broke and in order to continue writing without any interruption he broke his tusk and started writing Mahabharata using the broken tusk. All of us have heard Lord Ganesha’s birth story and how he got an elephant head.
There are 32 Forms of Lord Ganesha
The Ganesha Purana has magnificently articled the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. Each form has specific powers and features. The first 16 forms of the 32 forms of Ganesha are known as“Shodasa Ganapati” and the rest are known as “Ekavimsathi”. And amongst them, Mahaganapati is most widely worshipped.
1.Bala Ganesha: The first form of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. This is the child form known as Bala Ganesha and is believed to represent the fertility of the earth. He is bright golden colour like the rising sun with four hands holding – Mango, Jackfruit, Banana and Sugarcane the produce of the Earth. And in his trunk holds his favourite sweet the modaka.
2.Taruna Ganapati: An adolescent form of Ganesha, shining bright red like the midday sun signifying youthful energy. He is ashtabhuja dhari or with eight hands. In Taruna Ganesha's form, he bestows health, fulfilment, happiness and prosperity. An exuberant form of Lord Ganesha representing one of the elements air or Vayu.
3.Bhakti Ganapati: In this form, Lord Ganesha shines like a Sharad Purnima or Autumn full moon. His kindness and compassion to his devotees reflect in this form that's why he himself is shown as a devotee or in bhakti form. The four arms hold a mango, a banana, a coconut and a sweet or a kheer. He represents the water element. And also helps his worshippers to be in control of their temper, and stay blissful in life.
4.Veera Ganapati: He has been depicted as a "Valiant Warrior” in Veera Ganesha form, with 16 arms flared up holding weapons in each hand. Thus symbolising fearlessness, courage and Valor. Represents Agni or fires element and helps those who worship this form to win over all the challenges in life.
5.Shakti Ganapati: He is portrayed as four-armed or Chathurbhuj Ganpati. One of his consorts GoddessShakti sits on his left side leg. This form is more worshipped among Tantriks. Shakti Ganapati represents the element space or Akash. It is believed worshipping this form enhances concentration and provides success in our goals. This form is regarded as the protector of households and is believed to bring peace and harmony to family life.
6.Dvija Ganapati: This form of Ganesha looks similar to Lord Brahma. He is Four-headed and has four arms. Dvija Ganapati's colour is like a moon. The word “Dvija” means born twice, first when the birth takes place and second at the time of wearing the sacred thread (Janeu which Brahmins wear). That’s why Dvija is used to refer to Brahmins. It is believed that worshipping Ganesha in Dvija form brings goodwill and fame in personal and professional life.
7.Siddhi Ganapati: He is also known as ‘Pingala Ganpati’ because of his shiny golden-yellow colour. This 7th form of 32 forms of Ganesha is believed to have attained Ashta or 8 Maha Siddhis. And he blesses his devotees to succeed in all endeavours in life.
8.Ucchhishta Ganesha: He is blue in complexion and portrayed with six arms. He sits with his consort Goddess Shakti on his left leg. He is worshipped more in the Tantrik form of puja. As per Vedic astrology, he is connected to ‘Krittika Nakshatra’. This form of Ganesha is also believed to strengthen the relationship between life partners.
9.Vighna Ganesha: Vighna Ganapati similar to Lord Vishnu holds Shankha or conch and Chakra or discus, in two of his hands amongst eight arms. He is golden yellow in colour and is associated with Rohini Nakshatra. It is believed that this form is particularly significant to remove all obstacles and negativity from devotees' life.
10.Kshipra Ganapati: In this form, you can see him in red colour with four arms. Amongst other things, he can be seen holding a sprig of Kalpavirksha a wish-fulfilling tree. Also holds a tiny pot of precious jewels, which is considered a symbol of prosperity for his followers. Thus, he is believed to fulfil all the wishes of his worshippers and grant them wisdom and wealth.
11.Heramba Ganapati: This form of Ganpati has been illustrated with a Lion as his vehicle. Heramba Ganesha is a rare form, as he possesses five heads and ten hands. In Sanskrit the ‘Heramba’ implies ‘weakness’ or ‘helplessness’ and ‘Ramba’ means ‘protection.’ Thus, He-Ramba Ganapati is the ‘protector of the weak and the helpless.
12.Lakshmi Ganapati: In this form, Ganesha is seen with his consorts Goddess Siddhi (Achievement) and Goddess Budhi (Wisdom) sitting on his legs. He has 8 arms and is white in colour. Prayers to Lakshmi Ganesha bestows devotees with lots of wealth, intelligence, prosperity and a blissful life.
13.Maha Ganapati: Ganesha is portrayed with three eyes and a crescent moon on his forehead just like Lord Shiva. In this form as well one of his consort can be seen sitting on his left leg. He is red in colour and depicted with ten arms. In one of his hand, he can be seen holding his own broken tusk. Maha Ganapati the 13th form of 32 forms of Lord Ganesha, is one of the important and powerful forms. His sincere devotees achieve success and praise in all their accomplishments.
14.Vijaya Ganapati: This form of Ganesha is four-armed or Chathurbhuj is of red colour and rides his vehicle mushaka or mouse. The mouse size here is big and looks like it is galloping fast with Ganesha on its back. Vijaya Ganapati has four hands and is regarded as the God of achievement and success.
15.Nritya Ganapati: He is the exuberant form of Ganpati, dancing happily under the Kalpavriksha tree. Ntritya Ganapati is four-armed and golden in colour. He represents the happy and delightful form of the Lord Ganesha. It is believed that Nritya Ganapati gives proficiency to his devotees in the artistic field. They gain success and fame, especially the dancers.
16.Urdhva Ganapati: This is again considered a Tantrik form of Ganpati. He is Golden in colour with eight arms and his consort Goddess shakti is sitting on his left leg. Those who worship this form are able to overcome difficulties and enhance their inner strength.
17.Ekakshara Ganapati: ‘Eka’ stands for one and ‘Akshara’ means ‘the letter’. Thus Eka Akshara indicates a single syllable representing the Beejakshara or seed letter called ‘Gam,’ In this form, represents the universal sound, ‘Om.’ He is seen sitting in a Padmasana posture (lotus pose) and is riding Mushaka the mouse. He is red in complexion and like Lord Shiva, he has three eyes and a crescent moon on his crown.
18.Varada Ganapati: He is known to be a boon-giver to his devotees. He has a third eye of wisdom, four arms and a Crescent moon on his crown. His consort Goddess shakti sits on his left side leg. The shakti can be seen holding a lotus and the flag. This Ganapati is red in complexion and is upheld as a symbol of generosity.
19.Tryakshara Ganapati: This form connotes the three-letter word ‘A-U-M’ Om' sound. Tryakshara Ganapati has a golden complexion and there is a third eye on his forehead. Portrayed with four hands and big floppy ears. His worshippers who concentrate on this form attain spiritual knowledge and head to the self-realization journey.
20.Kshipra Prasada Ganapati: In this form, he is seen sitting on the sacred Kusha grass. In his appearance, he is depicted with six arms and a crimson-red complexion. His distinctly big belly in this form represents the Universe. Kshipra Prasada Ganapati is believed to reward his worshipper far more easily.
21.Haridra Ganapati: This form is considered to be made up of turmeric that's how he appears to be bright yellow in colour. He has four hands and in one of his upper hands, he holds a noose and in another an elephant Goad. It is believed that Ganesha holds his devotees close to him with the noose and stimulates them to move ahead with the Goad.
22.Ekadanta Ganapati: Ekadanta means “single-tusked” Lord Ganapati. In this form, he is blue in colour and has a much larger belly symbolising the universe exists inside him. Amongst four of his arms in one hand he holds an axe, which is believed to cut the bond of ignorance.
23.Srishti Ganapati: As the name suggests he is regarded as the creator of the Universe. Portrayed in crimson red colour and has four hands. He rides his vehicle mushaka or mouse. It is believed that Srishti Ganesha help his devotees to attain the power of judgement or discrimination.
24.Uddanda Ganapati: In this form, Lord Ganesha has twelve arms and Goddess Shakti has been shown sitting on his left leg. He is an angry and aggressive form of Ganpati. In this 24th form of 32 forms of Lord Ganesha, he is regarded as the merciless persecutor of evil and upholds Dharma or righteousness.
25.Rinamochana Ganapati: This form of Ganesha enables his devotees to liberate themselves from the Karmic debts of this world. He is white in colour that’s why appears to be a crystal image and has four arms.
26.Dhundhi Ganapati: He can be seen holding rudraksha beads and it is said that Lord Shiva resides in them. This form too shows or empowers the spiritual knowledge of the devotees. It leads them to the path of moksha or liberation. In this appearance, he is portrayed as red in colour and has four hands. The Ratna Kumbha or the pot of jewels, which he holds represents the supreme consciousness leading to the spiritual path.
27.Dvimukha Ganapati: In this form, Lord Ganesha is portrayed with two faces which stands for his ability to look at the inner and outer aspects of the universe. As the one who can see in all directions. He is greenish-blue in colour, with four hands and wears a bright gem-decorated crown on his head. It is said that in this form he bestows protection to his devotees against all evil forces.
28.Trimukha Ganapati: This 28th form of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha is one of the most revered Ganesha forms. He is three-faced, Sits on a lotus flower and with six hands. Trimukha Ganapati looks after the well-being of the devotees and their families. He is red in complexion, with a pot filled with nectar in his left hand.
29.Simha Ganapati: As a Simha Ganesha, he is portrayed with eight arms and the face of a Lion or Simha. He is believed to boast the fearlessness and core strength of the characteristics in his worshippers. In some places, he is also shown as riding a lion or holding a lion in one of his hands.
30.Yoga Ganapati: In this form, he is in deep meditation with folded knees in a meditation posture. He shines bright like a rising sun. Yoga Ganesha is connected with the base chakra called the Mooladhara chakra. That is why it is believed that worshipping this form brings mental health, physical health, and progress in life.
31.Durga Ganapati: This form of Ganesha has powers similar to Goddess Durga. He has the undefeatable powers to gain victory over evil. He has eight arms and glows like a bar of gold. The worshippers of this form are able to remove all the obstacles and come out victorious in every aspect of life.
32.Sankatahara Ganapati: This is the last of the 32 forms of Ganesha. Sankathara means banishing all the problems of life. In this form, he eliminates all the obstacles and sorrows in the life of his devotees. He can be seen in a radiant red colour with four arms. And his consort Goddess Shakti is sitting on his left leg.
Thus these are the 32 forms of Ganesha as per our Hindu scriptures. Each form has its own specific significance and purpose. As per the devotees' realisation and desire in life, these specific forms of Ganesha can be worshipped. Based on your problems and needs Askganesha can find out the form you need to focus or concentrate on, to accomplish your wishes or demolish all the obstacles in your life.
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decordelightlinks · 4 months
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Ganapati Wall Hanging Sculpture
KridayKraft Metal Ganesha ji Statue,Ganpati Wall Hanging Sculpture Lord Ganesh Idol Lucky Feng Shui Wall Decor Your Home, Office,Religious Gift Article Decorative,Showpiece Figurines... 
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exfaujitaxicab · 20 days
Pune to Shirdi Cab Booking: Your Helpful Travel Arrangement
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While arranging an outing from Pune to Shirdi, solace and comfort are key factors to consider. One of the most mind-blowing choices for a problem free excursion is Pune to shirdi cab booking. This article will investigate why cab travel is the best decision, giving helpful hints and bits of knowledge to make your process smooth and pleasant.
Why Pick a Pune to Shirdi Cab?
Solace and Comfort
Going by cab from Pune to Shirdi guarantees that you partake in an agreeable and loosened up ride. In contrast to public vehicle, where you want to stick to stringent timetables, cabs offer adaptability. You can pick your own flight time, enjoy reprieves at whatever point required, and travel at your own speed.
Time Proficiency
The distance among Pune and Shirdi is roughly 200 kilometers, and the excursion takes around 4 to 5 hours by street. Deciding on a Pune to Shirdi cab. permits you to keep away from postponements and arrive at your objective quicker contrasted with transports or trains, which have various stops. You can likewise take the quickest course, making your outing additional time-proficient.
House to house Administration
One of the principal benefits of booking a cab is the house to house administration it offers. Whether you're withdrawing from your home, inn, or office, a cab will get you and drop you off precisely at your ideal objective in Shirdi, saving you the problem of driving to a bus stop or rail line terminal.
Customizable Schedule
At the point when you book a Pune to Shirdi cab, you can design your excursion in light of your inclinations. In the event that you wish to visit places en route, for example, the Ranjangaon Ganpati Sanctuary or Ahmednagar Post, you can undoubtedly demand the cab driver to make stops at these areas. This adaptability makes your outing more charming and customized.
Instructions to Book a Pune to Shirdi Cab
Booking a Pune to Shirdi cab is straightforward and should be possible in a couple of simple tasks:
Online Cab Aggregators
A few internet based stages permit you to book cabs from Pune to Shirdi. Sites and portable applications like Ola, Uber, and other nearby taxi administrations give a consistent encounter to booking. You can browse different cab choices like vehicles, SUVs, or even extravagance vehicles relying upon your financial plan and prerequisites.
Direct Flag down to Cab Administrations
Assuming that you favor talking straightforwardly to the specialist co-ops, many cab organizations offer booking administrations via telephone. This strategy is fast and permits you to explain any questions or extraordinary solicitations during the discussion.
Admission Correlation
Prior to booking, it's vital to look at cab charges across various stages. Many cab administrations offer limits and bundles that can set aside you cash. Guarantee that you check for extra charges, for example, toll expenses and late evening driving expenses, to keep away from any astonishments.
Tips for a Smooth Pune to Shirdi Cab Excursion
Book Ahead of time
During top seasons, for example, celebration times and ends of the week, cabs can be popular. Booking your Pune to Shirdi cab ahead of time guarantees that you secure a vehicle at the most ideal rate.
Confirm the Driver's Certifications
While booking a cab, guarantee that the driver is capable and acquainted with the course. Perusing customer surveys and checking the driver's evaluating on web-based stages can give you bits of knowledge into the nature of administration.
Convey Basics
However the excursion isn't too lengthy, it's really smart to convey water, snacks, and any important medicine to guarantee an agreeable ride. Wearing happy with dress and conveying a little cushion can make your excursion more wonderful.
Booking a Pune to Shirdi cab is the best travel answer for those searching for comfort, solace, and time productivity. With customizable schedules, house to house administration, and a loosening up ride, a cab venture from Pune to Shirdi guarantees that you show up at your objective invigorated and prepared for your otherworldly involvement with the well known Shirdi Sai Baba Sanctuary. Along these lines, try to prepare, think about passages, and partake in your tranquil outing from Pune to Shirdi!
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ganpatiwires · 1 month
How to Choose the Best Cadmium Copper Wholesalers for Quality and Reliability
One cannot emphasize the need for quality and dependability when choosing a cadmium copper supplier. Excellent conductivity, improved strength, and wear and corrosion resistance make Cadmium Copper Wholesalers in many high-performance uses. Working with a supplier that can regularly provide premium supplies will help you guarantee that your initiatives are successful. Emphasizing the responsibilities of Copper Coated Wire Distributors and jumper wire distributors, this article will help you negotiate the process of selecting the best Copper Coated Wire Distributors. for best use in business.
Research Wholesaler Reputation
Review the material source and quality control of the wholesaler.
Review consumer comments and industry dependability of them.
Seek industry compliance and certifications.
Make sure they can regularly satisfy your need for supplies.
Evaluate their customer service and support response.
Verifying Product Quality
Selecting Cadmium Copper Wholesalers mostly depends on quality. The quality of the material determines how well it performs in your applications. Ask possible wholesale vendors for samples before deciding what to do. Evaluate these samples in terms of general workmanship, homogeneity in coating, and material consistency. Ensuring the cadmium copper satisfies your project's required criteria is crucial.
Apart from cadmium copper, examine the quality of related components, including jumper and copper-coated wire. These components are quite important for the general performance of your projects and are usually utilized in concert with cadmium copper. Selecting a wholesaler who offers premium goods all around helps you to prevent such problems later on.
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Evaluating the Range of Products
Another very important consideration is the product line of a wholesaler. Excellent suppliers provide a large range of cadmium copper goods with varying grades and standards. A varied product line helps you streamline your procurement process by finding all the required components for your projects from one provider.
Apart from cadmium copper, a complete wholesaler should also provide associated items, including jumper and copper-coated wire. Having a large range of materials available from one provider can help you save time and work by sourcing from several vendors.
Examining Customer Support and Service
One should pick a wholesaler with fast replies, effective problem-solving, and strong technical support.
Good customer service consists of quick responses, settlement of problems, and useful technical support.
Make sure your supplier offers technical help, quick resolution of problems, and timely support
Look for a supplier that offers dependable technical support, fast problem-solving, and prompt service.
Choose a wholesaler that provides quick responses, quick resolution of problems, and strong support.
Jumper Wire Distributors for High-Quality Supplies
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Our speciality at Ganpati Wires is offering premium Jumper Wire Distributors needed for your electrical and electronic applications. Among the jumper wires we have chosen are certain ones meant for best dependability and performance. Our main emphasis is on providing flexible and strong jumper wires that satisfy your requirements so guaranteeing effective and safe connections. Ganpati Wires is your trusted supplier of dependable Jumper Wire Distributors for all your needs as we are committed to quality and client satisfaction. Discover our selection and enjoy first-rate quality in goods and services.
Selecting the top cadmium copper wholesaler is a crucial choice that will affect the outcome of your projects. Carefully assessing the wholesaler's reputation, product quality, range of products, supply chain effectiveness, price, and customer service will help you to make sure you are working with a supplier who satisfies your criteria for dependability and quality. Whether your source is jumper wire, Copper Coated Wire Distributors, or Cadmium Copper Wholesalers, your operations will benefit from your wise decision.
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jagdambapearls12 · 1 month
Lord Ganesha’s Wisdom: The Symbolism of Elephant Motif Jewelry
Description: Elephant motif jewelry pays homage to Ganesha’s wisdom, intellect, and the power to overcome obstacles, infusing these qualities into wearable art.
Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu deity, is revered as the Remover of Obstacles and the God of Wisdom and Intellect. His unique representation with an elephant head has deep-rooted symbolism, making him a beloved and worshipped figure in Hindu culture. This symbolism extends to the world of jewelry, where the elephant motif is often featured in various forms. In this article, we will explore the significance of Lord Ganesha’s elephant head and how jewelry adorned with this motif embodies wisdom, intellect, and the power to overcome obstacles.
The Enigma of Lord Ganesha’s Elephant Head
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Lord Ganesha’s distinctive appearance is a source of intrigue and wonder for many. To understand the symbolism behind his elephant head, we delve into the rich mythology that surrounds his birth. The story of Lord Ganesha’s creation and his unique head carries profound spiritual lessons.
Ganesha Silver Idols: Bringing Wisdom into Your Home
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Ganesha idols made of silver hold a special place in Hindu households. These exquisite pieces of art not only serve as decorative items but also as sources of wisdom and inspiration. We explore the craftsmanship behind silver Ganesha idols and how they bless homes with positivity and success
Ganesh Silver Coins: Wealth and Blessings in One
Silver coins featuring Lord Ganesha’s image are not just monetary tokens but also carriers of divine blessings. We discuss the significance of these coins in various Hindu rituals and ceremonies, particularly during auspicious occasions like Diwali and Ganesh Chaturthi. 
Ganesh Puja Thali: Ornate Offerings to the Divine
The puja thali plays a vital role in Hindu rituals and offerings to deities. We delve into the significance of a Ganesh Puja Thali and how it forms an integral part of worship, particularly during Ganesha Chaturthi celebrations. Readers will also learn where to find exquisite online options.
 Silver Ganesh Murti: A Prized Possession
Silver Ganesha murtis are not only objects of devotion but also artistic masterpieces. We explore the craftsmanship behind these murtis and their role in spiritual practices, home decor, and as cherished gifts. 
Silver Laxmi Ganesh: Blessings of Wealth and Wisdom:
Lord Ganesha is often accompanied by Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth. We delve into the symbolism and significance of the Silver Laxmi Ganesh combination and how it is revered in Hindu culture.
Gold Ganesh Pendant: A Divine Accessory:
Gold Ganesh pendants are not just fashionable but also hold deep spiritual significance. We explore the artistry behind these pendants and how they make for precious, meaningful gifts.
 Silver Ganesh: A Timeless Symbol
Silver Ganesh figurines have a timeless appeal. We discuss their versatility as home decor, spiritual items, and collectibles, making them a must-have for enthusiasts.
Silver Lakshmi Ganesh: Celebrating Prosperity:
Lakshmi Ganesh silver coins are symbols of abundance and prosperity. We discuss their role in special occasions and festivals, and how they are considered lucky charms.
Gold Ganpati Pendant: A Symbol of Divine Fortune:
Gold Ganpati pendants are not just fashion statements but also symbols of divine fortune. We delve into their artistic design and the blessings they bring to their wearers. 
The elephant motif, symbolizing Lord Ganesha’s wisdom and the power to overcome obstacles, finds a cherished place in jewelry and religious artifacts. Whether it’s Ganesha idols, silver coins, or jewelry, each item carries a piece of divine significance and an invitation to seek the blessings of the Lord. By adorning these items, individuals can infuse their lives with wisdom, intellect, and the strength to surmount challenges, making them not only beautiful but also spiritually enriching. Visit our Website for more Collections @jpearls.com
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advancegkquiz · 2 months
1st Aug Current Affairs
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1. Who has been appointed as the chairman of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) ?
1. Preeti Sudan 
2. Preeti Rajak 
3. Divyakirti Singh 
4. Sindhu Ganpati 
Ans - 1 - Preeti Sudan
She will replace Dr. Manoj Soni.
Preeti Sudan is the 2nd women to be appointed as UPSC chairperson after Mrs. R. M. Bathiu.
The UPSC is an independent Constitutional body which came into existence on 26th jan 1950 under the provisions of Article 378(1) of the Constitution.
The 1st chairperson of UPSC was R. N. Banerjee.
Preeti Rajak भारतीय सेना की पहली सूबेदार बनी .
2. Who has become the 1st women Director General (DG) of Army Medical Service ?
1. Alia Neelam
2. Sadhna Saxena 
3. Bilquis Mir 
4. Suman kumari 
Ans - 2 - Sadhna Saxena
Read More
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3lub · 3 months
Article: Anant Ambani's Wedding Card Goes Viral: It Has 'Chandi Ka Mandir' With Ganpati And A Silver Invite
Anant Ambani's Wedding Card Goes Viral: It Has 'Chandi Ka Mandir' With Ganpati And A Silver Invite
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newzquest · 1 year
Ganpati Visarjan in Maharashtra: A Grand Festival of Farewell
Ganpati Visarjan, a significant religious and cultural event in Maharashtra, finds a particularly profound and unique expression in the city of Pune. This article delves into the rich traditions and fervent celebrations that mark the Ganpati Visarjan in P
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bollytollykolly · 1 year
Aamir Khan greets Mumbai BJP president, arrives at his home for Ganpati darshan - Hindustan Times
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reikisthan · 1 year
Ganesh Chaturthi special #trending #ganeshchaturthi #ganesh
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You can do this wish fulfilment remedy any day between 19-28 September, however doing it on very first day when you bring Ganpati in your house will give more effective results. Follow @reikihealingrays For more such tips source Read the full article
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animabhattacharyya · 1 year
Ganesh Chaturthi 2023: Date, Muhurta, Rituals, and Everything You Need to Know!
After the celebrations of Shree Krishna Janmashtami are over, all the devotees have been waiting eagerly and enthusiastically for Ganesh Chaturthi. Ganesh Chaturthi, also called the Ganesh Utsav or Vinayak Chaturdashi, is celebrated nationwide with deep devotion. This festival of Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in honor of Lord Ganesh, the son of Lord Bholenath and Mata Parvati. It is believed that Lord Ganesh was born on this day. This festival usually falls in August or September. 
Lord Ganesh is believed to be the God of wisdom, good fortune, prosperity, and knowledge. He is known by other names also. These are Ekdanta, Ganpati, Gajanana, Vakratunda, Siddhi Vinayak etc. He is also considered the Lord of new and fresh beginnings and is honored at the beginning of the ceremonies and rituals. Worshipping him during the Ganesh Utsav is also believed to remove all the obstacles and hurdles from life. 
When is Ganesh Chaturthi 2023?
This year, in 2023, the Chaturthi Tithi will begin on 18th September 2023 at 12:39 PM and will end at 1:43 PM on September 19th, 2023. The Ganesh Chaturthi will end on Thursday, 28th September 2023, which means Ganesh Visarjan, or bidding farewell to Lord Ganesh, will be performed on this day. The Lord Ganesh Puja time or Muhurta will be between 11:01 AM and 1:28 PM on 19th September, 2023.
Note: This article was originally published on the official website of animaastrologer. Follow the link to read the full article - https://www.animaastrologer.com/
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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"Om Gajananaya Namah" Ganesha Talon Abraxas
Lord Ganesha is worshipped at the beginning of any auspicious work or puja. He is considered the remover of all kinds of obstacles. And without his blessings, no task can be accomplished. Thus, he is also known as the Vighna Vinashaka. Lord Ganesha's intelligence was glorified all the more when he walked three times around his parents. It was for the competition carried out by his parents, of taking three rounds of the universe, with his brother Kartikeya. Later he explained that his parents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati symbolise the world to him so he paced around them. In fact, because of Lord Ganesha's wisdom and strong listening power, he was chosen by Veda Vyasa to write Mahabharata. There is one interesting story also attached to it; while he was writing, his stylus or pen broke and in order to continue writing without any interruption he broke his tusk and started writing Mahabharata using the broken tusk. All of us have heard Lord Ganesha’s birth story and how he got an elephant head.
There are 32 Forms of Lord Ganesha
The Ganesha Purana has magnificently articled the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. Each form has specific powers and features. The first 16 forms of the 32 forms of Ganesha are known as“Shodasa Ganapati” and the rest are known as “Ekavimsathi”. And amongst them, Mahaganapati is most widely worshipped.
1.Bala Ganesha: The first form of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. This is the child form known as Bala Ganesha and is believed to represent the fertility of the earth. He is bright golden colour like the rising sun with four hands holding – Mango, Jackfruit, Banana and Sugarcane the produce of the Earth. And in his trunk holds his favourite sweet the modaka.
2.Taruna Ganapati: An adolescent form of Ganesha, shining bright red like the midday sun signifying youthful energy. He is ashtabhuja dhari or with eight hands. In Taruna Ganesha's form, he bestows health, fulfilment, happiness and prosperity. An exuberant form of Lord Ganesha representing one of the elements air or Vayu.
3.Bhakti Ganapati: In this form, Lord Ganesha shines like a Sharad Purnima or Autumn full moon. His kindness and compassion to his devotees reflect in this form that's why he himself is shown as a devotee or in bhakti form. The four arms hold a mango, a banana, a coconut and a sweet or a kheer. He represents the water element. And also helps his worshippers to be in control of their temper, and stay blissful in life.
4.Veera Ganapati: He has been depicted as a "Valiant Warrior” in Veera Ganesha form, with 16 arms flared up holding weapons in each hand. Thus symbolising fearlessness, courage and Valor. Represents Agni or fires element and helps those who worship this form to win over all the challenges in life.
5.Shakti Ganapati: He is portrayed as four-armed or Chathurbhuj Ganpati. One of his consorts GoddessShakti sits on his left side leg. This form is more worshipped among Tantriks. Shakti Ganapati represents the element space or Akash. It is believed worshipping this form enhances concentration and provides success in our goals. This form is regarded as the protector of households and is believed to bring peace and harmony to family life.
6.Dvija Ganapati: This form of Ganesha looks similar to Lord Brahma. He is Four-headed and has four arms. Dvija Ganapati's colour is like a moon. The word “Dvija” means born twice, first when the birth takes place and second at the time of wearing the sacred thread (Janeu which Brahmins wear). That’s why Dvija is used to refer to Brahmins. It is believed that worshipping Ganesha in Dvija form brings goodwill and fame in personal and professional life.
7.Siddhi Ganapati: He is also known as ‘Pingala Ganpati’ because of his shiny golden-yellow colour. This 7th form of 32 forms of Ganesha is believed to have attained Ashta or 8 Maha Siddhis. And he blesses his devotees to succeed in all endeavours in life.
8.Ucchhishta Ganesha: He is blue in complexion and portrayed with six arms. He sits with his consort Goddess Shakti on his left leg. He is worshipped more in the Tantrik form of puja. As per Vedic astrology, he is connected to ‘Krittika Nakshatra’. This form of Ganesha is also believed to strengthen the relationship between life partners.
9.Vighna Ganesha: Vighna Ganapati similar to Lord Vishnu holds Shankha or conch and Chakra or discus, in two of his hands amongst eight arms. He is golden yellow in colour and is associated with Rohini Nakshatra. It is believed that this form is particularly significant to remove all obstacles and negativity from devotees' life.
10.Kshipra Ganapati: In this form, you can see him in red colour with four arms. Amongst other things, he can be seen holding a sprig of Kalpavirksha a wish-fulfilling tree. Also holds a tiny pot of precious jewels, which is considered a symbol of prosperity for his followers. Thus, he is believed to fulfil all the wishes of his worshippers and grant them wisdom and wealth.
11.Heramba Ganapati: This form of Ganpati has been illustrated with a Lion as his vehicle. Heramba Ganesha is a rare form, as he possesses five heads and ten hands. In Sanskrit the ‘Heramba’ implies ‘weakness’ or ‘helplessness’ and ‘Ramba’ means ‘protection.’ Thus, He-Ramba Ganapati is the ‘protector of the weak and the helpless.
12.Lakshmi Ganapati: In this form, Ganesha is seen with his consorts Goddess Siddhi (Achievement) and Goddess Budhi (Wisdom) sitting on his legs. He has 8 arms and is white in colour. Prayers to Lakshmi Ganesha bestows devotees with lots of wealth, intelligence, prosperity and a blissful life.
13.Maha Ganapati: Ganesha is portrayed with three eyes and a crescent moon on his forehead just like Lord Shiva. In this form as well one of his consort can be seen sitting on his left leg. He is red in colour and depicted with ten arms. In one of his hand, he can be seen holding his own broken tusk. Maha Ganapati the 13th form of 32 forms of Lord Ganesha, is one of the important and powerful forms. His sincere devotees achieve success and praise in all their accomplishments.
14.Vijaya Ganapati: This form of Ganesha is four-armed or Chathurbhuj is of red colour and rides his vehicle mushaka or mouse. The mouse size here is big and looks like it is galloping fast with Ganesha on its back. Vijaya Ganapati has four hands and is regarded as the God of achievement and success.
15.Nritya Ganapati: He is the exuberant form of Ganpati, dancing happily under the Kalpavriksha tree. Ntritya Ganapati is four-armed and golden in colour. He represents the happy and delightful form of the Lord Ganesha. It is believed that Nritya Ganapati gives proficiency to his devotees in the artistic field. They gain success and fame, especially the dancers.
16.Urdhva Ganapati: This is again considered a Tantrik form of Ganpati. He is Golden in colour with eight arms and his consort Goddess shakti is sitting on his left leg. Those who worship this form are able to overcome difficulties and enhance their inner strength.
17.Ekakshara Ganapati: ‘Eka’ stands for one and ‘Akshara’ means ‘the letter’. Thus Eka Akshara indicates a single syllable representing the Beejakshara or seed letter called ‘Gam,’ In this form, represents the universal sound, ‘Om.’ He is seen sitting in a Padmasana posture (lotus pose) and is riding Mushaka the mouse. He is red in complexion and like Lord Shiva, he has three eyes and a crescent moon on his crown.
18.Varada Ganapati: He is known to be a boon-giver to his devotees. He has a third eye of wisdom, four arms and a Crescent moon on his crown. His consort Goddess shakti sits on his left side leg. The shakti can be seen holding a lotus and the flag. This Ganapati is red in complexion and is upheld as a symbol of generosity.
19.Tryakshara Ganapati: This form connotes the three-letter word ‘A-U-M’ Om' sound. Tryakshara Ganapati has a golden complexion and there is a third eye on his forehead. Portrayed with four hands and big floppy ears. His worshippers who concentrate on this form attain spiritual knowledge and head to the self-realization journey.
20.Kshipra Prasada Ganapati: In this form, he is seen sitting on the sacred Kusha grass. In his appearance, he is depicted with six arms and a crimson-red complexion. His distinctly big belly in this form represents the Universe. Kshipra Prasada Ganapati is believed to reward his worshipper far more easily.
21.Haridra Ganapati: This form is considered to be made up of turmeric that's how he appears to be bright yellow in colour. He has four hands and in one of his upper hands, he holds a noose and in another an elephant Goad. It is believed that Ganesha holds his devotees close to him with the noose and stimulates them to move ahead with the Goad.
22.Ekadanta Ganapati: Ekadanta means “single-tusked” Lord Ganapati. In this form, he is blue in colour and has a much larger belly symbolising the universe exists inside him. Amongst four of his arms in one hand he holds an axe, which is believed to cut the bond of ignorance.
23.Srishti Ganapati: As the name suggests he is regarded as the creator of the Universe. Portrayed in crimson red colour and has four hands. He rides his vehicle mushaka or mouse. It is believed that Srishti Ganesha help his devotees to attain the power of judgement or discrimination.
24.Uddanda Ganapati: In this form, Lord Ganesha has twelve arms and Goddess Shakti has been shown sitting on his left leg. He is an angry and aggressive form of Ganpati. In this 24th form of 32 forms of Lord Ganesha, he is regarded as the merciless persecutor of evil and upholds Dharma or righteousness.
25.Rinamochana Ganapati: This form of Ganesha enables his devotees to liberate themselves from the Karmic debts of this world. He is white in colour that’s why appears to be a crystal image and has four arms.
26.Dhundhi Ganapati: He can be seen holding rudraksha beads and it is said that Lord Shiva resides in them. This form too shows or empowers the spiritual knowledge of the devotees. It leads them to the path of moksha or liberation. In this appearance, he is portrayed as red in colour and has four hands. The Ratna Kumbha or the pot of jewels, which he holds represents the supreme consciousness leading to the spiritual path.
27.Dvimukha Ganapati: In this form, Lord Ganesha is portrayed with two faces which stands for his ability to look at the inner and outer aspects of the universe. As the one who can see in all directions. He is greenish-blue in colour, with four hands and wears a bright gem-decorated crown on his head. It is said that in this form he bestows protection to his devotees against all evil forces.
28.Trimukha Ganapati: This 28th form of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha is one of the most revered Ganesha forms. He is three-faced, Sits on a lotus flower and with six hands. Trimukha Ganapati looks after the well-being of the devotees and their families. He is red in complexion, with a pot filled with nectar in his left hand.
29.Simha Ganapati: As a Simha Ganesha, he is portrayed with eight arms and the face of a Lion or Simha. He is believed to boast the fearlessness and core strength of the characteristics in his worshippers. In some places, he is also shown as riding a lion or holding a lion in one of his hands.
30.Yoga Ganapati: In this form, he is in deep meditation with folded knees in a meditation posture. He shines bright like a rising sun. Yoga Ganesha is connected with the base chakra called the Mooladhara chakra. That is why it is believed that worshipping this form brings mental health, physical health, and progress in life.
31.Durga Ganapati: This form of Ganesha has powers similar to Goddess Durga. He has the undefeatable powers to gain victory over evil. He has eight arms and glows like a bar of gold. The worshippers of this form are able to remove all the obstacles and come out victorious in every aspect of life.
32.Sankatahara Ganapati: This is the last of the 32 forms of Ganesha. Sankathara means banishing all the problems of life. In this form, he eliminates all the obstacles and sorrows in the life of his devotees. He can be seen in a radiant red colour with four arms. And his consort Goddess Shakti is sitting on his left leg.
Thus these are the 32 forms of Ganesha as per our Hindu scriptures. Each form has its own specific significance and purpose. As per the devotees' realisation and desire in life, these specific forms of Ganesha can be worshipped. Based on your problems and needs Askganesha can find out the form you need to focus or concentrate on, to accomplish your wishes or demolish all the obstacles in your life.
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gssoftwareposts · 1 year
Ganpati Packaging: Your Trusted Wholesale Packaging Materials Supplier in Kolkata
In the bustling landscape of commerce and industry, packaging stands as a silent ambassador, reflecting a brand's identity and ensuring products reach customers in pristine condition. Ganpati Packaging, a distinguished player in the field, holds the mantle of a leading wholesale packaging materials supplier in Kolkata. This article delves into the realm of wholesale packaging materials, showcasing how Ganpati Packaging is transforming the packaging landscape in the city.
Empowering Businesses with Wholesale Packaging Solutions:
Ganpati Packaging is not just a supplier of materials; it's a partner in progress, offering a diverse array of wholesale packaging materials that cater to various industry needs:
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Wholesale Packaging Materials Supplier in Kolkata: Why Choose Ganpati Packaging:
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Conclusion: Ganpati Packaging - A Reliable Partner in Progress:
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From corrugated boxes to bubble mailers, every product by Ganpati Packaging signifies excellence and dependability. As packaging continues to evolve from a practical requirement to a strategic asset, Ganpati Packaging leads the way, shaping how products are protected, presented, and perceived. With a commitment to quality and a vision for innovation, Ganpati Packaging is much more than a supplier; it's a partner in Kolkata's journey of growth and success.
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jagdambapearls12 · 1 year
Lord Ganesha’s Wisdom: The Symbolism of Elephant Motif Jewelry
Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu deity, is revered as the Remover of Obstacles and the God of Wisdom and Intellect. His unique representation with an elephant head has deep-rooted symbolism, making him a beloved and worshipped figure in Hindu culture. This symbolism extends to the world of jewelry, where the elephant motif is often featured in various forms. In this article, we will explore the significance of Lord Ganesha’s elephant head and how jewelry adorned with this motif embodies wisdom, intellect, and the power to overcome obstacles.
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Ganesh Puja Thali: Ornate Offerings to the Divine
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Silver Laxmi Ganesh: Blessings of Wealth and Wisdom:
Lord Ganesha is often accompanied by Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth. We delve into the symbolism and significance of the Silver Laxmi Ganesh combination and how it is revered in Hindu culture.
Gold Ganesh Pendant: A Divine Accessory:
Gold Ganesh pendants are not just fashionable but also hold deep spiritual significance. We explore the artistry behind these pendants and how they make for precious, meaningful gifts.
 Silver Ganesh: A Timeless Symbol
Silver Ganesh figurines have a timeless appeal. We discuss their versatility as home decor, spiritual items, and collectibles, making them a must-have for enthusiasts.
Silver Lakshmi Ganesh: Celebrating Prosperity:
Lakshmi Ganesh silver coins are symbols of abundance and prosperity. We discuss their role in special occasions and festivals, and how they are considered lucky charms.
Gold Ganpati Pendant: A Symbol of Divine Fortune:
Gold Ganpati pendants are not just fashion statements but also symbols of divine fortune. We delve into their artistic design and the blessings they bring to their wearers. 
The elephant motif, symbolizing Lord Ganesha’s wisdom and the power to overcome obstacles, finds a cherished place in jewelry and religious artifacts. Whether it’s Ganesha idols, silver coins, or jewelry, each item carries a piece of divine significance and an invitation to seek the blessings of the Lord. By adorning these items, individuals can infuse their lives with wisdom, intellect, and the strength to surmount challenges, making them not only beautiful but also spiritually enriching. Visit our Website for more Collections @jpearls.com
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