#ganymede the ferret
lovelyllamasblog · 10 months
Jupiter ☮️
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Character Desciption
“If you were to seek out Jupiter through a telescope, you would find dozens of tiny objects in her orbit. These are Jupiter’s pets!! Each and every one rescued by our peace loving, big hearted, hippie-girl, Jupiter! The most visible (and her favorites) would be Io the Pup, Callisto the Cat, Europa the Bunny, and Ganymede the Ferret, who jet back behind her where ever she goes. Besides rescuing animals, Jupiter is very concerned about the environment, often organizing events to help get rid of junk left behind by astronauts. She is also very spiritual, always striving to become one with the universe.”
(taken from Galaxy Girls wikia)
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bufomancer · 2 years
Another round of “planning out ideal long term enclosure blueprints”…
Double Critter Nation 1 (split into two vivs):
-Lady mice
-Argon & Gallium (gerbils)
Double Critter Nation 2 (split into two vivs):
-Thallium & Cobalt (gerbils)
-hamster (foster Or permanent. dwarf only if permanent bc 3x2x2 is small for a syrian longterm. ok if a foster syrian)
*I don’t have this viv yet and need to buy it
Muscle Rack 1:
-Furiosa (4x2x2)
-Callista & Ganymede (40 breeder) (they’re jumpy and like to escape, so top opening only for them, not front opening)
Feisty Ferret + Savic Mickey XL on top
-Trowel & Panko
-Mick, Miquella, and Melania
-Amber Lue & Palamedes
*Eventually one or both of these enclosures will either go in storage or be used for fosters. 620 square inches is a bit small for what I prefer long term, but okay for a mouse/soft fur pair. Okay for fostering dwarf hamsters, but I’d prefer not to foster syrians in that size. Or for fostering mice but.. I don’t really foster mice I just keep them!
Muscle Rack 2:
-spare bin or foster bin (200qt)
*Eventually this will probably be my foster stack, with both enclosures being for foster hamsters
Muscle Rack 3:
-Lucky Charms (4x2x2)
-Ricearoni (40 breeder front opening)
Viv Stack:
-Meryt (3x2x2)
-Freak (3x2x2)
-New herps I may or may not be getting (3x2x2)
Muscle Rack 4:
-Niobe (4x2x2)
-Bins for isopods
Soooo that is… 8 different stacks of enclosures totaling just about 36 feet of enclosures 😅😅😅 Anticipating for sure 2 foster enclosures, maybe 3-4.
I am toying with the idea of getting an aquarium again, so I am researching which fish I’d like to get & what their care is like but my first priority is getting my permanent pets in their upgrades. My second priority is ensuring I can take in fosters. Aquarium is last priority.
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