#gao answers
heymeowmao · 2 months
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冰雪谣 | Snowfall E11 ° What? Did I strike a nerve?
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 days
Do you have any opinions on Gao Zhan?
he is the emperor’s real spouse and everyone knows it. also meng-dage should thank him.
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randomjreader · 2 years
Yaz: Oh I love my family, they're the greatest gift I've ever gotten, and I love the heartstopper family too 🥰
Kit: I got an electric guitar once and it was my greatest gift, and the worst gift I've ever gotten was probably like pants or something 🙂
Joe: the greatest gift I've ever gotten was feeding penguins!! and I got a POGO STICK ONE YEAR AND IT WAS SO COOL I COULD DO TRICKS AND EVERYTHING!!!
Will: 🍊
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slonekaru · 2 years
I’m back with another question!! What were your top 5 moments in a BL.
It could be the moment you went from “I kinda like this show to I love this show so much” or like moments that made you swoon.
Wow this one is actually so much harder than favourite BL's of this year! (I also had to remind myself that it wasn't just sex scenes - bad brain)
Love in the Air - Riding (Episode 6)
So we are starting with a sex scene but lets face it that scene left me gobsmacked! Payu may have still been the Dom and in charge but he let Rain reward him for winning his race and take control.
The tongue lick, Rains dirty talk, Payu looking absolutely wrecked.
If I could get pregnant via watching TV, that moment Payu called Rain Naughty Boy, IN THAT VOICE, would have been it.
Then when Rain said he was riding, I was like, he's not, he's not, he is! OMG he did!!!
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Cutie Pie - Marriage Talk (Episode 7)
The scene where they are in Lian's club and talking about marriage. I really liked the discussion in general. It's a popular discussion point in BL's now but I liked this one because it had one friend that took the role of 'why is it important you can still be together'. I thought it was important because friends sometimes say things like that without malicious intent they just don't think.
The other reason I love it was it was my intro to BounPrem. I heard people go on about them but had never watched a show with them in. As soon as I saw them I fell in love with their pairing. It was a revelation and I fell down the BounPrem rabbit hole.
I believe my thoughts were along the lines that Boun looked like a vampire (hilarious since I later found he wants to play one) and that Prem looked like he would be really good in bed (again - bad brain). I also like it because it has more PremBoun vibes rather than BounPrem.
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Between Us - Boyfriend Talk (Episode 5)
This has been stuck in my head the last couple of weeks.
The fact Win leaves his bedroom door open for Team and that Team is comfortable enough to let himself in speaks to how their relationship is progressing.
But the part that got me was when Team asked Win not to see anyone else at that time. When Win doesn't reply, Team looks so heartbroken.
It must have taken great courage to ask for exclusivity when they are on such unsure footing.
Then the fact they both clearly want to date each other but aren't ready yet.
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We Best Love: No 1 for You - Confess and Walk Away (Episode 5)
I love the We best Love series so much. I'm sad Season 3 has never materialised.
Shi De confesses to Shu Yi while he thinks he is asleep and later (after some intervention from a third party) Shu Yi confronts Shi De.
It's beautiful, they are just two guys talking and then Shu Yi says he never wants to fall in love with a man. The camera is focused on Sam Lin's face who is playing Shi De and I feel it every time. The way Sam Lin is trying to hold back the tears but still helping Shu Yu. It's so real. So, so very real. And then he tells Shu Yi to be happy and find a nice girl. So heartbreaking.
I will watch this scene over and over.
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Kinnporsche - Apologise (Episode 13)
Lets face it, there were so many moments between Vegas and Pete.
Trying to choose one was so hard! Do I choose the post-credit scene, the sex scene, the talk about their fathers, Vegas being shot, Pete leaving the Main Family, Pete first seeing Vegas torture someone.
But ultimately I picked the scene behind the bar after Pete escapes the safe house.
Biblebuild were so amazing. Pete truly needed the apology from Vegas, he needed the breakdown. It was finally about Pete and not about Vegas like the earlier apology. Vegas is the only person Pete cried in front of during the series. And Vegas needed to truly understand how much he hurt Pete.
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moonandblossoms · 8 months
I think Ray, Mariah, Lee, Kevin and Gary are so adorable as kids
They are!
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thank you for the lily gao love 💖💖 she's probably my favourite VA for Ada
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We love lily gao here!!! Along with Nick!
(Also I’m not the hugest fan of Michelle but I’m willing to overlook it because she’s an aeon stan lmao) but I sticker her face out anyways since this ain’t an Michelle phan blog
Anyways this was apparently for Lilys birthday and nick was there! 💕💕💕 so cute!
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sketching-shark · 1 year
i have a soft spot for zhuhou despite being on the acearo Sun Wukong squad so im having a very fun time imagining the official 1986 x 王者荣耀 promo choosing the Gao Cuilan scene to rep Zhu Bajie and putting Sun Wukong in a wedding robe as evidence for zhuhou "validity" in ship supreme court against shadowshit
ASFGTRETRWEDFS you know anon I had somehow completely forgotten about the fact that Sun Wukong had disguised himself as Gao Cuilan...Bugs Bunny learned it from the best it seems.
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xinyuehui · 2 years
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In the end, he turned to divination for answers.
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universestreasures · 6 months
My Brother Is Also My Dad…?
(A Drabble Requested By @shacchou )
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"It's time for my Final Phase and time to finish you off, Akatsuki! Impact Call! I pay 3 Gauge To evolve Bal into an Impact Monster!" Mokuba declares, three of the floating cards in his gauge meter turning into stars as their energy floods into the monster located to his right area.
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"Bal…Bal will do his super best, bal!"
"Bal is now a Size Two monster, with 1100 attack and 6000 defense and a critical of five thanks to having Bal Knuckle equipped! And his attacks cannot be nulified, meaning that Art of Body Replacement card I know you have in your hand is useless!"
"Oh no! I knew I should have used that to guard your item's attack earlier, but with only one card left in your hand, I didn't think you could have possibly had your Impact Monster!" His ninja friend panics, realizing his mistake as soon as Mokuba pointed it out. Seems like he still had a long way to go to catch up to his brother in terms of Buddyfighting.
"Go for it, Bal!"
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"Bal Burst Smasher!!!!"
And the attack succeds, the impact of Bal's attack reducing Akatsuki's remaining life points in record time. The young Kaiba had outplayed his opponent by anaylzing the situation and predicting what cards they may hold. Mokuba truly did learn a lot about gaming by watching his brother, and was using that knowledge even in a game his brother hadn't played. He was a Kaiba and a gamer in his own right, and his victory today was a showcase of why.
"Game End. Winner: Mokuba Kaiba."
The sound coming from Mokuba's Core Gadget, which took the form of a floating capsule akin to those found in Capsule Monsters Chess, signaling the end of the match. The effects of the fight vanished immediately as Akatsuki's Katana World flag shattered, and the proud Sun Dragon returned to his mini form in a flash of light.
"Mokuba and Bal won, bal!"
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"We sure did! We totally kicked their butt! Up top, Bal!" The raising of his hand for a high five was soon met with the dragon's own palm, both winners giggling and celebrating their victory. Mokuba really had come to get good at Gao's Scorching Sun Dragon Deck that Baku had made not too long after he met Bal. In fact, some suspected if Mokuba became more than just a casual Buddyfighter, that Bal might have become his buddy instead of Gao's.
With the dragon now atop his fluffy hair, Mokuba moves to exit the Castle's Buddyfight arena to meet his opponent and his Buddy Monster, both understandably disheartened by the loss. Noticing this, the Kaiba approaches them, offering them a friendly handshake of good sportsmanship that Bal then mimics.
"Hey, don't look so down, guys! You both played well today. If I didn't have that Green Dragon Shield in my hand on the previous turn, Byakuya's Shadow Dive mulit-attack combo would have taken the rest of my life points! Besides, I had a lot of fun playing with you guys today!"
"Bal loves Buddyfighting with Akatsuki and Byakuya, bal!" The dragon adds, his innocence and sunshine smile, along with Mokuba's kind words, seeming to improve the other's moods rather quickly. Both monster and Buddyfighter return the handshakes, a confident expression now facing Akatsuki's face.
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"Yeah…that was pretty fun! We did almost have you. But next time Mokuba, it will be us who are the winner! Big Z and I are going to go through a special training together soon! When we're finished, no one will be able to beat us!"
"I look forward to seeing the results of that training, Akatsuki."
The two boys and two monsters then both laugh together. Following his adoption, never did he celebrate a match with his opponent like this, win or lose. This change in his behavior was a sure sign that his friends, as well as Yugi Muto and his own crew, really had rubbed off on him. It…It felt good to be able to share games like this again with others. Now he just needed to get into doing them regularly with his brother, a task that seemed more impossible than one might realize.
"That was a great fight, everyone!"
The voice of Gao Mikado breaks through their laughter, Bal immediately waving to his Buddy and the others who were accompanying him. Among the group included Gao's other Buddy, Drum Bunker Dragon, in addition to Gao's two friends Baku and Kuguru. Mokuba may not be as close with the Mighty Sun Fighter's deck builder and analyst as he was with the Buddyfighter proper, but he had come to call the pair his friends in their own right.
"Gao saw Bal and Mokuba's fight, bal!?" The dragon asked, quickly jumping off from Mokuba to instead land right ontop of Gao's shoulder.
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"I sure did, buddy. You two were totally in sync out there! It was so cool to watch, and I think I may have picked up a strategy or two by watching ya!"
"I'm surprised you played the deck I made to match Gao's fight style so well, Mokuba. Call me impressed, bro." Baku adds, the compliment being a high one from a deck builder of his caliber.
"I saw no holes in your strategy, either. You took advantage of the Sun Dragon's unique skills perfectly." Kuguru then comments, pulling up her tablet to then show Mokuba the statistics she took during the match that support her claims. "Your Impact Call in particular was perfectly timed. Your attack formation and demeanor threw your opponent off from using his defensive spell prior."
"N-No need to rub it in..." The young ninja says, his expression looking disheartened. That's when he feels Byakuya gently pat his back, offering his Buddy some comfort.
"If he's getting high praise from you two, then that just proves it! Mokuba, you're an amazing Buddyfighter!"
The wave of compliments hit him hard, elating the young boy's heart. It was, after all, not a common occurrence that he was complimented for his gaming skills. Seto always took the spotlight when it came to that, and while he certainly thinks his brother is deserving of such praise, it felt good to hear it for himself too. Mokuba was a gamer in his own right, and he took pride in that fact, a pride not too dissimilar to Seto's own.
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"Keh. Would you expect anything less from me? We Kaiba's are Gamemasters, after all! Mastering multiple games is our trademark!" Mokuba says with a prideful smile and hands on his hips for a few moments, soaking in the attention. He then takes his now de-transformed Core Deck Case out of his pocket and removes the deck out of it to hand back to Gao. "But…thank you for letting me borrow your Scorching Sun Dragon deck, Gao. It's always a blast to fight with Bal!"
"You can use it anytime! You know Bal is down for it!"
"Bal wants to fight everyone with Mokuba, bal! That be the best day ever, bal! Everyone Buddyfighting together, bal!"
"Huh…" The youngest Kaiba speaks, his mind formulating an idea sparked on by the dragon's words. "You know? That isn't a bad idea, Bal. We should…We should do something to make that happen. Like…throw our own Buddyfight tournament, with the winner getting some kind of prize! That way, everyone will be playing seriously!"
"A tournament with all our friends, huh? Now that sounds interesting! I'm in!" Gao's signature grin appears on his face, matching the one Mokuba formed on his own.
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"You'd invite Big Z to this tournament too, right Mokuba?"
"Of course, Akatsuki! Can't leave you or your brother out of this! Same goes for Tasuku and Suzuha too!" Mokuba would invite his own brother if he was interested in playing the game, which he no doubt wasn't. He was too obsessed with Duel Monsters to probably even think of trying it. Besides, this kind of thing was so not Seto's vibe.
"I'd wanna invite all the best Buddyfighters you guys know, too! Like your classmates and upperclassmen, Gao! It won't be any kind of official event or anything, but I'm sure it will be fun! Plus, we can have it at my house! If…If…"
Mokuba then pauses for a moment, his expression changing from one of excitement to one that looked slightly disheartened. He takes out his phone then, staring at his home screen which contained a more recent photo of himself and Seto he took at Kaiba Land.
"If what, bal?"
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"If I can get permission from Seto, first. He needs to approve any and all social gatherings that happen at the house, whether it's something like this or even just having one person over to play games." That's why Mokuba often hung out with his friends in public places or in their own homes. The process was much easier. "On top of that, he'd probably want background checks on everyone who'd be coming over who he isn't familiar with, Buddy Monsters included. Not to mention just selling him on the idea to begin with…"
The idea did seem like it be a tough sell, considering it's size and scale. It's not like this was a promotion event or anything related to the business. This was just something he wanted to do for fun with his friends, and while Seto respected Mokuba's choice to pursue what he wished, this was…different. He would be agreeing to invite multiple strangers, a whole group of them that included monsters with supernatural abilities, into his home. It was a massive security risk, as well as a distraction.
He hates to admit it, but…as much as he wanted it to happen, he just can't see Seto agreeing to it. This reality is shown on his face, Mokuba sighing heavily in defeat before the battle even began.
"Man…That's…That's tough, Mokuba." Gao comments, gritting his teeth as he looks to the side. "He's stricter with you than my mom is with me, and that's saying something."
"Lord Seto's even stricter than Big Z is with me!" Akatsuki chimes in. "I remember when you told me he banned energy drinks from your house and at Kaiba Corp just because you drank one too many one day!"
"Never met the guy personally, but it really does sound like he's basically your dad, bro. And a very, very overprotective one at that. I think he needs to chill out a bit, if you ask me."
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Baku's comment takes Mokuba aback a few short moments, his purple hues blinking in utter confusion at the deck builder. "What…What do you mean by that, Baku? Seto isn't…isn't my dad. He's my big brother, always has been. And the stuff he does…is just what big brothers do. He's looking out for me, that's all."
"Big bros look out for their siblings, sure. But…" He then sticks a lollipop from his pocket into his mouth, Baku always being one to snack on something during almost any occasion. "I don't think it's the norm for little bros to ask their big bro for permission for everything, or for big bros to ban things from the house or want background checks on people coming into their house. Those are things that parents typically do. Gao, do you do that kind of stuff for Hana?"
"No way, Baku! That's Mom and Dad's job! I just do my part to look out for her, that's all. Though, if anything, she looks out for me! We all wouldn't get up on time if she wasn't there." Gao says, Bal and Drum nodding their heads in agreement.
"And Akatsuki, does Zanya do that kind of stuff for you?"
"Sorta…Big Z does a lot of things for me, but…he more enforces Father's rules when it comes to discipline. He…He tries to be like him when he's not around."
"And Mokuba. Isn't your big bro your legal guardian?"
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"Y-Yeah…B-But that's because…because…" The words stop coming from his mouth, Mokuba unable to find an answer. He was completely stumped here, despite always having some sort of line to say when it came to his brother.
"He's the one responsible for you? The one who is raising you? The one who goes to parent-teacher conferences? Just face it, he's essentially your dad too, bro."
Those words from the deck builder, ones that Mokuba could not understand but was unable to fight against, caused him to stare back at the picture of Seto on his phone again. To him, everything Seto had done since they were kids was normal sibling behavior. Sure, they were in different circumstances compared to other children, but all of it seemed normal to him. But…he sometimes forgets how different his life was compared to those around him, and how that shaped his worldview.
"I…I should get going. It is getting late. Don't want to cause my br-" He pauses for a moment before changing his word. "Seto to worry. I'll…I'll get back to you guys on the tournament idea. If…If it doesn't work at my place, I'm sure Suzuha can host it just fine. That girl has multiple Buddyfight arenas underground at her castle."
That's when he starts to leave the area, putting some pep in his step. His heart and mind were a bag of mixed feelings that he just couldn't comprehend right now. He only stops his exit when he hears the voice of Kuguru calling his name. Mokuba turns around then, his eyes glancing upon the analyst.
"What Baku dear said…He didn't mean it as a bad thing, right Baku?" Kuguru glances at the other with a sharpness behind her glasses, her gaze a signal that he better answer correctly.
"O-Of course not. I'm…I'm sorry if what I said upset you at all. My bad, bro. Sometimes I can be a bit too blunt…" Baku answers, taking his candy out of his mouth, his face portraying his regret. He wasn't too close with Mokuba compared to some of the others here, and if he had, he probably wouldn't have made this comment to begin with. Anyone who knew the Kaiba knew he was sensitive when it came to his brother.
"Your brother may be a bit overprotective like a parent, but what big brother isn't overprotective of their precious sibling?" Kuguru speaks, glancing over at Atatsuki and Gao.
"I can confirm Lord Zanya is very, very protective of Lord Akatsuki. Like there was this one time when someone tried to-" The words of Byakuya are then cut off as Akatsuki covers his mouth, no doubt trying to stop the chatterbox of a monster from saying something highly embarrassing.
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"Yota…protected me in his own way. Even when he was in the hospital, he did all he could to help protect my spirits and…leave me hope for the future." Gao says, sunshine hues glancing up at his hat which was a signature part of his Mighty Sun Fighter uniform, the one his mother originally made for Yota to wear. "And I try to keep that hope alive…for Hana."
Drum then steps forward from Gao's side, walking over to meet Mokuba directly. "Listen, kid. Your brother may be one of the grumpiest humans I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, but…in a lot of ways, he reminds me of how we dragons are. Not all dragons…get to be raised by their parents. I'm one of the lucky ones who has, and let me tell you, my old man is worse than your brother could ever hope to be when it comes to discipline. He threw me across worlds to train because I didn't get his stupid riddle right!"
Mokuba, and the others for that matter, start to laugh a bit at the story. Normally such a display would upset Drum, but right now, he was clearly more focused on the younger Kaiba than himself. He certainly has matured since arriving to Earth, that's for sure. His father would be proud.
"My point is that what your family looks like or what you decide to call what they do isn't what really matters. What does is that you all care about each other, take care of each other, and your brother…cares about you more than most people, monster or human, I've ever met. That's something you should treasure, kid." Drum's words are followed by a nod and smile from everyone, Baku included.
The vice president, on instinct then, moves to open his pendent, staring at the picture of his brother when they were children. Waves of memories flood back to him, of the times Seto cared for him, did everything for him. Looking back, what Seto did for him did somewhat align with what he remembers his father doing for him back when he was alive. Deep down, Mokuba could have made the connection sooner if he wanted to, but it was clear he didn't.
His father was his father. His brother was his brother.
Those were what Mokuba knew them to be and that wasn't going to change. And even if in practicality, the roles of both of those individuals overlapped in Seto's behavior following his father's death, as his friends pointed out, what was important is that Seto loved him. His love was clearly shown through his actions, including the strict ones. He had always done all he could to look out for Mokuba, and if this conversation has reminded him of anything, it was to really appreciate everything his brother goes out of his way to do for him, despite the teen not initially understanding them at the time.
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"I will." He says softly as he closes his pendant, gathering up his bag and preparing to head out. "Now, I better get going before my…big brother starts to worry about me. He can be quite the worry wort, and I don't want to be grounded! See you at school tommorow, Akatsuki! And keep an eye out for updates about the tournament, guys! I'm…I'm going to ask Seto, and maybe by some miracle, he'll actually agree to it!"
With that hopeful statement said, Mokuba takes his leave. He thought about asking Isano to drive him home, but he decided it would be faster if he ran. He…He wanted to see his big brother right now, to see him and give him a hug, a hug as a show of appreciation for all he's done for him…as a brother and beloved member of his family.
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ofeden · 11 months
@heartsbreaking said 'yes, it is lonely, this place of brutality ’ (for bucky from gabrielle)
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THIS  PLACE  OF  BRUTALITY  ,  the  entire  world  ,  in  his  eyes  .  it’s  been  smoked  out  by  the  actions  of  the  war  by  using  guns  and  tanks  ,  to  the  one  using  information  and  betrayal  .  he’s  become  too  familiar  with  this  ,  not  just  in  his  time  as  the  winter  soldier  ,  but  when  james  buchanan  barnes  was  still  a  hopeful  soldier  looking  to  serve  his  country  .  this  brutality  he  knows  all  too  well  . ❛    probably  for  the  best  ,  in    your  line  of  work  —  right  ?      ❜  there’s  a  drip  of  sarcasm  in  his  tone  ,  but  it  lingers  well  with  the  sense  of  knowing  .  he  sticks  out  like  a  sore  thumb  ,  a  man  with  a  metal  arm  ,  blending  into  the  crowd  for  espionage  purposes  ?  unlikely  .  still  ,  there’s  no  resistance  in  his  voice  along  with  the  knowledge  of  where  he  stands  in  this  war  (  even  if  it  often  brings  him  a  certain  pause  as  to  which  side  is  using  him  )    ❛    imagine  trying  to  do  your  work  ,  and  there’s  a  crowd  of  people  around  you  ,  knowing  your  name  ,  and  everything  else  that  you’ve  given  them  ?      ❜ 
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nugulover69 · 1 year
Fanservice bandages aside, nice to have confirmation that there are beds in this cave. or at least one bed. still waiting for an answer on the toilet situation
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deanpinterester · 2 years
this is absolutely not an issue specific to iron widow but methinks fiction needs to stop acting like torture is actually successful in interrogation
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jesush8r · 2 years
they/them need to realize their disconnection to womanhood is a universal female experience and is a superiority complex
let me have a little fun. i have huge tits and cock irl and a great personality ;)
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its very nice having lily as ada because i’ve never seen one of her va be so connected and dedicated to ada like after all that hate most ppl would quit but not lily she loves ada
yes!!!! i've been somewhat vocal with the fact that i started to find re2r ada's voice to be somewhat lackluster in terms of scenes on her own. i still think that her work with leon's scenes are still good. but i just find myself liking re2r ada less and less (because of the va)
lily and courtenay have been my favourites for ada for a long time now. the lily + nick, courtenay + matt for the ada + leon pairings respectively. i still hold re6 ada pretty high, but mostly because re6 aeon is my favourite. (not the face model tho T_T because that is a white woman but we move on) re4 aeon has never been my favourite since it's always canonically been their second meeting.
i've said how i feel about the whole thing a few times now lol
lily and courtenay have always cared the most about ada imo
but i really hope lily returns to reprise her role as ada in any new media that ada is in.
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digital-zone · 2 years
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"Woah, what in the hell?! What happened to this place!? This isn't what happens in the Real World at all!!"
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"I dunno either Mark, but we gotta protect people! There's rampaging Digimon around us!"
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"H-Hold on... Where am I? Th... This isn't what this area was like a moment ago..."
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"MISTRESS!!! You gotta stay calm, we're currently in danger with all these fucking wild Digimon around us! Stay behind me and I'll protect you, damn if I get hurt!! So come on Miss Ayaka, WE GOT TO GO!"
(So these two are Mark and Ayaka, both tamers of the same Gaomon, but at different points. Mark is Gaomon's original tamer but died shortly after the battle, while Ayaka is his second tamer and deals with a very much changed Gaomon due to his denial of Mark's death. I might go back to this blog in the future, but I'll remain here for the foreseeable future!) BLOG LINK!
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placedupon · 1 year
I think a lot of people don't realize that when they are reblogging or making posts about how "evil" China is, they are helping to manufacture consent for the US to go to war with China.
many people already have sinophobic beliefs that they didn't have 5-10 years ago, because here in the US (and the west in general) we are constantly inundated with propaganda about how china is aggressing the US and other countries, how they're spying on us, how oppressive the Chinese gov is. Every single western newspaper, news channel, many of our books and movies are sinophobic. And it's not just conservatives that believe this, it is also leftists and liberals.
I notice many so called leftists on this website reblogging the most ridiculously sinophobic posts with no sources. I think they justify it because many of these posts are made by diaspora asians-- but that doesn't actually make individual people reliable or neutral sources. It is well known in the Asian american community that many of us are very conservative, hold anti-communist and anti-Black beliefs because we too are surrounded by white supremacy. Many diaspora Asians in america came here because their families were wealthy or collaborated with Japanese, American or British colonizers. I'm not saying that every asian person who posts negative things about China is like this-- but obviously, this is a very complicated issue, and the "answers" isn't as simple as finding one asian person or asian organization to explain these issues to you. It's unlearning decades of anti-communist and racist propaganda.
Remember, this pattern has happened before. The US has flooded it's people with propaganda about how evil Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and many other countries are. As US americans, it truly doesn't matter your individual purposes-- when you post negative things about China, you are adding to the thousands of sources telling the west that it is ok to hate an entire country. And the consequences for this are incredibly dire-- just talk to Chinese people who remember the civil war, who remember the west pumping opium into our communities and selling bombs to the ROC to kill its own people. Read books like Assata Shakurs auto-biography, Mobo Gao, Han Suyin, and Frantz Fanon. The US wants you to hate China and Chinese people to justify it's own imperialist project.
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