#garbage pick-up vancouver bc
Optimizing Garbage Pick-up in Vancouver BC: A Comprehensive Sorting Guide
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Living in a beautiful city like Vancouver, British Columbia comes with a responsibility to maintain its natural charm and environmental sustainability. One crucial aspect of this responsibility is properly sorting your garbage pick-up Vancouver BC. Vancouver takes pride in its waste management system, which emphasizes recycling, composting, and minimizing landfill waste. In this blog, we’ll delve into the specifics of how you can ensure that you’re sorting your garbage correctly for pick-up in Vancouver. Read More.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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keenongreen · 5 years
Keen on Green Disposal & Recycling Inc.
Got Junk? We'll Get Rid Of It Fast!
Keen On Green is an eco-friendly junk removal service in Vancouver BC. If you've got junk, they will pick up your junk and get rid of it.  Keen On Green will sort through the rubbish and donate your furniture and other items or recycle your junk from whatever debris removal project you may have. The rest of the waste removal process involves safe disposal of junk in an environmentally friendly way.
Keen On Green Disposal And Recycle will also do garage clean out, estate removal services and yard waste removal as well as TV disposal, old furniture pick up and disposal and appliance pick up and disposal services.  
Electronics disposal includes office junk removal services and includes proper recycling of computers, computer monitors, computer accessories, projectors, screens and any other electronics waste you might have.  
Construction waste disposal, office waste removal, Large and small bins and dumpster rental services are available to commercial junk removal clients.
SERVICE AREAS include all of Vancouver Lower Mainland including:
Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, New Westminster, Port Moody, Richmond, Surrey, Tsawwassen, White Rock
junk removal, furniture disposal, furniture pick up, appliance disposal, appliance pick up, tv disposal, estate removal services, household garbage removal, basement cleanout, garage clean out, mattress removal, yard waste removal, dirt removal, office junk removal, trash bin rental, dumpster rental, construction waste disposal, waste collection service, hot tub removal, roll off rental, debris removal, rubbish collection service
Junk Removal Service in Vancouver. Keen On Green is an eco-friendly junk removal service in Vancouver BC. If you've got junk, we will pick up your junk and get rid of it safely.
Help Those In Need With Your Junk!
Your junk may be needed by someone so we sort through your rubbish and donate or recycle whatever debris we can. The rest of the waste removal process involves safe disposal in an environmentally friendly way.
One-Step Clean-Out Services!
Garage Clean-Out:
Need your garage cleaned out?  Just give us a call and we'll take care of everything.
Basement Clean-Out:
Same goes for your basement. Don't want to deal with all that junk? Just point to what you want and we'll clear everything out... Easy!
Yard Waste Clean-Out:
Got branches, dirt or other dirt in your yard?  Let us take care of the whole mess in one shot!  We'll clear out all the junk and you'll have a clean yard!
Estate Removal Clean-Out Service:
If someone has died and you need to clean out the premises, we will be very respectful and discreet. All the junk you want removed will be taken care of.  We will take special care to take out and save mementos and keepsakes with sentimental value.
Appliance Pick-Up And Furniture Removal Services:
Furniture and appliances are big, bulky and heavy.  Don't risk straining yourself.  Don't try to just dump it in the garbage bin. We will take the good furniture and appliances and donate them to the needy. People will really appreciate having them.  Furniture and appliances have a lot of materials that can be recycled, so we will take them to the right place to get them "processed".  Appliances have electronic components that can be environmentally hazardous.  We'll make sure all electronics removal and disposal is handled safely.
Construction Waste Disposal And Office Waste Removal:
If you have a construction or renovation site, let us know.  We'll provide a bin or dumpster rental to help you out.  If you have other junk, our experienced junk removal crew will clear everything out and leave the premises looking clean and tidy.
Call 778-316-8272 To Book An Appointment!
Junk Removal:
We are a full-service junk removal company with a focus on minimizing our footprint on the environment. We pick up junk from households and businesses throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland and sort,recycle, and donate them to local charities as much as possible, then properly dispose of the rest.
Construction Waste Removal:
Keen On Green provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly construction waste disposal service that benefits with both contractors and property owners. We can pick the waste several times during the construction project or just at the end. Our hauling specialists will ensure that the construction debris is out of your way so that you can get on with the job.
Electronics Waste Removal:
We help save the planet with safe electronics waste removal. Call us if you want to get rid of: Television Set Removal (TV Pickup), Tube Television, TV Stands, Stereo and Audio Equipment, Desktop Computers, Laptops- Tablet, Cellular Phones- Computer monitors- Electric cords and connectors, Computer recycling -- E-Waste Services Include: E-waste removal, Electronics collections pickup, E-recycling, E-waste disposal, Electronic waste disposal, Television removal
Easy Furniture Removal Service:
Easy Furniture Removal Service! Don’t break your back lifting heavy furniture, or trying to figure out how and where to transport it. Let the Keen on Green experts take care of all your furniture removal needs. We will donate and recycle as much as possible, and dispose of old furniture as a last resort.
Office Junk Removal Service:
Try our non-disruptive office junk removal service. If you’re working in your office and finding clutter distracting, it’s probably a good time to consider office junk removal. If you’re moving, relocating, expanding, or just making structural changes, we are here to promptly assist you. Recycling, donating or disposing of office equipment is time consuming and tedious. But it doesn’t have to be! Call Keen on Green to efficiently remove office junk without disrupting your business. We will donate and recycle office items whenever possible, and only dispose of items as a last resort.
Yard Waste Removal:
Removing your own yard waste can be complicated, exhausting and costly. Why not contact Keen on Green for your convenient and inexpensive yard waste disposal service! We even clean your disposal site! Our expert recycling team will haul your yard waste to the recycling centre where it’s decomposed and returned to soil to continue nourishing your beautiful landscape.
Discreet Estate Clean Out Services:
Estate clean out services are needed during one of the most difficult moments in life. The last thing on your mind would be to face an estate clean out. Let us graciously assist you during this sensitive time. Our professional estate cleanup team will respectfully clean out the estate without causing any disruption to you and your family. We will handle each item in the etate cleanup with the utmost caution, compassion, and care. We understand the contents hold sentimental value. Therefore, only with your consent, we will donate and recycle as many items as possible. Some of the organizations we work with are Salvation Army, UGM, and Habitat for Humanity.
Appliance Removal:
Receiving new appliances in your home is exciting but removing old appliances is a much dreaded task. Appliances could be heavy and difficult to transport. You cannot simply get rid of it in your garbage disposal. Depending on the appliance, determines where they should be recycled. Common items that need proper appliance removal are old refrigerators and air conditioners as it contains Freon. If these items are not disposed of properly it can be hazardous to the environment.
Mattress Removal:
We can remove mattresses in bulk at any location, from hotels, nursing homes, to commercial facilities. Mattress or box springs are 95% recyclable. Recycled materials include wood, metal, fabric, felt, foam, cotton and plastic: * Quilting and foam can be turned into carpet underlay * Wood is recycled into bio fuel or other recycled wood products * Plastic is recycled by plastic recyclers * Steel from the box springs is recycled into new metal products * Cotton and felt can be recycled into new felt and insulation. Let us handle your mattress removal project so we can take care of the environment. 
For more information check out our website: https://www.keenongreenrecycle.com/
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hzcleski · 6 years
hello friends! you probs know who i am already but if not hello! i’m sam aaand this is my newish muse! i played hal here for a minute one time but i’ve decided to give him a huuuuge revamp so character info is under the cut! lmk if you wanna plot! messaging me @ellvie​ is probably easiest!
╰☆╮ DYLAN O'BRIEN ─ HAL ZALESKI identifies as CIS MALE and uses HE/HIM pronouns. they’re a FORMER OLYMPIAN/NHL PLAYER, and they’re only TWENTY THREE ! they’re said to be CAPABLE, but also TURBULENT. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE LEGACY in the tabloids.
quick disclaimer that this is a sideblog so i might post to the wrong account sometimes
other disclaimer a lot of my hockey information is from google ok
nathan harold zaleski jr was practically born with a pair of skates on, which makes sense considering his family is hockey royalty. his father is nathan harold zaleski sr, aka a legend and one of the biggest names in sports to this very day. olympic gold medalist several times over, beloved longtime defenseman for the toronto maple leafs, at the very peak of his career and married to a beautiful wealthy socialite when his only child was born.
listen...this is an au where the maple leafs are good or like, had one genuinely good star player in nathan sr. okay thanks for coming to my ted talk!
he’s got dual citizenship because he was born in canada even though he hasn’t lived there since he was ten, but his parents were us citizens, which doesn’t seem important but WAIT FOR IT
nathan jr, who would begin going by the nickname of hal early on in life, probably learned how to skate before he even learned how to walk because of course he did. his father’s intention was always to have another him. i mean for fuck’s sake they have the exact same name. hal’s purpose in life has never been in question, not by him or anyone who’s ever seen him play.
his natural talent for hockey became apparent from a very young age, which didn’t surprise anyone ofc. his father saw it as a sign and began pushing him even harder, hiring the very best trainers and coaches to help perfect his game while nathan sr focused on his own career.
except that he was running out of steam and fast. nothing happened like there was no huge scandal or career ending injury. nathan sr was just...getting old. fans were simply losing interest in him as newer and younger players joined the league and there was nothing he could really do about it except make sure his legacy lived on.
hal was ten years old when everything seemed to finally fall apart. his dad was hanging on to the very last threads of his career, let go from the maple leafs and almost certainly picked up by the new york rangers purely out of pity. meanwhile, hal’s parents finally divorced which he took almost alarmingly well for a ten year old, but it’s not like his parents were ever a shining example of a deep, loving marriage. they spent years settling the divorce, fighting back and forth while suing the shit out of each other across whole fuckin countries. lowkey they almost wound up being more famous for the legal drama than they were for hockey.
hal’s dad finally retired when he was twelve, won sole custody of him when he was fourteen, and pulled enough strings to get him a spot on the canadian hockey team dual citizenship! going to the 2010 vancouver winter olympics when he was just a teenager, making him one of the youngest players to ever compete in the games.
and canada won gold that year so hal was making history again in no time, being one of the youngest players to ever become a gold medalist in the winter olympics. now he didn’t actually see a lot of playing time that year. his skill was undeniable, but no one seemed to think that he was ready for the big time rush. tbh they probably weren’t wrong, but nevertheless his name and his win made an impression on everyone.
up until that point hal was homeschooled bc ofc education came second to hockey, but he always wanted to attend an actual school and he did! after his first olympics his dad finally sent him to the same private school in the city as all the other rich kids and it was...weird! he started in the middle of the year and was instantly an outsider among his classmates. everyone else had known each other all their lives so hal immediately at a disadvantage. it didn’t help that he’d never really...had a single friend before. tbh his peers were probably intimidated by him. he was just a high schooler and already an olympic gold medalist like...ofc no one wanted to be the person to go approach him and say hi.
played for canada again dual citizenship! at the 2014 winter olympics in sochi when he was eighteen and this time HE WAS THE STAR. absolutely at the top of his game. anyone who still thought that he was a joke before the games started shut up real quick when he won his second gold medal.
he got home and was eventually drafted into the nhl, so he sorta ditched school oops. technically he finished but like...barely since he went back to being tutored for the last few months.
several teams wanted him and tried to throw a shit ton of money at him, but hal settled on the new york rangers with a huge multi million dollar deal
he quickly stole hearts on and off the ice. whether fans admired his skill or followed him during the olympics or remembered his father, for one reason or another he was winning people over left and right. unsurprisingly he’d go on to win the 2014-2015 rookie of the year award, presented to him by the president of the nhl and everything.
he did not attend the 2018 winter olympics in pyeongchang as the nhl famously refused to release their players. hal himself was a major part of the uproar. the whole country of canada dual citizenship! practically threw a fucking fit bc the nhl was disqualifying their star player from winning them their third gold medal in a row and hey big surprise...canada didn’t win gold in 2018 :)
hal’s in the middle of his fifth i think? year of pro hockey rn and so far his career has been solid. his dad is really pushing him to sign with a “better team” and he has gotten offers, but he isn’t really interested. he likes playing for new york & he likes living in new york. maybe someday....maybeeee....but for right now he’s happy with where he is.
okay now for some fast facts!
literally always looks like he just got into a fight, probably bc he just did during his last game. is usually sporting some injury like a black eye or split lip or cut cheek. fortunately hasn’t completely given in to the hockey player stereotype by getting all of his fuckin teeth knocked out...yet
notice that i hardly mentioned his mom? that about sums up their relationship tbh. hal was practically raised by nannies and trainers. his mom always had some brunch or gala or public appearance she was far more invested in. literally she didn’t even really...want custody of him when she divorced his dad, but she claimed to just to be petty and give nathan sr an even more difficult time. yeah they kinda hate each other now and since hal has always been closer to his dad, his mom isn’t even really that interested in seeing him lmao. she’ll call like once a month and invites him to brunch if she happens to be in the city, but ngl hal probably hasn’t seen her in like...a couple years at the least. he’s not really broken up about it either.
right so...walking talking endless pit of daddy issues? you bet! just because hal prefers his dad doesn’t mean that they get along or that his dad is a good person. he still has his perfect public image and he isn’t complete garbage but...yeah their relationship is extremely toxic. he’s always been very harsh with hal, pushing him and pushing him to be the best bc nothing he accomplishes is ever good enough.
so what if he's won two olympic gold medals? so what if he was rookie of the year? so what if he’s considered one of the best and most beloved players in the nhl? he can do more, he can be even better. his dad is a constant voice in his head even though he’s always around anyway. he never misses a game or an opportunity to point out hal’s every flaw.
ofc as a result hal’s always been very hard on himself. every single day of his entire life has been spent basing his self worth off what his father thinks of him. it was awful for his self esteem bc no fucking duh.
HOWEVER. it isn’t public knowledge at this time, but as of right now? hal’s relationship with his father is falling apart faster and faster by the moment. they’re a ticking time bomb & it’s literally only a matter of time before they explode yikes!
fortunately hal could sorta sense the direction things were heading and did something about it. he finally moved out when the hockey season started back in october and he’s been feeling better ever since. like he has more control over his life even though his dad is still WAY too involved.
personality: a douchebag who means no harm, mostly because he's never really trying to be a jerk. tends to come across as a typical meathead jock for good reason bc that’s exactly who he is. in conversation he's usually very blunt and a little awkward bc he’s still learning how to socialize with others. hockey is basically his whole life so it’s all he knows how to talk about, which can either be endearing or annoying. a genius hockey player, but a ditz in every other area. very short - tempered and impulsive. always means well and wants the best for those he cares about, but might go about expressing those feelings in a weird way bc he was never taught how to properly deal with his emotions.
step sibling he grew up with - sabrina miller
paternal cousins - warren daily and wren daily
cousin by marriage - rosalind cox
maternal cousin - open. his mom is polish for reference!
girlfriend - genesis iver
ex fiancée - ginny baker
ex on good terms - margo massey
ex who cheated on him - isla thompson
former fwb - amethyst armenta, open to more.
former toxic on / off relationship - reese monroe
exes, open to more.
hal has a ton of other exes and i don’t feel like listing them tbh all so i’m just gonna assume that y’all know who you are ok
best friend 5ever - marialena goldstein
confidant - open.
family friends - sullivan ramsey, open to more.
childhood friends - open to more.
close friends - open to more.
friends - mia kauri, chance kauri, theo cannon, angel almeida, open to more.
bickering friends - open to more.
workout buddy - open.
on bad terms - kennedy drakos, jay weston, open to more.
these are just a few plot ideas! i’m most definitely open to other stuff so if you have any ideas please free to share! i think that’s enough from me soooo yeah! mssg me if you wanna plot & as always i’m super excited to write with everyone!
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Utilizing A Junk Removal Service to Get Rid of Unwanted Stuff
To most mortgage holders, discarding their garbage can be a noteworthy task and a genuinely unsavory errand at that. However, it is an errand which a significant number of us may require to finish so as to keep our homes mess free, and in times where we have to evacuate a lot of garbage, this is the place a Junk Removal Service can act the hero.
Following your call, a garbage expulsion administration will dispatch a team to your home and evacuate any put aside things which you never again need or need. Moreover, they may likewise give a dumpster when required, for you to stack your undesirable garbage into, and after that remove this sometime in the future. This is one manner by which an administration may work following your necessities. An option is for the garbage evacuation administration to leave a dumpster in your carport for a concurred timeframe, amid which you can load up with your undesirable merchandise. A further choice for certain customers who require an increasingly intensive administration is that notwithstanding giving you a dumpster and expelling it when full, they will likewise clean your home of indicated garbage. There are organizations that will sort out a garbage the executives and expulsion administration for you which is perfect if a lot of garbage are produced all the time.
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With respect to the end result for your garbage once your picked administration has expelled it from your home, it isn't only an issue of just expelling it from your home and after that dumping it some place. Things, for example, machines and hardware must be discarded in a protected and right way this especially applies to any article that has patched wiring which can dirty our dirt so any things, for example, TVs, stoves and fridges must be discarded accurately. These things should likewise be handled so as to expel copper and other tainting materials. Having the particular information of precisely where to take explicit things for transfer, is an indispensable piece of an expert and exhaustive Junk Removal Service.
The moving of furniture, regardless of whether just moved a short separation, can be surpassing stressing on the body, and our feelings of anxiety! We can frequently experience various impediments while moving our furnishings, for example, the exchange of stairs, stacking things onto a vehicle and after that moving our things to a predefined dumpsite for evacuation. Issue things of this nature can incorporate sleeping cushions and box springs, covering and pianos and as a rule, most of individuals don't have the methods or capacity to securely move these things their self. Only one telephone call to a legitimate garbage expulsion administration can furnish you with the required labor and gear which makes evacuating your garbage, brisk, simple or more all, safe.
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The costs included while contracting a Junk Removal Service will fluctuate with every individual organization so it is in this manner fitting to get focused citations before utilizing a particular organization. A few organizations may give a support of a level charge which is regularly viewed just like the favored technique. This sort of expense will rely on the measure of garbage you require moved, despite the fact that the vehicle utilized will for the most part be a huge moving or dump truck. Frequently, your all out expense will likewise incorporate a level charge which will incorporate work and gas.
An inquiry that will for the most part be asked is: what is the normal cost of utilizing a level expense based administration? Many garbage evacuation administrations will charge their clients dependent on the measure of truck they require so before consenting to utilize any administration, it is vital to check how their expenses are determined. With regards to enlisting a garbage evacuation administration for your necessities, it is worthwhile to right off the bat take a gander at what you will require to be expelled and make a note of this. This will make it simpler when the time comes to procure an administration as though you know about how huge the activity will be, every individual administration will most likely furnish you with an increasingly exact statement.
A Junk Removal Service can make the expulsion of garbage from your home a straightforward and practically easy errand. Not exclusively will your garbage be expelled in a safe and earth agreeable way, however it will likewise spare you a lot of time, and potentially cash as well.
Contact Us:
Rid-Of-It Vancouver Junk Removal
Address: 167 W.2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1B8
Call At: (604) 659-6670
External Links: Junk Removal British Columbia Rubbish Removal Vancouver Vancouver Junk Removal Junk Removal Vancouver, BC Mattress Pick Up Vancouver, British Columbia Furniture Removal Vancouver, British Columbia Yard Waste Removal Vancouver, British Columbia Commercial Junk Removal Vancouver Vancouver Commercial Junk Removal Warehouse Junk Removal Vancouver Vancouver Warehouse Junk Removal Vancouver Household Junk Removal Services Household Junk Removal Services Vancouver General Yard Waste Removal Vancouver Office Furniture Removal Vancouver Office Equipment Removal Vancouver Office Appliances Removal Vancouver Carpet for disposal Vancouver Construction Waste Removal Vancouver Scrap Metal Waste Vancouver
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trcnquils-archive · 6 years
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hihi everyone !! lily here with my favourite son , raffy !!! but like .. if you call him that he’ll definitely get booty tickled :/ anymeme , i’m just gonna warn you guys now that this intro’s gonna be pure garbage . like i know people joke but srsly ... anyways i have a stats page for raf here and a wc tag here but no bio bc i ... don’t have the emotional energy for that SO here’s the run down !
* raul esparza , forty five , cismale — hey , have you seen rafael romero anywhere ? i’m hearing beyond the sea by bobby darin so he must be around here somewhere . hm , maybe they’re at home in commercial drive or at work . they’re a high school teacher , y’know . people also call them the academic ‘cause they can be pretty reserved & stubborn . but others say they’re also benevolent & empathetic , so i guess it balances out .
okay not to be dramatic but .. raf had a pretty rough childhood idk why but ... all of my muses did .. maybe i’m projecting or maybe i like 2 suffer but uk.. its wtvr ig :/ 
death tw / cancer tw
— born in dawson creek , british columbia , raf’s family had to move to the small city of grande prairie when he was around eight years old . his dad was laid off from his job at the oil patch and they moved to alberta for the supposedly better jop opportunities but with only a high school diploma and his lack of ambition , there really wasn’t much there for him . 
— with 5 kids in the family and an unemployed dad , raf always kinda knew the #struggle . and when he thought things couldn’t get any harder ! raf’s mom was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer his freshman year of high school , it kinda ran in her side of the family . then by the time sophomore year rolled around , raf was helping his dad plan her funeral .
— after that , things really started going downhill fast . his dad still couldn’t find a job and started pretty much flaking on them , disappearing multiple nights in a row , drinking heavily . raf’s dad was a good man , respectful , and care about his kids but just not enough . it came to a point when raf reached his eighteenth birthday that he just left them , with nothing more than a note apologizing , saying they’d do better without him . 
— throughout high school and up until his college years you better believe that raf was on that work grind™ . his mom left him and his siblings the house plus a decent amount of money but he wanted to save that money for their schooling so he was working multiple jobs at a time , some full time , just to support himself and his siblings . raf missed so much school one year that he almost failed his junior year of high school . but grande prairie was a small place and all of his teachers pretty much knew what was going on so they cut him some slack .
— really , they pitied the kid . they tried really hard to help him in whatever way they could his senior year since they knew raf actually had potential . they got him to focus more on his education and work just that much harder and it all paid off ! because raf got a full-ride scholarship to the university of british columbia . things really started looking up after this .
— since he refused to leave his siblings behind , raf sold their house in grande prairie and used the money from that with the money their mom left them to move himself and his siblings to the tiniest , cheapest apartment he could find in vancouver . while still working , in ubc he completed his bachelor’s in english and afterwards he got accepted into their law school .
— after law school , raf flitted around the city between different jobs at smaller firms for a couple of years until landing a decent one at one of the city’s top corporate law firms . there , he worked his way up and up through the years , earning a name for himself in the city until he reached the title of senior partner . throughout this , he supported his siblings , helping put them through college , etc .
— it was some time around this point in his life that raf fell in love , got married , and had a kid of his own . but he was so focused on work , not wanting his family to go through the same financial struggles he did , that he completely forgot about spending time with his wife and son . this was the main reason his wife divorced him and moved out of their condo and this kinda .. what led raf to ~reinvent~ himself and have a reverse mid-life crisis jfdijfing
— so he dropped his HIGH-PAYING JOB AT A TOP NOTCH CORPORATE LAW FIRM smh ,,, and picked up a teaching job at his sons high school :/ can u say .. embarrasing .. but he a smort binch and worked smth out money wise so that they’re not broke .... like a savings ? im a dum binch so idk but like ... yeah ....
— so like right now , raf just wants to spend time with his son , inspire kids , help them the way his old teachers helped them in high school . even tho ... he kinda fucked emotionally , doesn’t think his feelings are valid ... #relatable #toxic masculinity ,, but like hes TRYING ok 
— coworkers !! pls ! maybe they get along , maybe raf hates them , maybe they hate raf , gimme all of it !
— friends ! casual or more the ride or die , “i won’t let you go through this alone” type , whatever works !!
— former students . again , maybe they hated each other , or maybe ! raf changed someone’s life , a gal can only dream right ...
— neighbours . if ur muse lives in commercial drive in a maybe nicer condo , cause y’know , he spoils his son , then ! maybe they cld be neighbours !!
— uhhh people who are friends w his son ? idk that’s kinda weird but he’s like 17/18 sooo uk , go off
— someone that knew him from his #lawyerdays would be cool too ! so if your muse is in tht typa scene .. they cld meet him now n be like ... wow u rlly downgraded :/
— idk being a dad is natural to him , he’s been a dad since he was like 15 so if ur muse needs guidance ... the light ... a father figure ... big brother .... let a heaux know cause i think raf lowkey thrives off of being needed ....
— anything else ! if you have any other ideas or maybe we shld just surprise ourselves and completely do it chem based , that’s cool too ! i’m literally down for anything !!
there’s a bunch of personality stuff on  his stats page i don’t wanna make this any longer than it already is SO THATS IT IM DONE IM GOING TO STOP TYPING NOW BUT PLS !! give my sad boi some life
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gremleine · 6 years
A-Z Tag
apparently we’re doing tags out here now (tagged by @acosmic​)
rules: answer the questions and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better
A: age - 19
B: birthplace – Vancouver, BC
C: current time – 6:27AM
D: drink you had last - lukewarm iced tea
E: easiest person to talk to - veronica :^)
F: favourite song(s) – hard hitting questions early on.... ok here we go, in no particular order, Songs of the Moment:
diplomat’s son - vampire weekend
darling - real estate
pink ocean - the voidz
satellite - strfkr
powerlines - tame impala
lemon glow - beach house (sorry i had to)
big shrimp - flatbush zombies
deadcrush - alt-j 
ok i’ll stop now but i could keep going
list of people (to try and forget about) - also tame impala
ok now i’ll stop fr
G: grossest memory –  my memory is garbage so i’ll just go with every single instance of a sweaty shirtless old man handing me his sweaty gross credit card with his sweaty gross hands. cleaning out drains at work was also pretty gross 
H: hogwarts house –  uh slytherin i think last time i checked
I: in love – nope
J: jealous of people – not really, but when i was younger definitely envious yes (of confident and outgoing people more specifically)
K: killed someone - fucking ants ( i mean literal ants. people are not ants. this was not meant to be a metaphor). maybe accidentally killed a tourist via giving them wrong directions?
L: love at first sight – not with people i guess. only for when i impulse buy prescription sunglasses
M: middle name – emma
N: number of siblings – 2 plus dog plus r***t who is basically a younger sibling
O: one wish – for a funny article in the headlines i have to sift thru this morning. let’s start small
R: reasons to smile - arctic monkeys concert in august, work is good, friends are good, probably getting bubble tea today, painkillers EXIST and FUNCTION in this world, NEW MOB PSYCHO 100 !!!  (listed in no particular order, among many others)
S: song you sang last – neon genesis evangelion opening, badly, without backup instrumentals, with fedah
T: time you woke up - 5:20, and then 5:50
U: underwear color – currently like dark teal i guess. vriska blood
V: vacation destination - i really want to go to rural russia at some point because i’m not convinced it’s real. i also don’t want to die though so fuckin uh ? france would be cool i guess hypothetically
W: worst habit – SKIN PICKING (echoing the statement of the last two tag-ees, all caps because BAD), also gonna put “forgetfulness” here, which isn’t really a habit but still bad
X: xrays – the ring finger toe incident. also prolly when i was a kid. i’ve also had an ultrasound which was weird
Y: your favourite food – pho (beef broth specifically) is dope, iced lattes from mountain goat are also pretty rad, SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH SPINACH AND SRIRACHA (specifically to spite james)
Z: zodiac sign – scorpio/sagittarius
tagging (if you are so inclined): @arctic-fedah @imbuingoctave @pizzabrunch @fabulous-bisexual @hanieldann (yes i double tagged fedah and daniel u can’T stop me @biueller) @vicambulating @haileytxt @jacislog ok fuck gotta go get ready for work now i’m way behind schedule lol
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garbagebinrentals · 5 years
What is Dirty Recycling
Recycling in Toronto has made great strides, as an industry, in the past decade. Even so, ‘dirty recycling’ is still very much a prominent theme at sorting facilities across the GTA. If recycling numbers are to rise to where we need them to be in the coming years, dirty recycling as a phenomenon is something that we’re going to have to acknowledge and resolve.
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What is dirty recycling?
If recycling is to be processed and re-manufactured into recycled materials, it must be sorted, cleaned and void of any contaminants. So let’s say, you take your Toronto blue recycling bin, piling it beautifully with recyclables. If the materials themselves aren’t clean enough to make something from, the entire bin can be disregarded as ‘contaminated’ and is then sent to the landfill. Defining ‘dirty recycling’, it’s all in the name.
What is the goal of recycling?
We think of recycling as a means of helping the planet. The goal of the recycling industry is to make money from waste – that’s it, for better or for worse. If bales of recycling don’t sell, they’re sent to the landfill and are good as garbage even if the material itself isn’t waste.
Why does dirty recycling happen?
Dirty recycling in Toronto is most often unintentional, due to a lack of education on what is recyclable in the GTA. We all live busy lives. Few take the time to review every year what’s recyclable. Instead, we make assumptions. Alternatively, when throwing out recyclables, we don’t always take the time to rinse out glass or plastic containers, or to verify that what we’re tossing is recyclable, and/or check the pizza box for grease stains.
What is the biggest contaminant in recycling?
The top contaminant in recycling is food. Even a little peanut butter inside the container’s a problem. If you put this type of thing into recycling, it will not only affect all the materials in its bin but it could impact tonnes of materials. Some estimates suggest that as much as 26-35% of recyclables contain some sort of contaminant – usually food – in them which reduces the value of what’s being processed.
What is Toronto’s recycling contamination rate?
According to a recent CBC investigation, of all major cities in Canada, Toronto has the worst recycling contamination rate. The city with the best recycling contamination rate is St. John’s, Newfoundland, only 3 percent. Here is a quick list of the top 10 worst city contamination rates.
 10 – St. John’s (3%)  9 – Vancouver (4.6%)  8 – Ottawa (5%)  7 – Regina (11%)  6 – Winnipeg (13%)  5 – Calgary (13%)  4 – Fredericton (14%)  3 – Halifax (21%)  2 – Edmonton (24%)  1 – Toronto (26%)
Should Toronto have separate recycling bins?
One possible strategy to cut down on dirty recycling and increase recycling efficiencies are to utilize multiple bins. In Vancouver, they have a bin for glass separate from other recycling materials. The city also requires citizens to separate paper, cardboard, and containers. Here in Toronto everything goes into one bin. It then gets separated at the waste management processing facility. Single-stream recycling programs like Toronto always boast the highest contamination rates, according to industry experts. It isn’t unreasonable to think in the coming decade, the GTA may have to really examine how its single-bin recycling pick-up impacts efficiencies.
How much does it cost to process dirty recycling?
With dirty recycling, you’re essentially paying twice to process it – the first at the recycling plant and the second as it gets processed at another facility to be put into a landfill. In Toronto, one must also factor in the cost of everything that contaminated recycling comes in contact with which reduces recyclables to low-value waste. Though Toronto’s contract with waste management stakeholders, contamination can result in additional surcharges as well. Some estimates suggest that there’s $1,000,000s to be saved every year in waste collection if the city were to conquer its contamination problem.
Is dirty recycling getting worse?
Dirty recycling has been on the increase these past few years due to countries like China increasing regulation on what waste and recycling they accept. China, for example, now accepts recycled paper with 0.5 percent contamination or less. Before, Canada could send recycled paper with coffee stains and all sorts of expected contaminants to China, and not answer for it. These days, you can’t do that. So this means a piece of paper with a coffee stain unfortunately is now waste and non-recyclable.
Is Vancouver better than Toronto at recycling?
With dirty recycling and cross-contamination rates, Vancouver is so much better than Toronto because of how the city’s structured its recycling program. Cities like Vancouver use strategies such as not accepting glass or styrofoam which break into tiny, tiny pieces that act as contaminants, to increase value on their recyclables.
Is Ontario making recycling more difficult for Toronto?
Toronto receives a lot of people moving in every year – some from other areas of Ontario. The province’s municipalities each carry their own rules of what’s allowed and not allowed in their recycling bins – just like the rest of Canada. This means there’s a percentage of Torontonians probably with the best of intentions who are unknowingly contaminating their recycling by including materials that the GTA does not accept. In Ontario, there’s an initiative known as ‘producer-responsibility’ which makes producers responsible for managing any and all waste generated from their products. This same sort of program is successfully managed in BC. It is expected, in the years to come, the province will adopt a more clear recycling standard.
What is the best way to recycle in Toronto?
The best way to recycle is to reduce, reuse, and replace single-use items that are populating streams of waste recyclable and non-recyclable alike. Instead of accepting single-use takeout containers for restaurant food, bring your own. Buy reusable straws, reusable water bottles, reusable sandwich bags, and more. Never use plastic grocery bags and always shop with a reusable. These simple choices cut down on waste and recycling which will help to keep our Toronto strong, clean, healthy, and efficient.
Waste disposal, management, and sorting mean the world to us at Core Mini Bins. Anything recyclable is recycled and we do our best to keep contamination to a minimum. If you’re a corporate office, small business, homeowner, or construction contractor looking to better control their waste, contact a representative at Core Mini Bins today.
Source: https://www.garbagebinrentals.ca/waste-collection-removal-disposal-blog/755-what-is-dirty-recycling.html
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bcbinrental-blog · 5 years
3 Most Effective Uses for Bin Rentals
It is not just professional contractors who should consider looking for bin rental services in Vancouver. If you are planning on taking on a big summer project, there might be the perfect bin rental out there for you. Having a large bin you can just fill up with garbage and other waste, and then having someone come around a pick it up, is going to be a huge time saver and worth every penny. If you are planning to do one of the following projects this summer, you should consider finding a place that offers bin rental services in Vancouver.
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Home Renovation: If you are planning on doing some home renovation, then you will definitely need a bin rental. Even if you think the job is going to be too small to justify a rental, you will be surprised how quickly a garbage and debris pile grows when you are trying to remodel a room or a basement. So, make sure you get a bin if you are doing home renovations.
Roofing material removal: Sticking with the home, if you are not planning on doing anything in your home, but you are planning on getting a new roof up and you need to get rid of the old stuff, then you should also get a bin rental. It will be much safer and neater chucking discarded roofing material into a large bin than onto the ground.
Construction and Concrete: If you are planning on knocking down a wall or some other structure you have no more use for, a bin from a bin rental company will just make your job so much easier.
It is a very simple process. All you have to do is call a place like BC Bin Rental and tell them exactly what you are planning on doing this summer. Then hear what they suggest. They will come and drop off the bin at the place you need it, on the day you will start needing it. As soon as the job is done, or as soon as the bin is full, you call them and they will come to pick up the bin and get rid of the content in the most environmentally conscious way possible. It makes perfect sense and it will save you plenty of time and stress.
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kisekimegami · 8 years
YOU'LL NEVER WANT TO REBLOG AN ASK MEME EVER AGAIN LOL i'm so sorry. 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 23, 29, 35, 36, 41, 51 (this is very important what are you talking about), 61 (lmao), 71, 73 (to me, platonically, as sisters, forever), 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96, 97.
4. i used to hate my last name bc it sounded weird, but i like my name!! its uncommon but sadly it doesn’t really sound right with any other last name than my current one lol i guess im not getting married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. chill but wild
10. it ranges from “i just woke up and i didn’t feel like it” to “hey thats trendy and casual wow ur so hip 2k17″ like i really like chokers and oversized sweaters and all that trending stuff. it’s usually just really cozy though, like sweaters are my FAVORITE THING EVER :D
11. TUMBLR OR YOUTUBE or snapchat i have no idea i live my life through a scREEN
14. CANADA HANDS DOWN CANADA, VANCOUVER OR TORONTO EITHER OR TBH london is nice too i have lots of family there and it’s a chill city but omg CANADA UGHHH I LOVE IT
23. holy shit where do i begin hMMMMM um amusement park would be AWESOME i would love to ride rollercoasters all day and take aesthetic ferris wheel pictures and then after we can come home and cuddle and watch movies and eat popcorn OOOOH ALSO BAKING I LOVE BAKING WHA T A CUTE DATE THAT WOULD BE
29. i dont have one bc im perfect hHAAHA jk um hmm the worst thing… i accidentally stepped on my cats tail once and he ran away from me and i cried. oh also i shoplifted a webkinz once whoops
35. OOOOH THATS A TOUGHIE if we’re including youtubers THE DOLAN TWINS UGH THEY’RE ACTUALLY SO COOL i would love to be friends with them at least, like even just being their friend would make me very honored, umm i have a bunch of celebrities i look up to (mostly youtubers again whoop) but uhh lets see… i like all of the Chris’s (Evans, Pine, Pratt, Hemsworth, etcetcetec) also Ryan Gosling ugh what a cutie anD YOUNG LEONARDO DICAPRIO JEEZ IF HE STILL LOOKED LIKE THAT HIS FACE WOULD BE ALL OVER MY WALLS what sucks is that there’s really no celebrities my age so i mostly look up to them as friends or for lack of a better word “senpai’s” //cringes
36. Ferris Beuller’s Day Off has become a really big favorite w me recently, Guardians of the Galaxy, HTTYD 2, Summer Wars, Kimi no Na Wa, Aladdin, Zootopia, and The Boy And The Beast. I like movies a lot sorry :’)
“Hurts Like Heaven” and “Strawberry Swing” by Coldplay
“Say It, Just Say It” and “Clean Light” by The Mowgli’s
“Happy” and “Ghosting” by Mother Mother
“All I Wanna Do” by Jay Park
“We Don’t Talk Anymore” QUEEN SELENA and Charlie Puth
all of the undertale ost just all of it
“I’m Still Here” John Rzeznik
theyre all really good song s you should listen :33
51. i think 10? i didn’t get anything under our “tree”(i dont celebrate and our tree at the time was just a fake decorative plant w christmas lights) and i was like to my dad “santa isnt real isnt he” and he was like “lol yup he fake”
61. YES AHAHAHAHAH ok so I was 4 and our car broke down and i really needed to pee so i got out of the car and did what needed to be done :’)
73. i would love to someday :DD
76. black ahahaha um also red, maroon, yknow fall colors, olive green, etc etc. i have warm toned skin so i tend to gravitate to warmer colors
78. closed who sleeps w their door open wtf
79. hmMMM maybe idk i don’t doubt they’re real but idk for sure
80. people who talk about themselves too much omg that grinds my gears, like when someone goes on and on about themselves like “ok you need to get your head out of your ass pls” and also people who brag about themselves?? like just stop.. theres this guy ik and he thinks he’s the literal best at musical theatre but lowkey he’s garbage and no one likes him hhhHAH @stressedtrashcan knows who i’m talking about
82. cotton candy or mint!! or plain old vanilla but i looove cotton candy flavor
88. yea sure its relaxing
94. “I GOT GREENS BEANS POTATOES TOMATOES LAMBS YAMS MMM YOU NAAAME IT ” lolol jk uhh “If it's God who made us, why're we so damn cruel?” from Start Over by Abandoned Pools
96. hmmm day i like the sun
97. milk is my favorite :)
omfg that took me like 2 minutes just to type up the numBERS and NOW IM FINISHED AND JEEEEEZ THAT TOOK SO LONG BUT AHAHAHAH I HAD A LOT OF FUN!!
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Garbage Pick-Up Vancouver, BC
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Keep Vancouver clean with Canadian Empire Recycling BC! 🌟 Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a cleaner city with our efficient garbage pick-up services. 🗑️ Let's work together to make a positive impact on our environment. 🌍 Contact us today to schedule your pick-up! ♻️
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surreynews · 4 years
Waste Collection Services Surrey Rethink waste.
Waste Collection Services Surrey Rethink waste.
Celebrating the nice weather with a family barbecue? Be smart, avoid the cart. Bring propane tanks to Recycling Depots and keep everyone safe this summer. Learn more at http://surrey.ca/rethinkwaste.
  Waste Collection Services
Before heading to your local recycling depot, make sure they are open. Refer to the Recycling Council of BC and Metro Vancouver websites for updates. 
COVID-19 and…
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6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Renovating Your Kitchen in Surrey
The kitchen is the heart of your home and it requires more attention as well as a big investment. Unfortunately, most of the people make mistakes during the remodelling session of their home that leaves them with less satisfaction when the project is complete.
There are tons of decisions, measurements, plans, and change of plans that go into a kitchen remodel project and everything needs a careful mindset. It's usually unrealistic to assume that you'll be able to navigate the entire thing without hitting a few speed bumps or having to course-correct along all the way of your process.
Here are some common mistakes that are put forward by one of the best kitchen remodelling company Surrey, let's have a look -
1) Wasting Space in the Kitchen - Take advantage of unused areas in your kitchen and utilize them properly. Don't waste even a single corner of your kitchen and convert them into a space where you can keep something. Maximizing your kitchen's floor plan to find additional storage opportunities will also help keep your countertops free of clutter.
2) Forgot Your Budget - Deciding a budget is an essential part of your kitchen renovation and sticking to it is another important thing to keep in mind. So, don't pick the elements of the kitchen which are beyond your budget. This single mistake will let you change the complete plan. It is better to remember your budget while choosing your things for your kitchen.
3) Inadequate Kitchen Garbage Set Up - Kitchens are the huge producers of organic and inorganic garbage. Organic food waste, bottles, cans, plastic containers, wrappers, and bags need throwing out constantly to keep a kitchen clean and hygienic. So, for maintaining a neat and clean kitchen, set up a proper garbage system and avoid this common mistake done by almost all homeowners.
4) Lack of Proper Lighting - The kitchen is the only room in the home where bright lights are necessary for working. Dim lights will decrease the value of your home and even you will not like to work where there is no proper arrangement of light. A combination of fluorescent or LED ceiling lights, strip lighting, hanging lights, and track lighting can be used to fulfill a wide range of purposes.
5) Improper ventilation - A proper ventilation system is a very essential task that must be taken care of. Without ventilation, one can't survive in the home because of the warm air that comes from the kitchen. It also has one disadvantage that improper ventilation will decrease the life of your appliances especially refrigerators. So, it is recommended to not forget this most important thing while renovating your kitchen.
6) Keep an Eye on Work Flow - This is the most important thing to do while renovating your kitchen. You must keep an eye on the work that is done by the workers. Take proper reports of work and material that is being used at the end of the day. Keeping all these records will prevent you from heavy damage or mistake that might not be corrected. This will also help you in maintaining the budget that you have decided and finally ends with the successful completion of your renovation project.
Conclusion -
A kitchen remodel process can be very complicated, but when done right it can add a lot to the overall quality of your home and give you inner satisfaction. The more you know about the most common mistakes made during these projects, the more likely you are to avoid them. Don't just read this article keep these mistakes in mind that people usually do so that you can avoid them. This will make your overall kitchen renovation successful and worthful.
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shrinkingwmn · 5 years
I finally got to go to the Circle Craft Holiday Market! It is a yearly market downtown that is always held on a long weekend. I wasn’t able to attend in the past because I was working but my days off have changed and when my friend asked if I wanted to go I didn’t even pause to think, I just said yes!
A Holiday Market? Hell yeah!
I went in with a budget, which I’m pretty sure I went over. I went in with the plan to buy Christmas presents, I mostly bought stuff for myself. I went in with a plan to buy a healthy meal at some point in the day, instead I ate all the samples.
Suffice to say, the day didn’t go as planned, which I’m glad about because the fun was spontaneous, I like the stuff I bought, and the samples were free!…which in my version of math helps offset the cost of oh say, the necklace I bought… 😉
It was definitely not crowded, I guess most people went on the first and second day it was open? I like that it wasn’t crowded, no fighting to see the displays, easy to walk around without getting bumped, it was much more relaxing than some of the Christmas events I’ve been to. Plus, it was inside so we were cozy warm. 🙂
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One of my favourite booths was a company called JusTea. It is a Vancouver based, family run business. They go to Africa a couple times a year and source all their tea from there. The tea is all ethically sourced, and some of them are picked (or is the right word harvested?) by a woman’s co-op. Each tin has a picture of one of the farmers on it, so you can see who was making your tea leaves. The teas smell amazing! I kept taking deep inhales of the teas like I was trying to get high from them or something lol but really, it was just because it smelled that good. There was a fruity tea called Purple Rain that not only smelled delicious but had a taste to match. In the end I bought African Breakfast, which is their version of an English Breakfast or Orange Pekoe. It is a mixture of different tea leaves which gives it a more complex taste. Each tin also comes with a hand crafted spoon that took 9 hours to make. 9 hours on a spoon, talk about a personal touch! The gentleman manning the booth mentioned that when you want to buy more you can go to their store and they will sell it to you in a compostable bag, so you can refill your already existing tin, and not create garbage when throwing out the bag. Why doesn’t every company do that? That little touch makes me love them even more. Here is their website if you want to check them out: https://justea.com/
Another great booth is abeego, they sell reusable beeswax wraps that you can use to keep your food fresh and protected, whether it is covering the top of a bowl of leftovers you have in the fridge or wrapped around the sandwich you’re taking to work. I actually own a set of these, they were a gift, and I haven’t used them yet because they kinda freak me out. Instead of buying any at this booth I just grilled them to get a better understanding of how they work and I am kinda amazed. The beeswax has antibacterial properties so you don’t need to worry about your beeswax wrap touching your food. Like you see in the picture you can wrap it around the cut end of a vegetable (their sample is a cucumber) and it will keep the end fresh. You can take your cheese out of the plastic and wrap it in a beeswax wrap and the cheese will stay fresh and mold free longer. They are fairly low maintenance for care, rinse them off using cold water, use a mild dish soap if you really want, then let them air dry. They can be rolled or folded for storage. An important thing to remember is not to get them hot, they are made out of beeswax after all, and what does beeswax do when it gets warm? It melts. So if you’re putting hot left overs in a bowl and want to use the beeswax sheet to cover the bowl, wait until the food is room temperature before covering the bowl. Pretty easy right? Oh, and when they finally reach the end of their life, which is when they stop sticking to surfaces or itself (this can take a year or more to happen) you can either compost it or rip it up and use it as a fire starter when you next go camping. Which for me will be never, so compost it is! I’ve gone from wondering “what the hell I am supposed to do with these beeswax wraps?” to “I can’t wait to use these!” Super glad I stopped and talked with them. Oh, and they are also locally made and ship anywhere so if you are interested their website is: https://canada.abeego.com/
I bought myself a necklace I absolutely 100% do not need, but really wanted, and apparently wanting it mattered more in the moment than needing it lol
Again, a Canadian made product, well, work of art really. The holes in the charm are the Capricorn constellation, my constellation. It is simple, and pretty, and I can see myself wearing it often. She also had a necklace I’m regretting I didn’t get a picture of that is the word fuck, dangling down so you’d have to turn your head sideways to be able to read it if you were looking at someone wearing it. I actually also really wanted that one, but since I spend the majority of my time at work, where I would not be able to wear it, I opted for the one I could actually wear and enjoy on a daily basis. Go figure lol Rachael, the artist, has a lot of beautiful pieces, and since Christmas (and other holidays) are coming up you may want to check out her website at http://www.laughingsparrow.ca This was my most expensive purchase at the Market, and while I wish jewellery didn’t cost so much I can understand why a hand made piece, that is sourced from sustainable materials can’t be cheap. You get what you pay for, and I feel I got something great that will last.
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The other edible things I purchased are a jar of Pink Grapefruit & Champagne preserve, which I will instantly make less fancy by putting on toast. I don’t know how to describe it other than delicious. The Preservatory is a business out of Langley BC, they focus on small batch artisanal preserves, and lemme tell ya, they are good at their niche. I have seen them in a shop called All of Oils in Surrey BC but hadn’t tried them until they offered samples. Man am I glad they offered samples. Their website is: https://thepreservatory.com/
Sweet Thea is a bakery out of Langley BC, they are where I got the cookies. I know the package says I bought Ginger Crinkle, and I did, but if you notice, not all the cookies in the bag look the same. That is because the friend I went with bought a bag of Chocolava cookies and we swapped three for three. I honestly don’t know which I like best. Normally I’d be saying of course the chocolate cookies, but the ginger is also incredibly good. They are soft cookies, both types, and just so decadent. We split one of each cookie in half so for our first cookie we got half of each and while normally I am that person to keep dipping in to the cookie package, I didn’t reach again. Not because they weren’t good, but because they were so satisfying I didn’t need more. I didn’t even know that was possible, did you? You can find their website at: https://www.sweetthea.com/home The lady we bought from wasn’t as friendly as people at the other booths but I’m going to assume that is because it was nearing the end of the day and she was probably tired after a long three days working the market. We may have gone at a quiet time but I’m sure the other days were much busier.
That deceptively simple Lemon Square package is hiding an amazing lemon coconut  square inside. That small square is meant to be cut in to four pieces! The flavour is so strong, not in a bad way, that you don’t need more than a small square to satisfy you. Well, in theory, I am not cutting and sharing that square lol  Here is their website: https://thelemonsquare.ca/
And lastly, Whiskey Marmalade by Blaire’s Confectionery. They are a company in Kamloops BC that makes Scottish treats. They had various types of marmalade, shortbread, fudge that isn’t fudge (apparently in Scotland it is called something different), and probably other yummy items that they didn’t have at the booth or I didn’t notice. Hey, I can’t manage to see everything ya know, especially when I am sampling shortbread and fudge that isn’t fudge lol Their website is being redesigned right now and when I tried to go to it was directed to check out their page on Facebook so if you want to find them I’d search for them there. I didn’t sample the marmalade, I hate marmalade, but I thought my brother might like it, so I got it as part of his Christmas present. Don’t worry, he doesn’t read my blog so no ruined surprise for him! I also wanted to buy the fudge that isn’t called fudge but couldn’t bring myself to spend $10 on a food indulgence…says the woman who ended up buying cookies and a lemon bar *rolls eyes*.
Can a couple pieces of art be anymore Canadian than a beaver in a canoe or a mama bear and cubs in a canoe? I’m thinking no.
So there you have it, an afternoon of wandering the booths, buying stuff, hanging with a friend, and enjoying my first Christmas activity of the season. Only 42 more days until Christmas!
Circle Craft Holiday Market I finally got to go to the Circle Craft Holiday Market! It is a yearly market downtown that is always held on a long weekend.
0 notes
ecotone99 · 5 years
[AA] Keep the Change Kid
WARNING: Contains swearing and sexual references.
Introduction: This is a chapter from a mostly finished novel I wrote 10 years ago. Time restrictions and especially a huge amount of editing yet to be done have prevented me from completing the project, though I do fully intend to finish it before my time on planet Earth is up, which may well be sooner than I would prefer. At any rate, the plot of the novel is as follows; after shooting Condoleeza Rice (remember her?) in the head with a sniper rifle, a lone and expert assassin is being hunted by the dark forces of one government or another. These hunters are led by an individual going by the cover-name of “Mom”. Mom is a British ex-secret service operative with SAS and a “diplomatic” background in South-east Asia, among other locales. He is a very tough and capable individual (picture someone like the actor, Charles Dance, perhaps best known for playing Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones). He employs a band of Russian/Chechen ex-military/FSB operatives, particular in their capacity for violence and ruthlessness. The assassin they are hunting is a young half Asian/half Caucasian woman of exceptional beauty and grace, as well as cold-blooded focus and precision in the trade she has assumed for herself. She goes by the cognomen of “The Angel of Death”. A tacky cliche of a name to be sure, but this was not intended to be permanent, but rather only a working handle for her as I developed the plot. She is being protected by a type of guardian angel named Aidan. Aidan is a wise-cracking smart-ass type, unique in that he was brought back from the dead by the “Heavenly Powers That Be” (whomsoever those might be), for the express purpose of protecting the life of our lovely assassin.
The novel’s plot is set in and around Vancouver, British Columbia during the unfortunate reign of George W. Bush, one of my favourite whipping boys at the time. This chapter (and the following one) deals with one of Mom’s operatives named Anton. Anton is a hapless Russian of limited intelligence and unlimited violence. On orders from Mom he is trailing a couple travelling north from Vancouver on the way to Pemberton BC in a pick-up truck during a lengthy and ferocious summer storm. Anton thinks this couple are the assassin and her guardian angel Mom and his crew have been tasked to take out. He will discover many things during this long, stormy night and the following day.
If any readers of this story indicate a desire to read the next chapter in this drama, please comment to that effect and I will post that under the title of “For Morons Like You” forthwith.
Hope you enjoy the read. Cheers, Popeye Le Pew.
‘Come on ya prick… hurry-up fer chrissakes… I'm gettin soaked here, eh!?’, a woman’s raspy voice, punctuated by a burst of desperate, phlegmy coughing, calls out in the night.
‘Yeah, yeah. Keep yer friggin panties on will ya, I gotta piss’, a man’s booze-slurred voice barks back.
Anton, lost deep in a dream of perplexing dimension, is rudely awakened from an uneasy sleep by the loud drunken voices just outside his Pathfinder.
‘I ain't wearin no panties.’
‘Well then keep yer bra on.’
Disoriented and groggy, Anton looks around trying to blink the sleep out of his brain and trying hard to figure out where in the Hell he is.
‘I ain't wearin one of them neither. Let’s go Stud, its takin ya longer to piss than it did to blow yer load, eh?’
It comes to him after a moment or two and he curses the one that put him here: MOM! Fucking Mom!! Ублюдок!!! Anton is in fact in the parking lot of the Chieftain Pub in Squamish, BC. ‘If is not asshole of world, is sure smell like”, he’d scowled as he drove into town earlier that day. The paper mill just across Howe Sound bestowed “a certain something” to the Squamish air. Though he doesn’t realize it, he's been fast asleep for the past couple of hours… with the truck’s engine idling.
The wind is still howling like a troop of drunken banshees and the torrential rain that was falling when he’d arrived hasn’t let up, but rather seems to have increased in intensity. The voices are coming from the right and, leaning across the passenger seat, Anton wipes a narrow strip of condensation from the window. He can see a man and a woman by a pick-up with “Pemberton Spud Farms” on the driver-side door. “Is where cell-phone signals come from, for sure.” In the downpour, he can’t quite make out if they’re the same two people in the photos Mom gave him, but it is the truck he’s been looking for.
The man finally finishes relieving himself, opens the driver’s door and climbs into the pick-up. He rolls his window down and spits before leaning over to unlock the passenger door. The woman climbs in saying, ‘about friggin time, eh! Couldn’t ya have pissed before we come out?’
‘Couldn’t you shut the fuck up?’
‘Close yer goddamn window, I'm friggin cold.’
‘Ah quit yer bitching,’ he says, lighting a cigarette and tossing the match out the window.
‘I wanna stop at the Mickey D’s to get some grub.’
‘Fuck that, I ain't stopping till we put some miles behind us.’
‘Come on ya cheap prick, I’m hungry and it’s a long ride to Mount Currie, eh? Be nice to me and maybe I’ll blow ya on the way up.’
It was an offer he wasn’t about to refuse. It’s a long drive up to Mount Currie after all.
‘Yeah, yeah OK, we can stop at the slop-shop up on the highway.’
‘Alrightee then Stud, but yer buyin, eh?’
‘Sure. That’s me, last of the big-time spenders,’ he says as he fires-up the engine and drives to the parking-lot exit, spitting out the window again and planting a large gob on the hood of the Pathfinder as he drives by.
Anton waits for them to get ahead a bit and then pulls out after them, staying half a block behind the pick-up. Is not matter with the raining like this, they are not seeing nothing. They are the goddamns drunk anyways. Fucking shit, he thinks, wishing he were off somewhere, drunk himself with a hooker to take the edge off his blues instead of following these two through the driving rain in this god-forsaken stinking dump of a town. Anton does bad moods rather well.
Taking out his cell-phone he tries calling Mom again, but doesn’t make a connection. ‘Is the bullshits’, he snarls. The pick-up stops by the intersection at the highway and turns north. Anton comes up to the flashing traffic signal, waits for a couple of cars to go by and then follows. Up ahead, just past the main intersection, the pick-up slows, turns into a McDonald’s lot and lines-up in the drive-thru lane. He pulls the Pathfinder over to the side of the highway and waits. Is going to being the long goddamns night, he thinks, watching as the driver gets out, walks around to the back and rummages around in the pick-up’s box. He removes something and deposits it in a garbage container by the take-out window. ‘What’s in fuck he is doing now?’, he mutters. The man then takes a sports-bag from the box, looks the cargo over and gets back into the cab. Though Anton can’t get a good enough look to compare him to the man in the photos, he thinks, must be is guy. Mom is saying he is having the sports-bag with him and is tall.
The cloying odour of hot grease and fried food wafts in through the heater blower and Anton’s stomach starts to growl. Though he hates American fast-food, Anton realizes he’s famished. He hasn’t eaten since before he left Vancouver and thinks, I am gotting to eat somethings, anythings.
Waiting until another car drives in behind the pick-up, he shrugs his shoulders and pulls into the McDonald’s lot, lining-up in the drive-thru lane and calling his order into the mike on the menu board when his turn comes up. Sitting there, compulsively cracking his knuckles, he sees the pick-up’s order being handed out from the take-out window. It then pulls ahead to the road, stops to let some traffic by and turns onto the highway. Shit!! Is better I not am losing this prick in pick-ups, Anton thinks and puts the transmission in reverse to pull out of the drive-thru line himself. Checking the rear-view mirror he curses seeing that two more cars have come up behind his, boxing him in. He’s stuck there and fidgets nervously, waiting for the car in front of him to get its order and get out of the way. Ahead, a hand holds a large fast-food bag out of the take-out window and remains suspended in mid-air, waiting for the driver of the car to take it. But the man appears to be having some kind of a problem with the transaction. He’s dropped his money on the ground.
‘Come on fucking motherfucker, you are hurrying ups. I don't am having all the fucking nights to waiting for you’, he calls out his window.
A man’s head emerges from the car’s window, completely ignoring the bag plainly being held out to him, and turns to glare at Anton. It is a large, curiously deformed head, perhaps the product of foetal alcohol syndrome. The head sticking out of the car window bears an exceptionally ugly face, sporting an exceedingly belligerent expression. And it looks only too eager for trouble. Anton has seen a number of unfriendly faces in the course of his life, starting with the band of mujahedeen fighters who came to kill his father, uncle and older brother when he was seven years old. That face in the car in front of him is even uglier and less friendly-looking than that of the FSB drill-instructor who made Anton’s already miserable life a living Hell. One of the most satisfying moments he ever had was when he put a bullet between the bastard’s eyes. The eyes on this guy’s face are having considerable trouble focusing. He’s obviously very drunk.
‘Eh!? What the fuck’s goin on buddy? Ya got yerself some kind of problem back there or what?’
Anton sticks his head out the window and looks at the guy, thinking, oh shits, now what is!!?
‘Who, me? You are meaning me? I not am was speaking at you, I am calling the friend who is go to washrooms for the pissing.’
The face continues to glare at him, it’s mouth hanging open and it’s eyes each looking in a different direction. It’s not buying Anton’s contrite explanation.
‘Zat right, eh? Sure sounds like yer having a little problem with me.’
‘No, no. Is cool, is completes cool.’
‘I could maybe fix that problem for ya… howboudit pal… ya wanna go, or what?’
‘No, no, is not the necessary, is not the problems with you. Is with the friend I am was calling. At washrooms. Not you. He is pissing the long times.’
‘Yeah? Well yer startin ta piss me off, pal!’
‘Is all the big mistakes. I am not here for the pissing-offs to you, I am come for Bigs Mac and fry, like you.’
‘Ya sound like yer some kinda foreigner. Zat what ya are, some kinda goddamn foreigner?’
Anton reaches over and takes his M88 from the glove-box and screws the silencer onto the barrel. He considers firing several rounds into that ugly drunk face glaring him right away, but remembering why he's there in the first place, puts the pistol on the passenger seat and pulls his jacket over it. He pokes his head back out the window, smiling with as much meekness as he can muster. Not an easy feat for Anton.
‘No, no I not am the goddamns foreigner like you are say, I am tourist. I not am being here for having the problems with good guys like you. Nice to be meeting you and visit your great city.’
‘What the fuck…? Yer a tourist? Ya sure you ain't got yourself no problem with me? Cuz if ya come looking fer one… I’m the guy fer ya alright!’
Fuckings Hell, this prick is not wanting to gives up, Anton thinks.
‘No, no, is no problems, you can believing to me. Is everything cool. Only with friend at washrooms, he is taking really long times for the pissing. You are the friendly Canadian guys, I am not having the problems with you. Really.’
‘Oh Yeah? Ya sure bout that?’
‘Yeah, is no problems, for sures.’
‘I mean, if ya wanna go… ya wanna go or what?’
‘Look mister guy, there is being your Bigs Mac and fry, they are wait for you. You are enjoying delicious hamburgers and having the nice evenings.’ You are fucking-offs now or I am shoot you in goddamns face, you prick, he thinks as his hand reaches for the locked and loaded M88 next to him.
The face looks at him, still trying hard to focus with limited success and then, somewhere in the remnants of his tiny pickled brain, the penny drops and he abruptly turns toward the hand holding the bag out to him. His head collides with it and he exclaims, ‘what the fuck!? Oh yeah right, my burgers.’ He looks down at the bills he dropped a moment ago, opens his door and reaches down to pick them up, grabs the bag the hand is holding and hands the hand his money. He takes his change and drops it on the pavement and says, ‘aw fuck-it!’, and closes the door again.
‘Hey… awright then buddy. So yer a tourist eh?’, he says looking at Anton again with a crooked grin on his stupid face.
Anton smiles and nods his head enthusiastically as he takes out a pen and paper. He jots down the car’s license-plate number thinking, I am fixing you later you сосунок петуха, you just are waiting.
‘Sure, you are rights-on, I am the tourist to you fantastics country Canada and I am visit you beautiful city Squamish this nights.’
‘Zat right? Huh, well whaddya know, a tourist!? Hey, I don't got me no problems with no tourists.’
‘OK mister guy, this is good… I don’ts gots the problem with you too.’
‘Aw that's great, that's just great!’ He turns to his companion beside him and says, ‘Ain't that just great baby? Guy’s a goddamn tourist.’ He sticks his head out the window once more, blinking his eyes as he tries to focus on Anton. ‘Well you have yerself a real nice time in our town there buddy, we gotta get goin now… welcome to Squamish, eh?’
‘Fucking crazy whacks-job,’ Anton says as the car pulls out to the exit and drives up the highway in the same direction the pick-up went earlier. He considers ignoring his own order and leaving immediately in pursuit of the pick-up, figuring it must be quite a ways up the highway by now. Screwing it, he thinks, pick-ups is not can be that far and I must am eating something, even if is this shit of McDonald, and moves up to the take-out window.
‘That’ll be twelve dollars and sixty-three cents please,’ says a skinny teenager with bizarrely pointed ears, buck-teeth and coke-bottle glasses somewhat too large for his face. He looks like a rabbit who’s parents could well be closely related, too closely perhaps. And, possibly being that particular fine dining establishment’s number one best customer, has really, really bad acne.
Holy cows, is the fucking Canadian mutant, Anton thinks, recoiling. He shakes his head, reaches over to take the bag the kid is holding out and hands him a fifty.
‘Oh, a fifty,’ the rabbit-kid says, holding the bill up to his glasses and squinting. ‘Don't you have anything smaller?’
‘No, is all I am gots. Make it fast kid, give to me the changes, I am in the big hurry.’
‘Well I don't have change for a fifty sir, you'll have to wait for my manager to come and break that bill for me.’
‘Where this goddamns manager is?’
‘He’s just in the men’s room.’
‘What he is does in there? Is jerks-off?’
‘I’m not really sure but I think he’s taking a long du…’
‘Is OK kid, I don't are needing to knowing of detail.’
‘If you’d like to pull into one of those parking slots off to your left to wait, he’ll be out to change that as soon as he’s done, sir.’
‘No! I not am having times for waiting of fucking manager to wiping asses of he. You are keeping of changes kid, buying yourself new head,’ Anton says and pulls out to the highway. He peers squinting through the driving rain, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding a soggy, dripping burger on which he munches while trying to keep the Pathfinder steady in the howling wind. After several kilometres he finally sees the car that was in front of him at the drive-thru and what looks to be the pick-up’s tail-lights beyond it in the distance.
The weather has turned from really bad to atrocious. Anton finishes the now cold French fries and second triple burger and, feeling like he’s just been horribly violated, belches loudly. ‘Fucking Americanski garbage’, he scowls. Throwing the wrappers and bag out the window in disgust, he takes out his cell and tries calling Mom again but still can’t get a connection. He watches as the car from the drive-thru pulls out to pass the pick-up and smiles. Flipping his cell-phone open again, he dials 9-1-1 thinking, you wait Canadian cocksucker prick, is shits hitting the fans for you soon, and is connected after half a dozen rings.
‘This is emergency services, what area are you calling from?’
‘Yeah, I am driving on 99 Highway to the Whistlers.’
‘Exactly where on Highway 99 are you sir?’
‘Sure, you are right. I am exactly on 99 Highway.’
‘What part of Highway 99 are you travelling on at the present time?’
‘I am not knowing what is part, but is… you know, on way to the Whistlers, just north at Squamish.’
‘Do you have an emergency to report? What is the nature of your call please.’
‘Yeah sure is emergency, is why I am call you. What you are think, I am being lonely?’
‘Could you please tell me what is your emergency sir?’
‘There is the car just now, is passing really fast, is swerves like the crazy guys, almost crashing to me. I am seeing this car is passing of pick-ups ahead and almost is crashing to pick-ups too. Car is nearly drives in ditches.’
‘I see. And what would you like us to do?’
‘What kinds of question this is!!? I am thinking you are better to sending somebody for stopping this crazy guys before he is kill somebody.’
‘Were you able to get the license-plate number of the car sir?’
‘Yeah sure, I am getting. I am writing this down, just the minute, I am telling you number… OK, here goes… is VNG 642. You are getting this?’
‘VNG 642. Did you happen to take note of the make and model of the car as well sir?’
‘Is looking like the Chevy Blazer, old shit-box, lots rust. Brown maybes, yeah, colour is for sure brown.’
‘An older model Chevy Blazer, brown in colour with lots of rust, is that correct sir?
‘Yeah, that’s it, is what I am say to you. The old shit-box Chevy Blazer. Is the goddamns rusty buckets.’
‘And the vehicle is northbound on Highway 99, north of Squamish at the present time? Is that correct?’
‘Uh-huh, this is right. The 99 Highway, past of Squamish. Is driving north.’
‘What type of vehicle are you in sir? Are you the driver of this vehicle or are you a passenger?’
‘No, I am driver for sure. I am being all alones, is not no passengers here. And is the Pathfinder I am driving. Nissan.’
‘Is this your own vehicle sir?’
‘Vehicle of me? No, I am renting.’
‘A rented Nissan Pathfinder. Which year would that be sir? And what is the colour?’
‘Why are you ask me questions like this about car I am driving? Is the fucking pricks in goddamns shit-box Chevy Blazer who are drunks you must are worry for, not car of me.’
‘I require the information about your vehicle for my report sir. And I would appreciate your not using foul language when speaking to me.’
‘OK, I am being sorry for to say fucking at you and pricks and goddamns too, is no personal, I just am being nervous with this kind of dangerous drivers. I am scare he is killing me. Sorry lady.’
‘I understand sir. Can you tell me the year of the vehicle you're driving?’
‘What year is!? Is 2002! You don't are knowing this? Month is September in cases you don't are knowing this too.’
‘The vehicle sir, I am inquiring as to the age of the vehicle you're driving, not what the current year is. What is the year of that vehicle please?’
‘I don't am knowing. I am not asking guy at renting place what is year. Is not making the difference for me as long as is running. But colour is black.’
‘I see. Do you know the license-plate number of the vehicle?’
‘No, I don't am knowing. What this is, the fucking quiz-show? Oh sorry, I am forgets, you don't are liking the fucking. But OK, I can stopping car to having looking at plate numbers if you are wanting this.’
‘That won’t be necessary sir.’
‘Good, because is raining like the dog and cat. I am not wanting to gets wet like the duck.’
‘I understand. I’ll need to get your name sir.’
‘Name? Why for you are needing name of me?’
‘For our records sir, we require your name for our records.’
‘You are telling my names to the drunks guys in Chevy shit-box Blazer!!? I am rather you not are telling this. I not am want to having troubles with this drunks guys.’
‘No sir, you won’t be having any problems from that driver. Any information you give us will be kept strictly confidential.’
‘What this is meaning, strictly confidential?’
‘It means we do not give out the information that you provide us with.’
‘OK, if you are being sure.’
‘Yes sir, I'm sure. What is your name please?’
‘My name? You still are wanting to knowing name of me?’
‘Yes sir, what is your name please?’
‘Is Josef.’
‘Is that your surname or your given name sir?’
‘Giving name? I am just giving you name of me? Is Josef. You not are understanding my English?’
‘I can understand you perfectly sir. I just need to get your name.’
‘Josef, I am telling to you already.’
‘I will need to get your surname as well sir.’
‘What this is meaning, how you are saying? Sir-name?’
‘Surname refers to your second name, given name refers to your first name.’
‘I am already giving to you first names. But I am having four names. What you are calling other names?’
‘I need you to tell me your name, sir.’
‘Which names you are wanting first?’
‘Your first name sir.’
‘I am telling to you already, Josef. Is first names.’
‘I will need your surname as well sir.’
‘What name? Sir-name?’
‘Your family name.’
‘You are not wanting other names first? They are coming before the family name.’
‘Just your first name and your family name is all I require. What is your family name please sir.’
‘Stalin. Like Great Hero of Soviet Union who is squashing Hitler like the cockroach.’
‘Have you been drinking this evening Mr Stalin?’
‘Yeah sure. I am drinking delicious super-size Coca-colas with eating triple lousy cheeseburgers of McDonald and shitty fry. Is diet Coca-colas. Why you are caring what I am drinking?’
‘I meant have you been drinking any alcohol this evening Mr. Stalin.’
‘No, of courses I am not drinking no alcohols. I do not drinking the alcohols. Besides, is against law for drinking the alcohols and driving of cars. You are not knowing this!!?’
‘Yes Mr. Stalin, I am familiar with the law.’
‘Well I am sure hoping you are being familiar about drinking the alcohols and driving cars law. Is very big problem in my country. So, you are wants to knowing something elses?’
‘What is your address sir?’
‘I am visitor to your country. I am living at Moscow. You know in Russia? Used to be Soviet Union, but now we are calling Russia agains. Same places but name is different. You are wanting address in Moscow, Russia?’
‘Do you have an address here in Canada Mr. Stalin? A hotel or friends you're staying with perhaps?’
‘No, I am just flying at Vancouver today. I am not yet having time for to checking in hotels.’
‘What is your address in Moscow then sir?’
‘You are not telling address to drunks guys in car? I am not wanting to having no troubles. I am telling you this before. You have listen to me when I say this to you?’
‘Yes, I am listening to you Mr. Stalin. I promise you, you won’t have any trouble. Your address will remain in our confidential files. There's no need for you to be concerned. I only need it for my report.’
‘Is happens all times in Moscow. Guy I know is get shoot last year because he is giving address to police. In fucking head. Oh sorry, I am keep forget you don't are like fucking. Sorry lady.’
‘Yes well, we do things a little differently here in Canada Mr. Stalin. You don't need to worry about that happening.’
‘OK, you are sounding like the nice lady, I will trusting you. But oh boys, I am hope is not nobody waiting to shoot in head of me when I am comes home.’
‘If that should happen Mr. Stalin, you may rest assured it is not in any way connected with this call or the information you provide.’
‘Yeah sure. OK, I am giving to you address now. You are having the pens to write this down?’
‘Yes sir, I have a pen. You may go ahead and give me your address.’
‘Is Kremlin Apartments, number 622, 1942 Red Square Moscow. You are getting this?’
‘Kremlin Apartments number 622, 1942 Red Square Moscow, Russia, is that correct sir?’
‘Yeah sure, that’s is it.’
‘Is there a postal-code for that address?’
‘Of courses is being the postal-codes, but I am not remembering. I just am movings in.’
‘Well thank you very much for calling this in Mr. Stalin. We really appreciate it.’
‘You welcome. Is nice country this Canada you are having here. Maybe I am buying couple house in the Whistlers for girlfriend of me. Listen lady, I am hoping you are not minding for me to saying this, but you sure spending lots time asking the question to me. You don't think you should be getting off from phone now and catching drunks guys in shit-box Chevy?’
‘Yes sir. Enjoy your visit to Canada. You drive safely now. Good night Mr. Stalin.’
‘Yeah so longing lady.’
Several minutes later, two police cruisers come tearing up the highway behind him with their lights flashing and sirens blaring. Anton chortles with glee and pulls-over to let them pass and then resumes on down the dark highway. They should is taking cares of drunks prick from drive-thru of McDonald. It is not long before he comes up to the Chevy Blazer and cruisers by the side of the road. Slowing as he passes, he sees a couple of constables struggling to put a large hand-cuffed man into the back of one of the cruisers. ‘Is what you are gets for piss-off to Anton, you stupid fuck,’ he says laughing as he drives by.
Trying Mom again, he still cannot get a connection. Well, at least drunks prick from drive-thru back at Squamish has getting whats is comes to him. Is too bads I am not having the chances to shoot this prick in face of him, he thinks, I can trying Mom later, after fucking storm is finish. Is must havings to stops sometimes. Maybe is being the phonebooths on this bullshits highway to nowheres and I can call to Mom from there. Anton emits a sigh of dejected resignation and settles down to what he figures will surely be a long and uneventful drive down a dark deserted highway. (Just you wait Anton my lad, just you wait - ed)
submitted by /u/PopeyeLePew [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Ypq0aF
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itiskhalsa · 5 years
Deep Cleaning Service Provider West Vancouver BC
You too are searching for a deep cleaning service provider West Vancouver BC, then you can stop your search with Ecof Cleaners today. With our deep cleaning services West Vancouver, you can remain ensured that your house is clean. Not just the major areas however even those that are small and tough to see. We are different. Thanks to our dedication and staff! Our aim to offer finest each time and commitment to working with just the experienced staff are what makes us differ. Unlike other deep cleaning companies West Vancouver, we clean up in multiple visits rather simultaneously. In this method, we can provide guaranteed and detailed cleansing services to make your house and apartment tidy. We have actually thoughtfully developed our residential cleaning service West Vancouver and named it in the exact same manner. We call it Detail-Clean Rotation System and now countless people have seen it, call it the exact same method and enjoy it too! Ecof Cleaners is not self-proclaimed detail home cleaners West Vancouver BC rather through its 10 years' experience got the pride to say it aloud. In this journey, we will talk and inform you all about deep cleaning service particularly ours. We advise do not leave in the middle and be a part of our journey till the end.
Draw The Dirt Out With Deep Cleaning Company Provider West Vancouver BC.
deep cleaning service provider West Vancouver BC
Ecof Cleaners preserves the skills and truly offers deep cleaning services West Vancouver. It not the usual basic cleaning company wrapped in a new name. Our rotational deep cleaning service confirms that we leave no area or thing unclean.
In the two-step procedure we cover your entire residence. Starting from the bathroom and kitchen in our preliminary cleansing to extend cleaning your living and sleeping areas as well in the subsequent round. Our residential cleaning service West Vancouver has all of it.
At Ecof Cleaners we do not stop. Even after our complete devotion and extensive deep cleaning, you feel dissatisfied! We feel disheartened when companies use false detail home cleaners West Vancouver BC tag. Becoming part of this industry and offering deep cleaning to our consumers from so long, we know and understand that this is not a simple video game to play.
It requires the utmost and identify care to provide such services. And to be a part of this video game needs the best skill and tools. It's our heartiest demand to you; ask in information about the job prior to moving ahead.
Understand The Essence Of Deep Cleaning Services West Vancouver BC.
Now let's understand what deep cleaning services West Vancouver are all about. Deep cleaning is of great importance and need focus to detailing and of course persistence.
On the contrary, deep cleansing is meant to make your house practically 100% free from dirt and bacterium. What does this suggest? This means that at Ecof Cleaners, being a deep cleaning service provider West Vancouver BC, we use nature-friendly and soft cleaners to make your home clean along with safe for living.
Based on our understanding, deep cleansing is not simply about getting rid of the dust or cleaning up the home areas so that they look tidy. Instead our expert team cleans and makes every corner of your house germ-free through our deep cleaning job. To be accurate, cleaning up every area to the core is what deep cleansing is all about.
Therefore, while you select your next provider from a list of deep cleaning companies West Vancouver, make sure that you are first identifying the ones which provide deep cleansing service in the city of West Vancouver and then select the best amongst those. The secret to pick the very best is Research - Improve and after that Select.
Ecof Cleaners' Residential Cleaning Service West Vancouver BC.
When we are talking so much of deep cleaning companies West Vancouver, we must keep in mind of what services are provided and what to expect out-of-the-box. Let's very first talk abbot the general market offerings. On a typical platform, there are some good players that supply deep cleaning and have an advantage over others.
The offerings that can be anticipated are cleaning, vacuuming, wet and dry cleaning and making every area of your house clean in addition to garbage free.
Some offer extra services along, while others don't. All-in-all these are the services provided.
Why Ecof Cleaners' residential cleaning service West Vancouver is various and worth a try. Reason being, we supply all the discussed cleaning company in our offering. Our company goes back to square one like eliminating cobwebs, wiping and dusting to cleaning and providing shine to every fixtures and frame of your house.
Our all-around take care of floors, mirrors, tiles and every kitchen home appliance. Thanks to our trained group of specialists that we have the crown of detail home cleaners West Vancouver BC.
And another thing, we constantly have the newest technology and environmentally friendly items in all our offering. We constantly change and upgrade to guarantee long term bonding.
Detail Home Cleaners In Every Way In West Vancouver BC.
After many years in the field of deep cleaning services West Vancouver, we have multifold experiences and have actually upgraded appropriately to be the leader in the field. After this much of operate in the field, we understand that clients expect to detail not only in the cleaning company however beyond that too.
So, to match the requirements of each of our client we bring several modifications from time to time so as to stay the preferred option in the future too, as we are now. To become a full-fledged deep cleaning company provider in West Vancouver BC, our business offer bonded and guaranteed services.
Moving ahead in the very same instructions we have placed rigorous checks when employing anybody, after which the very same person goes through the correct set of training procedure to lastly become our employee.
When we use residential cleaning company West Vancouver, we check that our customers are at ease in every way.
So we look for your availability, family pets at house and plan accordingly to give you the needed services on time and in a proper manner. Not only this, all our group members are trained for safety, management and communication skills at the office. That neither you nor us feel any heat throughout our expert relationship.
Completing Deep Cleaning Companies West Vancouver BC.
At the point when we have actually talked enough about deep cleaning, it's important to know a couple of aspects you must look when hiring any deep cleaning business. At first, don't work with quickly. By this we imply that always try to find some previous works, look for some references and look for their credibility.
Take care that the business is worthy of the badge of detail home cleaners West Vancouver BC or not. Since, without this, your deep cleaning experience will be simply like any other basic services used, which certainly you don't desire.
When you are made with all the checks make certain that you meet in-person with the team of the residential cleaning service company in West Vancouver. And get to understand their work culture, their rules, and treatments about consumer satisfaction and work complete satisfaction warranty they offer.
At last, have a cost-benefit analysis, if everything works out well you are great to go. Else search for the options from the list you have. In short, do not think twice to ask and get everything cleared ahead of getting begun with services.
Best Deep Cleansing Service In West Vancouver BC Canada.
Thanks for coming with us till the last of this deep cleaning service provider West Vancouver BC journey. We attempted to cover almost everything relating to deep cleaning company West Vancouver and hope that this will be handy to you in the selection of your deep cleaning companies West Vancouver.
Don't search for any option elsewhere. At Ecof Cleaners, all our team is always prepared to help you in every method possible. Do not believe much; just reach us with any of your doubts related to residential cleaning service West Vancouver and if you want the deep cleaning service in Vancouver then still get in touch with us as we also offer our deep cleaning services in the Vancouver city and surrounding areas too.
We offer a fantastic arrangement of abilities and tools and try to please you with our services. As every house require various tools, materials, and approach and therefore there is no universal costing method. There is no need to worry about that also. We simply require your time and a couple of information to offer you a free price quote of the cost.
As Ecof Cleaners is detail home cleaners West Vancouver BC, therefore, all your needs are our top priority. Get our deep clean service to experience the professional quality as per your terms. Have you heard about UrbanClap? They are offering home deep cleaning service too.
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