#garbria asks
awlwren-writes · 4 months
For Amani: 🖊🎄🤓
*Amani is a semi-retired glaive and Pelna’s wife*
🖊️  — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
I hadn’t thought about it before, but I’m pretty sure she does. The culture of the north coast of Cleigne does have some overlap with Galahd, so it makes sense. I’m going to say she got one for coming of age, one for leaving to join the Glaive, and one for each kid.
Comrades says “indigenous” tattoos for Cleigne are sort of flowing lines and swirls, which sure. We can go with that. But I think she might mix and match some from Insomnian and Galahdan styles as she likes. What’s important is what they mean to her and how she tells it. On that note, they tend to all be in places she has more control over showing off, because she doesn’t want people to see them without her being able to tell the story of their meaning herself.
🎄 — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
I can’t say if I’m excited or annoyed at the worldbuilding this is going to take and spark in me. :p
I’m going to say there is a festival when Leviathan’s constellation first rises that is often associated with monsoons/heavy storms, depending on where you are on the continent. It involves a lot of dancing and gathering together with the whole village or neighborhood or, in Insomnia, clan to share food.
Amani loves getting dressed up in the swirling paint designs and flowing cloth and spinning around in a mix of individual improvised dances and precisely memorized partner and group dancing. Because it is a large party, she gets to bring her assigned food and then is free to party with everyone else. Let the elders who don’t want to dance much be in charge for once.
Amani loves to dance, and Leviathan’s Rise is the perfect time for it. Dance because you got your work done before the storms forced you inside! Dance because the storms haven’t come yet and you are pleading for their arrival and the turning of the year! Each year has a different flavor and mix of partners, and she gets to let loose in a way she finds actually fun.
🤓  — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
She is confident in herself and doesn’t mind being the one to start conversations or ask questions. She is genuinely good with people, for the most part (she can err on the side of too frank, though at work she’s mindful of consequences most of the time).
That said, she doesn’t need to chat to fill the silence. If she thinks she’ll be seeing a lot of someone or is aware of their influence, she prefers to quietly observe them before making her move. Her favorite evenings at home can be equally chatty game nights or working/playing in silence together.
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meissashush · 2 years
Waking up 6 CorNyx
6. "Love the hair"
Nyx was not awake enough to deal with whatever it was Cor was smirking about. He glared at his boyfriend through the reflection of the mirror, ignoring his own face as much as possible. Nyx knew he looked as shit as he felt. He didn’t need Cor rubbing it in, the well-rested bastard. “The fuck you want?” Nyx growled through toothpaste foam, bending to spit in the sink. He pointedly ignored the pink streaks as he rinsed it down the drain. His dentist kept telling him to brush more gently, but he didn’t want to deal with that shit right now. Cor—never one to be daunted by one of Nyx’s moods—settled himself behind him. Nyx wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, choosing to ignore the warm weight at his back to continue forcing himself through his morning routine, desperate to at least feel half-alive by the time they had to head to work. Something the ever staid soldier behind him did not seem to care about today, for all that he was crowding Nyx into the sink. “Going somewhere?” Cor asked, pressing a kiss to Nyx’s shoulder. Nyx stared at him through the mirror, incredulous. Cor kept smirking at him. “Work?” Nyx said, more of a question as he turned to face Cor, whose smirk was quickly bleeding into a grin. “What?” Cor kissed his nose, a move that would have been far sweeter if he wasn’t also laughing at him. “Nyx,” Cor breathed, in that half-a-laugh voice that meant he thought Nyx was being particularly stupid. “It’s Saturday.” “Oh.” Apparently he was being particularly stupid. “Then why the fuck am I awake?” “I don’t know, but I love the hair.” Cor laughed as he sauntered his way back to bed.
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6, 17, and/or 22 for fanfic ask meme, please?
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Not from the FFXV fandom. There's many talented authors in this fandom, but when I read FFXV fanfic, it makes me lose the will to write my own. It's weird and buggs me, because I want to read all those amazing works.
Outside of the FFXV fandom, I love the fic New Genesis by deanine, it's from FFXVI, and Loading and Aspect Ratio by JUBE514 which is a Batman fic.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I learned that I hate participles. XD (Language creation is hard)
The most recent thing would be that I learned about Arabian architecture thanks to @raven-6-10. Which is really fun!
And the thing before that was the layout of Ancient Roman kitchens and what kinds of food they te back then. (It's fascinating to learn what spices they had access to, because it implies how widespread trade was back then. It's really cool.) (I learned that for my Times Immemorial au fics)
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
I know who lives and who is dead by the end and if it's a happy ending. That's about it. The details come when I actually get to writing it.
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glaivewaffle · 2 years
1, 4, 12, 21, 29 for Maeve and the ask meme
Thank you for the ask ❤️❤️
How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them? Maeve is quite short at 1.55 m / ~5'1" so she's very much used to people being taller than her. Tall people get on her shit list when they try to be funny and use her as an armrest, but other than that she doesn't mind them (and is, to some extent, fascinated those that are Really Tall for no reason she wonders what it would be like to see the world from that angle all the time). People shorter than her (excluding children) are instantly considered friend-material, and one of the first questions she'll ask is their height.
4. Preferred weather? Maeve likes sunny weather. When she was a child, the sunny days were the ones where she could spend time outside in the park with others. She grew up poor so she didn't have all that much to entertain her at home, so she liked being able to get out.
On the other hand, she really also loves storms, specifically thunder storms. There's something about them that makes her feel both giddy and safe. She loves lying on her bed or sitting by a window and just listening to the reverberating rumbles and the rain pelting the roof.
12. Something small that they enjoy?
Reading books. She loves fantasy books the most, a love that was born when she was a child, and it was an affordable hobby since she can just go to the library to loan books. It's a great way for her to relax.
She also loves tiny signs and acts of affection (and larger ones, too).
21. Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
It depends. I imagine her initial reaction would be not to ask for help, at least. She's very shy and the thought of approaching strangers for directions seems intimidating. If they can ask someone they know for help, then it's no problem. Other than that, she'll want to exhaust all the other options before resorting to asking strangers.
29. Any past injuries?
Nothing major. From the Comrades DLC pictures some might have seen, she does have a scar that runs across her nose and cheek, but she only gets than when she's older and in the KG. I'm not including that or the story behind it on this, because I've not gotten that far 😂Her worst past injury would most likely be a broken arm, but that happened when she was very young (3-4) and she doesn't remember it.
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oftincturedwords · 2 years
WIP MEME ( Accepting ! )
↳ for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
Thank you so much for sending in a rose ! I appreciate it greatly !! I gave three paragraphs rather than sentences though ^^’’
Whilst Nyx’s frame held muscle and a fitness born from taking up the mantle of a hunter back in Galahd, today’s PT training had been gruelling. Probably to weed out the ones that couldn’t put up with not only the physical demands, but those lacking the determination and drive to keep going even when exhaustion had seeped into their limbs and excursion had stolen their breath. And it was only the first day.
Sweat still dripped down the back of Nyx’s neck and down from his temples, his body overheated and craving both respite and rehydration, as the air outside the Citadel held no breeze to allay the heat of an Insomnia summer. Libertus was in much the same state, although he remained flushed and a touch winded. Luche wasn’t any better off than either of them.
But they had made it, they all had met the markers for the day and were feeling proud in spite of the exhaustion tugging at their limbs. It’d been exhausting, yes, but the sense of accomplishment overwhelmed the fatigue. This was the first step towards their goal of helping Lucis defeat Niflheim so they could return to their homes with peace, as well as the returning of the debt owed to the King. Or so Nyx viewed it.
This isn't an active WIP at the moment , but I do like what I had until I lost muse for it , so I went back into my FFXV Kingsglaive wips to find this one because I know you like Nyx , this one is about Nyx’s first week as a new recruit. It's not easy in nearly every way possible.
I really need to step back into writing for kingsglaive , I have so many WIPs for it that need finishing.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Today's fic is for @garbria, who requested 'Gardening is good for the soul' 🌱
The distant sound of clipping drags Cal out of his meditation. Opening his eyes, he finds himself alone in the engine room. BD has taken off. Cal’s not surprised. They’re tucked up on Bogano before they head back to Dathomir, so he’s probably checking in with his bogling friends.
Standing, Cal stretches out, shakes off a few lingering aches, and heads out. He finds Greez alone, tidying up the terrarium.
“You’re finally looking thawed out,” Greez says without looking up.
“Thanks. I guess.” It is nice that Cal can feel his toes again. That’ll teach him to go plunging into an icy pool on a frozen planet.
“You’ve got caf in the pot and a spice cake I saved ‘specially for you,” Greez continues. “Cere and BD will be back later. They’ve gone exploring. Guess Cere wanted to find some of this Cordova guy’s stuff. She wants you to stay here, rest up before we head to Dathomir.”
Cal glances wistfully out of the hatch. “I’m fine.”
“I’m not saying you aren’t. I’m saying it’s alright to stay put for once.”
He’d spent five years staying put. Now that he’s free, he wants to roam…
…although he doesn’t have his boots on right now, and he is still tired, like Ilum’s cold ate into all his reserves and left him with nothing. He feels better than before, and ready for what he must do next, but a nap would really –
“Gimmie a hand here once you’re fed and watered,” Greez orders. “You planted all of these, so you should learn how to take care of them.”
Cal drinks his caf. It’s about as bitter as the stuff Prauf used to make on Bracca, strong enough to wipe the heat scarring off a hull. Cere made this pot for sure. Greez usually sneaks a syrup in when he makes it. Thankfully the spice cake takes the caf’s bitter edge off. He plods over to Greez and looks at where he’s trimming a tiny green puff of grass, complete with little purple flowers. “What’s that?” Cal asks. “I don’t remember seeing something like that.”
“It’s a weed,” Greez says. “Must’ve snuck in with the other seeds.”
“You can’t get rid of it,” Cal protests. “It’s pretty!”
“It is a weed,” Greez spells out. “It could kill the other flowers.”
Cal scoffs. “Flowers are just weeds with better propaganda. Let it stay.”
Greez sighs. “Go down to the lower deck, open the supply locker, and dig out another flowerpot. Grab the extra compost too. If we’re keeping it, it’s going in another container. I’m not risking the others. Weeds could choke the roots or – ”
“I’ll get it!” Cal rushes off and collects everything he needs. He hurries back and follows Greez’s instructions about filling the spare pot with compost, making a hole in it for the plant.
“Weed,” Greez repeats.
“Flowers,” Cal shoots back.
“Fine, whatever. You can keep it back there in the engine room. Decorate your workbench with it.”
“My workbench?”
“Cal, buddy, I haven’t gone near that thing since we picked you up. It’s yours, trust me. Now, let’s get this thing replanted.”
It’s his? The workbench is his? Cal’s never had a workbench of his own before.
“…hear me?”
Cal shakes himself. “Yeah, sorry. Show me what to do.”
Between them, Greez and Cal moved the so-called ‘weed’ out of the terrarium and into the new pot. The green grass and little flowers spill over in a cascade of life. Cal holds it up, poking at it with the Force. He can feel it settling into its new home, roots digging in. He’d never spent much time on botany, but he remembers learning about the Jedi who could encourage plants to grow and thrive. Maybe he could learn how.
“Put that one aside for now and help me with these vines. Next time you find plants on Dathomir, leave them there.”
“You needed the challenge,” Cal says, grabbing a pair of clippers and following Greez’s lead by dead-heading the plant. “Everything else was easy.”
“Nothing wrong with things being easy.” Greez heads off to fill the watering can.
“If you say so.” Cal reaches out to the Force, senses the difference between each plant. He can feel the different worlds in their leaves and flowers. The Force does live in them, as it does in all living things. It’s not as complex as it is in sentient life, but the flowers pulse and glow with their own energy and power. Some are pretty proud of their blooms too, and Cal smiles with them.
A chuckle and pat on the back from Greez pulls Cal’s attention back.
“Yeah, I knew it,” Greez says, handing over the watering can.
“What did you know?” Cal asks, watering the plants he can feel need it.
“Gardening’s good for the soul,” Greez explains.
“Oh.” Cal looks at his ‘weed’. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
Hello, hello! It’s me! I actually have something to share for WIP Wednesday this week, however if anyone’s noticed by now, my title isn’t in the usual blue text, that’s because it isn’t for Skyrim, the most I’ve written for my Skyrim stories over the last month has come from my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card or TES Summer Fest, so I’m sorry to say, I have nothing to share… but… I have been working on one of my stories recently - Guard and Glaive - my Final Fantasy 15 long fic. I’ve nearly finished the prologue and I’ve had several amazing ideas for much later in the story, so I thought I’d share something from that.
Thanks as always for the tag @thequeenofthewinter and I’m sorry it’s not my Skyrim stuff, I am trying to get back to it, but it’s just hard at the moment 💙🌸☺️
Violet made her way towards the dining car of the train to get a bottle of water, she was on edge, after Altissia she had been incredibly jumpy and the very thought of everything that happened made her stomach twist into knots, usually followed by a wave of nausea or dizziness.
As she got to the door that led to the dining car, Nyx stepped out, nearly crashing into her and causing Violet to flinch
“Oh! Astrals, Nyx, you made me jump” she let a little nervous laugh as she tried to compose herself once again
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you, dear,” Nyx smiled, Violet frowned
“Dear?” She asked “what’s with that?” She instinctively took a step away from her lover, Nyx stepped closer
“Sorry, love, I didn’t think you’d mind that”
“It’s just… a bit old fashioned, it didn’t suit you” Violet’s stomach was churning, the spook Nyx had given her had triggered the nausea she’d been feeling all day to build, her discomfort must have been clear on her face, because Nyx reached over to her and held her arm, to stop her slight sway.
Again, sorry it’s not Skyrim, but I’m having a lot of fun working on this story at the moment
I’m going to tag… @oblivions-dawn @seradyn @savage-rhi @bostoniangirl21 @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @garbria @andywinter16 @awlwren and anyone else who wants to take part, as always no pressure to share something if you don’t want to ☺️💙
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annaoi · 1 year
Commissions are Open!
I'm open for headshot/bust, half-body, and full body sketched or colored sketch.
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Send your request through here: https://tinyurl.com/annaoiartcommish or just send me an ask.
Finished commissions:
Camille for Heiko (on Discord)
Chadwick for Heiko (on Discord)
Older Chadwick for Heiko (on Discord)
Portrait for Tingletops (on Discord)
Nyx Ulric for gabria (on Tumblr)
Colli for LadyAshfire (on Reddit)
Concept Art of a Weaponized Prosthetic for Melly (on Discord)
Nyx Ulric again for garbria (on Tumblr)
Raine for arcane-circles (on Tumblr)
Luche Lazarus for andywinter16 (on Tumblr)
Linnea for garbria (on Tumblr)
Nyx Ulric chillin' on the couch for garbria (on Tumblr)
Rosea for Mei (on Tumblr)
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caparrucia · 1 year
17 and/or 18 for writer ask meme, please?
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So glitter and gold started as a prompt response to @garbria, and in the replies to that post we started bouncing ideas and then I realized the idea of a fake dating AU would be hilarious. But I wanted to do a fake dating AU where the issue is not miscommunication, but kind of the opposite. Over communication. And also for the fake dating to have stakes but not the usual fare that comes with a bit of betrayal or hurt.
And I wanted to write a comedy, just something lighthearted and fun, and so the final prompt was: fake dating AU, where Nyx volunteers to be Cor's lover to get Cor out of hot water, but where no one actually believes them, while they go extra hard into it. So now Nyx and Cor have this very complicated story they've sold themselves on, but the people they're trying to con (Regis and Sylvia) have seen through them since day one, and are instead popcorn-gif-ing at the shenanigans.
The fun is the fact they're so well matched and they're very in love with each other but privately doing the song and dance about how much the other likes them and if the other is interested in like... long term relationship, as opposed to the fun back and forth of their con. And like, everyone around them can see the obvious resolution, but they've got hangups and their own stuff to work through.
And then I just keep throwing shit at them because it's fun.
Like, I didn't need to do the worldbuilding for it, but like. Why not? Why not a new world with new rules and new shenanigans? Why not a Cor that's actually a LC and then what that would mean for the world? Why not add an entire massive subplot about magic and the gods and what's going on in the world? It's a brand new romantic comedy about Cor and Nyx and their idiot life choices, written by me, why the hell not.
So there we are, bits and pieces have been shared but I don't want to spoil what's coming. I'm having a lot of fun for it! :D
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
So this is an awful passage to choose but I think it's something a lot of people missed? And it's one of my favorite bits of characterization in the sun is out, and how it anchors Cor and shows his connection to Aulea:
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Specifically, Cor declaring that he's "decided" on the answer, regardless of what the actual answer is. It's the kind of nonsensical thing you don't really expect from him. He's so solid and composed and generally agreeable. Cor is very chill throughout the sun is out, he makes a point to not get ruffled or angry. And when he is, he's very clear on why he's upset.
So this blindsides Nyx, because the whole fight over Nyx's stasis is very... it's not fun. It hurts and it's awkward and it's a solid mess. But I wanted to highlight that bit, because I wanted to show what Cor is like, when he's pushed into a corner and he's lashing out: and what he is, is basically Aulea. He treats Nyx the same way Aulea treated him, because Aulea is still the measuring stick he uses to figure out the world, and when he encounters something he can't deal with, he legitimately regresses into that dynamic, toxic as it was.
Here's Aulea's version of it:
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"I've decided" is the code phrase: it means taking agency from the other and setting the rules and refusing to negotiate. It's deeply, profoundly fucked up. Cor knows, viscerally, how upsetting it is to be on the receiving end of that.
But Nyx has accidentally triggered him and basically set his PTSD on fire without meaning to - Nyx asked him to kill him, or at least try, and Cor thought he was over Aulea, he really did, and then he remembers she asked him to kill her to, in a way, only she didn't have the decency to tell him doing what he did was going to kill her, until he was done, and welp.
It's a very vulnerable moment, for Cor, it's the closest to shattering Cor has been in the entire series. And I love that Nyx snarls and hisses and doesn't bend to it, not the way Cor did to Aulea, when she did it to him. If Prompto hadn't been hurt, they'd have been in a very precarious situation, but Prompto being hurt reminded them both, viscerally, that they're in it together, and therefore allowed them to put their feelings on hold until they were sure their son was fine. That reminded them of their priorities and the larger picture and allowed the feelings to soften somewhat.
Without that buffer, though? Oh, they would have fought horribly and possibly split up for a while before they cooled down and figured out how to reconcile, but it would have been fairly painful, because they're in the space where they'd be saying things they probably don't really mean, but they're hurt and triggered and frothing about it.
It's such a big thing for them to survive, together, that everything that comes after is just "I mean, we survived that, anything else is child's play." I had a tremendous amount of fun mapping out that fight. :D
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calling4glaives · 1 year
Day 1 Recap
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We’ll continue to add works to this list as we find them, so don’t worry about being late. Please support all artists and writers – comment, like, reblog, and leave kudos!
Tumblr is being quirky today and not everything is showing up in tags, so if we missed something, please send us a message and let us know!
Title: Blades! Author: blossom adventures Link: Tumblr Prompt(s): Blades Relationships: Nyx & OC Summary/Excerpt:
“You lost Crownsguard?” A voice called, she turned around to see Nyx, who smiled when he realised who it really was, “oh, Lady Amicitia, if you’re hoping to see Drautos then you’ve just missed him”
Title: sharpen all the knives you got Author: yuzukimist / MYuzuki Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Rescue Summary/Excerpt:
"You know, I think all of our lives would be a lot easier if Lucian nobles would stop getting captured by the enemy," Nyx remarks as he drags on his combat gear.
"Yeah, no kidding," Crowe says, rolling her eyes. "But quite a few of them seem to have more money than brains, so here we are getting ready for yet another rescue mission."
Title: A Prince and a Princeling Author: Niaswish / Shiary Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Captivity Relationships: Noctis / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Prince Nyx Ulric has finished his mission, conquer Insomnia and demand Galahd’s rightful payment for Lucis’ betrayal. Finding himself faced with Lucis’ prince, Nyx finds himself rather intrigued when the kid bluntly asks him if he’s a stripper, while being in chains himself!
Not that Nyx would allow his own amusement to interfere with his duties.
Title: Scars Unseen Author: WhoStarLocked Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Danger, Captivity Relationships: Pelna / Nyx Trigger Warnings: Rape/NonCon, Underage Summary/Excerpt:
“Did you like your present, love?” Mama asked, her smile getting wider as she glanced at him.
Nyx nodded enthusiastically, feeling so happy he could burst at just the reminder. He was nine today, and Mama had given him one of Papa’s daggers - now his very first weapon - for the occasion.
It was the best birthday ever!
Title: Sting of Betrayal Author: whumpwriterforlife Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Captivity Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
"Wha–" Nyx had no time to finish before his head was wrenched back harshly, the rest of his words turning into a pained gasp. Drautos loomed over him, a dagger in his free hand. His eyes were frighteningly blank.
"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this," Drautos told him, perfectly nonchalant as if he wasn't holding a dagger mere inches away from Nyx's bare neck. "You would've been a great asset to me, you were always a more skilled fighter than the rest of them – but you are way too stubborn, following that scourged King like a blasted puppy."
Something about the words broke through the drugged haze and the memories flooded back. Late night at the Glaive HQ, threats of gate duty unless mission reports were turned in, stepping into Drautos' office and seeing him–
"Glauca," Nyx breathed, his eyes wide at the realization, but it only took a second for anger to ignite inside him. He lunged forward with a snarl. "You traitor!"
Title: A Rescued Chocochick Author: Firechocobros Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Blades, Rescue Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx hoped that his father would approve of what he used the family blades for. In which Cor and Nyx try to not get attached and Prompto is too cute for this world.
Featuring: Cor Leonis not getting attached and Nyx Ulric breaking the attachment land speed record.
Title: Talk Some Sense to Me Author: Garbria / Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Captivity, Rescue Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
The door swung open, and Nyx froze. On the other side was a boy about his age with a scowl on his face and a sword in his hand. The bruise on his cheek made Nyx think he wasn’t part of whoever was in charge here.
“Who are you?” he snarled in Lucian.
Nyx grimaced. He really should have paid more attention to those Lucian lessons. His Lucian was passable, but he was better at listening than speaking.
“I’m Nyx. Who are you?” He spoke slowly, hoping the other boy could understand him.
The boy glared at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Fuck if I know!” Nyx moved his hands in exasperation, but stopped as he noticed the other boy move towards his sword. “Where even are we?”
The boy stared at him, gaze sliding over Nyx’s beads to stop at the new tattoo on his cheek. Nyx scowled at the look on the boy’s face. He was Galahdan and proud of it. He wouldn’t pretend otherwise. “Leonis. Cor Leonis.”
Title: Mnemonics Author: MeissaShush Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Blades Summary/Excerpt:
The snake yawned, stretching slowly along the large, flat rock. It didn’t seem to care that Nyx was there, crouching like a pathetic little daemon in the shade of the alcove. He fiddled idly with the ribbon wrapped about the hilt of his kukri, threading the loose strands of blue through his fingers as he watched the snake settle.
Title: Love and Blood and Choice Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Rescue, Captivity Summary/Excerpt:
Clarus followed closely behind Libertus, hating himself for not being able to evacuate the boy sooner. He just had no backup on this mission, and had barely been able to find a safe place to shelter his niece, so he had no choice but to endanger the boy further. The fact that the boy insisted he wanted to help was cold comfort, at this point. All he could do was stay as close as possible. He was trained for protection, after all.
Though he certainly didn't feel like he was very good at it at the moment.
Uncle Clarus AU! The Clarus POV of Whumpwriterforlife's "The Bonds that Bind Us"
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whostarlockeda03 · 2 years
Fair enough! I ran into the same problem with garbria’s ask. Hmmm…. Tattoo, then? ♥️
So this is from.. checks notes.. January last year
Yeah. I'd say sorry about that but a) You should know by now I'm hopeless at answering asks in a timely manner and b) if I'd answered this last year this sentence would not have existed for you XD
ANyways! Here ya go:
The boy laughed, his eyes sparkling in the low evening sun when he tipped his head back for a moment. When his eyes fell back to her, his smirk had grown into a proper grin that made tiny little flecks of tattoo ink stand out on his cheekbones.
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awlwren-writes · 4 months
For Alexander: 📚🔺️🍎
Alexander (first name pending) is Cor’s secretary, the poor man.
📚 - what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
Alexander probably has a two-year degree from a secretary school, originally, but I think did night classes to get a bachelor’s in management while he worked. If he doesn’t have the actual degree, he has the equivalent in classes here and there.
He did an internship at the Citadel either concurrently to or immediately after his original degree, and earned a position of trust and, with time, a fair amount of clearance.
🔺 — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
I still tend to think Lucis retains a fair amount of martial culture, so most people learn one or two weapons at least to a basic level. A coming of age event is binding your (first) weapon. The standard, if you’re not that talented and/or from a wealthy background, is a pike, with everyone doing like some minor formation drilling during gym classes growing up. The theory is it teaches discipline and teamwork. Perhaps there is a slower, meditative version as well, that those less interested in the battle side of things do during their scheduled practice mornings on Mutsday and the like. Who doesn’t enjoy swinging sticks around (with adequate spacing)?
So technically he can use a spear. He has a fairly nice one after all these years working with the Guard, but he uses it more for fitness training than any actual attempt at prowess.
A persistent rumor around the Citadel (fanned much higher after his “duel” with Cor) is that his bonded weapon is a stapler. Alexander alternately encourages it and denies it, but no one wiling to admit to it has honestly seen him summon either item.
🍎 - where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
He was born in Insomnia, probably one of the outer edges that got swallowed up as the city grew. He always thought it was basically the city growing up, but it’s become even more urban since. It’s all high rises there, now, and he hardly can navigate it because many of the familiar landmarks are gone or too run down.
Most of his family is gone or not particularly close, though he does occasionally visit his sister’s family for holidays and the like. She has moved to the opposite side of the city, though, so it doesn’t bring him back there, and he is more than fine with that.
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meissashush · 2 years
6, 17, 19, 27 for CorNyx
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
Oh, the dreaded 'L' word. Since the next question asks who fell in love first, I'm going to focus on when they first realized the other person loved them back.
For Cor, it wasn't until Nyx said it to his face. This wasn't the first time Nyx had said it, mind you. Nyx has a filthy habit of saying intense things in the heat of the moment, so the first time it was said was while they were knee-deep in mud and being shot at, but Cor is stupid pragmatic, so he dismissed that as a slip of the tongue. Which meant Nyx had to say it again, while gripping his face so he couldn't run away from his feelings like he always did. It was very effective.
For Nyx... well, he caught on a lot sooner. He started to suspect they were more than a little serious about each other when Cor started inviting, then just straight-up expecting, Nyx to be at his apartment on their days off, but Nyx also didn't want to get his hopes up. Then Cor started making room in his limited drawer space for Nyx's clothes, and Nyx was reasonably certain he understood what was going on. ...Not that he'd say anything about it, though. He didn't want to risk jinxing it.
17. Who fell in love first?
A lot of people thought it was Nyx. He's a Big Feelings guy, and more than a little prone to falling head-first into whatever it is he sets his mind to. They failed to consider, however, that Cor is a perfectionist. Everything he does, he does with 100% conviction and effort.
The idiot was head-over-heels before they even kissed.
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
They're both extremely pragmatic and used to hard situations. I imagine they both 'power through', working at maximum efficiency and not letting themselves think about the absence. Naturally, that means every reunion is swiftly over-taken by a crash-and-burn naptime.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Cor can't smell/taste something 'spicy' without considering if it's something Nyx would like or if it would send him into a ten minute tyraid about how Cor 'has no idea what spicy is', and Nyx can't see a sunrise without laughing at the mental image of Cor's face wrinkling up with disgust at having to be awake.
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Not a question, just an ask to tell you how much I love all your fics! Your worldbuilding is masterful and inspirational, and Heart of Thunder and the Crystal verse are some of my favorite comfort reads. Your CorNyx fics are part of what got me writing my own fics for the first time in years! Thank you so much for writing such excellent fics and sharing them with us!
That is
Thank you so much!
I'm speachless. I never thought me of all people would inspire others to write. This is actually one of the greatest compliments I ever got.
You know, when I started writing FFXV fanfic, I never thought Cor/Nyx would be one of the Things I'll be known for ^_^
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awlwren · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @garbria and @caparrucia! <3 Thank you so much! *blushes*
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Late to the game, as usual. For multichapter/collections works, I'll just post the start of the most recent chapter. These are all FFXV.
I Have Loved the Stars Too Fondly - Chapter 18
Nyx loved his Uncle Clarus and his Aunt Daphne. He loved when they came to visit, and he got to show them all the rare things he’d gathered from the jungle and the places he’d found and secrets he’d learned. They were so much more fun to explore with than the rest of the family, because they were strong enough to risk the more dangerous places and they were always impressed with even the regular places because they hadn’t seen them a dozen times over the past year. And his little cousin Gladio was getting to be big enough he was actually interesting.
2. These Small Hours - for @meissashush's birthday
Cor kept his hand hovering over the pocket where he kept his phone as he stalked down the corridors of the Citadel. He would never be so unprofessional as to have it out when he was in public, much less when he was walking, but he still wanted to keep a hold on it, like it was his weapon in his current struggle.
3. Talk it Out - Chapter 4 - for Kingsglaive: Lore
Amani was irritated, to say the least. This was supposed to be her free day, which meant she could get as far from the Citadel’s endless halls as possible. She had had plans, by the tide’s return! But when King and Country called… At least she was almost done. She just had to sign out and she could get back to— O Lady, give her patience. “What are you two doing wandering around like this?” she asked, trying to keep her voice calm and controlled.
4. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - a remix for the New Year
Nyx staggered through the doorway, letting in a gust of cold air before he slapped the door closed, collapsing against it. Crowe scowled up at him from where she was working on the floor of her and Lib’s shitty apartment, throwing her arms across the papers spread around her in a somewhat belated attempt to keep them from blowing around. She saved them from flying across the room, but her order was all disrupted. “What are you doing here?” she demanded. “You have your own apartment. Go there unless you want to help pay our heating bill.” Nyx had chosen not to live with them, he could act like it.
5. Lean on Me - a remix for the FFXV Remix 2022 event
Gladio tucked away his book as he stopped reading. Prompto had drifted off to sleep, his breath still whistling in and out through his congested lungs, and Gladio didn’t want to wake him. Besides, Prompto was much more interesting than a book he’d read at least twice already.
6. Down to Business - part of @whumpwriterforlife and my ongoing series Smoke and Mirrors
Regis was ready to make heads roll.
7. We'll Be Alright - a remix for @garbria
Cor adored Nyx. He did. Nyx was so brave, on and off the battlefield, willing to take the calculated risks for what he valued most, and willing to throw himself into the weeds again and again, whether that was running through the literal hostile vegetation across the breadth of Lucis or just the brambles of the remains of Cor’s dead social life. He had an almost uncanny ability to know when to press and when to just sit in silence, and an almost never-ending well of patience when it came to waiting out Cor’s moments of discomfort or exhaustion or just idiocy. He laughed at Cor’s snark, listened to his thoughts, and shared his own generously.
8. Hands and Faces - chapter 7
Nyx dared a quick glance at his watch. The corridor he was speed walking through right now was relatively deserted, so the move was probably safe. If Cor was exactly where he should be, Nyx just might have enough time to catch him before he had to head back for the final briefing before the Glaive shipped out. If he hadn’t decided to take lunch with the King or step in to watch the new recruits or any of the myriad things he liked to do to keep his restlessness assuaged when he’d been trapped in the Citadel too long. Nyx hadn’t thought he’d have enough time to swing by and had told Cor not to expect him for lunch last night, so Cor would have no reason to stay in his office today, and though Nyx had tried to text him that he’d managed to wiggle some time free, his texts hadn’t gotten any replies just yet.
9. Burn Out Bright - more Smoke and Mirrors
Gasson’s assistants had snuck into the lab in the early morning, going about their work quietly, keeping the lights dim. Flaed had snuck over and laid some sort of bread in the shadow of the first aid kit, and someone else he didn’t recognize had surreptitiously replaced their water bottles with full ones. Titus wasn’t sure if it they were guilt offerings or ones sanctioned by Gasson and the assistants were just trying to avoid reminded each other that their subjects were human. Or avoiding waking Titus and Nyx so that they didn’t have to be reminded of that themselves.
10. Those Who Wander in Darkness - Chapter 3
The table they were led to was down two hallways and half a flight of stairs, which gave Nyx plenty of time to compose himself. He kept expecting Cor to put him down, especially when they got to the stairs, but Cor had glided down them with his usual grace. It had been an odd feeling, not bad but slightly disorienting. Disorienting was a feeling he was having to get used to, especially after everything that had happened in the courtyard. After everything that had happened since they arrived in the past, really.
I totally did not edit any of those for typos I noticed while doing this, or to make sentences less confusing. If I had, well, that would prove the exercise was worth it, right?
Thanks so much! That was a lot of fun.
No pressure tags for... @noirbriar, @maychorian, @philomytha, @sanzochan, @exlibrisfangirl, and anyone else who would like to try!
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oftincturedwords · 2 years
1 and 3 for the Behind the Scenes ask game?
ASK MEME ( accepting ! )
Behind the Scenes of Fic Writing: 30 Questions for Authors
thank you for taking the time to send in an ask ! i appreciate it ! <3 these are excellent questions !
1. What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
the first ever fandom that i wrote for was star wars , i was round nine or ten i think & had just been allow to watch star wars episode iii : revenge of the sith ( i had protective parents ; we couldn't watch certain films until we showed we'd were mature enough to handle them ) so it completed the whole series for me , & i , in all the innocent confidence of a child , decided i was going to write an episode vii to the franchise xD agdkflg i had my parents read it & everything … i wish i had half the confidence i did back then ahdkflfl
3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
i jump around :||| i do outline thus i know how the fic will begin & end , as well a majority of the middle bits , but i tend to write the scenes i am most excited for or have the muse for first , then connect them all together at the end
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