#gave rubys hair the slightest purple tint to differ it from the cloak
constantvariations · 2 years
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More color meddling for our titular team! I might need an intervention lol
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lunanightingaleart · 4 years
So Lucky To Have You
This is going to be an Oc x Canon Fanfiction, if you aren’t comfortable with that do not continue reading. Otherwise I hope you enjoy and maybe Heart and Reblog if you wish <3
Start At Chapter 1
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Chapter 3
“Congratulations on all of our students at Beacon Academy, and welcome each and every new team of Huntsmen and Huntresses.” The students began to applaud, new students excited to be there and older students welcoming the newbies. With gloved hands, Lillian clapped with a soft smile on her face as she let it sink in. She was at Beacon Academy, learning to become a huntress to protect the world and fight back against evil. She felt kind of like a superhero in training.
“Well, that was quite the ceremony.” Looking to her Team Leader Travis, she excitedly nodded.
“Yeah, honestly it felt pretty inspiring. Oh, by the way. I’m Lillian. We never really got to introduce ourselves before the ceremony.” She offered her hand to the Red Panda Faunus, returning his friendly smile and gladly shaking his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Lillian. I still can’t believe I’m part of a team. I hope it’s alright that I’m the leader...especially for what I am.”
“For what you are? Come on man.” The student named Ryker spoke up, arms crossed with a colder look in his eyes.
“We don’t care that you’re a Faunus. You’re our team leader, that’s the important part here. So, make sure to act like it. Alright?” Travis blinked, shyly nodding with a smile.
“Of course, thank you!” While heading out of the crowded room, Lillian curiously looked to her third teammate, who before this stayed completely silent.
“Hey, I’m Lillian.” The boy covered one of his eyes with snow white hair, but just underneath the bangs she noticed signs of scarring. She couldn’t quite see it all, but it looked a bit like claw marks.
“Nice to meet you Varian~! I’m glad to have you on the team. We all may be strangers now, but I bet we’ll get along just nicely.” Varian stared at her for a moment, before his eyes moved to the floor.
“Do you really think so? All of us?”
“Of course~! Teams have to work together you know. By the time we all graduate, we’ll practically be family~!” The word family seemed to make Varian smile, a rose colored tint forming on his cheeks.
“That sounds nice.” While walking out with her team, Lillian caught a glimpse of quite the group of people. There were plenty of teams that held all sorts of unique and eye-catching people, but this one really caught her eye more than the rest. A very pretty girl wearing a white cloak, and beautiful silver eyes. A blond guy who seemed to hold the sun in his hands, not to mention the puns she could actually hear from where she stood. The next two seemed related, twins maybe. Both wore black hair and crimson eyes and carried a look that said they were uncomfortable here. As if they didn’t know what to do about their current situation. Seeing the weapon carried by the boy twin though made her stare for a moment. It stood out, something about it she couldn’t quite place. She really liked it though.
“Hey Lily, are you alright?” She heard Travis’s voice, but her eyes didn’t leave the group. It was when her eyes suddenly met the boy’s crimson ones that her face matched in hue and she looked towards Travis.
“Yeah! Sorry, there’s just so much going on.”
“You look like a tomato.” Ryker pointed out bluntly.
“Aw, it’s alright Lily. Let’s check out our dorm while we can. Figure out sleeping arrangements.”
“Yeah, okay.” Lillian glanced back over her shoulder once more towards the group, this time there was no doubt the boy had caught her, as he was now staring at her curiously. She felt her face flush, and shyly waved with a friendly smile. He didn’t move, and instead his gaze was brought back to his team who had gotten his attention for something. With that Lillian followed her team to their shared dorm room.
A few days pass and classes are starting up smoothly, well...mostly. It seems the teachers are having a fun time trying to keep some of the teams from misbehaving. A few were just troublemakers, others just seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Lillian had no idea where He played in this, but hearing the laughter of multiple students and then seeing a blur of someone disappear down the hallway gave her a bad feeling. Peeking past the corner, the blond kid from team STRQ was laughing and fist bumping a few kids.
“Oh man Tai that was hilarious!”
“How the hell did you get him to wear the girl’s uniform?”
“Apparently he’s never worn a school uniform before; told him it was a Kilt and that it was totally normal.” Lillian stood there for a minute, thinking before turning and following where she saw the blur leave to. That Tai kid probably didn’t mean it to be bad, but it was Mean. After a few minutes she noticed a closed door with the lights off, but could hear the slightest of grumbles from inside.
“I shouldn’t have listened to him, what was I thinking!? Raven was right…” Standing at the doorway, Lillian pressed her knuckles to the door and knocked a few times. Silence. She knocked again a little louder.
“Go Away Tai.” She swallowed softly.
“It’s not Tai…are you okay?” There was silence once again. This time he seemed to pretend he wasn’t in there.
“...Hey, what that Tai kid did was really mean, but I don’t think he meant it that way. I think he’s just an idiot.”
“...Oh yeah? And how would you know? Are you friends with him or something?”
“Not really. I share a couple of classes with your team. You’re….Qrow, right?”
“...Yeah, that’s me. Who’s asking?”
“Oh, I just want to make sure I got it right. It’d be a little embarrassing if I called you the wrong name. Talk about a horrible first impression. Um...I’m Lillian, by the way.” After a minute or so of silence, Qrow spoke up.
“So what did you follow me for? A picture? Trust me, I’m sure you can talk to a few kids and find plenty of them.”
“Oh no, that’s not it. I just wanted to come make sure you were okay. You seemed upset.” An audible scoff came from the room.
“You don’t say? You must be some kind of wizard.” Lillian slowly sat down on the ground, seeing the small crack under the door. Pulling out her scroll, she opened up an app to play tic tac toe, and then slid it under the door.
“Wanna play? You can go first.”
“...I’m not….good with games.”
“Well lucky for you Tic Tac Toe isn’t really a game of stakes, just some X’s and O’s on a grid.” Lillian sat patiently in front of the door, before the sound of movement peaked her interest. Suddenly, the scroll slid back under the door, a game started. Lillian smiled and took her turn, sliding it back under the door. It was like this for several rounds, content silence growing between the two as game after game was played. Most of the rounds were tied, but it seemed to lighten the mood.
“Told you I’m not good at these kinds of games.”
“That’s okay, to be honest the game was just an excuse to keep you company.” A soft chuckle came from the door.
“You’re pretty stubborn.”
“Yup, as a mule. My ma says that’s my best quality.”
“Heh, I don’t know. It’s pretty annoying.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Some more movement was heard, but this time it was followed up by the unlocking of a door. Lillian pulled herself from the ground, patting off her uniform skirt and waiting to see the voice from the other side of the door. There he was, the boy with eyes like rubies and hair like a black bird’s feathers. He was wearing a combination of the girl and boy’s uniforms, a button up top and a skirt that came to his knees in length.
“Look I know I look stupid..”
“Not really.”
“...What?” He looked to Lillian as she shrugged.
“Would it be weird if I said you had nice legs?”
“Coming from a complete stranger? Absolutely.” She rubbed her head apologetically.
“Coming from the girl I just played Tic Tac Toe with for an hour? Not as much.” He seemed to smile, and something in Lillian’s chest jumped. She offered her hand to him, shyly smiling.
“I’m Lillian, Lillian Violette.”
“Qrow Branwen. So, you really think I have nice legs?” She giggled and nodded a bit.
“Yeah, not many guys can pull off a skirt. You make it work.” For the first time, she heard a real chuckle out of him. She felt she did an almost impossible feat for some reason, and she felt an overwhelming feeling of pride and joy watching him smile.
“Not a problem. So, you wanna play a game that isn’t a free app on my scroll? Maybe some video games?” He seemed hesitant, rubbing his neck while leaning on his heels.
“I ugh…”
“Or if you’d like I can help you get back at Tai for being a jerk.”
“...You know what? I’ll take you up on that.” Lillian smiled brightly and began to walk with him down the hall.
“By the way, sorry that I stared at you at orientation. I saw your weapon and I was really impressed.”
“So that Was you! I thought you looked familiar with those purple eyes of yours.”
“Yeah, I noticed your weapon can transform between a sword and a scythe. That’s really cool, the scythe part reminds of of The Grimm Reaper.” He suddenly seemed to gain a sparkle in his eyes.
“You Know about the Grimm Reaper!?”
“Of course, she’s amazing!”
“I know! I actually designed a lot of my weapons based on hers! She’s so cool. You’re the first one to really recognize it.”
“What can I say? I’m a fan, and I can identify good taste.” The two continued to talk weapons on their way back, and anyone who laughed or openly made fun of Qrow ‘Somehow’ slipped and fell. It seemed Qrow was noticing it, but didn’t ask why and almost looked embarrassed about it. Throughout the day, it turns out lots of other female students agreed with Lillian that Qrow had nice legs and totally made the skirt work.
“What’s with girls and my legs anyway~? I’m starting to think I really Do have nice legs~”
“Trust me, if a bunch of different girls are all agreeing and no one has said otherwise, it’s one hundred percent true.” A genuine chuckle came out of him as they went on the hunt for Taiyang. After some time, and asking a bunch of different students, they eventually figured out just where he was. Peeking passed the corner, Lillian watched as Taiyang was attempting to get to know Qrow’s twin sister better (failing miserably might I add). Humming to herself, Lillian turned towards Qrow with a soft smile.
“Do you want to see something that I can do?”
“It’s nothing too bad, just promise me you won’t go around telling everyone. I want to keep my semblance on the down low.” Qrow hesitantly nodded and watched over Lillian’s head as she seemed to begin focusing on the scene in front of her. He picked up on her mumbling under her breath as she seemed to whisper to herself. Tai who was attempting to pose coolly while talking to Raven suddenly lost his balance, taking a few steps back only to step right into a mop bucket left a few feet behind him. With a loud sploosh and ting Taiyang was now on the floor sitting in a puddle of soapy mop water, and a student holding a mop now seemed very unamused. Raven however, for the first time Lillian’s ever seen, cracked a smile and covered her mouth quietly laughing to herself. Qrow’s eyes widened and felt his chest tighten. Pulling his eyes from the scene he pressed his back to the wall they were hiding behind and let his mind race with thoughts. What was that? Was that her semblance? Does she have bad luck like him? Was that even possible? If they were both bad luck would that man their semblances combined could be even Worse than usual!? His heart began to pound in his head as he began to worry himself into a path of no return. Lillian turning with a proud smile only dropped it instantly when she saw how he was taking it.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t think you’d react like that! Oh god, um he’s okay! I promise I don’t use it to hurt people or anything, it’s okay!” Qrow looked to her with disbelief.
“It’s okay??? IT’S OKAY!?” He didn’t know how to react, running his fingers through his hair and now staring at the floor.
“I mean, yeah...I have control over it so it’s not anything bad. I just have to be mindful of what I think.” That’s what made Qrow freeze suddenly. Control over...what?
“Control…? You have...control over your bad luck?” Lillian’s brows furrowed at his words.
“Bad Luck? Is that what you think it is?”
“So you...don’t have bad luck semblance?”
“What? No! No no, did you think? No, my semblance is a little different from that.” Qrow seemed to instantly relax, still a slight tremble in his chest as adrenaline still ran through him.
“Then...what was that?” Lillian looked around, before slowly taking his wrist and leading him down an empty part of the school. With the shell shock he was still recovering from he sort of just let her lead him wherever. Once they were completely alone, Lillian leaned against the wall and let out a soft sigh.
“My Semblance is...well we call it Mischief. You know how there’s always those low chance possibilities of something happening? Like tripping on nothing, or getting an extra prize in the cereal box. You know, very rare but still possible options that can happen? A lot of people put them in the category of good luck and bad luck because it seems Luck has some sort of say of the possibility of it happening. Well, in a weird way I’m...in between? I don’t have overwhelming luck, good or bad, I can sort of...make things happen. As long as it’s a possible thing that Can happen with the given circumstance I can Make it happen. But I have to know enough about it to make it happen. Like how Tai fell in the bucket. I saw a student mopping, saw him trying to impress Raven, and recognized the imbalanced pose he was doing while talking to her. It all came together like a child’s puzzle piece. I can’t do it all the time, but stuff like that is the easiest way. I prefer tripping since it’s always very possible for someone to lose their balance or just trip on air.” Lillian watched Qrow’s expression of disbelief, feeling herself become worrisome and embarrassed.
“I know it’s weird, trust me I know…”
“Yeah...you’re right that is weird..” Looking down Lillian seemed to softly grip her arm.
“...Weird’s good.” Perking up, her eyes met with his ruby ones, and her cheeks matched in color.
“Yeah...Honestly it’s kind of cool you have control over that. It’s like you have control over Fate in a way.”
“I wouldn’t say that. I have to see it to have any control over it. So if someone sneak attacks me and I don’t have any location on them I can’t do anything. It’s pretty much a ‘I Either Have To Be There’ sorta thing or a ‘I Have To Know The Person Pretty Well’ thing.”
“So you’d be able to make something happen to me even though you couldn’t see me?”
“I mean, if I knew enough about you and whatever you were doing along with where you were. The best I could do is make you trip.”
“Still...that’s kind of both cool and freaky.”
“Yup, heard the freaky one before. Cool is new, thanks.” The two relaxed around each other, finally smiling this soft almost trusting smile. After a few minutes of silence, Lillian cleared her throat and touched her incredibly warm neck.
“So do you...wanna go play some video games?”
“Sure, you’re not gonna cheat by making my controller stop working are you?”
“Cross my heart.” They began walking back down the hall in silence. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Qrow glanced over towards Lillian. She was only up to his shoulder in height, and only now did he notice the weapons wrapped around her hands that resembled retracted claws in a box over her knuckles.
“Hey so um...are you gonna ask about...my semblance?” He felt incredibly stupid for bringing it up, and almost instantly regretted it. What if she was afraid of him or would treat him differently after knowing? Glancing up at him, Lillian gave a soft patient smile.
“You don’t have to tell me. Semblances are really personal parts of you, and while others are very open to telling everyone they meet about it, I can understand not wanting to do that. If you want to tell me you can, but I’m not going to make you if you aren’t comfortable with that. So, it’s okay. Just, you know, don’t worry about it. I’m sure one day it’ll come up, but we don’t have to rush it. We did just officially meet today.” Oh that’s right, this girl and him Did just technically meet today. They’ve had classes together, but never really talked. Besides it’s only been at most a week since all this started. Weird. How come he was already so...relaxed with her? Still, he was glad she didn’t push the idea of him telling her his semblance. She seemed to understand enough that some things needed to be kept personal. At least until there’s a strong enough bond. What was he saying? He was only supposed to be here until he was a Huntsman and then go back to the village with his sister. Bring back the knowledge of Huntsmen and Huntresses. Nothing else.
“Hey, I’ve got a few different games to choose from, got any favorites?” Her voice brought him back, and his eyes met her as a sideways glance.
“I um...I don’t...know…” He trailed off, embarrassed to admit he doesn’t know much about this place, or video games for that matter. Technology is still really jarring to him.
“Oh, I gotcha~! Let’s start out with something easy then, a fighting game should work. It’ll be a one on one sort of game. Like sparring, but virtually. Come on I’ll show you.” This girl was really patient with him, and reminded him of his team. Summer and Tai mostly. Qrow smiled and followed Lillian’s lead, ignoring the girls complimenting his legs and the guys laughing about Taiyang who was now walking through the halls with very soaked pants.  Once they got back to her dorm that she shared with her team, he awkwardly found himself meeting all of them. He recognized them from his class, now that he thought about it. It wasn't often a Faunus was made a team leader, not to mention the entire group seemed to have a strange unspoken rule between them. Like a bunch of older brothers protecting their little sister. He could feel the faunus's eyes on him the entire time, and it made him even more uncomfortable. It was only when Lillian quite literally kicked them out of the room and set up the video games that Qrow began to relax. The rest of the day they tried different games, Lillian teaching Qrow the controls and basic rules.
"Hey, Nice~! You're getting the hang of it!" Qrow sat confused as the screen said he won. He literally had no idea how he won, but it was exhilarating. Looking to his left, Lillian smiled and laughed having a good time. The bright smile reminded him of a flower in spring. He felt his face warm as he forced himself to look away.
With each passing day Lillian began to find herself getting more at home. All these different students are all looking to do around the same thing, becoming stronger to help the world be better. To fight the evil in the world and save the innocents. Months go by and Lillian has really gotten the hang of the classes, not to mention she finally feels as if she really gets her team. They were just getting back from a mission when Lillian looked throughout the crowd of students all coming back from missions and classes.
“We should probably go and tell the professor about the outcome of our training mission.”
“You should probably tell Lillian that.”
“What??” Travis turned only to see his teammate Lillian gone. Lillian was zooming through the crowds of people and jumping to get a better view of the crowd. With her height it appeared she was drowning in the amount of students, hopping to keep air in her lungs. She could kind of see them, with each hop she could locate them and then get closer.
“Qrow~!” The ravenette stopped mid step, about to follow his team to lunch when he heard the familiar voice. Looking behind him he stared towards the ocean of people.
“Qrow, you coming?” Tai called out, but Qrow didn’t move. He saw a sudden head pop up from the waves and a small smile formed.
“In a second.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waited for the head to pop up once again, but closer. They made eye contact with one another and that seemed to cause more of a smile. When Lillian noticed he was waiting for her she sped up, crawling out of the crowd and stopping just a few feet from where he stood. She caught her breath, and smiled looking at him.
“Hey…” He smirked a little.
“Hey~ Welcome back~”
“Lily~!” Summer ran over and wrapped her arms around Lillian quickly. She laughed and wrapped her arms around her in return.
“Summer~! Good to see you!” Lillian excitedly talked with team STRQ after not seeing them for a week, happily joking with them and catching up.
“So hey we were heading to lunch, want to head over?”
“I’ll actually meet you guys there, I pretty much just ditched my team to come say hi. Gotta report our mission to the professor.” Summer, Tai, and Raven all left towards the cafeteria, but Qrow stood there patiently waiting.
“So, how was your mission?” Lillian smiled and took a step towards him.
“It was...interesting.”
“You’re telling me!” Lillian jumped and took a step back when her teammates appeared behind her.
“This girl is crazy! Leaped onto the back of a Goliath Grimm.” Varian spoke with a huge grin. Qrow’s eyes widened and looked to the now embarrassed Lillian.
“I might have fallen out of the tree-”
“It was incredibly dangerous and she almost got seriously hurt.” Travis spoke with arms crossed and tail swishing.
“Buuut because of that Ryker was able to identify it’s weak spot and we took it out no problem. It looked amazing!” The two began to argue about whether it was super cool or dangerous, and Lillian took a step towards Qrow. Qrow looked at her  with a still astonished look.
“Did you seriously leap on a Goliath?” Lillian rubbed her neck with a red face.
“We were hiding in the trees, a branch snapped under me and I panicked. I didn’t want to fall straight down so I leaped forward and used my semblance to land on it’s back. Then I was basically bull riding this Grimm while my team had to basically save me.” Qrow had to suppress the chuckle imagining her riding this wild grimm like a bull.
“Only You~”
“Well we need to go report to ole teach, you coming Lily?” Lillian looked between her teammates and Qrow, indecisive.
“Ummm…” Ryker appeared behind the two and set his hands on his teammate’s shoulders.
“Can’t you see she’s obviously wanting  to talk with Qrow, alone? Come on, let’s go. He led the two away as they complained about being dragged away, Lillian was blushing heavily, staring awkwardly at the ground as all the students now seemed to spread out and leave them alone in the hall. There was a silence between them for a while, before Qrow finally chuckled and closed the space between them.
“They’re a handful aren’t they~?” Lillian smiled softly.
“Not as much as a handful as you~” Qrow playfully scoffed.
“Takes one to know one~” Lillian wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, Qrow held her close for a second, just sighing.
“So was Ryker right? Do you have something to talk about?”
“Well, I didn’t know if it was time..” Qrow pulled her away a bit to look at her. She sighed and bit her lip.
“I know we’re trying to keep this...on the downlow, but...there’s that dance coming up…” Seeming to understand, Qrow looked to the side.
“I don’t know...I’m not really into stuff like that.”
“I know, we don’t have to go as a couple. I just thought it might be fun. It’s your choice though.” Qrow hummed a bit, shifting his weight a bit.
“I’ll….think about it.” Lillian nodded.
“I appreciate you doing that, no matter what the outcome.”
“Yeah yeah, come here~” Lillian laughed as Qrow held her and spun her a bit, lifting her off the ground and burying his face in her shoulder. It had been a solid week since Qrow had even seen her, let alone hold her. It was a good thing though, so his semblance couldn’t affect her as much. Not to mention that mischief semblance of hers helps immensely. He wondered if it was about time he told her in detail what his semblance even was. It was only three weeks since they secretly began dating, but the fact he got in a relationship without telling them seemed a bit selfish. He bit his lip, just holding her for a moment and sighing,
“Is something wrong?” Shit. He grumbled a bit and pulled away to look at her.
“You’re way too perceptive.” She stuck out her tongue.
“Come on, what’s wrong?” Staring into her sparkling purple eyes he couldn’t help himself. For the past several months she’s been there for him when he needed it, and hasn’t asked for anything in return. She never tried to fix his problems, and never asked for too many details if he was uncomfortable or didn’t want to talk. She was just there for him. He couldn’t keep hiding this from her, she didn’t deserve it. While in thought, Qrow moved some of her hair from her face while still staring into her eyes,
“...I think it’s time I tell you in detail about my semblance.” Qrow walked with Lillian to a more disclosed location, just in case anyone walked in on their conversation. Qrow felt more comfortable this way, and Lillian was willing to make sure he was comfortable for this. She really was thoughtful to him. Qrow brought Lillian to the empty classroom they first met at and sat with her on the floor. He began to go into detail about his Bad Luck Semblance, how dangerous it was for him to be around anyone for too long because he couldn’t really control who it affected. Anyone in a general radius of him would possibly get affected by him, and that scared him when it came to his friends or her. When he finally finished he was holding his head and refusing to make eye contact with her. What if she became afraid of him? What if after he told her all this she decided it would be best that they stayed away from each other? He was so scared, trembling a little in place.
“Guess you could say I’m a Bad Luck Charm.” His voice shook a little, and that instantly scared him more. He was already so attached to her that the idea of her rejecting him for his semblance tore him apart. He waited for it, waited for her to apologize and leave him behind. Instead however, she gently reached for his trembling hand and held it.
"...Did I ever tell you...about the first time I ever experienced my Semblance?" He blinked and looked up towards her, shaking his head a bit.
“No, you never did…” She gave a saddened smile, squeezing his hand a little tighter and sighing. Her usually calm and joyful demeanor was gone, she looked so upset. Using her free hand she ran her fingers through her hair, now her turn to tell a story.
"When I was young, a bunch of kids used to mess with me a lot. Always these boys pushing me and pulling my hair. Knocking down my block towers, you know the stereotypical boy messing with girl stuff. Everyone would always say it was normal and that I should just ignore it. Well...one day...I can't remember just Why I was so angry. They did something that just finally made me snap." Lillian glanced up at Qrow, only to lower her eyes again in shame.
"Mind you I didn't know much about Semblances let alone how to control it. I didn't know what mine Was, but that's besides the point. I told the kid I hoped he would get hit by a bus. And I really meant it at the time. They laughed it off and went on with their day, and I was grumbling and finding myself able to see it vividly. Of course I was a kid so I was thinking of it like a kid would. Stick figures basically being flattened and getting back up. I..." She swallowed a lump in her throat, her eyes darkening.
"The next morning I went to school, and I saw him riding his bike, he lived pretty close by so his parents didn't mind him riding to school by himself. A school bus was speeding down the road and didn't seem to notice him. The kid jumped out of the way and rolled into a ditch just seconds from getting flattened. His bike was destroyed and my entire class stared in shock as this kid I threatened yesterday almost died...my Semblance did that." She seemed ashamed of her words, biting her lip in silence now. Qrow couldn’t believe what she was saying. She almost killed someone with her semblance? Lillian? The sweetest girl he’s ever met almost caused a child homicide?
“It wasn’t the last time either. Whenever I got angry and thought harmful things it caused them to happen. Teenage bullies falling down the stairs, kids getting bit by wild animals,...” Lillian’s eyes darkened.
“...A Grimm appearing in town and causing havoc to a group of teens….” Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she began to grip her own arm.
“I had to learn to control it. I was so scared every single time I ever caused something like that to happen. It wasn’t like bad luck where it just happens, I could control it...and I hurt people because I couldn’t stop myself from wanting them hurt. I’ve worked on it since I was a kid, but there’s always that fear that I’ll get really mad and can’t control myself. Or that I’ll let my mind wander and I’ll accidentally hurt something I care about…” She looked shamefully towards the floor, Qrow staring at her awestruck. He never thought, even for a moment, that someone like her would even remotely understand what he felt. Without even thinking, he reached up and began running his thumbs across her cheeks, drying the tears from her face. Looking back up to him with tear filled eyes Lillian sniffled softly. She looked so vulnerable. He hated it, seeing her cry and look so helpless. He wanted to see her smile, laugh, make snide remarks whenever she wanted. That confident sweetheart that he had grown to know and care for. Leaning closer, Qrow wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The two stayed like that, embracing each other in silence for a while. When they finally let each other go, they left the classroom holding each other's hands.
“...Hey, so I’ve thought about it.” Lillian looked towards Qrow confused.
       “Let’s...go to that dumb dance together. If you still want, that is.” His face was red as he spoke, staring ahead and attempting to avoid eye contact with her. Her eyes sparked at his words, a genuine smile forming on her lips.
“I’d love to…” He nodded shyly and walked with her to the cafeteria for lunch.
“How do you think they’ll react?” He chuckled.
“Better be positive, otherwise they’ll have to hear from me~” She giggled, leaning closer to him as they walked.
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