#gay behaviour to walk on the ledge like that
lenreli · 1 year
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Understandable Rage
Prompt: Any Au/Beauty and The Beast Au
Words: 1,369
Characters: Maito Gai, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, Asuma
Falling back against his bed, Gai stared up at the ceiling. What he wanted to do was scream, perhaps curse a little, and storm back over to Kakashi’s room to give him a piece of his mind.
He refrained, though. No matter how upset he was with Kakashi’s behaviour he refused to lower himself to that level. He was better than that. 
“He’s just so…”
“Angry?” Obito jumped up from the floor onto the window ledge, his flames flickering as he landed.
“Insufferable?” Plodding along the floor, Asuma lifted his eyes toward the bed and sighed. 
“Rude?” Swooping down, Kurenai scooped Asuma into her arms and lifted him onto the bed, only placing him down after she’d pressed a kiss to the top of his little clock head. 
“All of the above,” Gai groaned. “Why? No matter what I do he gets angry. I could be walking the dog or trimming the hedges or doing laps around the castle and he always seems to find a reason to get angry with me.”
“Well, you have to understand-” Turning his head to the left he narrowed his eyes at the tiny clock. “Well, my understanding isn’t the right word.”
“He’s just trying to look out for you,” Obito continued, waving his little flames around as he spoke. “He’s just kind of like that. He does it with all of us.”
“He’s rude to all of you?” Sitting up, Gai rubbed his hands over his face. “How? How do you handle it? How do you keep living here with someone who yells at you for every little thing that you do?”
Asuma trodded along the bed back to Gai’s side. “We can’t exactly leave,” he pointed out. “I mean, where would we go? If anyone else saw us they’d freak out.”
“You don’t know that.”
“We do, actually,” Jumping down to the bed, Obito rolled his eyes when Asuma glared back at him. “Some of our friends have left in the past. Usually to gather supplies in the forest, or to try to find help when the curse was first placed on the castle.”
“And? What happened?” Turning himself around, Gai reached out a hand and waited for Obito to jump on it. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the candle not to burn something, he’d just prefer if that ‘something’ wasn’t the bed he was supposed to sleep on. 
“None of them came back,” With a shrug of his handles, Obito did a little hop and turned mid-air so that he was facing Gai. “He went out searching for them, but all he ever came back with were…”
Silence fell over Obito at that moment. 
“Were what?” Gai pressed.
Swooping into the room, Rin headed straight for the nightstand and began dusting. “You all look gloomy,” she commented while dust flew all around her. “What happened? Did Kakashi do something again?”
“He yelled at Gai for trying to use the sheers on some of the bushes,” waving away the clouds of dust, Obito smiled when Rin turned her attention to him. “You know how he is.”
“Protective,” Rin answered without hesitation before continuing with her work.
“Protective?” Gai huffed. “It’s not like I was going to hurt myself on some garden sheers.”
Stopping in her tracks, Rin tilted her head. “Not of you, though I’m sure that will change with time,” she added when Gai raised an eyebrow. “No, he’s protective of us.”
“Of you?”
“Ya,” she nodded “We’ve, well…”
“That’s what Obito was trying to say,” plopping himself down with a grunt, Asuma looked up at Gai. “When he’d come back from the forest, it was always with shards. Little pieces of our friends.”
A wave of nausea washed over Gai. 
Shards. Little pieces of remnants left behind after a cup had been broken, or a broom splintered. Body parts turned into furniture, broken apart in an instant. 
As realization sank in, Gai found himself regretting storming away from Kakashi the way he had. He’d been so insulted thinking that Kakashi believed him to be incompetent with simply gardening sheers, especially gardening sheers that could control themselves, that he had allowed his anger to get the best of him. 
He’d stormed away, leaving Kakashi standing outside alone in the cold, all because he’d thought the beast didn’t believe him capable of doing something as simple as trimming some hedges. “He thought I-” 
“Not that you’d do it on purpose!” Swooping up toward him, Rin landed in his hand beside Obito. “He’s just seen so many of our friends broken, sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose. He’s always acting overprotective of us. We can’t even leave the castle grounds without him at our side anymore because he doesn’t want to have to carry more broken pieces back to the castle.”
Lowering his hand, Gai set the two human’s turned objects back down on his bed beside Asuma. “How many?”
“It’s been ten years,” Obito grumbled. “We’ve lost track.”
“We’ve lost track,” Asuma agreed before turning to Gai. “The Master hasn’t. He remembers all of their names, even the ones he wasn’t particularly close with. It’s something that haunts him every day.”
Curling into himself, Gai rubbed his hands over his face. Three months he’d been in the castle, and in all that time he hadn’t heard anything about shattered friends or overprotective princes'.
Stories of the curse had been told to him by multiple sources, including Kakashi himself whose voice had been heavy with remorse as he explained the events of that faithful night to Gai in front of a warm fire. 
No one had told him anything about those who hadn’t survived long enough to meet him, though. Not even Naruto, the little teacup who loved to regale him with stories of his life as an enchanted piece of dishware, had ever mentioned any of this. 
“He was protecting his friends,” He whispered, the realization weighing on his conscious. “And I lashed out at him for it.”
Rather than being understanding and trying to talk things out, he’d allowed himself to feel insulted at the thought that Kakashi didn’t trust him to care for himself. To ensure he didn’t do anything to injure himself when it wasn’t even him that Kakashi had been fretting over. 
“Don’t beat yourself over it,” Jumping up onto his shoulder, Rin dusted his cheek with her feathers, causing him to laugh. “He shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“Besides, it’s not the end of the world,” Asuma insisted. “The two of you could always make up.”
“Maybe with dinner?” Twirling in her spot, Rin giggled when Gai lifted a hand just in time to save her from toppling off of his shoulder. “A three-course meal.”
“And a dance after!” Obito cheered. “ I can twirl Rin all around the dance floor and-”
Bringing a hand down across the back of Obito’s head, Asuma “This is supposed to be for the master and Gai. Not another opportunity for you to bore Rin.”
Rolling her eyes, Rin jumped off of Gai’s shoulder. “Don’t say that,” she insisted, floating down to Obito’s side and leaning herself up against him. “You do not bore me.”
“Of course, I don’t,” wrapping an arm around her, he waved his free hand toward Asuma. “Besides, Kakashi doesn’t dance.”
A smile stretched across Gai’s face. “Oh, he will,” jumping up from the bed, he turned toward the Wardrobe. “Kurenai, I need your best outfit, and Asuma can you take care of organizing the meal?”
“On it!” without a moment’s hesitation Asuma jumped off of the bed and charged straight for the door.
“And you two,” kneeling, Gai reached out and poked the candle that Obito had just used to usher Asuma away from himself. “Get Kakashi ready. Tell him I have a surprise. An apology of sorts.”
“But we’ll also be having a chat with him,” slipping away from Obito’s hold, Rin floated toward the door. “He owes you an apology as well, after all.”
Watching as the little candle and feather duster disappeared, Gai grinned. There was a lot of work to do if he wanted this dinner to go perfectly, but it was a challenge he was excited to face.
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lincolnonline · 3 years
but you’re coming undone | self-para
who?: lincoln clarington-smythe ( w/ special appearances from @winnieclarington, @zoepuckerman, @riverwashington, @finnschuesters & various other gleeks ) where?: the ski trip, in the cinema space when?: 1/15, karaoke night about?: link, in the midst of a drunken breakdown, takes to the stage during karaoke night...this can only end badly.
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Link was ready for a ski pole to impale him right through his pretty little head. All he had done since he had unpacked his bag in his room legitimately question how long it would take for him to make it back to Westerville by foot. The answer was ‘far too long’ and the plan was scrapped pretty quickly. 
So, he had turned to the stash of booze he had brought with him and was hit with the genius idea...Karaoke night. Link needed to vent, he needed to sing. And he missed his baby girl Taylor Swift’s Sixth Studio Album Reputation more than anything. Pouring himself another drink, Link made his down to the elevator, making eye contact with the only other person in there. She wore a thick, fur-lined winter coat, face rosy from the cold. It He knew her face, she was from Carmel. “Ugh, Oceania right? Lemma borrow your coat, I’m dressed like a slut, I didn’t think this through.” With a cocked eyebrow and a mumble of ‘it’s River actually’, the girl took of her coat and draped it over Link’s shoulders just as the doors opened and he headed towards the cinema space without so much as a ‘thanks’.
He didn’t even need to open the door of the cinema space as just as he approached, two figures excited, leaving a cheering crowd behind them. Julien and...a girl. He didn’t get to catch her face, and at this point the faces of all women where blurring into one. Jaz, right? It had to be Jaz...Or maybe any other brunette from McKinley. As he entered, the first face he saw was Winnie’s and he pushed through the crowds over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, attempting to hug her without dropping his glass. “Hey babes, love you so much, you’re such an icon. Don’t touch me though or else I’m going to start screaming & crying,” Link said to his sister, handing her his now-empty glass and giving her an air kiss on each cheek before he shoved her back into a seat and made his way up into the stage.
“Hi everyone, I’m Link, I’m seventeen, I’m gay, I’m intoxicated and I’m having a psychotic breakdown,” Link said into the microphone, the large smile on his face not matching the strange & drunken introduction he was giving to himself. Shrugging off the large winter overcoat he was wearing, revealing what was essentially a glorified slutty school girl costume, the only difference being that Link had hand-embroidered ‘WHORE BEHAVIOUR’ across the ass of the skirt, and the jean jacket he had been giving my Sterling during Secret Santa last year, Link took the mic off the stand and began stumbling around the stage.
“You see, it’s Taylor vs. Kanye week at my school, which I know is a sentence that makes no sense, but it just so happens to be that there is a Taylor song that suits my current depression. Enjoy watching me publicly displaying my pain for you all.” As he finished his ramblings, the guitar-filled instrumental of the song began and Link, upon noticing where Zoe was sitting, drunkenly blew her kiss before beginning to sing.
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“Seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty Is the face in the mirror looking back at you.”
Antsy and already sick to standing around on the stage, Link ungracefully dropped down on his ass as he sang, scooching himself off the ledge to he could walk around.
“You walk around here thinking you're not pretty-’ Jaz, is actually so pretty, has anyone told her that? ‘- but that's not true, 'cause I know you.” 
Link allowed himself to adlib a little, turning to around himself in attempts to locate the girl who had just been up singing and once he couldn’t find her before the next line, waving a dismissive hand. While he wasn’t exactly in his right mind at the moment and his voice wasn’t exactly sounding its best, he’d be damned if he let himself miss any lines and risk not getting his point across.
“Hold on, baby; you're losing it The water's high, you're jumping into it And letting go, and no one knows.”
Yeah, that was just how Link felt right now. He had found himself in some seriously deep waters and he had no idea how the fuck he was supposed to get out of this one. It was so easy for him to pay his way out of his issues but he was dealing with a life-or-death situation in terms of what life after high school would hold for. As he let this thought overcome him, Link sang out the next section with both hands on the microphone, eyes squeezed shut.
“That you cry; but you don't tell anyone That you might not be the golden one And you're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone.”
During the short instrumental between chorus and second verse, Link took a wine class out of the hand of a woman he wasn’t familiar with, quickly sculling it down before he was due to sing once more.
“I guess it's true that love was all you wanted 'Cause you're givin' it away like it's extra change.”
As he sang, Link dug around in his skirt and jacket pockets, hoping he could find some coins but it came up dry. During to the nearest familiar face, Link kneeled by the table. “Finn, hey girl, you have any change on you I wanna do a bit wh-” he began to say, offhandedly to the other teen before turning his attention back to the music and huffing, “-ugh, fuck, forget it I’m about to miss the next part,” he mumbled, turning away.
“Hoping it will end up in his pocket But he leaves you out like a penny in the rain. Oh, 'cause it's not his price to pay It's not his price to pay.”
Walking passed Zoe and giving the blonde a sloppy kiss on the cheek and letting out an snort, Link turned back to the crowd. “One more time, motherfuckers!” he shouted, running back onto the stage and essentially scream-singing the final chorus as he slowly but surely developed into sob-singing.
“Hold on, baby; you're losing it The water's high, you're jumping into it And letting go, and no one knows That you cry; but you don't tell anyone That you might not be the golden one And you're tied together with a smile But you're coming undone.”
As the song faded out, Link let out an ugly sob, kicking the mic stand to the ground and dropping the mic with a very audible feedback. This was a low point, Link was certain nothing could be worse than this. Listening to the awkward and uncertain scattered applause, Link let out a cry of ‘fuck you, virgins!’ before heading down back towards the door, he needed a bag of Lays, a can of Sierra Mist and some hardcore cable porn, ASAP.
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