demonsfate · 7 months
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He walks to the public computer in the public library. After a few minutes, the printer begins to produce an obnoxious EEEEEEEEEEE noise. Once it spat out a collection of papers, Jin walks up with the screenshots he actually bothered to print.
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❝ False. It's mostly pee. My point still stands. ❞
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sshoryuken · 5 months
➣ (W)atching his roommate move around their stuffy apartment from the comfort of the old ratty futon has done nothing to dissuade the increasing sense of irritation bubbling in his gut. Scott lets out a series of small whines at Wallace, all going ignored as he rushes to and fro in preparation to leave for the night.
After the umpteenth time of his wordless pleas going unanswered, Scott throws the blanket he's curled into off his form at Wallace to get his attention, the old fabric landing just short of his feet.
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"You're going out again?" He asks, moreso stating the obvious with a disgruntled drawl enunciating the 'again', "are you gonna bring back some guy who smells like armpit and then kick me off the bed?"
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64ko · 7 months
[ @gayroomate TEXT] - so this is my number, but don’t save my name as anything sketchy
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[TEXT] Who is this?? [TEXT] Oh [TEXT] Wallace?? [TEXT] I'm saving your name as annoying ex [TEXT] annoying ex roommate*
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mechahero · 5 months
Drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! Let's spread a little sunshine ☀️ Yipee!
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strebcr · 5 months
apologies from invading your askbox for this one, but ANOTHER THING!
don't immediately consider everyone your friend. this ties into not being upset if people don't want to write with you, but its also super duper important. as someone who's been burned too many times by people that i considered friends in the rpc when i shouldn't have, its absolutely important to keep the mindset of 'we are mutuals and acquaintances, nothing more.' until you've built a friendship for longer a single year or shorter
this isn't to say you shouldn't be friendly. but you should also definitely keep in mind that friendliness won't always equal friendship
Don't worry you're fine! This is very helpful thank you! I hope the anon will also take this into consideration :^O
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juxpoz · 4 months
   "This shouldn't be here." Wallace quickly grabs the very person specific power-up out of the air, without a care in the world about it or anyone else who might have seen it floating just a few feet off the ground. He's likely going to hand it off to the ginger that shares its face.
((from the jurrasic starters, for Devi, or whoever you think would be the funniest))
🩸 — [ she's not as startled as most people would be in this fourth-wall-breaking situation, easily passing these things off as being in her own head ... BUT, she's a curious creature by nature -- and someone else saw ( and handled ) it! ]
" Okay, what the hell was that? "
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nekrotopia · 6 months
gayroomate said:
   He's holding onto Ramona's hand with one of his own, her fingers resting against the side of his index as he applies a layer of polish to her nails. "So, Girl." he starts, focused on making each digit match the colors of her hair, his own already painted a deep, dark blue. "What's this week's disaster?" he breaks the nonexistent tension without so much as looking up at Ramona.    It was common for the two of them to get together only for it to devolve into them voicing that week's complaints and airing out month long drama. It was in Wallace's nature to drag even the juiciest gossip out of even the least drama inclined, after all.
unprompted // always accepting :]
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She snorted as she kept an eye on his hands at work, " Oh you have no idea. " She hummed softly in deep thought before speaking in careful measures, " Ran into some old friends that I lost contact with from high school. I think they barely recognised me, besides the hair of course. They were just as clique-y as ever. "
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A pause.
" It was kinda weird. I haven't like, seen or talked to those people in ages, like I think I barely left an impression on their lives. Now I'm running into them at video stores, " a deep sigh as she adjusts how she's sitting, getting more properly comfortable.
" What about you? Anything of note for ol' Wallace Wells? "
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nosomatsu · 6 months
@gayroomate // plotted starter ( karamatsu )
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Karamatsu doesn't go to many bars. Certainly not as many as his older brother does, anyways; typically, he just hits up either Chibita's oden stand, or the local place near their house that Osomatsu loves to take them too. It's even rarer that he travels the world -- but while in search of the fruit, and because their producers thought it would make for good entertainment, they were allowed to travel the world.
Things were taking a little pause for a while, though; right now, they were currently in Canada. Toronto, Canada, to be exact; and everything felt so wildly different than what he was used to. The buildings were tall, the streets much wider than the relatively small roads back in Akatsuka alley; and there was so many things to do, and sights to see! Honestly, it was a bit overwhelming.
Naturally, the first place Osomatsu wanted to hit up was a local bar, though. Not even two hours into arriving, and even with it getting dark soon, he'd dragged all six brothers out on the town, much to their dismay. Not many of them actually wanted to be here ( besides Osomatsu, that is ), but they couldn't deny that having drink did usually help them loosen up. They could always tackle sightseeing and searching around for that fruit tomorrow -- but after such a long flight, they deserved a little break! So sayeth Osomatsu, anyways.
Karamatsu, though -- he didn't really feel like drinking that much, nor getting buzzed. He didn't trust himself not to go overboard, even if he did have a higher-than-average tolerance for alcohol; swirling his wine glass, only sipping it every now and then, he'd strayed away from his group of brothers and towards the wall of the bar. It was a little out of the way of most of the others here, far enough from how rowdy his brothers were getting, and enough to see almost the whole bar and it's dark mahogany booths. This place was bustling, and honestly -- with all the racket, and the amount of people, it was probably better he strayed away from the group of his brothers anyways.
He CERTAINLY doesn't want to be there when Ichimatsu inevitably snaps. Why, looking at him now, he can already see him doing his best to shrink into the corner of the very booth they'd been sitting at, radiating such a terrifying energy that even from across the bar it made Karamatsu's skin crawl a little. Eehhhhmmm. Better focus on something else!
He shakes his head, lips a little curled back; and to cover up any uncertainty he'd been feeling, he settled for trying to be aloof and cool. Pushing up the sunglasses on his nose that definitely weren't needed in a bar as dimly lit as this one, observing all that passed him... yeah, that's Karamatsu's thing, alright. People watching was something he did a lot anyhow, and he'd gotten pretty good at being subtle about it, too. The triangular shades hid his eyes as he gazed to and fro, fro and to .... kind of doing nothing but keeping an obnoxious playboy smirk on his face as he took a sip of his wine every now and again, and preened his hair and leather jacket.
After awhile of uselessly trying to look cool, and balancing watching everyone with pretending he wasn't even looking at anyone at all, though ... one guy caught his attention. Walking into the bar with a couple friends, he'd noticed -- part of him instantly felt like it died when he saw the others walking in with him and chatting away. But, something about his black hair and his cute little sweater just captivated Karamatsu; he looked... very cute.
Despite his attempt to seem cool, the truth was that to approach the guy was pretty nerve-wracking when he was surrounded by friends -- so he instead waited for an opportunity for the people to stop hovering around that guy like buzzards. The moment he was certain he'd be able to get a good few words in, he'd made his way over -- but with every step, he looked stiff, and awkward. A bizarre walk, and everything about him seemed to be on edge; this was not something that went missed by his brothers when he passed their table, their obnoxious loudness screeching to a near halt once one pointed out how weird Karamatsu was acting.
He could feel their eyes on him. He KNEW they were watching him like a hawk. But, he couldn't chicken out now ... ! So, doing his best to take deep breaths and approach Wallace, he let that burnt on smarmy grin of his settle in. Walking right up to the open bar seat beside him, he'd knocked on the bar's countertop twice to get the guy's attention. Then, he'd turned around, cool as a cucumber, and tilted his sunglasses down just enough that Wallace could get a peek of his reddish brown eyes.
"Heeey there, gorgeous. What's a pretty boy like you doing all alone in a place like this?" His head tilted to the side, actively deepening his already deep voice. It was a little bit of overkill, and with his sparkly pants and his tanktop with his own face on it, well... it's pretty clear that he's a Lot. He's really hoping that for once a person -- this person -- indulges him in his shitty flirting, though. He's got to look cool, this guy has got to know how cool he is! Because he's cool-matsu! The coolest of the brothers no matter what they say! He can DO this!! With a confident snap of his fingers, and a little leaning over into Wallace's space, he continued.
"How about I buy you a drink, and you and I can chat a little more? Heh. But only one. Money's a little tight on my budget right now."
... Ok. Maybe he's doomed actually. What kind of person thinks revealing THAT would make him look cool? And WHY does he look so smug about it?!
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52playhouselane · 5 months
Your aesthetic word is…
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apricate means to bask in the sun, to sunbathe. if you got this result, i think you're made of pure sunlight. the warmth you radiate makes people around you feel safe, and i think it's such a wonderful thing. you're like a bouquet of fresh sunflowers, or a box of chocolates on someone's birthday. you remind me so much of chamomile, of pretty rainbows that appear in the sky after a thunderstorm. make sure you love yourself as much as you love others, yeah?
tagged by: @scrrowblue
tagging: @moralpuppet @gayroomate @florietiae @vmpii @mute-call and whoever else wants to do it!
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splinter-sister · 5 months
What love interest would you be in a dating game?
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The sweetheart with an enigmatic dark past.
You're always polite and kind with others. That makes people feel comfortable around you and many would consider you a close friend. However, you seldom feel connected with those around you. You feel like they don't know you, the real you, and they never will because you'll never allow them. It takes a great amount of time and trust for you to show yourself as you truly are, because you repress most of your feelings and desires, and mask them with a calm and collected personalty. It just seems easier that way, safer. But remember that if you bottle everything up, it will explode one day, maybe in ways you aren't proud of.
Tagged by @werexcat
Tagging @gayroomate @knife-drawer-rp @as-above-rp
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werexcat · 6 months
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! ! ( season edition ! )
repost , don’t reblog. bold; always applies. italicise; sometimes applies. 𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑬𝑹. — cold drinks after a long day , hiking in the woods just outside the city , swimming in a lake , spontaneous picnics , the warmth of the sun making you drowsy , the buzz of insects flying by , blooming wildflowers , the scent of bark and leaves , snapping twigs in half , a blade of grass between your teeth, light sunburn on the tip of your nose , barking dogs , rosy cheeks , children laughing in the distance , sunflowers reaching for the sun , fresh ice tea , resting your head on someone’s lap , warm yellow , the sound of waves crashing .
𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑼𝑴𝑵. — cool breezes that feel just right , piles of leaves , rust red , oversized sweaters , knitted blankets , pumpkin spice , the scent of freshly baked goods , open windows letting the fresh air in , cold cheeks and hands , rain boots , carving pumpkins , soft scarves , a comforting embrace from an old friend , the scent right before a storm , wild mushrooms , ripening berries , a cup of hot tea , purring cats , blueberry muffins , braided hair , wearing your partner’s shirts , an alarm pulling you from slumber , burning candles .
𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹. — the crackling of a fireplace , hot chocolate with marshmallows , the smell of fresh cookies , fuzzy socks , beanies pulled over your ears , a strong pot of coffee , dark clouds gathering on the horizon , the sound of wind shaking the ship house , melting ice , snowflakes in your hair , melancholy afternoons , curling up with a book while the world stands still , cough drops on the nightstand , excitedly giving gifts , long coats with deep pockets , pale blues , flour on the tip of your nose , warm soup , stubble turning into a beard , the scent of leather .
𝑺𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮. — the smell after it rains , waking to the sound of birds singing , the crack of thunder , soft pinks , energy drinks or protein shakes , the scent of fabric softener , tidying up , the sweet taste of fresh fruit , competitive spark in eyes , sand beneath your feet , sweat on your brow , catching your breath after running , light green , frosted cupcakes , electricity in the air , forbidden kisses , the sharp hunger after a work out , daring romances , high ponytails , unexpected storms , picking flowers , running barefoot in the grass , iced coffee .
Tagging: @eyesofcuriosity, @overx, @airxn, @strebcr, @sweet-chimera, @gunslinginnhogtyin, @gayroomate !
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bone-pile-rp · 5 months
Design a tea for your muse.
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"Passionflower. Wonderful before a full night's sleep."
Tagged by @eyesofcuriosity
Tagging @gayroomate @gunslinginnhogtyin
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sshoryuken · 5 months
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maize yellow
jasper red
pumpkin orange
freshly-brewed coffee
decently pricey cologne (it belongs to Wallace)
dollarama shampoo
old graphic t-shirts
baggy blue jeans
slightly oversized winter jackets
silly bandz of all colors
old hand-me-down sneakers
red bass
old flip phone with dozens of keychains
sonic the hedgehog themed wallet
typically fidgety
always has his hands clenched into fists when idle
tugs on clothes
constantly somewhat slumped forward
holding onto friends' bicep if near
neon bar signs
unstyled rollerskates
crt monitors running all night
tagged by: @mariotime
tagging: idk who's left... @gayroomate @nosomatsu (for whichever brother you want), and whoever else wants to do it
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mechahero · 5 months
design a tea for your muse
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tagged by: @gayroomate (ty!!) tagging: @demonsfate, @electricea, @earthforsaken (for any of your muses if you want to do it!), and @outofthiisworld
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strebcr · 5 months
Hey, question. If you're someone who left the rp community because the drama you were in or a mistake you made but want to return but at the same time are too scared to and maybe you're busy irl and you're not sure if you would be able to balance it with your fanfic writing and you think that most people have probably either forgotten about you or don't want you back... what should you do? (I know this is a lot / a mouthful, so answer it if you're okay with doing so)
i guess another reason I'm so scared about returning is the lonely feeling that I felt before in the past returning.
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If you do wanna come back I suggest putting in your rules what happened, and getting your side of things while having accountability. Also maybe tell a few friends about the account first and making it private or mutuals only, before fully diving back into the rpc and see where things go from there. Rping is a hobby, and just try running the blog occasionally in your free time! Don't put to much pressure on yourself to be here constantly. I hope this advice helps nonnie. If you're feeling lonely reach out to your friends or you can always reach out to me! Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best, please do whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable. Also as @gayroomate said make it CLEAR who you are, don't go moving blogs and swapping mun names just to hide from backlash. this has happened with too many people and its absolutely very frustrating to find out someone you've been mutuals with wasn't who they said they were. and don't be upset if people don't want to write with you. it's not your job to appease everyone and there will be those who will still be hurt by your past actions. a big part of moving on is to let certain things be. Respect people's boundaries, don't block evade, don't vauge post about people, or don't send people to ask why you were blocked.
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