lacertae-dreamscape · 6 years
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i was feeling artsy!
on the left, @gazeintotheiris’ omnic OC, Fon
in the middle, my omnic OC Cheng
on the right, @sir--damian’s omnic OC Druid
i love both fon and druid a whole effin lot
i had permission from sir--damian a while ago to draw druid if i happened to, and i asked gaze if i could draw her oc since i was at it, and then i thought... why not add my own? :D
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acceptedmyself · 5 years
👟 5
👟 - Kick my Muse in the
3 - Shin
Genji often found himself wondering where exactly lied the very thin line between his Master offering valuable life lessons, and him just being a smartass. He knew the man well enough at this point to be aware the occasional sass was but a facade for some deeper wisdom, but sometimes it appeared the opposite also rang true.
Here, the cyborg and his teacher had found themselves arguing over the latter’s lack of discipline regarding his own training since he had arrived in Nepal: The meditation-and-sparring routine had grown dull to Genji, who had yet to experience any actual improvement in his mental state and began questioning the Omnic’s methods.
So when Zenyatta accused him of just not having mastered the exercises yet, Genji told him off - probably more rudely than he intended - and dramatically announced he was fully capable of staying in a complete state of meditation until dusk, right there, right now, standing on his legs.
Part of him knew his childish whim was an already lost bet, even though he still tried to remain perfectly still. He was all but in a state of meditation as he could just feel Zenyatta floating around him. They remained like this for around a hour, before Genji felt repeated nudges… and eventually, a kick to his shin.
The monk didn’t even hit him that hard, but Genji still sucked air through his teeth as he tried his best not to show any signs of flinching.
He’d swear off the pain later. For now he needed to pretend to be completely unfazed to prove his point… Only five hours to go, right?
Oh man.
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i-willshieldyou · 6 years
@gazeintotheiris cont. from here and made into a Detroit Become Human/Overwatch Crossover :3
Something was fundamentally different, that’s the first thing Reinhardt notices as he wakes. His head feels different…clearer. Groaning and feeling something cold on his arm he turns to look around the room, his sensors taking in the settings of the room as well as the nervous flutter of a heartbeat next to the bed he was currently lying on.
And with a gasp he suddenly remembers what had happened only a couple of hours ago. They had all been on the stage on which one Mondatta Tekhartha was speaking tonight, for all the world to see. An important gathering which was broadcast to almost every country in the world.
Reinhardt had been with Mondatta and the Shambali for some time now, his skills as both bodyguard and caretaker highly appreciated with the men of the order. They had made no difference between him and the monks. Everyone was equal in the Iris.
It had taken him a couple of months to get used to the difference of how he was being treated. No glances at him or his temple, where the small LEDs were always glowing.
In these months he had grown fond of the people around him, his will to please them and make sure they were safe, growing ever so slightly with every passing day. It had been a weird feeling at first. The fact that he was feeling anything in the first place had concerned him and no matter how many check-ups and diagnostics he had run through his system he could not find a flaw within his programming.
Reinhardt had heard of those Androids that had become deviant but never understood how those individuals had been able to act against their programming and defy the orders that had been given to them. Until a couple of hours ago.
His order had been clear: Stay at the side of the stage, make sure no one gets up there and stay put no matter what happens.
But when he had seen the sniper, or rather a shadow, on the roof across from the stage something inside of him had snapped. The barrier, that usually prevents him from moving after receiving a clear order was suddenly much more visible. Screaming inside his own head and pushing his weight against the red barrier in front of him, time around him suddenly stopping.
With one hard push the barrier had suddenly given in, his body surging forward and his entire system rebooting as he staggered forward. He had looked towards the rooftop across from Mondatta and had seen the attacker take aim. Without thinking any longer about what he had just done he ran towards the man behind the podium, tackling him to the ground just as he heard the shot go off. It grazed his upper arm, the place where Mondatta’s head had just been and turning the two of them in the short flight he cushioned Mondatta’s fall with his own body, hitting his head on the hard surface of the stage. He had blinked up at the man pressed against his chest, knowing that he was safe before his system shut down from the blunt hit to his head.
 Blinking at Zenyatta he doesn’t make it obvious that he has woken up, watching the man move his fingers over his ‘skin’ and press the cold compress against the area he’s been shot at.
“Your touch. It leaves me breathless”
It wasn’t exactly what he had wanted to say as the first thing after waking up but the changes that have happened to his system made him more impulsive, more…human. And it was true. The soft touches from the human letting pleasant tingles run up his arm.
Reinhardt had been fascinated by the younger of the two monks who were his owners for some time now and with the changes to his thoughts everything seems so much clearer.
Zenyatta’s reply make Reinhardt wonder what the younger man’s thoughts are, judging from the blush on his face and his quick heartbeat he must be flustered. Reaching for Zenyatta’s wandering hand with his intact arm he takes it in his own hand, squeezing it gently.
“What do I need to be careful about exactly?”, Reinhardt asks, his voice slightly quieter than usual but his audio sensors couldn’t detect anyone nearby so the Android is slightly confused over why Zenyatta asks him to be so cautious.
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greenhairedninja · 6 years
Ice cold wind howls around the snow-covered stones, letting the snowflakes dance wild around Genji. Deadly spikes of crumbled rocks hiding under piles of snow and ice. The path in front of him was barely visible anymore and just a single misstep would lead to certain death. Either into an icy abyss or down a path covered in rocks and ice.
Pulling the loose fabric tighter around his shivering body he took another step against the forceful wind. It was nothing that shielded him from the onslaught of raw strength mother nature showed high up in the Himalayan mountains, but it was all he had been able to take with him. His cybernetic parts stiff and cold, long overdue with an inspection and his upper body only covered by a loose woolen shirt. A thick fabric draped over his shoulders in the attempt to keep his core and the human skin and parts of him warm. His entire body was shaking from the cold already and every step felt like he was pushing against a wall. The wind trying to push him back, as if the mountains did not want his presence on their slopes. Trying to push down the sinner that was trying to climb his way closer to the gods and salvation.
Looking up from the path towards the horizon Genji sees a red flag dance aggressively in the wind, marking another step on his path to the temple he seeks.
How much further could it still be?
Genji had arrived at the village at the foot of the mountain a few days prior in search of the temple that was rumored to be nestled into these mountains. Maybe there he could find guidance on his path, a path he had long lost track of. There was nothing ahead of him anymore, no goal to reach for, just emptiness and a coldness inside that equaled the cold of the snow storm around him. The steps behind him had all crumbled to dust and ash. There was no way back for him, so he kept aimlessly going forward.
After leaving Blackwatch Genji had been wandering the earth. Seeking out places that he had hoped would help him find peace or purpose. It has been several years, but he has still not found a conduit for the emptiness and anger inside. This track into the mountains was his last stand against the pressure inside his mind telling him to let it all go. There was after all nothing left for him in the world anymore. With Blackwatch gone the last people that he had slowly build up trust with had been ripped away from him again. Now Genji was nothing anymore, neither man nor machine. Wandering the earth until his body would give out.
And it seems that it had finally found a rival great enough to force him to his knees. The wind picking up and pushing snow against him. His cybernetics long gone stiff from both the cold and the wetness. Would this be where everything ends? His body covered in snow, lost forever or until the next period of sunshine which uncovers all lost souls who met their end on the winding paths in these mountains.
Reaching the larger boulder in which the red flag has been pushed as a marker Genji sinks to his knees. Looking down his arm and to the hand sinking down into the snow he laughs. A humorless laughter, filled with desperation and fear. The sound of a mad man.
Sitting up on his knees he moves his head up to stare into the greyness of the sky, the wind howling around him, tugging on the fabric around his shoulders. The sound of the flag mixed with his own breathing sounding like it was beating the last strength out of him.
Just when Genji had decided that this was it, that he was too tired to continue his path and his eyes had begun to close behind his mask, had he seen it. A second boulder just like the one he was sitting beside. A second red flag, it’s sound more like that of a beating heart than fists against a weakened body. Muscles stiff and the skin numb where it touches the cold metal of his cybernetics Genji turns to look ahead.
Between the greyness and the snow there was a temple. Nestled against the side of the mountain that Genji had not been able to see before. The wind must have changed direction and revealed the beauty that lay in front of him now.
Maybe not everything seemed to be lost? Was he even allowed to hope for something anymore after all that he has been through and all the things he has done?
With a painful push Genji moves his body to a standing position, leaning heavily against the boulder to steady himself. Taking slow steps, his feet dragging over the snow-covered stones he feels his mind fade. Blackness begins to crawl across his vision and he stumbles over his own feet a few times.
Reaching the large doors, he passes over the threshold, looking up towards the sky before collapsing on to his knees. He made it…but at what price? Staring at the sun that was visible as a bright orb behind all the greyness of the clouds he challenges life itself. Before his body begins falling forwards and hits the ground in a loud sound that echoes in the courtyard Genji wonders one last time.
Was it worth it? Was he worth it?
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spicedrobot · 6 years
G, V
G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?
Oh, man. Uhh, it’s been so long since I’ve read one. I do remember a (Persona 4?) fic where a spider like...talks to a character and makes them masturbate? LMAO I think it was a crack fic for an lj kink meme...
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
z e n,, always
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whitetigermondatta · 6 years
“Kill Me”
Mondatta is not himself, or maybe he is. Always having to be good, always being kind, quiet, submissive-the progression of thoughts makes his hands grip tighter at the wires in Zenyatta’s back, jeiba flashing aggressively. His dear student, his shining star, his everything, he remembers how much it hurt when Zenyatta left, when he ran off with that sharleton and suddenly he wants Zenyatta to feel that pain too and more. It's not the Iris he calls on because the Iris is warm, healing, gentle. No, these icy, cold claws that curl into Zenyatta’s joints and seems, that tear into him with the same fury as his actual hands are anything but. Oil and metal go flying as he rips Zenyatta apart piece by piece and Mondatta thinks he hears a voice in the back of his processor telling him to keep going, to tear the world apart until the ground is stained black and red.
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fallenshimadaheir · 6 years
@gazeintotheiris continued from here
The kitsune huffs as he tries to walk but each time he does, he feels like he’s going to step on the hem of the kasaya. Hanzo pouts, ears laying flat as his tails whisk this way and that.  “I am trying. How can clothing be both restrictive and to loose?”
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send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧  I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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gamfcowboy-archived · 7 years
“Y’know... when I were little we used t’have a dog. M’mama... she’d named it Alta, had her for as long as I could remember too. Through two litters of pups an’ a broken leg, ‘n I remember puttin’ m’face into her fur an rubbin‘ back an’ forth. Jus’ because it was soft. Smelled like grass’n wind because she was outside all th’ time... or hell mebbe I jus’ thought it did...”
He offers Zenyatta a small smile, then turns back away to look up at the sky. Seated in the same spot he’d been when the omnic had found him a dozen minutes before.
“She were old when I left home. Tried t’follow me too. Kept limpin’ along th’ road no matter how many times I told her t’go back. Took me a week before I got out without her... least I thought I did.”
Hand closes around his own knee, as if the pain it causes can pull him back from memories he hadn’t revisited in years. Decades. Whispering the next bit, almost like he’s talking to himself.
“Found her dead outside th’ motel one night real soon after Deadlock took me in. One of ‘em’d shot her. She showed me doin’ what I’d jus’ done was a mistake. I always regret not listenin’ t’her warnin’. A warnin’ she gave her life t’give me.”
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lacertae-dreamscape · 6 years
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belated bday gift for @gazeintotheiris​
baby’s first harmony orb, showing his mentor Mondatta what he managed to do :D
happ birth boo! :D i hope you like!! (even if belated hhhhh)
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acceptedmyself · 7 years
“ I need you to need me back! ”
“Genji…” The rest of the words hung there, still, suspended in his thoughts and unable to push forward. This would not have been the first time he’d seen his student break like this, nor did he believe it would be the last.
Last time, Zenyatta had attempted to discourage him from such thinking, it couldn’t be healthy, could it? Allowing Genji to pin so many false hopes to something that, in the long run, may never work. He’d done it for his student, for his sake, not his own. He couldn’t afford to be selfish here, regardless of his own wants or needs. And still it plagued him, that decision, every night when the world was silent and at rest, with little more than the inky blanket of the night’s sky to accompany him to the small shrine on the mountainside. There Zenyatta had sought solace, some respite from the maelstrom of emotions these outbursts seemed to evoke.
Genji was hurt, still in so much pain from the problems he had yet to face upon his journey to recovery, and that cut Zenyatta to the core in a way no other student had.  Those feelings, thoughts and sentiments did not fade over time, nor would the fondness he felt for the other.
“No one soul needs another.” And they didn’t, not to function past the age when they could self sustain. Times would shift, places would change and the people would change with them. But that didn’t mean that one could not be there for another. It was a case of need versus want and Zenyatta recognized that better than most. To the Shambali, it came easily, many had little to give up but their past lives - many of which had been lived in the ignominy of servitude - the only family or ties they had ever known were found at the monastery in Nepal.“What you desire is just that: A desire.”
It hurt, a red-hot shiv driven straight through his spinal column, and yet he wanted, too. Wanted until the end of days, until it did nothing but make him ache. It was wrong, it could never be, because it undermined everything he’d set out to help Genji achieve.
“And I…”
There would be no peace, he told himself, if this man, with his whole life ahead of him, was tethered to the same place Zenyatta was. Attachment was not forbidden, but it was frowned upon…and had he not always been a stickler when it came for pushing the boundaries of ‘tradition?’
If there was a chance, a tiny, insignificant chance, that this could work, was it not worth the risk?
Diligent and deliberate, the omnic reached up to where his student had placed a hand on his shoulder, placing his own, gently, across the back of it. He could feel the tension, the anxious desperation, draining in those fleeting seconds, the overwrought whirr of his systems settling into a quiet lull for now in perfect harmony. Was this not peace?
“…I desire it too.”
He would never have thought his life would be as it is now, all those years ago. After he quite literally ran away from Overwatch, after he began wandering through the world, devoid of either a purpose or a proper sense of self; when he set off for a quiet resignation to the life of outcast that made him numb to his own despair. These days weren’t so far behind him, and yet they all felt like little more than a bad dream. But yet, this newfound sense of worth revealed itself to be quite fragile.
In everything he did from his encounter with Zenyatta on, Genji tried to act confident, to show the world the new man he became; one who was at peace with himself, and who could look toward the future with no regret.
And yet, something was holding him back from being completely free of dread. He often found himself wondering if he would still have any way to see his Master so regularly, had he not decided to take permanent residence in this village under the monastery of the Shambali. Every times he returned to his new home from whatever mission was entrusted upon him by Winton or Athena, he wondered if Zenyatta would be there waiting for him. Would he have taken in a new pupil? Would he have decided to resume his own travels?
Before long, Genji found an answer to the source of all his anxiety regarding separation with his Master, and the way he only ever seemed to be at peace in the other’s presence. He wasn’t quite sure he could consider it actual affection. But there was something the cyborg couldn’t deny: Zenyatta’s support and nothing better than his presence were in more ways than one what Genji felt was helping him keep himself together.
But that wasn’t enough to him. Selfish as it might be, he needed to know. To know if this would be reciprocal. If... If maybe Zenyatta could be more to him than a teacher.
He confessed as much to his Master as soon as he got the chance and the courage. After all, always speaking in earnest was one of the monk’s most important teaching. It was hard, very much so. But he finally managed to say it to his face, and without unnecessary prelude:
“I need you to need me back.“
Damnit, and here he was again, trying to ignore the knot in his throat and the wetness he felt in his eyes. How he wished he had kept his helmet on.
When Zenyatta eventually responded, Genji felt his head drop and his grip shaking on the other’s shoulders. The knot in his throat was slowly but surely spreading into a weight in his chest and limbs. He did break plenty of hearts in his youth, and only now, a decade later, could he get an idea of what those suitors of his could have felt, as Zenyatta seemed about to frame his rejection as another lecture.
Disappointment. Self-loathing. Frustration. He wasn’t sure if he was capable of accepting getting turned down as he was now. After a few seconds of a heavy silence, Genji opened his mouth again, though he did not know what he would say.
But before he could find a way to put his current sentiment into words, the Omnic once more rose his voice. And after an hesitation, he eventually said it.
The ninja rose his head, gazing at the other’s optics, as if to gauge if his words were genuine. The reassuring caresses on his hand constituted a definitive proof that what was heard was no delusion.
“Ma... Mast...“
He would gently shake off the other’s hold on his hand, as to let his arms slip over his Master’s back, pulling him in a tight - not as gentle - embrace. A single sob seemed to shake Genji’s entire body for a brief instant.
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greenhairedninja · 7 years
Genji had obviously heard rumours about his father’s newest ‘project’ but he hadn’t been included in any of the actual planning, as it had always been. So when he heard comotion outside of his room he had gotten up and left his book on the table he had been reading at. Following the noise, the shouts of people apprantly handling some sort of container, he reached the courtyard and saw his father and his servants move around a large tank. This was how Sojiro’s projects were usually brought in. In a tank or cage. It pained Genji to see it everytime because he knew there was most likely another creature in there who would be used to serve his fathers sick curiosity. Observing the men bring the container into the house he watched one servant carefully as he approached him. “Master Sojiro has requested your presence in his study.” With a nod Genji dismissed the man and began walking towards the room he had been summoned to. This was certainly unusual, he had never been summoned when Sojiro had just aquired a new asset. Entering the study he bowed to his father and sat down across from him, watching him write notes in a hurry as if the thoughts that he wanted to put to paper were fleating and he did not wish for them to fade away before he was able to put them down. Genji waited until Sojiro had put down the pen before he spoke. “What have you summoned me here for, Father?”, Genji asks then and glances at the desk in front of him, pictures and notes strewn all over it but Genji couldn’t make out anything. “As you have seen I have aquired another pet. It is a feisty one and has given me quite the trouble. In the previous house that we had held it I was not able to get close to it in any way”, Sojiro begins to explain and it dawns on Genji as to why he has been summoned but he keeps quiet, his father not being done yet. “We do not know what it is and I have never seen anything like it before”, the man hums and swiftly writes something down before continuing, “I want you in on this. Try and get close to it. I know you have that weird way with creatures of all sorts. Do what it takes to find out more about it and report everything to me”, Sojiro instructs him with a strict tone and Genji has to school his features to remain neutral before he nods. There was no arguing with his father, if this was his instruction Genji could do nothing to change it. “Yes, Father” With a wave of his hand Genji is being dismissed and he gets up to walk back to his room, just as he reaches the door his father’s voice stops him. “Go see it right now, I want you to begin right now”. “I understand...”, Genji replies after he had turned around and he bows to his father one last time before closing the door and walking towards the room at the back of the house where Sojiro always kept his ‘pets’. Oh how he wanted to return to his reading right now but orders were orders. Opening the door to the room he saw some of the men from the courtyard attaching tubes and wires to the small tank. Everything was being set up but they seemed to be almost done. One of the men saw him approach and bowed to him. “We are finished here, Genji-sama, we shall leave you. There will be guards outside, if anything happens just call. And be careful, it’s dangerous”, the man explained to him before he bowed once more and left with a wave to the other man to follow him. Genji doubted that the creature would be dangerous, most of the creatures his father brought in were harmless unless provoked so his father was at fault for his man and himself being attacked. Waiting for the door to close behind the man Genji looked at the tank and inspected it. He hoped the creature wasn’t big because otherwise this tank was way too small for anything larger than child-sized fish. Approaching the front of the glas slowly he listened for any sound and looked for any movement in the tank. The water was murky and Genji suspected the creature was somewhere along the other side of the glas. @gazeintotheiris
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spicedrobot · 7 years
I love carbonated and unsweetened water (perrier, la croix) and iced tea, and i hate soda/pop/coke/sweet tea :^)
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|| Broken Perspectives ||
||Closed writing with @gazeintotheiris ​|| _____________________________________ Here he was again. Going out of his way to inspect something he wasn’t even sure was true. Jamison ‘Junkrat’ Fawkes had trekked all the way up this mountain to a place he hated with every fiber of his being based on something someone else told him. ‘There’s something valuable in that temple I think would be worth your time.’ They didn’t even tell Junkrat what exactly it was but some part of the junker knew that there would be something in there. He even made a huge plan and went over it with his partner, Roadhog, but as soon as Jamie had even mentioned Nepal, the other refused to tag along, to Jamison’s annoyance. They’d spent an hour arguing over why he should and shouldn’t go. Jamison had even brought up his pay, which was a horrendous decision that led to him sleeping outside. Even if Jamison was ‘the boss’ Mako was much bigger and usually was the one giving orders.  After days of going uphill and stopping at little villages to get warm and eat he finally made it to the place he dreaded so much. For a few moments, the blonde Aussie just sat in the dark of the night and stared, scoffing quietly. If he was going to do this, it was best to do it now instead of resting. The darkness would cover him outside but with the inside lit up, it would be a bit harder. He already had a few mines for a quick get away, the only thing he needed to do was to stuff the things he thought were worth it in the ratty nap sack that Hog had provided. With a rough sigh that almost turned into a frustrated groan, the lanky man creeps forward, entering the temple warily and peeking around the corners. The quiet was usually not his forte but he had no choice with Roadie not around to save his ass if he got into trouble.  First thing he saw? Candles. Definitely not worth stealing. The place smelled on incense and scented candles and it made Jamison want to gag. Upon looking up though he could see little golden trinkets hanging from above, the light from the candles gleaming off of them. His first thought was on how shiny it looked, even from down there. That was definitely worth stealing. He had 15 mines packed but needed two to get away quickly so using one, he propelled himself up to snag the hanging gold pieces. Sure, it was a bit noisy, but Jamison barely noticed since he was so used to the sound of the quick beep and explosion from pressing the red button that was almost always attached to his hand. Jamison used two more mines to get the rest, continuing through the temple to find more of what he suspected to be valuable. 
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gazeintotheiris · 7 years
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[[ Yes you read right. I’ve got a little bit of time off coming up for my birthday so -  Starting tomorrow (Mon 25th Sept 2017) my muse will be human for 2 whole weeks. Ever wanted to start a thread with my human!AU Zen? Here’s your chance! Just hmu with a message, an anon.  Go go go! <3 ~ Munyatta]]
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i-willshieldyou · 6 years
“Tell Me”
Drabble Me - “Tell Me”, a drabble about my character confessing something to yours[be it a love confession, a secret, feel free to specify.]
It was a quiet eveningon the Overwatch base, a rare occurrence these days. Usually there was alwayssomething happening: agents coming back from mission or preparations being madefor upcoming missions, meetings being held. But tonight it was quiet…manyagents came back from missions the day before and others left that same day sothere were once again less people at the base.
Reinhardt was sitting cross-leggedon a small pillow, small only because his body was not like the average man’s sizeand for everyone else the pillow would be the perfect size. Across from himZenyatta was floating a few centimeters above his own, the orbs around his neckchiming a soft melody while the omnic was deep in mediation. The Crusader can’t remember when it had started that he found himself talking tothe omnic monk more and more when they were both at the base. It had startedwith casual conversations and soon enough the topic had become deeper and morepersonal. He does remember the first time he found the monk at the edge of thecliff, facing the sea, mediating. He went on a stroll late one evening, sleeponce again eluding him and the demons of his past haunting him.
The offer to sit downwith the omnic to attempt to meditate, to calm his mind, had been accepted witha grunt, not quite believing yet that it would help him. But after this first time, they ended up meeting up on a regular basis tomeditate together. Zenyatta had showed him techniques that might calm his mindand their evening were spent talking if they weren’t both meditating. Genji had joined them from time to time and Reinhardt was happy to see theyounger man at peace with himself and the world, instead of carrying the sadnessand rage with him.
Tonight though, Genjihad excused himself and Zenyatta had only chuckled softly when Reinhardt askedwhere the young man might be going for the night.
“Is there something troubling you, my friend?”
Zenyatta’s melodicvoice startles Reinhardt from his thoughts, still looking at the omnic acrossfrom him. He wasn’t able to calm his mind enough tonight to meditate but he hadclearly found focus in watching Zenyatta.
“Ahh, no. I am quite alright!”, Reinhardt replies but his hand strokes nervouslyover his thigh. If omnic could raise an eyebrow surely Zenyatta would be doingit right now. There was no hiding from him when his mind was troubled. ForZenyatta his mind must be like a lake, when the surface was calm he knew thatno Discord was to be found that night. Tonight, the surface was unsettledthough, small waves and movements keeping the surface in constant motion,stirring up the dark depths beneath.
The omnic hums softlyin front of him, letting himself settle on the pillow and pulling in the orbsthat have been slowly rotating around him. Reinhardt immediately misses the melodythey have been making and a small grunt leaves his lips. Zenyatta chuckles softly.
“Shall I continue playing them for you?”, the omnic asks and Reinhardt can’t help the blush thatcreeps up on his cheeks for being so transparent in front of the monk.
“Only if it is what you wish…”
They sit in silence,except for the continued soft chiming of the golden orbs, for a few moremoments, Reinhardts one good eye watching the omnic in front of him, a softsmile on his lips. The moon shines softly through the window to the side of them both, the silverlight a stark contrast to the golden glow of the orbs and the lamps inside theroom. The knight feels himself get lost in tracing the different patterns oflight and shadow over the metal body of his companion.
Moments like these arerare for the both of them. Usually the busy life of the base does not allow forthem to simply sit down and enjoy the presence of each other, to take a breathand let everything be for just a couple of precious hours. Come morning no oneknows what will happen, what mission they will be send on, what danger theywill have to face.
Breathing in deeplyReinhardt straightens his back, a small pop reminding him of the fact that heis indeed not as young as he used to be when he was last stationed in thisbase. Letting his breath out slowly, the sound almost like a sigh he looks upat the soft glowing dots on Zenyatta’s faceplate.
“Have you ever found beauty in the strangest of places,Zenyatta?”, Reinhardt asks, hisvoice barely more than a whisper.The first time Reinhardt had seen Zenyatta had been when he saw Genji returnafter receiving the message about the recall. The bond between the two of themhas always been more than obvious, almost like their hands had been tiedtogether with the softest of band. The knight had been happy for Genji, to have found someone that showed him thatthere was more to his life than what he had left Overwatch with and Reinhardthad assumed the two of them to be a bonded pair with the intimacy that wasbetween the two of them.
There was no denyingthat Zenyatta feels love for his student but through the many evenings theyhave shared talking to each other Zenyatta has told him about theirrelationship, the role Zenyatta had played in Genji’s recovery and how Genjihad then in return been there for Zenyatta in his time of grief.
Looking at Zenyatta now,in the glow of both the moon and the golden light of his orbs, Reinhardt feelshis heart swell with love and affection for the omnic. He has indeed foundbeauty in a place he had not expected to find much of it. The base filled withmany memories of the past, both good and bad, has once again become a place forReinhardt to call home.
“I know that I have…”, he murmurs softly, smiling at Zenyatta and slowlyreaching across the short distance between them and stroking along the omnicscheek, where silver and gold was meeting, creating a beautiful play of light onthe silver metal of the monk.
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