#gbf valentine 2021
saltprince · 6 months
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2021 Valentine's card translations for Sandalphon, Vikala, and Vane!
Note: Vane messed up his handwriting, can you guess where...
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icharchivist · 1 year
wait crotchery again what do you mean gbf is an adults only game, i thought it was just some character collect-n-battle kind of thing?? am i missing something here
I meant by that that the rating had changed from Teens and Up to Mature in the app store basically.
GBF is still a Gacha RPG Visual Novel first and foremost. you go through a main story and side stories event in Visual Novel form, you have to fight battles to get further into the plot, and to collect items that'd make you stronger, and for that you need to collect the gacha characters who each have features to approach the fights in the game.
The change in rating was done because GBF became increasingly more gore as the years went by and eventually started to tackle more and more serious subject. Sexuality is not the main reason of the rating going up, but it sure didn't help.
When GBF started back in 2014 it was rated Teen And Ups. In events from 2014 to 2018 the gorest you'll get is like, if someone gets stabbed their sprite will tremble and the description will tell you a quick thing about what's going on. Sexually speaking we had characters like Metera who were extremely flirty and would moan to fluster you but that's a bit standards even by gacha standards.
in 2018 What Makes the Sky Blues part 2 came out, with a huge gamble: Visually showing a major character death by showing his beheaded head, and having Belial as a major antagonist while he is always talking about sex. Even the English translation actually toned down his speech by a lot. ("so you're here for the sodomy?" was translated "oh you're ready to get down and dirty with me?" for example).
It was a major gamble at the time that was extremely well received by fans and it encouraged the company to do more and more as time went by. Villains introduced since Belial have had a tendency to be trying even more of the edge to see how far they can get away with. Gore scenes are visually illustrated on the screen as vividly as possible for a Visual Novel. Beheading, and such.
It culminated eventually in 2021 when the character of Ferdinand was introduced, a cannibal abuser and groomer who moans everytime something goes his way. (a throughout explanation of Ferdinand can be found here). At the same time, Lobelia (a serial killer who has orgams everytime he tortures people because he gets off on the sounds of screamings. he's a friend btw.) got a summer skin in which tapping on the screen will have you hear a woman screaming to her death as she's eaten by sharks.
I think those were two of the major points which had the censors especially decide to do something (especially the Lobelia thing that actually was quite the scandal at the time), though technically it's been a while since this type of things have been going on in the game. (it just that it was quite the timing, i think the rating really went up a few weeks after Lobelia's skin came out and a couple month after Ferdinand was introduced/right before he became a major focus also).
And that's when the app stores all decided to raise the content from Teen And Up to Mature, specifically, +17 people.
So at least it's Rated so that young players shouldn't play GBF.
GBF is mostly a browser game though (the app is only available in Japan but genuinely it's easier to play on browser, both on computer and on phone), so it's not really something Granblue concerned themselves with.
But as it is, the moment they had their rating raising, they kinda went, well, fuck it, if our attempts at being PG are not good enough, then YOLO.
And it's when we started to have extremely sexual units and arts. Summer Belial's crotch. Valentine Wilnas's ass. Yukata Ilsa or Yukata Narmaya.
So what i meant by adult game is in the sense that the rating is actually not recommanded for teens, and that the game is going ham to prove it, but it's mostly in question of gore and questionable content. Sexual stuff are still also a reason but it's actually not the major reason for it all.
But. We know for a fact it all started with Belial. he was considered the riskiest move from the company they almost scrapped him at the time. but since he was so well received, they decided to keep pulling those risks and here we are now.
And that's what you missed on granblue fantasy o7
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skywisher · 3 years
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Granblue Valentine's 2021 💜 Azazel | アザゼル
悪魔への供物,しかと受け取ったぞ。 だが返礼も感謝もすることなどない。 なぜならお前が用意した供物は,俺が悪魔のかでお前から「奪った」物だからだ。 わかるか? だから今,お前が読んでいるこのメッセージも返礼ではない。 そこのところを十分に理解しろ。いいか? 大切な事だから,しかと記憶に刻んでおけ。 悪魔は返礼も感謝もしない。 そこに例外などないからな
I received it as an offering to the devil. However, there is no repayment nor gratitude. Why? Because I am a demon and the offerings you prepared are the ones that I have 'stolen'. Understand? So this message you're reading now isn't a reward either. Fully understand this. Is that clear? It's important, so remember that. A demon neither rewards nor appreciates. There are no exceptions. *this is my own novice translation it might not be entirely correct!
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elycchan · 3 years
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GBF_ink2021 Day 6: Wind Element 
Super cute precious valentine gunshin THANK YOU for coming home in your last rate-up 😔🙏🙏🙏
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