#gcse humanities
popsicle-stick · 2 years
People who say "I wish Jack Seward was the same except he wasn't running a lunatic asylum and being a problematic psychiatrist :/" you don't want Jack you want a The Big Bang Theory character.
i think, for me, he's just utterly, painfully human. i've said the same about jonathan before, but if you're not taking the whole of the character, malpractice and all, what IS the point lol.
the internal war that jack seems to be constantly fighting feels like a shadow of the myriad self-arguments that stoker seems to be making within the novel dracula itself. which is interesting! and implies that, along with multiple other characters, that a fair amount of stoker himself went into him - and really uh. recontextualises some of his relationships with the other characters.
like i DO emphathise deeply with his reclusive, obsessive nature, love him for his loyalty to his friends and genuinely selfless actions, and yet the deeply uncomfortable parts of his character - the parts that stem from the obsession and reclusion and self-dislike - are just as as integral to him, and make him a far more interesting character to pull apart. his selflessness is real! yet the other side of it - the separation of self, the self loathing, his self destructive habits - tie deeply in with this. the fact that they manifest how they do - in his use of renfield, a powerless individual obstensibly miles below him in the asylum's social ladder, as some kind of unwilling sounding board for his own mental illness illustrates the mundane nature of evil that lurks, whether stoker intended or not, at the edges of the book. not only does he not recognise the humanity of those in his power - he often refuses to recognise his own. his examination of renfield comes across as a kind of self-examination, in which renfield himself is purely the neglected victim in the fallout. he keeps trying, but his attempts to divorce himself from his own humanity - the good and the uglier side - belie just how agonisingly human he is.
tl;dr: he contains multitudes
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cat-in-a-bush · 1 year
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Part 1 of 'Currently in the process of sneaking ajin content into my art GCSE' •<•
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catilinas · 1 year
I’ve known what your five consecutive vowels tag actually means for a while now, but to me it’s still a vox magica or a scream or something like that. AAAAA!!!, or something idk
what if i said it was secretly actually about circe's magic island aeaea. which is five consecutive vowels And Also A Palindrome!
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origami-butterfly · 3 months
go on... give us an essay on exam desk graffiti
Exam desk graffiti!! It is one of my favourite things ever, and I don't even know where to start (bear with me, essays are not my strong point)
There's something so beautifully human about it. When people sit at the desk, their first instinct is always to write on it, whether it's their initials, or a little good luck message, or the date their exams were. I've seen desks with graffiti from 2010! The exam curriculum changes, the seats change, the pupils and teachers change, but the desks are always there. I think it's beautiful that we all had the idea to write down something saying "Hi, I was here, at the same desk you are now, and at the same desk many people will sit at for years to come".
I think we see the best parts of people in desk graffiti. I've seen so many good luck messages, reminders to breathe and stay calm, and I have seen one saying "your results are not a measure of your value". There's a sense of camaraderie because we're all suffering these exams, and no one can really find it in themself to be mean.
It's a tiny act of defiance!! The UK school system is... better than some places, but far from anywhere near perfect. And exam desks are the one place everyone can express that!! I'm kind of a teacher's pet in school, but I love seeing exam desks covered in ink, and usually I'll add to it! It is a very small act of rebellion, but seeing it, and writing things knowing others will see it, encourages me during exams.
It connects people!! No matter what subjects people take, or what they're good at or not, we're all suffering the same things. Sure, some exams might be harder than others, but the stress is the same for people, and seeing desk graffiti reminds me that I'm not alone. And it fills me with a sense of awe, because whatever I write on the desk, could stay there for years, and reassure others that someone years ago took an exam just like the one they're doing, and they felt the same emotions.
That's all the points I can come up with for now!! Thank you for letting me ramble about one of my favourite things. (And sorry this took so long!!)
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pinketine · 4 months
I don't think you people know how sirens work. Maybe
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in retrospect getting an ambiguous score on the main autism tests but getting a wayy above average score on the cat-q is kinda funny... like im clearly masking Something. not sure what tho
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absolute-weirdo-inc · 8 months
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my art gcse homework lol x
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i have been in and out of school (mostly out) since year seven, and i missed doing my gcses when i was supposed to
finallllyyy, ive got a tutor so that i and this nice girl can finally get our education, without having to be in a harmful education setting whist being autistic
ive just done my first day today, and finally im feeling like im getting my life back together
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mariemariemaria · 2 years
the ppl who say ‘everybody should study stem or not go to college at all’ are THEE most annoying mfs. oh nobody should study politics? history? law?? and god forbid you mention music, art, drama or literature in front of them
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jayteacups · 2 years
Writing a humanities essay when you’re a STEM student who hasn’t done anything related to humanities since gcse is very very humbling
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tfw you’re in re expected to revise but you’ve not been taught any material to revise :/
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okay, science teachers do not get to make fun of the humanities until they learn what an Oxford comma is and the difference between using “which” and “that”
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totally-italy · 2 months
Wherefore dost motivation hold deep hatred for me?
As the heading probably implies, I am currently lacking a lot of motivation, which is truly sub-optimal because I literally have my Italian GCSEs this week and I literally have not revised. Moreover, my End of Years are fast approaching and I have my French GCSEs in three week's time. Help.
Consequentially, even though my history teacher still refuses to believe that it is a word, I have decided to turn this into one of those posts where my dopamine literally just relies on the number of notes that I recieve. As promised, @the-red-planet-mars, the floor is yours you have been tagged.
Please don't spam the comment section.
You can tag a maximum of 5 people.
Please don't spam reblog.
10 notes: I will actually plan my English homework so that I can then do it without having to ask for an extension. It is due on the day on which I have two of my Italian papers.
15 notes: I will update my 'Aeneid' notes so that my virtual document is up to date with the translations that we have done in class. I should technically also revise the themes and how Juno is portrayed, but we don't talk about that right now.
20 notes: If I haven't done this yet, I will create both a Spanish Quizlet with all the vocabulary I need to learn and I will create a Latin one for all the vocabulary from 'The Aeneid' that I need to know.
25 notes: I will plan, in English, different things that I could say for the picture for my French IGCSE oral. Also, this is a picture I will be using for my Spanish End of Years, so that is doubly helpful.
30 notes: I will do an Italian listening paper though I will listen to it at a faster speed than what is asked because otherwise I will literally get so bored and lose all will to live.
45 notes: I will finish researching Virgil and the historical context.
60 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 10 minutes each day for each language.
75 notes: I really need to do this. I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in Italian.
100 notes: I will do an Italian Writing practice paper. This is going to cause me so much suffering. Help me.
120 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my French IGCSE oral.
130 notes: I will make physics notes on energy.
140 notes: I will make notes on quantitative chemistry.
150 notes: I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in French.
155 notes: I will watch the AQA videos on the Cold War and make notes on them.
170 notes: I will do a practice Spanish listening paper.
200 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 30 minutes each day for each language, including a written vocabulary test.
230 notes: I will do a practice Spanish reading and writing paper.
250 notes: I will do a practice Latin translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
270 notes: I will do a practice Greek translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
300 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Crime and Punishment.
350 notes: I finish my Biology notes on reproduction.
380 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Religion and Life.
430 notes: I will look through my history notes on Germany and finish them in accordance to the AQA book.
520 notes: I will do a practice Greek language paper.
530 notes: I will do a practice Latin language paper.
605 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my Spanish End of Year oral.
720 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Buddhism.
850 notes: I will make full notes on the Cold War.
Honestly, if you have even bothered to read through all of these, you have absolutely earned more respect that I thought I was capable of giving to a single human being. I technically have a lot more things I should do, including re-reading Things Fall Apart and actually making complete maths notes, as well as notes for the sciences, but I doubt I will never get this many tags anyway.
Edit: It has been five minutes and I already got 14 notes. I am actually terrified of this site. What in Tartarus? Y'all are crazy and I love you so much.
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origami-butterfly · 1 year
In the past 2 weeks, I've been doing my mock GCSEs (fake end of year exams, to prepare for the real ones next year that'll affect my job and life and stuff) and they were hell to get through, but one of the things that made it slightly better was desk graffiti. In most of the exams I did, the desk would have some writing or doodles on it from previous people who sat their exams at the same desk.
One of them had a detailed drawing of a naked man, who the artist named "Bradley".
One of them had "definitely just failed" written, and then things like "same" and "I will next year" written around it.
Some of them just had initials, and years, as a statement of "I was here, I sat my exam here, and I hope future exam candidates see this"
On all the desks I used, I wrote the same 3 messages- "Good luck! - June/July mocks 2023", "You're doing great", and "don't panic". And I hope those messages will still be there next year, when I do the real exams.
Something about seeing this kind of human connection is so beautiful to me- hundreds of students suffer each year because of the GCSEs, and yet all of us find some common ground in this little act of defiance. I will never know who wrote on the desk before I sat there, and I will never know who will sit there in the future and read what I have written. But I empathise with all of them, past and future, because I know they have gone, or will go through the same thing, and I hope future students will read my messages and feel a little more hopeful while doing their exam.
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