#gd bless my flatmates theyre so adorable
ok i don't know who needs to hear this right now, but:
the stage of your life you are in right now will not last forever.
if you're waking up in the morning and not wanting to get out of bed because of bullying or silently crying in the school bathroom because your friends have dropped you when you needed them the most, or just fed up with your everyday life and surroundings, just know that it's all temporary.
things can and will get better.
one day you will be cuddled up in bed under cosy blankets, with a full belly and the smell of pancakes in the air. you've just said goodnight to some of your favourite people in the world, who always check in to make sure you're doing alright, make you laugh till you can't breathe and spontaneously cook you food. one day you'll look forward to waking up in the morning because you're doing what you love every day.
i look back on high school and it's another world away. the people that used to torment me don't even cross my mind now. so much can change in six months it's unreal.
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