c0bblenygma · 5 years
i am excited for when you update your cabin 17 fanfic!! it's so cute
OMG! You made my morning with this! I’m trying to write the next 2 or 3 chapters so I can update it and not have like a huge window between the updates, cause I was stuck in a writer’s block for sooooo long. But I’m so glad you like it 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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mcthsman · 5 years
@ladymacbeths is srsly the best writer and best partner ever
@ladymacbeths !
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vaangoghs · 5 years
gecrgeblagden replied to your post: look skam was good but i’m confused as to how we...
i dont understand how people watch the same version over again. tho i legit only watched skam original bc i was leaning norwegian, and now i’ll watch the german one bc im learning german, bUT!!!! i started it and like 30 secodns in was bored bc ive already seen… the… exact same thing… i’ll watch the gay season again but that is it lmao
YEAH EXACTLY nothing changes!!! nothing!!! i'm impressed @ all these languages you're learning tho. but seriously nothing changes and it's only so captivating so many times in a row. lmao same i'm doing that with skam france
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jacktherph · 5 years
odd numbers 1-21
ask questions meme! (closed)
1. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them?
oh god i don’t think i even remember. because it was definitely an anime character. but i went through crushes on them like people used tissues. so we’ll say my first boyfriend. he was sweet and funny, and (i thought) he was “more mature than the boys in my grade” (he wasn’t). and he was bi and sort of the first person who told me it was okay to like more than just the opposite gender. and he was into the same stuff i was and that was the biggest thing
3. Which parent do you identify with the most?
my mother because my dad is a cagey former alcoholic who won’t admit he has a drug addiction problem LOL
5. If you could change your first name what would it be?
well i did change it from my deadname, but for a whole i was considering charlie or morgan instead of jack! 
7. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people?
when i say something incorrect/wrong/misinformed and get corrected. don’t get me wrong i love learning new things and finding out i was wrong is a big part of that, but when i’m corrected almost immediately, and usually in front of the same people, it really sets off my anxiety
9. If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why?
my writing; because it’s led me to amazing opportunities, friends, and learning adventures. its been there during every dark time in my life and helped bring me out of it too
11. Where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?
somewhere a person is their happiest; whether that’s at a national monument praised for its beauty, a home filled with family, or a chilly coastal bay on a sunny winter day with the clouds rolling in. for my mum its in the basement of a beautiful florida home surrounded by sewing supplies with her best friend. for me its that coastal bay. i learned from her it all depends
13. Are aliens real?
are little grey/green bug-eyed people: probably not. are we alone in the universe: definitely not
15. What are your favorite style of underwear?
my boxer briefs
17. How about the sweetest song?
oooh... idk i’m indecisive but i really like the thedas love theme extended from dragon age inquisition
19. What’s under your bed?
a slab of cardboard
21. 100 kittens or 3 baby sloths?
already answered!
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maurawrites · 5 years
NOAH bitch
N: Are they clumsy and/or prone to accidents? 
While I wouldn’t say he’s clumsy he also isn’t the most graceful.  You know when teens go through a huge growth spurt and there’s like an adjustment period where you get used to all these new lanky limbs and how to move around with some semblance of grace?  It’s like he never grew out of that.  I think he constantly underestimates his size, bc he sorta forgets how tall he is.  He has no real concept of space versus how much space he takes up, if that makes any sense.  Also sometimes he just does stupid shit which causes stupid accidents.
O: How much have they changed in the past five years?
He’s changed so damn much.  Five years ago he was living across the country, still at home with his parents, still unsure of his sexuality and what he wanted from life (although, to be fair, he still isn’t sure of that).  Five years ago, he hadn’t ever really lost someone in his life.  Five years ago the world wasn’t in the middle of an apocalypse.  Five ears ago he was only 5′8.  Didn’t have his lil secret tattoo.  Hadn’t met Kasper.  Five years ago he was still trying to be like his eldest brother to make his parents (mostly his father) happy.  
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?
Only ex he has (and he doesn’t really consider her an ex seeing as they were young and she’s well, a girl) is a girl he dated off and on through high school.  He only dated her because that’s what he thought he was supposed to do, ended up breaking up with her because he began to realize that it wasn’t her he wasn’t attracted to, but actually women in general.  But then he freaked out and begged her to take him back when he realized what that would mean.  Upon moving to Washington for school didn’t really keep in contact with anyone back in Maine, let alone his single ex.
H: Who texts/calls them the most? 
Siblings, definitely.  Most likely his older sister the most, she’s always checking in on him bc she’s always worried about him.
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airglowed · 5 years
gecrgeblagden replied to your post: 1, 4, 9, 11, 17, 21, 22, 27
i love dermot now i wanna go listen to him
that makes me so happy u dont even kno ok i want him to get LOVE
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vaangoghs · 5 years
odd numbers 1-21!
omg thank u askfjsdf for a hot second i legit thought that said 1 to 2 and i was like What
1. the meaning behind my url: 
honestly i just have a thing for van gogh lmao
3. how many tattoos i have and what they are:
zero!!! and i’m mad about it!!!
5. piercings i have:
just my ears. i had them double pierced for a while but i did it at claire’s like an Idiot and they never healed. 
7. biggest turn-offs:
hmmmm narrow-mindedness and people who don’t listen.
9. tattoos i want:
oh god. uhhh! bees! i’m not joking. some kinda whale. some kinda shark. the sun somehow. some floral shit. a lot of lyrics/quotes. idk don’t judge me.
11. age:
ugh eleven days away from being 25. ugh.
13: life goal:
hey! this is gonna be really cheesy! but i just wanna be happy. or like. mentally stable, lmao. just… reach a point where i’m content with my life.
15. relationship status:
ha. single. SiNgLe. single. ~single~
17. a fact about my life:
uhhh idk i have narcolepsy?
19. middle name:
marie! i wanna bet at least three (3) of you also have marie for your middle name.
21. are you a virgin?
virginity is a sociaL CONSTRUCT. anyway yah.
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airglowed · 5 years
1, 4, 9, 11, 17, 21, 22, 27
1.  your favorite face claims :
froy gutierrez, hailee steinfeld, darin blaine wilkens, xavier serrano, diego tinoco, laura harrier, diamond white, kat mcnamara, jeenu mahadevan, emile woon !
4.  face claims you are dying to play against :
ryan potter, samantha logan, ariela barer, shawn mendes, chance perdomo, virginia gardner, dev patel, brian whittaker !
9.  a fandom character who you would really like to play :
i’d love a get a chance to write clint barton, cause he was really important to me growing up and it highkey sucks seeing him so butchered in the mcu. i think it’d be fun to have my own shot at it, i related to him pretty heavily for a long time and i think i know his character fairly well— or at least the version of him that i’ve kind of constructed ?
11.  an rpg that meant a lot to you :
the rp that i created my character ronan for is still pretty important to me even though it’s been dead for like a year, cause though it didn’t last very long i still got one of my all-time favorite muses from it, and i miss getting to write him basically daily. also it’s probably kind of cheating to say an rp of my own, but i had a group where skeletons were based on cursed mortals from greek myth and i was so excited about it, the muses were going to be from all over the world so interactions would be text and skype based and i thought it would be an interesting change of format, especially transforming mythological stuff into a technology kind of setting. i sunk a lot of time into the graphics and writing but it just never got any real interest so it never got off the ground. i might try and revive it someday tbh if i think i could get more people into it but for now it’s just on an indefinite hiatus.
17.  your favorite rp family relationship :
i don’t really have any bio families ( projecting ??  me ?  unlikely ) but i do have a lot of found families that i love, basically any of the multis i currently have going are full of dynamics that i would die for. platonic stuff gets hella overlooked in rp but tbh ?  they fuel me
21.  your latest rp character : 
i’ve got a new 1x1 character that i’m smack in the middle of fleshing out rn but i don’t really know enough about him to say much here. the second most recent is for an rpg that i’m in— i brought two new characters in at once but one of them was a rework of an existing idea, so i’m gonna talk about eden cause he’s 100% new. i haven’t gotten to explore him on a deeper level just yet, at least not anything i’ve physically written, but he’s a mess of an artist / musician with a hell of a complex about his own self-worth. he judges himself almost entirely on how other people regard him so his whole identity is built on other people liking or wanting him, and while that works for some quick-fixes of validation, it’s not leaving him with a lot in the long run. basically he’s a disaster but he’s fun to write and i like his aesthetic so ya
22.  a plot that you’d like to play out : 
if you mean a specific one i’ve been thinking about this a lot cause it checks like all the boxes of things i like in a plot, but on a more general basis i’d love anything with supernatural stuff, exes, treasure hunters, criminals, or soulmate type things ?
27.  a song you’d like to use to build an rp relationship on :
a closeness by dermot kennedy. or power over me, also by dermot kennedy. or don’t wanna be your friend by ayokay, just to pretend i don’t only want dermot.
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