#thaNK U for sending this i adore u
maidstew · 11 days
Persephone eating with Mizzen when she visited him in that zoo. Mizzen probably looking up to the camera in the arena to plead for help to Pippa. They're so mother and son coded. I'm actually going to die. If he had won, Persephone will spend half of her life looking for forgiveness from him.....
i’m going to be sick…the two of them…
mizzen bonded with pippa. he trusted pippa. he placed his life in pippa’s hands.
at his lowest moments in the arena- he was comforted by the thought they she was out there doing everything she can to help him.
but coral dies and he realizes just how alone he is. he realizes just how little pippa can help him. he starts to question how much she even actually cares.
does she care about him? or does she care about the attention? he wants to believe she cares about him.
and he wins…but for what? he’s miserable and he feels terrible and he’s hurt and he doesn’t know how to cope with this.
he wants to talk to pippa. he wants her to help him.
but he only gets a short time with her and she looks way too happy for his comfort. does she really not realize how horrible winning the hunger games is? does she really not understand how mizzen is feeling?
and then…she doesn’t visit. he wants her to visit district 4. he expects her to visit district 4.
mizzen is left to deal with everything alone while he catches glimpses of persephone being praised on the capitol television.
and he questions everything again. and this time, he leans towards her caring about the attention. not him.
and when he’s dragged back to the capitol- she’s still not there. not the first time, anyway.
he wishes he never won.
and as time goes on and he hears the whispers of the price family secret from his clients…
he wishes he never met persephone in the first place.
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diamondsheep · 11 months
I saw you reblog a post about Medjed & wondered if you'd seen the Medjed One Piece gacha that happened at some point!
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HIII 😄✨!! Thank you so much for showing me these figures !! i didn't know about them :O !!
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They are SO CUTE that i had to draw them 🧡❤💚!!!
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aquickstart · 8 months
So I get confused by Oleg like what is his ultimate goal, you think? What drives him? I get that he is endlessly devoted to Sergei but I feel like there’s gotta be something else.
i honestly think there just isn't. it's his drive and his ultimate flaw. every time he's in trouble it's because he let himself get carried away protecting sergey, the only time he tried to put distance between them he came back to land himself in a bigger mess than what he probably left from, and he's been told that he has bright future and he is wanted elsewhere if he were to ditch sergey but he's said that he's not interested.
i think part of why i love him so much is because he's one of those rare characters that just lets himself follow another person without literally anything else behind it. he put his trust in sergey long ago because after ending up at an orphanage he needed family and someone to protect and love, and that hasn't changed since and probably never will change at this point, ever. even though oleg is smart, handsome, capable and talented (he wouldn't have landed the missions with vadim otherwise), he chooses sergey at every turn, because it is the only thing that makes the world make sense.
his world revolves around a person, and what is life of not the people in it we love. i think he realized this latter part early enough, when he probably said fuck it to whatever it is he was doing and rushed to get sergey out of prison in the game arc. i think it's hard to accept it as the central part of his character because of everything else about him. (my huge vadim/oleg lover adores this btw because i think vadim can never understand this, on any level, and thinks himself a good reader of people and especially oleg and the fact that oleg isn't what he seems pisses him off constantly. i fully think they had a thing going on pre-game and oleg left him for sergey though vadim thought they finally had something that could last because oleg snapped out of his toxic devotion. he never did.)
anyway. yeah. i've thought about this a lot because it also used to not make sense to me. but oleg volkov wanted to find love in a world that didn't want him and that also didn't really put emphasis on men dreaming of love. he found it. whatever it is that everyone else thinks of their relationship with sergey, to oleg, this is real, true, undying love. he lets himself follow that forever and be at peace with it.
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miss-mossball · 6 days
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They cute
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meatexe · 3 months
omggg love the dad stories !! Doesn't sound braggy or anything like that, just sounds so adoring n sweet 🥺💕💕💕 always love to hear more whenever you share little bits of ur joy 🥰💗
i worry so much tht i sound braggy or annoying or like im doing the tumblr user in love w another tumblr user cringe thing but rly i should embrace the cringe n die free bc daddy i love him !!!!!!!
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outragedslime · 2 years
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"u guys dont see him? :("
maybe hunter can still see a little flapjack doin their thing in his minds eye idk. theyre just chilling while everyone else is emo.
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blu-ish · 9 months
How would you describe your mutuals?
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I lob dem the normal amount
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fellpurpose · 6 months
She's sure she looks a mess, covered in bandages and half dragging herself through the crowds of people gathered throughout the med tent. He has seen her look far worse, at least, but her pride is certainly still a little bruised.
But, win or lose, she knows they would never think any less of one another. As the unmistakable figure of her cousin comes into view, it's suddenly much harder to feel bad about her failure.
"I liked the sign," she knocks her shoulder against his, halfhearted and gently enough not to reawaken any still angry wounds. "It'll be me cheering you on next year, alright?"
it comes as no surprise to see lucina soldiering on. odin winces sympathetically at the sight of her injuries, though he refrains from showing any expression other than one of encouragement. wounds of the flesh are easy to patch — what matters most is that her spirit remains unscathed.
he greets her with a large grin, arms outstretched to declare her a victor nonetheless. "hark, cousin! your foes should consider themselves blessed, for you allowed them the privilege of witnessing RAW, TRANSCENDENT POWER~!"
the blond loops an arm around lucina's shoulders and gently leads her away from the crowds. "dare i say it, but even the most powerful warriors find themselves bested in battle on the rare occasion. at least you've now given your foes the bloodlust to face you in combat again. the next time you meet, i have no doubt you'll show them how a TRUE hero battles their enemies into the scintillating light of day!"
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spoken approval earns her a bright-eyed look. odin perks up eagerly, his smile growing wider by the minute. "really? heh. i'm glad to hear it."
then without warning, he uses his free hand to grip the hilt of an imaginary sword. in a fluid motion, odin draws an invisible blade from its sheath and swings the phantom weapon for her to see. "i would know no greater honor," he says, before adding with a laugh, "though honestly? i'd rather have you fighting by my side. what do you say? we could come up with joint moves specifically for it!"
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pandoa · 9 months
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
anna, i’m gonna chuck a thought at you and i want you to bear with me because it’s got the silly vibes i think u fucking adore so ✋😳🤚 bear with me!
ok but business time by flight of the conchords (if you haven’t heard it. stop. go listen RN) is exactly the type of song that eddie makes up and serenades to steve when stevie’s cooking dinner for em both- like eddie’s got one legs propped up on the couch, guitar in hand, and alright, it’s not quite adlibbed he’s sorta had the lyrics in his brain for a bit and in the beginning steve is like nodding along with the strumming up until eddie starts singing, “tonight we’re gonna make love- you know how i know? because it’s wednesday. and wednesday night is the night we usually make love,”
and steve is hiding a snort behind his hand, stirring the pot and eddie’s just still going, “then we’re in the bathroom, brushing our teeth… it’s all part of the foreplay, i love foreplay,” and doing The Most in his fuckin performance and steve is got that fond exasperation as he tries not to giggle at his boyfriends antics cos eddie is singing this just like a gooey love song despite his lyrics “then you sort out the recycling… that isn’t part of the foreplay process but it’s still very important,” and he gets as far as “i remove my clothes very very clumsily, tripping sensually over my pants” before steve is like jesus CHRIST shut up, grinning and all, and eddie pours because he doesn’t even get to the do the chorus a second time around :((
RUBY!!!! RUBY !!!!!! I !!!! FOTC!!!! YOU ARE A GODSEND!!!!!
LISTEN LISTEN THAT IS ABSOLUTELY EDWARD MUNSON TO A T!!!! I CAN SEE HIM!!! GOD business socks but also Boom?? can we just imagine for a second
'oh my god, she's so hot, she's so flipping hot she's like a curry. i want to tell her how hot she is but she'll think I'm being sexist. She's so hot she's making me sexist. bitch!' and it's jut a straight narration of everything STEVE is doing PLEASE!!! Steve doing the most MUNDANE thing and Eddie is in the back like 'you like boom and i like boom' and he just gets SO INTO his own thing and ends up losing track with it all and straight up vibing and Steve just looking on like 'hey I thought this was abt me????'
WAIT BUT THIS TOO!! Eddie trying to romance Steve before they get together and trying not to be obvious about it so he comes up with this full song when he's at a party Robin throws. He's trialing the song out with corroded coffin and they KNOW they all KNOW who he's talking about but trying to play his feelings down and its 'the most beautiful girl in the room'
LIKE??? PLEASE imagine cringe fail antibiotic resistant slay bbg eddie singing this to his friends
'you're so beautiful you could be a waitress! you could be a part time model in the 60s' and it just goes on to be an imagined retelling of the most BORING night
'i can't believe that I'm sharing a kebab with the most beautiful girl i have ever seen with a kebab. why don't we leave? let's go to your house and we can feel each other up on the couch' and its SO BAD and he is just SO INTO IT and revealing things about himself like
'ooh, you're like one of those girls I've definitely been chatting to in the chat rooms wild slut angel 22 at yahoo, you're so beautiful like a tree!'
and it ends with 'oooh you're spending part of your time modeling and part of your time next to ME eh hee eh hee!!!'
and he's out of breath and closed eyes and stares at cc after like 'so, what do you guys think :D' and the cc boys are just staring at him like oh! oh um yeah! sure!
And Jeff is the only brave one of the group so looks Eddie dead in the eye and says 'it’s shit. But i think Steve would like it' And Eddie the wet fish that he is throws himself on the floor and mumbles 'he can't ever know' and Gareth just pats him on the head 'terrible song dude’
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captainjamster · 1 month
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
jam!! 🥺💋
GLOSSY MY BEAUTIFUL BABY!!! i love seeing u when i open tumblr ur such a lovely treat!!!🥺 i would love a chance to display my very contrasting taste in music omfg
1. Don't Look Back - Kotomi & Ryan Elder
2. RATATATA - BABYMETAL, Electric Callboy
3. I Am the Antichrist to You - Kishi Bashi
4. Skully Black - Sugs
5. LoveGame - Lady Gaga
if anyone recognises 1 and 3 without seeing the albums..... make out with me <3
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gunkbaby · 3 months
i think you'd like Chrissy Chlapecka (I may have spelt that wrong) and her music
hi gay peoplEleh !!!!!!
I ADORE chrissy chlapecka! She’s like. The embodiment of what I adore in pop music - she gives me Britney Spears blackout/circus era. Her fashion, her style - it’s everything. I adore her voice - that baby voice vocal fry my British ass could never hope to achieve.
I think she’s underrated atm, like in that musical space where you give it like. Two years and she’ll realise like. The underground album of the year. Very exciting artist to me. Slayyter occupies sort of the same space, but she’s on the come-up i think. I’m guessing u know slayyter tho - not rly similar to Chrissy but in the3 same vague area. I have two wolves inside of me - one listens to Chrissy Chlapecka and charli xcx and Dorian Electra, the other listens to Pulp and The Smiths. Lmao. (I guess I listen to like. Everything tho. I’m full of musical wolves.)
Also this is is like. Horribly unrelated to Chrissy Chlapecka but my two recommendations that I now feel I absolutely must mention whenever talking abt anything remotely music related even when literally no one asked - pls pls pls listen to like. Mother Earth’s Plantasia. It’s an album for plants and it is so beautiful. You can feel the love Mort Garson had for his plants through it. Very special to me, dream vinyl tbh. And Master Peace - such a wonderful new upcoming British artist. I feel like I’m always mentioning him bc his music is just SO good. Like if you like music in general - those two recommendations are my musts. Sorry, super unrelated but I just. I have tooo..
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junkissed · 3 months
Oh my god, I don't even have the words to describe how I feel after reading your latest fic.
Just the setting and the ambiance of the beginning and then the reader being not a big big party person. (By the way, was the party organized by Jackson or not???) (sorry....) And then they go to the beach and they just... They fall right into JUUUNNN???? Where can this happen to me too??? I wanna know
Then, just like always your smutty parts are the best. You just have a way of telling them that makes the reader really visualize it. Or even feel it?? (if that makes sense) Like I don't know if this makes a lot of sense but it was just so fluffy in a way. They didn't even need to exchange words for the most part (they only spoke for consent I think) like if they did understant each other perfectly even thought they just met and AAAAAAAAH I stop here okay And even after that !!! The aftercare I just.... My stomach made full loops at how soft and gentle that was. I swear I don't know how you do that but reading your fics is always something that gives me butterfliessss (Sorry it sounds a bit cliché but... It's true...).
But... when they needed to part ways, I was kind of sad... I did a total change of mood in 10 seconds. AND THEN the end ???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH THEY FINALLY EXCHANGE NAMES !!!! (yes, i did scream in hapiness at that)
And hum... I'm going to stop here because I could continue to ramble about how much I loved this and how much I just adore your way of writing things. Sorry if I spoke too much... I was really looking forward to your new fic and you really didn't disappoint !
I hope you have a really good day and sorry again for rambling too much. Sending you lots of love and support !!!
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no i appreciate you so so much thank you for rambling!!! if nobody ever sent asks like these then i would never know how ppl felt 😭 it really means sooo much and it makes me want to keep writing for the lovely ppl like you who let me know you liked reading my work💗
honestly the reason why i didn't have them speak very much during the smut was because they didn't know each others' names and i didn't know how to write it without mentioning names nsdhfksj lmao. but i'm so happy you enjoyed that part!! the smut is the hardest part for me to write because i feel like it gets too repetitive and i run out of ways to describe it so i end up cutting it short :/
also, the bachelorette party was hosted by mingyu & his bride so technically not jackson butttt... that doesn't mean he wasn't invited 🫢 that's open to interpretation hehe
(also i posted another little blurb about what happens after the end of the fic, if you wanna read it's here :))
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karinasbaby · 3 months
-jay anon🐈‍⬛️ [pls tell me you u remember me]
OH MY GOODNESS :O !!! HIII MY DEAREST JAY ANON !!! pls how could i forget u !! 😭😭 it’s crazy cuz i was going through ur asks and wondering where u went just a few days ago i manifested u baby 😞 i missed u so so so much i hope you’re doing well my beloved :D !! ♡♡♡ (and dw i got ur other ask where u were concerned if u turned off anon or not dw you’re on anon my baby 😭😭) (also this is me hugging u rn)
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shriniko · 4 months
i said that forever ago when i was young and dumb .
carnival music blasted in distorted bursts through broken speakers — she'd stopped wondering how they could work when they were decades old and started accepting it was just the mechanisms of all things ghostly and supernatural and ... honestly, just a teensy bit scary. niko tried, really. like, really tried. when they got the case, she was elated, overjoyed that it was centered around a part of town where fun was meant to be an overarching theme but instead they were met with the exact opposite, in which time and tragedy had left its mark. maybe she shouldn't have run after the twins dressed as dolls, because then maybe she wouldn't have gotten lost in the funhouse. and then maybe she wouldn't have been followed in, now shoulders - to - shoulders with charles as they maneuvered a walking nightmare of a trip.
“ i know time can be an illusion ... ” she started, tone gentle despite the fear rising within her as they moved towards another totally inconspicuous path ! “ but that was five minutes ago. and you're never dumb. ” she paused as she stepped over broken glass. “ do you think this is like ... a trap ? like, some sorta magical trap where we don't know it's a maze ? oh. ” she reached out to squeeze his arm. tightly. bottom lip quivering as she squeaks, “ if we're stuck here forever — and i forgot to tell jenny her hair was really pretty today ! ”
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theloveinc · 1 year
Please never leave!! 2 years ago my bakugou obsession started and you were the first person I followed for bakugou fics. You are till this day my absolute favorite comfort person on here and I ( and many others ) enjoy and love your writing so much! You are so loved <3
ANONN STOP you are way too good to me...🥺how could u say this and expect me to know how to feel??? what to say????? i don't know how to thank or appreciate u enough for feeling this way and saying so👉🏻👈🏻
the good news is i'm really not planning on leaving. i've been addicted to reader inserts for years so even if i did stop writing here (which i don't want to), i'd still be around posting somewhere i'm sure. EYE just need to work on my confidence and mental health and such to not feel so bad about being slow when i need to be, i guess.
BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME PLEASE, i feel kinda awkward explaining myself since i just want to WORSHIP AND SAY THANKS TO YOU jdhnfkahdj but i don't know how b/c i really, really appreciate this more than i can say. thank you my dear friend, i hope my future posts continue to make you happy! i love you (all) SO MUCH too🖤
...also i'm so sorry for the delay in getting to this.... i got a lil shy bc i'm so touched...
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