#geiki gorge
Australia - The Kimberley (Western Australia)
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0 notes
shannara810 · 1 month
"It's a new world, Raphael".
Your return to the world of the living is a succession of new faces and new rules. Nothing is familiar to you, not even Heaven.
You open your eyes to the kind smile of a child? Nephilim? You're not sure. You can feel your Father's power inside him, together with something that resembles you; yet nothing makes sense.
You were dead. You're sure of this, but for how long you don't know. You died fighting for your family but it seems that what you did didn't matter, because everything you know doesn't exist anymore.
Everything... except Castiel.
He is there, glaring at you and murmuring rushed words to this child. Words you do not need to struggle to understand. The child stops him with a hand and smiles at you.
"Hello, Raphael. I am Jack. And Castiel is my dad... well, one of them. I freed you from the Empty because we need your help. Heaven is crumbling down and we need all the power we can get to repair it".
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There's truth in this child's words, but something is still amiss. You're confused and suspicious and a thousand questions burn your mind.
"Where's Father?"
Chuck? The Prophet?
"I can show you, if you want".
You nod. You do not trust this to not be yet another trick of the traitor Castiel, but the child's calm behaviour makes your Grace hum with happiness so you give him a chance. He touches your head and a rush of memories follow one another in your mind.
Leviathans, Amara, other worlds.
Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael.
Your Father. His lies. All his lies.
The child who is God now shows you this and more and you want to scream and rant and destroy everything.
Despicable, useless lies!
Castiel is talking to you, threatening you, but you ignore him.
"Shut. Up!"
You don't care for his self-righteousness, you don't care for the pity you see in this child's eyes. Instead, it irritates you even more. So you spread your wings and fly away.
It's a new world and you don't understand it. You have questions, so many of them. You died while at war, trying to save your brothers and sisters, to protect them from Castiel's inane desire to give them "free will". You died trying to free Michael from the Cage, the only one who could have known what to do to stop the rebels and their demon friends from destroying Heaven. But that war has came to pass and new ones have been fought and you had no part in them.
Your name is Raphael. You're an Archangel and you don't know what's your place anymore. You're not sure you have ever known.
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"It's a new world, Raphael".
Your brother is the one who finds you. You have been sitting here for days, on a rock overlooking the Geikie Gorge National Park, trying to make sense of the memories you have been shown.
There's a coldness inside your Grace: like a piece missing, a hole. The skin of your vessel is tight like it’s wrong somehow but you don’t understand why.
This husk looks like the first one you wore on Earth, but you don't feel it as yours. You start to think that the child who is god made a mistake when he revived you.
Maybe it was Castiel. His lust for the power you Archangels had was always great, like an ant desiring to play with things it could not touch. And his time with the Winchesters had made him worse. His... attachment to the eldest one always made you feel... uneasy.
"You know, I would have expected the brooding act from Michael. But you were always so happy to copy brother dearest, after all. Hello, Raphi".
"Maaaa, maaa. You scared the kiddo, Raphi. He was so happy to have you back. You could have at least stayed and listened, Jon Snow. He has great plans for us."
There's a barb somewhere in Gabriel's words, but you don't understand the joke and your brother's words don't make you feel any better. "We had Father's instructions".
"Father left us a fucking B movie script! I can't believe... no, right, I can believe you never asked questions. It's soooo you, ugh!"
Gabriel waves his arms, pissed; and you feel something akin to shame. However this feeling is quick to dissipate before being replaced with anger. How dares he? How dares Gabriel... the one who ran away... to one who left his duty behind... his family behind! to judge you?! He knows nothing of the sacrifices you had to make to save Heaven, while he was hanging out with his lowly pagans. How dares he?
You blink, slowly. You call for your sword, while Gabriel points at you one of his beloved human candies.
"It's a new world, brother. No more scripts to follow, no more fights to death, no more Devils to ban. We are free! And I, for one, am going to enjoy this life!"
You're tired, so so tired. Tired of being angry, tired of being unheard, tired of everything. You just want to understand.
You are a healer... were a healer. Your role was to cure your Brothers while they fought the Darkness, but their forces were not enough to cage her so your Father made a weapon out of you too and left before he could right his mess.
His last words to you were: bow to humanity, my masterpiece. And after that everything went to Hell.
Lucifer was banned and Gabriel ran away and Heaven was in disarray and the Host demanded answers and you and Michael did your best to protect everyone and keep some kind of order.
Gabriel sighs and shakes his head. A warrior, he never was. "Do you want answers so badly, Raphi? I can't give you those, but I know who can. 1630 Revello Drive, Windom, Minnesota. It's the house with the blue door".
It's a start, at least.
"You're welcome, Raphi! And don't forget to ring the bell!" You hear him shout before you fly away.
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"It's a new world, Raphael".
The house with the blue door stands in a small neighborhood on the outskirts of Windom, like many others along the street.
The color of the front is new though, just like the shutters on the windows. The owners have carefully mowed the grass in the garden, a riot of colorful and blooming flowers and imposing trees.
The mailbox bears the name of the family who lives here: MILLIGAN, A&M.
Truth be told this house is nothing special and you would have never paid attention to it, if it hadn't been for the dome of grace that keeps you out. A barrier not too different from the ones surrounding the interrogation rooms in Heaven.
You wait outside for three days, invisibile to human eyes while you search for a way to enter. The house is inhabited, of this you are sure. A tall blond man goes out often: to talk to the neighbors, the postman or to carry inside bags with food. A time or two you have had the impression that the blond man would stop to watch you, which is impossible. No mortal can notice your presence.
And yet...
On the fourth day, you decide to follow Gabriel's advice: you ring the bell. Doing something so... so human makes you feel pretty stupid, but the lack of results from your stakeout leds you to a change of course: no more reconnaissance. It's time for a direct approach.
"A moment! I'm coming." Someone shouts from the inside. A minute later the door opens to reveal the blond man.
"Oh, it's you." He seems to recognize you and this baffles you. How?
Suddenly the man's eyes burn with Grace and you find yourself face to face with your eldest brother.
Your brother grabs you by the shirt your vessel wears and drags you inside, slamming you against the door. The paintings on the walls shake before they fall to the ground.
Michael is here, Michael is free!
"Why are you here, Brother?" He spats.
Michael looks at you with his cold blue eyes, searching for a proof that can make you a threat.
Why, why is Michael here and not in Heaven leading the Host? It makes no sense.
Chuck had destroyed Michael during the last battle. You don't know why: Jack's memories were pretty confusing on Michael's last moments but it's Michael! He was always the best of you! What happened that day doesn't matter because Michael is here and now everything will be alright.
"I won't ask again. Why are you here, Raphael? Jack knows we don't want to be disturbed in our exile".
We? Who is we?
"Gabriel... Gabriel said I'd find my answers here".
"Fucking Gabriel..."
Michael looses the grip on your clothes and you fall to the ground, speechless. Never! Never in all the years you were together, you heard your brother curse like... like a human.
"Why? Why are you not in Heaven?"
Michael looks at you doubtful, almost as he is trying to figure out how much he can trust you. His icy blue eyes make you feel small and your Grace trembles under his gaze. Away from Heaven or not, he is still the Viceroy.
"What did Jack tell you?"
"Father... Father did try to destroy the world, because... because he was unhappy with humanity. The child..."
"Jack took over his Powers and now he controls Heaven with Castiel at his side. Michael... how could you leave your post? Heaven is in the hands of a nephilim and Castiel... don't you know what Castiel is capable of? He tried to..."
"I don't care."
"I don't care, Raphael. Jack and Castiel can reign over Heaven if they want. My place is here."
"Here? Here in the middle of nothing?!"
Michael doesn't answer. Not an excuse, not an explanation. Your words meet only silence.
"A child! A child is leading Heaven, Michael! A child who knows nothing about us! About what we are, what we believe in! Father..."
"Father cared for nothing. Least of all for his children". His words are cold and uncaring and you feel as they could pierce your Grace like a burning sword.
"Father only cared about himself and his ego. It was just a joke for him, Raphael. The angels, the humans, the Apocalypse: he had already decided everything to make his play more compelling, but guess what? He got bored. My fight with Lucifer? Only a pebble in the stack and not even the main one. Oh, no! The Winchesters were the stars of his plot. Us? We were nothing! Side characters he could use at his leisure."
"You... You're lying."
"I was there, brother. I have seen with my own eyes what our Father was capable off: he didn't have an ounce of love in his heart".
"He was our Father! He must have had his reasons!"
"He tore my heart away! After leaving me ten years in the Cage he took the only thing I had, Raphael! And he didn't even care!"
Your brother’s voice echoes in the room with a power you have rarely seen in the eons you've been together. His eyes shine with unshed tears, while his body shakes. For rage or sadness you don't know.
Your mind is blank. No one has ever taught you what to do when it's your general, the Hero you have always believed in, the one who gives up. Your older brother is here, broken and even your last certainty shatters. The emotion Michael is showing is an alien concept to you, incomprehensible.
You take a step in his direction, when suddenly his eyes burn bright and it's not your brother anymore the one in front of you.
The vessel brings a hand on his chest. He smiles, softly. "We are okay, Halo. He won't hurt you anymore. We are together."
The human...
"Raphael, right? I can understand you have been away for a long time and I won't judge you for this. But it's enough."
"How dare you to give me orders, human?"
"I dare. And the name is Adam, Archangel. Michael is important to me and I won't let anyone hurt him".
The human... the vessel stares at you defiantly, heedless of danger. Does he really believe he can protect your brother, Heaven's most dangerous weapon, from you? His behavior is almost amusing and on a different occasion you might have even let such impudence go but not now. Right now his meddling just pisses you off. This confrontation is about you and your brother: there is no place for a human.
"Stay out of this." You hiss.
"I'm where I have to be, thank you so much."
"Michael doesn't concern you!"
"Michael's well-being is my business too. He is my family!"
How dares he? What gives him the right to make any claim on Michael? Him, a puny human not worth to be anything more than a body of blood and bones for a higher being?
Yet, this human doesn’t back down a step like he really wants to fight you for Michael. You're left speechless.
Unexpectedly a cry tears the air and Michael takes control again. He gives you one last look before running up the stairs. The house shakes under the explosion of a new grace, so silently you follow him. What does your brother hide?
"Shhhh, it's okay Luke. Father is here. There's nothing to be scared of".
You should have never come here.
Michael stands there, in the middle of a human nursery, cradling a child and trying to calm him down. The air sparkles with energy under the sound of the child's tears and for a moment you wish to kneel before him. The power of this child takes your breath away.
Michael has called himself "his father".
Your brother's eyes never leave the child. He smiles, your brother is smiling and the child calms down. "I can't follow you, Raphael. Luke and Adam need me".
"You have a forbidden child".
"I have a son and a husband I love more than anything. I... I know you can't understand, Brother. But they're my whole world".
Michael's words rip the ground right out from under your feet, making you wonder if it was ever there to begin with. Your Brother, your guide, has committed the worst sin ever, something Heaven would never forgive him for. A nephilim.
A forbidden child.
You have to get away from him.
All around you the world whirles and you wonder why you had to came back if nothing makes sense anymore. Even Michael, the only one you could always count on, has changed.
You are losing your mind.
"Raphael!" Your brother calls you one last time. "Heaven can't know about my son. Please, Brother..."
You run away because how can you not? It's a new world, one you don't want to have a part in.
"It's a new world, Raphael".
Time goes by and things don't get easier for you. Instead the chaos that greeted your return worsens.
The monotony of your work in Heaven is the only thing that keeps you sane. And for this you are grateful.
Jack is a sweet character: too young to lead Heaven, too full of hope and compassion to control the Host. His policy of staying away from Earth is the most naive thing you have ever heard of and who is he kidding? With Castiel so worried about the Winchesters, that child is doomed to slip sooner or later.
Despite your disgust with your brother's choices, you start to return to the house with the blue door more and more. You're still angry for Michael's decision, you still feel betrayed by his behaviour but he is your brother. The one who never left you behind. So you keep his secret.
("It's called Witness protection program, Raphi. I came up with it!"
"I know, Gabriel.")
Heaven cannot know about Luke, so you add your own wards to your brother's home to conceal the boy. You tell yourself you only do this because Castiel would mess the child up, demanding to take care of him or worse! To give him to the Winchesters. You have no love for Michael's son.
However Michael's human offers you a room in their home and suddenly Gabriel wants one too, since he is "the funny uncle" and they can't leave him out his nephew's life... your nephew's life.
And when Luke is five, he gets Lucifer back from the Empty because the child wants to know his namesake. (Your brother's human and his strange deranged humor).
Day after day you ask yourself how could God... Jack not be aware of four Archangels in the same house (well, three and half: Lucifer is as strong as a Cherub now), but you cannot find a logical answer.
It's a crazy new world, but for a change luck seems to be on your side.
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It's the first time since Lucifer's Fall, you four are all together in the same place and the only thing you want to do is strangle your brothers.
Millennia of lies and misunderstandings and guilt are still there and it's not long before someone starts to shout - maybe Michael? - and weapons are drawn and you're ready to fight to death, but Michael's human has other ideas.
He calls you all douches, says you're still following your Father's bullshit and if you can't talk like adults, you can go to your room and stay there! He doesn't have the time to raise other children: he's already got his hands full with his half-breed.
You, Gabriel and Lucifer are all stunned by the boldness of this puny human, till Michael starts to whine because it's not his fault his brothers behave like babies!
The human makes him shut up too. At least your brother's pet is fair.
Adam Milligan makes you sit around a table and talk about your "feelings". He orders you to not leave the room till you can get your act together. The baby is asleep and if you wake him, you're all doomed.
You laugh. Your brother's vessel still believes he is something more than an ant. What can a stupid mud monkey do to you, an Archangel?
However the human doesn't flinch at your words. Instead he smiles at you in a way you don't like and says "I've been in the Cage with your brother for more than a thousand years. Trust me, Raph. You won't like what I've learned".
And if Michael's face becomes whiter... well, the projection of his face, because your brother still persists in sharing his body with this impudent human... a wise general does not seek battle without reason.
Again time flies and this would not be your life without an Apocalypse (to foil this time).
Jack loses control over his Powers and tries to destroy everything to make this world "perfect". Personally you think that only a fool should have entrusted a nephilim with both God's and Amara's powers, but you keep your opinion to yourself.
Dean Winchester is resurrected to Castiel's delight, even if you can't see how this could help you. Jack is out of control and you should trap him like you did with Amara.
Lucifer protests vehemently and for once your brother and Castiel are on the same page.
You're ready for a new war, one you have no desire to fight; yet Luke is the one to solve everything without much bloodshed.
He grows up in a night and takes over Amara's role as the Darkness. A new balance is set and the world is again at peace.
In spite your bias against nephilims, you have to admit that Michael's son has a good head on his shoulders: he makes four lieutenants to help him with his job, someone who can understand duty and politics and how to treat with monsters and other hellish beings.
One of his lieutenants is Crowley and you don't trust him, although you're not so blind to not see how the ex demon knows exactly how to deal with the Winchesters.
Amid all this, you start to value Michael's human more. Adam Milligan is firm, enduring and with the peculiar ability to being able to talk with all of you Archangels.
He shares jokes and candies with Gabriel, helps Lucifer with his writing, gives Michael peace.
He likes to discuss your job. He is a healer too.
Adam teaches you new words for the things you don't understand and you are grateful for his help, even if you don't show it. Gender-theory, asexuality, non-binary. New words for all those questions which still make your brain hurt. However now you can admit how being with your family, all of them, doesn't erase the hole you still feel inside but makes it different, more bearable.
You start to switch your male vessel with a female one when you feel you need it and Adam asks you if you need new clothes too. You say yes.
So he takes you in town and shows you the best shops you can browse at. And he talks about you as his "in-law" without dubbing you as brother or sister and you feel lighter.
Lucifer frowns at the sight of your new clothes, saying you have the same taste as a white collar worker but you care not for his opinion.
Yes, to switch between vessels makes you feel good.
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"It's a new world, Raphael".
Luke and Jack talk for a long time after the failed Apocalypse till they reach an agreement you find... groundbreaking.
The judgments given to the souls are no longer permanent. Souls can now be forgiven and ascend to peace or choose to be born again whether they're the souls of humans, monsters or demons.
Hell and Purgatory can only trap forever the souls without hope and if a monster wants to achieve Heaven, it can. Your old home is not the final goal to aspire to anymore, but a simple step on the long run.
Luke makes his lieutenants responsible for the monsters who still walk on Earth: to fight the bad apples and to protect the ones who need help. Above all from humans.
Looking at all those changes, you can’t help but think that Chuck's old management would have never considered an arrangement like your nephew's, but the argument Luke gives you has its merit: given the chance, everyone can learn. Nothing is fixed and only a stupid would think so. To live is to change and if you're stuck and can't adapt, Hell will be overstuffed again and Purgatory out of control.
Everyone should work together to make things easier for all those involved.
Your nephew's idea is a revolution to everything you have always known but if it makes the Winchesters pissed, it's even better. You may have had to let go a lot of things, but you're still of the opinion that Castiel and his paramour should have died and stayed dead a long time ago.
("Boy Toy, Raphi. Dean Winchester is Cassie' Boy Toy. You can say it".
"I shall remember this, Gabriel. Thank you".)
Of the four lieutenants Luke has made, the one who intrigues you the most is Ellen Harvelle.
She is strong for a human, loyal and just. A little outspoken, but you can enjoy how she doesn't take shit from anyone. She is the one who gives orders, makes her brethen fall in line and whose's counsel Luke defers to.
When you ask Luke why he chose her, he says that what his group really needed to work together was a mom. Someone to scold you when you deserve a scold and hug you when you need a hug. A parent. A glue.
You point out how you are all supernatural beings: the notion of parents cannot be applied to you.
At this Luke gives you a smile and a pat on the shoulder. Like Adam takes care of all of you and the Winchesters do the same with Jack, Rowena is the one to "mom" Hell. So yes, even supernatural beings need a parent one or twice.
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To celebrate the creation of his lieutenants, Luke builds for them new headquarters.
Not a trace of white, not a trace of marble: in your eyes, they look a lot like an old human drinking establishment. Dean Winchester quite enjoys them.
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"Does anyone know why a hurricane is hitting New York right now? I feel like I'm watching a movie written by J.J Abrams". Lucifer gulps down his second drink with an improper name.
Your brother has a notebook open on the table, his "working station". Apparently, hanging out with Adam Milligan and with the human therapist Michael's mate had forced Lucifer to see made your brother discover his gift for the written word. Under the guise of Lucille Morningstar, he has become quite proficient in writing human romance.
Gabriel sits beside him, looking at the flat screen on the wall with ill-concealed joy. "Ohhh, our sweet nephew must have told Michael the pagan knocked him up. Soon this world will be swarmed by a new bunch of tiny super-powered freaks. You know, I'm almost proud of Mike and of his army of handsome monsters."
"Are you jealous, Gabe?"
"Haha, Lucy. Hilarious. Still can't believe Adam really named the boy after you. I can't say if he is a genius or as spiteful as fuck!"
"Ohhh, my sweet Gabriel. I'm proud Luke's named after me. I’ll never get tired to remind you who is Junior's favorite uncle". Lucifer's smile can be described almost as... dazzling. "The Winchesters' brother roots for Team Archangels: it's the best thing I could ask for!"
You let their words slip away, drawing your attention back to the tea in your hands. It doesn't concern you, after all. If Michael wants to smite the pagan who has defiled his son, he has every right to.
"Nah, your brother will calm down soon. It's hard, as a parent, when you have to admit your kid has grown up with a life of their own. We all have been there. And Percy is a good boy".
"I won't know. Father was... he chose to let us believe he was dead, because he didn't want to deal with his creation".
Ellen Harvelle stops drying the glass she has in her hands and pours herself a finger of the same amber liquid your brother drank a few minutes ago. "He sounds like a douche, angel".
"Yes... yes, he was".
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Her words... the concern her face shows - a concern for you - hits you in a strange, new way. A pleasant way.
So you find yourself telling her about your life while she tells you about her daughter Joanna Beth, who died during the first Apocalypse.
Before Adam Milligan, before Ellen Harvelle, you never had someone to talk with outside your family. And as much as you love your siblings, you’ve always felt too different for them to really understand you.
And that's how your friendship with the strong and just mom named Ellen Harvelle begins and it will affect you on the following days in ways you can’t even imagine.
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"It's a new world, Raphael".
What you're about to do is crazy and risky and it's not like you at all, but you don't care. For once in your long life you're not going to follow logic but your "gut instinct", as your friend Ellen loves to say.
Away from the chaos of Heaven, you find a quiet place to start your project. After all Jack did give you a leave to "find yourself" and Gabriel can handle the reconstruction. Should the need arise, there's always Michael.
Your quiet place is in Australia. It's a wild land, a mix of mismatched things you feel reflects your being.
The first step is the hardest. You tear a small piece from your grace, ignoring the pain: you cannot gain something without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That's what your human family has taught you.
So you take this small fragment of grace and blend it with the genetic material Ellen has given you, shaping them in a small vessel not too different from the Darkness' children.
This is an easy task. Two arms, two legs, a singular head. A generic human shape. You don't want to impose your will on them, your likes and dislikes. A generic shape will do for now.
The small fragment of grace sizzles and expands, strengthening those almost human limbs and blooming in two small wings of lightning.
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Now it comes the tricky part: you need a soul to inhabit this husk of bones and grace. Michael said that Luke came to them with Amara's help.
After merging with the energies that weave the universe, your oldest brother had sung the love he feels for his human, his regrets and his belief till an old soul had listened to his plea and came.
So you sing your Grace away: your doubts and your discoveries, your love for your family and what you've learned in your time among humankind, your loneliness and your desire to be part of something more.
You sing and sing and sing, you don't know for how long. And when your words are not enough anymore, you let your thoughts roam free and after them, those strange human notions called feelings.
You sing and sing and sing, you don't know for how long. And when your voice starts to lessen, you sing some more.
Maybe you are doing something wrong, maybe there's no one out there who wants to listen to the plea of an Archangel so different like you. Yet you stand up and try again. Your will is set and your wish is pure. You’re strong enough to make your own path.
You feel a change.
A sparkle old and young at the same time, who understands duty and loneliness and feels anger for having been treated like a miserable tool in a greater design.
You draw new energy from this response and your voice gains vigor, while the soul listens attentively.
It circles around you as you explain what you want to do, what it means to get into the husk you have created.
It listens and thinks while you wait, hoping for the first time. Then the soul brightnens with the power of ten thousand suns, burning your eyes till it disappears. You did it!
"It's a new world, Raphael".
You can finally breath. Your vessel doesn't need air to live, but breathing makes you focus as you help the soul shape the husk as it wants it. It still remembers its old human body, so it tries to fuse its memories with the material you have given it.
While the hush morphs, you talk about your family old and new; about how the world was when you had watched the first stars light the sky. Stars which only live in your memory now.
And the soul listens and changes and becomes something new.
Then there's only silence.
Suddenly the nephilim you helped create opens his cerulean eyes and you can finally understand Michael's words. You can see the beauty of the whole universe in the gaze of this tiny being, this old soul born anew, quiet and introverted like you but with a mind full of questions and thoughts.
And if your brothers can change, can find joy and a purpose in this new world, so can you.
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Your name is Raphael, you're an Archangel and you like to switch your vessels to suit your mood. You're male and female: you're neither and you're both.
You love your siblings (even Lucifer!) and your nephews and your grand-nephews. You still want to smite Castiel and like to drink tea with a woman named Ellen Harvelle, who was once human and now works for the Darkness.
You love the nephilim you made and who loves you back. You will protect them till your dying breath and beyond.
You're a parent.
The nephilim... your child smiles at you and a warming sense of love lights up your Grace. You finally have your purpose. The hole you have felt in your Grace since your return is no more.
"Jason, I will name you Jason. It means "the one who heals" for you have healed my Grace".
Jason Grace Milligan. It has a nice ring.
@darkcrowprincess @summonademon
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The Magic of West Kimberley Gorges: Unraveling Nature's Marvels
Are you a traveller and nature lover seeking a genuinely awe-inspiring destination? Look no further than the captivating West Kimberley region of Australia. Nestled in the heart of Western Australia, this hidden gem boasts an abundance of breathtaking gorges that will leave you spellbound. 
In this article, we invite you to embark on a journey of Kimberley Adventure Tours discovery as we unravel the magic of West Kimberley Gorges.
So, grab your sense of adventure, pack your bags, and explore the wonders that await!
The Enchanting Beauty of West Kimberley Gorges
Prepare to be mesmerised by the sheer beauty of West Kimberley's gorges. Carved over millions of years by ancient rivers, these natural wonders offer a breathtaking display of rugged cliffs, pristine waterfalls, and crystal-clear pools. 
From the majestic depths of Geikie Gorge to the enchanting tranquillity of Bell Gorge, each gorge has its own unique charm and allure. Whether you're a fan of adventurous hikes, refreshing swims, or simply immersing yourself in nature's splendour, West Kimberley's gorges will leave you in awe.
Exploring the Untouched Wilderness
One of the best ways to experience the magic of West Kimberley Gorges is by joining Kimberley group tours and making it worth remembering. These guided excursions offer a curated and immersive experience, ensuring you don't miss any of the region's hidden gems. 
Accompanied by knowledgeable local guides, you'll venture deep into the untouched wilderness, discovering remote gorges off the beaten path. From Manning Gorge's emerald pools to Windjana Gorge's ancient walls, each stop on the tour will unveil a new layer of natural wonders.
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Thriving Wildlife and Biodiversity
Beyond the stunning landscapes, West Kimberley's gorges are home to diverse wildlife. As you venture through the region, watch for freshwater crocodiles sunning themselves on the riverbanks or a variety of bird species gracefully soaring above. 
You might even spot agile wallabies hopping through the rugged terrain if you're lucky. The untouched wilderness of the Gorges provides a sanctuary for these creatures, offering travellers a rare opportunity to witness nature's biodiversity up close.
An Adventure for All: Activities in West Kimberley Gorges
Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a leisurely traveller, West Kimberley's gorges offer activities for everyone. Embark on thrilling hikes, where each step reveals a new breathtaking view. Take a refreshing dip in the cool waters of the Gorges, immersing yourself in nature's swimming pools. For the more adventurous, try canoeing or kayaking along the meandering rivers, exploring hidden corners only accessible by water. The gorges provide an exhilarating playground for all to enjoy.
Unforgettable Memories: Embrace the Magic
A visit to West Kimberley's Gorges is an experience that will stay with you long after you've left. The untamed beauty, the awe-inspiring landscapes, and the sense of tranquillity will leave an indelible mark on your soul. As you immerse yourself in the magic of these gorges, take a moment to pause, breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate the wonder surrounding you. Capture the memories through photographs, but don't forget to embrace the present moment fully and allow the magic of West Kimberley to weave its spell.
Final Words
In conclusion, West Kimberley's gorges are nature's marvels waiting to be discovered. Search for Kimberley group tours for an unforgettable adventure through the untamed wilderness, where you'll witness the enchanting views.
Source: The Magic of West Kimberley Gorges: Unraveling Nature's Marvels
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isabellagracefyfe · 2 years
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On our way through to Broome and Derby over on the western side of the Kimberly region, we passed through Halls Creek (where I picked up a $4 Akubra! from the op shop) and Fitzroy Crossing (where Lou went fishing at Danggu Geikie Gorge). He didn’t catch anything but it was cool checking out the mighty Fitzroy River that runs through an old limestone reef from the Devonian Period! Pretty cool stuff - you can see the heigh of the flood waters on the limestone cliffs. Beautiful, powerful Bunuba river country.
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kimberley2021 · 3 years
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Some views at top of old Fitzroy Crossing and the Geikie Gorge trip including some crocs sunning themselves
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hwheat2021 · 3 years
June 14 Danggu-Geikie Gorge, Kimberley
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What a breathtaking place - Geikie Gorge or for the Bunuba people, Danggu. My head is almost bursting with what we saw and learned today. On the surface we took a cruise down the Fitzroy River through what we know as Geikie Gorge but in reality it was stepping way way back in geological history.
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They told us that the white rock mark is a flood mark. Above that ... well oxidised rock where parts of the reef have broken off and the dark is covered in Cyanobacteria.
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This whole region is of international significance as a Devonian marine fossil site. Formed over 300 million years ago the rocky cliffs you see are part of an ancient fossilised coral reef; ini evolutionary terms it was the Age of Fishes when a tropical sea covered the area. Simply and magnificently awe inspiring!
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The Fitzroy River is huge with 20 tributaries and a catchment which occupies an area of almost 100,000 sq Km. Unsurprisingly it periodically floods cutting off the region. The trees and other vegetation are often submerged for weeks as the Fitzroy River floods. The secret is their root system. Fairy Martins build their mud nests in the protection of the overhangs in the cliffs and each year they are washed away.
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In 1935, the Fitzroy got its first bridge – a low-level concrete structure. This bridge could be closed for several months at a time during the wet weather and travellers were then forced to use a flying fox to get across. In flood, it is possibly the largest river in Australia with a flow rate down the 15 km-wide flood plain at Fitzroy Crossing estimated at 30,000 cubic metres per sec.
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These are flood levels marked on a roof
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lindoig8 · 3 years
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A few shots inside Geikie Gorge - it was really gorgeous! Almost impossible to choose photos - so many pics show different dramatic views.
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pieterpretorius · 4 years
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Windjana Gorge National Park Windjana Gorge is a 3.5 km gorge, carved out of the Napier Range by the Lennard River. The Napier Range is part of the same ancient barrier reef system that you also see at Tunnel Creek and Geikie Gorge. The walls on both sides of Windjana Gorge are 30 to 100 metres high and the gorge is over 100 metres wide.
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puvuvuyu-blog · 4 years
Discover Australia and the heart of Kimberley
Discover Australia as well as the heart of Kimberley
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For greater than 100 years combination of experiences, we have actually been the renowned travel professional in Australia. Expert in custom-made travel & tour package deals, Australia' grand online tour driver provides you all type of trips in Australia, remains or circuits, adapted to your wishes and also your spending plan. luxury' vacations, driverless scenic tours, train scenic tours and also pre-booked hotels, tours arranged in English, or tailor-made journeys to get ready for a different trip.
Feel free to examine their internet site, as well as they will provide you great ideas & plan for the trip of a lifetime in Australia.
Allow's Start With The Kimberley And The Top End In Australia!
From Kimberley to the upper end, dominate the Great West, experience an original adventure as well as reveal the traveler inside you. Off the beaten track, this 4x4 convoy exploration crosses landscapes so wild as well as separated that Australians themselves call this area "the last frontier". At the heart of the large lands of Outback, in the company of your English-speaking guide, uncover an authentic Australia where the introducing spirit still impacts. Leave Broome, a little pearl harbor with an impressive color combination understood for Cable Beach, its magnificent beach, and also endeavor right into the grandeur of Kimberley, dotted with massive baobabs. Explore the legendary Gidd River Road, admire its impressive views as well as discover the Devonian Reef National Parks: Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek as well as Windjana Gorge. Your path goes to the King Leopold Ranges region and the many surrounding gorges: Lennard, Galvans, Manning and even Bell, whose credibility is one of the most stunning. Head eastern to Home Valley Station and also Emma Gorge in the El Questro Desert. This incredible website with contrasting alleviation homes a special plants and animals. His trip continues with the crossing of among the symbols of the track, the Pentecost River, after that signs up with the asphalt at Kununurra, well-known for its dam on Lake Argyle and its mine of pink rubies. Gradually, the ochre as well as dry perspective paves the way to the liveliness of the exotic vegetation of the Northern Territory. After a night in Katherine, departure to the biggest national park in the nation. Kakadu (Unesco), with its unexpected splendor, consists of several natural treasures ( rough escarped, green marshes, numerous birds, buffaloes, crocodiles ...) as well as cultural (rock art galleries of Nourlangie as well as Ubirr Rocks, aboriginal facilities of Bowali and also Warradjan). This extraordinary legendary ends in Darwin, the regional capital with a multicultural and pleasant atmosphere.
Purnululu National Park - Bungle Bungle
In the heart of Kimberley: Bungle Bungle Purnululu National Park
Situated in the heart of Kimberley, Purnululu National Park is connected by a 4x4 path easily accessible from the Great Northern Highway, 250 km south of Kununurra as well as 115 km north of Halls Creek. Purnululu National Park, found in 1980 and also detailed as a World Heritage Site, is among Australia's best-kept tricks. Today is a have to on a vacation to Kimberley. Please note that the park is open from April to October.
Bungle Bungle provides the phenomenon of magnificent veined domes of orange (silica) and also black (lichen) developing an amazing landscape. Nothing far better than a panoramic trip to realize the enormity of this marvel of nature. Fly over narrow, steep chasms, lined with stunning palm trees and populated in the rainy period with waterfalls and also serene natural pools. In the heart of Bungle Bungle, check out on a safari or take a 4x4 tour of the gorges to the north, Minipalms Gorge, Froghole and Echidna Chasm. To the south, the Cathedral Gorge as well as Piccaninny are only obtainable to good walkers.
Best ways to see the Kimberley
By tour packages
Want to get closer to the incredible sights along the way? Tour inclusive package! You'll like it. This great road film for real adventurers, across the wild west of Australia
Explore the red trails of Gibb River Road, explore the upper end. Swim under waterfalls, in natural pools, gorges and canyons. Private transfers, meals, accommodation, cruises and more. See inspiringvacations.com.
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By a land tour
There's a huge range of land tours now offered, mostly in 4WD vehicles or instructors along the old Gibb River Road, as well as staying in safari camps, lodges, high-end outdoors tents or motels in the process. These often tend to check out areas such as the kooky town Fitzroy Crossing, the spectacular Windjana Gorge, the Mitchell Plateau, the incredible Bungle Bungles and also interesting Kununurra, and also often offer you a massive sense of the history of the area. Passing by land likewise allows you to meet most of the vibrant epic personalities who live there also; and also do not miss out on having a chat with Kununurra's Frauke Bolten-Boshammer, the feisty woman with a mind-boggling tale that started sales of the location's well known pink diamonds with her Kimberley Fine Diamonds. outbackspirittours.com.au
By foot
Hiking is a fabulous way to end up being absolutely involved in these stunning landscapes, faraway from, well, nearly everyone. This region of Australia is amongst one of the most sparsely populated in the world with just one individual for every single 11 square kilometres, so why not escape and also check out the wonders of nature, with several of the rock formations as much as 1.82 billion years of ages? There are additionally a lot of fully-supported inspiring vacation kimberley tours directed trips from 13 days with 4WD transportation between walks, such as with onlyluxe.com.au, completely to a five-day stroll with a helicopter dropping you at the mouth of the Piccaninny Gorge, and choosing you up later on-- lifesanadventure.com.au
By Bike
Bicyclists when traveling to Drysdale River Station, Gibb River Road, Western Australia. Image: Alamy
Ramp up the Kimberley adventure element with a trail bike or motorcycle tour, feeling the fresh breeze on your face as you ride on sturdy roads via several of those canyons, appreciating the surroundings as well as picking up a swim at waterholes. The fantastic feature of bikes is that you're on the same degree as the locals, as well as some of the trips drop in at remote Aboriginal areas to claim g'day, in addition to to refuel at regional municipalities. Riders of all capabilities are welcomed. kimberleytrailbiketours.com.au
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mollyguerin · 4 years
Kimberley Tours & Trips 2020 & 2021
Discover Australia and also the heart of Kimberley
For more than 100 years combination of experiences, we have been the renowned travel expert in Australia. Professional in tailor-made travel & tour set, Australia' grand online tour operator offers you all kinds of journeys in Australia, stays or circuits, adjusted to your desires and your budget plan. high-end' vacations, driverless excursions, train scenic tours as well as pre-booked resorts, scenic tours organized in English, or tailor-made journeys to get ready for a separate trip.
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Do not hesitate to inspect their website, as well as they will certainly give you great ideas & plan for the trip of a lifetime in Australia.
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Allow's Start With The Kimberley And The Top End In Australia!
From Kimberley to the upper end, conquer the Great West, experience an original journey and also disclose the traveler inside you. Out of the ordinary, this 4x4 convoy expedition crosses landscapes so wild and also isolated that Australians themselves call this region "the last frontier". At the heart of the large lands of Outback, among your English-speaking overview, find an genuine Australia where the introducing spirit still impacts. Leave Broome, a little pearl harbor with an astonishing shade combination understood for Cable Beach, its superb coastline, and also venture right into the enormity of Kimberley, populated with substantial baobabs. Check out the legendary Gidd River Road, appreciate its spectacular views and also explore the Devonian Reef National Parks: Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek as well as Windjana Gorge. Your course goes to the King Leopold Ranges region and the many surrounding chasms: Lennard, Galvans, Manning or perhaps Bell, whose reputation is one of the most attractive. Head east to Home Valley Station and Emma Gorge in the El Questro Desert. This incredible website with contrasting alleviation homes a one-of-a-kind flora and animals. His trip proceeds with the going across of one of the signs of the track, the Pentecost River, after that joins the asphalt at Kununurra, well-known for its dam on Lake Argyle and its mine of pink diamonds. Slowly, the ochre as well as arid horizon paves the way to the spirit of the tropical vegetation of the Northern Territory. After a night in Katherine, leave to the largest national forest in the nation. Kakadu (Unesco), with its unanticipated splendor, consists of numerous all-natural treasures (rocky escarped, environment-friendly marshes, lots of birds, buffaloes, crocodiles ...) and also cultural (rock art galleries of Nourlangie and also Ubirr Rocks, indigenous facilities of Bowali and Warradjan). This phenomenal legendary finishes in Darwin, the regional capital with a multicultural and friendly environment.
Bungle Bungle- Purnululu National Park
In the heart of Kimberley: Bungle Bungle Purnululu National Park
Situated in the heart of Kimberley, Purnululu National Park is linked by a 4x4 runway easily accessible from the Great Northern Highway, 250 km south of Kununurra and 115 kilometres north of Halls Creek. Purnululu National Park, uncovered in 1980 as well as provided as a World Heritage Site, is one of Australia's best-kept keys. Today is a should on a trip to Kimberley. Please keep in mind that the park is open from April to October.
Ruin Bungle uses the spectacle of sensational https://www.inspiringvacations.com veined domes of orange (silica) and black (lichen) producing an phenomenal landscape. Absolutely nothing much better than a panoramic trip to realize the vastness of this marvel of nature. Fly over narrow, high canyons, lined with impressive hand trees and also dotted in the rainy season with waterfalls and also relaxing natural swimming pools. In the heart of Bungle Bungle, check out on a safari or take a 4x4 tour of the gorges to the north, Minipalms Gorge, Froghole and also Echidna Chasm. To the south, the Cathedral Gorge and Piccaninny are only available to great walkers.
Best ways to see the Kimberley
By tour packages
Want to get closer to the incredible sights along the way? Tour inclusive package! You'll like it. This great road film for real adventurers, across the wild west of Australia
Explore the red trails of Gibb River Road, explore the upper end. Swim under waterfalls, in natural pools, gorges and canyons. Private transfers, meals, accommodation, cruises and more. See inspiringvacations.com.
By a land tour
There's a significant range of land scenic tours currently available, mostly in 4WD cars or instructors along the old Gibb River Road, and remaining in safari camps, lodges, luxury outdoors tents or motels along the road. These tend to visit areas such as the kooky community Fitzroy Crossing, the spectacular Windjana Gorge, the Mitchell Plateau, the remarkable Bungle Bungles and also interesting Kununurra, as well as usually provide you a significant sense of the background of the area. Travelling by land likewise enables you to meet much of the vibrant epic personalities who live there as well; and also don't miss having a conversation with Kununurra's Frauke Bolten-Boshammer, the energetic lady with a overwhelming tale who started sales of the area's famed pink diamonds with her Kimberley Fine Diamonds. outbackspirittours.com.au
By foot
Hiking is a fabulous way to become absolutely involved in these majestic landscapes, faraway from, well, virtually everybody. This area of Australia is among one of the most sparsely occupied in the world with only one individual for each 11 square kilometres, so why not break away and also explore the marvels of nature, with some of the rock formations approximately 1.82 billion years of ages? There are also a lot of fully-supported assisted expeditions from 13 days with 4WD transportation in between walks, such as with onlyluxe.com.au, all the way to a five-day stroll with a helicopter dropping you at the mouth of the Piccaninny Gorge, and also choosing you up later on-- lifesanadventure.com.au
By Bike
Cyclists when traveling to Drysdale River Station, Gibb River Road, Western Australia. Photo: Alamy
Increase the Kimberley thrill variable with a trail bike or motorcycle tour, really feeling the fresh wind on your face as you ride on rugged roadways via several of those chasms, admiring the surroundings and picking up a swim at waterholes. The wonderful feature of bikes is that you're on the same level as the citizens, and several of the tours decrease in at remote Aboriginal communities to claim g'day, along with to refuel at neighborhood territories. Motorcyclists of all abilities are welcomed. kimberleytrailbiketours.com.au
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The Best The Kimberley Tours after Coronavirus
Discover Australia as well as the heart of Kimberley
For more than 100 years combination of experiences, we have actually been the well-known travel expert in Australia. Expert in tailor-made travel & tour package, Australia' grand online tour operator offers you all type of journeys in Australia, remains or circuits, adapted to your wishes as well as your spending plan. deluxe' vacations, driverless trips, train tours and pre-booked hotels, excursions organized in English, or custom-made journeys to get ready for a different trip.
Do not hesitate to inspect their internet site, as well as they will provide you good ideas & get ready for the trip of a life time in Australia.
Allow's Start With The Kimberley And The Top End In Australia!
From Kimberley to the upper end, overcome the Great West, experience an initial experience and also disclose the adventurer inside you. Out of the ordinary, this 4x4 convoy expedition crosses landscapes so wild as well as separated that Australians themselves call this area "the last frontier". At the heart of the substantial lands of Outback, in the company of your English-speaking guide, discover an genuine Australia where the pioneering spirit still blows. Leave Broome, a tiny pearl harbor with an impressive shade scheme understood for Cable Beach, its magnificent coastline, and endeavor into the enormity of Kimberley, populated with big baobabs. Explore the famous Gidd River Road, appreciate its spectacular scenic views as well as discover the Devonian Reef National Parks: Geikie Gorge, Tunnel Creek and also Windjana Gorge. Your path mosts likely to the King Leopold Ranges region and the many bordering chasms: Lennard, Galvans, Manning or even Bell, whose reputation is one of the most picturesque. Head east to Home Valley Station as well as Emma Gorge in the El Questro Desert. This amazing website with contrasting relief houses a one-of-a-kind flora and fauna. His trip continues with the crossing of one of the icons of the track, the Pentecost River, after that joins the asphalt at Kununurra, well-known for its dam on Lake Argyle and also its mine of pink rubies. Slowly, the ochre and arid horizon gives way to the spirit of the exotic plants of the Northern Territory. After a night in Katherine, departure to the biggest national park in the nation. Kakadu (Unesco), with its unanticipated splendor, includes several natural treasures ( rough escarped, eco-friendly marshes, lots of birds, buffaloes, crocodiles ...) as well as social (rock art galleries of Nourlangie and also Ubirr Rocks, aboriginal facilities of Bowali and also Warradjan). This remarkable legendary ends in Darwin, the local funding with a modern as well as friendly atmosphere.
Purnululu National Park - Bungle Bungle
In the heart of Kimberley: Bungle Bungle Purnululu National Park
Found in the heart of Kimberley, Purnululu National Park is connected by a 4x4 runway available from the Great Northern Highway, 250 kilometres south of Kununurra as well as 115 km north of Halls Creek. Purnululu National Park, uncovered in 1980 as well as noted as a World Heritage Site, is just one of Australia's best-kept tricks. Today is a need to on a trip to Kimberley. Please note that the park is open from April to October.
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Mishandle Bungle uses the spectacle of sensational veined domes of orange (silica) as well as black (lichen) creating an extraordinary landscape. Nothing far better than a scenic flight to realize the massiveness of this marvel of nature. Fly over narrow, steep gorges, lined with majestic hand trees and also populated in the rainy season with waterfalls and also peaceful natural swimming pools. In the heart of Bungle Bungle, check out on a safari or take a 4x4 tour of the gorges to the north, Minipalms Gorge, Froghole and Echidna Chasm. To the south, the Cathedral Gorge and also Piccaninny are just available to great walkers.
Best ways to see the Kimberley
By tour packages
Want to get closer to the incredible sights along the way? Tour inclusive package! You'll like it. This great road film for real adventurers, across the wild west of Australia
Explore the red trails of Gibb River Road, explore the upper end. Swim under waterfalls, in natural pools, gorges and canyons. Private transfers, meals, accommodation, cruises and more. See inspiringvacations.com.
By a land tour
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There's a big variety of land excursions currently readily available, mainly in 4WD automobiles or instructors along the old Gibb River Road, and also remaining in safari camps, lodges, luxury camping tents or motels along the way. These have a tendency to see locations such as the kooky community Fitzroy Crossing, the spectacular Windjana Gorge, the Mitchell Plateau, the outstanding Bungle Bungles and interesting Kununurra, and also usually give you a big feeling of the background of the area. Travelling by land also permits you to satisfy a number of the vibrant epic personalities who live there also; and do not miss having a chat with Kununurra's Frauke Bolten-Boshammer, the lively lady with a overwhelming tale who started sales of the area's well known pink rubies with her Kimberley Fine Diamonds. outbackspirittours.com.au
By foot
Hiking is a incredible means to become absolutely involved in these magnificent landscapes, faraway from, well, virtually every person. This area of Australia is among the most sparsely occupied in the world with just one individual kimberley tours for every 11 square kilometres, so why not escape and also explore the wonders of nature, with several of the rock developments up to 1.82 billion years of ages? There are likewise plenty of fully-supported assisted trips from 13 days with 4WD transport between strolls, such as with onlyluxe.com.au, all the way to a five-day stroll with a helicopter dropping you at the mouth of the Piccaninny Gorge, and also selecting you up later on-- lifesanadventure.com.au
By Bike
Cyclists when traveling to Drysdale River Station, Gibb River Road, Western Australia. Photo: Alamy
Ramp up the Kimberley thrill factor with a trail bike or motorcycle tour, really feeling the fresh breeze on your face as you ride on rugged roads via some of those gorges, admiring the landscapes and also stopping for a swim at waterholes. The wonderful thing about bikes is that you're on the very same level as the residents, and some of the trips drop in at remote Aboriginal neighborhoods to state g'day, as well as to refuel at regional townships. Riders of all abilities rate. kimberleytrailbiketours.com.au
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 7 years
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Geikie Gorge beautiful spot.
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Kimberley: 5 Must-See Destinations On Guided Tours
Kimberley is a magical place. So many people have fallen in love with it that it's hard to find someone who hasn't travelled there at least once. Kimberley is the ideal destination for people who want to see Africa in all its glory, explore a true wilderness area and get away from the crowds at the same time. 
Guided tours to Kimberley are a great idea if you don't have time to plan your own trip or if you just want everything taken care of for you. But not all guided tours are created equal! Here are five must-see destinations on guided tours through Kimberley:
Fitzroy River National Park
You can take a guided tour of Fitzroy River National Park, or you can just drive up to the park and see it on your own. If you want to go with a guide, they will show you some of their favourite spots in the area, including:
The Fitzroy River itself. This river provides water for residents of Kununurra and nearby townships such as Derby or Broome. It also flows through this national park where it is home to crocodiles (wildlife)!
A bridge over the river where many people cross into Australia every day on their way home from work or school! It's an important landmark for travellers who want access to outback areas like Port Hedland or Halls Creek.
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Breathtaking Bungle Bungle Range 
Bungle Bungle Range is a spectacular sight that you won't want to miss on tours to Kimberley. The range is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and it's well worth visiting to see this majestic mountain range in all its beauty.
The views from the top of Bungle Bungle are breathtaking, with an impressive backdrop of rugged mountains and lush green valleys below. 
There's also plenty of wildlife in these parts: elephants roam freely just beyond your view; beautiful butterflies flutter around as if they're dancing on air; birds swoop down from the clouds above; even monkeys wander through bushes at times!
Majestic Mitchell Falls
Mitchell Falls is a horsetail waterfall in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Located on Mitchell Plateau, it is one of Australia's most visited waterfalls and can be seen from many vantage points throughout the region. 
The falls has a height of 100 metres (328 feet), with an average flow rate of around 3 cubic metres per second.
Mitchell Falls was named after James Mitchell who discovered this area in 1839 when he was searching for gold along with his brother William and two other men. James returned home without finding any gold but instead discovered this gorge with its stream flowing over rocks from where it drops into Lake Argyle
Purnululu's Cathedral Gorge 
If you're looking for a destination that's large enough to get lost in, but small enough to explore on foot, Purnululu is the place for you. The area is home to over 2 million hectares of sandstone domes and outcrops that have been shaped by erosion over many centuries.
The Bungle Bungles were formed by erosion from these domes and outcrops they are one of Kimberley's most popular tourist destinations due to their geological significance as well as the beautiful landscapes they offer visitors who come here during winter (when they're covered in snow).
Stunning Geikie Gorge
The Geikie Gorge is a deep canyon carved by the Fitzroy River and it's a popular tourist destination in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. It’s located near Derby, which is about 50km from Broome.
There are many activities you can do at Geikie Gorge National Park that will help you enjoy your stay there – including fishing, swimming and camping out!
Take a guided tour to Kimberley and discover its hidden treasures. You'll be amazed by the breathtaking landscapes and wildlife that make this destination so special.
Source: Kimberley: 5 Must-See Destinations On Guided Tours
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kimberley2021 · 3 years
Wednesday 18th Fitzroy Crossing to Broome
As usual we were up early so had time to go and see the old Fitzroy Crossing. Really lovely area. New crossing is much more ritzy and usable for lot more of the year. On our way on a bitumen road to Geikie Gorge Docs drivers mirror just fell off🤣🤣. I suspect it had had one too many times over the bone shattering roads! Anyway Doc fixed it with cable ties and duct tape which this combination he says will repair anything🤣🤣. Then off for a beautiful cruise down Geigie Gorge. So beautiful and peaceful. Have some photos that don’t really do it justice. Then the long haul to Broome. Landscape wise pretty boring. Stopped to see a big Boab and have a Bush wee then to lunchset up on the grass and shade at a roadhouse whose name escapes me but is 24hrs and obviously well used! Our lunch as usual incl a liberal dose of Kimberley dust(called Pindan). Then into Broome and dropped off at our accomodation.however still one more treat before it all ends☹️. We were picked up again and driven onto the beach at Gantheaume Point Beach to watch the sun set (with probably 50 other vehicles). We ate pizza, drank champagne, wine and beers and talked. Big hugs all around and the back to our accomodation and the adventure has finished!
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hwheat2021 · 3 years
June 7-10 Blooms from the Tanami
It’s quite surprising the diversity of plants and particularly flowers you can find in ‘the desert’. Here are a handful that I managed to identify and/or get to but there were many more. I have put the plant names under the pix and in many cases both botanical names and common names because there are many plants with the same common name. Enjoy the desert garden!
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These don’t jump put as anything spectacular but it has taken me hours and many exchanges with members of Australian Native Plants FB group to come to conclusions (do it’s not just me!). These two plants are members of the Daisy family. Truly! The first a Bush Apple (Ptercaulan sphacelatum). It’s a daisy can you imagine that? The next two pix are Streptoglossa odora. You can just see the beginnings of a pink daisy. The leaves are a little sticky and very fragrant a little like cloves.
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Top to bottom L to R. Common Firebush there are many, this one is Keraudrenia intergeifolia. Frankenia cordata (I think). Native Cotton (Gossypium Australian - member of hibiscus family). It grows along side the roads as a rather pretty nodding fringe.
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Graceful Cassia (Senna venusta). Butterfly Bush (Peyalostylis cassioides) I remember the first time I saw or rather identified one of these (a family member) was in the Pilbara. Gorgeous. On the left is one of the Goodenia family not sure which one.
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Top to bottom L to R. Holly Grevillea (Grevillea wickhamii) with close up. One of the Grevilleas but which? A baby Caustic Tree (Grevillea pyramidalis).
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Mulla Mullas - one of my favourite group. These are a little dusty but still lovely. We’ve seen so many along the way. L to R - Tall, Weeping, Silver tails.
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Pix in this group are all wattles which I find quite hard to ID at times. Top to bottom L - Needle-leaf Wattle (Acacia orthocarpa). Narrow-leaves Wattle (Acacia tenuissima). R - Halls Creek Wattle (Acacia elachantha). Red Wattle (Acacia monticola) and same with’lerps’. The tree was covered in them.
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This group are oddities. L to R a very red dusty fruit of the Solanum lucani (member of the tomato family). A dusty Indigo pea not sure which one but it’s flower was vivid deep pink. Lastly an unknown feathery thing. Quite pretty but no one seems to know what it is.
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This last bunch are lovely ring-ins from Geiki Gorge (300 further west). Top I think is a Lifesaver Burr (Sida platycalix) with a busy bee. Bottom L to R Gorgeous Green Birdflower (Crotalaria cunninghamii). Merauke Hibiscus.
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lindoig8 · 3 years
Geikie Gorge - Monday, 14 June
We had an 11-hour day today, down to Fitzroy Crossing, out to Geikie Gorge, and back again.
We arrived in Fitzroy Crossing early enough to explore the town (not much to see and the aboriginal presence and reputation made it slightly overwhelming) and then to enjoy lunch in the Resort bistro. We drove around the extensive grounds looking at a few birds we hadn’t seen before on this trip, but it was still not quite opening time so we sat in the shade and replied to a few emails – and I had my little whinge at Reception about their website being so misleading.
Lunch was a shared pizza and chips and we ended up bringing at least a third of it home in a doggybox. Given that it was Mum’s enthusiasm for Geikie Gorge that drew us there, I toasted her memory with an Elsie Pale Ale with lunch – Mum’s name was Elsie!
The cruise along the Fitzroy River and back really was pretty spectacular. We have travelled extensively and had the opportunity to do hundreds of things Mum could never have entertained, so we weren’t quite as gob-smacked as Mum, but it is certainly a wonderful part of the state. We saw quite a few freshwater crocodiles sunning themselves and a few wallabies hopping up the slopes, but it was the Gorge itself that was the big attraction. The cliffs are most impressive, comprised of ancient rock that has weathered and coloured differentially over the millennia, leaving awe-inspiring vistas on both sides of the River. I think our guide said the Fitzroy is the longest river in Western Australia and the volume of water passing any point during its flood was stupendous – something like five Sydney Harbours an hour – don’t quote me on that but I simply couldn’t get my head around the figures he was quoting. Let’s just say it is BIG!
For me, it was another bucket-list tick to add to our trip up the Tanami and I can certainly understand why it was such a big deal for Mum. It is a beautiful peaceful Gorge, but altogether awe-inspiring at the same time.
We fuelled up with 225 litres at $1.499 c/l – better than lots of places – and returned to Halls Creek. The last 2 hours were in the dark – we have done very little night driving this trip – and saw only the occasional small wallaby hopping out of harm’s way, and a few really big bulls that just stood and stared at us.
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