#geist the bloody kin
squenixkinhelp · 8 years
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ahh hey !! would it b okay to request a pokémon team for geist (from bravely second)? :o - @geistgraace 
of course!! the team is under the cut!
Demise (Bisharp) @ Rocky Helmet   Ability: Defiant   EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD   Adamant Nature   - Aerial Ace   - Swords Dance   - Foul Play   - Iron Head  
Exorcism (Houndoom-Mega) @ Houndoominite   Ability: Solar Power   IVs: 0 Atk   - Flamethrower   - Dark Pulse   - Hidden Power [Electric]   - Shadow Ball  
Release (Tyranitar) @ Black Glasses   Ability: Unnerve   EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD   Adamant Nature   - Aerial Ace   - Crunch   - Earthquake   - Dragon Claw  
Anguish (Weavile) @ Assault Vest   Ability: Pressure   EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe   Jolly Nature   - Aerial Ace   - Avalanche   - Foul Play   - Power-Up Punch  
Desire (Krookodile) @ Leftovers   Ability: Moxie   EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA   Naughty Nature   - Earthquake   - Foul Play   - Grass Knot   - Fire Fang  
Grace (Liepard)   Ability: Unburden   EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe   Jolly Nature   - Fake Out   - Foul Play   - Play Rough   - Seed Bomb  
this is a mono-dark team so a lot of the team members have aerial ace to combat the weakness to dark. i tried my best to balance the team !! i would’ve liked to add someone who is more of a wall but the dark type isn’t too much of a wall team. i hope it’s to your liking! by the way, this is all set and ready to be imported into pokemon showdown for your use! i’m sorry i couldn’t get animated sprites, the banner would just not work out that way unfortunately ;;
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Jane Geist
"Only person who knows this John, and the big lug actually killed all the folks who did it... but here it is, how I became John's Sister...
My clan wasn't all that well known, we were seen as kind of useless by the others due to our constant movement, but we had some of the best Smith's outside of the Forgemaster's of the Jungle Geist's. We actually had all kinds of materials for them to work with to make art of their creations, earned us our name of 'Hoarding Crows'...
Two nights away from our usual winter campgrounds, we were attacked in the dead of night when half of our people were asleep and the guards on watch were dozing at their posts...
The Bloody Fang's attacked from the west, bearing torches, blades, and bows... I saw friends and family get cut down by those psycho's...
My father threw me into our secondary 'vault' a little metal box beneath our supply wagon... and I had to listen as my father and mother... had to die very slow and painful deaths...
Took nearly a day before the Geist's found me... the Fang's left behind barely anything but ash and the few 'vaults' they weren't able to crack open... but I saw John and his kin slowly opening the box... and before I knew it John had snaked a arm in and pulled me out like a disobedient puppy.
Took me nearly four years before I told him the full story, and another four years till I considered him my family... but now?
I'm happy he has given me a large family, and he has the tendency to say 'fuck off, I'm still needed in the world' to death..."
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kincalling · 9 years
pbtbtbtb bravely second isn't out YET!! but im kin w/ Geist the Bloody and in my canon i was in a relationship w/ Kaiser Oblivion,,,, so uhHhh... if!! anyone who may be kin w/ Oblivion remembers that pls shoot me a message !! ty!!!
^^ !
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Final Dance, Part 4
The Geist Scouts rush into the clearing at the sound of their brother's scream, each Geist pulling taught their bow strings as they get ready to loose their arrows before the man they saw crouching over their brother stands and shouts at them "QUICKLY! HE NEEDS A HEALER! OR BETTER YET YOUR MATRIARCH! HIS PSYKIC ABILITIES ARE TEARING HIM APART!" He kneels back down and they see the tears sealing shut and fading away only to appear again even worse.
The oldest Scout turns to one of the others and says " quick! Rush to the camp and alert the Circle, our brother shall not die here in the dirt, this is not his promised death!" The girl he spoke to nods and dashes away, quickly disappearing into the Jungle with barely a sound...
John screamed as he feels his body slowly coming apart at the seams before he spits up blood, a tear opening up in his chest as various metallic objects are seemingly pushed out of his body, only for the pain to grow worse as he feels like his guts are on fire causing him to scream again and silently whimper 'why do I hurt?'...
Rex grimaces as he sees the metallic objects, implants and such, which causes him to swiftly turn and yank John's prosthetic hand off as he spots the bone's slowly start to grow in as the man screams himself hoarse, all he could do for his Bound Brother was to ease his pain with what of his Biomancy was still available to him after the sealing of the Warp Tear, his mind screaming at him to open it again to save him and his brother but he did not, only for the reason the force would more than likely rip John apart...
Ice-Fang runs through the Jungle after the Scout, her Circle following her with their various weapons, and as they finally reach Beggar's Teeth, she nearly collapses at the sight of the man she came to call her grandson lying on the ground screaming in pain as his body seemingly tore itself apart, even as she watched from where she froze she saw his face seemingly tear itself apart as the augmentic eye is forced out of it's place as his body began to regrow it.
Then as she cleared her head and nearly slid into place she noticed that the man next to her froze and had raised his hands, and as she gazed at his face she realized why when she nearly growls "Rex Waset, Bound Brother to my Grandson... long dead... so Daemon did you do this?"
She sees a furious expression take over as he turns to her and says "you frakking bitch! Your grandson is literally tearing himself apart due to never being trained in his abilities, and here you are blaming me when I'm trying to force his body to guide the energy along the right paths! Frakking help him and..." he quickly snatched a crystal from around her neck and plunges it into his chest and gasps as he seemingly solidified and continues speaking "... we can hash it frakking out later woman! Right now we need to save my frakking stubborn as a Bull Grox brother from his own Jungle Damned Abilities!"
Rex sees Rona nod and turn to John, motioning for her Circle to sit around the young Jungle Fighter and they all lay their hands on him, the scouts soon joining in but to instead hold his limbs down as he flailed from the pain.
Rex joins the Matriarch and her Circle and they began their bloody work as The Ancient Geist's gathered around the clearing to keep the eyes of those unwelcomed away from the circle of Psyker's as they endeavored to rescue their Kin...
Yala watches in horror before leaving her trance, quickly grabbing her staff and Helm as she rushes to the nearest Webway portal that happened to have been constructed not long ago, knowing of a portal long hidden on Catachan from the Jungle and the Beast's...
Tzeentch screeched and yelled as one soul managed to slip it's bonds, muttering as it watched the Psyker-that-is endeavor to save the Broken Pathed Warrior...
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'She gently touched the Mon'Keigh's brow, the giant of a man launched into her cell earlier in the day, his size making her fear he was one of the children of the Mon'Keigh Emperors sons, but as she studied his unconscious form she knew he was not of those breed..
"A silent scream, a face held in pain, tubes and wires leading from a withered husk wearing the remains of a Farseer's uniform, a silent promise held in strength by the dying Farseer carved into the Mon'Keigh's mind..."
She breaks contact, looking in disgust at the monstrosity in front of her forged by the madness of the Mon'keigh but as she goes to break it's neck, the Mon'keigh's eyes open and grab her hands in a crushing grip and he speaks in their tongue "if you try anything Xeno it'll be the last moment of your worthless life..."
Days Pass...
The Mon'keigh had been dragged from their shared cell countless times, each time he returned he was more and more ragged yet he kept repeating the same phrase "I am the Old Wolf, I am the Old Wolf..." and she continued her attempts to kill him, each time being stopped but gaining a flash of insight into the Mon'keigh's life and his soul...
"A bloody Knife, a wordless howl, the sight of three dead Mon'keigh children, a blade presented in black steel, a shaded clearing..."
"The Mon'Keigh's soul to her was like a snarling animal, biting at the creatures of the warp, it's hide scarred and burned, the fur torn away to reveal bloody wounds that weeped, yet the beast snarled and bit and tore at anything that tried to near it..."
Days pass...
She had soon stopped her attempts to kill him, and soon he spoke to her in a tired voice "Xeno... what is your name? I would like to know the one I am trapped with in this hell..." her first instinct is to scoff before she sighs and replies "Ereva... my name is Ereva... and what is your name Mon'Keigh?" His voice carries a sad tone as he speaks "John Geist, Child of a world I shall not see again if they break me..." and soon she begins to ask him of his home and soon after of his clan... and that night as he slept, she placed her hand onto him once more...
"A Howl torn from a wounded throat, the sorrow of a kill of mercy, the rage of a maddened beast, the sight of the scattered remains of her dark kin, a metal mask scarred by flame and claw..."
(Will continue
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