#geist the bloody
cincyatty · 2 years
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I thought a little merger would be fun following up on my last post.
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Hi! Can I get 3, 10 and 14 for fanfic author ask list?
Hi there!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I'm always flip-floping on that. But currently it's a tie between Born Into the Wilds and the Times Immemorial series.
(I know people aren't really interested in the latter because of all the OCs, but it's my baby and I love messing around with adorable kid!Ardyn and his best friend, the cat Izunia, along with a whole lot of political intrigue and language tomfoolery. It's amazingly fun to write.)
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Dreams of Our Past. It's my first fic on here (still unfinished (I'm working on it)). It's a dumpster fire. The planning is all over the place, my notes utter rubbish (present Geist is mad at past Geist for this mess), yet still people... like it?
I got comments on a recent update to the Deep City stories of people who are genuinly happy that I'm still writing it. Which makes me really happy, but was also kinda unexpected for me XD
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Ohhhh, that's a hard one.
I'd pick Not Everyone Knows How to Draw A Salt Line, I think. Or it's shippy counterpart(s) A Bloody Heart Makes Mine Grow Fonder and You Gave Me My Soul (I Give You the Rest of My Life). Neither of which are on AO3 (yet) and only exist on Tumblr
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German!Reader: Geist
Soap, leaning against the truck and eating a sandwich:
Ghost: FUCKING HELL! *kicks wheel*
Soap: What's going on?
Ghost, wearing a paper bag over his head: I can't find my bloody mask!
[Meanhwile 2 miles north in the area of operation]
Reader, wearing Ghost's mask singing: I'm a geist that really likes to polter~🎶
Enemy soldier 1: Who the fuck is this crazy motherfu- gah!
Other enemy soldiers: 💀
Reader: -my dance moves just sacrificed the entire altar~ I'm a geist-
[Somewhere else]
Captain Price: I suddenly have this bad feeling that I'm gonna have to do a shit load of paperwork...
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allthatyouknow · 3 months
ATYK - Episode 37 - "Hello, Farewell" Pt. 1 Released
Geist has a bloody dream, Hex attends two job interviews, and Loyal says goodbye to Maze.
These ones are long, full of really, really great stuff. So happy with the way these last vignettes came out. Glad I managed to get everything edited on time for the release schedule, these last weeks have been crazy for a number of reasons.
I'll see you all in two weeks for the next part of these vignettes, and after that - what may be our very last mission. Thanks for tuning in, as always.
Curious about the show? Find us on spotify, youtube, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
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maverickthepup · 1 year
What I write, who I write, and what you can request!
Hi! This is where I have info on what I write, who I write, and what I am comfortable writing/what you can request! If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
What Maverick writes…
I write fanfiction, oneshots, and imagines, and headcannons!
These will of course include age regression or pet regression in some way, wether you the reader are a regressor, or a character is.
I will write for the fandoms/characters I have listed below. If you want a different character and don’t see them down there, you may ask if I will write for them but I won’t make any promises.
What Maverick is comfortable writing…
This is a 100% SFW blog, so no NSFW writing at all. I’m not comfortable doing that for age/pet regression.
I am perfectly fine writing relationships like dating or being married, with hand holding, cuddling, kissing, etc etc. But I will not do smut, kinks, or heated make outs.
Basically just cute fluff is what I’ll do!
I can write the following:
Âge regressor reader or character
Pet regressor reader or character
Caregiver reader or character
Platonic! (Like just friends and stuff like that)
Poly relationships
Male, Female, and gender neutral readers!
I will usually write in second person point of view that way I can use ‘you’ instead of y/n.
I write a mixture of genders for
“Y/n”, I write male, female, and gender neutral that way everyone can hopefully enjoy my writing!
If you make a request and do not specify gender for “y/n” then I will just do gender neutral by default.
I will always specify before each writing piece what gender “y/n” is, and give a little summary of what the writing plot is! I will also try to put any warnings there too, so if I miss anything just let me know and I’ll add them!
Fandoms/Characters Maverick writes…
Here they are! Again if there’s a character you specifically want but don’t see then feel free to ask if I would write for them, but I won’t make any promises.
If you don’t see a fandom on here you can ask if I write for that fandom but it’s likely I’m either not in it or I don’t write for it.
Horror movies/slashers:
The Lost Boys 1987:
Michael Emerson
House of Wax 2005
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Friday The 13th
Jason Vorhees
Michael Myers
Rob Zombie Michael Myers
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Gale Weathers
Dwight “Dewey” Riley
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Reginald ‘Belch’ Huggins
Vic Criss
Yautja’s/Predators (if you have a specific one just let me know!)
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Steve Rodgers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Parker
Stephen Strange
Matt Murdock
Peter Quill
Detroit Become Human:
Hank Anderson
Gavin Reed
Mystic Messenger:
Monster Prom/Camp:
Damien LaVey
Vera Oberlin
Poly Geist
Miranda Vanderbilt
Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl
Milo Belladonna
Dahlia Aquino
Aaravi Mishra (And Hex)
Joy Johnson Johjima
Moss Mann
The Narrator
The Wolf Among Us (video game):
Bigby Wolf
Bloody Mary
Red Dead Redemption:
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Dutch Van Der Linde
Javier Escuella
Sean Maguire
Charles Smith
Lenny Summers
Tilly Jackson
Abigail Roberts
Karen Jones
Sadie Adler
Miss Grimshaw (platonic only)
Hosea Matthews (platonic only)
Heathers: (movie or musical, just specify which one you’d prefer! Even though there probably won’t be much of a difference in my writing… but I will try!)
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer
The Breakfast Club:
John Bender
Alison Reynolds
Claire Standish
Brian Johnson
Andrew Clark
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plaudite-amici · 1 year
The fact that Bettina loves reminding Goethe of Schiller (and we get some of the most touching testimonies of Goethe’s mourning-work from her) is intriguing but also, so fucking funny.
Here’s Bettina to Goethe in 1807:
Weißt Du, was Du mir gesagt hast, wie wir uns zum erstenmal sahen? – Ich will Dir's hier zum Denkstein hinsetzen Deines innersten Gewissens, Du sagtest: »Ich denke jetzt an Schiller«, indem sahst Du mich an und seufztest tief, da sprach ich drein und wollte Dir sagen, wie ich ihm nicht anhinge, Du sagtest abermals: »Ich wollte, er wär' jetzt hier. – Sie würden anders fühlen, kein Mensch konnte seiner Güte widerstehen, wenn man ihn nicht so reich achtet und so ergiebig, so war's, weil sein Geist einströmte in alles Leben seiner Zeit, und weil jeder durch ihn genährt und gepflegt war und seine Mängel ergänzt. So war er andern, so war er mir des meisten, und sein Verlust wird sich nicht ersetzen.« Damals schrieb ich Deine Worte auf, nicht um sie als merkwürdiges Urteil von Dir andern mitzuteilen; – nein, sondern weil ich mich beschämt fühlte. Diese Worte haben mir wohlgetan, sie haben mich belehrt, und oft, wenn ich im Begriff war, über einen den Stab zu brechen, so fiel mir's ein, wie Du damals in Deiner milden Gerechtigkeit den Stab über meinen Aberwitz gebrochen. Ich mußte in aufgeregter Eifersucht doch anerkennen, ich sei nichts. »Man berührt nichts umsonst«, sagtest Du, »diese langjährige Verbindung, dieser ernste tiefe Verkehr, der ist ein Teil meiner selbst geworden; und wenn ich jetzt ins Theater komme und seh' nach seinem Platz, und muß es glauben, daß er in dieser Welt nicht mehr da ist, daß diese Augen mich nicht mehr suchen, dann verdrießt mich das Leben, und ich möchte auch lieber nicht mehr da sein.«
The last scene is so touching and I might take it as real (with Bettina you’d never know), it’s giving hardcore Haemon dying with Antigone, it’s giving our grave shall be our wedding bed, and I love it. “Woe is me as his eyes seek me no longer.” Bloody hell. That hits too hard.
And then the way she framed it, it’s giving “loving S is the telos of G” (which, of course, according to Bettina, is a necessary step before Goethe&Bettina could become an item), but still, “memorial stone of your innermost conscience”??
This gets even better because in 1810 she wrote this:
Z... [Zelter]hat Dein Bild überkommen und hat es wider ein graubraunes Konterfei gestützt; ich seh' in die Welt, und in diesem tausendfältigen Narrenspiegel seh' ich häufig Dein Bild, das von Narren geliebkost wird. Du kannst doch wohl denken, daß dies mir nicht erfreulich ist. Du und Schiller, Ihr wart Freunde, und Eure Freundschaft hatte eine Basis im Geisterreich; aber Goethe, diese nachkömmlichen Bündnisse, die gemahnen mich grad' wie die Trauerschleppe einer erhabenen vergangenen Zeit, die durch allen Schmutz des gemeinen Lebens nachschleppt.
In context, I take it as, “how dare you replace Schiller with these unworthy fools”—of course, also in context, Bettina was probably suggesting only she would be worthy to be Goethe’s Schiller substitute. But still. I would in good conscience translate this as: how dare you be OOC to yourself by not loving Schiller—CANON WHAT CANON CANON IS OOC. So yes, in one sense I might even call Bettina the OG Schoethe shipper, of course in a very qualified sense, but when she does it, she does it with vehemence.
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red-documents-redo · 7 months
Smile Geist origin:
Done. Let's reimagine the tale with the town of Blackwater:
In the desolate enclave of Blackwater, a malevolent specter lurked in the shadows—the Smile Geist. A manifestation of the darkest recesses of the human psyche, he reveled in causing people to spiral into fits of uncontrollable rage, a puppet master manipulating the strings of their sanity.
The Smile Geist found delight in the twisted euphoria born from the chaos of frenzied anger. His very essence thrived on the intoxicating energy that surged through the veins of those driven to the brink of madness, like a maleficent dance orchestrated by his unseen hand.
Blackwater, once a tranquil haven, now echoed with the sinister rhymes of the Smile Geist. He spoke only in verses, his words weaving through the air like a macabre melody that burrowed into the minds of his unsuspecting victims. A chilling sensation accompanied each rhyme, a prelude to the descent into the abyss of rage that awaited those who dared to listen.
The Smile Geist's influence spread like a contagion, infecting the townsfolk with an insatiable desire to unleash violence upon one another. The very thought of beating someone to a bloody pulp became an irresistible temptation, a dark compulsion whispered into their minds by the grinning phantom.
As the moon cast its pale glow upon Blackwater, the Smile Geist reveled in the malevolent carnival he had created. His spectral form, adorned with a perpetual grin, became synonymous with the haunting descent into madness that gripped the town.
Desperation festered among the residents, yet a foreboding reluctance held them back from banishing the Smile Geist. The ancient verses and forgotten incantations whispered by the elders seemed too perilous, as if unleashing a force more sinister than the one they sought to expel.
And so, the Smile Geist continued his spectral reign, his haunting rhymes etching a dark legacy into the very fabric of Blackwater. A town where the smile was not a symbol of joy but an ominous harbinger of the twisted entity that lingered in the shadows, forever known as the Smile Geist.
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Since Hasbro is being absolute shit right now, I’m gonna make a list of every gimmick they removed from Burst beys. I could go into plastic gen (bearings on Zeus, metal core on Metal Driger), and mfb (everything that made the 4d system a separate system from hybrid wheels), but I’m gonna stick to Burst to not make this list so long
Wild Wyvern: Using Massive (fixed ball) instead of Orbit (free spinning ball)
Yeager Yggdrasill: Using Survive (regular plastic) instead of Yielding (POM)
Galaxy Zeus: No metal balls
Strike God Valkyrie: no metal on the chip, no bound deactivation, and no Ultimate Reboot
Twin Nemesis: Using the 2 disc instead of 3 and the Hit frame. I can excuse Jaggy since it’s the anime combo, but that same anime clearly shows 3Hit
Screw Trident: no rubber defense
Most of Cho-Z: no metal on the layer
The rest of Cho-Z: less metal than TT
Z Achilles: removed Xtend’s height change, and the entirety of Xtend+
Crash Ragnaruk: no stamina wings
Archer Hercules, Revive Phoenix, and Air Knight: no POM drivers
Bloody Longinus: Changing the shape of Jolt into basically Xtreme
Geist Fafnir: no rubber
Orb Egis: no suction cup
All of GT: no layer weights
Ace/ Grand/ Rock Dragon: no bound on Sting or metal on Charge
Slash Valkyrie: no wings on Blitz or spring on Power
Bushin Ashura: no free spin on Hurricane or rubber on Keep
Wizard Fafnir: no rubber or semi free spin on Ratchet
Judgement Joker: no rubber blades or burst stopper on Judgement, no frame, and no mode change on Trick
Zwei Longinus: no metal
Venom/ Erase Diabolos: no metal on the chip, no dual spin chip (you had to buy left and right spin versions separately), no plastic frame on Vanguard, no projectile on Bullet
Flare base: no metal balls (also no balls for Around)
Poison base: no rubber
Heaven Pegasus: no burst recovery wings, no frame, no metal on Low
Lord Spriggan: no rubber or burst stopper on Lord, no wings on Blitz, no mode change or rubber on Dimension’
Dread Bahamut: no burst stopper, no changing shape on Dread, no frame, no metal o Orbit Metal
Union Achilles: no mode changes on Convert or Xtend+
Tact base: no changing contact points depending on the weight (which was entirely removed)
Knockout Odin: no metal on Knockout or burst stopper
Prime Apocalypse: no metal or infinite lock on the layer, no frame, no way to attach the Big Bang armor, no Ultimate Reboot’
Regalia Genesis: no metal, infinite lock, no Big Bang armor, or electric driver
Imperial Dragon: no metal, rubber, or bound on the layer base. No electric driver
Master Diabolos: no dual spin at all, no metal on the layer, no automatic mode change on Generate
Naked base: no Paradox disc
Big Bang Genesis: no infinite lock, metal on the layer, removable Big Bang armor, or metal on Yard Metal
All of Sparking: no chassis (they did discs that look like chassis), chip core, or limit break (both rings and discs)
Super Hyperion: no rubber or free spin on Xceed
King Helios: no mode change on the chassis or free spin on Zone
Glide Ragnaruk: The Wheel disc is made much lighter
Brave Valkyrie: no rubber on the ring, and no chassis disc (they gave it Aero’)
Curse Satan: no free spin on Hurricane
Mirage Fafnir: no spring on Nothing, no 2S chassis (they gave it 1A)
Rage Longinus: no metal on the ring, and the tiny disc (that moves because of how the bursting mechanism works) defeats the entire purpose of the chassis
Variant Lucifer: no metal on the chip, no rubber barrier on the chassis, and no POM on Mobius
Death Diabolos: no dual spin or metal on the chip, and no rubber on Merge’
Abyss Diabolos: no dual spin or metal on the chip
Tempest Dragon: no awakening or rainbows. Also they gave it Armed instead of the 1A disc
World Spriggan: no metal on the chip, no flipping on the ring (they did the dual spin like Lord instead of Master, when World’s contact points were not designed to suit a Lord-style dual spin), no burst stopping counter blades, no mode changing or free spinning 2B chassis (they gave it Limited), or rubber on Unite’
Infinite Achilles: no Infinite Sword/ Infinite Shield attachments, and by extension no attack/ defense/ stamina mode changes. Also no rubber or mode changes on Dimension’
Hyperion Burn: no metal on the chip, no limit break ability, no Cho disc (they gave it 6), no rubber or metal on Xceed’+X
Helios Volcano: no metal on the chip, no limit break ability, no Ou disc (they gave it Outer), no metal or free spin on Zone’+Z
Lucifer The End: no metal or rubber burst stopper on the chip, no limit break ability, no Kou disc (they have it Vertical), no POM or free spin on Drift
Hollow Deathscyther: no metal on the ring, no mode change with the chassis, no frame, no High Accel’ (they gave it Xceed-SP)
Jet Wyvern: no rubber on the ring, no Around disc (they have it Central), no Just driver (they gave it Needling-SP)
Death Solomon: never released by Hasbro at all despite being in the anime (yes it’s in the season after its system debuted, but so was Screw Trident)
All of DB/ BU: no metal on the (entirely metal) armors, all the discs are much lighter than in TT, and no BU locks for cores and discs that have them
Dynamite Belial: no rubber on Venture, no F Gear (rubber on the blade), no V Gear (metal on the driver), no S Gear (mode changing free spinning disc), no L Gear (more metal on the layer)
Cyclone Ragnaruk: no stamina wings, no POM or free spin on Never
Vanish Fafnir: no rubber on Vanish (and by extension no varying levels of shock absorption based on mode changes), no free spin or spring on Kick
Roar Bahamut: no rubber burst stopper, no changing shape, no free spin or swivel on Moment (they kept the slope gimmick I guess)
Savior Valkyrie: no bound on the core, no rubber or awakening on the blade, no jumping Shot driver
Astral Spriggan: no dual spin on the core, no rubber or metal on the blade, no flipping blade (same as World but worse), no metal or rubber or mode changes on Quattro
Guilty Longinus: no metal on the core, no metal on the blade, no free spin on Metal Destroy
Dangerous Belial: no burst stopper on the core, no rubber on the blade, no bound on the disc, no free spinning mode changing POM driver, no F Gear, no V Gear, no S Gear, no L Gear
Prominence Phoenix: no Prominence Shield (and by extension no mode change related to the orientation of the shield), no free spin on Metal Universe (x2 because Universe has 2 separate free spinning parts)
Greatest Raphael: no halo gimmick, no metal on the layer, no burst stopper, no mode changes on High Xtend+’
Ultimate Valkyrie: no rubber on the blade, no Legacy disc (they gave it Karma), no Variable’ (they gave it QD’s Hunter, which unlike TT’s Hunter, doesn’t have rubber)
Divine Belial: no burst stopper on the core, no metal on the blade, no Nexus disc (they gave it the Shot disc), probably no rubber or springs on Adventure (though we need to wait for more info), probably no F, V, S, or L gears, and probably no D (90-degree free spin disc), A (mode changing blade), H (more weight and a burst stopper), or VS (metal and free spin on the driver) gears
Chain Kerbeus: no rubber burst stopper on the core, no expanding/ retracting chains on the blade (and by extension no Tact-like mode changes for when the chains are fixed), no Fortress disc (they gave it Aquilon), probably no free spin on Yard’
Gatling Dragon: no bound on the core, no awakening on the blade, no rainbows, no metal on Charge Metal’
Xiphoid Xcalibur: no metal or expanding sword on the core, no metal on the blade, no plastic frame surrounding Xanthus, no metal on Sword’
Zest Achilles: no dual spin on the core, no dual spin on the blade, no Zest Swords (and thus no attack/ defense/ stamina modes on the blade), no 4 armor (they used 10), no Illegal disc (they used Giga), no rubber or metal or mode changes on Quattro’
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Great AU War Elimination Post Mortem
Here we go everybody!
(Warning, Long Post)
Didn't Even Bother To Show Up Award
The following AUs got 0 votes:
All For Hero AU
Cleaner AU
Cloud Nine
Explosion Midoriya AU
Extinguished Flames
Frozen Pyre AU
Future Aizawa AU
Future Asui AU
Future Kurogiri AU
Future Nagant AU
Future Peace AU
Future Yoarashi AU
Geist AU
Grandma Nana AU
Hamster Ball AU
Hero of Legend AU
Homeroom Teacher Nedzu AU
Ice, Wind, and Fire AU
Izinogre AU
JTA Hatsume AU
Knife Fight AU
League Saves Eri AU
Legacies AU
Magical Romances AU
Midoriya Shoto AU
Midoriya Tenko AU
Midoriya Yo AU
Musketeer AU
One For Ashido AU
Others AU
Pegasus AU
Protégé Swap AU
Redoer AU
Relocated AU
Reversal of Fortune AU
Secret Love Child AU
Shiozaki for All AU
Stendhal AU
Stolen Explosion AU
Support Bakugou AU
Torino Tenko AU
True Foresight AU
Undercover Heroes AU
Villainous Activity AU
Wingman AU
I'm not surprised to see so many of the Time Travel Fix-Its here. I was expecting Musketeer and Redoer to get at least one, but that's just how it goes
Gold Star Comic Sans You Tried Award
The following AUs got a single vote apiece:
Chameleon AU
Demon Midoriya AU
Descendant AU
Early Retirement AU
Elementalist AU
Eraser Midoriya
Failed Foresight
Fire and Ice Midoriya AU
Frozen Legacy AU
Future Bakugou AU
Future Endeavor AU
Future Inko AU
Future Monoma AU
Grandfather For One AU
Her Acid Heartbeat AU
Hero Abroad AU
I Am Speed AU
Iida Himiko AU
Inverted Ratios AU
Monoma Friendship AU
Plus Ultra AU
Psychic Stockpile AU
Public Knowledge AU
Renegades AU
Shattered Masterpiece AU
Shirakumo Lives AU
Simulated Agency AU
Still a Hero AU
Superheroes AU
Teacher Swap AU
Triple Cross AU
True Liberation AU
UA University AU
Wings of Salvation AU
Wonder Duo AU
Young Heroes Camp AU
You know, I thought Hero Abroad and Still a Hero would do better.
Statistically Multiple People Like You Award
The following AUs got two votes:
Akatani AU
Blue Blazes AU
Captain Midoriya AU
Cousin Kota AU
Dance of the Fire God AU
Early Meeting AU
Endadver AU
Engineered Solutions AU
Enter the Rat AU
Equivalent Exchange AU
Future Mei AU
Future Nedzu AU
Hagakure for All AU
Hero A Hero AU
Heroes and Pokemon AU
Homeroom Teacher Torino AU
Mustafa Private Middle School AU
Red Flag AU
Singularity AU
Teacher Assistant Fuyumi AU
Underground Todoroki AU
Wayward Bakugou AU
I'd say that I thought Heroes and Pokemon would do better, but we all know that Legends Mustafa has taken its place. Though I must admit I'm a little surprised to see Hero a Hero up here so high. I don't actually know how many of my followers know anything about Live a Live.
Enter the Rat is also a surprise at two votes, considering that it's a prequel that doesn't contradict canon
Could've Been a Contender Award
The following AUs got three votes:
Adopted Mei AU
All For Classroom
Deika Civil War AU
Exciting New Problems AU
Grandpa Torino AU
In The West AU
Inhumans AU
Inverse Copy AU
Iron Melissa AU
Save Eri Speedrun AU
Terminated Contract AU
Thorns AU
Time God Uraraka AU
Vampire Lord AU
Yami AU
I don't have a whole lot to say about this one.
Contender Award
The following AUs got four votes:
1-B AU
Blond Swap AU
Class Vill-A AU
Future Eri AU
Hatsume For All AU
HPSC President AU
Uncle Cat AU
Uraraka Wins AU
Wildcard AU
This is where the competition really starts getting fierce from here on out.
Do Not Go Gentle Award
The following AUs got five votes:
Double Expulsion AU
Future Miruko AU
Hustle and Bust AU
Izuku Phantom AU
Little Mouse AU
Paradise of the Strong AU
Quirk Swap AU
These were so close, but not quite there.
Threshold Award
The following AUs got six votes:
Bakugou Izuku
Batfam AU
Bloody Bullet AU
Draconic Hero AU
Inko/Cathleen/Kaina AU
King Explosion Murder AU
Look familiar? Yup, this was where the cutoff point ended up being.
Catch Your Breath You Made It Award
The following AUs got seven votes:
Gentle Whisper AU
Secret Rat Society AU
Shadow Twins AU
Spy x Class AU
Stray Cat AU
Yakuza Princess Eri AU
I'm not totally sure how I feel about Stray Cat being here. On one hand the Series 10 AUs are much fresher in the mind because they're new, but on the other hand they haven't had the time to really get going.
Striving Higher Award
The followings AUs got eight votes:
Dequirked AU
Double Agent Shigaraki AU
Future Izuku AU
Longshot AU
Mentor Miruko AU
Honestly didn't see Future Izuku getting so high up here.
Bruised and Bloody Award
The following AUs got nine votes:
Eight and Nine in Time
Mahoudoriya AU
It was really close in the higher rankings. Not that that matters but I find it interesting.
AUs Died So You Could Be Here Award
The followings AUs got ten votes:
Brass Knuckles AU
Neighborhood Vampire AU
Here's another high-ranked Series 10 AU, right next to one of the first.
You Killed AUs To Get Here Award
The following AUs got 11 votes:
Chaos For All AU
Keys to the Kingdom AU
Quasar AU
Tamama no Mom AU
Luckily Unlucky Award
the following AUs got 13 votes:
Expelled AU
Toontown AU
Toontown never dropped too low through the whole round. Also am I the only one who thinks it's weird that none of them got exactly twelve votes?
Upper Echelons Award
The following AUs got 14 votes
Homeroom Teacher Miruko AU
Pokemon Legends Mustafa AU
Standing Alone Award
The following AU got 17 votes:
Springtime for Todoroki AU
Bronze Medal Award
The following AUs got 21 votes:
All Of You Might Be Adopted AU
Early Cowling AU
You guys really like the one where All Might adopts everyone huh?
Silver Medal Award
The following AUs got 22 votes:
Blue Sky AU
Clone For One AU
I'm very proud of Clone For One for getting up here since it's the only AU that wasn't prompted in an ask game.
Uncontested Queen Award
The following AU got 36 votes:
Future Toga AU
It was never close. Future Toga stayed at the top of the list throughout the entire competition and had a whopping 14 votes over second place.
Thank you all for voting! The results of the Elimination Round will be announced shortly!
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bravelywego · 2 months
The Red Mage sighed.
"Okay, but seriously? Geist needs an outfit change. I know his reputation is The Bloody, but imagine how much more menacing he'd look in some kind of gothic-themed outfit or something like that! He's a literal Exorcist, it would work for him!"
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John's Subordinates: Demon Lord AU
Nathaniel 'Hound' Grey: A Former Hero who joined John when he was offered a home free of the control of the Kingdom, his War Wolves led by his daughter slipping into 'Heroholm' (A Place regarded as a grand home for heroes and their families where they are allowed to grow and train without threat from outside their Grand walls, but it truly is a gilded cage where only the lucky and the loyal bootlickers of the King are allowed to leave) and 'kidnapping' the man's family and bringing them to Grey in exchange for his service for ten years. Yet even after that ten year period was up, Grey continued serving under John, both men not mentioning the fact his service was long over and he could happily retire to raise his daughters and sons alongside his wife.
Nox 'Mist' Geist: John's daughter by way of a Noblewoman who bought a night with him while he was little more then a slave in the Arena, John stole the girl from her mother once he saw that she was treated like a oddity or curiosity fit only to be trotted out to show off before being sent back to the 'bedroom' she lived within. As they left the Kingdom behind and fled into the depths of the Demon Lands, she began to showcase a blessing of the Forsaken One that was exceptionally rare, the Blessing of the Embrace which let her fade into a mist or fog like form, John doing his best to teach her how to control the blessing even if he couldn't remember much of the lessons he had learned about the last person Blessed with the power.
Redclaw: One of the Eldest of the War Wolves, she once had led the Clan of Nomads who would become the demonically enhanced Lycans that John would claim as his personal forces after beating all the Elders half to death through blunting their claws and fangs on his skin and bludgeoning them with his bare hands, Redclaw having been the only member of the Elder Council who managed to break his skin through a magically enhanced attack. She serves John as his second in command, commanding the Wolves when John isn't available or away for a time, the Elder coming to see John as a child of her own and forcing the man to care for himself far more when he fell into a depression after learning the one he knew as Evra had been slain during the War against the Kingdom.
Marcus 'Admantine' Long: the Demon advisor assigned to John, both as a handler and a set of eyes for the Demon King, Marcus was once a Templar in service to the Kingdom's Church who was captured by the previous Demon King and was broken to the point of being more automaton that man. The current Demon King found the man hacking away at a bloody pile of meat and bone, his body soaked in sweat and his eyes bloodshot, Marcus still following the last order the previous King had issued to him about punishing a 'traitor' (one of many such 'traitors' in the Court, the previous King having seen a traitor in every shadow and a Assassin in every courtier). The king has high hopes that spending time around John and his Wolves would drive the Templar to become... more.
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kovarski · 9 months
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Julian Nguyen
Age: 28
Age at death: 18
Ethnicity: Vietnamese-American
Languages: Vietnamese, English
Krewe: Lightbringers
Gay man. Died of AIDS in the early 90’s. Committed to helping the many ghosts that linger from the epidemic.
A few times a week will do the rounds with the city’s homeless population, passing out meals and much needed supplies, and assisting the inevitable ghosts of someone they couldn’t protect.
He is perpetually broke even with his parents sending him money frequently, due to giving away most of it as soon as he gets it. Due to this, he usually ends up sleeping on Ophelia’s couch.
Julian is terrified of the Underworld. He’s entered on one occasion and the incident was so traumatic he refuses to return, and only banishes the most dangerous ghosts there as a last resort.
Talked to people that others couldn’t see from a young age. Has multiple stints in mental institutions because of this.
His geist resembles a teenage boy that is riddled with shards of bloody glass piercing most of its body, obscuring nearly all its features. When it needs to communicate, it does through through the voice of the homeless people that Julian spends so much time with.
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freyafaust · 10 months
Today is release day! Under Dogs: The Burke Misadventures, Book 3 is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited, as well as paperback.
LINK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN5JBPGZ
It’s been a couple of years since we last checked in on the Burke Siblings and Katie Geist. I’m very thankful for everyone who’s remained patient and stuck with me and now we all get to share the next chunk of this silly urban fantasy world. If you're new to the series, today is a great day to jump in and catch up to this dark, bloody, queer series.
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clarislam · 2 years
My Bravely Second/ The Last Story crossover fanfic, "White As Snow, Red As Blood" is now posted! 
Here’s a little sneak peek via the summary:
"Tell me, Sir Therius," Geist's voice echoed in the room as his fingers brushed over the white knight's cheek, "Have you ever experienced death itself?"
Also known as: The one where Sir Therius meets, and works with, Geist The Bloody.
I hope all of you enjoy reading it!
Read on Fanfiction.net!
Read on Archive Of Our Own!
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hhatterene · 4 years
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eh whatever im gonna post this here too.
he and rev deserved better
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tmma1869 · 6 years
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“I cut you down, and bring you back. And cut you down, and bring you back. Over and over and over again…”
I swear Geist Grace’s/Geist the Bloody’s face is definitely creeping me out. Grant George giving him a Transylvanian accent doesn’t help matters. 😨
I blame FF Wiki for this find (apart from two certain names being mentioned on one part of his FF Wiki page). I thought he’s just FFI/Dissidia/WoFF WoL and FFXIV Cid. Found me another meaning for the “GG” acronym. Yikes.
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