#bravely second kin
nbmudkip · 7 months
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The movie dialogue could never measure up to this:
“But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.”
How could anyone cut this?! How?! How?!?!?!?! These lines are so incredibly stirring, so powerful, so moving. “I am no man” doesn’t even come close.
First of all, I like that the negative statement of “No living man am I” is followed by the positive statement of “You look upon a woman.” It’s direct and definitive. She’s been disguised as Dernhelm up until this point—another thing that was cut from the movie—but now she’s revealing who she really is.
Second, in a similar way, I like that she says, “Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter.” It’s like a challenge. It’s like announcing one’s identity before a duel—which is in effect what she is doing.
Third, “You stand between me and my lord and kin.” This reminds me of one of the most poignant quotes from the book: “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” It’s very important that Éowyn did this brave deed out of a desire to protect Théoden.
Finally, “Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.” THIS IS LITERALLY SO AMAZING! THIS IS SO COURAGEOUS! I CAN’T EVEN EXPRESS HOW THIS MAKES ME FEEL! I don’t know which part is better—the fact that she threatens him, or that she gives him the choice to forfeit and flee the battlefield.
There’s an incredible heroic resoluteness to the final line, “For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.” This, right here, is the essence of the courage of mortals in Tolkien’s books. It’s the acceptance of death, but the desire to go down fighting—the knowledge that death is inevitable, but the one thing we have control over is how we meet it.
Éowyn is facing Sauron’s most powerful servant, who is almost a personification of death itself, and she is declaring that no matter what he is, and no matter the outcome, she WILL fight him. When she says these lines, she doesn’t know that she and Merry will vanquish him. It’s sheer determination against impossible odds, it’s extraordinary courage in the face of death—and THAT is why this scene is so powerful.
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lady06reaper · 3 months
Requests you ask for 👀.
I shall give. Viking x Reader
Where said character(s) react to their wife having to defend their children from a bear/forest creature. And easily defeating it. Going from complete deadly killer to momma bear who's hugging her sweet children close.
Love a feral momma bear. - marshmellow
So I really only see this prompt as Bjorn and Ubbe with the kid part BUT since Ivar has a special place in my heart I'll write him with kids as well
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Bjorn was definitely worried, like why was his beloved and their children carrying a dead bear? Are yall alright?!
"Wife! Are you okay? What happened?" Bjorn rose from his seat on the porch and ran over to you and your kin.
You huffed and threw the bear's head and front arms down to the ground, your kids followed suit and laid down on the ground with the dead bear.
"What happened, Bjorn, is that we were hunting and this foul, loathsome, lowlife, bear thought he could harm us. Jokes on it, we're having a feast tonight!" You roared so all of Kattegat could hear you, everyone around cheered in delight.
"That is quite a feat Y/N," Bjorn looked down at the bear and got a thought. He took your hand and led you up on the porch of the great hall, your children followed their dad up there with you. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to my wife once more as Y/N Bear-Killer!" Bjorn raised your hand up with his as everyone celebrated and congratulated you. Your kids hugged your legs as their congratulations to you, you bent down and embraced them. Everyone, including the woodland critters, knew now not to mess with you, especially your children.
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Out of the corner of Ubbe's eye he saw you and your children hauling a moose in a pull wagon... or at least trying to
First of all, you didn't have the pull wagon when you left so when did you come back and grab it?
He had to do a double take on it to make sure it wasn't an illusion by the Trickster God Loki
"Love! What happened? Are you and the children alright?" You sighed and dropped the handles to the cart, the moose slid off of it to the ground. Your children were small enough to sit in the moose's antler, so sit they did, tired from helping their momma.
"I'm fine, nothing but a long soak with herbs won't fix. But this here moose is obviously not alright for it is dead, a punishment for attempting to hurt us," You stretched out your sore and tired muscles, that soak was really starting to sound good.
"Oh my brave, yet crazy wife, I'm glad you are alright, but when did you get the pull cart?"
"Oh that? We borrowed it from a farmer nearby, by the time we would've came here and back to the carcass it would've been already claimed by the wolves," you shrugged as if it was self-explanatory. You beckoned your kids over to you by kneeling and opening your arms, they ran towards you and as soon as they reached you, you picked them up in your arms. "Now, if you'll excuse me, your very strong children and I would like a bath and a nap. Go ahead and clean the moose, we feast tonight."
You turned on your heel and walked towards the long house, leaving a shocked Ubbe staring at your back. Did all of that really just happen?
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I feel like Ivar would get horny if he knew you took down a huge ass wolf (which explains the second pic)
like the first one is "Wow, my wife took down that wolf, who's almost as big as Fenrir? Damn that's hot"
The wolf slung across your shoulders was heavy, but you had no other means of carrying it, and the pelt would make a nice cloak or blanket for your kin. You walked through Kattegat with your child in tow, they were concerned for your wellbeing, but you assured them you were fine. Ivar watched as you hauled the wolf up to the long house, not bothering to get up knowing you were as strong as Freyja. You dropped the wolf at his feet and fell into his open arms and lap.
" It seems you had an eventful hunt, love," Ivar wrapped his arms around your waist, but before he could get comfortable your child crawled up into your lap, it's a good thing Ivar can't feel your combined weight, only the presence.
"Yes, indeed we did, what do you think little one? Should we use the pelt as a blanket, or turn it into a cloak?" The child pondered before saying their answer. "Blanket it is then," you kissed their forehead and let them go. "Now run along and go get Uncle Bjorn, he'll help you turn the wolf into a nice blanket." You smiled as they slid down Ivars legs and ran to get Bjorn.
"Are you alright my love?" Ivar looked over your upper body as he rubbed circles into your lower back.
"Yes, husband, nothing like a good back massage won't fix," you leaned into his touch, being comforted by Ivar was definitely something you needed right now. Ivar gave you a mischievous look through his eyelashes.
"Instead of a massage," he started. "How about I break your back?"
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thelordofgifs · 6 months
Ranking all the Kings of Gondor
Based on what, you may ask? Vibes. Let's go.
Eldacar. Twenty-first King. THE bestest boy in the legendarium. The hero of the Kin-strife, the archetype of immigrant child trauma, the exiled king, the vengeful father... we love him so so so much ok!!
Aragorn. First High King of the Reunited Kingdom. Yes I know your list would put him at the top but this is my list and I do what I want. Anyway he's wise and kind and "the hands of the king are the hands of a healer" and he's brave and clever and has an excellent fairy-tale romance going on and I am very much not immune to Viggo Mortensen covered in blood with unwashed hair.
Elendil. First High King. He's brave he's cool he's wise he DEFEATED SAURON. Love him.
Isildur. Second High King (co-ruler). Justice for my boy the movies did him so so dirty!! Anyway he saved the line of the White Tree and fought so so bravely and he did his best. I will not countenance Isildur slander actually.
Valacar. Twentieth King. Ranks this highly mostly because he's my blorbo Eldacar's father, but Valacar is cool! His father sent him to the Northmen to build an alliance and Valacar promptly fell in love with their chief's daughter instead. And then Vidumavi died long before he ever even became King and you have to wonder if Valacar feared he would outlive his children too :(
Aldamir. Twenty-third King. Also ranking highly mostly because of genetic proximity to my guy, but Aldamir is sooo tragic actually. He's a second son who never should have become King except his older brother was MURDERED and maybe he spent the rest of his life trying to live up to him!! Also he was also killed in battle which I am sad about. This family cannot catch a break.
Eärnur. Thirty-third and last King. This is the idiot who challenged the Witch-king of Angmar to single combat and was never seen again, but I have a soft spot for him on account of. that was really sexy.
Eldarion. Second High King of the Reunited Kingdom. We don't know much about Aragorn and Arwen's son, but movie!Eldarion is very cute which is enough to earn him a high rank.
Rómendacil II. Nineteenth King. An all-round competent guy who ruled as regent for years for first his lazy uncle and then his lazy father. Built the Argonath!! Also he's Eldacar's grandfather which again earns him points.
Eärnil II. Thirty-second King. Ended up with the crown after his predecessor and both his sons were killed in battle (although NOT his daughter. JUSTICE FOR FÍRIEL). Anyway Eärnil strikes me as a decent guy who was doing his best. Props to him for taking pains not to alienate the Dúnedain of Arthedain.
Ondoher. Thirty-first King. The aforementioned predecessor, who is mostly ranked highly because I feel bad that he died :( and he tried to ensure Gondor would still have an heir to the throne if he and his eldest son were killed! But his youngest son joined the battle in disguise and got killed anyway!
Minardil. Twenty-fifth King. Another tragic one, he was Eldacar's great-grandson and was slain in battle by the descendants of Castamir. I am upset about this.
Meneldil. Third King. We don't know much about him, but he was the first solo ruler of Gondor and also the last child born in Númenor before the Downfall, which is cool.
Telumehtar. Twenty-eighth King. Finally got rid of the last descendants of Castamir, excellent work.
Calimehtar. Thirtieth King. Defeated the Wainriders attacking Gondor in a great alliance with the Northmen, which we love to see. Also he built the White Tower of Minas Anor! Good for him.
Anárion. Second High King (co-ruler). He was initally a lot higher on the list because I feel for him always being overshadowed by his father and brother, but then I learned he was killed by a THROWN ROCK which is kind of pathetic ngl. Sorry, Anárion.
Tarondor. Twenty-seventh King. Had the unenviable task of rebuilding the realm after it was ravaged by the Great Plague, but unfortunately he moved out of Osgiliath for good (which makes me unreasonably sad. I love Osgiliath) and also allowed the watch on Mordor to lapse for good.
Eärendil. Fifth King. We don't know much about him, but his name is nice.
Anardil. Sixth King. We don't know much about him, but his name is also nice.
Telemnar. Twenty-sixth King. Died in the Great Plague, sad for him I guess.
Narmacil II. Twenty-ninth King. Slain in battle with Wainriders, made no impression on me at all.
Siriondil. Eleventh King. We know very little about him, but that's a good name.
Cemendur. Fourth King. Boring and doesn't even have a good name.
Turambar. Ninth King. Mainly this low down because THAT'S A TERRIBLE NAME WHAT ARE YOU THINKING.
Hyarmendacil II. Twenty-fourth King. Defeated the Haradrim in battle, good for him I guess.
Atanatar I. Tenth King. No personality. I don't like his name either.
Rómendacil I. Eighth King. Defeated some Easterlings in battle, but apparently not very well because they later killed him. Oh well.
Ciryandil. Fourtheenth King. A Ship-king, and I don't like Ship-kings (mostly because Castamir tried to be a Ship-king).
Ostoher. Seventh King. Didn't do much, although he started the practice of the King spending his summer in Minas Anor. Good for him? I guess?
Eärnil I. Another Ship-king. Died in a great storm, which is one of the perils associated with being a Ship-king!
Calmacil. Eighteenth King. Generally incompetent. Gains a couple of points for being Eldacar's great-grandfather.
Narmacil I. Seventeenth King. Also pretty incompetent. He let his nephew do all the work of ruling for him.
Atanatar II. Sixteenth King. Lived in indolence and splendour, and neglected the watch on Mordor which was not very wise of him!
Hyarmendacil I. Fifteenth King. Ok he actually sucks. The King who defeated the Haradrim and instituted the practice of taking their sons as hostages to live in the court of Gondor.
Tarannon. Twelfth King. The first of the Ship-kings, also known for his loveless marriage to his wife Berúthiel who gets blamed for everything for some reason.
Castamir the Usurper. (Technically) twenty-second King. Should not be on this list and is here purely so that I can say. FUCK. THIS. GUY.
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hello! could u maybe write something for elrond where he gets injured saving reader and she shuts off and starts avoiding him because it made her realize she loves him and she panicked? maybe she's a widow like him too? if not thank you anyway <33
I love Elrond so much so of course! Have fun reading!
Warnings: injury, near death experience, battle (so expect killing as well), angst (with happy ending) -> nothing graphic tho
A/N: the reader is an elven woman in this oneshot but let me know if you would like something else ^^
word count: 1676 words
Elrond x Fem! Elf! Reader: Elrond gets injured and Reader avoids him
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Although Elrond never enjoyed putting his people's lives in danger, he would never refuse to assist those in need if requested. That is how he ended up in the middle of a bloody battlefield where armor, weapons, and bodies were being flung around like nothing. He was skilled enough in combat to protect himself from the enemy's blades, though. No matter how many orcs tried to attack him, he easily defeated them.
The battle raged on, the sound of blades deafening those involved. Arrows sped through the air and soon struck their victim, whose cries were barely audible. The elves fought with unmatched skill and grace, and Elrond slowly led them to victory. By that time, the orcs were outnumbered, and the elven Lord had some time to look around and aid his kin.
Amidst the chaos, Elrond caught sight of you, a brave and spirited elven woman, fighting alongside your people. You were as competent as anyone on the battlefield, but it so happened that you became trapped, surrounded by enemies, with no way out. Elrond jumped into action and moved swiftly to get to you without even pausing for a second. His blades cut through your foes before they could strike you down. Once they were all dead, he took a glance at you, trying to check if you were hurt but before he could proceed, an awful strike hit Elrond. He stumbled back, clutching his side, his face twisted in pain. The sight of his injury sent a shiver of terror through you.
"Baw (No)!" you yelled as you circled around Elrond to slay the orc. Your opponent died because he couldn't get his sword out of the elf's body in time.
Even though you wished to help Elrond, you were unable to do so since your foes spotted the opportunity and approached him. He fought bravely despite having a serious wound, albeit his posture wasn't as steady as before. You held your ground and defeated as many orcs as you could before the enemy decided to retreat.
When it was safe to do so, Elrond fell to his knees and groaned in pain. You rushed to his side and helped him to find a comfortable position. Shouts could be heard from afar, but you couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
"Everything will be fine." with great effort, Elrond reassured you, his voice strained but filled with determination. "Mae carnen. (You did well)."
You tried saying something, but words simply didn't come out of your mouth. Some fellow elves came to their Lord's aid as you stumbled back to give them space. It only dawned on you just now that if you hadn't found yourself in this situation, Elrond wouldn't have been injured. Everything after the battle happened so fast, the elven Lord got safely brought back to Rivendell, where the healer's immediately began to work, while the rest of the elves slowly traveled back.
It didn't feel real to be traveling back to your home. It was almost as if you were seeing with your eyes but your head was blank. Seeing Elrond on the ground had left your face pale. Everything that had happened felt too familiar. It seemed like the day's happenings were right out of your nightmares—the nightmares about losing your beloved spouse. You started crying as you thought back to that terrible day. After they passed away, Elrond was the one who helped you recover because he knew how painful it was to lose a loved one—possibly the most precious of them all. Elrond was the one who took the time to help you heal by lending you his wisdom.
Your sobbing became more intense with each thought. You had come to a realisation as you reflected on the time you spent together, the comfort his presence provided you, and the coldness the separation brought you. You suddenly realized what you had been experiencing while around him. It was love. You considered yourself dumb for only realizing that at the last second, just as you might lose him. And you were genuinely horrified by that.
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Weeks passed as Elrond received treatment for his wounds in the security of Rivendell. When you learned of his recovery, you felt both relief and anxiety at the same time. Overwhelmed by the weight of your emotions, you withdrew, avoiding Elrond's presence, afraid of what your feelings meant and the vulnerability that accompanied it. But, Elrond being Elrond, you knew he had noticed it. Since you two were close, visiting him while he was recovering would have made sense. And yet, since the battle, he had not seen you. You ached to be by his side, to console and comfort him, but you were unable to.
As Elrond slowly regained his strength, he sought out your presence. Every time Lindir came by to let you know that Lord Elrond had asked for your presence in the gardens, you would come up with an excuse not to go. You avoided him at every turn, anxiously waiting for him to pass through the corridor. You could see how his gaze searched for you in the halls, but you were nowhere to be found. Elrond became very concerned and yearned to know why you had been avoiding him. It was unlike you to act like this.
Determined to understand the cause of your withdrawal, he sought you out, finding you in the quiet solace of Rivendell's library. You had been reading a book, trying to take your mind off of the elven Lord. That was until a gentle tap on your shoulder turned your attention away from the book. Your stomach dropped as you realised who had disturbed you. He took a seat beside you, without asking you first.
"What are you reading, exactly?" Elrond asked with curiosity.
Suddenly forgetting what you were reading, you looked down to view the cover. "Oh, I just grabbed something off the shelves." You tried to avoid making eye contact as you shook your head.
Elrond grew silent, noticing how even now, you tried to run away from him. It broke his heart that you grew to resent him so. If he had to be honest, Elrond fell for you a long time ago. He never really showed it but he longed for someone who could understand his pain. And then you appeared at his doorstep, asking for support after the death of your spouse. At first he just looked at you as a friend, but those feelings soon grew. If you hadn't expressed your disinterest in dating, he would've said something sooner. But being the gentleman that he is, he respected your bounderies and tried to move on. The problem was that he couldn't.
"Please, mellon nîn (my friend)," he began softly, his voice carrying a mix of concern and vulnerability, "help me understand. Why do you avoid me so? What has come between our friendship?"
Those words stung. You sighed, unable to give him a straight up answer. But you knew Elrond valued honesty so you gathered all your strenght and looked him in the eyes. "I cannot express it, Elrond, for I fear if I do, history will repeat itself."
Elrond looked deep in thought, carefully deciding his next sentence. "I'm not quite sure I follow." he admitted.
You looked away, trying to hide your pained expression. "The battlefield, brannon nîn (my lord). It was my fault."
"It hardly was." he shook his head, slowly sliding closer to you. When you had not moved away, he reached out to grab your hand.
"You nearly lost your life, Elrond!" you yelled. "If that blade was aimed just a bit higher, you would've dropped dead! And it would've been because of me! Because I was incompetent enough, to let myself get trapped!"
"Please, do not think of yourself this way." his pained voice could be barely heard. Elrond's eyes widened in shock at what you were saying. He in no way had blamed you for his injury. "Any of us could've been in your situation. You fought well, you came to my aid when I needed it. Why do you put yourself down?"
"I just..." you sighed. "I can't lose you too, Elrond."
His grip on your hands became firmer. "Is this the reason for your withdrawal?"
You hesitated for a second, then nodded. Although it was difficult, there was a part of you that wanted him to be aware of your worries. No matter how hard you tried to turn it off, that self-indulgent part of you wanted to be comforted by him. "My feelings, they terrify me. It's as if acknowledging them would make my fears come true. After I lost... them, I didn't want to put myself through the pain of loving someone but on the battlefield I had realised that I had already broken that promise. You matter so much to me that I cannot even express it with words. I have fallen in love with you, Elrond. And it scared me."
Elrond took each of your words in carefully. He pondered on them for some time before giving you a nod. Elrond's gaze softened as his hand reached out to gently cup your face. "I understand your fear. Loss leaves deep scars upon our hearts. But shutting ourselves off from love only denies us the chance to heal. I, too, have felt the sting of loss, the ache of a heart once broken. Yet, here we stand, with an opportunity to experience something quite beautiful together."
His words shocked you. "You feel the same way?"
"Chin gelair chîn orthernir guren (Your radiant eyes conquered my heart)." Elrond smiled at you.
Finally, when he whispered those words, you felt the warmth of his presence spread throughout your body. Elrond welcomed your hug as you threw yourself into his arms. Although your worries have not vanished, it helped a lot to know that someone was by your side.
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jdmorganz · 1 year
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JOEL HAS PANIC ATTACKS The Last of Us: S01E06 - Kin
I’m about to add in some TMI here, but as someone who has suffered from panic attacks in my life, you have no idea how much these scenes actually meant to me. I’ve never really seen panic attacks done justice in media, but the moment that I saw Joel’s response to stress, I saw myself in Joel. For years I’ve suffered from panic attacks due to health conditions and I can’t compliment Pedro Pascal enough on his performance. It’s beautiful. It hit home for me and I’m actually so incredibly grateful that they added this part to Joel’s character. With panic attacks, you’re fine one second and then all of a sudden it feels like your heart is stopping. Joel has been my favorite character for ten years. Seeing that my favorite character goes through the same things I have in my life when Joel is strong, heroic and brave? It makes me feel seen. It makes me feel like I’m not alone. And I can’t thank The Last of Us enough for bringing light to what it’s like to have panic attacks. Even the bravest of us go through this and we aren’t alone.
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lanitalay · 4 months
One Day : Chapter 5
Azriel x reader, based on the Netflix series by the same name
a/n: I haven't forgotten about AFAS but this one is so comforting to write. Also a master post for this series sis on my todo list I just haven;t gotten around to it.
warnings: canon typical mentions of violence, a lil fluff
Word count: 1.6k
You were sitting beside Elain as you had done every morning since the Archeron sisters had arrived at the Night Court. She was no better than yesterday or the day before that. She ate very little and she was almost fighting against breathing. You had never seen anything like it, her body perfectly healthy but her mind… you imagined she was filled with rage and sorrow and grief for her past life. Not that she gave you much of an indication.
Being with Elain was calming in a way, she didn’t move much. You encouraged her to change positions every so often so her muscles wouldn’t atrophy but that was it. Sometimes you thought that your friends assigned you to her because of how Azriel arrived from Hybern. How he was seconds away from death. How you could only say “but I just got you back” over and over as you and Madja worked on his wounds. How you didn’t sleep for days until his eyes opened. How flashes of his too pale skin would cause you to crumble because he looked like a corpse and if Azriel was gone… 
So you painted Elain’s nails,  braided her hair and told her stories of Feyre when she first arrived at the Night Court. You reassured her that she would be back soon and that the three sisters would be safe in Velaris. 
Your favorite story to tell her was of how her sister freed the fae from Amarantha’s reign. How, because of her blood and kin, peace was within grasp. You told her how it felt when Amarantha died and magic returned and the sky at the Dawn Court glittered with the colors of the rainbow. How Thesan arrived at his palace and told everyone in his court of the brave girl who saved them. You told her that you had basically given up hope because if salvation lay in someone falling in love with Tamlin... 
“I only saw him once or twice during the reign but he was the most un-charismatic male I have ever met, we’re lucky Feyre has such a beautiful heart.” 
You didn’t tell her that when you returned to your cottage after the announcement and the initial euphoria there was a tall male with giant wings standing at your door. His head turning the instant a shadow told him you had arrived. 
“I thought maybe you moved.” 
You couldn’t tell her that you ran and wrapped your arms around him. The last fifty years had been an ocean and, just then, you finally found your lifeline. He hugged your shoulders, bringing his head to the crook of your neck and breathed in your unchanging scent. 
After minutes of the embrace that put your heart back together you pulled away and inspected his face. Perfect. He was absolutely perfect. “Az… you’re here.” 
He nodded and grabbed your hands, noticing the way his thumb brushed over your ring finger. 
“Rhys is back home… and I had to make sure you were…” 
“I’m fine, the last five decades have been hell, but I’m fine. What about you?”
“I’ve wanted to say I’m sorry for so long, what I said that day-” 
“I know. You don’t have to apologize.” 
“I do. I was jealous and foolish and it has haunted me ever since.” 
“It’s alright Az, I just… I’m so happy you’re here.” 
The version of events Elain got was “once Thesan returned I knew someone would come for me.” 
You told her how Feyre also had a difficult time with being turned fae, that it was fine for her to take her time to heal. 
After lunch there would be a knock on the door. Sometimes it would be Nesta, sometimes Madja, sometimes Rhys but today it was Azriel. He had made a complete recovery and would often keep you company while you were with Elain. 
He handed you a bouquet of flowers. “Happy anniversary.” 
You felt your cheeks redden at the gesture. “You know it’s not until tomorrow.” 
“I felt like starting the celebrations early, you know, to make up for lost time.” Rolled your eyes as he grabbed your free hand, “come on.” 
Just then Nesta walked into the room, a novel tucked under her arm. “I can stay, y/n, go on.”
“Where are we going?” You asked as Azriel picked you up and launched into the sky. 
“You’ll see in a few minutes.” 
You landed on a little cove by the Sidra. “I figured you needed a break from the house.” You nodded and sat on the shore, your feet just touching the water. Gentle waves lapping at your legs. He sat down next to you. 
“You never told me what actually happened with Lenus.” 
“We just stopped loving each other… and he cheated.”
Azriel looked like you had just said something ridiculous “Lenus cheated on you?”
A nod “yep.”
“Lenus, glasses Lenus? Lenus the scribe?” 
“She was also a scribe. Get this, I caught them in the library.” 
“No you did not.”
“I most certainly did. Anyways, after that I put everything of his in a box and threw it away. Haven’t heard from him since.” 
“If I ever see him again, I’ll kill him.” 
“You don’t have to kill him, just remind me to never date a scribe ever again, please.” 
“Have you ever dated someone in the last fifty years?”
“Really?” You raise a brow at him. 
“We had to keep the court running, I was busy.”
“Yeah, yeah… Az?” 
“Do you think you have a mate?” He looked up and thought about it. 
“I hope I do, but who knows.”
“I’m afraid I don’t.” 
“Well I’ve been alive for so long and I haven’t felt it yet. But the Archerons were turned and immediately found theirs.” 
“But Rhys was over 500 when he met Feyre, so… there’s still hope. You’re what? 499? Still have one year to find them.” 
You splashed water on him “you’re so dumb sometimes.” 
You spent the rest of the day in the cove. But even the longest day of the year had to end so when the sun was setting, Azriel flew to your apartment. “Home sweet home.” He said as he put you down. 
“I haven’t been here in weeks, there’s nothing to eat.”
“Let's go to a restaurant then.” Azriel grabbed your hand and led you to a small place at the end of your street. You always came here when you wanted something with noodles. You were led by an employee to your usual table, a small booth near the back. Just big enough for Azriel to fit comfortably but hidden away from curious fae. 
You ordered what you always get and so did Azriel. While you waited for the food you took Azriel’s hand in yours, feeling his pulse, confirming it. “I still can’t believe you’re alive.”
That arrow was straight through his chest. 
“It’s going to take a lot more to kill me.” 
You lifted your gaze to meet his. His breath caught in his throat at the intensity, like a switch had flipped. “Promise me I’ll die first.” 
The air got thicker and Azriel’s wings tensed. “What?”
“I can’t watch you die Az, I- I won’t survive it. So just promise me I’ll die first.” He grabbed your hand with both of his. 
“It's ok. See? You patched me up good as new.” He wasn’t getting it. Tears began to pool in your eyes as you pleaded. 
“Azriel-” you said so low he could barely hear it “please…” He saw your chest heaving and  knew what was happening. So he pulled you next to him with both arms and made a shield with his wings and shadows. “Breathe, y/n. I’m right here. I’m right here.” 
You were sobbing now, clutching his leathers as if he would float away. He held you firm against his chest. His heart a little faster than normal, but steady. It was the greatest symphony and the most beautiful prose. You kept your ear pressed against his chest. He was mumbling “I’m here, I’m ok, It’s alright.” Over and over. 
You were back in your apartment now. Azriel had asked for the food to go and brought you back home. So now you sit on your couch, the food getting cold on the coffee table. Hugging your knees to your chest as Azriel draws circles on your back.  The crying stopped a while ago. The mortification on the other hand… You hid your face in your knees. “I’m embarrassed.” 
“Why? At least you didn’t have a panic attack in the middle of a one night stand.” He attempted to joke. 
“I always keep it together.”
“You don’t have to.” 
“It just- it keeps me awake at night, the arrow right through your chest. Your heart-” a gulp “I could feel your heart desperate for relief, the ash and the blood loss put so much of a strain on it- you didn’t see how close you were to being gone and- I close my eyes and I see you on that table limp and-” You hadn't spoken with him about any of this. He woke up and you were your usual self, if a bit sleep deprived. 
“I never thanked you” , his hands still drawing circles on your back,“thank you for healing me.”
“Anytime Az,” you lift your face from your knees and give him something that resembles a smile. With his thumb he brushes away a few tears and some strands of hair stuck on your face. “Are you hungry?”
You nod. 
“Then let's eat.”
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anxiousdreamcore · 6 months
Frontiers of Pandora story review ✨
BEWARE! Heavy spoilers ahead.
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Alright, since I don’t see people talking about this game as much as I’d want on my socials, I decided to put together a little review where I talk about the story, what spoke to me, as well as some critiques.
To summarise my opinion; I love it! The story knows where it’s taking place and takes advantage of it. It covers dark topics and succeeds in staying as serious in tone as the movie franchise, which makes the campaign feel like it truly belongs in the world of Pandora.
To speak more in-depth; the plot of a Na’vi residential school had me hooked from the first moment. I think residential schools that native children were forced into are a topic not talked about often enough, so I appreciated the developers and writers bringing awareness to such facilities, even if it’s in sci-fi form. reconnecting with Na’vi heritage that was stolen from the main character and their family is executed quite well, as playing frontiers lets you get immersed into the feeling of exploration and discovery. The player is as un-knowledgeable about the world around them as the protagonist, and being able to experience new connections, abilities, places, stories and traditions side-by-side with them has been an amazing ride.
The different Na’vi cultures shown in the game are written organically. They each possess an intricate fashion based on their values, environment and history, but that is not all. Every clan has a cast of characters, bigger or smaller, who bring further life into the western frontier, help expand on the lore and provide entertainment. My personal favourites of these characters have to be Nefika and Kin, both elderly Na’vi with a welcoming presence and charm. Second to them come Eetu and Okul!
Then there is the main cast, which is MC, their three found family siblings, a.k.a the surviving Sarentu children, So’lek, Alma and Priya. We consistently stay in contact with them, both as part of the campaign and as part of our explorations, sharing experiences with them. The protagonist character is righteous, brave and endlessly adorable in their reactions to the world around them, and the trio of Sarentu forever have a place in my heart. I liked the concept of each one of the Sarentu children representing a different reaction to their past abuse and toxic relationship with John Mercer.
Nor, who had most luxury of remembering his life before being taken by the RDA, tries to distance himself as far as possible from everything human, and progressively adopts an antagonistic mindset towards his human allies, as well as a growing feeling of resentment and vengeance. I do not blame him for it and I believe it makes sense. After him comes Ri’nela, who, during Mercer’s captivity, tried staying out of sight but protecting her siblings where she could. Without Mercer, she feels insecure, constantly stumbling and at first, regularly looks guidance from Alma. She beats herself up for things that happen to Teylan and A’hari, despite being unable to have fixed them, but eventually grows into a stronger person, being able to take on the role of a Tsahik in the clan. Lastly, there is Teylan and he has to be my favorite character in the game. His bond to Mercer is strong, as T.A.P is all he ever knew, so without John, he begins falling apart. Lack of constant control and lack of ""affection"" from Tey’s "father figure" leave him feeling ten times as insecure as Ri’nela. He has a hard time learning Na’vi ways, keeps lagging behind and ultimately sticks to technology and hacking, which is worsened by So’lek’s nagging, as he obviously doesn’t know how severe Teylan’s abuse was and simply assumes that he is "lost" in the new world. Eventually, Teylan does what many abuse victims do, and returns to his abuser. An action I kind of predicted, but which still really hit me. His voice actor did an incredible job of portraying this character and the rest of the campaign I spent praying that I’ll get to bring him back home. In the end, I’m happy he’s at home and safe. 🥹💖🫶
Now to the grown ups. I don’t have much to say about Priya, but I grew fond of her. I liked her development from an awkward girl that sparks horrific second-hand embarrassment in the viewer to a resistance member who actively puts herself in the line of fire to help her friends. I found myself getting worried for her whenever she didn’t respond or was in danger.
So’lek is a character who I was immediately fond of, and I liked his growth as well. He saw himself as completely separate from human resistance members, and his thoughts are often occupied by revenge, but he comes to care for MC, the Sarentu and eventually the humans. Seeing him protect Alma when Nor attacks her was a brilliant moment.
Lastly, there is Alma herself. A very grey character who did horrible things in the past, like leading the program side-by-side with John Mercer. I liked her development, from an aloof and seemingly supportive teacher at T.A.P, to a person that orchestrated the entire project. Her grief and guilt feel organic, and I found myself having a lot of difficult feelings about her as it is obvious she cares for the Sarentu children, but her sins cannot be forgiven. I’m happy Ri’nela made the choice to simply part ways with her in peace, instead of trying to build a new bridge.
Now, for what I believe was executed badly. It’s quite unfortunate, but the game suffers from the same problem as Avatar the way of water, only quadrupled and that is; we don’t get enough time with the characters.
It feels even worse because in comparison to the movies, games don’t have to worry about pacing or time limits. The campaign can be as long as developers wish, but it came out rushed anyway. Part of the reason I got as attached to the characters as I did was because I spent time getting emotionally invested into everything they said, their minor behavioural cues and voicelines, but not everyone is as dedicated, and those people should have the right to experience a good story as well. They shouldn’t have to seek it out between the lines.
The only characters who I felt were properly developed are Teylan and Alma. They had the most extensive arcs and their growth was tied into a nice bow. But what about Ri’nela, Nor and So’lek? Nor suffers from Metkayina syndrome gets completely scrapped shortly before the finale, So’lek only gets crumbs of growth and Ri’nela is at times forgotten about completely. Her development as a character is too off-screen and between the lines for most people to catch it, and I find that sad because she’s such a sweet character when you actually get invested into her.
In the end, Frontiers of Pandora’s story feels like a good joke with all the necessary setup but only half-delivered punchline. I had very reasonable expectations and a lot of them were not fulfilled. This project is definitely miles better than whatever Ubisoft has been releasing in these last years, but I really hope that the DLCs will expand on the story further.
Verdict on the campaign; 7 out of 10. The setup and the beginning of the story were just perfect, but in the end, the characters didn’t get the treatment they deserved. Thank you for reading.
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raisinchallah · 6 months
taylor swift is in the kinnie closet and we have to help her come out evidence taylor swift is a light yagami kinnie and he is also her muse this influences her music deeply you literally just need to read the lyrics as she says in her song blank space "ive got a blank space baby and ill write your name" who writes names on blank pages is she talking about her death note clear light yagami signalling here why else would she mention something so clearly associated with the anime death note she could have said ill think of your name ill call your name but she said WRITE something only light yagami does calling her song ANTIHERO a clear flag towards the anime forum debate community and its evolved form the anime youtube theory video where people discuss if light yagami is a villain or an anti hero she is positioning herself in relation to this besieged and beleaguered community a clear sign she herself considers herself part of the anime watching and commentating community which is a prerequisite to kinning light yagami she also had a tumblr account which is obvious kin flagging and also her song look what you made me do provides a reparative reading of the mediocre second half of death note providing the touching backdrop to one of the greatest amvs of our time death note look what you made me do her greatest gesture to the death note community something a mere outsider or anime ally would never she wrote "sorry the old taylor cant come to the phone right now why because shes dead" as a brave gesture stepping out of her traditional muse of light yagami who she identifies with greatly to embody his greatest enemies L and near and provide the moving soundtrack for their transition and give death note fans the closure they needed on Ls death that would be delivered on when the amv was created would some mere ally do that no we need to let the world know its a safe place for light yagami kins and we shall not judge taylor for her kin memories of being a serial killer and that its ok to write pop songs about death note please share to spread awareness
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
Big ol mane and mustache man.
this is the exact same design as my last one, I just fixed the proportions a bit and relined it!
Also fun fact! Lionheart is one of my fave first arc names, its so good <3
Character Bio:
Straight; Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 5 cycles; 36 Hyrs
Title meaning: -heart = a cat who is full of love and care; a cat who is noble, proud and brave; this cat stands tall and is prideful of their role in the Order; a cat who is not afraid to speak out about what they believe in; often a leader type
Warrior -> Second of Thunder Order; was in line due to being the previous leader, Star Sunfall's son.
Mentor: Leopardfoot
Mother: Specklesnap
Fathers: Star Sunfall (biological); Tawnyspots
Siblings: Goldenflower
Mate: Frostpad
Kits: Thornclaw; Brightheart
Adoptive kits: Cinderspark; Brackenburrow
Grandkits: Yarrowbird (Whitewing); Cinderheart; Honeyfern; Poppyfrost
Other notable kin: Fogtalon (aunt); Smallear (uncle); Featherwhisker (uncle); Swift (nephew); Brambleflower (nephew); Tawnyclaw (niece)
Character Summary:
He's nearly exactly the same as in the books.
The main big change is that his fathers are Star Sunfall and Tawnyspots! they were friends with Specklesnap and asked her to be their donor, they had an arrangement where Speckle could be the kits mom (bec she wanted to be a momma!) and the two toms could both be the kit's dads!
the only other change is that he adopted Cinder and Bracken! they were kits stolen from Wind Order by Shadow and were saved at the same time as Thorn and Bright, Frost and Lion immediately accepted them as their own and gave them a loving home. After Wind returned they learned that Cinder and Bracken's bio mom was dead and they had a donor sire so the two Orders agreed it was better for them to stay in their adoptive Order!
oh ya also I made his mentor Leopardfoot bec I like Leopardfoot :)
he has the vibes of the cishet dad who goes to pride events and gives out dad hugs <3 he ends up adopting like 50 queer kids in the process hehehe
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Until The Very End -Shion x Reader (Hell's Paradise)
Summary: Prepared to head to a dangerous place with criminals, you find yourself not only fighting them but another powerful being living in the forest. Your Master being not that far away from you, always willing to protect you no matter what.
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(So I finally decided to give Hell's Paradise a chance since I saw an image of Shion and Tenza and decided to continue watching the anime. Stayed up until 4am and in all honesty I would've loved episodes 8 trio to be the main characters. I find them more interesting than the actual ones. So, here I decided to write a one shot of Shion, just things are a bit out of order at the end but it's how I decided to write it. Prepare the tissues!)
I stared down at my sword, blood slowly dripping onto the light green colored grass. The person laying on a puddle of blood wasn't one of my team, but a criminal, he was once wanted for killing women in specifically in front of young children, delivering their heads to the male of the house and enjoyed watching them suffer for their loves ones.
It was clear as day that I wasn't fond of who I was teamed up with. He sensed this too, so he tried to kill me when he believed I was distracted once we had traveled across the angry waves of the ocean separating us from our next destination.
The man thought he could kill me, but he was too weak, he was scared when he saw me swinging my sword. Scared because for the first time no one was capable of killing him, he used to suffer watching innocent people die, and he found one innocent who thought would do the same.
"Gross, my sword is dirty again." I cleaned the blade with my sleeves and quickly hid my sword back.
I smelled the air and could smell iron, the smell of blood nearby. I continued to walk further until I saw the body of one of my comrades. I knelt down on the ground and said a small prayer.
Though I wouldn't get along with a few, most of them were good men. I frown looking at the ground and felt a pang on my chest, Eizen. He was the second person who found me back in the day when I needed help, the first one being Shion.
I still remember the day when I met them both. My life wasn't easy from an early age, I worked harder than most men, slept very little and ate when I could find any leftovers.
Life is truly a living hell, full of anger, sadness and lots of death, but at the same time it's beautiful…
"Hope you find peace in the afterlife." I muttered and got back up on my feet.
Quickly I left the spot hoping to not come across another demon and find any of my teammates back again.
From an early age I felt like I was born to suffer, to not have a full filing and happy life. I don't remember much of my childhood despite going through a lot, but what I do remember is at the age of 12 I was sold by my family.
They are a family with plenty of children, but onto had boys, six boys and a girl when I was born. "A woman has to provide for their family, bear children and do what society tells them to do." That's all I ever heard from my parents.
Despite being still very young, I decided to take another path. I started following in my father's footsteps and my brother's, trying to fit in and train like them, I used to stare in awe when I saw them fighting to become soldiers.
I felt like I could be like them, brave, being recognized for their strength and traveling to get the job done.
The day I turned 12, the exact same day I was sold to a house. My parents said they had no use of me if I wouldn't be of help to them, so they did what was easiest to them.
If they didn't have money, then why did they have so many children?
I was terrified that day, held back my tears as I was dragged to what would be my home, no my work place. I was sold to become a prostitute, entertain men at a young age.
The house was full of beautiful but broken women, wanting to escape their reality just like me.
The people in charge of the pleasure house were anything but kind, but at least they knew I wasn't ready. They said I was still to young to be of service, so I stayed in that home for two more years.
When I reached 14 I was told that my age was appropriate, I was ready to become a woman. Many men had entered the place, some flirting with the woman and others simply enjoying their meals or drinks.
"This one is your newest girl." The madam of the house introduced me with a fake name for my protection.
"Isn't she a bit too young?" I heard a man ask
"A-Ah yes! But it's a woman's job to serve.", The madam replied. "Tonight will be a special night for her."
I panicked hearing those words, when that happened I accidentally spilled tea onto her lap and earned a strong hit from her.
"Stupid girl! You're no help to us at all!" She let her anger towards me known.
I excused myself and quickly left the room as I held my cheeks and felt my eyes stinging. I wanted to run away, leave this place for once, I didn't care if I were to die the next day, I'd rather be dead than live a life others want to control.
"Are you alright?"
I glanced back and took a good look at the man who spoke back inside. He was a bit taller than me, with scars over his eyes and across. Is he blind?
"I see you're upset. It's okay to be."
I guess he was trying to joke at the first sentence, but I could feel calmness coming from him. A pure air coming from him.
"You're planning on running away aren't you? I think you should, I can see that they treat you badly. A child as yourself shouldn't be in these conditions."
I made no effort to talk, afraid that I might get hurt for talking to a man who si clearly higher in status than me.
"Here take this, it's the least I can do to help." The man had in his hands a kunai. "I hope for us to reunite in the future." The man waved and smiled down at me.
My eyes widened and I simply stated at him amazed, hopeful, he was the first person to help me. That person was Shion.
That same night I ran, stole enough money for a few days, had my new weapon in hand and left to never return to that miserable life. That night was finally the night I could finally cry after years of holding my emotions in.
I went into hiding and cut my hair off to dress as a boy. It was the only way to get a proper job and to be treated differently.
So, I trained myself simply by watching other men doing their job. I got myself baggy enough clothes that would hide my figure and I worked selling carbon for a while until I was adopted into a family of an elderly couple.
"This young man is simply impressive. He'll grow up to be a fine soldier." My adoptive parents said.
It wasn't long after I told them my secret, both were concerned over me but they accepted me when I swore to protect them and continue to provide for them. They loved me nonetheless, both their kids were killed a long time ago, so they treated me as their own.
My adoptive father had worked in the Yamada clan in his younger days, seeing my potential he was the one who helped me grow stronger and eventually when I was 16, I was accepted into joining a clan.
I continued to hold onto my kunai, hoping to see the man who gifted it to me. I held the item dear to me, I blushed whenever I would remember him. Though he was just a few years older, I hope to see him again.
So, I went to one of the strongest in their field. I continued to dress as a boy and fooled everyone. I continued to train and eventually met who would be my master.
I was now a part of the Yamada clan, accepted to finally become a samurai.
I remained still in a line waiting with the rest of the newest members and I gasped when my eyes fell on the figure of a talk man with silver hair and scars. My heart began to beta faster than usual, after years I finally saw him again. He grew up to be a lot more handsome.
I was just a child when I met him, there's no way he'll recognize my voice of who I am. Men, soldiers like him are focused on their jobs, nothing more.
"(Y/N), step forward." I did as told and stopped closer to him and was now face to face. "From now on Shion will be your Master. You will obey his orders and train your hardest, let's hope and see what they say about you is true."
I nodded my head and bowed. "I look forward to become your partner and train to be as strong as you!"
The man remained silent and when I looked up I could see a faint smile on his lips when he rose up from bowing his head as well.
Weeks went by and training was indeed hell, but I've endured harder treatments. This is nothing to me, I swore I would grow stronger to prove my parents my worth and to impress, Shion. To show him that I grew to become a strong person because of him.
The blush across my face would be apparent everytime Shion would pass by me. The rest of my team would be confused as to why I would become all flustered. Eizen a man with long dark red hair, I remember him as the one who gave me a bit of money when I was working at the pleasure house.
He was the first one to accept me here and he helped me in choosing the proper tools so my sword would be made.
My back was hurting along with my legs from the amounts of hits I would receive from still training. So, I decided to soak in the river by night time when everyone was asleep.
I winced at the pain when I undressed myself and soaked into the water. I scrubbed myself and cleaned my hair, I realized it was growing a bit longer than I would've liked since I would get caught being a girl.
"What are you doing here so late?"
I screamed and quickly rose up from the water and turned to face Shion. I covered myself quickly.
"I can't see anything, remember?" I saw Shion smiling when he crossed his arms over his chest.
Quickly I reached for my robes and placed them on me. "What are you doing here?" I said making my voice lower, still a blushing mess.
Though he didn't see me, I felt like he did.
I noticed Shion still smiling, "Don't worry your secret is safe with me, (Y/N)."
I gasped and felt my lips tremble and tears beginning to run down my face. "Y-You remember?" I held my chest tight.
Shion nodded his head, "Of course. How could I forget? You were in need when we met years ago. You were just a child, suffering and alone. I imagine you out that kunai to good use?"
His voice lowered and I nodded my head. "I still keep it with me, I….thank you.." I was at loss for words.
After so many years he still remembers me.
"I won't tell your secret, but I don't understand why you would do it. You should let your true self known, if not you'll continue hiding who you really are. Prove to everyone that even if you're a girl, you are capable of standing even more."
I raised my hand up to touch my hair, Shion is right.
"I won't treat you any different. From now on I am your Master and you are my student. Our bond will only grow stronger, no matter what happens we have to be there for one another."
Tears continued to fall down my face. I sniffed began to wipe my face in a hurry. "L-Let's head back inside before they notice we are gone."
The village was suddenly attacked one day, most people passed away and so did my adoptive parents. I was left with no one but Shion now, he took me in as now onto his student but to live with him.
I was 20 now and still working and going on missions. Shion and I continued to train but everytime he would win or we would match, I wanted to finally win him but failed everytime.
Over time I grew confident of myself and was accepted when I revealed I was really a girl, some accepted and some did not. But, thankfully I wasn't the only girl.
It didn't take long for me to finally have a student of my own, but I would always consider Shion as my master. My student was resting after suffering a broken ankle but he said he would quickly recover.
Not only did I have a student, but Shion had taken another one in. He had once around the same time he started training me, but info he had to end his once students life when he chose the wrong path in life.
Now a young man known as Tenza was his student. He remained sitting next to my student and began cheering for me to defeat Shion
Both of us quickly dodging ones attacks or almost being able to hit each other.
"When are you finally going to defeat me, (Y/N)?" Shion asked almost bored at the amount of times I've told him to fight me.
I huffed and continued to lunge forward with my attacks when Shion easily blocked his sword from my attacks.
I grin and didn't fall back, "Ha! I'll defeat you one day and when that day comes, You're definitely gonna become my husband and marry me. You'll see!" I exclaim.
Earning odd looks from my student and Tenza. "There she goes again with the flirting. Just marry already!" Tenza shouted.
"I don't think Master Shion might feel the same.." my student making me gasp.
Over time I became confident in myself, and my needles flirting. Shion must've taken this as a joke but I was blurting my true feelings for him known when it was mostly just the both of us alone
In a sense I guess it was a way to repay him for everything he's done for me. Everything I said was the truth, I only wanted to die back then by Shion gave me a different view in life. It may de forbidden between us, but I want to marry him if possible in the future.
"Master..quit embarrassing yourself." I heard my student mutter and hide his face.
"I think it's fun seeing them together." Tenza continued to say.
Shion tilted his head and sighed loudly. "Let's see you try then."
I swung my sword back to my sword and blushed when looking back at him. I'll surely defeat him someday..we ended the fight in a watch and went back to meet with our students who continued to tease me.
Tenza was with the criminal known as Nurugai, surely they mustn't have gone so far. I sniffed the air and could smell two nearby. I began to run faster through trees and spotted two familiar figures.
"Tenza!" I exclaim and I saw him turn back and smile at me.
We raced towards each other and the first thing Tenza did was hug me and blush. The girl besides him pouted, "You hug her and not me?"
The criminal pouted I stopped hugging Tenza and turned to the criminal. They seem tiny to be a guy..and doesn't seem like a threat at all. Seems very nice.
"Ah, don't worry! Tenza is a friend of mine. You'll have him don't worry." I smile and see Tenza blushing.
"Don't say those embarrassing things." He sighs and stepped back.
I look at them both and saw they weren't harmed. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, still looking for what we came here. It feels like we've been here forever."
The three of us began walking together hoping to find any clues and trying to not come across demons.
We remained together in the meantime that was until we finally came across, "Shion!" I exclaim finally seeing his tall figure appear.
I ran forward and felt the need to hug him, but it would unprofessional. The last time I hugged him, I hugged him so hard he almost passed out. He did always say I almost an immense strength.
"Shion! It's so great to see you again." I said blushing.
"I knew nothing would happen to you, Master." Tenza said as we all surrounded Shion.
Shion nodded at us both, "Seems like you've been on your own, (Y/N). What happened to your prisoner?"
"He decided to attacks me, so I swiftly killed him before he had the chance to harm me." I inform him and showed no sign that I was scared.
"You've grown to become an exceptional woman, (Y/N)."
Shion praised me! I smiled wide and felt my entire face turn red. "I-I just did as you told me to, nothing more!"
I closed my mouth and we all turned around and remained silent when we felt the air getting heavy, something isn't right. "What's going on?" We remained silent and suddenly a woman appeared before us with bright orange and yellow hair.
One of the denizens.
The woman quickly turned into a man and started to attack Tenza. Tenza began to slice the demons arms, head and eyes out. The four of us beginning to run away when we began to leave the demon behind.
Tenza, Nurugai and I were quickly running ahead since Shion had thrown his sword at the demon and it pierced it leaving it on the floor with the sword onto the tree.
"We're pretty far away." Shion said when we all reunited.
Both Tenza and Nurugai were out of breath. Once Tenza regained his breathing he eagerly turned to the young boy, "Nurugai, now that this guy's here, we'll be okay."
Ouch. I stared silently glaring at him, "Geez thanks, Tenza."
Tenza shivered and began to chuckle awkwardly. "Don't take it as an offense! It's just.. he's more experienced than you."
"A-Anyways, Nurugai! I owe Shion my life, and he taught me how to use a sword.
Tenza received a light smack on the head by Shion's sword. "You were relying too much on your speed, and your movements were sloppy." Shion began to scold Tense for his actions.
"I could hear how lukewarm your lungs were, too. Each strike should be executed carefully." Shion continued to scold and hit his student.
"Nonetheless, I'm glad you're both alive. Last time I saw you both was on the ship."
Tenza rubbed the back of his head still looking at Shion. "Wait a minute, Master. What have you been doing by yourself?"
"After finishing my duties, I tried finding a way back home, but found no current. There's only so much a blind man can do."
Shion said and I watched him begin to take his sword out until he aimed it boy next to Tenzen. "It's your turn to explain. Why are you protecting a criminal? You were told to execute criminals immediately. That's what I did. She tried to seduce me. So I executed her."
I flushed furious and grabbed Shion's arm and began to try and move him back and forth but he wouldn't let go of the sword.
"How dare you let a woman sit on you like that! Was she beautiful?!" I was now rocking him back and forth with Tenza trying to get me to stop but was now protected Nurugai.
Shion didn't seem to mind me continue to try and push him away since he didn't even move. "Care to give me an explanation, Tenza? Depending on your answer I'll execute the order."
Tenza was deep in thought until he began to say and remember when Shion took him in, how he said Tense had the probability to make this a better world and how kid Shion actually is and wouldn't do it.
To that Shion smiled and pulled his sword back. "Yay! We knew you were a good man!" Tenza and I exclaimed with Nurugai looking at us weirdly.
"I knew you had it in you, Master! You were the one to save us from our previous lives after all!" I praise reaching out and grabbing his arm and holding onto him tight.
Shion didn't seem to mind the action so he said nothing.
"If protecting her would threaten the Yamada clan or you…"
Our mouths fell open when Shion said "Her." I glanced back at what I thought was a boy and back at Shion.
"What's wrong?"
"Her? I'm impressed you figured it out." Tenza said, making me smack his back.
"You knew she was a girl and didn't tell me?!"
"I-I thought it was kinda obvious!"
I look back at the now girl and was surprised by my stupidity..how can I be so blind and not realize it?
"Of course I did. I've got a good eye for evaluating people." Shion said smiling to himself. "I'm honestly surprised (Y/N) didn't know about it sooner, considering she was crossdressing back then."
Tenza tilted his head and sigh, "You sure go love making jokes like that, being able to see."
Nurugai in her spot was now embarrassed between both men. "Nice to meet you, Master." She said looking up at Shion.
Shion lowers down to her level. "Nice to meet you, Nurugai. But you needn't call me 'Master' I haven't taught you anything."
"You can call him Master if you'd like!" I exclaim at Nurugai as I wrapped my arms around Shion's arm again. "Shion here will become my future husband!" I said making the young woman smile.
Shion sighed but smiled down at me and patted my head. "Whatever gives you the motivation I guess."
Tenza stood between us and smiled as well. "Okay then! Let's not waste any more time. We have to see how we get back and face that things back there-"
"Don't underestimate me." We all looked back and saw the thing that attacked us. Shion grabbed the three of us and pulled us back further until we were at a safe distance from the demon.
"Master Shion!" I knelt down with me and held onto Shion when we saw blood pouring from his neck.
"Huh? I thought I'd taken his head off. Not bad." The demon said almost bored.
I glared at it when it's in it's female form. I took off my scarf I always had with me and tightly but carefully ties it around Shion, making sure he could still breath and to stop the bleeding.
I remained by Shion's side and looked up to see Tenza taking care of the demon, I've heard about them, Zhú Jin. Tenza began to get deeply hurt with blood quickly covering his uniform, I can't let this happen. I placed my hand against Shion's back and I forced a smile and stared lovingly down at him.
Tenza had been bleeding since the demon continued to attack him, Shion's throat was almost cut where it would've killed him. Zhú Jin continued to hit Tenza many times but it kept on rising back and fighting.
I am determined to kill him.
Forgive me Master. I quickly rose up and began to move forward and I pushed Tenza aside and shouted for him to get back to safety.
"You almost killed my friends just for fun. Prepare to die!" I swung my sword forward and groaned when Zhú Jin seemed to enjoy this.
I watched it move quickly and continued to fight with its hands. I felt a strong pain in my chest and I fell almost to my knees and began to couch, blood came out, my hands began to shake when I saw more blood on them. Am I seriously in danger? Will I die? No, I won't. I promised to continue to live and to marry Shion.
At the same time it had sliced me, it also sliced my sword, easily breaking it in half.
I took out the kunai from my uniform and held onto it, He..she..no they are powerful, very strong but I'll make sure to kill it. I won't let Shion, Tenza or even Nurugai die.
Holding onto the kunai tightly I began to dodge the demons attacks and jump back when it almost hit me again.
"(Y/N)!" I heard Shion and Tenza shouting my name. Nurugai not far ahead wanting to help as well, but she would be easily killed if she were to get in the way.
"I'm close to killing! Don't worry I can handle it." I lied feeling my limbs heavy and growing tired of keeping up with the demon. Zhú Jin continued to bleed heavily but kept on regenerating the wounds.
I've never seen something fight this so strong and faster. A human and a demon, the demon will surely come on top and kill the opponent.
Tears began to form in my eyes as I continued to hold onto my kunai and try to continue standing.
"Quit fighting, (Y/N)! You'll only get yourself killed!" Shion shouted for me.
I forced a smile on my face and now felt the tears flowing down my face. "Then I'll die then, if it means that you and Tenza make it out alive then I'll happily give up my life!"
The demon continued to easily dodge my attacks. I kept on fighting with a smile on my face, remembering the many times Shion and I spent time together with my student and Tenza all together.
I cherished spending every time I had with Shion. Wether he saw me as a friend or not. If I were to someday reincarnate, I wouldn't mind going through the same if it means that I would meet with Shion again.
"Take Tenza and Nurugai with you!."
"(Y/N)!!" I felt bad hearing Shion call out to me, no scream my name. I never him so angry before.
"I'm grateful I got to meet you, Shion." I whisper and I looked over to him and smiled with tears running down my cheeks.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" I heard Shion coming to join me outside once we had finished working for the day.
I enjoyed the sun light and stared up at the beautiful cherry blossoms and felt so peaceful being here, like this with him. I felt a nice breeze and saw the beautiful sakura petals falling down from the trees and onto the ground.
"The cherry blossoms are especially beautiful this season. It's a shame they don't last forever.." I said staring up and smiling staring in complete awe at the flowers.
What wouldn't I give to stay like this forever and enjoy my life with Shion by ourselves.
"Wouldn't it be lovely to get married at a time like this?" I joke knowing he mustn't feel the same for me.
I enjoyed the seasons cool breeze and felt a few sakura petals land on my clothes and hair. I hummed surprised when I felt Shion's hand on my hair, picking up a sakura flowers that fell on me. He moved my hair to the side and placed it above my ear.
"When this is all over. I'll make your dream and wishes come true."
I gasped lightly and stared up to look at Shion smiling down at me with a slight blush across his face, I blushed as well and smiled wide looking at him as I placed my hand above his.
"We'll get married then and have lots of children."
Shion continued to smile as he nodded, "I did swear to myself that I would find and be with you until the very end."
Shion and I held hands until I felt him leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.
I stared at the demon surprised and I felt a sharp sensation inside me, y eyes slowly wandered down to my chest shocked looked at the demon, the being expressionless. The kunai I had saved so dearly, was stabbed right through my heart.
I coughed up blood and began to feel weaker and dizzy. I began to stumble a bit but could feel someone trying to say my name, I looked to the side and smiled at Shion.
Though already defeated I wanted him to know that I would depart this world happy and not scared or sad.
I heard footsteps running away and could see Tenza and Nurugai being taken away from the scene. I finally fell down to my knees and couldn't sense a thing, strange I've received many cuts and had a blade through tm heart but I can't feel a thing.
The being known as Zhú Jin held onto my hair tightly when I fell down to my knees and kept looking down at me, displaying no emotions whatsoever.
I could see his lips moving but couldn't understand what he said. He let go of me making me fall onto my own puddle of blood on the grass. I fell to the side and could feel my body getting cold and numb.
I was now alone. I fell onto my back and stared up at the bright blue sky and it's many beautiful flowers. I know Shion will be alright without me, he's a strong man, despite many years of being lonely and feeling worthless.
Shion was the first man, this person to ever show me kindness and love. The only man who I ever fell in love it. Someday.. we'll meet each other again and no matter happens I'll continue to fight for and with him.
My eyes adjusted to the clear sky and I felt my breathing beginning to slow down, and slowly I wrapped my hands around my necklace, the cold ring resting against my chest.
Don't give up one hope, Shion. I'll continue to protect you just as you did with me. I smiled to myself and slowly felt like I was being embraced by my adoptive parents, their warmth around tm shoulders.
I will continue to love you Shion…until we meet again.
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maegalkarven · 8 months
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AU where Dark Urge didn't loose memories and the events in Moonrise Towers in act 2 went a tag differently. Or very differently.
Fucking everything up in a new, interesting way.
Characters: m!Dark Urge, Enver Gortash, Orin the Red, Ketheric Thorm, Isobel Thorm, Dame Aylin, Wyll Ravengard, Ulder Ravengard (mentioned), Karlach.
m!Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
It was a stupid fucking plan from the very beginning of it.
To go to the Moonrise Towers to – what, confront Ketheric? Confront the Chosen of the God of the Dead?
Nemo knew better than the others what an idiotic idea it was.
But Nightsong already took a flight, and harpers moved to attack – and what was Nemo supposed to do?
He was a wreck, a shadow of his former self, weak as a kitten, clumsy as a newborn owlcub. He was the failed Chosen of Bhaal going to a place what was his demise.
Swooped by the currents of events unfolding, he had no plan.
But again, Nemo was never the plan guy; it was Gortash’s forte, it was his work. He was the brain of their plan, the brain of all of their operations. He thought things through as Nemo sliced around, creating chaos, bringing havoc, painting world in blood.
But it was before. Before Orin took her swing, before Nemo’s once great abilities were reduced to dust, before he became weak. So weak he had to depend on others, so weak he required, no, needed allies.
The voice of Father dull in his head; illithid parasite had to do something with it, had to change the rules the same way it changed them for Astarion.
Funny, before that whole mess Nemo would never put himself and a vampire spawn on the same page. But now? Oh, how alike they were, the spawns of unrelenting cruel force commanding their will, puppets of someone else’s play.
Waking up on nautiloid was akin to waking up from a fewer dream. The Urge...subsided. It was pushed back, held at bay. He was almost alone in his own head, more alone when he ever was with Father’s constant will moving his hands.
But what good did this free will do if he was about to die anyway, probably in the same damn place he died the first time? Would Orin be the one to slice through him one final time?
Nemo was never the one for plans, as clever as he was. Gortash always claimed it drove him mad, for Nemo had all the intellect, but rarely put it to good use.
“You have to exercise your mind the same way you train your body,” his unexpected ally would say. “Otherwise what use is it to you? You, my dear murderer, is capable of much greater things than your father foresees for you.”
These thoughts were atrocious, they were heretical, they were...compelling. Flattering, warming some deep corners of the soul Nemo didn’t know he had.
No wonder lordling ended up luring Nemo into his bed.
No wonder Orin saw her brother’s newfound weakness and used it against him.
Clever little thing, his slaughter-kin, to shift into Gortash to approach him. He was a fool to lower his defenses, of course he was.
He paid for it greatly.
“We’re moving down,” Isobel acknowledged. She, a daughter of a man who turned his back to two gods for her sake. She, the priestess of a goddess Ketheric Thorm forsaken. She, a child brave enough to confront her father.
Nemo hated her before he knew her.
He hated her for the way Ketheric turned the world upside down for her to live; he hated her for how ridiculously loved she was.
She hated her because even after being corrupted by Myrkul’s unholy powers, she still dared to stay unstained. Holy. Good.
He hated her so much his whole body hurt.
She who denied her father��s love, she who had love so selfless, so unconditional-
Father’s love was always conditional. Father’s love was always a leash and never a caress.
Father’s love hurt no matter how much Nemo craved it.
Oh, how he wished he could stifle the light of her life; oh how he wanted to see Ketheric’s face as he would tell him, in every gruesome detail, how his precious daughter died the second time.
How everything Ketheric did, everything he betrayed was for naught.
But Nemo was not what he used to be: he was weak, and Isobel was his advantage in a fight against her father. Her and Nightsong, but Nemo wasn’t even sure if aasimar was alive; the last he saw of her was when Elder Brain dragged the woman down.
Down, down, down-
Down they went.
Nemo didn’t want to go down there. He didn’t want to confront anyone, he wasn’t ready, he wasn’t strong, he-
He wanted to go home.
Home, such a strange concept it is.
Bhaal’s temple was never his home, even if it was the only shelter he has ever known.
No, home was...
Home was a mechanical clicking of devices operating in Gortash’s workshop. Home was the dim light and the huge table covered in papers; the smell of hot iron and smoke, and the man with fingers stained in ink.
The bitter bile rose up his throat at the thought of it.
The Chosen of Bane was never supposed to be his home.
The Chosen of Bane was his enemy.
Nemo has failed his life’s purpose in more ways than he could count.
And yet he wanted to go back; to the security of that place, to the delighted glint in the other man’s eyes, the mad plans, the notes on the table, the open books, the diagrams, the warmth of his skin as Nemo dragged Enver away from his work:
"Rest, you need to rest. It’s unbecoming of you to run yourself ragged like that. Sleep, your machines will not disappear overnight."
The way he struggled, tried to argue as exhaustion overtook his body. The way Lord Enver Gortash, the tyrant in the making, looked vulnerable in front of him in a way, Nemo suspected, he never looked in front of anyone else.
The way Nemo went to bed with him and expected to wake up in a pool of blood, but never did.
Because some part of him resisted Father even then. Some part of him claimed Enver Gortash for himself.
And it cost him greatly.
Nemo wondered if returning to Moonrise Towers could be classified as ‘coming home’.
He wondered if his home would meet him with windows shut and new lock on the door. He wondered how quickly he would be discarded by a man having no use for him anymore.
Turned out, Nemo was a fucking idiot.
It happens faster than it has any right to be; Ketheric spots Isobel, Wyll sees his father, Karlach lurches at Gortash, and Orin...
Orin steps away from the Elder Brain and smiles.
“My poor slaughter-kin,” she coos. “Came back so I could finish what I’ve started, did you not?”
And then the moves.
And fuck, Nemo forgot how fast she is, and he is so out of it, he is but a shell of his former self; his body is weak, feeble, damaged-
Orin knows it. Orin was the one who damaged it in the first place.
Nemo is vaguely aware of Isobel reaching out to Nightsong and freeing her from the bonds, he thinks he hears Gortash trying to reel Orin and Ketheric back in:
“Orin, we haven’t finished, the Brain didn’t receive command yet, come back here- Ketheric, two stones can’t hold it down, we need the third, Ketheric, forget about your daughter, come right here and make yourself useful for a change-“
But Ketheric doesn’t listen. Orin doesn’t listen. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own issues, their own grudges, their own fights. Karlach slices through the undead servant and knocks Gortash into the ground, only to be pushed back by a force of small explosive detonating right into her face. It doesn’t damage her much, but pushes back a significant amount.
“My poor brother,” Orin taints as Nemo tries to dodge one of her slices and comes out short. Blood oozes from the new cut and his murder-kin giggles. “So out of it, so pathetically weak. I did a good job on you, brother dear. But,” another smile, another attack. Nemo barely parries it in time. “I can do better. Father knows I can do better, Father knows you have failed him. He loves you no more, my failure of a brother. He has left you.”
Nemo would love to argue what Father went nowhere, what he still haunts Nemo’s every waking and dreaming moment, what the only thing stopping the God of Murder from consuming his wayward son is the illithid parasite in the bhaalspawn’s brain. But he doesn’t have the time, he doesn’t have the strength, he is failing, and-
The next strike to come is fatal.
Or it would be, if not for a huge tentacle of the brain to come flying out of nowhere.
Sending Orin flying right into the Morphic pool.
To the Brain.
With her stone.
Nemo turns around and meets a bewildered stare of Enver fucking Gortash, the man who just successfully compromised his own plan - their plan - beyond any recovery.
A fool.
Nemo’s blood is so loud in his ears he can barely hear; his heart is throwing itself against the cage of his ribs with a force unbeknown to him before.
He feels elevated, he feels scared, but most of all he feels-
“What the fuck did you do?” he snarls and everything, miraculously, stills. Everyone freezes, staring between them in a mix of surprise and dread.
Everyone feels what something just went very wrong.
“I-“ Enver starts, but Nemo gives him no chance to continue.
“You just threw the Netherstone to the Brain! The Netherstone we use to control the Brain! And you just threw it right at it,” there’s indignation burning in him but also...confusion?
Why? Why would Enver do something like that? Why would he compromise everything? Why would he-
“She was about to kill you,” Gortash seethes. “I saved your life.”
“By dooming everyone and everything in the process,” Nemo shouts back. “By dooming yourself. By the gods, Ketheric, did you see that? How he just- Ruined everything?”
“I did in fact see that,” Ketheric, who is pretty much being held down at the fire point, states. The only thing stopping Nightsong from murdering him here and now is Isobel’s hand on her shoulder. “It was a very stupid thing to do.”
Gortash looks appalled at that.
“I just saved his life!” he repeats like this fixes everything. Like it explains anything. There’s a mad look in his eyes, of a man who just realized what he has done. Then he turns to Nemo. “I saved your life, you ungrateful little-“
“Why?” comes out so quietly it’s barely a whisper.
At first Nemo thinks he asked that, the question was definitely on the tip of his tongue. But no, the voice belongs to Karlach. She rises from the ground, shaken but unhurt.
“I know you; you’re an awful fucking person who only cares for his own well-being. Why would you do something like that,” she gestures at Nemo and Nemo makes a face at her. He knows how he looks, thank you very much. “For him?”
Gortash opens his mouth, hesitates. His eyes dart to Nemo and Nemo meets his gaze with just as inquisitive expression as the one on Karlach’s face.
“Yes, Enver,” he agrees. “Why?”
But Enver never gets to answer, for in that precise moment the waters of the Morphic pool part and a figure crawls out.
A figure of a pale woman with even paler eyes, dressed in red.
She takes a step, then another.
And something is wrong.
Her movements are unsteady; her head dangles as if she’s held up the strings and her eyes-
They’re vacant, her eyes, almost empty. They’re...peaceful, and Orin has never been peaceful in her entire damn life.
Nemo makes the involuntary step forward and is immediately held back by Wyll, who, gods only know how, managed to not only teleport his father right next to Karlach, but also come back to Nemo, and is now holding him firmly by the forearm.
“Don’t,” he whispers into Nemo’s ear. “This is not your sister.”
“Orin?” Nemo calls out regardless, because this is his sister. It has to be.
Orin raises her head and looks straight at him. Then she opens her mouth and speaks:
“Praise the Absolute.”
“By the Nine Hells,” Karlach curses. “She got tadpolled.”
“And she has the stone,” Ketheric is the first one to move, ripping himself out of Nightsong’s grip and stepping forward.
“Well, shit.”
An overwhelming, overbearing horror embraces Nemo.
Orin, his little sister. Orin, his murderer, his torturer.
Orin, the perfect slayer. The puppet of the Absolute.
“Maybe I can use the prism,” he starts. “I can bring her back to her senses.”
“And then what?” Wyll argues and it takes Nemo an embarrassingly long time to realize his friend has already started to pull him away. “She’ll try to kill us on her own volition and not the Brain’s? No.”
“We need to go,” Gortash speaks up. “Quickly, now.”
“There’s no ‘we,’”, Karlach argues. “And ‘we’ are not going anywhere with you.”
“Karlach, now is not the time to argue-“
“You sold me to Zariel-“
“Father?” Isobel calls out. “Father, what are you doing?”
Ketheric unsheathes his sword.
“Atoning,” he speaks. The moves to rip the Netherstone from his armor and throw it at Nemo. Nemo, surprisingly, manages to catch it. “Keep it safe,” the man orders and oh, is this his general voice now? “Keep her safe.”
Nemo doesn’t need to ask who he means by that. Instead he argues.
“I am a murderer, you know that, right?” as if any sane argument would work right now. “A murder incarnate. I do not keep people safe.”
“This time you will,” and this is why Ketheric was so feared and respected; a single hard stare pins Nemo to the ground. “Or I will come back and hunt you down to the end of Toriel. To the end of every known realm, if I have to.”
“Not to interrupt this fine and lovely conversation, but general,” Gortash looks just as puzzled as Nemo feels. “What are you doing again?”
The man has some strength enough to smirk.
“What I should have done long time ago,” he sends Isobel a long, sickeningly loving gaze. “The right thing. Isobel.”
“Father,” the girl’s chin trembles. “Father, I don’t-“
“I love you more than any god could understand,” the old general speaks. “And I will never regret bringing you back, never. But now,” he turns his gaze back and manages to parry the quick, efficient and entirely deadly strike of Bhaal’s unloved daughter. “You have to live. And I...I have to take a stand. Go,” he says. “Go,” he commands. “I will hold her back for as long as I can.”
“The undying against the slayer,” Gortash murmurs as he already sprints towards the elevated platform.
The ground shakes as the Brain breaks out of its bonds, bit by bit, slowly but surely. The wave of psionic energy what comes their way almost knocks them all down.
“Go,” Nemo shouts as he and Wyll teleport closer to the exit. Thank fuck for the teleportation spells. Thank fuck for Wyll.
Karlach all but carries dazed Ravengard away as Dame Aylin takes Isobel in her arms and takes flight.
“Go, go, go!” he repeats as a familiar hand grabs him by the shoulder. Nemo doesn’t have time to think, doesn’t have time to act as he is dragged the remaining way to the platform by no-one but the tyrant himself.
The moment Karlach reaches the platform Wyll hits the control panel and they start to rise. Nemo is afraid it is not fast enough.
From the height of their ascend he sees the undying general fight off the slayer. Two Chosen of Gods against each other.
Even from that far away it is clear Ketheric will fall.
He sacrificed himself. He brought them time.
Down below the illithid colony, amidst the Hell of his own creation, general Ketheric Thorm receives one last, final blow.
Blood oozes out of his wounds, painting the floor red. Above him a woman dressed in red stands; eyes vacant, empty, soulless.
But it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore.
Isobel is safe. And Ketheric...
“Melodia,” he whispers as the last breath leaves his body. “I am coming.”
Somehow he knows she is waiting for him; what she has always waited for him, no matter how far he strayed.
Ketheric Thorm dies peacefully. It feels like falling asleep.
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
Little Devil
Summary: Teddy Shelby is the only one that can make her brothers forget about France, business and time itself
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A/N: just as I wanted to write for Teddy again, because I too miss her at times, sweet anon requested: I’m having a hard day today, can you please write me something with Tommy and Teddy to cheer me up? Maybe the two of them just playing and Teddy being Teddy and Tommy having a hard time with her but secretly loving it too? I adore your writing and you always manage to make me feel better. Xx Aww Anon, I’m sorry you’re having a bad day and I really hope this helps, even just a little. Teddy being Teddy; here we go 😘
Words: 1212
Triumphantly, Teddy stood in the kitchen with her newly stolen treasure burning hot in the pocket of the trousers she was wearing. She tried to hide her glee, but it didn’t quite work. Luckily, her brothers’ attention was elsewhere.
Moments before, she’d been sitting on John’s lap during tea and then spend some time with Tommy as well, but now they needed to talk, so Teddy had been pushed off. Her brothers were discussing business at the table, and she and Finn were allowed to stay in the room, on the one condition they wouldn’t interfere.
“When do we do it, Tom?” Arthur asked.
Tommy replied in a low voice, “Black star day. I’ll tell you when.”
“How about Johnny’s men? He’s got at least a dozen good men...”
“I’ll let you form an army, Arthur, but just remember to trust kin first, then the rest.”
Teddy watched them. She knew what they were planning, or she knew a little about it, and knew it involved the fairs. Tommy had told her, that as soon as she’d turned nine, she’d be old enough to go with them. Just a few more weeks.
“Tommy, we promised them protection...” John continued, looking at the diary and the books at the same time. He seemed worried, but Tommy appeared more relaxed than ever, slouching slightly in his chair, smoking. He had it all in hand.
Teddy watched him and smiled. When she grew up, she wanted to be like Tommy.
Unfortunately, Aunt Polly had other ideas for now, so she entered the kitchen and announced herself with the words, “Time for bed, Teddy!”
“No, it’s not!” Teddy protested, wanting more than anything to just spend a few more minutes with her brothers. They didn’t have to play with her, they didn’t even have to talk to her; she just wanted to be near them when they talked to each other. Now that they were back, that was more than enough.
She shot a pleading look at her brothers, focusing on Arthur, because he was usually the easiest to sway. But Tommy flashed her half a smile when he noticed what she was trying and said, “Listen to your aunt, Teddy. If she tells you it’s time for bed...”
He always was the strictest with her. But Teddy was feeling brave today, so a mischievous look came over her as she told Tommy, “But it’s not yet bedtime! I swear! You can check, Tommy.”
Tommy felt around in his pocket for his pocket watch, but at the end of the delicate chain, he found nothing. For a second, he frowned in confusion. Then he thought about who the best pickpocket in the family was and his eyes were fixed on Teddy once again.
“That little imp,” Arthur growled, following Tommy’s eyes, “She took your watch, didn’t she? I knew she was up to something, looking all bloody innocent back there...”
“Fucking rascal,” John laughed, face full of pride. After all, he’d been the one to teach Teddy how to pick pockets, much to Polly’s dismay.
But Tommy didn’t say a word. He looked at Teddy and she looked at him. Then he held up the empty chain, as if to ask: was it you? And Teddy held up the watch, as if to say: of course it was me, I’m the best thief in Small Heath!
For a second, Tommy lowered his head, and everyone in the kitchen wondered whether he was hiding an impending outburst of fury or a smile. Hard to tell at this point. Then he lifted his head, but his expression remained emotionless.
Tommy motioned with his hand for Teddy to approach him, but when she didn’t, he just couldn’t bring himself to be angry with her. Full of affection, he mumbled, “Little devil...” and then, “Fucking come here!”
Teddy smiled cheekily, recognising the mirth in her brother’s eyes at once, and challenged, “No! You can come here!”
Tommy cleared his throat and sighed, “You have three seconds. Three...”
But his little sister just stuck out her tongue at him.
“Right!” He slammed a hand down on his knee, and got up. Anyone else would’ve been terrified by now, but not Teddy Shelby. She started jumping up and down at the game they were playing and shouted out, “Catch me if you can!”
A big grin spread across Tommy’s face and all of a sudden, he was up and chasing Teddy. The two of them sprinted circles all across the house and betting den, which was now deserted after a long day of work. Then, and only then, would Tommy allow himself to drop the facade of the tough Birmingham gangster and play with his little sister.
“Run, Teddy!” John urged her on, when the two of them passed him by for the third time in a very short time period. He, too, had a big smile on his face and for a moment, it was like France had never happened.
Teddy ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Tommy was quicker, but she was smaller, which meant she could sometimes crawl under tables that he had to go around. Heart racing and panting, she was enjoying every second of this.
Aunt Polly watched them from the bottom of the stairs. Giggles resounded all through the house and an occasional shout of glee from Tommy when he’d almost caught her. “Before France, he used to laugh, a lot.” They all had, and in a way, Teddy was their time capsule, their window into the past, their portal.
“Gotcha!” Tommy growled, as his sister shrieked in his arms. Limbs flying everywhere, he carried Teddy back into the kitchen and loudly demanded in a voice that would make the rest of Birmingham quiver in terror, “Now what did you do with my watch, eh?”
As he was pretending to search for the watch, he tickled Teddy everywhere. Hanging almost upside down in Tommy’s arms, Teddy squeaked, “No, Tom! It’s not there!”
“Oh, right,” Tommy frowned and he moved on and dug a hand into her side, “Maybe in here?”
“Noooo,” Teddy burst out laughing again and tried to protect herself, but it was no use in her brothers’ arms.
“Just tell me where then,” Tommy sighed and switched sides, “Here?”
“NOOOOHOOO,” Teddy protested, until she managed to produce the watch from her trouser pocket herself. She stuffed it into Tommy’s offending hands and he raised his eyebrows in mock innocence, “Should’ve just told me it was there, Teddy.”
Exhausted now after all the fun, Teddy let herself slump down in Tommy’s arms and he held her like she didn’t weigh a thing.
“Say goodnight, boys,” Tommy said when he noticed, “This troublemaker is going to sleep.”
“Quick, John,” Arthur joked, “Check your pockets first!”
And when everyone had wished her goodnight, Tommy carried Teddy up to bed. In the darkness, he couldn’t see, but he could feel her getting heavy in his arms. As gently as he could, he put her sleeping form down on her bed.
Then he securely attached the watch to its chain again and sat back, as a smile crept on his face again, while whispering with all the love he had, “Teddy Shelby, you little devil...”
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thisisarcanereverie · 2 years
Moments (Anakin Skywalker x Reader)
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Hey, so this is my first Star Wars fic! I may get some things wrong with lore and how certain things work, but it's over 14k, filled with lots of fluff, angst, and smut so I don't know what to tell ya! I spent three days plus staying up to finish it so there may be a few mistakes.
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMERS: I don't own Star Wars nor most of these Characters. Master Kin is the only one. the story below contains Major Character death, mentions of torture, grief, smut (oral (fem receiving), hand jobs, nipple play, P in V sex (vanilla at first but the second one is like a twist cone situation), unprotected sex (don't be silly wrap your willy), pregnant sex, dirty talk (and a lot of it) (mainly from Anakin), porn with plot.) Angst, best friends to lovers situation, Anakin Skywalker being a daddy (no I will not apologize), Anakin Skywalker being a SIMP for his wife (reader), Anakin being a burnt out gifted kid with trauma, body worship.
There are moments in a person's life that they will never forget, even as age deteriorates their brain, those moments will remain. 
Anakin Skywalker will always remember the first day he met you.
It was the day he first arrived at Coruscant with Master Qui Gon and at the time his Padawan Obi Wan Kenobi. The sandy haired boy was cold, colder than he had ever been, and he was scared that the Order wouldn’t accept him, but most of all he missed his mother. He missed her warm embraces and her kind smile, he missed the way she brushed his hair away from his face, and her kisses on his forehead, he missed her the only way a child can miss their mother. He was shivering and trying to cover up his sniffles as he tried to be brave. For her. He was so focused on remaining brave that he didn’t register the sound of footsteps headed his way until he saw a pair of boot clad feet stop right in front of him. He looked up and saw you. You were slightly taller than him, perhaps older too, he wasn’t sure, but he did think you looked just like the angels he always dreamt about. 
“Are you cold?” Your voice was soft and kind as your eyes never left his. He nodded and sniffled again, not trusting his voice quite yet, you shrugged off your robe and held it out for him, “here take this.” Anakin hesitated at first, but your kind eyes allowed him to trust you. The fabric was thick and hung heavily off his shoulders. 
“Thank you.” Anakin said as he reached out his hand, “I’m Anakin Skywalker.” 
You accepted his small hand into yours. 
“I’m (Y/n).” 
Anakin replayed that memory every night he was away from you. For the last ten years all he could think about was you. Even when you both resided in the temple he made every attempt to spend as much time with you as he could. But missions were getting longer and becoming more frequent for the both of you so the time you spent together was cutting shorter and shorter as the Separatists were causing more trouble. It had been months since he last saw you, he worried about you while he was away or the other way around. A darker part of him wanted to blame the Council for taking up so much of your time, but he knew it was your duty as well as his. 
“Pack up Anakin,” Obi Wan said, already gathering his things from their camping site, “we’re going back to Coruscant. The mission is over and another is already awaiting us as soon as we arrive.” Anakin couldn’t help but groan as he proceeded to pack up his things as well. 
“Don’t complain Anakin,“ Obi warned as he finished packing waiting for his young padawan to finish packing up himself, “it could be worse.” 
“Oh yeah, how?” Anakin sassed, Obi did his best to hide the smug smile on his face. He was going to wait and surprise Anakin with the news until they got to the temple but decided against it.
“They won’t let Master Kin and his Padawan join us.” 
Anakin whipped his head to look at his Master, finding the relatively young man had no hints of dishonesty anywhere on his face. Excitedly, the young Padawan walked towards his Jedi Mentor. 
“Is it true Obi Wan,” asked Anakin hopefully, “(Y/n) will be joining us?”
“Control yourself my young Padawan,” Obi warned semi seriously, “your friend and her Master will be joining us on a mission regarding a Senator. The sooner we get to Coruscant the sooner we can get the debriefing over with and the more details we’ll have about the mission.” Before Obi Wan had even finished that sentence Anakin had packed up and was ready to go in record time. He was already practically running towards their ship which was still a few miles ahead. 
“C’mon Master!” Anakin exclaimed, “Don’t want to keep the Council waiting!” 
Turns out they were on security detail for Senator Amidala, who was currently having attempts taken on her life. If it was just him and Obi-Wan, Anakin might have complained about how Jedi were above security detail. But since you were joining them, he decided to let it be. 
Anakin waited impatiently in the elevator with Obi-Wan, who by now was getting a little annoyed at the impatience of the man beside him who considers a brother. 
“You seem a little on edge.” Obi Wan observed. Anakin fidgets a little with his dark robes, trying to make himself a little more presentable. 
“Not at all.” He lied. Obi Wan scoffed. 
“I haven’t felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of Gundarks.” Obi wan remarked. Anakin looked at his Master with some laughter. 
“You fell into that nightmare Master,” Anakin laughed, “I rescued you, remember?”
“Oh…yes.” Obi laughed as he remembered that moment. He looked over to Anakin again, and mentally remarked on how well Anakin had grown up. He was taller now, taller than him, his baby face was no more and he had turned into a man, almost overnight. But Obi-Wan’s Padawan still had much to learn, Anakin was still impulsive and emotional. Much like now with small beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. 
“You’re sweating,” Obi wan calmly stated, “relax, take a deep breath.” 
“I haven’t seen her in almost a year, Master,” Anakin excitedly said, “and I haven’t seen Senator Amidala in ten.” From what Anakin could recall, he knew that Padme was a good queen to her people, and alright for a politician. If her plans for the senate went through it would take a load off of the Jedi Order and there would be more time to relax and more time for him to spend with you. 
A knowing smile rested on Obi Wan's face as he could practically read the thoughts going through Anakin’s mind right now. 
The elevator doors opened and they were immediately bombarded by Jar Jar who was thrilled to see them. Jar Jar shook their hands and led them to where you and Padme were currently looking over at the balcony. Anakin swears by the Maker that everytime he sees you, you become lovelier than when he last saw you. The setting sun illuminated you and gave you a sort of halo, while the breeze moved your hair ever slightly. Sunlight suited you well. 
“Mesa palos is here,” Jar Jar announced, “lookie, lookie senator! Desa Jedi arriven!”  
Anakin tears his eyes from you to look at Padme, who indeed was still a beauty. Her brown hair was done up and fine clothes adorned her. But she was nowhere near how beautiful you were to Anakin. 
You and Padme made your way to where Obi Wan and Anakin stood. Obi wan bowed as Anakin still looked at you, trying to contain his excitement at seeing you again. And from the looks of it, you were struggling to do the same as well. 
“It’s a great pleasure to see you again, milady.” Obi Wan greeted Padme and reached out a hand for her to shake. 
“It has been far too long Master Kenobi.” Padme shook his hand and said gracefully before looking over his shoulder to see a familiar mess of sandy hair. 
“Ani?” She asked in astonishment, “my goodness you’ve grown.”
“So have you,” Anakin said, “more beautiful I mean.” His blue eyes dart in your direction. 
“It’s been awhile Anakin.” You say as you reach out a hand, “how was your mission on Anison?” 
He takes your hand, “long and boring I’m afraid.” Anakin would tell you all about it later but for right now there were too many eyes and ears. He couldn’t say as he wished to, he couldn’t be too casual with you, despite how much he wanted to. With the way the group talked and smiled it almost felt like a reunion of sorts, despite the fact that you and Padme had never met before. Before long Obi Wan motioned for the three of you to sit on the couches and discuss business. Anakin knew he should be paying attention, and he was somewhat, but right now he just felt at peace; with you sitting beside him. 
Anakin paced around the sitting room, for the past few weeks he’s not slept well. His dreams were filled of his mother, nothing new there, but now she was in pain; calling out to him but he couldn't reach her. It was a nightmare, at least, that’s what he tried to convince himself. Obi Wan was on patrol duty along with your master, so he was all alone. Or so he thought. 
“You look tired An,” Your voice brings him out of his head and back to where he wants to be. With you. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Angel.” He could see you try to stifle the blush that rose to your face to no avail. 
“If anyone caught you using that nickname they would get the wrong idea.” 
“We wouldn’t want that now do we?” Anakin teased. You decided to join him on the balcony, enjoying the night air for a moment before looking at him the way you used to when you were kids and he had a secret. Anakin sighed before looking back out to the city lights of Coruscant, he knew it was futile to evade your stare. 
“I don’t know why but I keep dreaming about her.” He finally gave in. 
“Your mother?” You asked gently to which he responded with a nod. You held his hand, your thumb
brushing over his knuckles. “Do you want to talk about it?” He shook his head as you told him it was alright, trusting that he would talk to you when he was ready. 
‘I’d much rather dream of you’, Anakin thought as you led him back inside where it was warmer. Knowing that even after ten years he never got used to the cold of this planet. The warmth of your hand and the gentleness of your eyes comforted him in ways you’ll never know. He couldn’t help but think that every time he was apart from you it only felt like he was half a person, but every touch, every kind word, every moment spent in your presence made him whole. You brought out a part of him he never knew he had, just being around you for even a moment was like breathing clean air for the first time. It was addicting. 
However, with every high there comes a low. Anakin would give anything to hold you, to have you in a way that was forbidden by the Jedi Order. Something in Anakin stirred as he thought of how ludicrous that law was, Jedi were encouraged to be compassionate, so why shouldn’t they be encouraged to love as well? Was it that far of a leap that compassion and love weren’t so different. 
“I just put the Senator to bed,” You said breaking him from his thoughts, “her and I discussed this and she came up with the idea to use her as a sort of bait. Luring the assassin into thinking that she is unguarded, I programmed R2 to notify us of an intruder immediately.” 
“It’s a risk.” Anakin said, almost contemplating if it was too much of one. 
“I know,” you said, “but don’t we want to catch the assassin so that she may go about her life?” Your logic was understandable. “With our talents combined we should be able to sense everything that goes on in her room.” 
“That’s true.” Anakin agreed, it’s something he would come up with on his own so of course he would agree. “But our Masters would have our heads if they knew.” 
“They’ll be on patrol for the next half hour I assume,” You said, “an hour and a half if they have a conversation.”
“They do love to talk don’t they?” Anakin mused as he sat on the cerulean sofa and you followed. 
“I believe they love to hear themselves talk.” You both laughed as your masters were prone to giving you both lectures. You soon fall into a comfortable silence, another thing Anakin loved about you. Silence with you never made him uneasy, he never felt the need to fill the silence with useless words. For a while you both just sat there, watching the hover cars zoom past the window, your hand in his. The sound of the opening of the door alerted you as you ripped your hand away from his, Anakin had to fight himself to not grab your hand back. 
The door opened to reveal a dark haired man, who towered over the auburn one. 
“Masters,” you greeted them as Anakin followed suit. Slightly annoyed at them for ruining the moment. 
“(Y/n), why are you not in the Senators room?” Master Kin asked. 
“She claimed she could not sleep while I watched her.” You said swiftly, it was not a whole lie. She truly said she could not sleep with you watching her. 
“Then you should be standing guard outside her door.” Master Kin responded. 
“R2 is programmed to alert us if there is an intruder.” Anakin quickly came to your defense. 
“There are many other ways to kill a Senator.” Obi Wan said, just then uneasiness fell over the group. Sensing something malicious coming from Padme’s room. 
“I sense it too.” Obi Wan said as you all raced to Padme’s room to reveal two worm like creatures slithering over her. Anakin was quick enough to slay them before they bit her, the sudden commotion though led the sleeping beauty to wake up. You quickly note the sound of whirring coming from the window. Before you could even say anything the auburn Jedi Master had hurled himself through the window. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was that his Padawan was impulsive or if it was the Master himself. 
“Anakin!” You exclaimed, “You follow Obi Wan, I'll stay with the Senator.”
The sandy haired man nodded before racing past the scared handmaidens and startled guards to follow his impulsive Master. 
“We are concerned for our Padawans,” Obi wan states as he walks with Master Windu, Master Yoda, and his friend Master Kin, “we don’t believe they’re ready to be given this assignment on their own yet.” 
“I have to agree with Master Obi Wan,” Kin agreed, “they’re both still too young and too impulsive.” 
“The council is confident in their decision Obi Wan,” Yoda dismissively states. 
“They both have exceptional skills.” Master Windu says as Obi and Kin both shared worried glances. 
“Yet they still have much to learn Master.” Kin says, he would never admit it to your face. But he thought of you fondly and didn’t want you hurt.
“Anakin’s skills have made him arrogant,” Obi Wan states, “the need to feed his ego may prove to jeopardize the mission.” 
“A flaw more common among Jedi,” Yoda says before humming in disapproval, “too sure of themselves they are.” his beady green eyes trained on the two Jedi Masters in front of him, “Even the older, more experienced ones.” 
Windu places a hand on Obi Wan’s shoulders, “Remember Obi Wan, if the prophecy is true, your apprentice is the only one who can bring the Force back into balance.” With one last nod Windu and Yoda start to walk away to another Jedi Council meeting. 
“And what of mine?” Kin asks them, “why does (Y/n) need to go as well?”
“Who do you think is going to keep Anakin balanced?” 
It has been well over a week since you and Anakin arrived on Naboo. Strangely enough, you felt like you belonged here. Especially in the lake country where Padme resided. Here she didn’t need much protection so in reality it was much like a vacation for you and Anakin. Every morning you woke up to the sound of the lake and breathed in that clean air, lightly fragranced by the flower gardens nearby. Here it was different. The beds were soft, the air was sweet, and everything was beautiful. You felt at peace here, you noticed, in Naboo you felt calm. 
You looked out at the lake letting your mind wander as you watched the water move. You don’t know when Anakin joined you, but he often did when you looked out at the lake. Much like you he seemed happy here, more relaxed. He still wore his heavy robes while Padme had lent you some of her clothes. Claiming that you didn’t need to be so formal while you were here. You were embarrassed to admit it, but before this you had never worn a dress. At least, not like the one you were wearing now, a soft yellow with embroidery. Your holster for your saber hung off of your waist still, just in case. Your hair hung in a loose half up half down style, just enough to keep your hair from blocking your vision. Every morning here Anakin thanked the Maker, because he had never seen you like this before. He enjoyed seeing you this way, the sun glinting off your exposed shoulders, the way your hair moved freely in the soft breeze, and the small smile that lit up your face. If Anakin had to describe what heaven would look like, this would be it. 
“Do you ever think about having children?”  
Your sudden question threw him off guard, stuttering for just a moment before regaining his composure. He looked out to where your gaze rested on the water, a small family of ducks made its way across the blue river. 
“What do you mean by that?” He asked. 
“I mean,” You stop for a second, biting your lip before continuing, “I don’t know if I could do it.” Anakin looked over at you and saw the sadness in your eyes, one he had never seen before, “the Jedi aren’t supposed to have attachments like love or a family. Yet we are to repopulate, to breed and then abandon the offspring to some orphanage or family until they are old enough for the Council to sense the Midi-Chlorians in them and then rip them away from all they ever knew for training.” tears started forming in your eyes, “it’s cruel.” Anakin held your hand as you wiped away the few tears that escaped your eyes. “I’m sorry I’m just being silly.” You apologized. 
“It’s not silly,” Anakin assured you, “if none of that were in the way. The Jedi Council’s rules about attachments and love, would you want to be a mother?” You pondered that question for a moment, watching as the mother duck tended to her ducklings. You tried to imagine that kind of life. One where you were free to love and to be loved without fear. You smiled as you imagined your hypothetical children running around the lake country. Playing in the water, their messy mops of sandy hair and bright blue eyes like their father who calls you Angel. 
“Yes,” you admit, “yes I would.” and a piece of your heart broke. 
“I don’t like sand,” Anakin admitted, for a moment you wonder what he could be on about. “It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” You laugh a little as he passionately states the last bit. A moment passes as you both look around you, the wind blowing through the trees, the sound of birds happily chirping. It was like a dream, a very happy dream. “Not like here,” Anakin continues, “here everything is soft.” his eyes land on your frame, taking you in. Subtly biting his lip as he just looks at you like a dehydrated man looks at water. “And smooth,” tentatively Anakin’s large hands ghost over the skin of your hands. He gently moves them upward, merely grazing the exposed skin of your shoulders. Leaving goosebumps and electricity in their wake as his touch lingers on the gentle curve of your neck. You look at him, his blue eyes betraying his feelings for you. Meanwhile yours does the same. You don’t quite remember who leaned in first, but you do remember feeling his smile against your lips. You remember he tasted sweet like chocolate and something distinctly him. All of your nerves ignite as you feel him, you feel his touches getting braver as you yourself bring your hands to his face. Your thumbs gently brush the apples of his flushed cheeks and you remarked how soft he felt, how right his lips on yours felt. You silently wished the moment to never end, to live in that one moment forever would be enough. 
But moments don’t last forever. 
Within seconds you forced yourself away, dropping your hands as you moved to put some space between you. Already missing the weight of his arms around you and the soft plush of his lips which were now slightly swollen from your kiss.  
“We can’t do this Anakin,” you tried to say, more to convince you then himself. 
“Why not?” Anakin asked, the tone of his voice almost pained. 
“We both made a commitment to the Order,” You said, again more to yourself than to him, “one not so easily broken.” You looked everywhere except for him yet he was the thing your eyes were drawn to the most. Like a magnet. 
“It doesn’t have to be like that.” Anakin says, “Angel, we don’t have to stay.” 
“I may not,” You laugh bitterly, “but you do.” You take a step back as he took a step towards you, “You are the Chosen One. You have to stay with the Jedi Order to bring balance back to the force. To bring an end to the Sith.” Your heart breaks as you continue to step away from him, “I cannot be the person that takes away the Light's last hope.” You turn away, walking swiftly to a place furthest away from him. To a place where you can cry and hold your breaking heart in peace. Meanwhile Anakin watches you, regretting every moment he does not run after you. 
Things had more or less been normal after, You don’t talk as much to Anakin or him to you. There is this polite distance, and coldness and fear that wasn’t there before. Even Padme noticed it. She had grown quite fond of you both and considered you close friends, so it pained her to see this drastic change in dynamic between you. Padme had asked you once what had happened only for you to dismiss her worries and push her away. When it was clear you weren’t talking, she talks to Anakin. Who told her in detail what had happened. 
Padme had just assumed you both were in a secret relationship of sorts, but hearing all of this through Anakin had proved that while you both may love each other. The situation at hand made it impossible for you both to be together and it broke her heart. While Anakin may not understand why you pushed him away, for Padme it made perfect sense. She tried explaining it to him, that you were just trying to think logically, but nothing was getting through to him. So, in true Amidala fashion, she knew she had to take matters into her own hands. 
She set up a nice dinner, to celebrate the one month anniversary of your arrival to Naboo. There was a nice dinner and candle light, and she made sure you wore a nice dress. That your hair had been braided nicely and that you wore a necklace. Meanwhile she had encouraged Anakin to lose his heavy robes and wear something lighter. 
She ate with you and suggested drinks in the second sitting area. Which was smaller, more intimate. Padme had already lit the fireplace and set candles out. She excused herself early on, insisting that you both finish your drinks without her. 
Silence filled the room, you had not been alone with Anakin since that day all those weeks ago. If you were on Padme duty he was somewhere else, and if he was on Padme duty he knew to avoid the balcony where you stared off at the lake. And on those rare occasions where both of you were off, you avoided each other by staying in your respective rooms. But now here you were, and the other couldn’t be avoided. You were the first to finish your drink but as you were about to excuse yourself, the sound of Anakin’s voice stopped you. 
“You were my first friend within the temple,” Anakin admitted with a slight tremor in his voice, “had it not been for you and Obi Wan I would’ve felt so alone. For these past ten years I have done nothing but love you, with every bit of my heart I do. It is too late to deny it nor do I want to. You are embedded into my soul and you haunt my bones. I do not know how you manage to make me feel both complete bliss and utter agony at the same time but you do. I am tormented day and night by the kiss we shared.” Anakin stands up and makes his way to you, his large hands grasping your shoulders. “You once asked me if I ever wanted children. After that day I tried to imagine what that life would be like. I tried to imagine every other woman but I could not, until I imagined you. Because my thoughts always, always come back to you. I dreamt of a life where you held our child in your arms, where you sang them old Jedi hymns to sleep.” his voice lowers to a whisper as you feel his warm breath ghost over the slope of your neck and sigh as his hands loosen their grip on your shoulders to gently dance across your arms. “Where I held you every night in my arms, or me in yours.” his lips ghost your flushed cheek as your thoughts start to become muddled. “Where I kissed you and you didn’t pull away.” his lips press softly against the underside of your jaw, “and where you loved me too.” 
You pull away enough to look at him, the dim light of the fireplace illuminating his features in golden light and harsh shadows. He looked like a man haunted. Without any more thought or willpower anymore, you grabbed his face and brought his lips to meet yours. Unlike the kiss before at the lake, this one was more confident, more passionate. It was lips, teeth, and tongue. Your hands grope at each other for something, anything, to hang on to. Something more powerful than electricity ran through you as you led him back to the sofa. Gasping lightly as he pulled you on top of him. 
“You make the most beautiful sounds,” Anakin quietly said as he kissed your chin and moved his lips down to the column of your neck, nipping at the pulse. You whimper slightly at the sensation, you breath out breathy moans as his lips continue their assault while your hands try to find purchase anywhere. With each kiss he placed you felt both electrified and greedy for more. You don’t register Anakin lowering the strap of your dress until you feel his plush lips kiss where the strap used to be. 
“An,” You sighed as his lips left your body for just a moment. His eyes met yours, only a thin rim of the blue that you loved remained, holding promises of the night. Neither of you spoke, too afraid of what the other had to say. Instead you lowered the other strap of your dress, you untied the back of the fine garment as well. Letting it fall, leaving you only in the necklace your dear friend gave you. Anakin did the same, undressing before you, stumbling quite a bit as his eyes never left your frame and yours on his. 
You both stood there for a moment, admiring each other. You traced every scar you found on him with love and care, no matter how small. Your fingers danced along his chest and along his shoulders. Admiring how the dim light of the candles and fireplace around you bathed him a soft light. Contouring him to look as though he had been carved by the Maker himself. Meanwhile Anakin was at a loss, he usually had so much to say. But right now he was enveloped by you. In the dim light you looked ethereal, and despite the fact that he had always wanted you; the way your fingers danced along every scar on him, it feels as though you're healing them. Making the scars fade until they are nothing, making him feel new and pure, this has changed his want into a need, a hunger only you can satisfy. He needed you like the very air he breathed, like the ground he stood on and the gravity that kept him there. A moment passes, before his lips descend on yours again. Tasting you, feeling the way you molded together like you were always meant to be. 
His hands no longer ghost as he feels you fully. Lowering you onto the soft carpet below, his lips begin to explore again. Leaving a trail of fire and desire in their wake. The plush of his lips never leave your skin as he trails down, his hands never leaving your skin either. He grips at the fleshy part of your thighs urging them apart slowly as his lips travel further south of your body. Your breathing becomes uneven as he teases you, kissing and nipping the inside of your thighs, fingers toying with the bundle of nerves in between. Pleasure shoots through you and it is both too much and not enough. 
“Anakin,” Your pleading whisper brings him back from his enjoyment as he sees the desperation in your eyes. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he gives in to his desire. You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped from you as his lips made contact with the swollen bundle of nerves he had been previously toying with. He let out a guttural moan as he tasted you on his tongue. Anakin swears he’s never tasted anything so sweet. 
The vibrations of his moans make your arch your back against the plush carpet below you in pleasure as your death grip on the carpet tightens as Anakin continues to worship you. Your chest heaves as his tongue does unimaginable things to do, Your eyes never leave his as you remark in your mind how much he looked like a starving man being served a meal. His eyes only ever leave you to roll back in his head as he closes them to savor the taste of you. Soon enough you feel a knot, a weight really forming in your lower abdomen. You quietly whisper his name repeatedly like a prayer only he could understand. His tongue traces you, tracing the same message on repeat, as you struggle to make it out through your pleasure. 
You let out a silent scream as you feel the knot in you coming undone, but Anakin doesn’t let up on his ministrations, continuing to claim you as your body spasms in prolonged pleasure. It’s borderline painful as Anakin greedily laps up what all you were willing to give. His heart skipped a beat as he felt how slick you became from his tongue alone; by now he was throbbing, begging for some kind of release. 
“Anakin.” You whimpered, despite having your world shaken and taken beneath you, you couldn’t help it. You were selfish, you wanted more of him, as much as he would give in this moment. The sandy haired man kisses his way back to your lips, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. Your hands remove themselves from their death grip on the carpet to cradle his face. Thumbs grazing over his cheek as his hands find your breasts. Massaging them, bringing you pleasure as you feel yourself wanting him more, letting out a soft gasp as his thumbs brush over your pebbled nipple. 
“Anakin,” You whimpered again, wanting more still. Your eyes hold his as you pull away enough to express your needs. 
“I want you Anakin,” you say. 
“Want me to do what Angel,” Anakin murmurs against your lips, “tell me.” your cheeks flush at the nickname he gives you, despite him calling you that before, there was now a new layer to it that wasn’t there before. Or perhaps, that layer had always been there, you just didn’t want to see it. 
“I want you inside me,” you say, “I want you.” Now it was Anakin’s turn to blush at your confession, with one last look he silently asks you if you are sure. For you to respond with a gentle kiss to his lips, so different from those passionate, lust fueled ones from before. It was gentle, and soft and tasted faintly of you. Everytime Anakin thought he couldn’t possibly fall in love with you more, you proved him wrong. He reciprocated the kiss with more enthusiasm as you felt him line himself up. 
You wrap your arms around him as you feel him fill you, slowly, letting you feel every inch of himself. The sensation, although unfamiliar, wasn’t unpleasant. You could feel his force and yours intertwine in a dance of their own as he bottomed out inside you. And as you looked at the man above you, and felt his heart beating against his chest and yours, felt his force with yours. You wondered if this is why Jedi were forbidden to love, because every feel and touch was intoxicating, addicting, and if you had it your way the rest of the galaxy would just disappear. Leaving just this, leaving you and Anakin as one. 
Anakin felt himself tremble as he bit back the urge to ravish you completely, savagely even. You were perfect, you were an angel sent for him, you were everything to him. For ten years now he’s felt cold, like some piece of him was missing and now, as your arms were wrapped around him and your bodies were intertwined; he felt warm, he felt full. 
Slowly he began to move, dragging his cock out of you slowly, letting you feel him retreat before thrusting himself back into you. Anakin had wanted to do this slowly, to make love to you, worship you like the angel you were. However,  each pleasurable sound that came out of you ate away at what self control he had left; not that he had much to begin with.  
Each thrust shot electricity down your spine, you had never felt so full in your life. You were surrounded by him, you could smell the familiar spiced scent of him and taste the saltiness of his skin, you could feel him inside you, hitting that one spot that made you see stars repeatedly and without mercy. You could even feel him in your soul, clawing at you, screaming, letting you know that he was there. And he always will be. 
Anakin let go of your breasts as he laid back on his haunches, helping you up from the plush ground and into his lap. From this angle your chest was pressed against his and his hands gripped the flesh of your ass so tightly you were positive his fingerprints would leave bruises. Reminders, really, of tonight. 
Your hands grip the hair at the back of his head, tugging it, as he pounds up into you. In this position he was impossibly deeper into than before. Tears prick the corners of your eyes as he continuously hits that one spot that makes your back arch and toes curl. You whisper his name, like he was the only thing keeping you tethered down to the ground. You press your forehead against his as he speaks words of encouragement to you. 
“Keep going Angel, you can take it can’t you? I know you can, my beautiful, kind Angel. You’re so perfect, you have no idea how beautiful and perfect you are.” 
His pelvis kept rubbing against your clit, adding to the pressure that settled in your abdomen. Your sweat slicked bodies hanging onto each other for dear life. You were close, you were so close. You just needed One. Little. Push. 
“Cum for me Angel,” Anakin whispered, “let me feel you.” 
And there it was. 
Your vision turned white as your back arched into him, his lips descending on your throat as he kept up his pace. He laid you back down onto the plush carpet as he moved your legs to rest on his forearms. You were pilant as he continued to pound into you. Your walls were still spasming as he drilled into you, chasing his release all the while admiring the blissed out expression on your face. Anakin was close, so close that his entire body felt like it was on fire. 
“Anakin,” You whimpered as you cradled his face,  “cum inside me my love, let me feel you cum inside.” 
He was done for. 
Anakin had one last thrust in him before he felt himself unload deep within you, practically falling on top of you. Both of your chests heaving, his head rested on your chest; listening to the rapid beating of your heart while your fingers found his hair, brushing through the damp, sandy locks, absentmindedly playing with his Padawan braid. And for a while you both laid there, basking in the afterglow, even after he softened in you there he still was. For a minute Anakin thought he could sleep peacefully that night, as long as he could hear your heartbeat and hold you in his arms the bad dreams would go away. 
But it didn’t happen like that. 
Eventually he slipped out of you, and helped you dress as best as he could before practically carrying you to the closest bedroom, his. He wet a washcloth to wash you and himself up before finally laying down with you in his bed. Tomorrow you will talk, you will figure out where to go from there if there was anywhere to go. But for right now you were his, and he was yours. And nothing could ever tear you apart. 
You weren’t sure what to do anymore. 
The morning after that night you woke up to an empty bed, at first your heart had sunk only to see Anakin on the balcony. He told you the dreams he was having weren’t dreams, but visions. That his mother was in danger and calling out to him, that he needed to rescue her. And you weren’t about to let him go off alone, with no back up. So you gathered Padme and a few other guards and made your way to Tatooine. It was very much how Anakin had described it, the heat was hot, sand was everywhere and there were two suns in the sky. 
You both learned that his mother had been freed and married a farmer on the other side of Mos Eisley.
When you both got there, you were met with kind people. Cliegg, Owen, and his girlfriend, Beru. You even got to meet the cyborg that Anakin had built to serve his mother, C3PO. Turns out a month prior the Tuskcan’s had raided the farm and took his mother. Anakin had immediately gone to look for his mother while you stayed behind to watch over Padme. You spent all night pacing outside the farm, waiting anxiously for him, debating on whether or not to look for him. But once the two suns began to rise over the horizon you could see his speeder come into your sight. But the closer he got the more you could feel his anguish and sorrow. You felt a tear prick the corner of your eye as the feeling of his grief overtook you. 
He had been back for all of a few days and had not spoken a word to anyone, not even you. While Owen and Beru were handling the arrangements for her burial, Cliegg did what he could. Meanwhile Anakin had holed himself up in the workshop, fixing old droids and tools. Something you knew he did to take his mind off things. 
You and Padme helped where you could, even making lunch and bringing it down to Anakin. More often than not he didn’t eat, unless it came from you. 
Today you brought him down his lunch while Padme dealt with the clean up. You see the familiar scene of Anakin fixing something, dark circles beneath his eyes, cheeks sunken in as his skin looked pale. Malnourished. 
“I brought you something,” you said gently, setting down the tray beside him. He did not look you in the eyes as he continued to fix the thing in front of him. 
“The shifter broke,” he started, “life seems so much simpler when you’re fixing things.” he took out a few wires before continuing, “I’m good at fixing things, always was.” You hear his voice start to tremble as you gently place your hand on his shoulder. His fingers stop as he grips the metal table in front of him tightly, as you feel his shoulders start to tremble, “but I couldn’t…” he looks at you, for the first time in days you could see how swollen they had become, how bloodshot they were. “Why did she have to die?” He asked with so much venom in his voice it startled you. “Why couldn’t I save her?! I know I could have!” 
“Anakin Skywalker,” You say firmly, bringing your hands to cradle his face, forcing him to look into your eyes, “this is not your fault. There are just some things you can’t control.” You thumbs brush over his tear stained cheeks soothingly, “you are not all powerful.”
“Well I should be!” Anakin exclaimed, removing himself from your touch and you allowed him. He turned his back to you as he fiddled absently with another trinket, “someday I will be.” he paused, “I am the chosen one, and someday I will be powerful enough to put an end to the Sith and bring balance to the Force. Someday, I will become the most powerful Jedi ever!” He turns to look at you, his eyes blazing with an anger and pain you’ve never seen before, “I will be so powerful that I will learn to stop people from dying.” Your heart breaks as you see truly what the expectations of others, including yourself, have done to him. All of this pressure to be great and powerful, to bring balance to the Force. The weight of not just a world, but an entire galaxy hung on his shoulders and has been sitting there since he was 9 years old. It has corroded his self esteem. 
“It’s all Obi Wan’s fault!” Anakin loudly said, “he’s jealous and he’s holding me back!” he threw the trinket he had been toying with at a wall. You knew he didn’t mean what he said, he was hurt and angry and needed someone to blame and right now it’s Obi Wan. But you knew the truth. Anakin considered Obi Wan to be his brother and his father all in one. Closer to him than most. 
However you knew there was more than he was letting on, you’ve felt it since the day he came back. A regret, a darkness tainted his eyes. 
“There’s something else,” you started walking closer to him, “what happened An?”
He explained it all to you, how he slaughtered them all, not just the men but the defenseless women and children as well. How scared he was of himself and the rage he was capable of. By the end of it he regretted ever telling you, fearful of your reaction. Would you hate him now? Did you lose you too?
You surprised him as your arms wrapped around him, telling him that everything was going to be alright. That you weren’t scared of him and how sorry you were for the expectations that were unfairly thrusted upon him. Anakin let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in as his arms wrapped around you too, pressing you to him as he buried his face in your hair. Letting it all out, every choked sob and prayer, begging for a forgiveness not from you but from the Maker. Hoping that he would still deem him worthy of the angel he sent for him. 
That had all been half a week ago, you had buried Anakin’s mother and soon after received a message from Obi Wan who was in trouble in Geonosis. Which according to the map, had only been half a parsec away. Well you both went to save his Master, leaving Padme to her guards and to the Lars family until you returned. Which had been against Council order’s but you were the quickest on the scene, and where better to leave Padme than in the middle of a nowhere planet so close to the action that they wouldn’t even dream of her being so close. 
You were arrogant to believe the rescue mission would have been so easy, having been quickly captured. But in the end, all ended up ok– well as ok as can be. Anakin lost his forearm and was given a scar above his brow by Count Dooku. Meanwhile you have your own new and cool scars from the battle. You both had been given the all clear to escort Padme back to Naboo. It wasn’t until both you and Anakin were in the cockpit alone together that you realized that you haven't had the chance to talk about what happened, before everything went down. It was never the right time, but if anything of this adventure and the adventure yet to come has taught you anything; it’s that you love this man. For all his many faults and his many blessings, you loved him. You do not think you could go on another day without it being said. You knew his feelings for you ran deep, that he loved you just as much as you loved him. 
“Anakin,” you softly call him, he turned on the auto-piolet as he turned to face you. Within seconds your lips descended on his firmly, romantically, with your thumb gracing the edge of his jawline. Before you placed your forehead against his, eyes never leaving him. 
“I love you too.” You confessed as you placed another kiss on his cheek, “I don’t think I could’ve gone another day without telling you that.” You kissed him again fleetingly, “I don’t care if we have to hide it, I don’t care if they kick me out or deal out the heaviest punishment they have. I don’t care, as long as I am with you they can throw their stones.” His hands grip yours as tears prick at his eyes. Anakin gives you the biggest smile as he pulls you in for the most passionate kiss he has ever given you. Leaving you both with flushed cheeks and swollen lips. He pressed his forehead to yours. 
“Will you marry me, my Angel?” He asked, your eyes widen before the biggest smile adorns your face, brightening the cockpit around him. 
“Yes, my love.”
You were married soon after, due to the secret nature of your marriage only trusted friends were there. Padme, 3PO, and R2D2. Padme gave you her white lace dress, with a veil to match. While Anakin wore his signature dark robes, you were married on Naboo and would soon celebrate 3 years together next month.
The Clone Wars took a heavy toll on both you and Anakin, you both graduated and became Jedi Knights/General’s. Your occupations made it hard to find time for each other, let alone for intimacy and yet you made it work. 
You stood worriedly by the gates with all the other politicians. You were worried that the rumors were true, that Anakin had died in battle. You had unconsciously let your hand rest on your stomach, You let out a worried sigh as you knew your time in the Jedi Order was coming to an end, and soon. Due to its early nature you weren’t showing just yet, however, you worried that it was obvious. Like a big arrow was above your head in neon lights. However your fears were soon put to rest as you saw your beautiful Anakin making his way towards the crowd you were in. His hair had grown longer as he grew more muscular, more refined. He truly was a man in his prime. And Anakin couldn’t place it, but you seemed to be glowing as he saw you in the crowd, it was a beautiful glow. 
After making some polite chit chat with a few of the politicians you finally managed to pull him away. With the excuse of escorting him to his chambers to discuss important business. No sooner had you closed and locked the door of his chambers his lips were on you, his hands finding purchase on your hips. He kissed you as though it was the first time, with the same level of love and care. 
“I’ve missed you my Angel.” Anakin breathily said as he pressed his forehead to yours. 
“And I, you, my love.” You said, equally out of breath. For a moment you stayed like that in the silence, you were tense, worried about his reaction. You’ve discussed children before, but that was years ago and you don’t know if his heart had changed. 
“What’s wrong my Angel,” Anakin asked worriedly, “did something happen?” 
“Yes,” you admitted, luring Anakin to sit on the couch as you proceed to tell him, “something did.” 
“Are you ok?” Anakin asked worriedly, his eyes quickly looking over you to see if you were bleeding or if a new scar had appeared, “did someone hurt you?”
“No, quite the opposite.” You say, taking a deep breath before ripping the bandaid off, “I’m leaving the Jedi Order.” 
“You’re what?” Anakin asked shocked, “why?” He was already planning the disappearance of anyone in the Order who may have displeased you enough for you to turn in your resignation.
“Because I don’t want our children born in the Order.” 
“Cause you don’t want ou-” Anakin started to say before his eyes widened, almost comically, “o-our uh our children?” He repeated as you nodded trying hard to stifle the giggles erupting from you, “does this mean?” You nodded again. A moment passes after that, a very long moment before Anakin's eyes were full of tears and a smile lit up his face as he gently placed his hand over your stomach. His children…You were carrying his children. 
“When did you find out?” He asked, feeling the force was already strong with them. 
“A couple days ago.” You confessed. “I’m about two months in.” 
“So that means-” Anakin trails off knowing conception must have happened the night before he left. 
“Yeah,” you said, knowing where his train of thought was. You played with the ends of his hair as he continues to digest. “I’ve saved up enough credits to buy a small home in the lake country on Naboo. I was going to buy it so that we could have a place to get away every once in a while, escape from the council and their watchful eyes. But plans have changed, and I want to have our children on Naboo, where we made our vows.” The small home was beautiful, nowhere near what you stayed in while residing with Padme, but it felt like home. It was shaded by the tall trees, and flowers bloomed everywhere. The soil was good for planting vegetables, and the market wasn’t far away. Just a few miles walk, and Padme lived close by. The home had a deck where you could sit and watch the waves and overall it was perfect. You were already in the process of buying it when you made your discovery. 
 “I-I’ve got to tell the Council about my resignation.” Anakin says already getting up to inform them when you grabbed your hand to stop him. 
“No,” you said hurriedly, “not yet anyway.” You lead him back to sit on the couch as you join him. “I will go on ahead and set up for the baby, you are too close to catching Grievous and this mysterious Sith Lord to pack it all in now. Do what you can, I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done.” His head leans on your shoulder as he sighs deeply. 
“Must I?” he asks, “couldn’t I just stop, leave and be with my loving wife who is carrying the product of our love.” 
“I want nothing more than for you to give it all up,” you confessed, “but we have to think about the safety of the Galaxy our child we grow up in. If we give it all up now, how safe will they be?” Maker, Anakin hated it when you were right. He kissed your shoulder as he understood what he had to do, it was his duty not only as a Jedi, or as the Chosen One, but as a father. 
You both sat there a while, letting his hand gently rub over your stomach as he just let himself be happy for one moment. 
True to his word Anakin went into overtime, researching every corrupt politician and sleeping only what was necessary to function. Determined to take care of Grievous and the Sith before your child was born. You kept him updated from Naboo, telling him how the baby’s room was coming along, telling him how much you loved him and how much you feel the baby loves him too. You decided to keep the fact that you were carrying twins a secret as a surprise when he came home. 
The Council did not handle your resignation well, all but calling you selfish for leaving the Order at such a desperate time. But you didn’t care about the Council’s reaction, but the sight of your former Master with the look of betrayal and disbelief in his eyes shook you. Kin was not the most affectionate Master in the Order. But he was kind in his own way, he had been the only father you’ve ever known. Sadness filled you as your Master did not say one word the entire time. You hoped one day, when all was said and done, that he would forgive you, and that you would see him again. 
After you handed in your Jedi robes, you debated on giving up your saber. You held the ornate handle, fingers tracing it’s markings delicately. On one hand you knew you should, to symbolize that you gave up on the Jedi way completely. But you also knew that the galaxy was dangerous, now more than ever, and it would be wise to keep it if not for protection. After giving up your robes and other things that signified your affiliation with the Order you gathered your things and left. 
You traveled to Naboo and immediately got to work, at first you struggled, never having a space all your own before. Even your room at the temple belonged to the Order so you struggled with decorating it and making it feel like a home. But Padme, who had been your biggest supporter since the beginning of your marriage with Anakin, helped. She taught you how to shop, not just for the necessities, but for things that hold no purpose than just to please you. Even going as far as to pay for it herself. You tried telling her it was too much but she insisted. Claiming that it was the least she could do for you and her godchildren.  
Soon enough the little house you had bought turned into a beautiful home. It had three bedrooms, one for you and Anakin, one for the twins, and an extra one for when they got older and they wanted a room on their own. Yours and Anakin’s was a decent size, with a closet and a dresser big enough for the two of you. The bed was soft and big, big enough for the both of you. You had filled it with only soft things, like flowers and carpets. The sheets were in a traditional Naboo pattern, as a picture of you and Anakin that you had kept carefully hidden at the temple sat on your nightstand. 
The baby’s room held two cribs, they were both made of the trees surrounding your home and safe for them a few toys and yellow blankets. Above the cribs were mobiles that Anakin had made and sent over with Padme when she last visited Coruscant, wanting to at least contribute that to the baby’s room. They were beautiful and colorful. Beads of blue and green hunt off of them as tiny planets scattered amongst the blue and green. But right in the middle you recognized two figurines, one was of Anakin and he was holding you. You wept for 2 hours after receiving them. 
You didn’t sleep much despite how cozy your new home had become, you couldn’t help it. You missed him, but most of all you worried for him. You worried that you were holding him back from his destiny, his dreams of being the most powerful Jedi that had ever lived;  but you also worried about the dark side in him, you knew that the stronger the force is the stronger the pull to the dark side. He was conceived by the Force, his Midi Chlorian count was greater than Master Yoda’s, if he would turn to the dark side all would be lost. 
During one of your talks Anakin had admitted that his dreams were getting worse. He dreamt of fire, of you dying in childbirth and he worried about what it meant. If it was true. You wished you could hold him, but all you could do was assure him that it wasn’t true. 
“You’re getting closer to finding the Sith,” you said to him, “the Sith lie my love, they can implant visions and manipulate you to lead you down a path that leads to the darkside. They manipulate and give false promises, the fact that they can do it to you while you sleep in the temple can only mean one thing.” Anakin’s eyes widened. 
“They must be close.” Anakin whispered. Even though you both had always been chaotic in your own way. Your logic was outstanding, leading him to an important piece of the puzzle. 
“Exactly,” you smiled, “guard your mind. Reinforce your mental barriers and be wary. I promise you, everything will be alright.” 
“But what if this isn’t the Sith,” Anakin asked worriedly, “I’m sure the Sith didn’t implant those visions of my mother all those years ago.” You were silent, your face deep in thought as you replayed what happened three years ago. Anakin had been receiving those visions a few days prior to her abduction, but something about her abduction never settled right with you. Why her, you understood that the Tusken’s raided and kidnapped people all the time. But they usually held them for ransom, not for torture. Your eyes widened a small bit as you came to the conclusion that this Sith had been playing the long game, skillfully and tactfully luring the chosen one to the dark side. 
“What,” Anakin asked concerned, “what is it.” 
“I never understood why what happened to your mother unsettled me so.” You started, “but now I do.” You took a deep breath as you searched for the words to tell him, “You once told me the Tuskan’s were savages, that they believed that everyone else were trespassers and were to pay them a toll.” Anakin nodded, remembering telling you that, “that they killed.” Another nod, “An,” you started slowly, “are they known to torture their victims? Even prolonging their torture for longer than a few days?” 
It felt like the world stopped for Anakin. He thought about that day at least once everyday, but not once did he ask himself why. The Tusken’s just raided and killed, sometimes they held hostages but not for long, most certainly never a month. That wasn’t like the Tusken’s at all, because torturing an innocent woman didn’t benefit them. All at once Anakin understood what you were trying to tell him, and anger rushed in his veins. His eyes narrowed at the ground under him. He took a few deep breaths, careful not to show you his anger, he didn’t want to worry you. His blue eyes looked up from the ground, his shoulders tense as he strained against acting out. 
“I wish you were here,” Anakin admitted rubbing his hand over his face, “I only talked with you for a few minutes and already you’ve made things clearer. I just…I just wish I could hold you.” You wished the same thing, wanting nothing more than to hold him and try to keep him together. But if you went to him now, everything you worked so hard for would go to waste. Your swollen stomach would give everything away. You’ve risked everything for this, for a life with him. But as you see the man you love shaking, you remember the commitment you made to him the day you became husband and wife. Even in secret you would love him and be there for him. 
As the call ended you were already packing, all would be fine if you managed to sneak into the temple without being seen. 
There was a little hidden entry way you and Anakin would use when you were both young Padawan’s, often to sneak out of a lesson. You were surprised that you were able to fit through it. 
You used the damp and dusty entry, took the first left and then a right where you knew you would be at an abandoned wing of the temple. It wasn’t too far from the meditation rooms, where most of your lessons were held. You were sure to keep the large cloak on your body with the hood up, covering your face. Hoping that would be enough to conceal you until you got to Anakin’s room. The Jedi Knight living quarters were a five minute walk from where you were and Anakin’s room was on the far end of the living quarters. You made sure to use caution as you moved through the halls, keeping your heart calm and moving like you belonged there. Soon enough you had moved through the hallways undetected, or so you thought. Just as you were about to enter Anakin’s room you heard footsteps, your eyes teared a little as you recognized their footsteps. 
“Anakin,” Kin had said, “the meeting is abo-” You turned around, carefully hiding your bump in your cloak. Letting your former Master see your face for the first time since you had announced your departure from the Order. Your heart broke a little as you saw the bags that had started to form under his dark eyes. His frame was slimmer and his dark hair now a dark gray. 
“Master,” You greeted slightly above a whisper. Kin continued to look at you for a second before turning his head both ways before ushering you inside. Making sure to lock the door behind him. 
“Did anyone see you?” He asked worriedly, it wasn’t that former Jedi’s weren’t welcome back to the temple, but it did rouse suspicion when they were sneaking into a current Jedi’s room. 
“You taught me better than to get caught.” You said, you saw his shoulders sag in relief. For a moment there was silence. 
“I have a question to ask you,” he said, still facing the door, “and please, do this kindness for your former Master and answer it truthfully.” You nodded behind him, “Why did you leave the Order?” You didn’t know how to answer without lying, taking your continued silence he spoke further, “You were well on your way to becoming a Master. You were talented and smart and you could have been on the Council in record time. Yet you left, it is a Master’s greatest sorrow to see his Padawan, someone that he has trained and raised, waste their potential.” Your silence ensued, guilt consuming you for your silence. Moments pass by, one by one until Kin speaks again. “Is it your feelings for Anakin that you left the Order?” He turned around to look at you, your eyes widened as his dark eyes give off a knowing look. 
“I know the look of love well,” Kin revealed, “I too once had that look in my eyes.” he sighed as he continued, “but he and I were on two different paths. We could not be together as we wished so it was better to leave it alone. Let those feelings fade with the memory of each other.” He gave a small smile, “I do think about him sometimes though, in my loneliest moments.” He looked at you for another moment, “you and he would’ve gotten along.” He placed a hand on your shoulder, tears pricked your eyes as you saw your former master reveal more of himself. Trusting you with the knowledge that he too, had broken the code and fallen in love. Then, for the first time in your life without a life or death situation, you hugged your master. You wrapped your arms around him and cried, at first he stiffened. Your Master was not the affectionate sort, or at least, you thought he wasn’t as his arms tentatively wrap around you as well. 
“How long have you known?” You asked as you let go of him. 
“Long enough.” He said, “but you didn’t answer my question little one, why did you leave the order?” he asked quizzically, “did he hurt you? Was it the pressure of a secret love? What happened? You can tell me, you’re safe.” You wiped the few tears that snuck past your eyes off with the sleeve of your cloak before finally removing it. His eyes widened as he saw your stomach. You were about five and a half months. Swollen enough to be noticeable but easily concealed with a large cloak. There was a moment, before Kin looked at you in the eyes very intensely. 
“Does Anakin know?” 
“Yes.” You responded. 
“Is this the reason why you left?” he asked, you nodded, “how did he handle the news?” You saw his hand inch over to his saber on his belt, you laughed a little as you felt Kin’s thoughts. 
“He was more excited than I was,” You responded, grabbing your master’s hand, “so there’s no need to turn to the dark side so quickly.”
“Not today then,” he muttered as you motioned for you to sit on one of the crates. With little difficulty you managed to sit, with Kin taking a seat in front of you. You informed him of your life after the Order, how you were settled on Naboo, close friends with Padme (his nose scrunched a little at the thought of you being friends with a politician). You told him of Naboo’s beauty and invited him to visit anytime he wished to. You both talked as you waited for Anakin to arrive. 
It wasn’t until sun down that Anakin arrived in his room. The Council meeting had run into overtime without Master Kin to give his say in things. He was tired, and angry, and wanted nothing more than to sleep in your arms. Anakin arrived at his door when he sensed two people inside, his hand gripped his saber as he opened the door. Ready to attack in case, however he was surprised at the sight of Master Kin but that was nothing compared to the sight of you. Without the blurriness of the video feed he could see you fully and clearly, it took everything in him not to run to you, hold you against his chest and never let go. 
“An,” you said, getting up from the crate instinctively Anakin rushed to help you up. Grabbing your hand in his and supporting your back, rubbing soothing circles into it. 
“I’ll just see myself out,” Kin said, getting up himself and walking over to the door, “I won’t tell a soul you’re here, you have my word.” he promised before finally leaving you alone with your husband who by now was very confused. 
A few moments pass before Anakin envelops you in an embrace, careful of the obvious bump. “I missed you my Angel.” 
“I missed you as well my love.” You say as you remain in his arms, “after our call last night I had to see you.” 
“I’m glad you did,” Anakin said pulling away enough to press your forehead against his, “but it’s-”
“Risky,” you finished his sentence, “I know.” You press your lips against his cheek, “but I made a vow to you. Even in secret I would love you, that I would stay by you throughout all tribulations of our lives; and right now you are going through one. I need you and you need me, that’s all there is to that.” You motioned toward the regular sized bed, “lay with me my love.” Anakin follows you and helps you lay down before joining you. You feel the familiar coarse fabric of the blanket and the firmness of the mattress below, it reminds you of your Jedi days, although you had stopped being a Jedi only a few months ago; it felt like a lifetime. 
Anakin rested his dark sandy hair on your chest, you wrapped your arms around him, playing with the strands freely while he played with your unoccupied hand. 
“I promise you,” Anakin starts, “once the General Grevious is dealt with, and once the Sith are dealt with I will get you a ring, one you can wear proudly and publically.” He kisses each finger tip, his lips traveling upward, to the crook of your arm and all the way to your shoulder. Just mere minutes ago he was tired and wanting, but now with you here. He was starving now as well, it had been so long since he got to be with you so intimately. Even now as you hold him in your arms, he craves more. He needs to feel you, to know that you are real. 
“My love,” you whisper as his lips reach the curve of your neck, his lips biting and sucking, leaving an obvious mark on you. Seeing the red splotch form had him turn feral, you no longer needed to hide his mark on you with high collars and makeup. His plush lips crash onto yours as you both moan, his hands ghosting up your baby bump and to your breast. Even as your breasts are protected over clothing, the mere touch of him alone has made you desperate. 
“My love,” you whisper again, sitting up and taking his face in your hands. His eyes were dark with lust as he craved you more, “my love,” you whispered again trying (and failing) to hold in the whiny whimper that threatened to escape you as your husband's large, rough hands continued to massage your larger breasts. “I need you.” 
“I need you as well,” he said as he leaned in for a kiss, only to be stopped. Your eyes held a look he was unfamiliar with. 
“I need you to listen to me,” you stated unsure about how to go about this. You were always a certain body type, and the last time Anakin had seen your body it was when your pregnancy was in its early stages. You were worried about how he was going to react, now that stretch marks littered almost every inch of your body. Your stomach and breasts most of all, some local women in the Naboo market had sold you a cream to help the stretch marks, but some days you were just too tired. “I’m not like I was the last time we made love.” 
“I know,” Anakin said, taking his hand away from your breast and gently resting it on your abdomen, “you’re carrying life my Angel, and no matter what form you take.” He gently rubs your stomach as he grabs one hand from his face, kissing your fingers, “you could be seven feet,” he kisses your palm, “or a gundark,” he kisses the pulse point of your wrist his lips lingering there, “or even a man,” he nips at the pulse, exciting you, “I will always want to be with you.” His lips were on yours as you moaned, “will you have me, my Angel?” 
“Yes,” you say immediately, you both stood up, each other’s lips never leaving the other. You undressed him, cursing how many layers he wore. You roughly pulled at the belt wrapped around him, urging it to come undone. After months without his touch you often found yourself with a hand between your thighs, imagining it was your husband's fingers instead of yours. Anakin thought he was starving, well, you were ravenous. You bit his lips and suckled on his lower lip as he let out a moan. Meanwhile Anakin was taking his time undressing you, as though you were fragile. And while you loved that side of him, right now you needed him on you or in you. 
Once undressed you fought the urge to hide yourself. Anakin stared at you, his face giving nothing away as you were silently hoping he hadn’t changed his mind. After a few minutes of him staring you go to gather your clothes, only for your clothes to be ripped away from you. 
“I was going to go easy on you,” Anakin whispered hotly against the shell of your ear, wrapping his muscular arms around you to grab your breasts tightly, toying with your hardened nipples; nearly making your knees buckle, “I was going to massage your entire body, worship you like the angel you are.” He kisses the back of your neck, sending tingles down your spine, “then I was going to eat your pretty pussy out, have you beg for my cock in you again,” his arms left your breast to rub over your belly, “beg me to make you pregnant again.” You're practically shaking as his hands roam over your body, pregnancy hormones making your body more sensitive than before. Already feeling your arousal drip down your legs, “and I will do all that,” you feel his hardened length against you, grinding into your ass, “later. Right now I need to be inside you, I need to have you wrapped around me because if I don’t I feel like I might die.” You moan as you reach for him behind you, stroking his hard length, the head already dripping precum, you heard him groan and moan into your ear as his hands traveled south, where you needed him most. Collecting your slick, rubbing your sensitive, engorged clit. You let out a silent cry as you hold onto the wall of muscle behind you for stability. “You’re already so wet for me my Angel, have you missed me Angel?” You nodded frantically as he drew lazy circles around your clit, “have you thought of me often?”
“Yes,” you moan, “I thought of you everyday.” his circles become tighter, “I touched myself thinking of you,” you pump his cock faster now causing him to groan, “I thought about you eating me out and your cock inside me,” you fail to hold back the moan that falls from your lips as he lightly smacks your clit. “Oh my god please fuck me.” You felt him chuckle slowly before he asked, “how?” you knew he was asking which position would be better for you, and it warmed your heart to know that even in this moment when you both want nothing more than for the other to fuck you, that he still thought about you and what made you feel better. 
“Bend me over,” you said, leaning over so you were on your hands and knees over the bed. Spread out and waiting for him, if Anakin had to wait one more second he was going to explode. He lined himself up with your entrance and buried himself in you with one slick stroke. Grabbing your hips to pull your ass flush against him, giving you a second to adjust as he tried not to cum immediately. 
“Maker, you feel like heaven,” he moaned, “could’ve sworn you were made for me Angel.”  
And at that he began thrusting, pulling out, letting you feel every drag of his cock before he slammed it back in. Causing you to scream in pleasure, dropping to your elbows and grabbing his pillow to try to stifle your cries of pleasure. Tears streamed down your face as he just felt so damned good. Your nippled brush against the kinda rough fabric of his blanket, the idea of him going feral over how your ass jiggled with each hard thrust of his hip, he hit your most sensitive spot over and over and over. Oh maker, you were about to cum. 
“Anakin,” you moaned, “Anakin I’m so close oh my, please right there don’t stop!” 
“C’mon Angel,” He lowly growled in your ear smacking your ass, “be a good girl and cum for me.” 
At that your body shook as you just experienced heaven and hell at the same time. Your orgasm ripped through you so violently that you couldn't see which was up or down. 
Meanwhile Anakin thrusted harshly a few more times before finally finishing inside, his body on fire as he realized how addicted you both had become to each other. 
Anakin pulled out of you slowly, cleaning you up with the spare towel he kept close by. Wiping you and then himself before settling you on your side before sliding in next to you, his hands gently rubbing your stomach. 
“Maker, I hope this kid is durable because we are definitely doing that again.” 
You breathlessly laugh as you turn around to face him, fingers trailing his jawline. 
“You mean children.” 
Anakin had meant what he said, that night he had made love to you 3 times, ripping four orgasms from you before finally settling down for the night. You both didn’t wake until at least noon. You supposed you had your Master to thank, must have made an excuse for you both to sleep in. You tried to get up as you felt the delicious ache between your thighs, you smiled vaguely at it. A reminder of last night. 
You both quickly washed and ate after that, he snuck in food from the hall in order to feed you. And then you both got to work, settling quickly into business mode. 
Your main concern right now was the Sith, because you were positive that Grievous was working with the Sith if not for. While Anakin was focused on vengeance. 
You both knew the Sith lord had to be close to the Order, either directly or indirectly, that they had to have some power or influence beyond their Sith title. Meaning that they were either a Jedi or part of the Senate. Considering that they would have to be physically close to Anakin to implant visions and mess with his mind and to spy on him. 
You had a list but it needed to be smaller. Possible suspects were Yoda, Windu, Palpatine, and Obi Wan. 
Obi Wan’s name was almost immediately crossed out by Anakin. 
“He’s too much of a kiss up to the Council to be against them” Anakin had said as he crossed Obi’s name out. 
“What would Yoda have to benefit from a system he practically shaped?” You asked as you crossed Yoda’s name off. 
Finally only two remained, Master Windu; second only to Yoda in terms of power and skill. And Palpatine, the charismatic Chancellor who was elected into office thirteen years ago before the Clone Wars began. 
Both of your brains were fried, and having to pee every five seconds was getting in the way of progress. You were frustrated, and just tired. Eventually you both just laid in bed, holding each other. He was rubbing soothing circles on your back when suddenly he shot out of bed. 
“It’s Palpatine,” he said as he crossed Windu’s name off the list. You sat straight up as you looked in his eyes, widened and crazed. “Palpatine is the Sith.” 
“How do you know that?” You asked. 
“Just a feeling.” He said darkly, “a very strong feeling.” You nodded, seeing it check out. Something about the chancellor always threw you off anyways. 
“Alright,” You said, believing him, “now what do we do.” 
“We show everyone.” Anakin said, “we show everyone who he is.” 
Anakin's plan had worked beautifully, with your help he had managed to record every interaction between him and Palpatine. Working information out of him was easier than Anakin thought, but it turns out that when people think you believe them they’ll say anything. 
They quickly got Grievous's location and substantial evidence of him being Sith. 
However, Anakin would not turn all this evidence in. 
Not until he avenged his mother. 
So there he was, surrounded by fire and Palpatine shooting lightning out of his hands. Struggling between the light and the dark. Feeling a strong pull to both, even with Palpatine’s deformed face leering at him as he was on his knees, physically beaten. He couldn’t help but itch towards his lightsaber, wondering if Sith blood taints a Kyber crystal. The galaxy would be better for it, no more Sith. 
“Do it!” Sidious hissed with a cracked smile on his lips, “strike me down in anger and become what you were always meant to be…Darth Vader!” For a moment he felt your signature, he looked back around and saw you, only you. You were sending him a message through the force. 
“You are Anakin Skywalker,” you eyes pleaded with him, “you are from Tatooine, you grew up around coarse sand and two suns. You had a loving mother, who loved you so much and you loved her. You are not made of the same cloth as him, you are made out of something better, something softer. You are made of love, you love and give without any greed because you know what it’s like to have nothing. You love with your whole soul, never any less. You love Obi Wan Kenobi, your Master, your brother, your father, your best friend. You had loved me since we were children, and I, you. I am sorry that the galaxy has only shown you a fraction of that love in return. But there are people who love you unconditionally. You are Anakin Skywalker, and only you can defeat the Sith.” 
You hoped he got your message, and by the tears in blue eyes you can see the yellow fade, as your heart skipped a beat. 
Anakin smiled at you before turning to face the Sith on his knees, a confused and terrified look on his face. 
“I am Anakin Skywalker,” he raised his saber, “I strike you down in the name of peace and balance in the Force.” and with that Sidious was no more, he was well and truly dead. You ran to Anakin who had opened his arms to catch you. Burying his face in your hair, inhaling your scent as finally the weight on his shoulders lifted. 
“Time to go home.” 
“My love, have you seen your daughter?!” You asked loudy pretending not to notice the small shoes peeking out underneath the curtain and ignoring the soft giggles of her laughter. It has been 7 years since Anakin defeated the Sith, he captured Grievous soon after. Anakin provided the necessary evidence in order to justify what he had done, Yoda and Windu wanted to make him a Master and join their Council but were quickly astounded as he refused the offer and instead handed in his resignation claiming his time with the Jedi was now over. 
Obi Wan found out why shortly after as Anakin invited him to Naboo for a visit only to be met with you and Anakin in domestic bliss with your very round stomach. 
When you first moved into the small house and had it all decorated you never understood why it didn’t feel like home. Not until Anakin came home, seeing him in the living room, and bedrooms, seeing him add his own touches made it truly feel like home. 
Obi Wan and Kin often dropped by, both of them already fighting over who the “grand-master” was and who got to be the first to babysit. Padme had heard all about your adventure. Needless to say you would rather face Gundarks naked then be on the receiving end of her wrath again.
Soon after it all was settled you gave birth to the twins, Leia Shimi Skywalker and Luke Benjamin Skywalker. You didn’t know much about your biological parents, only that their names were Leia and Luke, and since you were naming them after yours, you and Anakin decided their middle names should be his. His mother and the closest thing he ever had for a father. 
Obi Wan couldn’t hold Luke without crying for a few hours.
After the first time he held Luke, Obi Wan hugged Anakin and said softly. “You are my brother Anakin, I love you.” you could see your blue eyed husband hold back a few tears as he returned the hug. 
“I love you too Obi Wan.”  
While Leia looked after her kind grandmother Shimi, she was basically Anakin in a small girl’s body. The amount of sass she contained in her small frame astounded you, but it warmed your heart to see how wrapped Anakin was around her small finger. Always had been, ever since she took her first breath. 
Meanwhile Luke was kinder, he looked just like Anakin with his tufts of sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. However, he seemed to have gotten most of his personality from you and from Padme who often came around and that the twins referred to as “Auntie Padme.”. 
Life was happy as you chased your rambunctious twins through the house, laughing and squealing as Anakin lifted them both in his arms and pressed a loving kiss to your lips. 
Sometimes you would ask Anakin if he was happy, if he regretted rejecting the position of Master, something he had always wanted. 
He would always respond with a kiss to your forehead, and then your closed eyelid, your nose, your flushed cheeks until finally settling on your lips. Whispering, “If I woke up tomorrow in my bed on Tatooine, nine years old with my mother knowing what I know now. I wouldn’t do one thing differently, I would choose this every.single.time.” 
So years go by, and you remember the moments that lead you to where you are now. All the heartbreak and sorrow, all the hiding and secrets, and all the happy moments that followed after. You realized that these moments would stick with you for as long as you live. Each and every one. 
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Semifinal
Eldacar of Gondor vs One (1) Rivendell elf who sings tra-la-la-lally
Eldacar of Gondor:
The twenty-first King of Gondor, also known as Vinitharya. During his reign the conflict known as the Kin-strife occurred and he was forced from his throne for ten years.
The blorbo of all time actually. He’s the protagonist of one of the most interesting stories in the LoTR appendices, the Kin-strife, and everything about his life story is so fascinating! His father was the crown prince of Gondor and his mother was the princess of Rhovanion so not a Númenorean. As a result all the racist nobles of Gondor made noises about how Eldacar was of “lesser race” and wouldn’t live as long as a “true Dúnadan”. One of the most fascinating examples of fantasy racism in Tolkien’s works imo – the bigotry is awful but the bigots have a shield to hide behind! Obviously their concerns are actually valid because they just don’t want their king to die young! (Their concerns aren’t valid. But I think the worldbuilding here is great.) Anyway Eldacar was born in Rhovanion and given the birth-name Vinitharya, but when he returned to Gondor aged five he was obliged to take up the Quenya name Eldacar, presumably to pacify all the racists in Gondor. He’s the EMBODIMENT of mixed-race/immigrant child trauma my beloved. Eventually his father died and he ascended to the throne of Gondor, but then his shitty second cousin Castamir (all my homies hate Castamir he’s the worst) started the civil war known as the Kin-strife and usurped Eldacar’s throne. Eldacar was forced to flee north to Rhovanion but Castamir captured his eldest son Ornendil and had him cruelly put to death which is SO SAD. But Eldacar, being brave and resourceful and clever and extremely cool, put together an alliance with his mother’s kinsfolk in Rhovanion and after ten years reclaimed his throne, which turned out to be slightly easier than expected because Castamir was The Worst and all his subjects hated him. And Eldacar PERSONALLY fought and killed Castamir HIMSELF and AVENGED HIS SON which is extremely important when you consider all the cringefail elves in the legendarium whose quests for revenge didn’t really go anywhere at all. Then he lived to be 235 proving that all the idiot racists who were worried about his lifespan didn’t have any idea what they were talking about, as is par for the course with racists. Also the Kin-strife itself has such far-reaching consequences for the history of Gondor! The Corsairs of Umbar, Gondor’s long-standing enemies, are actually followers of the descendants of Castamir. And during the Usurpation of Castamir Osgiliath was sacked and burned, leading to the beginning of its decline as Gondor’s greatest city. Even though Eldacar’s story is, to me, ultimately hopeful, it’s also such a fascinating turning point in the history of Gondor. Also ALSO he’s explicitly surrounded by textual ghosts which is really fascinating. His father Valacar has “children” plural – so Eldacar had siblings!! What were they like? How did they react to it all? And his son Aldamir is described as Eldacar’s second son and third child, meaning that he had a daughter too. Who was she?? What happened to her? He’s such a blorbo and there’s so much interesting stuff to dig into around him and he has to win this entire tournament please please please❤️
One (1) Rivendell elf who sings tra-la-la-lally:
One of the Elves of Rivendell who sing tra-la-la-lally in The Hobbit.
This one specific elf sings tra la la lally with the rest but he is slightly off key and the other elves bully him for it
they’re SILLY!!! We need NEED more silly elves!! Like who are these weirdos just hanging out in the trees of Rivendell? Did they know the dwarves were coming and gather their friends to specifically climb those trees to sing nonsense at them? Do they just normally sit there and sing about every little thing they see? Is this a traditional Rivendell thing or are those elves just really strange? I’m obsessed with them they’re everything to me. Elves are oft portrayed as being Too Serious in this fandom and silly elves need rights too! Silly elf rights!!!!
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munson-mayhem · 1 year
This is the Prologue to the story
This is part 1
And part 2
I’ve never tried to link anything before so If this doesn’t work out I’ll keep trying !
Part 3
We all jolt and look around trying to find the source of the scream when all eyes focus on Ronal, she’s panting and clutching her baby bum and it all seems to click at once. Most of the group is frozen possibly in shock but I jump up ready to help I see Kiri and Tsireya jump up also. When we look at each other it’s me who speaks.
“Shit it’s the baby ! Kiri Tsireya go get the Marui ready. Tonowari can you carry her ?”
We’re all about to start running to help but Ronal grunts out a “No , we won’t have time the baby is coming now I trained you three for this you can do it.”
The three of us girls that were trained by her lock eyes and walk to each other we take each others hands and take a few deep breaths without thinking about it we all speak at once
“Get her into the water” and we break apart all going to complete different tasks.
I walk over to Ao’nung he’s stressed you can see it on his face so I take his face in my hands
“Be calm we will take good care of your mother we’ve been training for this. Trust me ok. I need your help though I need you to go get your mother’s birthing kit from the Marui.” I tell him while running my thumb across his face, I lightly brush his lower lip. He nods taking on a look of brave determination then he takes hold of my hand and kisses my palm and takes off running into the village. Kiri sends Jake and Neytiri to go inform the village and let them know that we would update them when there was news. And lastly Tsireya stayed by her mothers side helping her with breathing as Tonowari carried his mate into the water.
Many hours had passed, we had long since sent everyone away at Ronal’s command including her mate the beach was filled with sounds of her struggles. We were all sure that the entire village could hear from the other side of the island. Tsireya focused on keeping her mother calm and directing her through breathing, Kiri focused on the spiritual aspects, and I delivered the babe.
The entire beach seemed to fall into a deafening silence for only a few seconds before I hear the babe in my arms start to cry.
Ronal looks up at me out of breath and very clearly exhausted.
“ Tsireya and Kiri will escort me to my family’s Marui and make final preparations for the little one to join us there. You dearest Y/N should take my new son to his father and tell the Clan all is well. “ she huffs out at us
We all nod and begin to move. The babe seems to quiet down as I walk with him. I cradle the baby boy into my arms and begin walking to the main part of the village where meetings are held, I can see the whole clan as I approach and they all turn to look at me as I walk to the middle where Tonowari and Ao’nung are standing, my family is off to the side. I stop in front of my clan leader and hold out his son to him he takes him happily and I begin to speak.
“The Tsahik is well she is recovering and the girls are helping Finnish up preparations for the babe at your Marui.”
The entire clan gathers around to sneak a peak of the new babe. In all the chaos Ao’nung moves to my side and discreetly takes my hand holding it in his and squeezes, I squeeze his hand back and smile without looking at him but I know he can see me at the angle he’s facing. Tonowari finishes up talking with the clan and makes his way over to us he smiles and hands Ao’nung his baby brother.
Ao’nung is silent for a few moments but a large grin breaks out on his face and he laughs
“He’s cute ……. But not as cute as me” he says while chuckling. Father and son laugh together and it takes a second but I giggle too and that soon turns into a full laugh with them.
When I finally stop laughing I look up and Ao’nung is staring at me and I turn away feeling my face heat up. Our attention is drawn to Tonowari when he asks
“Will you two care for him for an hour or two, I wish to see your mother and make sure she’s well rested.”
Before I can agree Ao’nung answers for us both
“Of course father we’d be happy to” as he says this he looks at me and we smile at each other.
We’ve been walking around for only about 20 minutes when the baby starts to cry, Ao’nung tries a few different thing to get him to stop but nothing is really working. I walk in front of him and start leading him to the beach
“Follow me I have an idea” I tell him as we walk. Once we get to my hiding spot on the far side of the island I walk about until the water is about half way to my knee it’s warm and gentle. I make my way to where I see a few rocks so we can lean against them but before I can sit down I hear Ao’nungs voice
“ can you take the baby for a second I have an idea”
“Of course” I reply to him as I reach out to take the crying baby. When I have the baby securely in my arms Ao’nung walks to one of the bigger rocks and sits with his back leaning against the rocks his knees bent and open he smiles
“Sit here and lean your back on me the rocks hurt” he says as he invites me over
“O..ok” I mutter feeling my face warm once again.
It takes a little bit of coordinating between us but once I’m finally sitting I lean back and feel his warm chest on my back. His arms wrap around mine as we lower the baby into my lap so there’s just a little water on his back and legs. It doesn’t even take a full minute before he stopped crying. Ao’nung and I both sigh in relief and when I do I lay my head back onto his shoulder and look at the stars.
“My mother was from the stars she was a sky person in the Avatar program with Jake, my father was Tsu’tey he was supposed to mate with Neytiri before everything with Jake happened. In the final fight they rode together as brothers he died there and my mother she died giving birth to me. When I was born Neteyam was only a few months older than me so we practically got raised together always exploring or going on an adventure and when the others were born we started acting as their protectors. We had to stick together many excepted us as Na’vi but before Lo’ak was born there were a few who didn’t they would tell me I was a demon sky person like my mother and that’s why no one would ever love me, that that’s why everyone around me always dies. I had never believed it…… not until Neteyam died” I paused to take a breath before I spoke again “ that day that I kicked you in the face here on the beach it’s when I realized that I wanted to keep living to be happy again and and keep his memory alive by living” a few tears slid down my face as I turned my head to look at Ao’nung he was look at me too. I take a deep breath this time “there’s something I need to tell you” I hesitate for a split second but push on because I know if I don’t say this now I never will I look into his eyes and whisper “ I see you and I love you” the second I say it his lips are on mine.
We kiss for what seems like forever and at the same time not long enough but it comes to an abrupt end when we hear a giggle. Looking down we see his little brother staring at us and giggling. Laughing along with the baby Ao’nung moves his arms so his hand is resting just below my navel and leans forward to whisper in my ear.
“ we could have one of our own you know”
I can hear the smirk on his face as my own turns flushed and hot.
I jerk forward as he chuckles
“Ao’nung you Skxawng shut up ! Don’t joke about that” I scoff at him.
“I’m not joking” he answers with a grin.
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