did y'all know about hase*, the giant pink bunny that the italian art collective gelitin made & installed on a hillside in the alps?
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it measured 200 feet long & 20 feet high, took five years to make out of wool & hay, & was placed in 2005. over time it became sunbleached, the fabric increasingly thin and ragged; by 2016, it was almost completely worn away. its page on atlas obscura lists the work as "permanently closed"
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more from elephant.art: while it stood (or lay), some visitors used the bunny's body as a ski jump
*this linked page is distinct from a lot of the collective's other projects, which are adventurous in a way probably considered not safe for work, or for the people reading over your shoulder on public transit
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smartfox · 8 months
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Photo: Iris Ranzinger
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venusincollapse · 2 years
Infelizmente, nem sempre estamos apaixonados. Ou talvez, felizmente, não estejamos apaixonados o tempo todo. Estar apaixonado é ótimo. Então, tentamos nos apaixonar de novo e de novo. Não um no outro, mas no trabalho que temos em mente, no qual estamos trabalhando atualmente. Apaixonado por e pela arte. Claro, os espectadores de arte também podem se apaixonar. É disso que se trata, na melhor das hipóteses. Estar apaixonado ou ser perturbado, é isso que você quer. Muitas vezes estou apaixonado. Minha primeira lembrança de estar apaixonado foi um lenço e depois um pequeno pedaço de grama. Quando eu era adolescente, me apaixonei por uma garota da lua. No momento estou apaixonado pela ideia de uma pia.
Leider sind wir nicht ständig verliebt. Oder vielleicht besser zum Glück sind wir nicht ständig verliebt. Verliebt sein ist sehr toll. Also versuchen wir uns immer wieder zu verlieben. Nicht ineinander, aber in die Arbeit, die wir als nächstes vorhaben, an der wir momentan arbeiten. Verliebt in und durch die Kunst. Klar können sich Kunstbetrachter auch verlieben. Darum geht es doch im besten Fall. Entweder verliebt sein oder verstört sein, das will man doch. Ich bin oft verliebt. Meine erste Verliebtheitserinnerung war ein Taschentuch und dann ein kleines stück Wiese. In meiner Pubertät habe ich mich in ein Mondmädchen verliebt. Im Moment bin ich in die Idee eines Waschbeckens verliebt.
Larissa Kikol 2021
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sarah-lyse · 8 months
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Gelitin, "HASE" Artesina (Italy), 2005
On a hilltop in the romantic mountainous Piedmonte region of northern Italy, on Colletto Fava, just above the village of Artesina lies a sculpture, which is of such a daunting scale and childish nature, that it seems it can only have been conceived by a twisted mind. Ears nibbled off, stuffing exploding from a body covered with mangy fur, eyes missing - here are all the destructive signs a stuffed animal suffers under the affection and physical abuse of its infant owner. Love can be destructive.
Rabbit (2005), a gigantic pink cuddly toy made primarily of straw and wool, is the work of the artist group, Gelitin. It's so big that one begins to get an idea of how small and insignificant a Liliputian must have felt next to Gulliver. According to the legend, dozens of grannies knitted one ton of wool into the rabbit's skin, contributing to a work, which is to remain on site for 20 years - and left to rot. Its decay was programmed into the rabbit from its conception - it was essentially born a corpse:
With mouth wide open as if in horror, one eye plucked out, and intestines pouring out of its body, it seems to have died a cruel death, like an animal flattened on a road run over by a car. In spite of this, it receives unconditional affection - or maybe just because of this: love also heals all wounds. Like a place of pil-grimage, the rabbit attracts hoards of tourists from all over the world. Some visit the rabbit, much like the three Holy Kings who travelled to welcome Christ - to worship and observe it for hours on end. -Text by Monte Packham
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chopstickasian · 10 months
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newworldnextweek · 1 year
The B-Thing, prophetic works and Chile’s 9/11 + this day in history w/the first Secretary of the Treasury and our song of the day by Tony Bennett & Ray Charles on your #MorningMonarchy for September 11, 2023.
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scintillulae · 1 year
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happyheidi · 1 year
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Hase, the 200-foot rabbit that was hand-knit in 2005 by an art group in Vienna called Gelitin.
They wanted people to climb on it and explore it; even to rest on its soft belly. They said that the rabbit was meant to look as though it dropped from the sky.
Hase was biodegradable and expected to last until 2025
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garadinervi · 4 months
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Painting: Now and Forever, Part II, Greene Naftali Gallery / Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, NY, July 3 – August 15, 2008
Feat.: Kai Althoff, Cosima von Bonin, Merlin Carpenter, Mathew Cerletty, Wojciech Fangor, Katharina Fritsch, Gelitin, Isa Genzken, Poul Gernes, Daan van Golden, Jack Goldstein, Rodney Graham, Wade Guyton, Richard Hawkins, Mary Heilmann, Sophie von Hellermann, Charline von Heyl, Ull Hohn, Sergej Jensen, Mike Kelley, Ellsworth Kelly, Karen Kilimnik, Martin Kippenberger, Michael Krebber, William Leavitt, Michel Majerus, Bjarne Melgaard, Laura Owens, Blinky Palermo, Stephen Prina, R.H. Quaytman, Ugo Rondinone, Paul Sharits, Josh Smith, Reena Spaulings, Lily van der Stokker, Atsuko Tanaka, Paul Thek, Anne Truitt, Kelley Walker, Christopher Wool, and Katharina Wulff
Art: © Josh Smith
Organized on the tenth anniversary of the show Painting: Now and Forever, Part I, held at the Pat Hearn Gallery and Matthew Marks Gallery
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Plasticine on plate (two-part)
IM Kinsky
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jaguarmen99 · 11 months
180万ユーロ(約2億9000万円)かけて設置された噴水は、左派社民党所属のミヒャエル・ルートビヒ(Michael Ludwig)氏が市長を務めるウィーン市が発注したもの。先月24日の落成式には、アレクサンダー・ファンデアベレン(Alexander Van der Bellen)大統領が出席した。  水盤の周りに人のような形をした彫像33体が輪になって座っているデザインを手掛けたのは、挑発的な作風で知られるウィーンを拠点に活動するアーティスト集団「ジェラティン(Gelitin)」。審査によって選ばれた。彫像は大切な資源である「水に対する地域社会の責任」を象徴している。  あるインターネットユーザーは、これまで見た中で「最も醜い噴水」だと批判。像の一部がミシュランマン(Michelin Man)のようだとけなす声もある。
2.9億円の「醜い」噴水に批判殺到 ウィーン 写真9枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
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rozieramati · 2 years
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key's famous predebut social media selfie (around 2006?)
"tantamounter", by art collective Gelitin (2005)
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cosmicanger · 11 months
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Gelitin, Hase, giant knitted rabbit installed hillside in the Piedmont region of Italy, 2005
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othersystems · 2 years
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Gelitin – Hase, Artesina (Italy), 2005
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artistsonthelam · 1 year
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Checked out two Chicago Architecture Biennial Kick-off Programs today: The preview of Gelitin’s Democratic Sculpture 7 (a giant pizza guests stick their heads through to make the toppings) at the Chicago Cultural Center before it goes on exhibition at the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society Sept. 23-Jan. 12 + The in-progress installation of ITECH’s HygroShell (a research project that explores a new kind of bio-based and bio-inspired architecture) at the James R. Thompson Center (second slide here). CAB 5 opens this November!
[Edit: Thank you for RTing me, Do312 and CAB, and thank you for sharing my photo on Instagram, CAB!]
// (c) Jenny Lam 2023
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