#gem sea gaint
deerlightfulartist · 2 years
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to anyone who sees this, qustion for you! do you tend to get slomp stomp or gem sea whale and for after the ship do you get glowshroom grotto or red hot rollercoaster?
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imperiuswrecked · 7 years
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DOOM and NAMOR the best Frenemyship in Marvel:
Ok people here we go: I am a big Subby fan and if you are a Namor the Sub-Mariner fan then you will eventually end up being a Doom fan (usually) just for the sheer awesomeness of things that happen when these two dorks are brought together. 
Case in Point: Gaint Size Super-Villian Team Up (1975) I am going to narrate what went on in my head as I read this GEM of a comic:
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We begin with Doom falling into the ocean for reasons (no one really cares why) where he is floating about nearly dead when suddenly…
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Namor pops out and says: Its a damn good thing I was out here driving around in my Sub-Mariner submarine and came just in time to save his sorry ass…
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Namor: Oh shit he is going to die well let me put him into my electric machine and see if that helps. I’m just gonna zap him back to life with a billion volts and freaking pray that it works…
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Namor: Oh shit it fucking worked! He’s ALIVEEEEEE!
Doom: Fuck yeah I lived bitch I’m freaking Doom! Hold up a sec I freaking hate your fishstick butt, don’t you remember I betrayed you?
Me: DOOM he just freaking saved your life and you’re gonna be like ‘remember when I tried to kill you’? What the hell dude.
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Namor: Whatever bitch I don’t have time for backstories. Want to team up and take over the world and destroy some shit?
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Doom: Hold up a minute I need to think about this…
(Cue flashback music)…
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Back when Namor was running around New York in his underwear just bitching about his luck…
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Some stupid kid is like: Wow! Namor is being all dramatic right under my window. Just let me lean all the way out and oh shit I’m falling to my death!
Namor: I got you kid! Don’t worry I just saved your skull from being cracked open
Kid: Thanks Dad! 
Me: Why are you calling him dad? What is going on in that head of yours kid?
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Namor: Well I just did a good deed. I’m good for the year just don’t betray me kid
Kid: I swear never to betray you!
Kid literally rounds the corner where army guys like to hang out apparently and fucking betrays Namor in like one second. Fuck you kid Namor should have let you die.
Namor kicks army butt and runs off since he is weak and can’t fly for more reasons that I’m not going into now and ends up at Doom’s house…
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Where Doom is like: Welcome I’m gonna shoot lasers and shit at you 
Namor: What the Fuck man? Really?!
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Doom: It was just a test to make sure you can handle being my friend
Namor: Don’t you rember the last last time we worked together you fucking betrayed me then too!
Doom: Whatever Bitch its in the past let’s team up and destroy some shit!
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Here is a panel of Doom seducing Namor to get him to agree to doing EVIL…
Me: Doom just admit you like Namor (wink wink)
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Namor: FUCK this shit! I just want some water man
Doom: Come onnnn it will be fun! Here let’s drink some wine together and be partners…
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Namor: No I don’t wanna! 
Doom: Well fuck you don’t have to be so damn rude. Shit man that was uncalled for…
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Namor: I just want some FUCKING WATER!
Doom: Damn son, fine I’ll get you your stupid water…
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Doom: Evil henchmen I want you to shut off all the fucking water! Hide all that H20. I dont want that asshole to have any fucking water.
Henchman: Even the Ice cubes?
Doom: Especially the fucking Ice cubes! Every last one! Let him choke on air!
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Doom goes back to Namor and is like: Give me your Atlantean Army and I’ll give you some fucking water you ungrateful little sea slug!
Namor: Go to HELL! You can have my army over my dead body!
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They procede to bitch slap the hell out of each other and Namor destroys Doom’s statue then Doom calls his evil Henchmen to help out. To which Namor is like fuck this I’m out and he tries to escape Doom’s House of Horror…
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Of course he is trapped and get caught since he is so weak without water but then Namor is like well if I’m going down I’m taking all of you jerks with me and sets the house on fire…
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Doom is shrieking to put out the fire and his henchmen are like: we can’t we don’t have any freaking water!!!
Luckily there is a fire truck right outside and they hose down Namor with water and Namor is like: FUCK YEAH!
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He gets the hell out of there before Doom can catch him in a net or something and the flashback ends and now we are back in the present day…
(Ends flashback music)
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Doom is still thinking but he eventually says: Nah that jerk broke my statue so…
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They fight AGAIN and Namor is like: DOOOM stop choking me we are going to crash into one of my underwater buildings and dieeeee!
Me: NAMOR! YOU CAN FREAKING BREATHE UNDERWATER! The only one in danger of drowning if the submarine sinks is Doom. 
He escapes by pressing a button and makes it safely to the surface where he pops out of the waves like a majestic mermaid cloak billowing in the wind…
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Namor is pissed but eventually is like: Whatever I dont need you but if you still want to team up then we can do that in the future…
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Not to worry folks cause they are best Frenemies and in the next issue Doom shows up and is like…
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Doom: Did you miss me bitch?
That’s it people this is the reason I love these two idiots so much. There is no world ending crisis, no alien invasion, no huge fight deciding what is wrong or right. Just two Drama Queens trying to decide whether or not they want to work together or punch each other. Much like many of our school assigned project partners they evenutally end up betraying each other. Doom and Namor the BEST FRENEMY SHIP IN MARVEL.
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