#glowshroom grotto
latetothegames · 2 years
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wickedsick · 5 months
Daily SDV- Day 103
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Kinda wandered around aimlessly today. Fishing, milking, harvesting...
Losing Junimo Kart in Glowshroom Grotto...
not much!
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pandoramusicbox · 2 years
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Drowcember part 3
ok so these are
ok so here's prompt & , flora, fauna, and fungi. so here's me testing out some of the ideas for plants and fungi along with drawings of the three animals that represent the  three different cities. here's what some of the 
Prompt , flora and fauna- lots of flora and fauna can be found in the caves of the underground, all of the plants and mushrooms I showed here are edible and often used and eaten in the in the cities of the underworld. - Sivin Bloom; grows near the surface, it blooms white to golden and then will grow a sweet golden berry  - Rensustall antenna mushroom - Broad leaf mushroom - stick twal - Underworld orchid - inkling lantern mushroom - ink drop glowshroom -stoopospors -lusmoss -Pomber  -dinsm berries -drip leaves - top duster Fauna wise I drew the three animals that are the symbols of the different cites: the symbol of orai’ral, the dual Millapede symbol of Elgar, the cavern bats symbol of black chowl, the black cowled spider. 
Prompt 7, lgbtq+ here we have  a bit of a messy picture it shows two lgbtq cuples. the first (on the left) is a historical couple, one of the two brothers that established the dark fauth as what they are today, Calvive and his husband who is actually the founder of the black scorpion den, and is a Robin Hood like legendary figure in his own right. they are both legendary figures on their own, but their love story is a tale involving pirates, kidnapping, a darling rescue from a tower and a bunch of shenanigans. the other less exiting love story is That of lillygaurd the mayor of cavern bat city and her laquiam girlfriend. they just are a lovely and quiet couple with no intense story around them, but that's the way these two lesbians like it. - other things also in that photograph are a drawing of the lush caves.. still thinking about copying a bit of Minecraft's homework... and part of a sideways map of the continent of O’sten. the part of the map that has no labels on it what so ever is the one where most of these cave systems that make up the under world is located.
Prompt , some one else’s drow, so originally I was not intending on doing this prompt, mostly because the dark fauth are only baised on drow and are not drow in and of themselves in the dnd sense of the word, most of them are not even elves. But at some point or another that changed because I made some loose scetches of what other cities are like from some of the other designs floating around on the drowcember tag. So pictures 3&4 from left to right, here’s credit to who gave the inspiration for the design:
1. Dragon fish city, inspired by the elegant and flowing artwork of @j--mno-art​. The moon crescent coat on thier oc xaston is so fun. As for the what I decided on for the people of the dragon fish city
- weird genetics as they accept anyone that needs a place.
- fashion tastes are the closest aligned with that of the taste of the surface world of that region.
- often wear familial tattoos or make up.
- lots and lots of pirates
- worship of the moons are commonplace
-live in a grotto by the sea so have easy access to the ocean and surface
2. The blood spot millipede, inspired by the rigged and delicate design of @linaswalaf their art is so technically excellent and the red and grey color schemes prevent in a lot of the drowcember art was so pleasant. I just adored the overall aesthetic that thier drow art had. As for the bloodspot millipedes, the city is called Teri
- fuzzy ears are common as there is a good deal of troll blood in their ancestry.
- are cavern dwellers and do not venture near the surface unless nessesary
- known to be excellent scholars and jewelers as they mine a lot of precious materials
- despite not going up to the surface often they have extensive trade with the surface world.
- well infamous as relentless and absolutely brutal warriors
- weavers of kelper cloth.
3. The black scorpions, inspired by the drow of @eaglewind13 the colorful drawings of hers was a delight to see. But this design was most heavily inspired from the family day prompt, so the information
- simple genetics, an interesting thing about the city of the black scorpion is that most of its citizens are not permanent residents. Instead a lot of the people of the city will travel around the surface world and then hide out in the city come winter or due to other circumstances
- grey extremities, because of the rather migratory nature of a lot of the cities citizens the magic radiation that has changed the appearance of the people of the other cities has not been able to as effective in the people of black scorpion, though people who’s family has been in and out of the city for generations tend to have grey fingers, toes, hands, legs, or freckles and thier hair tends to be pale or purple in color.
- they interact a lot with the surface world and the underworld
- den of thieves, the city is full of thieves and robbers who use it as their hide out from the law of the surface, the “other circumstances” mentioned earlier. The city can be a bit chaotic.
-they make some strong booze.
- large cape like coats are common so that no one is aware of what you are carrying. Along with spikes on shoes to help access and climb walls of the cave. Also honor among thieves and all that, there’s unofficial rules a person needs to follow in order to get to stay in the city as a hide out.
4. The violet visage spider, this one is inspired most hevely on the normal dnd idea of the drow. All the good all the bad. It’s that one city that the other cities tell you to avoid if you are traveling the underworld. (The inspiration for the design in this one is the same as the ghost spider so I’ll get to that later)
- eugenics, awful, but let’s go with it. So for this city they are very particular on what kind of people are welcome to live here, and much more selective on who can have a family. Raquesasha, vickor, the few eyes of the region, the allets, troll blooded and so on and so forth are not allowed, and if they are they live in very specific areas of the city and surrounding villages (they got dibs on the largest cave in the know underworld)
-dark/grey skin. They have a few very set looks.
-spider worship, so I’m thinking that backstory wise the reason that these people are down here is because they were a really big cult that had some views that didn’t mesh well with the popular religion and opinion of the surface world and the violet visage moved to the underworld as a result
-matriarchy. And a really controlling and violent one. So what I’m thinking is that there is a bunch of family house and that they are in constant competition with each other and such to rule over the largest swafts of city territory. Basic but workable.
- sexist hiarchy, why not let’s throw all the bad tropes in here, slavery why not, badly treated harems, shure. I can play it straight but I might try to do something different with them even so. But for now the violet visage spiders are the closest dark fauth to Dnd drow. At least those imaged in the 80s-2010s
5. Ghost spider city, the city is called elisk and is actually the oldest parts of the idea regarding the dark fauth, a group of people who lived in the caves of the continent of O’sten and have a relation ship with large spiders called ghost spiders, at some point someone commented on how they where like dnd drow and I decided to embrace the idea. Now I also stumbled upon the ideas of @fantasy-anatomy-analyst and her (?) blog by a comparison of her(?) drow to the drow of mainline dnd. And I have to say the monkey like drow are so neat and cool. Unfortunately the picture I drew for the inspiration I was taking is too close to the reference image for my liking. So apologies about that, I’m trying to make them more distinct so it’s less of a copy than it is inspiration.
-oldest of the underworld tribes, they and the silver centipedes are the decedents of the people who lived in the underworld before the two brothers claimed it as a place of the forgotten and forsaken.
-have the most adaptations to the caves as they have live here the longest, including motion sensitive whiskers/eyebrows and a keen sense of hearing, also their hair can glow slightly in the dark. Slightly short on average.
- cultivate spider silk, and some of it glows (because that is so cool)
- respectful to elders, matriarchal mothers, lots of sibling rivalry, some different gender roles and identities than those of the surface world.
- wear clan markings, either painted on or as tattoos.
Prompt 19, exploration, some bat cavern people exploring some tunnels Prompt 27 nobility. here's the different current leaders of the cities    lillygaurd is the youthful  leader of the cavern bats. youthful and youthful she's in her mid 30s, got a girlfriend and a city to be concerned about. she was a well known zordezoth in her youth, (zordezoths are robin hood or Zorro like figure, they are called Zozoths for short.) she was elected into her position    ilnor, the hereditary leader of the black chowl caverns, she was chosen from a group of cannidents by the elder council, she is in her late middle age, also shown here is her daughter Rät, more on her later.   Seven, the three armed king of the Duel millipede, he was born with three arms and lost his eye in the duke to become king. Prompt 22, half drow, this was also originally not a prompt I was planing to do as I simply did not know how to do that with the fauth as they are all technically humans sort of, and vickor are also considered fauth. the raquesasha on the other hand are not, they may live among the dark fauth, but they are jevels according to O’sten and O’ller (they are heaven kin in the kin system)  but then I drew Rät, she is half dark fauth and half Raquesasha. the daughter of ilnor, and the raquesasha horek. she has a few of the abilities of raquesasha with the ability of teleportation and surounding manipulation with a plum colored core. only half of her mouth is sealed when closed. she is rather asymmetrical, but lacks the excess limbs of most raquesasha. though many raquesasha on the O’sten do not have these extra limbs.     Prompt 15+16 villains and heros. the legend of the lek brothers. two sons of a witch, they lived centuries ago as slaves to the people of the cricket lands.  They stayed together, through thick and thin. They eventually grew into a pair of rebellious trouble makers who stole a power and dangerous magical artifact called the fifth moon. They used their cunning and hard work they freed hundreds or thousands of slaves and moved them into the safety and freedom of the underworld. Then more impressively they stayed free against the might of the sun king. It’s much more of a legend these many years later than it is entirely historical events.
 (I’ll finish this later but I want to upload in December)
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madebycoffee · 2 years
oki junimo kart update: i am somewhat consistently getting to the penultimate level. i had a GREAT run and had 7 or 8 lives and of course... i got glowshroom grotto... it is my new nemesis... i couldn't even get past the first checkpoint because of those dAMN red mushrooms poofing smoke at you i hATE em
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deerlightfulartist · 2 years
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to anyone who sees this, qustion for you! do you tend to get slomp stomp or gem sea whale and for after the ship do you get glowshroom grotto or red hot rollercoaster?
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captain0null · 4 years
Cap's 2020 Daily Writing Challenge: Day Eighty
Day eighty! Actually a decent one this time, exploring an idea for a cave in Equilibrium.
Day Eighty - Glowshroom Grotto
    Several leagues north of the village of Elderburst was a small cave leading off the main road that was known by locals as the Glowshroom Cave. The small entrance was an unassuming thing, often written off as an old rabbit hole by the occasional travelers, but those that lived in or around Elderburst knew the hole led into a decently sized cave that burrowed underneath the Golsea Steppe.
    Within the small grotto, any visitor would be greeted immediately with the origin of the cave's name: clusters of small, round-capped fungi that glowed with soft purple light filled the cave and gave it an almost haunting, mysterious air. None could figure out what caused the mushrooms to glow, especially when hidden from the light of Heliade, though a healer who worked in Elderburst had found that the mushrooms had healing qualities.
    Said healer felt somewhat of a kinship with the mushrooms and bi often returned to the cave when bi had no work to be done. Bi was a lumile: an essian with bioluminescent properties, and the only one that lived in Elderburst. There was something reassuring about the glow of the mushrooms that matched the soft glow bi gave off biself.
    Which was why, on the hottest day so far that summer, bi came down the road with a basket tucked over bis arm. Bi was humming softly and, coming to the simple little entrance to the cave, slid down into the refreshingly cool space and looked around at the mushrooms. As always, they were glowing, and leaving the patch of brightness from the entrance, bi's own skin began to glow as well.
    Bis yellow skin melded harmoniously with the purple of the glowshrooms and bi plucked one of the mushrooms gently from the rocky, pockmarked ground. It was cool to the touch and incredibly smooth and bi looked down softly at the mushroom for a moment.
    "I wonder what it is that makes you glow," said the healer before putting the mushroom in bis basket. Though bi was careful never too cultivate too much of the fungi, it was useful in the various potions and poultices and bi always kept a supply of them in bis shop. "You don't soak in the light of Heliade like I do… so what causes it?"
    There was no reply, of course, save for the faint sound of water trickling further down in the cave. Bi didn't mind, though. The glowshrooms could keep their secrets just as bi would keep bis own.
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