#gemma killing eve
wearevillaneve · 1 month
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Hey, y'all. I ain't dead yet and neither is this blog. Surprised? Yeah. Me too. But anyway...
Here's a question for you we've been discussing on the Killing Eve Reddit forum. Pop Quiz: Who is the MOST useless character in the entire run of Killing Eve? BZZZTTT!!! Sorry. There are multiple wrong answers, but only one right one. It's not Yusuf. Yusuf served as Eve's trainer and tech support in S4. He wasn't necessary but he's not useless.
It's not Hugo. Hugo replaced Kenny as tech support, accompanied Eve on the Rome op and she hopped on his knob. Hugo blocked a bullet and Eve left him to go to save her girlfriend. Hugo returned in S4 and served as the MI6 link for Carolyn. Hugo is not necessary, but he wasn't useless either.
It's not Pam. She had a ton of screen time and gave Konstantin a reason to be in S4. She would take him out in a stupendously stupid way, and had connections to Eve, Villanelle, Carolyn, Konstantin, and Hélène. Pam was necessary and certainly not useless.
That only leaves one candidate. The most deserving and obvious of the title, Most Useless Character. That is, of course...
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Geraldine contributed nothing. Nothing but whining and moping around. She was introduced to give Carolyn someone to moan and groan to once Kenny was turned into street pizza, and then out of nowhere, Geraldine shows up with her wonky carrots to bang her mother's ex-boyfriend. ICK.
Take Geraldine out of S3 and what do you lose? There could have been some other character like Mo for Carolyn to show how wrecked she was by her son's death. I was hoping Geraldine would turn out to be the person who pushed Kenny off the roof so she could take her mother's favorite child out of the picture and replace him. That would have been better than what Suzanne Heathcote did when she wasted Gemma Whalen's talents.
Geraldine was the personification of an nothingburger. A big, fat, greasy NOTHINGBURGER. 🍔 The most useless character ever in Killing Eve's entire 32 episodes. Prove me wrong.
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margothecreator · 2 years
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Killing Eve [S3:E2] Management Sucks
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ad-j · 2 months
WATCHLIST 2023: Killing Eve
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markedbyindecision · 2 years
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Killing Eve rewatch: 2x07 “Wide Awake”
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tuppencetrinkets · 1 year
Sorted caps, Killing Eve S 1-4, assorted cast.
Anjana Vasan - Pam
Camille Cottin - Helene
Darren Boyd - Frank Haleton
Eugenia Dodina - Tatiana
Fiona Shaw - Carolyn Martens
Gemma Whelan - Geraldine
Harriet Walker - Dasha
Henry Lloyd-Hughes - Aaron Peel
Kim Bodnia - Konstantin
Nina Sosanya - Jess
Owen McDonnell - Niko Polastri
Robert Gilbert - Yusuf
Sean Delaney - kenny Stowton
Suan Lynch - Anna
Turlough Convery - Bear
Yuli Ladoninsky - Irina
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bloodyknucklesforme · 6 months
Your Father's Daughter
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The lone survivor of the Riley family massacre, Gemma struggles with her past, her school and her ghost of a father
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Daughters always look like fathers. Suppose that’s why she never really liked her face. Hooded eyes, long nose, thin lips. Spitting image of him, honestly. He was never around yet always looking at her in the mirror.
She wished she looked like her mum. She couldn’t even remember what she looked like, probably never did. She died when she was a baby.
Gemma Riley, orphan on paper. Only survivor of her father’s Christmas eve family annihilation. Her mother had hid her in a sock drawer, not even a year old.
Mix of inheritance and all the donations she got in the aftermath was why she’d gotten the opportunity to be expelled from another private school.
"The Captain will not be pleased to hear about this." The headmistress had said. Gemma wasn't around long enough to bother learning her name. "I feel bad for you, Gemma. You were given a tough start but that's not an excuse to continue this behavior. Fighting, stealing, cursing. Now smuggling alcohol onto campus? Do not mistake your father for a role model."
"Cunt." She snapped. It wasn't out of some protectiveness for her father's name. She knew the supposed truth, that he was framed for the killings, but he never talked to her about it. The Captain did. He was her legal guardian.
Her dad was dead, legally at least, so his visits were sporadic. Less often than the Captain's. A weekend trip once a summer, letters hand delivered whenever she went 'home', nothing on Christmas for obvious reasons.
She was put on a train back to London where the Captain would chew her out and then a couple weeks off before he found a new school that would take her. His rank and the residual pity helped quite well.
"When did you dye your hair?" the Captain asked as she got into his car. Black box dye, stolen of course, a few weeks back. Her dad was blonde, she used to be.
"Couple weeks ago," she shrugged.
"Looks nice." He lied. It was already starting to fade and look like shite. "Your dad's at the house."
That's why he wasn't scolding her.
She never fully understood if it was the nationally infamous murder part or the special ops part that guided her father to close all the blinds and cover half his face whenever he visited. Combination probably.
"You snuck alcohol into the dorms?" Her father snapped as soon as the Captain shut the door behind them. He took her bags and headed upstairs, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. "Four schools in as many years! What the fuck, Gemmie!"
She hated that nickname. Too familiar. This was the first time she'd even seen him since the start of the school year. Missed Christmas and her birthday but not a chance to fight with her.
"I don't know what to do with you." He sighed. "Aren't you tired of leaving friends and school? Fighting all the time? Dragging Price to soothe over whatever fuck up you did this time? Do you think he has time for that?"
"More than you."
For a brief moment she thought he was going to hit her. He never had before but his hand twitched in a way that made her step back. His eyes softened instantly.
"I don't want to put you in danger."
"It's not like the world doesn't know I exist! Front page news, whole family murdered on Christmas except for the baby. A father's mercy before killing himself and burning the house down." She'd read all the articles, watched the documentaries and news reports, listened to that one shitty podcast that harassed her for an interview. "I've grown up being known as the girl Simon Riley couldn't kill. That you left me on the neighbour's doorstep."
"You know that's not what happened." He shook his head, irritation stitched across his brow.
"You didn't abandon me?" She wanted to hurt him. "You couldn't have tried to explain what happened? You had evidence and you had Price. You couldn't come back for me?"
She remembered it had been years before she saw him again. She was three or maybe four. Her nanny had been given the afternoon off. The Captain introduced to a tall man wearing a neck gaiter. She was afraid of him even after being told he was her dad. He'd drifted in and out of her life since then.
It was exciting at first, a special treat a couple times a year. He'd sometimes bring a gift. Spend an afternoon with her. Always cooped up at home or the ultra special weekend camping trip up North. Then came the broken promises. He'd say he was coming and never show or be so late it didn't matter. She stopped answering his calls, they were always cut short. She stopped responding to texts, he couldn't respond again for a week or more.
"Gemmie, I-"
"Don't call me that. It's fucking ridiculous that you think you can come in and parent me when you choose. I don't know you!"
She hated how much the mask hid. She hated that most of the time he wouldn't show his face even to her. She hated that she looked like him.
"You're just a fucking stranger that I'm unlucky enough to look like!" She turned and ran upstairs before he could say anything more. She locked her bedroom door and shoved her desk in front of it for good measure. Tears bullied there way around her eyes but she held them back from falling. She wouldn't cry over him. She did that too much.
The Captain knocked on her door a couple hours later.
"He's gone. I just want to talk."
She pushed the desk out of the way and opened the door.
"I'm sorry, love." He opened his arms for a hug but she turned away to sit on her bed. He followed, taking the desk chair. "I won't make excuses for him. I know he should be more attentive, be around more. It's hard for him."
"It's fucking hard for me."
"I know." He sighed, clasping his hands between his knees and staring at the floor. "I should try more too."
"I don't really think it matters anymore. Gonna be eighteen in two years. I'll figure out my a-levels or whatever. Don't really want to go back to another boarding school. I promise I won't have the police at your door."
"We can talk about it more tomorrow. Just you and me. I'll get us a Chinese for dinner, yeah?" He patted her shoulder as he stood up, stopping at her door. "He does care. Blame me for work taking up all his time. He does important things, love."
"I'm not one of those things though."
He didn't respond to that, shutting the door behind him.
The next letter she got from him was a couple days later. The Captain slid it underneath her door. It was full of photos. A young woman with strawberry blonde hair. Some of her in a hospital bed and holding a newborn, standing next to an older woman holding that same newborn, another of her standing next to someone. The man had been cropped out but she could tell from the tattooed arm wrapped around her that it was her dad's arm. They were all photos of her mum.
'You look like her' was scribbled on the small piece of paper folded up with the photos.
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giftedpoison · 5 months
I'm on season 2 episode 6 of Killing Eve currently.
And there really is so many things I adore about this show. Like first of all the way Eve's character progresses? (it's weird writing her name because thats my name XD) Like she is just starting to really pivot in her path? Like going to Gemma's house where Niko is and just generally messing up Gemma's bra collection and breaking her music box thing? and then starting to try to intimidate Gemma when Gemma catches her?? There is so much of Villanelle's attitude in Eve. and i think it is fascinating, this descent she's going down.
Also fuck Niko tbh. In some ways I can understand his perspective but for the most part it is literally him just hating on Eve because she has a job that requires her to travel a lot, and she also has a literal assassin stalker and he's like yeah but i feel like you are attracted to her.
(which yeah she definitely from the get go seemed attracted to Villanelle but like he seems to not give a shit about the fact that it fully is a serial killing stalker that is manipulating her?? Like yeah I get Eve isn't being forthcoming but also Niko isn't even supposed to know she's MI6 so he should expect to get only crumbs of the scope of things in the first place????)
granted their relationship (niko and eve) seemed strained from the get go so I think its mostly an excuse on both ends. and i also definitely think eve doesn't actually love niko anymore and that she is in a lot of ways attracted to Villainelle while also being fearful of what she'll do next.
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zutaralesbian · 1 year
Top 5 major storylines from shows that you would erase or handle differently?
In no particular order…
1. Seasons 3 and 4 of Killing Eve in general. Like, just erase both seasons completely and start over. There’s so many cool places they could have taken the show after how S2 ended and they went with…that. If I had been in charge I probably would have leaned further into dark Eve during S3 and would have eventually had her go off on a rage-fueled revenge quest against Villanelle. (Which ofc would have ended with hate fucking lol).
2. Bonnie’s love life in TVD. (Really, just Bonnie’s storyline in general). Sorry to my mutuals who liked Bonnie/Jeremy or Bonnie/Enzo but both of them are a no from me. (Bonnie/Enzo had potential but the execution sucked imo). I would have had Bamon happen and start developing romantically in S6 or, as a second choice, introduce Nora a bit sooner and make bi Bonnie canon. Either of those options would have been better than what we got.
3. Buffy and Spike from btvs. If they still had to happen at all, I would have had it been completely over after Seeing Red. If it’d been up to me, Buffy wouldn’t have forgiven him, let alone make a big bulk of her storyline be about defending him during her final seasons. Fuffy would happen instead.
4. Speaking of btvs…I would have had Xander die during Seeing Red instead of Tara. He and Willow had been friends since they were kids, that would have been enough to trigger dark Willow. And then Tara would have been the one to bring her back. I have complicated feelings about Tara/Willow as a ship but I still think they should have been endgame. Also men dying for the character development of women? A+.
5. Zutara being canon in atla. I think Aang could have still had a crush on Katara but it would have ended towards the end of book 2 with them having a conversation and Katara telling him that she loves him but not in that way. Zutara would have been hinted at in book 2 but would not happen until book 3. I think it could have been cool if Katara somehow found out Zuko was the Blue Spirit during book 2 and they started having secret meetings in Ba Sing Se, where they eventually develop a tentative friendship with romantic undertones. Katara would spend that time trying to convince Zuko to fully switch sides and he almost does…only to fall back back into old habits when Azula offers him the choice in the catacombs. This would make Zuko’s betrayal even more dramatic and angsty because Katara would have developed feelings for him. And then Zuko would struggle with his relationship with Mai in the Fire Nation because he’d have Katara at the back of his mind…I’ll stop myself here lmao
Honorable mention to what the SOA writers did to Tara and Gemma’s dynamic. I would have 100% changed that too.
Thank you! ❤️
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lesmiserabelles · 2 years
tagged by gemma @macbethwitches - thanks bestie!!
fave colour: pink
currently reading: the vampire lestat by anne rice, there there by tommy orange (audio), a house for alice by diana evans
last song: 'change the locks' by king princess
last series: the new interview with the vampire
last movie: do revenge
currently working on: got some casting lots editing to do 👀
share 10 different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then tag 10 people
james flint (black sails), enjolras (les mis), yasmin khan (doctor who), blackbeard (ofmd), guillermo de la cruz (wwdits), eve polastri (killing eve), spike (btvs), elphaba (wicked), lestat (iwtv), kitty (bbc ghosts)
tagging @afoxnamedmulder @aconissa @betweentheheavesofstorm @hufflefluffles @seagreeneyes @silvermoongirl
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
What we don't talk about in the KE fandom.
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Easily one of the best deconstructions of the repulsive way Killing Eve destroyed the four seasons of goodwill it built up was written by Vulture essayist Angelica Jade-Bastien's "Killing Eve Chose Cruelty". In four words, Jade-Bastien captured why weeks after the last gruesome minutes of the show flickered away from the eyes of horrified viewers it continues to burn and sear into their minds.
The fourth installment to the series, but particularly its last two episodes, demonstrates how far the show has fallen from the dizzying heights of its premiere. Gone is the delicious fashion pivoting on moments of transformation in the manner of fairy tales. Gone is the supremely precise characterization, replaced with a confused internal logic that jockeys the characters according to the needs of its threadbare espionage plotting. Gone is the spry presentation, achieved through blocking, editing, and costume and production design. But most important, gone is the tense cat-and-mouse game between Villanelle (Comer) and Eve (Oh) that acted as the engine. Killing Eve is a study in how jumping from different showrunners each season can leave a series without a profound singular voice — and it is evidence that a shallow understanding of representation and the female gaze isn’t enough to create a memorably good, cohesive story that gives a damn about the women onscreen. It amounted to a finale that gave once perpetually ravenous viewers a paltry version of what they wanted before snatching even that away.
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Read the entire essay and it makes you feel better about the nonsensical trash Laura Neal dreamed up one night over too much cheap beer. Jade-Bastien brings up the one problem that predates Neal and the KE fandom hasn't talked about nearly enough.
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This is a topic that many in Killing Eve's non-White fandom are well aware of, yet many of their White peers are oblivious to. Racism? In my favorite show? How could that be? Real easy.
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The obvious and overt racism of Donald Trump or Kanye West is in your face and it can't be easily ignored. The soft, but pernicious bigotry practiced by the KE writers' room was manifested by keeping Eve an enigma from beginning to end. She was never given a family or life outside of her job, marriage, and the obsession with Villanelle that cost her everything. It's an irritation to know less about Eve than we do about Gemma, Geraldine, or Pam, but that's where we are. Eve was an enigma because she was never written to be anything else. A decision was made by someone to ensure nothing more than the bare minimum would ever be known about Eve. She was given a name and the bare bones of a backstory, and that's all.
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For many in the KE fandom the Villanelle solo episode is their absolute favorite. It's one of my least favorites because it made erasing Eve official as Villanelle forgets all about her and so much so in "End of Game" even her name isn't uttered.
KONSTANTIN: I don't think you really want this.
VILLANELLE: I want it!
KONSTANTIN: You know what it means? It means you have to leave everything, the clothes, apartment… and her.
"...and her." "Her" has a name and it is Eve, but to Heathcote that wasn't important. That was a disservice to Sandra Oh, the actress who brought Eve Polastri to life even though she was not allowed to be more than a one-dimensional cut-out of a character. Remember Oh was one of the two stars of the show. This was one of those rare occasions where the titular lead character gets less fleshed out than multiple supporting ones.
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That's not accidental. It was deliberate and it robbed Eve of her agency and autonomy. She really was little more than "an Asian woman with amazing hair." Eve was the lone woman of color constantly reacting in a world of Whiteness. Phoebe Waller-Bridge boldly chose to be colorblind in casting Sandra Oh as the very British and very White Eve Polastri and deserves all the credit in the world for it. Unfortunately, when she left she didn't leave any instructions to her successors on what to do with Eve, so they all chose to do nothing. After the show ended some sought to scapegoat Sandra Oh for the lousy last season stating as an executive producer she must have approved the direction the show went when Suzanne Heathcote and Laura Neal became the lead writers. Nobody knows how much input Oh had into the writer's room, but if she did that means she went along with a noticeable drop in screen time and the complete absence of a backstory for Eve. It's hard to believe any actor would deliberately reduce their own role in just the third season of a show, but that's exactly what some KE fans believe Oh did. They're the same ones who say Villanelle needed a stand-alone episode to explore her history, but have no issue with Eve being devoid of a past. This isn't racism in the Killing Eve fandom. Most of the fans don't show up that way. What they do instead is fail to notice how little Eve there frequently is in Killing Eve. It's not necessarily racism, which is bad, but it is erasure, which isn't good.
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spoilertv · 3 months
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pineas2 · 1 year
Wo ist Mrs. Peel, wenn man sie braucht?
Ich bin jetzt in der zweiten Staffel von “Killing Eve”. Um es kurz zusammenzufassen, steht Aaron auf Villanelle, die auf Eve steht, aber erst mal mit der einen oder anderen zufälligen Bekannten schläft. Eve steht auf Villanelle, schläft mit Hugo und ist mit Nico verheiratet. Der steht auf Eve und schläft auf der Couch von Gemma, die wiederum auf ihn steht. Carolyn  liebt solo polyamourös.  Das…
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villenelle · 2 years
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KILLING EVE S02E07: "wide awake"
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ilvermourn · 2 years
fuck the carolyn spin off, give me a spin off starring lashana lynch and gemma chan playing essentially villaneve-esque characters but this time it's solely about them and they have a lot of sexual tension and tons of kissing/sex scenes and they have a happy ending
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bebopsisyphus · 3 years
I'm calling it now: Geraldine is the head of The Twelve. That's the reason for the peat moss from Scotland.
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