#genderbend aph lithuania
ladypurplejanewrynn · 2 years
PolWar One Shot: An Extraordinary Tea
Versailles ( Audrey Bonnefoy) belongs @hopelessly-austroholic
It was a sunny afternoon. Poland and Warsaw were invited for tea to England’s and France’s house. Is been a while since all four spent their time together. No wonders, after all they all have their buisness and their own stuff, not to mention their own private stuff in life. "Is been a while since we did something together. Haven’t it?" asked Warsaw. "Is been a while indeed." answered England sipping his own tea. "Got to admit, this tea is like totally good." admitted Poland. "Well, you’re talking to the country who’s tea is a specialty after all. No wonders is good." said Arthur with pride. "May I remind you that I’m the one who made the tea for our guests?" asked France. "Oh shut it hun. Let me at least have my 10 minutes of fame." said the British man a bit with frustration. "Fine, I’ll let you have this one mon Amour." answered Francis. The group chat it about a lot of things. Politics, about how their life is going, plans and interests. When they finished their tea, all four went to the balcony to admire the city views, while still chatting. 10 minutes passed and something weird start it happening to Feliks and Alice. Both fell to their knees as their bodies start it changing. Francis and Arthur looked at them really concerned and tried to help them up. After a few seconds the transformation was finished. And now the two lovers switched genders. Warsaw turned into a man and Poland turned into a woman. Now Warsaw was a pretty tall man, with the hair reaching her shoulders. While Poland was a woman of a height close to his wife’s regular height and the hair didn’t really change much. "What the hell happened to us?!" escaped Feliks’s mouth, but he covered it as a girly voice came out instead of his regular one. "I don’t know honey." said Alice all confused. They both were looking at each other, with nothing but confusion in their eyes. Then they both looked at England:"Arthur?" "Don’t look at me. I didn’t do anything. I swear." said England. The British man thought for a moment and then asked the rest to come with him to the kitchen. He checked everything while the rest looked at him questionably. Finally, Arthur found an empty box of one of his magical tea. "Francis, did you make this tea for Alice and Feliks?" asked the British. "Oui, that’s exactly the one. Why?"answered the French. England looked at Poland and Warsaw:"I think I know what happened." "Well then, enlighten us on that matter." said Alice. "You see, the tea Francis made for you isn’t some regular tea. Is a magical one that swaps the gender of the one who drinks it." explained Arthur. "Whaaaaaat?!" asked the both of them. "I didn’t do it on purpose. I promise. I thought I was taking a normal tea. I wasn’t paying attention." explained France. "Is alright, Francis. We’re not mad. Beside, you can just make another tea and change us back. Right?" asked Feliks. "Well, you see…" started England with a bit of nervousness:"…this was the last two. And I will have to get new ones. And it will take at least like a week. So, unfortunately the two of you are stuck like this for a whole week." Feliks and Alice looked at each other and smiles appeared on their faces. "What’s up with those smiles?" asked Arthur. "Well, we were always curious about what is like to be the opposite gender. And now is our chance to find out. Isn’t that right, honey?" answered Alice. Feliks nod:"Is true. It happened for us to have this type of conversation. Sometimes we even joked about what it would be like if I was a woman and Alice was a man." "Oh, I see. Well then, enjoy yourselves. I guess…?" said England. After the conversation, the two lovers went back to their home.
Just as they got to their room, they decided to borrow each other clothes. Unfortunately, some of it didn’t fit them. After all, Warsaw was a bit bigger as a man than Poland is, so the clothes were a bit small. As for Poland, he was a little smaller than his wife as a woman, so the the clothes were a bit big on him, almost swallowing him. Also the bra was one size bigger for him. "Maybe we should go buy some clothes for the current situation dear. After all, none of our clothes really fits us." said Alice. "You’re like totally right. How is it possible that I’m smaller than you as a woman? I even have smaller breasts." said Feliks, a little frustrated. A blush appeared on Warsaw’s face and she hugged her husband:"You’re still beautiful, my dear. Not to mention really cute as well. And honestly, maybe is for the best. Bigger chest equals a lot of back pains. You can trust me on that." Poland blushed:"You know, you’re not so bad as a man either. To be honest, I didn’t expect you to be this damn charming. And maybe you’re right. I should be proud of what I got." Then they shared a long and passionate embrace on the lips. When they finally broke the kiss, they got ready and went out shopping. They had a lot of fun trying on the clothings. Before they knew it, 3 hours passed and it was getting closer to the closing time. So, they choose some clothes and bought them. When they got back, they immediately dressed up in their new outfits. Since they had nothing much to do, they played video games for a bit and then watched a movie. After that they went to sleep. Next day, Warsaw was first to wake up, so she decided to take a quick shower while her husband was still asleep. It felt a little weird for her to shower when she’s like this. After all, it was unusual for her to see the male body parts instead of the female ones when she showers. Well it was something she would need to get used to. For now at least. When Alice was done, she put in some clothes and got out of the bathroom. She felt a nice smell coming from the kitchen. "Has Feliks woken up already?"she wondered and looked at the bed that was left empty. Poland was in the kitchen, in the middle of making breakfast for him and his wife. "I thought well that you were here." said Warsaw as she came to the kitchen. Feliks turned his head around to face her:"Oh, hello there Sunshine. Slept well?" "I did. How about you? And what are you making, if I may ask?" she asked. "Oh, I slept well too. I’m preparing eggs with some bacon for the two of us." he answered. He looked her up from up and down. "This outfit goes really well for you by the way." He smiled. A small blush appeared on Alice’s face:"Thank you. Yours suits you so much as well." When the breakfast was ready, they start it eating while chatting. When they finished, they heard someone ringing at their door.
They looked at each other. "Were we expecting guests today?"asked Feliks. Alice thought for a moment and came up with the answer:"Oh gosh. We did. Our friends. Today Tolys, Alfred, Audrey and Roderich were supposed to come over to our house. We completely forgot." "What do we do now?"asked Feliks. "I say we open and explain them the whole situation." answered Alice. "Alright. Let’s like totally do it." came out from Poland’s mouth and the couple went to open the door. As they expected, their friends were surprised to see a ginger-haired man and a blond-haired woman at the door instead of their friends. Although, they found an answer quickly since the man and the woman looked very similar to Poland and Warsaw if they were the different gender. "Feliks? Alice? What the crap happened to both of you? Why the two of you are…you know… the opposite gender?" asked America. "Is a bit of a story. Please come over." said Warsaw inviting them inside. After everyone took their sits, they were all ears, waiting for an answer. "So, what happened to the two of you?" asked Lithuania. "Is thanks to France and England." answered Poland. Gasps filled the room. "Wow, wow. Don’t tell them like this, honey. It sounds a bit like you tried to say they did it on purpose. There’s more of the story to all of this. First of all, yes it is thanks to them, but it wasn’t done on purpose. It was all an accident." said Warsaw. "Will you tell us how it happened then?" asked Roderich, a little irritated. So, the lovers told them the whole story and explained on why they can’t switch back yet. "Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. My brother can be sometimes a bit clumsy." said Versailles. "Nah, is fine. We were always curious what is like to be the opposite gender actually." answered Poland. "And beside, even thought it feels a little weird, we’re enjoying ourselves so far." said Warsaw. "Good for you then I guess. I can’t imagine what it would be like if it happened to me." said Tolys. Alfred hugged his husband:"Well, I bet you would be a really beautiful and hot lady, love." "Is not about that, that I’m concerned!"shout it Tolys turning into a blushing mess. Alfred giggled:"Alright, alright. I will stop with the teasing." The group of friends kept on chatting with each other and then they all left the house. For today, they had a lot of plans together. First they went to an Escape Room. Then to a restaurant for dinner. After that, they decided to go Bowling and they had so many rounds. Before they knew it, the evening was getting closer. Before going back home, they took a walk together in the city. "That was so much fun." said Audrey. "Yeah, but Alice was cheating." said Roderich. "Just admit that I’m really good at the bowling." answered Alice. "Or you were lucky." said Alfred. Warsaw looked at him:"Shhhh… Shut up. Shut up. Let me have my moment bro." The whole group start it laughing. "Fine, I’ll stop. For now at least." teased the American. "You know, got to admit, you look pretty hot as a guy Alice." said Versailles. Hearing this, Poland got all defensive and start it clinging to his wife’s arm:"Oh, hey. Back off, that’s my lady. Or for the current situation should I say, my man." Audrey start giggling softly:"I know, Feliks. I know. It was only a compliment. And beside, no one could replace my Roderich." "That’s what I thought." answered Poland all grumpy." "Now, now honey. Calm down. Versailles was only complimenting me. And beside, you know that you’re my one and only. Right?" asked Warsaw, taking her husband in a hug. "Of course I do, love." answered the Polish as his face soften and a gentle smile appeared on it. "Even as the opposite genders, you guys are still the same Poland and Warsaw we all know." said Lithuania. "Well, duh. I know that even genderswapped, we’re still totally fabulous. Why would that even change, in the first place?"asked Poland. "I actually meant something else by saying this." answered Tolys. After the walk, everyone went back to their home.
Days passed. Warsaw and Poland were enjoying themselves so much while being genderswapped. They did a lot things together, like going on dates or doing stuff together at home. The week was coming to an end. It was sunday already. And for that day, the couple made plans to spent it only the two of them together for that day. They woke up early today, cause they planned to go to an amusement park. And if they didn’t want to stay in the queue for hours, they needed to be there really early. After getting the tickets, they rushed to the biggest rollercoaster there was. The lovers also didn’t pass the chance of going on a carousel and even more rollercoasters. Of course, they took breaks to go eat something or just to rest for a bit, before going to other attractions. Time was passing by. Poland and Warsaw stayed at the amusement park almost the whole day. They were about to leave when Feliks noticed one of those prize booth, where you could win a plushie for knocking out the cans. Warsaw already knew what this means, so she agreed on at least trying to win one for him. She payed for it and then start it throwing the balls. At the beginning she was missing. The last ball was left. Alice concentrated and aimed at the cans. Surprisingly she managed to knocked all cans. For winning, she picked a pink unicorn plushie for Feliks and hand it to him. In exchange, he gave her a kiss on the lips. After they got back home, it was evening already. Both of them layed down on their bed. "Today was really fun. Don’t you think?" asked Poland. Warsaw nod:"It was fun indeed. Such shame is over." A smug smile appeared on Feliks’s face:"Or maybe it isn’t." She looked at him:"What do you mean?" He got closer to her:"Well I was wondering. If you’re okay with it of course. Would like to maybe have some fun in bed?" Warsaw knew what her husband meant:"I don’t mind but, are you sure you want this?" He winked at her:"If I wouldn’t, would I propose this in the first place?" "You’re right." she smiled. "Alright, let’s do this. But first, we need to get the condoms." said Alice. When they were ready, the fun start it. At first Poland was the one on top of Warsaw, slowly undressing her from her clothes, starting to pleasure her. A moment later this changed, and now Warsaw got on top of her husband. She undressed him until he was all naked, just like her. She was gentle at the beginning, only placing kisses all over his body but later it got wilder. After having some rounds, they both end it up laying next to each other, all naked and covered by the blanket. "That felt amazing. I never knew you were like totally this good at this as a man as well." said Poland. Warsaw gave him a soft smile:"I only repeated what you do when we do it in our regular bodies." Before going to sleep, they kissed each other’s lips passionately. Next day, when they were already up, England gave them a phone call to come over to his place. When they arrived, the teas were already ready for them. They drank it and after 10 minutes passed, they changed back to their regular bodies. "I really did have fun as a woman, but honestly I totally missed being a man." said Feliks. "Same goes for me. It was fun being a man for a while, but I did miss being the badass woman that I am." said Alice. Then they looked at Arthur. "Say, we know that you do stuff like magic and have a lot of magical objects. But for what do you need magical tea that swaps gender?" asked Warsaw. "Yeah, why do you need it?" asked Poland. England start it explaining:"Well, you see is actually one of the important ingredients for one of my potions. Also once I had an idea to prank my beloved Francis by making this tea for him. It was kinda fun until he start it yelling at me." Both lovers burst into laughter. "Oh, I wish I saw his reaction." said Warsaw. "It wasn’t that funny. For a moment, I thought a curse was cast on me. At least I still looked Magnifique as a lady." said France as he came by. After a bit of chatting with them, the couple went back home. But they’ll never forget the fun they had as opposite genders.
The End
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brittanyillustrates · 5 years
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Doodling the other two baltics to fill in dead space. I forgot what Estonia looks like in nyo so I used some inspiration from my childhood: based her look off of kerli. If anyone else knows kerli, please be friends with me.
Update photo
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
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Another scene from my fanfic. America and Lithuania were dancing when suddently America tripped by accident but luckly Liet caught him.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 3 years
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Is been a while since i’ve been able to draw because school kept me busy. But i’m finally free for now. I’ve decided to draw the AmeLiet scene from my fanfic:"Hetalia AmeLiet: A troublesome situation". This is the scene where America took care of Liet’s injures that were caused by Russia.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
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Drew another AmeLiet thing based on my fanfic. ^^
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
Hetalia AmeLiet: A troublesome situation chapter 12
Alfred was getting ready to work. Tolys prepared breakfeast for him. When he finished eating the breakfeast, the lovers kissed each other goodbye. When America left, Lithuania decided to clean up at the house. After finishing cleaning, his two baltic friends Estonia and Latvia came for visit. "Eduard, Raivis. What a surprise. I didn’t expect you to came by. Would you like something to drink? Some coffee? Some tea?" asked Tolys. "No need to. We did drank tea already." said Eduard. "Alright then. Anyway, what brings you here?" asked the Lithuanian. "Oh, we wanted to visit you and also check on how are you doing." answered Raivis. "I’m doing alright. Also i have good news. I only need to wait one month and i will finally be able to get my old body back." answered Tolys. "That’s really cool friend. We’re happy to hear that. We know how difficult it was for you to deal with being stuck in a female body." said Estonia. "To be honest i kinda got used to it. I admit is not as bad as i thought at the beginning. But i’m not gonna hide i would like to go back to my normal self already." said Lithuania. After their small chat, the friends decided to spent some time together by walking around the city. They went to see some places and later they went shopping since Liet needed to buy some food to make dinner. When they got back home, they decided to watch a movie together. Estonia and Latvia stayed until afternoon. They left at 15:20. Liet was about to start making dinner, when suddently he could hear a noise of a breaking window upstairs.
He took a frying pan in his hand and with silence went upstairs to check what happend. He slowly opened the door of his and Alfred’s bedroom. The window was broken indeed. He went inside to check. He kneeled down the broken shards and start it inspecting it. "Hello there dear friend Lithuania." A familiar voice could be heared. Liet turned around to see Russia who was about to hit him with the metal pipe. Luckly he menaged to block the attack with the frying pan and get away in time. Ivan didn’t give up. He kept on trying to hit his traget. Tolys was blocking the attacks or just dodging them. "Why do you keep doing this? Do you really enjoy seeing me in pain so badly?" asked the Lithuanian still defending himself. "Oh, don’t worry. I came here for something else." said Ivan. "Something else? What do you mean by that?" asked Liet. Suddnelty the frying pan got knocked out of his hand. He start it throwing objects in defense. Russia manged to defend himself from the thrown objects. Tolys kept on throwing things until someone caught him from behind and pinned him to the ground. "Let me go! Stop this!" shouted the Lithuanian. "I’m afraid i can’t do that. It wouldn’t be nice of me to ruin big brother’s plan." Tolys knew that voice. It was Belarus, Russia’s younger sister. She secured his hands with ropes and tied a gag around his mouth to prevent him from screaming. Before leaving, Russia wrote a note and left it on the fridge. Later, Alfred came back from work:"Honey, i’m back." But he got no answer. He went to check in the kitchen and saw some objects on the floor. The signs of struggle could be clearly noticed. The American suddently noticed a note on the fridge:"Dear friend America, i got your lover. If you want to see him ever again, come fight me. Russia." Alfred decided to call some of his friends. A moment later, Warsaw, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Versailles and Austria arrived. America explained them everything of what happend. Then they took America’s airplane and flew in the skies.
Meanwhile at Russia’s place. Tolys was locked up in a room, kneeling on his knees, trying to get his hands free from the bounds. Ivan came in and took off the gag from his captive’s mouth. "What is your problem? Why are you doing this?" asked Tolys. "I think, i have some explainations to do. The thing is i took you to use you as bait for America. You see, he and i have some unfinished buisness. And i would like to finish them." answered Russia. "Wait. So all of this is just a trap to lure America." said Lithuania all shocked. "Clever boy. Or should i say clever girl?" said Ivan. "You won’t get away with this. Alfred may be a dork. But he’s not stupid." said Tolys. "We’ll gonna see about that. But for now i will let Belarus have some fun with you." said the Russian and left. A moment later Belarus came in to the room. She took out a whip and start it whipping the captive. Tolys did his best to not let his screams came out. Later Natalia stopped. She dropped the whip on the floor and came closer to Tolys. Suddently she kicked him in the face, making him fall to the ground. She kept on kicking him while he layed on the ground and she was also throwing insults towards him. A moment later she got bored of it and put it back the gag in his mouth before leaving. Tolys menaged to sit up. "Alfred, i hope nothing bad is gonna happend to him. I don’t want him to get badly hurt." thought the Lithuanian as small tears came out of his eyes.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
Hetalia AmeLiet: A troublesome situation chapter 14
A month passed since the fight with Ivan happend. The wound on Alfred’s head recovered really quick. The day where Tolys could change back to normal finally came. While Lithuania was getting ready, America told he will be right back cause he needs to do something important. Then he went quickly to jewelry and bought a ring. He hidden it in one of his pocket. When Tolys was ready, they left their house and went to the corporation. The boss of the corporation was already waiting for them. "Here you are. We’ve been waiting. So, are you ready to change back?" asked the boss. "Well, i feel kinda nervous, but yes i’m ready." said the Lithuanian. The boss then told them to come with him and he told Tolys to lay on the bed. Liet did has he said. Then one of the scientists came up to him and injected the cure in Tolys arm. Nothing was happening yet. "Don’t worry, it might take a few seconds before something starts happening." said the corporation boss. They all waited a minute and something start it to happend. Tolys felt the same feeling of pain like the first time he was changing. His hair start it to get shorter, and his arms and hands got a bit bigger. His thighs and hips changed as well. He start it growing in height. He could feel something happening down his crotch. His waist and his butt changed as well. Then he could feel his face burnning, he knew his face was changing at that moment. Suddently he felt his breasts getting smaller until they finally disappeared. He got up from the bed. "Did it work?" asked the Lithuanian as his male voice came out instead of the female one. "Why don’t you look in the mirror?" asked Alfred pointing at a mirror.
Tolys came up to the mirror to check himself. He couldn’t believe it. He finally got his body back. Tears start it coming out of his eyes. "Hey, are you alright love? Did something happend?" asked America all worried. Tolys gave him a smile:"Oh, don’t worry sweety. Those are the tears of joy." A moment later, Tolys hugged his lover really tightly:"Thank you Alfred. Thank you for being by my side all that time i was stuck in the female body. And for the support you gave me. You’re the sweetest boyfriend ever." Those words made small blushes appear on America’s face. A moment later they left the corporation. They walked around the park and decided to spent sometime together. America took Lithuania for ice creams. He ordered vanilla flavored for his lover and chocolat flavored for himself. They sat up on a bench. "I’m glad you’re back in your old body. I missed hearing your normal voice and seeing your usual face." said Alfred. "Yeah, i missed my old body as well. To be honest, i admit that being in a female body was an interesting experince but i wouldn’t want to turn into a woman ever again. I couldn’t live like that." said Tolys. After finishing the ice creams, Alfred took Tolys by the hand:"Hey Tolys, there’s something i want to ask you." Tolys looked at his lover:"What it is dear?" Alfred kneeled down and got out a small box out of his pocket. "Tolys Laurinaitis, you’ve been my boyfriend for years. Those times i spent with you were amazing and i don’t regret spending them with you. You’re the only one i love and nothing will ever change that."
Alfred start it blushing deeply red and opened the box, revealing a golden ring:"Tolys, will you join me into a new adventure and marry me?" Tolys blushed as well:"Alfred, those times spent with you were amazing for me as well. You’re a very special person for me. And i would never want to change that. Yes, i will gladly marry you love." Alfred put it the ring on his lover’s finger and they shared a deep and romantic kiss. A moment later they broke the kiss. "Btw, how about we have some fun tonight in bed?" asked Alfred. "You know i wouldn’t turn you down hun." answered Tolys. After the time spent at the park, they went to the restaurant for dinner. After eating, they went to an amusment park on a date. A new rollercoaster was opened and it was a lot bigger than the previous one that they went on along with Poland and Warsaw some months ago. "Shall we check this one out hun?" asked America. "Well, i’m a bit nervous about going to this one. But, on the same time i wanna try it out." said Lithuania. They both agreed on going. They had a lot of fun and decided to take a second ride on the rollercoaster. After having fun all afternoon at the amusment park, they went back home. They went to their garden, layed down on the grass and stargazed together. "The sky at night is really beautiful today. And it reminds me of something similar." said Tolys. "Oh, really? What does it remind you?" asked Alfred. Tolys looked him deep into eyes:"It reminds me of your beautiful eyes." And then he kissed his lover’s forhead. After startgazing, they went back home and undressed from their cloths, until they were all naked. They layed down on their bed and start by cuddling and kisses. Suddently Tolys got on top of Alfred and start it bitting his neck, leaving a small mark on it. Then he kissed him on the cheek. Then, Alfred flipped his lover, making him laying on the bed and he got on top of him at his turn. He placed a soft kiss on his lover’s chest and then placed a kiss on his neck. A moment later they start it having their fun in bed, ending up by falling asleep in each other arms.
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