#nyotalia estonia
vyoru · 2 months
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I wanted to touch up on this au I made as a joke again lmfao
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lillystarreds · 1 month
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💕Tried to copy Hima chibi art style again!💕
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squiidkiid · 7 months
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Happy birthday, Estonia, my fav hetalia boy!!♡
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bunny-bun-draws · 3 months
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May-June Commissions ✨
Commissions done on June and part of May! Thanks as always for the support! Hope you all like them~
@tothefairest-blog (Chibis 1, chibis 1 with extras)
juliokahverengi2 (Instagram) (Chibi style 1)
c4detzx (Instagram) (Chibi style 1)
Sheri (Chibi style 1)
Gothic (Chibi style 1)
pulseswarm (Instagram) (Chibi style 1)
@lillystarreds (Chibi sketch, Pride chibis, half boddies full color with background)
@ludwigbeilschmidts (Chibi sketch, Pride chibi)
@cupcakes-and-british-tea (Chibis sketch, Pride chibi)
SweetPayaso (Chibis style 1, chibi heads)
@elysianbells (Chibis style 2)
@samrut (Pride chibis)
@shu-dzhoker (Instagram) (Pride chibi)
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marraiwa · 1 year
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too lazy to draw
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
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The Fisherman’s Daughters
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ico-aph · 11 months
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timomoe · 7 months
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Going through my old art and I found this 2p!nyo!Estonia concept and I'm still obsessed with her.
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arthiiwille · 2 years
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Warrior / 🇪🇪Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Eesti!🇪🇪
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scarlettlillies · 7 months
Hetalia - Yesterday (Nyo!DenEst)
A very belated submission for APH Estonia Week. Prompts used were Yesterday and Beach.
This fic was only supposed to be a brief 500-word ficlet. It turned into a 1.4K fic of Nyo!Denmark being a hopeless romantic. I've missed writing them so I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it. <3
If you prefer to read this on Ao3, please click the link here.
Summary: It was the final day of their brief holiday in Hiiumaa. Even though Estonia assures her that they will be back again soon, it's not enough. Denmark was tired of going home alone.
The smell of coffee and waffles lured Denmark from the bedroom and into the kitchen.
Estonia’s index finger tapped against the granite countertop as she patiently waited for the final set of waffles to finish. One plate had already been completed and it had been left on the island counter behind her. Next to the plate was a cutting board with fresh strawberries, straight from her garden, that had already been sliced up in half. To the left side of the cutting board, there was a bottle of syrup, a cinnamon shaker, an open container of blueberries, and a stick of butter. The sound of a documentary on barn swallows could be faintly heard on the television in the living room.
Denmark used the moment to sneak up behind her and wrap her arms around Estonia’s waist. A loud yelp quickly turned into nervous laughter as Denmark pulled their bodies close and she nuzzled her face into Estonia’s neck. In comparison to Denmark, Estonia was already dressed for the day. She looked so cute dressed in a solid-coloured royal blue dress with a cropped black cardigan. Not a single strand of hair on her short bob haircut was out of place. She could faintly smell the lilac body spray off of Estonia’s skin. It was the same kind Denmark gave her as a birthday present a few months earlier.
“Don’t scare me like that!”
“Sorry,” she replied as she slipped in a quick kiss on Estonia’s cheek. Denmark could feel her lover’s tensions wash away as Estonia’s head fell back and onto Denmark’s left shoulder. Though the two women were close in height, Estonia was just a tad taller than her by only an inch or two.
“Did you sleep well?” Estonia asked.
“Always do. But why didn’t ya wake me earlier? I could have helped with breakfast.”
“I wanted to surprise you. Besides, I don’t think you would have appreciated me waking you up at six.”
Denmark groaned, “C’mon! We’re on vacation. There’s no need to get up that early.”
“Sorry but you know I’m an early bird! Six is the best time to be up.”
A loud buzzing noise interrupted the conversation. The waffles were finally finished.
Denmark was a tad disappointed to have Estonia break away from their quick embrace. But a surprise peck on her lips caught her off-guard. It was so unusual for Estonia to be this affectionate that it left her cheeks red and her head on cloud nine.
“I shouldn’t be much longer. Why don’t you get dressed? You must be cold with just a t-shirt and underwear on.”
She wasn’t wrong. Denmark was a little chilly. After all, she had just rolled out of bed the moment she caught the smell of Estonia’s cooking. Collecting herself, Denmark did as she was told, but not without stealing a blueberry from the open container while Estonia’s back was turned. Her eye caught the clock on the way out of the kitchen and noted that it was just after eight-thirty.
Denmark took no more than five minutes to get herself ready, wearing a simple red zip-up hoodie and matching red athletic shorts. She brushed up her pixie cut but skipped the makeup. She returned to the kitchen to see breakfast and coffee had been all laid out. Estonia was already seated across from her, enjoying a quick sip of her coffee. The smell of the cinnamon and the syrup made Denmark’s mouth water. She couldn’t wait to dig in.
Sunlight greeted the two women through white sheer curtains—a fitting end to their vacation. They mulled over their time in Hiiumaa. Estonia owned a vacation home on the island and they had been eagerly preparing their return here since the previous summer. Rain unfortunately put a damper on the majority of the vacation. But they made do with what they had. They hardly get to spend time together alone as a couple so a simple date night with dinner and a movie was all they needed to reconnect.
But yesterday had been perfect. Throughout the conversation, Denmark caught herself daydreaming about their time on the beach. She loved how perfect the warm sand felt between her feet. They rented out a small boat that fit just the two of them and rowed along a small portion of the coastline, with Estonia serving as her personal tour guide. Later in the evening, they swapped their swimwear for casual summer dresses to have a date night at a nearby restaurant. The staff knew Estonia well and were given the best seats they could offer—far enough that the two could have a private night to themselves, but close enough that they could still enjoy the local bands perform on stage. They stayed until the doors closed at midnight and they walked home hand-in-hand under skies where the sun never truly sets.
If only every day could be like yesterday.
“I know we have to head back to Tallinn today but is there enough time for one more walk on the beach?”
“I don’t see why not,” Estonia replied as she finished off the last few sips of her coffee. “We don’t have to board the ship until noon so we have plenty of time. It won’t be as warm as it was yesterday though.”
“That’s okay. I have you to keep me warm!”
Denmark was grinning from ear to ear and all Estonia could do was roll her eyes.
“Aw c’mon. I thought that was a good line.”
It really wasn’t. But she would never admit that she liked Denmark’s cheesy lines. The novelty would wear off quickly if she were allowed to slip them into every conversation.
Denmark hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she noticed Estonia still had half a waffle left and some fruit scattered around the plate. Their conversation had gone cold but neither seemed to mind. Estonia loved the peace and quiet. Denmark, meanwhile, was fixated on the scenery outside. Through the curtains, she could see the waves crashing against the shore in the distance. She shut her eyes and let her mind take her back to the beach once again. The two of them were alone and walking across the soft sand, wearing the same outfits as they were now. Before she knew it, Estonia slipped from her grasp, removed her white sandals, and made a run towards the sea. She ran far enough for the water to rise above her ankles. She lifted her dress just above her knees and began gliding her left foot across the water. Denmark watched with wonder as excitement built in her chest. Her movements were like a hypnotic dance meant for her eyes only.
Bright blue eyes met Estonia’s aqua-coloured ones. Her smile was enough to make Denmark melt in the sand.
Don’t just stand there! Come join me! The water’s perfect.
The sound of her laughter was music to Denmark’s ears. She dashed towards the sea where Estonia’s hand was reaching out to her, waiting patiently for her touch. At the moment where their hands met, Denmark’s eyes flew open at the sound of her name being called out to her.
“Taani—” She felt Estonia’s arms wrap around her shoulders. For a brief moment, Denmark felt slightly disoriented. She hadn’t expected that daydream to leave such a strong impact on both her mind and her heart.
“You don’t want to go home, do you?”
Coming down from the high, Denmark grabbed a hold of Estonia’s right hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. The action alone was all Estonia needed as an answer.
“This place is perfect. I wish I could stay here forever—with you.”
“We’ll be here again soon. Before we know it, it will be the end of July and we’ll be back here on vacation again, just like we planned.”
It wasn’t enough. She didn’t want to fly back to her home in the Copenhagen suburbs. She didn’t want to go to work where the paperwork piled high and meetings with leaders took up most of her day. She didn’t want the city life where the mornings and evenings felt empty.
That way of life wasn’t for her. Denmark’s dream life was ripped from the pages of the novels she and Latvia gushed over. She wanted the country life with the big garden, the calm boat rides under the warm sun, the long drives to nowhere with the wind in her hair, and the early mornings and late nights where time stood still just for them.
She was tired of going home alone.
It was an unrealistic dream. But she wished it could be yesterday every day.
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republicofyolossia · 2 months
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Various OzEsts from over the years
Don't repost/steal
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lillystarreds · 6 months
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🐰Happy Bunny Day🐰
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squiidkiid · 8 months
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TV girl reference
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bunny-bun-draws · 10 days
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July-August Commissions ✨ (Part 2)
Commissions done these last months! Thanks as always for the support! Hope you all like them~
@shu-dzhoker (Chibi sketches)
_gh0ste_ (Instagram) (Chibi sketches)
@pruengs (Chibi sketches)
@lillystarreds (Sketch chibis, sketch chibi couple)
@cupcakes-and-british-tea (Sketch chibi couples)
Binglejings (Chibi head)
Ace Cutrara (Chibi head, base color bust)
juliokahverengi (Instagram) (Full bodies, full color)
@spamanoss (Art trade)
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God about Estonia: Maybe if I give him some MILF doms he'll calm down.
He did not calm down.
He did not calm down indeed.
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miikoissant · 1 year
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Nyo!China and Nyo!Italy looks so cute
Sauce: Hetalia The Beautiful World Extra Disc episode 1 (literally the only episode)
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