#genderbend aph estonia
zombieplaguedoc · 6 months
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I just realized I fell behind in my picrews, I apologize for that.
Picrew found here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/11558
Antis dni please
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
Hetalia AmeLiet: A troublesome situation chapter 12
Alfred was getting ready to work. Tolys prepared breakfeast for him. When he finished eating the breakfeast, the lovers kissed each other goodbye. When America left, Lithuania decided to clean up at the house. After finishing cleaning, his two baltic friends Estonia and Latvia came for visit. "Eduard, Raivis. What a surprise. I didn’t expect you to came by. Would you like something to drink? Some coffee? Some tea?" asked Tolys. "No need to. We did drank tea already." said Eduard. "Alright then. Anyway, what brings you here?" asked the Lithuanian. "Oh, we wanted to visit you and also check on how are you doing." answered Raivis. "I’m doing alright. Also i have good news. I only need to wait one month and i will finally be able to get my old body back." answered Tolys. "That’s really cool friend. We’re happy to hear that. We know how difficult it was for you to deal with being stuck in a female body." said Estonia. "To be honest i kinda got used to it. I admit is not as bad as i thought at the beginning. But i’m not gonna hide i would like to go back to my normal self already." said Lithuania. After their small chat, the friends decided to spent some time together by walking around the city. They went to see some places and later they went shopping since Liet needed to buy some food to make dinner. When they got back home, they decided to watch a movie together. Estonia and Latvia stayed until afternoon. They left at 15:20. Liet was about to start making dinner, when suddently he could hear a noise of a breaking window upstairs.
He took a frying pan in his hand and with silence went upstairs to check what happend. He slowly opened the door of his and Alfred’s bedroom. The window was broken indeed. He went inside to check. He kneeled down the broken shards and start it inspecting it. "Hello there dear friend Lithuania." A familiar voice could be heared. Liet turned around to see Russia who was about to hit him with the metal pipe. Luckly he menaged to block the attack with the frying pan and get away in time. Ivan didn’t give up. He kept on trying to hit his traget. Tolys was blocking the attacks or just dodging them. "Why do you keep doing this? Do you really enjoy seeing me in pain so badly?" asked the Lithuanian still defending himself. "Oh, don’t worry. I came here for something else." said Ivan. "Something else? What do you mean by that?" asked Liet. Suddnelty the frying pan got knocked out of his hand. He start it throwing objects in defense. Russia manged to defend himself from the thrown objects. Tolys kept on throwing things until someone caught him from behind and pinned him to the ground. "Let me go! Stop this!" shouted the Lithuanian. "I’m afraid i can’t do that. It wouldn’t be nice of me to ruin big brother’s plan." Tolys knew that voice. It was Belarus, Russia’s younger sister. She secured his hands with ropes and tied a gag around his mouth to prevent him from screaming. Before leaving, Russia wrote a note and left it on the fridge. Later, Alfred came back from work:"Honey, i’m back." But he got no answer. He went to check in the kitchen and saw some objects on the floor. The signs of struggle could be clearly noticed. The American suddently noticed a note on the fridge:"Dear friend America, i got your lover. If you want to see him ever again, come fight me. Russia." Alfred decided to call some of his friends. A moment later, Warsaw, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Versailles and Austria arrived. America explained them everything of what happend. Then they took America’s airplane and flew in the skies.
Meanwhile at Russia’s place. Tolys was locked up in a room, kneeling on his knees, trying to get his hands free from the bounds. Ivan came in and took off the gag from his captive’s mouth. "What is your problem? Why are you doing this?" asked Tolys. "I think, i have some explainations to do. The thing is i took you to use you as bait for America. You see, he and i have some unfinished buisness. And i would like to finish them." answered Russia. "Wait. So all of this is just a trap to lure America." said Lithuania all shocked. "Clever boy. Or should i say clever girl?" said Ivan. "You won’t get away with this. Alfred may be a dork. But he’s not stupid." said Tolys. "We’ll gonna see about that. But for now i will let Belarus have some fun with you." said the Russian and left. A moment later Belarus came in to the room. She took out a whip and start it whipping the captive. Tolys did his best to not let his screams came out. Later Natalia stopped. She dropped the whip on the floor and came closer to Tolys. Suddently she kicked him in the face, making him fall to the ground. She kept on kicking him while he layed on the ground and she was also throwing insults towards him. A moment later she got bored of it and put it back the gag in his mouth before leaving. Tolys menaged to sit up. "Alfred, i hope nothing bad is gonna happend to him. I don’t want him to get badly hurt." thought the Lithuanian as small tears came out of his eyes.
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brittanyillustrates · 5 years
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Doodling the other two baltics to fill in dead space. I forgot what Estonia looks like in nyo so I used some inspiration from my childhood: based her look off of kerli. If anyone else knows kerli, please be friends with me.
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