#general chitchat??
tango-but-everywhere · 9 months
expect tangos to come a little slower until hc10 starts by the way. i’ll probably get around to posting one from jimmy’s video from the other day eventually but other than that it might be a bit thin on the ground.
you’re free to send in submissions, or if you have any suggestions for like… funny edits? i can do that. i’m not sure how i feel about reblogging fanart becoming a thing, that being a once in a blue moon thing seems best imo but sound off if you think otherwise. i’m just chilling here basically. vibing. open to suggestions always.
will probably also start cooking up a new layout for the new year/season
i’m gonna guestimate it’ll be about a month break so go wild with suggestions we’ve got time
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fisheito · 1 month
eiden inspires me to new heights [working up the courage to negotiate prices at the farmer's market]
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salt-n-salt · 16 days
y’all im coming to u in my time of need. please give me ur fav sdv ao3 fics. im literally begging on my knees rn. im in search for the cream of the crop the best of the best .. help a girl out ..
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sporeclan · 6 months
i know for sure if Dawnpelt was a tom everyone would want her dead and no one would bat an eye, but bc she is a lil messy girl it's 'mean spirited' and 'too intense'? okay lmao 👍
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t8oo · 9 months
I have come to tell you one thing : you need to watch Columbo S02 EP6 : A Stitch In Crime. Not only is Nimoy the charming cold blooded killer but the writing is STELLAR and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the VERY END. AND ☝️ Columbo has never been more babygirl in yhe whole show. like hes unshaven hes got a headache hes sick he sneezes he talks abt his wife he asks for coffee he has NEVER looked shabbier. and this is the shabby detective lover zone
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saucyjothoughts · 5 days
I'm so basic I got 6 13 15 14 🧍‍♂️
You and Bojan
First time
"Tell me how it feels."
That's a sweet one though! I feel like these are a bit hit-and-miss. Like sometimes you're getting brutally gangbanged in the woods and sometimes...
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struungout · 1 month
Resin Rose Thoughts
As I mentioned the other day, I got Opinions about what I did experience of the convention. In my case, I was kind of a failure in regards to the socializing part of the con and primarily trolled through the vendor’s hall and shopped ‘til I dropped before me and my friend went off to goof off at Target and our hotel room (the one place I didn’t feel like a walking sweat puddle).
So yeah, I didn’t go to any of the panels because I was busy shopping and, frankly, none of them grabbed my interest. It was a lot of stuff for newbies to dolls or crafting, neither of which was applicable to me. xD There was a general meet-up scheduled, but by the time 6PM came around, I was at capacity for being around people and was completely drained due to walking around so much + the heat.
That said, I did have some thoughts about the vendor’s hall and the big swap. I will attempt to keep my usual blunt mean-ness to a minimal since I know a lot of people enjoy Resin Rose and had a good time this year. That said, if you don’t like to hear critical shit about things you like, what’s below the cut ain’t for you.
Registration/badge pick-up was a chaotic mess, to be frank. For one, what a choice to have check-in to the right of a vendor table at the entrance. Badge pick up and con merch should be front and center and the first thing you see when you walk in. Also, for the love of god, get those poor people a laptop or tablet + keyboard with a spreadsheet or something for checking names instead of those physical paper lists. Opening for general admittance is chaotic enough without adding extra steps that hold up the line and cause walkways to be blocked/clogged at the LONE ENTRANCE/EXIT*.
There also didn’t seem to be anybody checking for badges at the door or anything so it feels like there’s not a point to making 2-day and 1-day pre-registered pass holders to wait until Saturday to pick theirs up. Anybody with the audacity could just peruse the hall and buy shit without a pass. Considering how chaotic just purchasing from some vendors could be, checking if someone is wearing their pass would be the last thing on their mind lmao. Coloring coding passes would likely help close up that particular hole if you’re genuinely worried about not getting paid for someone to check the Vendor’s Hall out.
Back to the lists—they couldn’t even find my name (I was supposed to have had a helper badge through my friend Rae since she was vending at RR) and I had to pay for my badge. On top of that, I didn’t receive an envelope that I guess had raffle or scavenger hunt information in it? Didn’t even realize I was supposed to get that until my friend asked me about it ten minutes later. Not even mad about paying (planned to pre-register before Rae said she’d take care of it), but the chaotic mess was a really rough beginning to my visit. Mayhaps just have everything in an envelope and organized by badge-type.
*Yes, there really was just the one place to come and go to this room because the door to the pool area of the hotel was blocked off by vendor tables (how is that not a fire hazard lmao). Also…Monarch Hotel, why the fuck would you give a room this big a single door entrance? That fucker needed double doors and you know it.
Vendor’s Hall
The general layout seems pretty run of the mill for conventions from what I’ve seen online, but there just wasn’t good space between tables. People were wearing big backpacks to display their dolls in, plus got swag bags they’re carrying, and then stopping to check out what’s for sale. Shit clogs up quick, especially when there’s a popular vendor. Saw one poor woman with a walker nearly take out the wheel thing the raffle tickets were in because something hanging on her walker handle caught onto the wheel’s door, and that was at the entrance area of the hall. If two people in wheelchairs can’t comfortably pass each other, there isn’t enough room.
The outer ring of tables were basically a dead zone, even with the chaos of the hall opening to 2 and 1-day pass holders. Most everyone buying stuff were concentrated in the middle and alleyway type tables because that’s where the well-known sellers were. It’s already a hard time being a vendor that may not have a huge and viral social media presence where they can hype people up for a convention appearance, but it’s all the worse when you’re out in the boonies. Plus I feel like the eyes just don’t get drawn towards the outer corners of these kind of set ups—there were several tables I completely glazed over the first time because they got huddled away into some dark corner.
Speaking of the outer ring, in one corner, they were right there with the air vents and were keeping nice and cool, and in the exact opposite corner diagonal from them, the people were fucking slow roasting next to the windows. I didn’t see any sort of box fans or anything set up for them to help keep them cool, just papers and handheld fans they either got from the freebie table or brought along themselves (or purchased from someone else). That really isn’t acceptable and I feel it’s on the convention and hotel staff for not looking out for them. That’s such an easy way to give someone heat exhaustion or heat stroke. The gift shop I work at temporarily got moved to what was essentially a shoe box with no real heating or cooling and we had one of the hottest summers at the time and just one hour during peak heat in that hot box was fucking horrid. I would have refused to come to work if my boss and her assistant hadn’t gotten me a box fan to keep my work area cool. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Portland was getting hot weather; there should have been contingencies in place to keep people safe and comfortable.
Generally, there just shouldn’t have been vendors set up by the windows, particularly ones that’d get a lot of sunlight. Instead, you should just cluster the contest tables (preferably with backdrops that could block the sunlight so the dolls don’t get potentially damaged), raffle jars, freebie tables, and sitting areas for that space. Basically stuff that isn’t going to draw consistent crowds (people generally drop by the once and then off to shop).
For the raffle stuff, that all should have just been photographed and put on like…a big poster board or a QR code to a dedicated web page to show the prizes and just have the prizes themselves stored away somewhere safe until they’re actually getting handed out (think that was primarily at the closing ceremony?). Then you got several tables freed up for vendors.
Overall though, enjoyed shopping and seeing all the stuff. Just felt very awkward to attempt to stop and chat with other people about their wares or dolls in general and whatnot. Managed to spend 3+ hours in there on Saturday, so my hermit and socially awkward ass managed to survive well enough. Only left because my stomach demanded food. xD
Got to see Rae, take a picture of my dolls with Shrimp, and spent over $500. 8/10
The Swap
So bad it was embarrassing.
The space between tables was hellishly tight, there was absolutely no direction in traffic flow, which just made things worse. There was also one person I remember with two luggage bags ON THE FLOOR IN FRONT OF THEIR TABLE alongside all the shit they had actually on the table. I don’t know who the fuck told them THAT was okay, but they clearly don’t know what a fucking tripping hazard is.
There really should have been HALF the amount of tables in that room than there was. If you’re gonna have that many people with swap tables in a room that small, then you need to make it an all day event and cycle people through. I managed to put up with one walk around the room to see if there were any dolls that were on my wishlist, bought a pair of boots, and then got the fuck out of there.
Couldn’t get out fast enough, 0/10.
Other Thunkin’
Didn’t go to the closing ceremony since by the time me and my friend got back to the hotel from our day trip to the Clackamas Town Center, we were hungry and exhausted and there just wasn’t enough time to have the nice dinner we planned and then go to the ceremony, so we just did our dinner, made a trip to a convenience store + Target and went back to our room. Heard it was crowded and warm tho, so I’m not too broken up about enjoying a steak and drinks instead. xD
Overall, I don’t regret going, but it was definitely uhh…underwhelming, I suppose? Maybe if I wasn’t sweating my tits off because the hotel’s air circulation sucks and I was actively talkative on the likes of Instagram and the RR channel on the BJD Discord server, it’d have been easier to meet up with people I’m actually acquainted with to chit chat and all that shit. It was really nice to get to see Rae in person for the few minutes we got, but she was busy keeping an eye on her table and I was busy shopping and oogling stuff, so we didn’t get to hang as much as I would have liked.
I’m not likely to go to another doll convention anytime soon since just the flight down south is expensive on top of saving my money all year to make sure I had plenty to splurge on what I wanted and still have some in case of any emergencies. Put off a lot of doll plans this year for Resin Rose, and while that was fine this time around since I had my attention on other hobbies, I can’t do that on a yearly basis haha (and if I’m gonna be leaving my small ass town, I’m GONNA be buying shit).
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themothsnest · 1 year
On my third day of watching all 1120+ of Xisuma's Hermitcraft videos and it's honestly made me feel less self-conscious about my struggles with Dyspraxia while also showing me the evolution of X, Minecraft and Hermitcraft.
Finding out Xisuma has struggled with Dyspraxia himself in the past (he mentions it in Episode 59) REALLY helps me feel a little less shitty about how my own Dyspraxia causes me to be hesitant about things like calls and recording...
Now part of me really wants to just boot up survival mode on Bedrock as I work my way through the remaining 1050 episodes...
(bonus fun fact: Xisuma has said Fuck on camera before. Episode 21 he accidentally used an outtake where he got frustrated and quietly F-Bombed. At the end of Episode 22 he apologises and explains he left it in accidentally due to rush editing.)
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edmundhoward · 6 months
the wolf hall season 2 costumes look like such an upgrade from season 1. the colors, the textures, the details, the hoods hello??
well, in the case of jane’s dress, i am fairly certain that’s a rental. probably the same recreation gown used in a lot of recent depictions of jane seymour, like worsley’s documentary!
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mossfeathers · 11 months
bigb spiral avatar is real and true i cant believe it
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featherwhiskered · 2 months
sorry for not posting, i've been tired and on friday i got a god awful fever and all sorts of other health stuff, so i've been trying to recover. thank you all for being patient with me!
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dickie-braindamage · 9 months
phalloplasty save me
save me phalloplasty
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moonrpg · 8 months
I’m never one to rec vids esp not from some random guy I’ve never heard of but I’m so glad someone put this into words because I’ve been thinking about it for like days now (because I’ve been listening to so much pikmin music help) and didn’t know how to explain it in like text format lol. the best games are the ones where listening to the ost doesn’t give you the full experience of listening during gameplay I think……. yes I’ve ragged on “shitty midi” in the past many times but it is such a powerful tool for shaping sound design for video games specifically because it can be so interactive. midi is so often shitty because people use it lazily to try and imitate “real” instruments (see: dual destinies bdsp etc) as a score reader with no thought into how things would sound differently digitally vs scoring by hand for an ensemble instead of leaning into what makes it unique as a sound design tool. anyways
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sporeclan · 9 months
I love Cliffthicket, but the idea of colouring her stripes fills me with so much dread. How do you do it? XD
I just really like drawing a lot of little dots LOL, it's almost therapeutic to me! Cliffthicket might actually be one of my favourite cats to draw so far
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thevalleyoftriumph · 3 months
a block that would be absolutely revolutionary for builderz in mc would be log slabz + stripped log slabz. i can imagine it now .....
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scaredii-cat · 11 months
Live action???? No. Don't. Pretty please. Please?
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