#general deduction
kaizo1573 · 1 year
Notable Observations
In many deductions and templates I have frequently seen an individual mention observation as a foundation or fundamental core to which I agree. However these individuals too make slight mistakes by only observing what they can see. Of course, it is common to miss things that you cannot see as "out of sight, out of mind" is not an idiom for nothing. However, it is useful to always try to brainstorm what might be missing from the picture, as it is sometimes the smallest things that make the biggest impact. Observation by nature is analysing what you can see, but it is not confined only to what is blatantly obvious. It is equally informing to notice your neighbour's car parked out the front of their house as it is to not notice it there. Both scenarios have their own perfectly significant implications. One could be that they have not used their car and if they usually use their car when they go out it may imply, with a high probability, that they are still within their residence.
On the other hand, if you know that they use their car in accordance to when they go out, then you may infer with an equally high probability that they are no longer at their residence. In this case you can start to mind map and conjecture up possible hypotheses as to why are are not at home. One could be that they have gone out and need to carry something back with them, another reason could be that the weather does not permit them a comfortable journey to where they want to go but that could still go if they take the car etc, etc, etc... Then again, a missing car may not be any of those reasons. Maybe it has broken down and so is off in the shop for repairs. If this is the case then maybe it will be gone for a couple of days. On the other hand, maybe they lent the car to a family member? The possibilities are endless and can only be reduced down with further observations. Usually, with respect to Occam's Razor, it is often that the simplest theory or supposition that is most likely to be the correct one and hence through deductions, keeping them simple is often best. There should always be a balance kept. Remember, "It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has any data", but I shall add that it is an equally bad blunder to theorise too decidedly when one has limited data.
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fruityassumptions · 2 months
Just getting into Tgaa and holy fuck holy shit what the fuck
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bubtans · 2 years
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feldsparite · 19 days
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made zenkichi's team in showdown a while back. if i could go back and change things i'd max out the the EVs for lycanroc and aegislash. i'd also rename drampa to dramps because i like to think that the kids started calling it that and it stuck.
justifications for each mon:
dusk mane lycanroc (ace mon)- dual nature, wolf (duh), depicted as fussy in the SM anime and capable of entering a "fury" mode (its eyes turn red and all). i also need you to know that i have personal beef with this pokemon, because ash's dusk mane beat my awesome babygirl kahuna nanu's 3 pokemon in a totally unfair and unnatural fashion in ep 77 of the SM anime. despite this, i cannot deny that it is the perfect pokemon for zenkichi hasegawa, and i'd thus bestow the little fucker the honour of being his ace.
relevant dex entries:
(SHIELD) These Pokémon have both calm and ferocious qualities. Their temperamental nature makes them a difficult species to raise
(SWORD) This form of Lycanroc is normally calm and quiet. Once a battle begins, however, this Pokémon displays a ferocious fighting spirit.
drampa: dex entry speaks for itself. i like to think that drampa's the only pokemon that's ever at home with akane anymore- and the only one she still kinda likes. not to say that it's home ALL the time, no. it's probably a weekend mon lol
relevant dex entries:
(ULTRA SUN) If a child it has made friends with is bullied, Drampa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground.
aegislash: started considering this mon bc of zenkichi's whole "knight in shining armour" bit and his giant ass sword, spiralled into "hey zenkichi's loyalty and devotion and willingness to protect the people he cares about at the expense of his own life IS extremely knightlike huh". i also really like stance change- it mirrors the swap between the defensive/safer playing style of normal zenkichi, and the more aggressive wolf. aegislash also feels like a symbol of service+ a metaphor for zenkichi's objectification into being kaburagi's weapon (attack dog), so i gave aegislash frustration as a means of expressing zenkichi's bitterness in this role. i see him battling with aegislash the most, along with lycanroc.
relevant dex entries: okay not really relevant, because most dex entries talk about how aegislash chooses its master whom it believes will be a great leader. i'm not thinking of zenkichi as one having "innate qualities of leadership", i'm thinking of him AS aegislash, as the sword serving under someone. oh and also here's a life drain mention i guess
(SHIELD) Once upon a time, a king with an Aegislash reigned over the land. His Pokémon eventually drained him of life, and his kingdom fell with him.
mabosstiff: okay i had a whole lot of dog pokemon to sift through because i only wanted to pick one and i think mabosstiff is the best choice- see dex entries. most dog pokemon are cop mons, with the growlithe line being THE cop dog, but only wanted one doggy to represent the police angle of zenkichi (mostly because i think defining him by his profession is extremely uninspired). i also know extremely intimately that the pokemon cops don't use dog pokemon all the time (interpol trio....) but i like the idea of zenkichi sticking to the cop standard. he's still traditional like that, i guess.
relevant dex entries:
(VIOLET) Mabosstiff loves playing with children. Though usually gentle, it takes on an intimidating look when protecting its family.
h. zoroark: (gestures vaguely) a wolf if you squint. the pokedex entry also says it does fucked up (and fucks itself up) shit to protect its young, so that's multiple zenkichisms right there. zenkichi's general dishonesty also makes Lying: the Pokemon® a premier choice for him to me.
relevant dex entries:
(SWORD) This Pokémon cares deeply about others of its kind, and it will conjure terrifying illusions to keep its den and pack safe.
(LEGENDS) ...Heedless of its own safety, Zoroark attacks its nemeses with a bitter energy so intense, it lacerates Zoroark's own body.
annihilape: the mon i'm the iffiest about. i wanted a mon that embodied the prisoner aspect of zenkichi's identity, but there... aren't?? pokemon??? the closest i can think of is like, those bitches from the teal mask dlc, but 1. never played it so i still don't know what the fuck an okidogi is 2. they're kinda ugly. i went with annihilape as the discount prisoner mon (broken shackles). annihilape's rage is a good reflection of zenkichi's fury, and the whole "coming back from the dead" thing is an extra bonus for enduring soul.
(ir)relevant dex entries:
(SCARLET) When its anger rose beyond a critical point, this Pokémon gained power that is unfettered by the limits of its physical body
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presdestigatto · 5 months
why can’t the aramco power rankings just emulate the race, give max the no1 spot as he deserves and rank the rest accordingly. people are already used to reading from 2nd place…
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kideternity · 6 months
Awesome that frontiers has a fat main character. Not awesome that so far he is being used primarily for foodie jokes
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levicolwills · 1 month
streets saying we might get a 3 window transfer ban for roman’s iffy transactions with those agent fees 🤔 would certainly make sense as to why we’re planning in the longterm
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neo-shitty · 1 year
finally catching up with bsd after one hell of a month (+ midterms) 🫠
#bsd spoilers#updates for ep 2 :3#right off the bat all i can just say is fukuchi is such a well-written villain; while i can’t completely emphathize with his plan yet#i have to applaud him (uh and asagiri too) bc that’s quite a villain to fear—he’s already in a position of power that puts him in a major#advantage compared to the ada; it’s like he masterminded this whole thing to lead up to this but WHY (idk if i just forgot)#point and case: i hate him and im always terrified of his next move but damn he’s such a well-written antagonist i can’t even 🤐#ATSUSHI GET OFF THAT FUCKING BOAT RN WHY DID IT HAPPEN SO EARLY INTO THE SEASON IM CRY WAIT NO#fukuchi pointing out that ranpo is just jealous that he and fukuzawa way back is just so adorable made me forget what happens next haha#how come i dont remember these cute moments from the manga 😩#god im stalling so much :(( i hate it i hate it i hate it#the reveal was so… he should’ve deducted this shit sooner (objectively the build up was so nice hsjdhdj)#MY JAW DROPPED THEN AND IT STILL HAPPENED NOW :)))))#ok fukuchi in his complete villain mode is kinda 😗#watching this after being detached to bsd in general is so much better bc i can now appreciate the whole thing as is without much bias???#THE WAY HE JUST TURNED COLD ALL OF A SUDDEN AND I OOP— 😗😗😗😗😗#oh both canon and beast atsushi and their paralyzing fears :(( my heart actually hurts#ATSUSHI THINKING HE’S ALONE ANDDDDDD#OH MY GOD I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE MY SSKK#I CANT WATCH THE NEXT EPISODE#toff.txt
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lith-myathar · 6 months
Me: my depression and stress tolerance has been a lot worse and I've been resorting to self isolation as a result
My shrink: well you seem a lot worse since we tried going off the anti-depressant
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kaizo1573 · 1 year
Deduction #1
Hello everyone, this is my first post and it’s been a while since I’ve practiced thoroughly.
Background: during a bus commute I briefly made some observations about another passenger:
The passenger was holding the right hand in their left hand in a hand-over-hand fashion.
They had medium to short length slightly wavy brown hair.
Was in possession of a green eco-friendly reusable bag. Which seemed to contain an item or two
Dressed fairly nicely but not too formally, had a preference for warmth as well instead of visual appeal.
They were wearing a black face mask and had some earphones in which seemed to be the type to have noise cancellation.
They had a ring, plain silver band with a square type of signet, on their left middle finger. Another ring can be seen on their right ring finger but I couldn’t get a good look.
Has a card holder phone case with their public transport travel card being the only visible card as the card holding compartment was stuck to the back of the phone case.
These observations lead me to believe that:
Based on probability they are right handed.
Hair preferences are always weird however, from the ends to near the roots the tone and colour of hair differed and was lighter than what seemed to be the original colour. This indicates a range of insights such as the probability that the individual was into modern fashion and cared about how they looked but now is not able to care as much meaning that it could’ve been a phase. It could also imply that the person was just overtaken by life’s business to worry about their hair.
The possession of only a single reusable eco-friendly shopping bag shouts that they planned to only purchase a couple of items in their trip out of the house today. In combination with the fact that the bag was not even half full and was folded over itself a little makes it obvious that they were covering a small errand as part of their return trip home.
As they were dressed fairly well in good quality materials it is safe to say that they are doing fairly well financially. However, they are frugal with their money and takes care with their spending. This matches with later observations~~~ As today was a cold day it gives insights into their practical nature.
Due to the black face mask this infers that the person is quite health conscious or has to be health conscious due to either their own immune system or a close one’s. Additionally, the possession of noise cancelling earphones suggests that the individual is a seasoned public transport commuter as a mask was made popular and mandatory when travelling during COVID-19 peaks and the noise cancelling earphones for commuters who don’t want to listen to the humdrum of society’s lessers.
Having one or two rings usually signifies a commitment to something due to some meaningful aspect of a memory or event that ties to it. On the other hand, having many rings, especially visually appealing rings, may indicate that the person is just dressing up for looks. This particular individual seemed to have connected meaningful aspects of their life to these two rings as they seemed to be a bit too small for their fingers. This can indicate that they have been in possession of the rings for a long time and thus it has become a part of them.
As the card holder seemed to be there for the sole purpose of using their paid travelling card it is safe to deduce that they are a seasoned commuter and it is part of their every day life. This gives insights into the potential idea that the individual does not own their own vehicle for transport and/or is unable to use a close relative or partner’s. Following this line of inferences and all of the above leads me to summarise.
The subject under perusal is a middle-aged individual who is dominant right handed, consumed social media and was influenced to conform to modern fashion for a brief period of time. They are environmentally friendly and seem to be frugal with their spending and money. They are quite the practical person opting for functionality over aesthetics leading to my belief that they have quite a straightforward personality, are caring and introverted. They are comfortable financially but could be doing better. Additionally, they are not in a relationship or are close to their biological family as there seemed to be no pictures of close ones, children, partner(s) or family anywhere on personal objects. Lastly, they do not own a personal vehicle.
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slopmaster9000 · 6 months
rewatching cavies from last year... no way they only got 8th ESPECIALLY when they won the best percussion award. justice for the cavaliers for real
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
thinking about how ppl are collages again
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spice-ghouls · 10 months
starting on the secret life art requests I got over the weekend. See you all in 5 hours when I'm done drawing ethoslab 6 times 👍
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canonbydeduction · 1 year
There is a moment, in every person’s life. The last moment that they are a child.
For some, it comes far too soon, with raised voices or after school jobs or death slipping into their life from any one of its many doors. For others, it’s a bittersweet moment, the letting go of a long and happy childhood, a golden carefree youth which slips gently away with the responsibility of independence.
But it exists for everyone, in one form or another. The last moment when they are unburdened, when they are free. The last moment when there is none of the pain of life in the back of their mind, no kernel of anxiety or grief. The last moment when they are a child.
This is such a moment. In Hawkins, Indiana. November 6th, 1983. Eight twenty-six pm. A quiet road. Three bicycles. Three children. Laughter.
(For the fourth, the boy who is not here, the moment has already come. (A seven. Words, unsaid. A flicker of the light. A split-second of concern which makes its home deep within him, and never leaves.))
But for the three children who remain, the night is warm. The stars shine above, but they do not see them. The leaves rustle in the breeze, but they do not hear them. It is the last days of summer, the moment before the phone rings. It is the edge of something.
In the next moment, one will turn away into a dark which seems slightly too deep and too empty. In the next moment, a question will be asked that will be forever regretted. In the next moment, a fate will be sealed. In the next moment, this golden joy will be shattered. But now, just for one more second, there is only each other, and in their last moment of blissful unawareness, that is all that matters.
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echotunes · 1 year
MAN I forgot how good the dgs soundtrack is
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shawow · 2 years
my #1 cardinal sin that would definitely get me kicked out of heaven is watching among us streams in 2023 (im so sorry)
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