#generally speaking i love fic oli
jlf23tumble · 2 years
Jen, speaking of Time Passed, I really love time passed Oli. What are your thoughts on Oli’s role in Louis’ life like irl? It’s so fascinating to me how he’s literally always there with Louis. Like when we look back to 2016 and all the pap walks with the baby carrying a babycarrier or stroller around or exchanging in a public parking lot, Oli was ALWAYS there. And even back in 1D days like whenever Elounor was out together we’d often see Oli along with them as well and he was a permanent fixture as well during Party Boy Louis Era. I know this is purely speculation, but what do you think their dynamics are like? Like do you think Louis asked him to be his right hand arm man? Personal assistant? I’d like to hear your thoughts, Oli is one of the most fascinating characters of the 1DCU imo.
HE TRULY IS! And if you don't already follow @oliwrightofficial, you should, god bless Oliver Wright (and his UA mod). My thoughts are that Oli has many functions: he's a steady reminder of non-famous life, he doesn't seem to be out there using his access to Louis to get anything more than drugs and ladies (and seems pretty anti-bullshit accordingly), he gives Louis something to focus on (because my lord, can Oli fuck shit up), he keeps an eye on Louis if he's going off the rails (that last one's my own personal projection), he keeps the cigs/drugs/booze/party flowing, he looks out for Louis in a way people he's met from age 18 onward probably don't, can't, or won't. Idk if he does other PA stuff, all those admin types of errands, but whatever that specific employee role is, the more nebulous "we're mates" role seems mighty important (you can always pay someone to pick up your drycleaning, it's a lot harder to find someone who will pick you up off the floor when shit gets real (bad)).
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phosphorus-noodles · 7 months
🏳️‍⚧️ ands joel for the ask game?
Ohh Joel- gosh I love Joel,,
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
This is Very dependent on the specific Joel- but generally speaking, I headcanon him as cis-ish??? But almost always he/they. Like. Just a little to the left of cis, y'know? Like me ✨ /hj
But also some c!Joels are undeniably trans. Like people were drawing SL!Joel as a cow and I thought nah nah. Those horns are a headband. Trans cow <3
But my FAVORITE Joel, my SWEET Mezalean king,,, he is soooo very enby coded. You can literally pull the flag from his skin. He's so "gender is a scam and I refuse to partake" coded.
One of my favorite headcanons I yoinked from a fic is that he wholeheartedly believes that gender was a trick invented by Rivendell to confuse Mezalean troops and it was so confusing it confused them too and they can't remember now that they made it up. Everyone's like "... that's not true, Joel-" "And see! Even YOU fell for their lies!!"
But also (and this one is specific to my au, but whatever /lh) he's also trans. He used to be a princess but then he met Oli and he transed her gender. I'm trying to write a fic about it so no spoilers /silly but yeah ^^
(character ask game!)
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nikonothere · 5 years
How did you first get the idea to Working out the Kinks? When is the new installment coming? What’s your favorite fic by another writer? If you met Flake, what would you tell him? Are you less bored now? 3 objects you couldn’t live without? Question you would like to be asked? Question for each R+ member you would like to ask? I am running out of questions.
Aaaa, so many awesome questions!
Okay, here goes:
1. The idea for Working Out the Kinks came from wanting to see some very in-depth, serious BDSM smut with Till. I wanted more than just smut though; smut with FEELINGS!! It really snowballed after that first chapter, and I realized I couldn't stop with just that.
2. The new installment is being written as we speak! Well, part of it is done, I mean. I'm just working on planning the timeline.
3. My favorite fic by another writer-- and I'm in a smutty mood so that's what my current ones are-- is a tie between Asphalt by Peggy Rosebud [Till as an extreme sub who spends the day with a random stranger; incredibly full of feeling and beautiful descriptions] and A Pain in the Ass (or Gas) by TheHellCow [FlakexTill that shows one of my favorite Flakes <3]. This can change weekly, though.
4. If I met Flake, I'd not want to tell him anything so much as ask him questions, the biggest of which being his general world views. I know that isn't a specific question, but I'm so curious about his philosophy of life. It seems both very simple, but at the same time has very odd nuances in his day to day. I'm so looking forward to the English translation of his book.
5. I am significantly less bored now! Thanks in part to you and these questions, and being home from work. I'm going to write some more and then do more screencaps later so I will certainly not be bored anytime soon.
6. 3 objects I couldn't live without would be probably my phone (I do all my writing on it, weirdly enough), my car (I hate feeling stranded and I live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere), and my bass guitar.
7. Uhhh, wow, this one is hard. I love any questions that have to do with my writings, and the more specific the better. I love hearing theories especially.
8. Hoo boy, a five sided question! For Till, I'd love to ask him fishing questions. Corny, I know, but I adore fishing, and if he's got some secrets, I wanna hear em. For Richard, I'd ask about Emigrate and his song writing processes. Paul, I'm not really sure; probably a goofy question like what's his least favorite pizza topping, because I know he'd spin it somehow into something ridiculous. Flake, I'd ask what he and his daughter's horse's name was. I would ask Oli about surfing, and Schneider I'd ask his favorite cymbal: brand and type. I have a thing for cymbals… and Schneider >.>
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Shifting perspective
(Horrible title, I know. I suck at naming stuff.) I don’t know what this is. It came to be from my strong wish to have Norwegian swearing in one of my fics (don’t know why. Don’t ask.) Anyway, this is what grew; one OFC called Oline (nicknamed Oli), one pining Sam, and a bunch of asshole shapeshifters. Enjoy.
The translations are in brackets right after the Norwegian, so you don’t have to scroll so much, but most of the translations aren’t literal, partly because of my limited knowledge of the English language, and partly because I tried to make it flow.
For example: Faen is used a lot. It’s a common Norwegian curse word, and it’s quite versatile, kinda like fuck, but the meaning is of religious origin, not sexual. Faen is a shortened version of Fanden, which is another (old) name for the devil (or a demon, depending on where you’re from).
Please let me know what you think, but also keep in mind that English is not my first language.
My tag lists are open, if you want to be included (or if you want to be removed). Just drop me a line.
Word count: 7392 (sorry not sorry)
”Good morning!” Oline came waltzing into the kitchen like she owned the place, wearing a pair of black pyjama pants with cartoon puppies printed along the side, and a light blue t-shirt with a band name no one could determine, because the print was so faded.
Her hair was still wet from the shower, and she hadn’t put any make-up on, but still Sam’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to hide the fact that his body was more awake than his mind was.
She had been on and off hunting with them for almost four years, and lived in the bunker for one and a half of those, but her looks still took his breath away – even looking all dishevelled and tired. It was as if her skin glowed on its own, and her hair… well, Sam would’ve done pretty much anything to run his fingers through it.  Quickly, so she wouldn’t catch him staring, he cast his eyes down and kept them focused on the bowl of cereal. “Mrn.”
She didn’t notice the slight breathiness to his voice – or if she did, she was polite enough to not comment on it. Sam smiled into his spoon. She was too nice. If Dean had been there, he would never have heard the end of it.
Daring a glance up, he caught her just as she reached for something on the top shelf; exposing a small line of skin along her hip and back. He could just make out the tips of the points on her anti-possession tattoo, and then decided that he didn’t trust himself enough, so he grabbed his notepad and jotted down a few words just to keep busy.
“Ready for the road?” Her voice sliced through the bubble he’d buried himself in.
She laughed. “Still not awake, huh? I asked if you’re ready for the road.”
“Oh, yeah, I guess.” He smiled back at her. “Never seen anyone so eager for a shifter job before.”
Oline shrugged. “ They’re not all that common back home. And those that I did come across couldn’t hide their true identity completely. A tail here, patches of green skin there… Or maybe they were just bad at what they did. I don’t know.”
“Tail? Green skin? I don’t think that’s what we call shapeshifters over here?” Sam said, tilting his head and squinting. His earlier embarrassment was forgotten; always eager to learn about new monsters.
“Really? Ooh! Is that coffee?” She snatched his cup and gulped down half of it before he could even blink. “Yeah,” she said, inhaling the word. “Norwegian shapeshifters live underground, or inside the mountains. Most of them have green or blue skin, and at least the females have tails that resembles cows’ tails, but they change to look more human to lure unsuspecting victims to their deaths. They don’t do that here?”
“Wow, no. What we call shapeshifters are humanoid creatures that can take on the appearance and memories of any living person they decide to mimic. Some can even change into animals. We can kill them with silver through the heart. Or even decapitation.”
Oline tilted her head slightly and smiled upside down. “Huh. Interesting. Gotta read up on them before we get there. Everything is so different over here.” Tapping the side of the cup she’d hijacked, she thought for a second. “I’ve been here for what, four years, and still your country is so foreign. You don’t even have proper brown cheese.”
Getting himself a new cup, Sam blew a silent chuckle through his nose. “Technically, you’re the foreign one, you know.”
“You better have coffee in there!” Dean shuffled through the door, looking very much like he just woke up, and wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. “Ugh, I’m getting too old for this shit. Who decided we start this early?”
“You did,” both Sam and Oline replied, watching as Dean bumped into the counter with half closed eyes, both grateful that he offered some distraction from the disaster waiting to happen. Some times Sam could’ve sworn Oline looked at him like she wanted to eat him up – now that was an interesting thought, and then the next moment she seemed totally uninterested. To be honest it drove him mad, never knowing which way to interpret her language.
They ate the rest of their breakfast in comfortable silence. Sam continued to scribble on his note pad, Oline stared into the air, dreaming about an alternate reality where she had the guts to tell Sam how she felt with actual words he’d understand, and Dean slowly sipped his coffee, generally regretting his recent life choices.
“Road trip!” Oline suddenly called, getting to her feet and dumping her plate in the sink.
“How can you possibly be this cheerful so early?” Dean asked gruffly after he refilled his cup.
Oline waved her own cup around. “Because coffee,” she replied with a short giggle. “Og fordi han der er spesielt søt når håret stikker ut til alle kanter. [And because that one is incredibly cute when his hair is sticking out like that.]” She said it deliberately not looking at Sam, because her insides squirmed at the thought of him suddenly understanding her.
“Hey, no fair,” Sam protested. “We don’t speak Norwegian.”
She shrugged with a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “Dean lukter som en geit, [Dean smells like a goat]” she teased in a sing-song voice, causing Sam to chuckle. “Men Sam lukter som epler og solskinn. [But Sam smells like apples and sunshine.]”
“Be nice!” Dean replied. “I may not understand the words, but I recognise a non-compliment when I hear one. Would you at least wash your dishes?”
Dancing towards the kitchen door, Oline shook her head. “Sorry, Dean. You know I love you.” She stuck her tongue out and leapt through the doorway. “Meet you by the car in an hour.”
Sam laughed to himself. “Dude.”
“I think… she, uh…” He could barely get the words out, laughing so hard. “I think she called you a goat or something. I don’t see the lie, though,” he added, flicking some crumbs at his brother.
“Shut up! You’re… a goat.” There was a moment of silence. “Wait… you know Norwegian?”
Sam ducked his head, his ears turning crimson. “No. Just a couple of words. I’ve been trying to teach myself, but it’s is a friggin’ hard language to learn – I wanted to surprise her.”
Dean stared dumbfounded at him for a few seconds before a big grin cracked over his face. “You’re in love! Oh my god! You are!”
Hiding his face in his hands, Sam shook his head, but he couldn’t hide his own grin. “Shh! I’m… I’m not… shut up.” He got to his feet, grabbing his notebook, and left.
“Great. I live with a couple of slobs,” Dean muttered, grabbing the cereal bowl Sam had left on the table. “We gotta get a maid or something.”
“Good news,” Dean said with a shit-eating grin. “They only had one available room.” He dangled a single key in the air, getting scowls in return. Sam sent him a look that stated: “I don’t know what you’re playing at, but I don’t like it.”
Oline groaned. “At least tell me there’s three beds.”
Dean shook his head.                    
“A sofa? Or a… a chair?”
“Nope. Looks like we’re gonna have to share.”
She rolled her eyes and poked Dean in the chest, lowering her voice. “Du må ikke tro at jeg ikke har gjennomskuet deg! [Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing!]” And then after a brief pause she added: “Fucker!”
Hoisting her bag over her shoulder, she snatched the key from his hand. “Hey, Sam, your brother is disgusting. Mind if I bunk with you?” It was an opportunity after all. She had to make the best of it.
“Sure,” Sam replied with an easy smile, following her inside with his own bag.
When Dean finally got inside, Oline had claimed the bed closest to the window, and she’d already spread her books and papers all over it, and sat cross-legged on the pillows with a pen in her mouth, scrolling down her laptop. Sam had taken his spot on the floor, with his back against the bed, also scrolling on his laptop, but more aware, alert. Like a watchdog. He looked up briefly as Dean closed the door, but seeing no threat, he ignored his brother as best he could.
How these two didn’t realise they belonged together was beyond Dean. He shook his head with a tiny scoff and dumped his duffel onto the other bed. “Got anything yet?”
“Nah. I’m thinking we gotta go government on this. There’s at least one witness who’s sane enough to interview.” Suddenly, Oline dropped her laptop, sending papers rustling to the floor. “Faen! [Shit!]” She breathed the word with her eyes scrunched shut and punched the mattress.
“What is it?” Sam asked quietly. “What’s wrong?”
“Um…” She looked at the Winchesters with utter despair in her eyes. “I forgot my duvet.”
“What?” Dean burst out laughing. “Damn, I thought you’d found something
She grabbed a fistful of the fabric covering the bed. “Your stupid, American motels only have blankets. I’m gonna die of hypothermia.”
She looked so heartbroken even Sam had to laugh. “Relax. It’s like 68 degrees outside.”
“Yeah, but my feet still get cold in the night. And my duvet is so soft,” she pouted, fiddling with her knitted socks.
“Don’t worry,” Dean said once he had dried his eyes. “Sam’s a virtual fire place. He’s gonna keep you warm. Aren’t you, Sammy?”
His brother’s eyes said “Don’t!” but he nodded to Oline. “I’m always hot. And I don’t mind you poking your cold toes on me.” He thought for a second, the stretched and flexed ever so slightly. “Can’t help you with the softness, though.”
“Dude! You’re gross!”
Oline tossed a pillow on Dean. “Hey, he’s no grosser than you. Thank you, Sam.” She smiled and hopped down from the bed. “I’m gonna change into my FBI gear.”
“Smooth,” Dean nodded appreciatively once the bathroom door closed.
“You set this up, didn’t you?” Sam growled through gritted teeth.
“Just… just stay out of this, okay? I really don’t want to screw up our friendship.”
“Well, maybe that’s just what you need to do,” Dean grinned and ducked just in time to avoid a second, zooming pillow.
It took two days of investigating and interviewing more or less willing people to figure out where the shapeshifters were hiding. There were four of them, and as far as Oline could see, the shifters were young and inexperienced, filled with new ideas and not too bright on how to pull it off. But still: shifters were dangerous no matter what, and the three of them went through the safety check behind the Impala.
“Silver knife?”
“Check.” Both Sam and Oline held up theirs.
“Shifter gankin’ bullets?”
“Alright, let’s go.”
“Wait, wait. What’s the plan?”
“The plan?” Dean resembled a big question mark.
“Yeah, dumbass. The plan. There’s four of them and three of us. We can’t just barge in like we normally do.” Oline winked at him, making Sam snort and turn away so Dean wouldn’t see him laugh.
Dean rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You want a plan, børk børk?”
“Yeah. And the chef is Swedish, by the way.”
“Oh, Sor-ry! I didn’t mean to step on your toes. Not my fault that it’s practically impossible to see the difference.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Winchester. Else I’d have to kick your butt.”
“Oh, so that’s how it is, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s how it is. And you know I could do it. Sure, you’re a bit stronger than me, but I’m almost as tall as you –“
“Yeah, and those years spent trudging through the snow,” Sam added with a wink, “means her endurance is high.”
Oline blushed. “Thanks, Sam. But I’m not too fond of the snow. I can’t ski to save my life. But I climbed a lot of trees when I was younger. And I’m faster than you.”
“Not likely,” Dean growled, crouching down to pounce on her.
She squealed and ran to hide behind Sam. “Save me!”
With her hands on Sam’s hips, he almost forgot how to breathe. “Alright you two. You can fight it out later. We’ve got a case here. Remember?”
“Sorry, boss,” Oline said in mock regret, turning to Dean. “Truce?”
“Truce. Let’s do this. And quietly.”
The moment they were inside, they split up. Dean took to the right, through the kitchen. Sam went left, heading for the living room, while Oline took the stairs, slowly sneaking along the wall.
She peered around the corner and spotted a shifter. He clearly hadn’t understood the danger yet, so she tip-toed up behind him, ready to stab him, but just as she raised her knife, he turned. Faster than she expected, he leapt to his feet and rushed past her, knocking her over in the process.
Another shifter appeared above her, and she kicked out, hitting him in the ankles. He landed crookedly on a chair, and it broke with a loud crash. It wasn’t enough to take out the shifter, of course, and a couple of seconds later he got to his feet and charged. But that was all it took for Oline to get ready, and with a massive exertion and a loud groan, the knife pierced through the ribs and into the creature’s heart.
The shifter fell heavily to the ground and Oline listened to the air rasp through the punctured lung to make sure she got him properly.
Sam managed to sneak up on the shapeshifter without being discovered, and swiftly and soundlessly drove his silver knife into the creature’s chest. Unfortunately the ruckus made by the dying shifter attracted another one, who hit Sam over the head, then ran away. He staggered back and forth, seeing double from the impact, but as soon as his vision normalised, Sam ran after him, raising his gun in defence.
The sound of Dean’s gun rang through the house, and Oline mentally counted the kills. Dean had one, she had one, and Sam probably had one going by the sound of it. One left, then, and this one had escaped downstairs, unless there was a secret doorway somewhere.
At the bottom of the stairs, she bumped into Dean. “One left,” they said simultaneously.
“Yeah,” Oline panted. “He got past me and ran downstairs before I could get him.”
“I’ll go,” Dean began, but she stopped him.
“No, I got this. He owes me the satisfaction of dying. Besides, Sam’s still there. Two of us: one of him. Piece of cake. Go get the shovels. “
“Anything to get some alone time with my brother, huh?” Dean replied, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Dean! Don’t make me slap you. I’m more than capable of kicking your ass. I wasn’t kidding earlier.”
“Alright, alright. Calm down. Go help Sam or whatever. I’ll be back in a few.”
When Sam skidded through the doorway he came face to face with Oline, and lowered his gun. “We got them all?”
She grinned widely and took a few steps towards him, but just then he heard her yell “Duck!” somewhere behind him, before something shiny zoomed past him, lodging itself in Oline’s chest. She collapsed on the floor, lifeless and cold, and Sam cried out, dropping to his knees. He was interrupted by Oline’s arms around his shoulders.
“I’m me,” she said calmly. When he didn’t answer right away, she moved around him, pointed to the blood soaked pile of human remains on the floor and said “Shapeshifter!” then at herself and grinned: “Oli.”
His eyes narrowed, and he remained still.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she said, reaching out to him again. When he recoiled, she wanted to scream. To see him unsure and almost afraid of her hurt more than anything else she’d experienced since she came to the US, but she swallowed the grief, telling herself she would probably react the same way.
“It really is me. I promise.” She pulled the knife from the body on the floor, wiped it on her jeans, and ran the edge over her arm. The blood was dark red against her pale skin. “See? It’s me.”
Sam took a few moments to react, so Oline decided to try another approach. “Remember when we got drunk in Seattle and I kissed your eyelid better after you got in a fight with that douche. Over… over… what was it?”
“He insulted your accent,” Sam replied with a smile, neglecting to mention that a shapeshifter would’ve had access to her memories; he was satisfied that she was the Oline he knew. To be honest he just wanted to hold her close. “We laughed so much on the way back from the bar…” He could still feel her lips on his skin, and the memory woke the slumbering butterflies in his stomach.
“Heh, yeah. We must have looked like lunatics.” She thought back to that intensely intimate moment, and felt her ears burn. She’d managed to blame it on the alcohol, but she knew that was just an excuse.
Taking her outstretched hand, Sam pulled himself from the floor.  “Come on. Let’s go help Dean.”
“He’s gone to get the shovels,” Oline grinned. “We’re done here.”
He marvelled how quickly she could change; from gentle and caring one moment to bubbly and cheerful the next. And now he had that eyelid kiss stuck in the front of his brain. He wondered if it was possible to love someone more than he did Oline. He doubted it, but still he said nothing.
She let go of Sam’s hand the moment they were outside. More than anything she wanted to keep him close, but with the recently surfaced memory from Seattle, she couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t say or do something stupid. There was no way Sam felt the same way, and she didn’t want to risk heartbreak.
When she let go of his hand, Sam breathed out slowly, both in relief and disappointment. The electricity and heat spreading from her hand made him dizzy, but it felt good. And the lack of contact made him feel cold, but it made it easier not to do or say anything stupid.
They buried the bodies in shallow graves in the field behind the house, salting them for good measure. It was starting to get dark when Dean dropped the last shovel of dirt onto the very last grave, patting it a couple of extra times before kicking a layer of grass and sticks and leaves over it.
“Whooo!” Oline yelled and pumped her fist in the air, making Dean jump in surprise. “Who’s awesome? Oh yes, we are!”
Sam couldn’t help but smile too: her enthusiasm and joy was contagious.
“Damn straight we are,” Dean replied, and they high-fived, causing Sam to groan loudly.
“Really, how old are you?”
“Aw, Sam, you jealous?” she pouted, offering her hand up. “Come on then, don’t leave me hanging. I’ve been told it’s rude.”
“Fine.” He slapped her hand, and she laughed, mostly to drown the squeal that built in her throat every time they touched.
Her laughter rippled through Sam’s body like waves of pure sunlight, and he suspected he could probably live on that feeling alone for the rest of his days. To mask his urge to pull her into a bone-crushing hug, he grumbled a little extra, muttering about acting like teenagers, before throwing the shovel over his shoulder and setting course for the Impala.
“Hey, gimme a break. I never had an American childhood. This is all still pretty new and shiny to me. We typically never touch each other back home. Let me have my moments of physical contact?” She wiped sweat and dirt from her face before following Sam. “We are the champions,” she sang, high-fiving Dean again on her way past him. “Gotta celebrate this. What do you say, huh? The three of us and a pile of beer bottles?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Dean grinned. “Remind me why I haven’t married you yet?”
She faked a gag. “Um, because that would be gross and considered wildly inappropriate, Winchester. You’re not my type.”
Dean laughed loudly. “Oh yeah, there’s that.”
Her eyes flicked over to Sam, and the short gesture wasn’t lost on Dean, but he said nothing this time: he’d tried to push her before, and that nearly ended with a black eye, so he kept to light teasing and inside jokes now and then.
Sam, however, was completely oblivious to the look he’d just received – lost in his own thoughts.
“You in, Sammy?” Dean clapped him on the shoulder.
“Beer, burgers, babes… Celebrate our success. Come on, bro. Have a little fun. Even you can’t be boring all the time.”
“Yeah, I’m up for a few beers,” Sam said eventually. “But I’d like to wash off this gunk, though.” He wiped the blood from his hands on his jeans.
“Oh yeah,” Oline nodded enthusiastically. “Shower. Definitely.”
The bathroom door opened, and Sam emerged like he was in a cheesy rom-com. Steam billowed around him, and he wore nothing but a pair of jeans.
Oline stopped mid-scrolling. Her brain lost all function, she lost the ability to speak; she just stared with her hand hovering over the mouse pad on her laptop.
When her brain regained consciousness, she quickly averted her eyes and swore silently. “Faen. Skulle tro du gjorde det med vilje. Hvis du fortsetter sånn, kommer jeg til å selvantenne – eller drukne! [Fuck. I could almost think you’re doing it on purpose. If you continue like that I’ll spontaneously combust – or drown!]”
“What was that? He looked up, still with the towel in his hand.
“Uh… nothing,” she lied quickly, rubbing the embarrassment from the back of her neck. “Hope you left some hot water for me.”
They found a table close to the exit and plopped down on the chairs, ignoring their slight stickiness. And after the first sip of beer, Oline sighed happily. “Nothing like a good beer after a hunt,” she smiled, gazing around the crowded room to hide her frequent looks in Sam’s direction.
“Never met anyone who enjoys her beer more than you,” Dean grinned, clinking his bottle against hers.
“Well, how can I not? I mean, beer is so cheap here. It’s like… $4 for a bottle? It’s crazy! Back home you’re lucky if you find one under $10.”
“I’m drinking to that.” Lifting his bottle, Dean toasted the air. “Hey, you never said why you left. Don’t you ever miss home?”
She nodded and smiled sadly into her glass. “I do. But I can never go back. I’ll tell you sometime. Another time. Let’s talk about something else?”
“Sorry.” Dean fell silent, and they all sat just listening to the music and sipping their drinks for a while.
But after a few minutes, Sam put his hand on Oline’s knee. “Hey, you okay?” He’d caught her sighing deeply. She nodded, blinking rapidly a couple of times, and he could have sworn he saw tears glittering in her eyes, but they disappeared so fast he wasn’t completely sure.
Her answer came as a whisper, and it hit him in the gut. “Yeah. I just miss my family. It hurts that I’ll never see them again.”
“I’m here if you want to talk,” he replied, rubbing his thumb back and forth over her knee. “When you’re ready.”
“Thank you, Sam. It means a lot.”
Dean looked up, studying Oline’s face, but said nothing.
After a long silence, she dragged her hand across her face and leaned back in her seat. “I first decided to leave when it became clear to me that I couldn’t stay without killing them – my parents, I mean,” she began. Hesitantly, fearing shock and judgement in the brothers’ faces.
Dean frowned slightly, but kept quiet: she could see the dozens of questions bubbling on his tongue, and how he swallowed them down. Sam’s gaze softened, and he squeezed her knee gently, giving her courage and strength to continue.
When they didn’t show any signs of wanting to run away, she grimaced what could have been an uncertain smile, and spoke again: “…six years ago I think it was, when my parents were bitten and changed. And they embraced their new lives with delight. Soon the small hunting community we were a part of demanded I’d take care of them. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it: even knowing the chaos and destruction they brought. I just couldn’t. My guess is they’re dead now anyway. I don’t know.”
She sighed and breathed out a short laugh. “Pathetic, I know. Running away from my responsibilities like that, but I… so I left. Got away. Travelled for a bit. Eventually I got on a plane and landed in Boston. Did a bit of sightseeing, but the hunter’s life never lets you go, yeah? Hunting new monsters over here became sort of a healing process, I guess. Then I ran into you guys. Best coincidence in my life.”
The three of them fell silent, before Oline spoke up again. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to deflate the balloon like that. Let’s talk about something else. Like that woman over there,” she said after looking around the room searching for a topic. “She’s been ogling you since we got here, Dean.”
Picking up on her intentions right away, Dean sat up straighter. “Who?”
“The one over there with the bouncy, red curls. Don’t look now. I’ll let you know when…”
And so the next few hours flew by in a fog of discussing old and new conquests, women – and a few men, alcohol, music, and even more alcohol. Eventually Dean decided to go say hello to the redhead, bringing her over to the table, and making Oline and Sam uncomfortable.
“I’m gonna get another drink,” Oline declared after a few minutes of being forced to watch Dean’s moves, standing up faster than she ought to, knocking over her chair. “You want anything, handsome?”
“No thanks,” Dean replied, quickly ducking from her hand swatting the back of his head.
She swayed slightly. “How ‘bout you, Sam? Another?”
He measured what was left in his glass and shook his head. “I’m good.”
“Suit yourself,” Oline replied defiantly and made her way over to the bar.
Sam followed her with his eyes, memorising how she moved; still elegant, even now when she was drunk and had to use other people as support to not wobble too much.
“Dude!” Dean said, punching his brother in the arm.
“Ow! What?” Rubbing the forming bruise, Sam scowled back.
“That girl’s got it bad for you,” the redhead said, earning a nod and affirmative grunt from Dean.
“Shut up!” Sam looked back at Oline, who was talking to a guy at the bar. She was laughing and leaning close to him, and he recognised the look in the guy’s eyes: stars and dark lust – he’d hit jackpot.
Once again Sam failed to notice the longing look Oline gave him before she turned around and unleashed her smile on the gentleman next to her. But he did see the effect she had on the stranger. Within a minute of talking to him, he was completely under her spell. And it made Sam feel nauseous.
“I’m… gonna head back to the motel,” he muttered. “Don’t feel too good.”
Looking up from the woman sitting in his lap, Dean raised an eyebrow. “You sure? Need me to come with you?”
Sam shook his head and downed the rest of his drink. “Nah. I’ll be fine. You have fun now.” He nodded once to the woman and left the bar.
When Oline turned back to look at Sam again, she was devastated to find him gone. Devastated, but not surprised. He was bound to find a lady to spend the night with – half the bar practically threw themselves at his feet when they entered, but it hurt nonetheless. She so wanted to be the one he took home.
It wasn’t until Dean slammed the bathroom door and shook his wet hair over him that Sam woke up. Flopping sleepily, he rolled over on the side and pulled the blanket over his face. Silence reigned for a few seconds before he warily emerged from his cocoon. “Ugh. What time is it?”
“Good morning, little brother.” Dean was positively beaming. “It’s…” He checked this watch. “6.15 – and I just got back! Oh man! You missed out last night. Daisy, you remember Daisy? She had a friend, and since you weren’t there, I was feeling generous…”
And with that he launched into a monologue so filled with confidence and smugness that Sam couldn’t wait for Oline to finish in the shower so he could get away. He only hoped she left some hot… water… There was no water running and the door was cracked open.
“Hey, Dean?”
“…and let me tell you: she wasn’t shy. Oh no –“
“Dean. Did Oli –“
“Neither of them were, if you know what I mean –“
“Dean! Will you shut up for a goddamned minute?” Sam almost yelled, causing Dean to smack his mouth shut with a betrayed look on his face. “Thank you. Did Oli leave to get breakfast?” Best to play it casual.
“Don’t think so,” Dean replied with a slight shrug. “Looks to me like she didn’t come back here last night. Her stuff is untouched.”
Sam sniffed her pillow, concealed as a yawn. It still smelled like the motel’s detergent. She definitely hadn’t slept there, but he patted it just to make sure. It was cold. “You’re right,” he muttered.
“Good for her. She needed a good lay. Not surprised she took off when she faced a night in bed with you.”
“Screw you!” Sam grabbed his phone. No messages. Good morning. Will you be long? Dean’s going to get breakfast. What’cha want? We’re rolling in a couple hours. He sent it more to calm the growing unease in his stomach, then got out of bed and into the shower, letting the running water massage his sore muscles.
The first thing he did when he got out was to check for a reply. Nothing. Hey, sleepyhead. Time to head north again. Still nothing. Oli? You OK?
“Dean, I don’t feel too good about this. Oli’s not answering my texts.”
“So she’s busy. I wouldn’t answer your clingy ass if I was in the middle of a good time either.” When Dean put a hand on his shoulder, Sam looked up: seeking some sort of comfort in his brother’s face. He got none. Instead, Dean asked: “I’m getting us something to eat. Want coffee?”
“Please. And a bagel.” Sam didn’t really feel hungry, but he needed some time to think.
Dean nodded. “And don’t worry about Oli. She’ll be fine.”
“Mhm.” Sam automatically glanced down on his phone, then flung it on the bed, picking up his laptop instead. Didn’t take long before he reached for his phone again. Still nothing. Sam sighed.
“Listen, if this bothers you so much, why don’t you talk to her? Tell her –“
“Yeah, alright, Dean. Thank you. Get out of here.” He had a point. But Sam just didn’t know how to begin. And the what ifs were piling high in his brain. This was not how he imagined it though. Sure, he’d been annoyed as hell when Dean conned them into sharing a bed, but it was an opportunity he just had to take. But now he realised he was too late. What if she had found someone? What if she decided to leave the life? He couldn’t blame her. Once he would’ve abandoned everything for a shot at a normal, boring life too.
When Dean came back thirty minutes later, Sam had worked himself so up he was convinced that Oline had already eloped to get married to some random dude. And it didn’t help that Dean thought it was hilarious.
“She’ll waltz in here in an hour, glowing and smiling shyly, and then we’ll carry on like usual.”
The hour came and went. Sam became more and more nervous. Even Dean was becoming a little antsy. “Maybe she just needs some alone time,” Dean said. “Remember when we first met her? I was convinced she didn’t like me, ‘cause she was so hard to get to know. Besides, Oline’s basically a Viking. She can take care of herself.”
“Yeah,” Sam replied with a grimace. “But I still think it’s weird she hasn’t replied to my texts.”
Ping. Sam’s phone chimed happily, but he snatched it with force, staring at the message on the screen.
Dean grinned. “See? She probably just woke up a bit late.”
“No text,” Sam replied silently. “Only this.” He held out his phone. The message was just a link to a video. Nothing more.
Dean cocked his head. “Huh. What –“
Sam groaned. “What if she… what if she says she wants out? That she doesn’t want … I mean, she’s been gone since last night.”
“Come on,” Dean said with a reassuring smile. “Oli would never do that. She’s probably just, I don’t know, lost track of time or something. It happens,” he added with a grin.
Not the answer Sam wanted, and he glared at his brother. “Not helping.”
“Just doing my duty. Let’s see what she has to say before you panic, okay?” He grabbed the phone and opened the link.
The video was dark at first. They could barely make out a dark figure in the middle of the shot, but nothing else. Occasionally shadows flitted across the screen and they heard soft feet pitter-pattering over concrete floor. Somewhere out of the shot they heard running water.
“What the hell?” Dean began, but Sam interrupted him.
“Shhh! Something’s happening.” His stomach felt like he’d swallowed a rock.
Suddenly the light was switched on, and Sam felt like throwing up. If Dean hadn’t been holding the phone too he would’ve dropped it: the dark figure was Y/N. Slumped over in a chair, she looked bruised and beaten, and her jeans were stained dark red.
“Wakey wakey,” a coarse voice said from behind the camera.
Oline groaned and stirred, slowly lifting her head, to reveal a swollen, bloody face, and a split lip.
“Oli,” Sam breathed, gripping the blanked he was sitting on tightly. Dean growled in agreement.
It took a few minutes before she regained full consciousness, blinking and swallowing; wincing when her skin stretched and moved. Then, as if the floodgates had opened, she started yelling. Her voice was raw and somewhat diminished, but her meaning was clear enough. “I helvete?! Hva faen er det dere driver med? Kom her din jævla feige kukskalle, så skal jeg faen steike meg sparke deg så hardt i ballene at du kjenner smaken av dem i halsen! Din forbannade forpulte pikk! Slipp meg løs for faen! Jeg skal faen meg gi deg deng, din helsikes forbannade demonjævel! [What the hell? What the fuck are you doing? Come here you fucking cowardly dickhead; I’ll fucking kick you so hard in the nuts you’ll taste them in your throat. You damned, fucking cock! Let me fucking go! I’ll fucking kick your ass, you goddamn fucking demon bastard!]”
She continued to yell, both while exhaling and inhaling, making Sam’s mouth twitch. At least she still had her wits. But the fuckers were gonna pay for what they’d done. He looked over at Dean who just stared at the screen. Sonofabitch!
“Wow. Didn’t expect such language from a lady.”
Both men whipped around, drawing their guns in fluid motions, but when they realised the intruder was a minor threat, they relaxed somewhat.
“What are you doing here, Crowley?” Sam asked, slouching back on the bed.
“I’ve missed you too,” Crowley replied with an air kiss. “Can’t a King check on his favourite nightmare subjects?”
Sam scoffed. “We’re not your… argh! Forget it!” He grabbed his phone and leaned on the headboard, flicking the phone back and forth between his hands.
“I’m not too proud to admit it: Hell bores me. So I came up to see if you had something exciting going on. What’s up with Samantha? I haven’t had a welcome this icy since I came for Prince Albert. Victoria could be quite stern when she wanted to. Makes me feel all sorts of nostalgic.”
Dean clenched his jaw and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Oli’s been kidnapped.”
“Ah,” Crowley nodded, “that explains it.”
“Explains what?”
“Sam’s dread – seriously, the stench fills the whole room – and Oline’s colourful phrasing. She got quite the razor tongue when she’s pissed.”
“Wait, you understand this?” Sam gestured with the phone.
“I’m the king of Hell, you moron. It’s in my job description. Wouldn’t be much of a King if all it took was a foreign language to keep secrets from me. Now what did I miss?” He held out his hand and Sam handed him the phone.
With the video playing in the background, Crowley started translating. “Well, they certainly aren’t my demons. In fact I rather think they’re something else entirely.” He tossed the phone on the bed, where it bounced a couple of times before settling. “I think I’ve seen enough. Shall we?”
“Shall we, what?”
Crowley rolled his eyes. “Go rescue the damsel in distress, of course. Get her safely home so Sam can go back to pining after her. Really! How thick are you?”
Squinting, Sam got to his feet. “You’re just gonna help us like that? Out of the kindness of your heart?”
“I’m nice like that,” Crowley smirked. “All I want in return –“ He paused dramatically to think, “– is your undying gratitude and a couple of favours to cash in when –“ Sam looked like he was ready to launch himself at the demon. “Alright, I’ll help you for a bottle of whisky; the good stuff, not that gut-rot you usually poison yourself with.”
“Done,” Sam said quickly.
“…and you have to address me as Your Majesty until we get her.”
“Eat shit, Crowley!” Dean spat, looking like someone had suggested painting his beloved Impala neon pink. “You… that’s… you...”
“Appappapp! What are you forgetting?”
Sam looked at Dean, and they both pursed their lips. “It’s a deal,” he said through gritted teeth. “Let’s go.”
“It’s a deal…?”
“Ugh, for the love of… It’s a deal, Your Majesty,” Sam added, apparently struggling to speak without self-combusting.
Crowley clapped enthusiastically before catching himself and reverting back to his dignified, solemn self. “Oh, I gotta get this on tape,” he giggled. “This is going to be the most fun I’ve had in ages.”
“So… your… Your Majesty, gonna tell us what we’re dealing with? Ugh! Do I really have to call you … that?”
“I fully intend to enjoy this as long as I can, yes,” Crowley replied with a nod. “It’s not every day you two morons show me the respect I deserve.”
“Oh, come on!”
“As for who has Oline,” he continued, ignoring Dean’s outburst, “look.” He paused the video and pointed to two tiny, but very distinct flares on the screen.
“Shifters,” Dean muttered.
“But we got everyone,” Sam began.
“Then you did a poor job, because there’s most definitely some left. And they look pissed. I would be too,” Crowley added with a shrug, “if some half-wit hunter burst through my front door and killed most of my family.”
Dean drove like a maniac, more so than usual. Normally Sam would’ve told him to calm down, but now he sat in silence, with a murderous look on his face. In the backseat sat Crowley, starting to feel a bit green around the eyes. He seriously debated whether or not he should just teleport to the hideout, but then he’d miss the opportunity to bother the boys, so he bit his teeth together and focused on the road ahead.
“Well, that was tense,” he said after the Impala screeched to a halt outside the large building. He stretched his legs and gulped down the cool evening air. “This is where you screwed up last night?”
Sam’s lips were straight and his eyes almost shot lightning bolts. “Shut it, Crowl – Your Majesty. Let’s just find these bitches. My patience is wearing thin.”
It didn’t take long to take care of the last two shifters. Although pissed and strong, they were no match for Crowley, who seemed to find it relaxing and therapeutic to kill. By the time the second one hit the floor, he was grinning from ear to ear. “Ah,” he sighed. “There’s nothing like a little bloodshed in the evening. Pity there weren’t more of them.”
Oline didn’t even look up when he started to untie her; just flexed her jaw and furrowed her eyebrows. “Få de jævla hendene dine vekk fra meg! Jeg sverger: når jeg kommer meg løs hefra så er du en død mann! [Get those fucking hands off of me! I swear: when I get out of this, you’re a dead man!]”
Crowley chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. “You’re not gonna kill anyone, darling. There’s no one left TO kill. But I’m sure there’s other ways for you to use all that pent up rage and energy.”
“Crowley? Du er ikke virkelig. Bare en drøm. Faen… [You’re not real. Just a dream. Fuck…]”
“Some people have been known to call me a dream, yes, and I do travel with a pair of plaid nightmares –“
Sam pushed past Crowley and sank to his knees in front of the chair. “Oli, sweetie, look at me. Can you do that for me, please?” He lifted her chin up with his fingers, and smiled softly when her eyes slowly opened.
“Sam? Is it really you? It’s not just an illusion?”
He sighed, sniffing the tear that slid down the edge of his nose. “No, sweetie, it’s really me. And Dean is here too. Even Crowley.”
“I knew you’d come for me. Just hoped it would be before it was too late.”
“Of course we came for you. It’s not the same without you.” He swallowed. He had to lighten the weight on his chest. “I don’t know what I’d do if you – I’m crazy about you.”
Dean coughed and grabbed Crowley’s sleeve. “Let’s give them a few minutes. Help me bury the bodies.” Crowley raised his eyebrows, making Dean sigh loudly. “Alright. Help me bury the bodies, Your Majesty. But this is the last one, I swear!”
“I’m gonna miss it,” Crowley sniggered, but he followed Dean outside.
Oline looked from the door to Sam.
“I know,” he replied to her silent question. “It’s a long story, but a small price to pay, really.” He took her hands in his, rubbing the cold from them. “I’m sorry, Oli. I really am.”
“For what?” Her voice cracked as she let out a short, nervous breath.
“That it took something like this to make me say something. I mean… with the life we lead, you’d think we’d understand how fragile that balance can be. But I’d like to… I mean… Can we try to…”
“Yes! I’m… I’m crazy about you too. Just didn’t know how to…” She reached up and put her arms around Sam’s neck, and he swooped her up, giggling like a teenager.
Carefully Oline pressed her lips against his, but withdrew quickly with a hiss. “Ow! Stupid monsters ruining my dream even when they’re dead.”
“Your dream, huh? Well, luckily this isn’t a dream you have to wake up from. There’s plenty of time to live it.” He searched her face for an unharmed spot, and kissed it tenderly.
“Aww… Aren’t you cute?” Crowley cooed from the doorway.
Oline leaned on Sam’s chest, and he rested his head on her shoulder. “Should think so yeah,” she grinned. “I’m adorable and he’s only the most handsome man in the world.”
Dean stuck his head around the corner and grimaced. “Ew, come on, Crowley. Oli clearly got hit on the head or something.”
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