#genisys AU
anime-greek · 4 months
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(GenisysAU) “Mind Mikeys”
Mikey is taught a spell that is a different way to access a being’s mind (to avoid attacks from within). Angelo is the subject of practice.
The memory of his choice is the day of the Krang invasion for Angelo.
If you notice inconsistencies and color errors- no you don’t. That’s in your mind 😭 this is meant to just be sketch colored and that’s it
Started this around October and finally finished. It was sporadically worked on two pages at a time.
1-4 in October ; 5-6 in November ; 7-8 in February ; 9-10 in May
Reason why it kinda took so long is because I switched over to drawing in Procreate on my iPad as opposed to Clip Studio on my computer. I wanted to have the same brush outline and consistent coloring. However I don’t use my computer except for games and animatics now, and even that’s kinda rare-ish.
This was a learning experience for me though so that’s great!
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Terminator
Code Name: The Bad Future
Object Class: Keter Somnum
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the spontaneous manifestations of SCP-AAZ phenomena, direct containment of the anomaly is impossible. Instead, Foundation satellites are responsible for identifying the anomalous wavelengths of a SCP-AAZ phenomena to find its location. Once it has been located, Mobile Task Force Hestia-3 "Of Gears and Cybernetics" is to be deployed right away. MTF Hestia-3 is to arrive to the predicted coordinates within 5 hours before the SCP-AAZ-2 instance manifests into our reality. If MTF Hestia-3 fails to get to the location on time the area is to be quarantined and Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds" are to be deployed. If deemed necessary, they utilize Protocol "Join or Die" to have any local law enforcement in the area work with the Foundation to maintain order while locating the SCP-AAZ-2 instance. Once it is located MTF Hestia-3 are to deactivate and contain the anomaly, though if deemed necessary they will neutralize the instance.
Containment of an active SCP-AAZ-2 instances has not been permitted as each instance is able to transmit all it has viewed and experienced to its respective SCP-AAZ-1. Though not every SCP-AAZ-2 instance as a SCP-AAZ-1, it is still Foundation protocol to deactivate them before containment. All deactivated or dismantled SCP-AAZ-2 instances are to be transported to Site-AA and placed in the Cybernetic Storage area. Due to the nature of SCP-AAZ-2 instance as well as a majority of anomalies in that storage area, no AFA units are to guard the area. Furthermore, none of the boxes containing SCP-AAZ-2 parts are to be placed any closer than 1 meter of each other.
Description: SCP-AAZ is an anomalous temporal phenomenon caused by an A.I. normally referred to as Skynet, the Foundation has labeled it as SCP-AAZ-1. SCP-AAZ-1 is supposedly from a future where it has succeeded in nuking the world and created machines to help it enslave the remainder of humanity. However, there is a resistance that has halted its efforts and eventually, ensures its eradication. To prevent this, SCP-AAZ-1 has sent machines back into the past through SCP-AAZ to kill the resistance before it is created. One of the only ways the Foundation knows any of this is thanks to the hacked data logs of the machines, which are labeled as SCP-AAZ-2 instances
SCP-AAZ-2 instances are normally skeletal androids that wear human skin to blend in and kill without resistance. However, it should be noted that of all reported SCP-AAZ-2 instances, a majority appear with some minor differences and quite a few look and act nothing like the rest. This unfortunately has made the containment of certain instances rather difficult and forced the Foundation to neutralize some that would have provided valuable research. Most curiously there are even some that don't even have an SCP-AAZ-1 instance or end up in our reality for completely different reasons.
At least one SCP-AAZ-2 instance manifests every year to kill its target. As such, each SCP-AAZ-2 is identified by the year in which it manifested in. SCP-AAZ was discovered in 1984 when SCP-AAZ-2: 1984 manifested in our reality. It was programed with the mission to kill, Person of Interest: Sarah Connor. At the time the Foundation only knew it was a temporal anomaly, which is why Mobile Task Force Hephaestus-8 "Turn Back the Clock" was deployed. MTF Hephaestus-8 did find and deactivated the SCP-AAZ-2 instance but not without heavy loss. Though they were assisted by Person of Interest: Kyle Reese, who was later brought to Foundation custody.
Kyle Reese did cooperate with the Foundation by providing information we would not have obtained from the SCP-AAZ-2 instances. However, in accordance with ACPA temporal laws he could not be allowed to exist any further in our timeline and was executed. Later the US government was ordered by the Foundation to scrap any plans to create a single powerful A.I. that would guide and control all major US weapons and missiles. With this, SCP-AAZ-1's existence was prevented.
Person of Interest: Sarah Connor was left out of the conflict thanks to the Foundation. She did have a son named John Connor as Kyle Reese said she would, but because the Foundation prevented SCP-AAZ-1's existence, she and her son were removed from the PoI watchlist. However, in 1988, a new SCP-AAZ-2 instance came into our reality. Then in the following years more and more showed up each one, trying to kill a different individual. Please see Addendum X-18 for details.
Addendum X-18:
The following is a brief description of each SCP-AAZ-2 instance as well as their given orders from their respective SCP-AAZ-1 instances. 
SCP-AAZ-2: 1984 - Had a mechanical structure quite similar to a skeleton allowing it to wear fake skin to blend in with humans. It manifested in Los Angeles, California with the mission to kill Person of Interest: Sarah Connor by order of SCP-AAZ-1 "Skynet". It was discovered after it killed an older woman by the same name and was later neutralized by MTF Hephaestus-8. Person of Interest: Kyle Reese was captured the day after.
SCP-AAZ-2: 1988 - Manifested at the beginning of the year at Cate's Crossing, Louisiana. Seemed to be a mechanical entity that resembled a stone golem but was actually [data expunged] a common metal used by Species of Interest: [data expunged]. It is unknown what happened to this instance as when it was found, only a head could be recovered. Because of the anomalous technology there was no way to access it's data logs if it even had any. Though as it was losing power it claimed its mission was to kill an individual known as Dr. Julia Williams.
SCP-AAZ-2: 1989 - A Motorcycle with a cybernetic brain, eyes, and was armed with two machine guns on its sides. It manifested within [data expunged], Texas and unfortunately managed to slip past MTF Hestia-3 while killing several people in the area. Once the instance was finally hunted down and neutralized MTF Hestia-3, a Joint Task Force between Iota-10 and MTF Gamma-5 was formed to find all survivors of the incidence and give them the proper amnestic's. According to the logs in the data base brain it was looking for someone named Jackson Willians by order of SCP-AAZ-1 "Skynet".
SCP-AAZ-2: 1990 - A mechanical spider made of clockworks mechanics and was able to spit fire. Manifested in [data expunged], Alabama; unfortunately, Mobile Task Force Sigma-9 "Valkyries" was called in instead of MTF Hesita-3 due to the instance carrying an extremely infectious strain of SCP-217. The entire city of [data expunged], Alabama was wiped out as a result of SCP-217 infection, thus it was bombed by MTF Sigma-9 and later wiped off the map. It's unknown who this instance was after or if it was even related to the other instances. Upon its manifestation the anomalous wavelengths were similar but there was no SCP-AAZ phenomena sighted by Foundation satellites. After it's neutralization, the recovery team found a single piece of the instance with the word "Leviathan" written on it.
SCP-AAZ-2: 1991-1992 - [data expunged]
SCP-AAZ-2: 1993 - An instance of a skeletal model but this time resembling the skeleton of a shark with abnormal modifications of six eyes and six insectoid legs. Manifested in the underground tunnel system of [data expunged]. Just as MTF Hestia-3 had arrived, another portal manifested and Marine Fighting Team Hammerhead-12: "Metal Leviathans" from Group of Interest: The Shark Punching Center, came out. Once MFT Hammerhead-12 entered out reality, they started punching the instance until it was destroyed. Afterwards they quickly left after kindly greeting the MTF Hestia-3 units who were deeply confused. After the remains were retrieved its data logs stated that it was hunting Sarah F. Conner by order of "Sharknet". The Foundation didn't even bother to confirm if such a person existed in our reality. 
SCP-AAZ-2: 1994 - A mechanical monstrosity resembling SCP-ACT, manifested near Site-[data expunged]. Had a long mechanical body but instead of insectoid legs has mechanical skeletal arms and possessed a diamond shaped computer screen for a face. When MTF Hestia-3 intercepted and managed to damage the instance, it quickly self-destructed but not before saying "Tell Dr. Zeek that [data expunged] is a traitor. Trust, SCP-[data expunged]." The O5 Council ordered all present MTF Hestia-3 units to be amnestied to forget what they heard. Furthermore, all recorded data is to be erased, anyone trying to recover said data will be executed, there are no exceptions.
SCP-AAZ-2: 1995 - An instance made of an anomalous liquid metal, granting it the ability to manipulate its body's shape at will to from any weapon it desired. The liquid metal was able to reflect light in a way that it could take on any texture of color it desired at any given time. How this instance could be programed to act and function, what the metal exactly was, and how it was all created is unknown. Upon its conflict with MTF Hestia-3 it claimed it was created by "Skynet" and was determined to kill "John Connor". At this time John Connor was 10 years old and was being raised by his mother Sarah Connor who has never known any SCP-AAZ-2 instances tried to kill her.
SCP-AAZ-2: 1996-1999 - [data expunged]
SCP-AAZ-2: 2000 - Quite similar to the 1984 instance but was coated with leeches infected with SCP-AAY, manifested in [data expunged], Louisiana. Unlike previous instances it simply found a secluded area waited there hiding. Due to the environment Mobile Task Force Beta-2 "Bayou Boys" Joined MTF Hestia-3 on the mission. The JTF units were unable to defeat the instance and were forced to pull back to avoid casualties. Instead, the experimental and controversial, Mobile Task Force Hades-8 "Mekhane's Demons" was sent in and managed to finally subdue the instance. Its data logs showed that it was created by the "Red Queen" of the "Neo-Umbrella Federation". Its mission was to wait for Person of Interest: Ethan Winters and kill him before the [data expunged] incident. Despite having this knowledge, the Foundation was still blindsided by the [data expunged] incident, marking yet another of our most embarrassing failures.
SCP-AAZ-2: 2001 - Consisting of not one, but several skeletal instances without any skin and seemingly manifested into our world in pieces, why this was the case in unknown. They attempted to reassemble themselves but were quickly neutralized by MTF Hesita-3. It's unknown what their mission was though due to their design it can be assumed they were the same as the 1984 instance and worked for "Skynet".
SCP-AAZ-2: 2002 - A withered and rusted mechanical instance of SCP-ADF, manifested near an establishment owned Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment. Though accidently it was discovered and came into conflict with Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package". It upon its neutralization it quickly tried to speak claiming it was here to stop the nuclear holocaust caused by "The Cupcake". It's unknown if this is code and if so, for who.
SCP-AAZ-2: 2003 - Three Liquid metals instances that manifested in [data expunged], California. Two were made of a silver like liquid metal while the slightly bigger one was made of gold like liquid metal. They were after someone named Dennis Reese and claimed to work for Skynet. Unfortunately, given their technological nature it was impossible access their data, so MTF Hestia-3 had to accept this information and neutralize them. 
SCP-AAZ-2: 2004 - A mechanical spider like monstrosity that greatly resembled SCP-ASN. Manifested in the [data expunged] desert and was heading straight for Site-[data expunged]. Thankfully Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" intercepted the instance and was able to take it down within an hour. Oddly enough, after the remains of the instance was retrieved, it had no physical power source to find. Instead, the only indication of its origin was a plating stating "Property of The Factory". Why The Factory would want to kill [data expunged] and if or how [data expunged] has obtained the capability of time travel is unknown. 
SCP-AAZ-2: 2005 - 2012 - [data expunged]
SCP-AAZ-2: 2013 - A terminator that much resembles the original 1984 model but had no skin and was engraved with sigils associated with the Scarlet King all over it. Had no weapons but instead was able to conjure thaumaturgic rituals commonly used by GoI: Children of the Scarlet King. Manifested at Foundation Site-[data expunged] on the same day of [data expunged] between [data expunged] and [data expunged]. Instead of MTF Hestia-3, Mobile Task Force Hecate-A "Real Magic" Division "Warlock's Spear" was quickly deployed to combat the instance. After its neutralization, there was no actual data core to hack leaving no data to obtain. However, on its back was engraved "Property of The Factory, made for special customer: The Scarlet King." This unfortunately confirms that Group of Interest: The Factory is possesses time travel.
SCP-AAZ-2: 2014 - A giant instance that was spotted in the [data expunged] forest and was heading to the city of [data expunged]. However when MTF Hestia-3 intercepted it dissolved into a pile of flowers. The recovery team found nothing anomalous about the flowers, though there was a business card found with the words, "Are We Cool Yet?" written on it. Dr. Wicked went on a rampage in his office upon hearing of the incident and his bodyguard Agent Bill Pardy as well as his wife Researcher Starla Pardy spent 2 hours trying to calm him down. 
SCP-AAZ-2: 2015 - A highly dangerous instance made of an unknown metal suspected to either be nanites or possibly programable matter. The instance was able to change its shape with terrifying accuracy, the only weakness reported was magnetism being able to disrupt and even tear apart the instance. Manifested in San Francisco, California; MTF Hestia-3 suffered heavy casualties trying to take out the instance as well as suppress its activity form the public. It was only when Group of Interest: The Three Moon's Initiative deployed several [data expunged] was it finally destroyed. Unfortunately, they destroyed everything of the instance so no data logs could be recovered. The only thing the Foundation knows is that the instance repeatedly said it will "save Genesis".
SCP-AAZ-2: 2016-2018 - [data expunged]
SCP-AAZ-2: 2019: Technically two instances one being a black liquid metal Terminator and a model resembling the 1984 mobile made with an advanced carbon condensed alloy. They fuse together so that the carbon alloy terminator makes the skeleton, and the black liquid metal terminator makes the skin. Furthermore, the black liquid metal acts as a conductor allowing the terminator to hack any technology as to have access to any form of information at will. they manifested in Livingston, Guatemala. Despite its advanced mechanics and capabilities, it was rather clumsy so the seasoned veterans of MTF Hestia-3 found it extremely easy to neutralize both terminators and recover the remains. Foundation engineers and hackers found from the skeletal instance that it was created by SCP-AAZ-1 code name Legion and its mission was to kill the leader of the resistance Dani Ramos. 
SCP-AAZ-2: 2020 - at first was a single [data expunged]. Quickly became an army of [data expunged]. [data expunged] leading to massive casualties. MTF Hestia-3 had unfortunately failed at both neutralization as well as basic containment and was forced to retreat. Instead, it was actually taken down by Group of Interest [data expunged]. Afterwards the city of [data expunged] was wiped off the map.
There hasn't been a report of SCP-AAZ activity since 2020, but there is no evidence that any of the cataloged SCP-AAZ-1 instances have been neutralized. It is for this reason SCP-AAZ is labeled as object class Somnum.
"From what we can tell SCP-AAZ is supposed to be from the future, which doesn't make any sense since we already know what the future holds thanks to SCP-[data expunged]. However, this might show that Dr. Alvik's multiverse connection theory could be correct. Which is deeply concerning since that would imply the Scarlet Bastard is closer than we thought. I mean he was connected to several SCP-AAZ incidents so... yeah, there's that. Though that's not the only thing bothering me, of all the SCP-AAZ incidents some of the instances have targeted individuals that don't even exist in our reality so why do they all keep ending up in our reality? Is it really a mistake? Or is something bringing them here, I guess only time will tell." - Dr. Goetia
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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kornstreifs-storys · 1 year
Short story: The Creation
Part 1: Gaia
Over 5 Billion years ago, if that time span even means something at this point, when the previons Universe was still around. There was a young Mew. They were a planetary guardian and were in charge of a small planet, in Orbit of a red dwarf. But the planet was dying, no the entire universe seemed to be falling apart.
Arceus, Dialga and Palkia had suddenly vanished and with their absence the domains of Time, Space and Creation were slowly getting corrupted. The last of the creation trio Giratina tried to hold the Universe together, but their domain over gravity and antimatter only speed up the decay of time and space.
The young mew was sad that the universe, should end like this. They had barely begun their duty and thier planet was allready allmost dead. But they was not about to just sit around and watch the end coming. So they went to Jirachi to ask them to bring them to the centre of the Universe, to the Nexus of Beginning.
Once they were there, the Mew stepped into the Nexus. They could hear a voice in their head, asking them if they desired the Nexuses power. The Mew replied that they were only looking for a way to save the Universe. Than the Nexus replied, "Then we will to so together". After that the Mews Vision went black.
When Gaia had first opend her eyes, she was in the centre of a dying world. She did not know how she got there, but she knew exacly what she had to do here. There was a Jirachi near her, it asked her what she was going to do now, but it used a name she didn't recognize. Still, she replied. "I'm going to save all of you." She then opened her arms and her three Tails combined into one, Yin, Yang and Wuji forming a Union for the first Time in her life.
The power of Live and creation rushed through her veins and she took all the living Souls that had remained in this world and absorbed them, to keep them safe from what she'd do next. Then she reached out to the farthest corners of time and space to absorb the entire Universe into her being.
For just this short time, Gaia was probably the most powerfull being to ever exist. But it only lasted for a few Seconds, then she released all that power back into the Void that had formed around her, igniting a new Universe and starting the cycle of time and space all over again. And with that the instructions Gaia had recived at the monent of her birth had been fulfilled.
Part 1 (here), part 2, part 3
Hey there hope you enjoyed, the first part of my Short story Creation that tells the tale of how the this AU came to be. Part 2 and 3 should come out shortly.
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itz-pandora · 3 months
I will update in the future, and some stuff might get pushed around ^^
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chaosandriotcrew · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @voidedshadows! Without further ado, let’s get started! :)
-👍FAVORITE COLOR👍: An Orangish-Yellow (or Saffron, to be annoyingly specific).
-👍LAST SONG I LISTENED TO👍: I listen to a million songs a day, so I can’t exactly remember. I can say I listened to these gems today (it’s gonna be long): Bill’s Tomato Game (Unreleased Prototype for the Genisis), The Living Room (Mr.Nutz: Genisis), Resurrections (Celeste), Farewell (Golgo 13 movie), and to top it off, SOMETHING’S IN MY ASS (the full meme song). -👍CURRENTLY READING) 1818 Frakenstein -👍CURRENTLY CRAVING👍: Some sort of dark chocolate or Philly Cheese-stake (I always do 😂).
-👍CURRENTLY WATCHING👍: Og Clannad, Dungeon Meshi, and Auto Afterlife (an awesome indie game).
-COFFEE or TEA: Don’t really have either 😭 (Can’t have coffee and dislike tea).
-👍HOBBIES TO TRY👍: Rigging 3d models (if I could 😭)
-👍CURRENT AU👍: Oh okay! So it’s an FF7 au where Sephiroth’s body is merging with Cloud’s genetic makeup kind of like a virus. A lot of Cloud’s memories are replaced with Sephiroth’s and he also develops some of Sephiroth’s traits (his hair has white patches or one of his eyes has Sephiroth’s slits for example.)
-👍TAG 9 OTHER PEOPLE👍: Okay! Here we go!
@peachgull, @beyondtheyote, @r4ianec, @gunrave, @moonlit-doodles, @wowa-bublord, @jojo-the-dogg0, @cringefailprincess, @rocketbirdie, and some bonuses because why not: @alternate-okameeznuts, @llemon-soda
Thanks for reading! Have a good day y’all. :)
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gaylight-prairie · 2 months
ff7 pokemon au thoughts..
sephiroth is a silvally
I think angeal would be a mightyena
And genisis would be a kantonian ninetails...
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an-theduckin · 7 months
That's it I'm naming it the Trans Genisis AU
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kajaono · 1 year
I will never understand hardcore fans who are angry at movies like Terminator Genisys or Matrix 4
Those are AUs. You get an AU fic, visualized with a million dollar budget. And it’s a hurt and comfort Happy End AU. What could be cooler?!
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riverkingmarley · 10 months
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Worm au where everything is the same but they kill crawler by having genisis create a duplicate crawler then have her mimic him like a carton mirror bit to keep him in the blast zone.
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bbowlingarts · 1 year
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family photo <3
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==> some other facts
Gamz33s name is Genisis, but his friends call him Gensi
jade and gensi are like really tall so they scared the others a bit due to being like that tall and they didnt know it wasnt a common height
Gensi is a player in sburb, and the trolls know of him, but think he’s just another human due to his scr33n not working and them only being able to know him through chats and the other kids talking about him
When they enter the session, the house splits in half, separating jade and gensi on to each of their respective lands. the lonliest kids on earth, only had eachother their whole life, suddenly seperated
Both gamz and jade think that trolls are actually normal species on earth until john rose and dave are surprised to learn he’s a troll
gensi will be on the meteor
im makin this a mspfa >:3c
==> i’ll add more onto this soon dw
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techcree · 11 months
Muss man noch eine Fremdsprache lernen? Teil 2
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Gibt es die "heilige Sprache" noch? Wie wird es alo künftig sein? beantworten wir nun auch die Frage dannach, ob man noch eine Sprache erlernen muss!
Wer Fremdsparchen lehrt mag ja nun Sturm laufen und es sei auch angemerkt, dass es schon auch heute und in Zukunft sicher eine schöne Sache ist eine Fremdsprach zu erlernen. Im ersten Teil dieser kleinen Beitragsserie habe ich Ihnen auch deutlich gemacht, wo der große Vorteil darin liegt eine andere Sprache erlernt zu haben. Doch zunächst kommen wir nochmal auf die "heilige Sprache" und das Buch Genisis (Bibel9 zu sprechen.
Gibt es die "heilige Sprache" noch und wenn ja welche ist dies? Dazu muss man eine Sache betrachten, die uns heute wohl nicht so recht bewusst ist. Mathematik. Heute wird dies als eigenständiges Fach gelehrt, dass sich außlichlich damit befasst Mathematik als Instrument des Rechnens und kalkulierens zu betrachten. Doch eigentlich ist Mathematik eine Sprache. Es ist die Sprache von der wir wissen, dass die auf unserem ganzen Planeten verstanden wird.
Und wir gehen heute auch davon aus, dass Mathematik die Sprache ist, welche eine hochentwickelte Spezies verstehen würde, sofern wir eines Tages einmal Kontakt zu einer außerirdischen Zivilisation aufnehmen könnten. Es ist aber auch die Sprache, die unsere Computer sprechen. Dabei verfoolgt der Binärcode den einfachsten Ansatz von 0 und 1, also dem Zustand von Strom an bzw. aus. Schlagen wir die Brücke zum Buch Genisis und betrachten einmal rein hypotetisch Mathematik oder den Binärcode als die heilige Sprache.
Blicken wir auf ein Projekt dieser Größenordnung, wie den Turmbau von Babel, wäre Mathematik sicher hier auch eine sehr geeignete Sprache. Verlassen wir aber nun den biblischen Aspekt mit dem Babel Hinweis und betrachten wir die technologischen Möglichkeiten von heute. Dazu habe ich aus der Videosequenz aus dem ersten beitrag mit Hilder von HeyGen ein Video erzeugt. Und siehe da, es ist faszinierend, wie flüssig cih hier französich spreche.
Mit meinem Bild, meinen Gesten und meiner Mimik und vor allem meiner Stimme hat das KI Tool ein Video erzeugt, welches jede/n Betrachter/in dazu verleitet zu staunen, wie flüssig ich hier französich spreche. Das zeigt uns welche Möglichkeiten uns heute zur Verfügung stehen. Allerrdings brauchte das Tool einige Stunden dafür dieses Video auf der Basis des von mir hochgeladenen Videos in Deutsch zu erzeugen.
An dieser Stelle können wir die Frage beantworten, ob man noch eine Fremdsprache erlernen muss. Mal abgesehen davon ob man dies tun sollte. Die Antwort lautet, ja. Noch! Denn die Technologie schreitet rasant voran. Auch Google arbeitet hier aktiv an Lösungen. Auch an einer Brille, die Übersetzungen schnell auf unserer Auge wirft. Doch wie wäre es möglich tatsächlich in der Form, wie in diesem Video in einer anderen Sprache zu sprechen ohne diese erlernt zu haben und dies in Echtzeit.
Wir sind noch weit davon entfernt, dass wir etwas denken und ein Computer es in diesem Moment für uns akustisch formulieren kann. Und selbst dann würden wir es nicht mit unserer Stimme über unseren Mund aussprechen können. Es müsste immernoch nach unserer heutigen Vortstellung über einen Lautsprecher ausgegeben werden. Und wenn jemand zu uns Spricht müssten wir es auch entsprechend akustisch erfassen können.
Google ist bereits ziemlich weit und und auch sehr gut darin Text in Sprache zu übertragen und auch Sprache in Text. Ein entsprechendes KI Modell, welches mit unserer Stimme traniert ist könnte also schnell dann auch Text in unserer Sprache mit unserer Stimme erzeugen. Und so auch in so ziemlich jeder anderen gängigen Sprache auch. Das können wir im Prinzip heute schoon mit der voreingestellten Stimme, des Google Übersetzers.
Bei Video Konferenzen könnte das also schon sehr bald Wirklichkeit sein, dass wir ganz einfach in einer anderen Sprache mit unserer Mimik und Stimme kommunizieren. Im realen Leben allerdings dürften wir auch in absehbarer Zeit ohne technische Hilfsmittel, wie einem Smartphone dies noch nicht realisieren können. Und genau hier wird es auch unschön, denn es ist störend und kostet Zeit unter Verwendung des Smartphones in anderen Sprachen mit anderen Menschen zu sprechen.
Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass es eine ganze Berufsgruppe überflüssig macht, hat es Potential bieblichen Ausmaßes. Und in zukunft würde es tatsächlich die Erforderlichkeit eine Fremdsprache erlernen zu müssen überflüssig machen.
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anime-greek · 2 months
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Drew @kittpunk144 OC, Lora (right) with my OC, Luna (left)
Both are children of Leo from a bad F!timeline that has been erased. So I just had to draw ‘em together
Kai is technically from GenisysAU but only exists post-fic
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spring-heeledjack · 1 year
God of war modern au where heimdall just has alexandria genisis
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airraidvehicle · 3 years
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heard rickvangelion got leaked and had to doodle these before anyone else got ideas, heres morty 3V4
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tentoonie · 4 years
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fallencrackships · 4 years
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Crackship request from @francescadarimine
Emilia Clarke and Sebastian Stan
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