trans-genji · 2 years
genji rp looking 4 friends
hello i am  a genji rper. gay and trans genji for life . ummm i have covid again so im a little dead which means plenty of time to rp ! i have a discord server for ovwrp if anyone is interested but uhhh ya
rp partners have to be 18+
also no fem ships if that wasnt obvious by the Gay part .
my genji is trans / enby so if that bugs u idc just block me rofls
ya thats it ! shoot me a priv message and we can either talk there or ill give u my discord !
thanks from ur stupid catboy cyborg ninja man 
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galren · 7 years
genjii-shimada replied to your post “hooooooo boy these Mercy PTR changes you know it’s bad when even...”
Then play ana and zen. Nerfing and buffing characters is vital to the rotation of a game, and making new metas. A character being picked shouldn't be the sole reason a game is won, like with mercy right now, and how ana was in season 3 (which is why she was nerfed, but supp players acted like that was the end of the world too) Every single other role has to deal with characters being buffed and nerfed that affect their mains and who they like to play. You have to adapt. Just because a certain support isnt top tier anymore, doesnt mean blizzard hates supports. They just want a different character to have its time. Like when they gutted hog, it gave D.va and orisa the spotlight. Or the buffs to soldier. Its all about rotation and adaptation. Mercy and lucio have been the best supports as well as being the two supports with the lowest skill floor making them inviting and easier to learn and play for a really long time.
So, here’s the deal. I have 200+ hours on Lucio. I also have 100+ hours on Zen. Me not being happy about the Lucio/Mercy nerfs doesn’t mean I’m incapable of playing the other supports, and me being capable at other supports doesn’t mean I can’t be unhappy about these changes. I am unhappy with the changes being made because they’re not coming from a team function standpoint. Lucio already got reworked once to raise his skill floor, and while it was something that took adjusting to, it did ultimately make him more fun to play in general. The reason I bring this up, though, is that changing the wall ride speed directly undoes part of that Lucio rework that made him more balanced in the first place. I agree that Lucio has a fairly easy skill floor, but Lucio also has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, when you factor in the wallriding + his general function as a positioning shotcaller for any given team. 
I don’t even disagree that Mercy needed a nerf, to be honest. She’s been a must-pick for some time (on console at least), and the rework definitely solidified that. But these particular changes aren’t a solution to the problem when it just means that all Mercy can do is heal and die. Yes, good positioning will keep you alive longer, but the reality is that the problem players have and have always had is with the resurrect function in general. The only way to remove players’ gripes with Mercy is to remove the most important part of her kit. These nerfs to Mercy/Lucio don’t make Ana or Zen more viable, since ultimately Mercy still outheals both of them and they weren’t interchangeable heroes in the first place (you’d want Ana and Zen for a more offensive/damage heavy comp, and you’d want Mercy/Lucio for a more mobile and sustainable team comp). All it does is remove some of their utility, further lowering the overall capacity of the healer class as a whole.
Like, unless the goal is to introduce another healer character in the very near future, the only message this sends is that it’s not really worth it to play support in the first place. Ana’s been nerfed 3 times, Zen’s been nerfed and then slightly buffed (but still suffers because his lack of mobility), Lucio has been reworked and now nerfed, and Mercy’s been buffed, then reworked, and now nerfed. Ultimately I don’t feel like I’m off the mark in saying that Blizzard needs to figure out what they actually want from their support heroes, because it seems pretty apparent that they don’t actually have an idea of where they want things to be when it comes to the healers.
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bbulletz · 7 years
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Strike at the heart is my otp fuk u
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vimofandango · 5 years
Mercy: it’s been years since you’ve said those 3 magic words to me..
Genji: *clears throat* I NEED HEALING
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doesnteggs · 7 years
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This came to me in a dream
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
Just A Phone Call Away Ch. 5 (A McHanzo Au)
Chapter 5: Throwing Caution to the Wind
(this is the second attempt at this. The original chapter, which had been on my patreon the past week , was lost on my computer. I'm sorry for the differences to anyone who had read the other one)
Hanzo was in a bit of a daze as he stepped into the bar, a soft flush covering his cheeks. Jesse had kissed him in such a way and then had left with just a wink. He hadn't even bothered to comment on what had happened at all.
The man was killing him here. He was teasing him but making it so that every choice that was made was Hanzo's. He never expected this or these sort of feelings to surface ever again when he had hired Jesse to come with him to this wedding. He had just expected something completely different, someone who wouldn't really talk to him when they weren't with anyone else. A stone cold face as it was a job to do.
But he had gotten Jesse.
Noticing his daze Sombra approached, pushing a drink into his hand. “Looks like someone got some nookie before he came over. Was it really that good?”
“It's not like that,” Hanzo said with a roll of his eyes as he approached his brother and took a sip of his drink. “He just dropped me off.”
A lie. He should be taking a tally of how many he would tell throughout the whole time that he was going to be there.
“Riiiiight,” Sombra said with a laugh, leaning back against the bar and popping some food into her mouth. The rest of the guests were going to be there soon and surely then the night would pick up for his brother.
Hanzo chuckled, taking a sip. Maybe just this one night he could let his mind actually dive into the thought of having a relationship in reality.
He had to be careful though. He didn't want to go too deep into it or he might end up doing something that he might regret.
“I'm serious Hanzo. You should just thank like whatever higher power is up there with a fruit basket or something for sending such a hunk,” Sombra added.
Genji snorted softly, nearly choking on his drink, Hanzo lightly smacking his back to make sure he didn't end up actually choking.
The night was going off with a hitch, everyone, especially Genji, getting especially hammered with the amount of alcohol in their systems.
Hanzo came staggering to the bar, looking to get some food or water to sober up a little bit when he gazed at the bartender. He looked rather familiar.
“Jamison?” he asked surprised.
“Well if it isn't my favorite Shimada,” Jamison said with a loud laugh, leaning over as Hanzo reached out to hug him.
“How long as it been my old friend? Several years?” Hanzo asked.
“I would say so. What have you been up to?”
At that moment Genji came over, looping his arm around Hanzo's neck and drunkenly leaning against his brother.
“Did he tell you he stopped talking to you because you lost your arm?” Genji slurred his words which caused Hanzo to shove him off.
“Don't listen to him. He's very drunk,” Hanzo said with a frown. “I would never have done that to someone.”
Well that had sobered him up a bit.
Jamison shrugged. “People grow apart over time. At the time that it happened you had gotten accepted in a different bunch of classes. People tend to drift apart. It happens.” “Yep, he got the best classes, best people...” Genji mumbled, grabbing Hanzo's cheeks who rose a brow at him.
Within the blink of an eye Genji had his arms around Hanzo's neck in a rather odd kind of something similar to a bear hug.
“I know we grew apart for such a long time Hanzo, but you're still family, my brother. I never want that to happen again.”
Slowly he pulled back, staring at him a moment. Hanzo sighed, looking to Jamison for any sort of help he could get.
“Could you get him something to help him?” he asked him. The man nodded, grabbing some pretzels and passing them to him.
“Here, eat these,” Hanzo offered.
Genji shook his head. “I can't do this...”
“Do this? Genji it's to help your drinking-” “No, the wedding.”
Hanzo frowned a bit. “What the hell are you talking about? I thought you and Angela worked really well together.”
Genji was silent a moment, confusion written all over his face, the music picking up then. A large smile grew across his face and he started to dance around, ignoring Hanzo's words.
Hanzo staggered out of the limo, nearly forgetting his seat belt as he rose from his seat. His wallet in hand he stepped further away, going for the one thing he wanted.
The atm machine.
He couldn't stop thinking about Jesse the whole night. With each drink that passed his lips the more he couldn't stop. He wanted more from that kiss as well.
There was only one way to get some more from him and that was to do exactly what he was attempting to do.
Get to the machine and get more money to pay him to sleep with him. He couldn't help himself. He had already spent so much money that some more didn't seem to phase him. At least for the moment. When he was sober it would mean a lot to him and his wallet.
As best as his hands could with his swimming vision he stuck his first card into the machine, punching in the maximum amount and waited for the cash to print.
Laughter erupted from the limo and he waved his hand as the others laughed out the door at him, not having a clue as to why he needed money.
Nor why he needed so much of it.
Several cards used later Hanzo staggered back to the limo, Sombra slipping out of it with a fit of giggles erupting from her.
“See you tomorrow. Go get some from J, huh?” she teased, having no idea just how right she really was.
She turned to the limo again  as Hanzo climbed in with his wad of cash. “Gentlemen, that was an amazing night! Let's do it again sometime!”
The men cheered to her as she stumbled away, the limo pulling from the spot and heading back to the designated areas.
Through the drive Hanzo and Genji poked the top halves of their body out of the top of the limo window, throwing their arms up in the air as the wind whipped past their faces.
“I'm getting married!” Genji yelled out loudly to the unknown passerby walking on the streets nearby as they passed. A group of girls cheered back to him.
Hanzo threw his arm around Genji, pulling him close and giving his younger brother a rub on the head with his knuckles.
Genji laughed loudly, shoving his brother away with a laugh of his own.
This was what Hanzo missed and this was something that he would remember the next morning after he woke up with a for sure hang over.
He missed the closeness with his brother. Maybe after this whole thing he could try contacting his family again.
He could try to have that courage to take that step forward and make that connection with them once more.
The two of them stumbled into the house, nearly laughing hard when they did. Hanzo shushed his brother, shoving him towards the stairs so that he could go to bed.
“Don't be too loud,” Genjiy teased, earning a paper towel roll being thrown at his head. Did everyone know what he was going to do?
Perhaps he had told them what he had been planning. He hoped he hadn't mentioned the money to them as well.
Going to the fridge he got himself a cold glass of water, sipping on it carefully as he let his thoughts wander. He wanted to be at least a little more sober than he was when he did this. He wanted to try to remember this moment as well.
It took a few moments but he decided to step forward and he head upstairs to the room that he was sharing with Jesse.
There the man lay, bare chest with a book in his lap as he slept on the bed. He looked so handsome even in his sleep. Hanzo was tempted to just start on his own. But he wanted him awake for this. He wanted to make sure that he was.
Plus it wasn't right to try to do that with a sleeping person.
Grasping his shoulder he shook him lightly. “Jesse...” he mumbled, hoping he would wake up before he passed out himself.
The night's events were starting to catch up with him but he wanted to do this before his sober brain caught up to what he was doing.
Jesse opened his eyes, looking right up at him out of confusion at first but then sat up a little bit, wondering why he had woke him up.
“Something wrong?” he asked, tossing the book to the side. Hanzo shook his head, taking both of his hands and pulling him from the bed.
Jesse remained silent as he followed after him out of the room and back down to the kitchen. There he grabbed the car keys they had used earlier that day and then pulled him out of the house to said car in the parking lot.
“What's on your mind Hanzo?” Jesse chuckled, already able to see where this was going as the door was unlocked for him. He didn't hesitate to climb in the car, Hanzo climbing into the back right with him.
In doing so however he fell into the car with a loud laugh.
It was certainly true that Hanzo was drunk during this time. Jesse was a bit unsure of what he should be ding. He knew he had told him what would happen if he wanted to be physical but a part of him didn't dare remind him.
He was also very drunk and he felt like he would be taking advantage of something if he let this continue the way it was going.
Though Hanzo had come onto him. It wouldn't be right to tell him he had to pay in order to get into his boxer shorts.
His thoughts halted as Hanzo's fit of giggles died down and he approached slowly, his hands already pulling off the vest that he wore.
“I haven't stopped thinking about you all day,” he mumbled, his hand resting on Jesse's chest and pushed him down to lay on his back. He straddled his waist, his hands pulling open the buttons of his shirt and tossing it off to the front seat.
“That kiss drove me crazy,” he mumbled, leaning down towards him.
Jesse parted his lips to reply but stopped as he felt Hanzo kiss him. He let out a small sigh, resting his hands against his waist as he kissed him just like he had earlier that day.
A kiss that would take his breath away.
I’m open for written commissions
want to support? my patreon and kofi (just ask me for the link)
my a03 (triforceangel) as another place to read my fics
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arztengel · 7 years
i was tagged by @genjii-shimada
name? Val
nickname? ....val
gender? female
sexuality? bi
height? 5′0″
sign? Capricorn
age/bday? 17 12/29
favorite colors? pastel pink & neon green
average numbers of sleep? usually 9-10 hours
how many blankets do u sleep under? 1 
where do u live? in the midwest
where do u want to live? seattle maybe
favorite book/s? the cirque du freak series!
favorite bands/artists? i don’t have any really!
dream job? a teacher!
dream trip? anywhere in europe tbh!
hobbies? art!
how many languages can u speak? english and some german!
what do u spend most of ur time doing? zoning out or hanging out with friends (pick one)
favorite food? fried rice!!!
i tag: @weebish-fish @my-name-is-ironic @knightofrogues 
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On May 22, 2016, there was a special cinematic event promoting the launch of Overwatch (Official Website). Before the event there was an interview segment with Michael Chu and some of the cinematic team. 
Ben Dai talked about the voice work of the narrator of Dragons which he revealed was performed by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (YouTube). 
The interesting thing for me about this, too, is that Ben first describes the narrator as “the grandfather” before correcting himself. I’m not sure if that was an accidental slip of the tongue identifying the narrator as perhaps Genji and Hanzo’s grandfather, or if he was just saying that the narrator is an old guy.
I sense more that Dragons wants us to believe that the narrator is Sojiro.
Sources: Thumbnail is from the wiki. Mr. Tagawa’s picture is from Wikimedia.
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trans-genji · 2 years
hmmm maybe ill post art . anyway here s genji !
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