#genuine but ironic laugh when she suggests he get some sleep. the hug (?) their embrace or whatever that was… Samantha yet again… AGH!!
limnsaber · 5 months
The last scene of Paper Hearts (s4 ep 10)… fucking superb acting. I nearly cried
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kpoptart216 · 6 years
Betting on You (pt 5)
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Previous Parts: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
A/n: this part is mostly fluff. I wrote this entirely on my phone and will post the previous partsater but it’s also found on my Masterlist in my bio!
Taehyung started browsing for tickets to Hawaii as soon as his friends left. He knew you wanted to go to Hawaii as well, and he was happy that he found a good gift.
A few hours later, he spared no expense as he booked the best resort in Maui among various other things. He knew you would be excited, at least he hoped you would. He didn’t know it himself, but trying to get you to laugh and smile had become a priority. Though, Taehyung would never admit that himself.
• • • • • •
After a long day at work, you dug your phone out of your purse only to find a handful of messages from your boyfriend. No matter how exhausted you were, you already had a smile on your face and you didn’t even know what had texted yet.
He knew you had a long day at work and he asked if you both could just have a nice night in, watching more movies. Movie nights became frequent since you both were busy with work, but it was some of the best dates you both had. Especially since you’d both end up just talking for most of it anyways. You’d either go to his place, and play with Yeontan most of the time which annoyed Taehyung without doubt, or he’d go to your place and cuddle you as you both watched some random movie.
Tonight, he claimed he wanted cuddles uninterrupted by Yeontan so he was going to come to your place with food in hand. Your boyfriend really was a godsend, you thought with a smile on your face.
By the time you both ate and settled into the movie, you were already drowsy with sleep. Taehyung could see your eyes begin to swoop and he tried to hide a laugh. You looked pretty cute trying not to fall asleep, he had to admit.
But, you were out by the time the movie was even halfway done and Taehyung didn’t really feel like finishing it. He set your laptop to the side and slowly moved you off of his chest as he tried to lay you down in a comfortable position. He didn’t want to wake you up, not after such a long day at work.
As he set you down, he also reached for things and placed a kiss on your forehead as usual before leaving.
This time however, a smile graced your lips.
“You don’t have to leave you know” you say, drowsily.
“You’re awake?” He asks, kinda shocked.
“I like your forehead kisses” you admit, still smiling with your eyes closed. “But you don’t have to leave every time you’re over, you know. You can always just sleep here if you want” you say, hoping he’d stay the night and cuddle with you longer.
“Are you sure? Will you be uncomfortable?” Taehyung asks. He didn’t know what came over him but he got a little excited at your request. He never, ever spent the night at a girls place since he didn’t want to give them the wrong idea. He always made it back to his place no matter how tired he was. So he didn’t quite understand why he got excited like a little child.
“I mean, you’re not going to do anything right?” You ask, jokingly. You trusted him. You knew he would never do anything to make you uncomfortable.
“No! I’ll be good!” Taehyung says like a child. “I didn’t want to drive back to my place anyways” he said, as a matter of fact.
“Well then get in here you big goof” you say as you lift the covers. He quickly jumped into bed and pulled you close to him. And before you knew it, you were both fast asleep in pure comfort.
This routine continued the following days as well. You’d either spend the night at his place, much to Yeontans happiness or he’d spend the night at your place. He even left a few of his clothes in your closet. It wasn’t what he was expecting when he thought of getting intimate with you, but this was new. This was...nice.
Taehyung managed to iron out the last bit of details for the surprise trip to Hawaii and now tomorrow was your birthday. He even got Yumi in on the plan and he somehow managed to convince your boss to give you the next week off. It’s amazing how much you could get away with when you were Kim Taehyung, future heir of Kim Enterprises.
Taehyung ended up taking you out for a nice dinner the night before your birthday, claiming he had an important meeting the next day. You seemed upset that you couldn’t spend your actual birthday with him, but you knew he was trying his best to make it up to you. Or at least, so you thought.
He took you to dinner and your favorite ice cream joint. You both then continued to walk along the Han river, hand in hand. Though it was simple, it was the best birthday you had in a long time.
You both eventually made it back to your place and Taehyung insisted on staying the night, at least wanting to wake up with you on your big day. You didn’t have it in you to say no.
You went to smile with a big smile on your face as you you thought about all your birthday celebrations with Taehyung. And Taehyung fell asleep with the anticipation of surprising you tomorrow morning.
Taehyung woke up to your sleeping figure next to him and he couldn’t wait to see the look on your face. He quietly got out of bed and went to grab your present that he had stashed away in his car. It was far too early to be up, but he had to get his plan rolling in action now.
Thankfully when he was back, you were still fast asleep. He set the little gift bag on the side of the best as he sat down beside you. He kissed your cheek multiple times, hoping to wake you up this way and fortunately it worked.
You had a big smile on you face as you felt Taehyung kiss you awake. “Good morning to you too” you say.
You could still feel his breath on your cheek, telling you he was still quite close to your face. Your eyes were still closed as he planted more and more kisses around your face, making you a giggling mess.
“Happy Birthday, princess” he says with his low voice that your heart skipped a beat. You finally open one eye to see the handsome man sitting in front of you and you quickly shut it again as you hide under the covers.
“Hey! Don’t hide!!” Taehyung says, laughing as he pulls the covers away. “Fine then, you won’t get your gift” he says as you pull the covers back over you.
You quickly toss the covers to the side and sit up. “Gift? What gift?” You joke, genuinely not expecting anything. You were never one to care about birthday gifts, but you were elated that your boyfriend had thought of you when he bought you something.
“Well, open if for yourself” he says as he hands you the sapphire blue gift bag. Your eyes widen in surprise, realizing he had actually bought you something.
You quickly take out the paper littered in the bag and toss it to the side of the bed in a flash. Taehyung could only chuckle at your eagerness.
The first thing you pulled out was a beautiful pink floral dress. You loved the shade of pink and admired the design as you ran your hands through the dress. “It’s beautiful, thank you!” You say, excitedly. Sure, it was more of a summer dress but you loved it.
“There’s more silly, keep going. Open the letter last” he instructs.
The next thing you pull out is none other than a small jewelry box. Inside were beautiful gold earrings, shaped like shells. “Oh my, Taehyung it’s beautiful” you admire. You weren’t exactly sure what significance the shells held, but you couldn’t care less, the earrings were beautiful.
“Ok keep looking” Taehyung says with a smile. Your reaction so far already made everything worth it.
You dig through the bag and finally feel something at the bottom. You yank it out to find...flip flops?
“Oh uh, they’re great! Thank you?” You say, slightly confused. You hadn’t wore flip flops in years, but you knew Taehyung had interesting fashion choices so you didn’t say anything else, just admiring the shoes in all it’s glory.
Taehyung only continued to chuckle. He couldn’t care less about the flip flops, he just saw them last minute and tossed them into the gift bag. He wasn’t even sure he got you the right size. “Ok now open the letter!!” He says, getting too excited.
You open the envelope, hoping to find a cute birthday card, but instead, you pull out two pieces of paper. It takes you a hot second to register what was written on both pieces of paper but when it finally hits you that they’re tickets for Hawaii, your jaw drops.
“Tae, is this..?” You start, not able to believe it.
“Real? Yes!” He says laughing.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe this! But wait, this ticket is for...later today?!” You ask in suprise.
“Yup! I had Yumi already pack your bags” he said, proudly.
“Is that what she was doing sneaking into my room? That troll. But Tae, I have work...”you say sadly.
“Don’t worry about it, your boss gave you the week off. You should even have a confirmation email in your inbox this morning. Don’t worry about all that ok? I’ve been planning this trip for so long, you don’t think i didn’t think of work?” He asks.
“We’re really going to Hawaii? Like today? Like in a few hours??” You ask, wondering if you were still in dreamland.
“Yes we are princess. I suggest you go get ready now or we’re going to miss the plane!” He says, holding out his hand for you so that you can finally jump out of bed. You take his hand jump into his arms, giving him the biggest hug you could muster at the moment.
“Thank you so much” you say into his shoulder. Taehyung simply rocks you back in forth in s tight embrace.
“Anything for you, beautiful” he says, loving how happy you were.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Soon enough, you both were in Hawaii. You couldn’t contain your excitement as the plane landed, and you kept staring out the window like a little kid. And to be honest, Taehyung was excited to be back here too. Especially since you were here too.
By the time you both got to the resort though, you both were exhausted from the long journey from Korea. You threw yourself onto the huge bed before finally taking in your surroundings. This room was...huge?
“Wow this hotel has huge rooms” you think aloud, sitting up.
“Actually...it’s the presidential suite” Taehyung says as he rubs the back of his neck.
“W-what?” You ask, shocked. “Why would you book this suite?! It must cost fortunes!” You say, loudly.
“I think you’re forgetting who I am sweetheart. I only wanted the best for you” Taehyung pours.
“Awh, babe. Thank you. Honestly though, any room would have sufficed” you say. “We could be sitting in my room back home with a Hawaii background on my laptop and even that would be perfect” You say honestly.
Taehyung could only laugh. “Well I already booked everything so no turning back now. What do you want to do now?” He asks. Tomorrow he had a full day planned ahead so he wanted you to decide what to do now. Fortunately the resort was beachfront and you both had an incredible view of the beach.
“How about a stroll on the beach? And we can come back and eat dinner and head to bed. I’m pretty tired” you say, already wanting to just sleep.
“Sounds great. You can wear your flip flops!!” Taehyung says, already going to pull them out of your suitcase. He stuffed it in along with thendress and earrings at the last minute as you were showering earlier that morning.
You only laugh as you put them on, loving how they fit you perfectly. “They fit like a charm” you say, admiring your tiny feet. Taehyung takes your hand as you both walk towards the beach.
The rest of the evening was peaceful and you both shared lots of laughs as you talked like usual. “I can’t believe we’re actually here” you say, facing the ocean.
“You didn’t think I didn’t have anything planned for your birthday did you?” Asks tawhyung, faking hurt.
“I honestly never celebrate my birthday like this. But I’m glad we’re here and doing this. This has been the best birthday ever, Tae. Thank you, again”
“Im glad you’re enjoying yourself princess. But we should get to bed, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!” He says. He could see the sleep in your eyes and he’s pretty sure his eyes mirror your own.
The following day truly was packed. You chose to wear the floral dress Taehyung picked out for you and Taehyung praised himself for making the right choice in dress. The dress highlighted all of your curves and the shade of pink accented your skin perfectly. And you even wore the earrings! After a nice breakfast at the hotel, Taehyung took you on a private helicopter tour around the island and you were in awe the entire time. Taehyung couldn’t help but look at you the entire time though. Even the helicopter pilot noticed and joked around. “You can’t stop staring at your beautiful lady young man!” He said with a hearty laugh.
After that, Taehyung took you to lunch at one of his favorite poke joints and then took you to a private beach. The beach was practically empty and you spent hours just playing around in the water and sand. You made sure to take a million pictures too.
Towards the evening, both of you made it back to the city and decided to shop around a bit. You found lots of tiny little souvenirs for Yumi and a few colleagues at work. It always amazed Taehyung how you always thought of others first.
Finally, Taehyung dragged you to a luau for dinner. You two had fun watching the others dance and you had even more fun when Taehyung insisted on both of you dancing on stage too. Today was truly so perfect and you got chocked up when you thought of how thoughtful Taehyung was towards you.
“Today was absolutely amazing. I didn’t think we would be doing so much today, but I had so much fun” you say as you both sat at the bed back in the hotel. You marveled at the size of the bed and you laughed when our realized how little space you and Taehyung actually ended up using since he always held you when you both slept.
“I had fun too, it was like seeing everything for the first time” Taehyung said honestly. It was fun seeing the island through your eyes. He was pretty tired himself, but he was glad he still had a few days to relax with you before going back to Korea.
While he was caught up in his thoughts, you place a kiss on his cheek which always seemed to catch him off guard.
“Don’t I deserve a little more than that?” Taehyung jokes but you couldn’t agree more. You lean in and pull him closer to you as you place a warm kiss on his soft lips.
“Thank you baby” you say against his lips, and it sends shivers down his spine. He couldn’t get enough of your kisses though so he locked his lips with yours once again.
Of course, things got heated once again. He didn’t even realize it, but soon you were on his lap and straddling him. You were intoxicating and he didn’t know much longer he could hold his resolve around you. It had been four months since you two started “dating” and Taehyungs craving for you only intensified each day.
But the second he heard the smallest moan from you, he snapped back into reality and remembered that he shouldn’t lose control. He pulled away from you but his hands still held your waist.
“I’m sorry princess, I got carried away” he said. He didnt have it in him to look at your face because he knew he’s just kiss you again. “It’s getting harder to stop” he half jokes. But you knew.
“Then don’t” you say. That’s all it takes for his head to whip up and look you in the eyes. “Don’t stop then” you say with a shy smile as you wrap your hands around his neck.
“Y/n I-“ he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to take advantage of you but at the same time he didn’t know how much longer he could hold on with you sitting on his lap and looking at him with your doe eyes.
“I want to be with you. Please?” You ask, your voice breaking slightly at the end. “I trust you Tae, and I want to be with you baby, Hhm?” You try again, slightly louder this time affirming your confidence in the situation.
Taehyung searches your eyes as if there was another answer hidden in there but he could only see how honest you were being.
“I trust you and want to be with you, ok?” You say once again. Taehyung only nods, not able to form the appropriate words in the situation. He felt, honored, in that moment. And he knew, that you deserved better but any last bit of resolve he had had dissolved the second you kissed him again, more hungry this time.
Taehyung laid you on the bed as he hovered over you. “I’ll be gentle, ok? But we can stop anytime, don’t for a second feel pressured to do anything ok?” He assures you.
You simply smile and nod at him and if Taehyung wished time stopped in that moment because he wanted to paint a picture of you in his head and remember it.
He kissed you once again and this time, he didn’t let go till morning.
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