#genuinely going a bit crazy thinking about Laudna
clonneclub · 2 years
Going kinda insane thinking about this because yes, Percy is 100% correct in not wanting to bring Laudna back if it means bringing Delilah back too. Because he got to grow old, he got to grow a family in a world he believed was Delilah-free and he does not want to jeopardize it.
But as a viewer who knows Laudna's story it's just heartbreaking because she didn't get to have the same thing. She didn't grow old (the burden of looking the same as the day you died), she didn't get to grow a new family (at least for almost 30 years). All she got was the voice of the psychopath who murdered her and her family and people running her of out every single town she stepped foot in. Not even in death can she know peace and has to live in her worst memories courtesy of Delilah.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
wait. i thought laudna was just fangirling over ira because of their "spooky" aesthetics just like last time and not because she was actually attracted to him. and now we're talking about delilah influencing her?? am i crazy or is that one little thing being over analyzed just a tiddy bit
yeah no i had the same interpretation as you! i'm not personally looking into it much more than that, although considering the amount of thought that marisha (and everyone else) tends to put into each character choice, i don't blame other people for thinking that there's something deeper there
i mostly just reblogged that post bc i think there could be something interesting to be said about laudna "not accessing the part of her brain" that is related to genuine romantic interest, going on one-on-one dates and showing affection, but there is still this kind of caricature of horniness that she is okay with expressing either through pate or through overt schoolgirl giggling in the presence of the nightmare king. like she has consistently thought that ira was kinda hot kinda svelte kinda fuckable but as soon as she was confronted with any sort of romantic relationship with emotional investment it was this Other Part Of Her Brain that is Totally Foreign to her. just thought it was interesting!
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vethbrenatto · 2 years
I honestly hate that people (on twitter) are using Imogens “I’m not going to compel you” as a way to say that Laura hates Sam. Or Laura was mad at Sam. Or Laura was drawing a line in the sand. Yes, it’s directed at Fcg but I hate that people are using as a way to say that Laura hates Sam. Or just to hate on Sam. I understand it was a dick move I just hate how people are using it. You know what I mean? Honestly, it seems like no one cares about any of the other characters or players at the table but Marisha/Laudna and Laura/Imogen.
Yeah that’s annoying but you’ve gotta ignore it honestly. Like people have been claiming every member of the cast hates every member of the cast for ages, especially X woman hates Y man. I’m sure most of us remember of the Marisha hates Liam/Travis pushes of early and late campaign 2.
There is genuinely no leg for those people to stand on in any circumstance, but in this one specifically:
This was exactly in line with everything we know about FCG. It was well-meaning with a lofty end goal (resurrecting Laudna), but carried an ends justify the means strategy and a fundamental misunderstanding of human emotion. For all the cast and narrative has pushed “Of course FCG has a soul,” it’s still been abundantly clear that FCG doesn’t actually get humans. They have this inner monologue that they totally get it, that it’s all simple and that’s why they can straighten out all the humans and their crazy problems, but they fundamentally have misunderstood human nature again and again in the campaign. For as much as the party pushes that he’s just like the rest of them- he’s not. He really is something Other in a way that the rest are not. Additionally, this choice worked very well in tandem with assassin!bot, pulling on aggressive themes that were apparent in FCG when he went into killer!mode.
And the biggest point is that Laura and Sam’s roleplay works in tandem here. We don’t get Laura’s beautiful speech without FCG’s failed compulsion. I think we would’ve gotten some shared things like the “you saved me” narrative, but the bulk of the speech which draws beautifully on Laudna’s choice- we don’t get that without FCG’s move. I can’t know for sure but I find it highly unlikely that’s where Imogens speech would’ve gone without FCG’s unintentional prompting.
It would’ve been even more poetic If Imogen’s follow up had succeeded in the ritual this hammering in the point of Laudna’s choice- but that was up to the dice gods and they said no. Also, I don’t think this would even be a discussion if FCG had succeeded their check (mainly because Imogens speech would not have gone in the direction it did if FCG had succeeded), which is a good indicator that the discourse is stupid. If peoples anger is entirely dependent on which number a dice landed on, they have no support for their argument.
And about people not caring about anything but Imogen and Laudna- I mean. Yeah kinda. You’ve gotta follow the right people to not get that sort of content as your only content. Shipping culture is always going to be the loudest voice in the room and with Marisha and Laura creating a pairing with interwoven backstories that could be read as romantic people were always going to latch on- there’s both the people who just love Imodna and have since the beginning of C3 alongside the people who have shipped every single Marisha/Laura pairing regardless of the characters. There are plenty of blogs that have other character focuses, they just might be a bit quieter than than the Imodna shippers (but yes, I would also very much like more content for the other characters. More Ashton content please) Also stay off twitter.
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elliesgaymachete · 3 years
Ok first thoughts on all the characters let’s go:
Imogen: I love her. I’m in love with her. I love the charming southern belle vibe Laura’s got going on. I feel like she’s keeping a secret. I love that she’s got a bit of social anxiety. I love her. I think she is currently my favorite
Laudna: Definitely keeping some secret and I can’t wait to find out what it is. I love her vibe of being naturally creepy/scary but wanting to actually be fun and nice and sociable and it just doesn’t go her way because of how she looks. It’s adorable.
Ashton: I LOVE their chill barbarian vibe. No epic “I would like to RAGE” just a casual “yeah sure I’m gonna rage” and dealing a fuckton of damage and whatever the fuck is going on with his crazy probably mercer homebrew subclass 😂 iconic.
Fresh Cut Grass: I think the only surprising thing about this character was the fucking name. It gets me every time. I’m so excited to learn more about them and his past and whether or not they have a soul 👀 I’m intrigued. The name will always make me laugh though
Orym: genuinely SO excited he’s back. Liam said he wanted to be just a guy and kinda go with the flow for c3. I was a bit worried he spent that with Orym in EXU but he’s back!!! He gets to just be a guy! So happy for him
Fearne: My chaotic beloved oh my god. I missed her. She was full chaos immediately but also clicked SO well with these new characters and I fucking loved it. It was also great to see Ashley already comfortable playing a character and just havin a good time!
Dorian: Ahh what a lovey anxious little bard. How this chaotic party will probably give him even more anxiety. Not sure how long he will be sticking around but I love the familiar EXU face and hopefully/maybe means more EXU cameos? 👀
Bertrand: I cannot believe. I just. I didn’t expect this. Why. How. Who. Travis. WHY. I love it.
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readbythestarlight · 3 years
LMAO Robbie’s bit
Come onnnn Imogen you can do it!
Imogen is so hecking cute I love her y’all
"Does no one crime?!" Ashton is so done xD
"Well we’ve been waiting for like five minutes"
The spooky whispers are delightful
"How about you just freak me out if there’s a problem?"
What a very polite half giant
Imogen and Bertrand are KILLING me this is so good
"Young girl" xD
I want Ashton and Laudna to just be the BEST bros
I feel like following Dennis or whoever was probably what they were supposed to do but I’m so glad they didn’t because this is hilarious
Holy shit Laudna is the strong babe
I love her
"You think that’s his best life?"
"Sadly I do."
Oooo? Debts?
Laudna is def undead
Crack theory; what if FCG is actually an automaton from Aeor who was reactivated because the M9 let that one automaton whose name I can’t remember go
Laudna is so defensive over Imogen and people doubting her I’m so SOFT over them
Oooooo meeting
That’s a sinister voice
Goooo Orym!!
Aww Denis :(
I mean I guess she was stealing or whatever but still
Y’all made so much noise they’re probably gone
Shit the break is so early!
Shadowcreepers? Oh?
Is he a vampire I desperately want it to be vampires
Not vampires?? What are they??
L: “he’s afraid of me”
FCG: “as are we all”
Spooooooky dark
RIP Ashton
This isn’t your normal everyday darkness, this is advanced darkness
Bertrand omg
Right so they either took Denis’ body to feed off of (I’m still insisting on vampires) OR they ripped her throat out and she TURNED
Oh hm a boot
Maybe not
I don’t think y’all can reasonably be held responsible
He made a cake that’s so cute omg
Big tough orc is a BAKER
He’s SO adorable I love him I hope we see him often
Lmao FCG
Ashton and Laudna being delighted by each other’s weirdness is my favorite
Bertrand omg
He’s so obnoxious it’s hilarious
Lmao Ashton
She? Oooo
A mystery she
“Why are you all taking notes”
“I think there’s really, really something special here”
Aw Bertrand
Oh no don’t take a walk buddy you’re drunk
Aw Dorian looking after him that’s so sweet
Imogen what
Omg is Imogen the one who’s gonna have dreams this time
Not bad dreams at least that’s nice
Bad feelings
I mean listen I knew Bertrand wasn’t gonna be Travis’s permanent character I could feel it but I don’t want him to diiiiiie!!
Dorian will feel so guilty!!
Will anyone else even know?? Are they going to assume he just abandoned them??
Don’t go! Don’t go!!
I’m gonna be genuinely upset I liked Bertrand
Noooooo :(
Like I said I KNEW he wasn’t going to be permanent but I didn’t want him to DIE
Is Imogen going to see it??
At least they’ll know he didn’t just abandon them :(
Oh shit the LIGHTS
Oh poor Imogen :((((
RIP Bertrand :(
I’ll genuinely miss him he was so fun and he was having such a good time
Dorian is going to feel SO bad omg
Daaaaamn that was crazy
I’m saaaad
But excited for whoever Travis’ perma-character will be!
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