#geoff and the rose gold flower boyf
solargav · 7 years
lil cinematic stupid flower j am i right:
aka things to accommodate the two jerms one au aka a tall danish punk also named jeremy is known by the fake ah crew
geoff taking him to the shooting range outside the city and doing that thing when they stand behind and hold hands to show him how to aim the first time yeah
him and lil j setting fire to old rooftop gardens that are just dead plants at this point and sitting down and talking about what happened on the latest episode of criminal minds or something maybe voltron idk man
drunk ukulele. thats it, thats all.
just kidding but really bad days at work end in grossly fruit wine coolers in the bath and after just screwing about playing it until he falls asleep
his animal equivalent most likely a deer just think about it, michael is a bear and him having nightmares of this bear just ripping into this deer after a fight with michael over something like a wrong turn bc the gps said to
i made night and day aesthetics for fj and it explains his personality: hes generally a soft looking kid, fragile lil twig but sometimes he just snaps and has the urge to set things on fire and his happy usual personality blends into a dry dead balance amd tumbling into being death himself
in the dry balance he goes to lighting candles and will blow them out and relight them, he gets quiet enough that his room just aches with the silence of no laughter or the good quiet or little bops playing on the radio
there was a time when he got really upset over someone in the crew being insulted and went ballistic he had dropped a bat that would have been a great weapon and just went to town on this guy on the beach where the sand meets the shore and the bottom of his shorts were wet with sea water and faded reds
serious situation occurs and he just pulls out one of those freaking uh candy cigarettes bc you know nice cigars are sad days only
getting lil j to explain certain idioms to him because english wasnt his first or second language
having three separate lives
with the crew
at his flower shop
still taking modeling jobs
a kid spots him at the grocery store and asks him if he can be his model for his college project and jay says yeah bc hes a nice guy and this kid follows him around for the day and draws him at random points
the best one was jay surrounded by hanging plants on his apartment couch with feet on the table with the tv spraying color onto his features and he was tuning his ukulele
ryan getting invited to model with jay over seas and they are either extremely buddy buddy looking like throwing a ball at the other running to the other page side or revolutionary
yo remember his bird gav got him bc i do and that bird gets taken on trips with him absolutely
the bird is this yellow budgie named gavvy jr and always tries to steal food or take baths with jay
theres a lil coffee machine in the shop after seeing a bunch of people coming in exhausted to work
if you squint enough you can see the remains of blood on the shop floor of when his ex manager died
@ah-technical-difficulties ive become too invested ,,,
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solargav · 7 years
Title: Pressed Petals Part Two
Warning: Abuse mention, not checked for errors ayo
A/N: I despise myself
"Hey, uh, Geoff? I like being here too, with you."
"Hey book brains, what should we get my blood brother as a gift if you're gonna steal him from me?" Jeremy asked, eyes gleaming against the rows of the simple convenience stores. Geoff gave him an exasperated glare before turning back to the store, "I'd suggest a few light novels but if you're gonna be so fucking aggressive get him a bonsai tree or fix up the crime scene of the store."
A few days ago, they had set up, secret from Jeremy, to have his manager killed. The reason was Jack had told Geoff of her actions towards her coworkers and Jeremy, specifically. She made constant death threats, made him do jobs that put his life at risk, and treated them like absolute garbage. Jack knew with all her heart that Jeremy wouldn't let Geoff know, she knew that he felt like his problems only mattered in adding to Geoff's already overflowing pile. But Jeremy was a trusted addition and you can't hurt one member without gaining the rest of the crew.
When Jeremy came to the store to gain a change of clothes, he had spotted the mangled corpse and almost paid it no mind from his state of exhaustion. After tripping over a thrown heel, he called the police. Whom had tracked it to being a simple hitman, only taking the cash she had on her and none from the actual register which he was grateful, or so it was told to the crew.
"Let's start with dinner for movie night tomorrow."
Everyone easily realized Jeremy's shift in moods when the duo of "blood brothers" stopped showing up frequently to back at the pent house, instead both sleeping over at the small apartment Jeremy had above the flower shop. What they didn't take notice, or simply ignored, was the small sharp looks being given to Geoff by Lil' J.
And eventually, they didn't see either for a few days.
Jeremy sat in the seat, bouncing his knee every few seconds like in the beat of a measure. He had the itch to go out on a ride, he wanted to go out on the bike again. Before he moved into the city he had driven a small 250 cc motorcycle that was owned by a neighbor but had started driving a car due to the dangers of the city, but that needed to be out of storage immediately. He had asked Jack to meet him outside the storage area to join him on the ride, needing someone who would understand that his feelings were complex and unnecessary.
"What does that gardenia mean, Jay? What was it?"
"They stand to tell the receiver they're lovely. And, uh--and secret love."
The two stood quiet, Jack still sitting against the bike, holding the helmet that was given to her in her hands. They have calloused over the years of holding guns and weapons but still hold a petite look. They were in the middle of a desert like border of the city, no longer in the limits of the city.
"Oh, Jeremy.."
"Yeah, I know right?"
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