#george Lockwood and co
idkimtiredanddumb · 1 year
Lockwood *visibly twitching, unblinking eyes with dark circles underneath clearly having not slept in days, deathly pale, hair a greasy mess, a half crazed too wide smile on his face* : how would you like to join the agency im about to found with currently only me as a member oh and live in my house stranger I’m meeting for the first time?
George: … I would love to absolutely let’s be best friends
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rina-walker · 3 months
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demonicallyslaying · 2 months
“Trousers are for wimps” -George Karim
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editor-who · 2 years
George Karim Headcannons🍁📚
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- I'm back! It's been awhile. I have some fanfics planned out for a variety of characters but mostly George. Absolutely love Lockwood and co!!!
Also side note correct me if I have any definitions/terminology wrong :)
George Karim Headcannons:
°His favourite colour is yellow and he wears orange when he's stressed as it calms him down.
°He is Autistic
°He has OCD - predominantly cleaning & organisation but also Ruminations and potentially intrusive thoughts
°He struggles to keep eye contact with people except his s/o or if someone talks about his special interest or current hyperfixation.
°He also has anxiety
°He'd definitely love Quantum physics and most things sci-fi.
°Would point out the errors in sci-fi technology etc...
°Studies/ researches to relax
°Likes to read sci-fi / fantasy books, and is secretly scared of horrors and thrillers.
°Has to have coffee every morning to function before doing anything
°Defintely has a childhood Teddie bear he still sleeps with (but won't tell anyone about it).
°Very rarely keeps secrets from the ones he loves.
°He doesn't like large crowds or very loud noises.
°Cooking is his main love language and it calms him down. His mom used to cook for him and as a result that's how he expresses his love for people.
°He likes listening to the classical composer Bache (I saw this in his room while watching an episode) - but he doesn't listen to just classical music, he listens to other genres too!
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skullism · 5 months
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powerpoint night at 35 portland row
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jc-writes-bullshit · 6 months
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Has anyone done these yet
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 5 months
My favorite thing about Lockwood is the fact that he tries so hard to be cool but he is literally an actual human disaster and sixteen, so whenever he makes a slick one liner he’s internally going “yessss that was SO cool, I nailed that” and then Lucy and George are cheering in the background because they also think he’s So cool. But Holly and Kipps both absolutely do not, because they are full legal adults so they’re like “oh my gosh the cringe rn, I can’t believe this is my boss”
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justjudethoughts · 1 month
One of the things I love most about Lockwood is that he is the textbook example of the "one who is scared to love" but instead of being extremely cold and callous all the time like your normal tragic backstory male mc, he can't stop himself from loving.
The thing is, we know he tries. (See THB). He tries to keep everyone at a distance, tries to be cold and calculating, but he can't do it. He wants to be Sherlock Holmes, highly functioning sociopath, but he can't do it.
And it shows up in the smallest ways: how immediately understanding he is of Lucy when she doesn't want to explain what happened at Jacobs' even though he is interviewing her for a job. How he stood up for the bratty nightwatch kid when Ned was bullying him, simply because he didn't like watching someone smaller get picked on. Or when he mercifully changed the bet with Kipps, because at the end of the day it was a petty bet to begin with, and they had just been through so much together, and honestly it didn't matter anymore. There was no reason to humilate anyone. How he will always protect another agent, even if they are Fittes. Heck, he even stands up for the Fittes' agents, saying "they're just kids like us." It's the adults he has beef with.
Lucy mentions that any news of a death by ghost-touch weighs on Lockwood. He is incredibly patient with Danny Skinner and perturbed that a kid this young is in his living room alone.
All three of them think of Lucy as the one with the bleeding heart. She's a Listener, a feeler, the one who is most affected by the past suffering of the ghosts. But that's for the dead.
Lockwood is a bleeding heart for the living. He tries not to be. He hates it. Because caring means risking hurt. Caring means you can lose what you care about. But for as hard as he tries to pretend he doesn't, for as good as he is at acting like nothing can phase him, it does.
Lockwood is scared of loving. But he can't stop.
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lewkwoodnco · 14 days
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Lockwood & Co. incorrect quotes (2/?) LOCKWOOD & CO. (2023)
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hannaloony · 3 months
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rina-walker · 1 year
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cinno2 · 9 months
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lockwood & co… brainworms activated
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juneneedsabreak · 6 months
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notcryingtoday · 2 months
"oh another emily in paris seas-"
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tenuousnessless7 · 2 months
Don’t think I’ve talked about it before but I do love that we get to see George “zero social skills” Karim chastise Lockwood for how he handled the whole praising-Lucy-on-the-news situation and it’s perfectly in character, because Lockwood’s so used to being able to charm his way out of situations that he’s legitimately confused, and George may not pick up on social cues, but he knows how to follow directions, and “she specifically asked you not to.” Idk it’s just such a reversal of their usual dynamic where George is just casually and unknowingly offending people that it tickles me.
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skullism · 4 months
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rapiers are incredibly versatile in the hands of professionals
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