#george crabtree would say this
grandhoff · 1 month
Murdoch Mysteries rewatch/catch up from the beginning - part 4
S2 EP4
- Can we acknowledge how dishy the actor for Houdini is?
- Brackenreid is suspicious of anything that is unknown, also doesn't like magicians & illusionists
- Julia, having a sister 👀👀👀, seems to me the Doctor is not keen on her sister being about
- just because Harry is a flamboyant trickster doesn't mean he is guilty
- Ruby is an interesting one, wooing Crabtree but causing threats by Murdoch, my word
- George is a bad liar, and William made a mistake in getting between the Ogden sisters
S2 EP5
- why is our dear detective so familiar with a madam?
- this case is going to be so difficult with all those uppercrust men
- literally fuck the temperance league
- I think the judge is just a desperate fool, the artist is a bit fishy but more a wet blanket
S2 EP6
- not a great look to begin bleeding from the eyes
- the fact that it was Henry that caught the doctor and detective, I can't
- I love how Brackenreid knows all the underworld, very chummy with them
- William Murdoch is one of the most jealous men you can find in the entire Victorian world
- William turned this whole case into a personal brigade and may have destroyed his relationship because of it
- the fact that both George and Brackenreid didn't bat an eye at the abortioniats et Al. Just shows that the cool cops are the ones with more wild pasts
S2 EP7
- the vibes in the room between W and J are soo off
- eyyyyy it's Gillies! Him and his weirdo friend just stalking Murdoch and friends over their investigation
- the victim was a peeper, but make it consistent
- Poor George, going from no mom's to two moms in less than a day
- Perry is bad at lying, I would never trust him with my crime
- we love a fake murder, sad it was poor Georgie
- Brackenreid is very good at sussing out the big criminals, mainly the crazy ones
- applied physics is fun, and William lighting up upon academic approval is adorable.
The show is just William solving crimes and putting his foot in his mouth. That's it. That's the show.
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silverhallow · 6 months
How you have any head cannons about what the staff - footmen and maids think of the romance between Sophie and Benedict?
How would they explain it to a new member of staff?
I love thoughts from the help
i don't think the new staff would be any the wiser. i think the current staff would be told not to say that the new Mrs Bridgerton worked for the family.
the staff that were there when Sophie worked for them they knew there was something odd about Miss Beckett. she could read and write, she muttered away to herself in Latin and French when Miss Hyacinth and Master Benedict frustrated her. She sounded almost like the mistress of the house so when they learned that she was actually the daughter of an earl who had been badly mistreated, they're actually furious on her behalf and having gotten to know her they vow they won't say anything about her past.
and Sophie is always really kind to them, she actually brings them treats when she comes to London as Mrs Bridgerton and tries to help a few of them who can sort of read, learn more and she helps John the Footman finally talk to Alice, one of Kitchen Maid, and the two end up married (and moving to Wiltshire when Violet no longer needs as many staff and Mr and Mrs Crabtree finally retire) and their kids end up well educated and their son eventually ends up working with Hugh Woodson in the Vicarage and when Hugh retires in his 60s, Benedict sponsors George to become the new Clergyman.
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veryrealimagination · 11 months
“I only sink deeper the deeper I think."
Day No: 29
Prompt: Past Troubles Resurfacing
Fandom: Murdoch Mysteries
Medium: fic
Trigger Warnings: no major ones
Murdoch was concerned by the lateness of the day and the absence of Detective Watts. The man, while not usually a regular detective, did not shirk his responsibilities. “George,” he called out, watching the constable walk by. The man stopped and turned to Murdoch.
“What’s the problem, sir?”
“Have you seen Detective Watts today?”
He thought about it for a minute. “No. Not a glance. Didn’t say anything about traveling at the moment,” he said, “Actually, he said that he would try to be here before the Inspector showed up. Something about being caught foisting his paperwork on Mitchell again and having to write his own reports.”
The older man definitely remembered that little order from Brackenreid. “George, with me,” he ordered, standing up and putting on his outer jacket. “I think it’d be best to find him and bring him to the Station House.”
They both looked over at the Inspector’s office, where the man was impatiently tapping on his own paperwork while staring out at the empty desk that was eventually forced on Watts when he kept using Murdoch’s. And George’s. And Higgins. And Jackson’s. Before his death. “Most definitely, sir.”
The first room that they remembered Watts living had a slightly irritated landlady inform them that his sorrow after Huey’s death had led to him being evicted for disturbing the others. The second one, that George remembered, also revealed that he had been evicted as well, for his late evenings and early mornings for the constabulary. Two more rooms that he was evicted out of, and Murdoch wondered how Watts managed to keep any sort of home in his life.
He thought about what he was not to know, and suggested it to Crabtree. “What about the neighbor of Miss Newsome?”
It took George a minute, but he shook his head. “Too many almost being caught. They only meet somewhere else now. And the man is quite tight lipped about himself and Watts.” One of the last avenues as to where the man lived. “He tends not to update his place of residence on the forms. Only when he is reminded by Inspector Brackenreid or Doctor Ogden.”
“If he’s not careful, the Inspector will be personally start making sure the paperwork his correct every week,” the man said.
“Where do you think we should check next?” George asked.
He thought about what he knew about the man. It was, unfortunately, little. “Let’s find a telephone and we can ask if anyone has ideas about where Watts is currently living.” They began the walk to a pole.
During their walk, there was the shouting of a man that normally Murdoch ignored. The second voice, a quieter, uncommonly fearful one, caught his attention quickly. It also caught George’s. “Sir,” he muttered.
“Carefully, George.” He took lead to where they heard the voices coming from. It was normally not wise to go down dingy and occupied alleyways, but it was necessary when they needed to see the situation.
They quickly found their missing detective, being held in place by two men that were obviously enforcement. His coat was dirty and ripped in three different places. A chunk of his face was purple, his leg was staggered, and it wasn’t entirely out of the question the men were keeping him upright. The man in front of Watts carried the air of a bookie coming to collect debt.
Murdoch had never known Watts to gamble.
“There ain’t no way you just happened to get a night of good wagers,” he accused. Not collecting debt, Watts had been winning, a little too much. “Inside knowledge, that’s the only way you managed to get four times what you put in.”
“I do not need to cheat,” he spat, getting a punch to the chest in retaliation. “I paid attention to your planted men’s bets and went against theirs.” His arm was twisted enough that Murdoch heard a pop of something dislocating. His yell was cut off by one of the thugs covering his mouth.
“I lost money last night with your wins,” he hissed, “A good amount. I don’t know where you put your ill gotten wagers, but I’ll be getting back that money off of you over the next week. And maybe a few weeks after that.”
George shot forward before Murdoch, which annoyed and surprised the man. His truncheon was out and slamming one of the enforcers over the head. It being the one gagging Watts, the hand came off to try and swipe back at the officer. George grabbed a hold of the arm and used it to crash the man into the wall.
The other man tried to get at him, but Murdoch landed a solid punch to the jaw. It had been a while that he had to hit anyone in the line of duty, but he didn’t experience as much pain as he expected when the man went down with a bloody nose. The one that George had against the wall almost twisted out of his grasp, but didn’t go after either of the men when he saw his partner was down.
The bookie was annoyed that a Constable and some suit that could hit interfered with his business. Whatever, he’ll just get one of his own police friends to stonewall him while he made his money back out of the cheater’s hide. “Excuse me,” he demanded, “This is a private matter between myself and this insolent boy that cheated me. Police need not be here.”
Murdoch pulled back his lapel to show the badge. “Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind coming down to Station House Four to explain it,” he said, subtly threatening him. The man was taken back. Not just a suit, but Detective William Murdoch. One of the straightest laced coppers in Toronto. “Considering what I just heard you implying, I should have you charged with attempted false imprisonment of a police officer.”
“A police officer?” He pointed at Watts, who had attempted to stand, and fell when his leg wouldn’t support him “Him?”
“Detective Watts is a valued member of Station House Four,” he stated.
The bookie paled as he realized what he had done. Not only was Detective William Murdoch standing in front of him, but the man was now under Brackenreid. Still pissed that he lost a good amount of money, he forced his men up before leaving the alleyway and not getting anything back.
Watts looked between his coworkers in dismay and embarrassment. He did not expect to be found, although it was good, considering what Moe was threatening him with. Now, he would have to explain himself to his superiors. George was helpful in getting him to his feet, even when his leg wasn’t going to support him again. Murdoch got in under his arm. They knew which one had been injured and made sure it wasn’t unduly moved. “Hospital first,” Murdoch said, “Then, we’ll call Brackenreid and have everything explained.”
The young man’s heart dropped, and he wondered how long it would take to lose everything again.
Brackenreid was waiting out in the bullpen when his detectives and the constable got through the door.
The phone call he received from the hospital wasn’t exactly enlightening. Murdoch reported that he found Watts being assaulted by a bookie that said he cheated him out of wagers the previous night. This was after multiple checks at four rooms that he was evicted from.
Now, they would get everything out of the man.
The sling for his arm and cane for his leg did a little bit to win him sympathy. Crabtree was sent on patrol. Murdoch went back to his office but gave the Inspector a stern, silent warning before seeing the blinds on the man’s office closed.
Watts was sat on the couch with a mug of water sitting on the table and the cane beside the arm. He was not going to look anywhere near the man’s face. And definitely not near his eyes. “I’m waiting, Watts,” he said, sitting in the desk chair instead of nearby.
He breathed, giving himself some steadying. “I did not cheat,” he insisted, “Moe Sebrie is a horrible bookie. He plants people among the gamblers to get people to load up on bad bets and takes their money.”
“If he’s a horrible bookie, why you going to him?” he demanded.
“Because I know his plays. I went to one of his competitors when, when I needed money for Miss Marks, and Danny and Huey. He ran that man out of the business. Possibly murdered, but he used an accident to cover it up.” His good hand fidgeted with the sling. The arm was in a low level of pain from the dislocation of the lower part. His leg had lessened, but he still wouldn’t be able to walk well for a few days. “When I figured out what he did, I managed to use that against him. Placed bets on plays opposite or a little off from what he did. Got a fair bit of money from it.”
Brackenreid nodded, “Then, you pissed him off by winning a little bit too much.”
Watts sighed, “I needed more money for a room.”
“You have a room.”
He shook his head. “I haven’t been able to keep a place for more than a month, month and a half.”
The man looked at him, incredulous. Most houses loved coppers. They had the money, and if they didn’t, you went and found their Inspectors for a good hard talk. “You wasting all your money on food or something?”
Another shake of the head. “I have been evicted from my last three rooms due to late evenings and early mornings. The room before that didn’t like that I was mourning my brother for so long. Said it upset the other residents.” Evicted?! Brackenreid had never heard such horseshit. Most places didn’t care if they were early or late, especially when they learned that it was a copper. “I was saving up enough money to possibly try at two different boardinghouses. Much more expensive up front, but more willing to work with Constabulary men. One was Jackson’s old place. The other is run by a woman named Mrs. Kitchen. She’s apparently had a detective before.”
If he hadn’t shut the blinds, he would have shared a look with Murdoch, who likely wasn’t working on paperwork but more watching for anger. Watts apparently didn't know who the detective was. “Right, where have you been staying now?”
That was the only time he looked at him. He knew the signs of fear in someone, and he wondered how much One fucked up those that didn’t play the game well enough. Murdoch had come from there as well, and he didn’t show his as much. “The spare cot in the storage room,” he admitted.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Bloody hell," he muttered, wondering what he needed to do now. "Right. First thing is to get you cleaned up."
"I do not-"
He cut him off with a wave of his hand. "One night with us. Although don't start discussing your bookie business with the Missus. She stopped gambling after I had her arrested." Watts stared at him in surprise over that admission. "Then, in the morning, you go over to that second option with Murdoch."
"Maybe even with Doctor Ogden as well." That confused the man on the couch. "You really don't know the detective that Mrs. Kitchen housed was Murdoch?"
He was curious, and somewhat taken back. "It was Murdoch?" he asked.
There was a little regret over the idea he was spouting. "Blimey. Murdoch!" he shouted, opening his door, "Does Mrs. Kitchen have a room available?"
Watts picked up the water and drained it to calm himself down over the entire day. He has a small wish for alcohol and started eyeing the bourbon the Inspector kept. "Hands off, Watts."
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 year
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The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches - Sangu Mandanna
Sangu Mandanna’s 2022’s The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is a stand-alone contemporary fantasy novel.
Despite her pretensions to eccentricity, Mika Moon does follow the rules she learned from Primrose, oldest and most powerful of Britain’s small witch community. The prime rule: protect the secret that witches exist at all, lest witches once again find themselves the focus of official and mass hatred. Primrose is convinced that this means avoiding close friends, lovers, and any other social connection that might give a non-witch the chance to discover the secret. Even associating too often with other witches could give the game away. Thus far, Mika has been diligent, which is to say very, very alone.
Except … Mika does post online videos in which she cosplays a stereotyped witch. Since she never uses actual magic, those videos cannot possibly expose the secret. Or so Mika thought.
Ian Kubo-Hawthorn knows a witch when he sees one. As it happens, he and his colleagues have a use for a witch, if they can entice one into isolated Nowhere House.
Having been asked very nicely, Mika ignores basic prudence. Arriving in Broomstick, her ensorcelled car, she finds a home wrapped in magic spells designed to steer attention elsewhere. The mansion appears to be the home of a powerful witch. In fact, it’s home to three young witches, the very matter with which Mika is to assist.
Ian is but one of Nowhere House’s staff, along with his husband Ken, housekeeper Lucie, and gloomily attractive James Kelly. Employed by wealthy Lillian Nowhere, they care for the young orphan girls Lillian adopted from around the world [1]. As the protective spells suggest, Lillian is a witch. So are the girls, whose witchy education will be Mika’s responsibility.
The arrangement egregiously violates Primrose’s rules. Groups of witches working magic together, particularly young, inexperienced ones like Rosetta, Terracotta, and Altamira, could easily perform spells impossible to ignore. Informing one’s non-witch employees about witches is even more of a security risk. As for Lillian? She should be educating her adopted wards herself, but she is nowhere to be seen.
Lillian’s absence is why Nowhere House needs a resident adult witch as soon as possible. Lillian may espouse liberal views, but her solicitor Edward Foxhaven very much does not. Foxhaven is scheduled to visit in the near future, ostensibly to collect documents from Lillian’s office. He is already convinced that Lillian’s staff are parasitic perverts. There’s no telling how he’d react to the girls’ very visible magic. The girls need to learn to contain their spells, as soon as possible.
Motivated by duty (of course; it cannot possibly be staffer Jamie’s melancholy allure) Miki undertakes the seemingly impossible task. It’s only once she is in too deep that she discovers the corpse and a very important fact about her new co-workers.
It’s possible that Jamie’s melancholy allure does in fact play a role in Miki’s decisions.
A necessary bit of background I could not see how to cram into the synopsis: thanks to a badly cast spell intended to protect infant witches, all witches worldwide have for the last few centuries been orphaned at a young age. Parenthood is suicide for witches, which cannot help their numbers any. You may wonder if this is a perfect recipe for cycles of trauma. It is.
In Primrose’s defense, does anyone doubt that if the Tories could shift blame for Brexit’s failure by burning a few hundred witches at the stake, they would? 
There is a major plot twist towards the end to which I reacted with [ObCanCon] ​“George Crabtree will be pleased.” [/ObCanCon] I won’t spoil it, as the resolution depends on it, except to say when I reread the early part of the novel I realized that the twist is clearly telegraphed.
With the possible exception of bigot Foxhaven, there’s a dire shortage of antagonists in this book. Even in Foxhaven’s case, his primary goal is to protect Lillian’s interests and carry out her documented wishes; if it happens that doing his duty means screwing over her staff, that’s an unintended side-benefit. People, not just Foxhaven, make unfortunate decisions but for reasons that seem entirely reasonable to them.
The author says in the afterword:
When I started writing this book, we were eight months into the pandemic and all I wanted to work on was a warm, cozy, romantic story about magic and family. A story that was, above all things, about love and human connection. 
Mandanna never lost sight of the goal. As a result, this is a relentlessly amiable novel. Remarkable given the traumatic backstories of most of the characters. If you’re looking for a novel in which nothing bad happens, where warm fuzzies abound, this may be the book for which you are looking.
1: Lillian is the sort of rich philanthropist who likes to assist the needy by relocating them from their native lands to a lonely estate in rain-soaked England where their needs will be provided for … but in isolation. Lillian will not personally raise, educate, or even speak frequently with her adopted daughters.
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53rdcenturyhero · 2 years
Murdoch:(opens shipping ledger) We're searching for vessels which are destined to depart for Chicargo...
George Crabtree: Sir, if they're smuggling women would they be writing it down?
Murdoch: (looks down and resumes turning pages) (hoping a wafer thin link to a wafer thin lead may be found on the hand-entered written ledger pages)(hopes George may be wrong but the b- have been very well hidden so far)
George Crabtree: (says nothing acknowledging the wafer-thin lead is all these women may rely on for their rescue )(hopes for the positive while measuring the worst outcomes tallying how to retrieve possible bodies from a ship or call for blankets and transport for upset victims)(reads ledger)( looks grave)
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x23 for better or worse
the wedding episode liveblog, or the caskett wedding or the first wedding or the attempted wedding, or the b-ex-ett episode, kind of reminds me of that felony melanie movie...
Ooh rick castle signature
oOH ROOFTOP VENUE! RC: It’s too bad Beckett didn’t want to bungee jump off the side of the building for our big exit. Now that would have been cool. Me: YOU'RE SO RIGHT BESTIE
Gerard <3 *grabs forms* Fwewp! out!
Clipping! *crash to the floor in bloopers* Gates <3 She called she texted AND she emailed. Black shoes XD *PASSES THE FILES TO ESPOSITO AGAIN*
bECKETT WAS MARRIED!? OH IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE? OH... GIRL NO... lmao I remember she said she was 1 & done back in like, episode 2. Hey wait I think I remember episode 2 becks was "you're a dad??? that's weird bc you're so immature" but alexis bailed him out last episode...
the drive thru of love...??? 15 years since she married him first year at standford. timeline stuff. I love henry. You're a detective, detect.
Yep. Love how they literally try to find him thru cop stuff. I mean she did call him a liar & a thief.. *calls him her husband* he's literally ken in the mugshot meme. (so glad I clipped earlier bc their outfits are bomb) Wow I read the info. 1(d)/3(m)/2001(y) Used someone else's expired cridit card, lied to her under a flase name at the motel, 3/3/01 fraud & restaining order,20/2/07 "female body inspector" is literally on his police record when he was the fbi agent... RC: I must say, given his record, I’m really surprised-- Me: that we haven't run into him again sooner? RC: you stayed with him all these years.
Reugan. o'leary. *robotic but also stoned*
KB: I’m going to go to Willow Creek. I’ve got less than three days to find Rogan O’Leary and get a divorce.
Title card
Why doesn't she have any previous messages between her & ryan? (missing an apostrophe, at least ryan knows how to use lol) Trinity Church. Neighbour: He’s got a smile that will make your pants fall off Tell her you're looking for a divorce
WOAH STUFF THROWING AT HIM He's weilding a chair? What the heck is even going on!? Nice punch! She owns this bar & hates him enough to make this scene? Love the angle lmao. Kit kat lol
KB: Do you remember a trip that we took to Vegas Me: I wouldn't expect him to, do you hear how that sounds?
It is hilarious! I just found out, literally sign here goodbye What's a nice hook? lmao this man he is... smile that will make your pants fall off... Yeah she was in law school... WAIT SHE WAS IN STANDFORD LAW SCHOOL.. HOLD ON *haggling* LMAO I LOVE HIM
Clipping <3 xd it really is unus annus remember the kickstarting puberty video? Yeah.
Glitch she says. (Oh btw do you remember crabtree telling murdoch how to tie a bowtie? That was a great scene. love george.)
garage door opener? sus. jher mom's place? What if you DO get caught?
Oh no oh no I forget what happens OH DEAR OH NO. it's a cop lol. Just pretent it's your car girl. Oh no I remember what happens. DON'T HANG UP DON'T HANG UP get in your car & follow!
I'm sure they'll have a very good reason! TELL HER THAT YOU'RE LEGALLY MARRIED & GETTING MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE in 3 days
RC: Okay, okay, I hate to ask, but do you think maybe Me: he did it on purpose? RC: we should postpone? Me: oh Girl you may be a detective but did you hear about all the claims involving mr oleary? Yeah alexis has it covered!
Oh no what is it now?
OH NO THE ROOF-- THE ROOF FRICKING BURNED DOWN? a venue in two days? The hamptons? u should have sdone that first! I was going to ask about catering & stuff, glad they're paying vendors relocation costs. MR: Oh, please. I once staged A Chorus Line on a subway platform when our company lost its space
RC: Oh, what’s a fiancé for if not to help find his future wife’s current husband?
Cloris Maguire: Well if you find him you can keep him. Or becks, just be honest Mama just admitting to the homicide det... She's pretty. She mixed? All that turquoise & her looks make her look half native. Hot native trope tho so ew. WAIT. WHAT? Tildy maguire: I love him. I mean, I can overlook the fact that he’s not a regular job kind of guy or that he can’t marry me while his wife’s in a coma SHE'S WHAT? (so he did know!!!) HE EVEN USED HER NAME? ok so... are you going to tell her or?
serious trouble From You
RC: Coma wife. (he laughs) It’s kind of brilliant. Despicable is not mutually exclusive
RC: Their emails to each other are fairly pornographic Me: uh
YOU CAN GET TORY TO DO THAT? KB: I’ve gotta call Lanie. I’m not going to make my spa bachelorette party this afternoon. RC, head popping up: You were going to have naked ladies at your party, too? (should I clip it? I'm going to say probably not. at least not rn.) XD also who planned it? alexis?
Aw newleyweds spa day <3
I love lanie. RC: Besides, it’s not like things can get any crazier. *walks in to: a fricking biker gang in rogan's livingroom*
tell them tell them tell them oh gosh fucking heck
Head Biker: All right, well, that seems fair. No mrs oleary, I want my money now Correct him & say it's detective beckett or would that be a bad idea
lol love how he has $500 of the $5k...ONLY 12 HIURS? RC: No, Mrs. O’Leary, I’m not okay. I happen to like my legs. And yours too. And why is your husband paying bikers over $5 grand for a stripper’s phone?
stole & returned? remember the joey malone episode?
Oh no. bloopers were great for this btw. I think I feel bad for luke reichle, I mean I know they have copies but holy crap poor luke reichle
Give her a hug my man
KB: Castle, I’m married to someone else. And I have no idea where he is, we don’t have any leads, and then to make things worse the venue and now this? I mean, it just feels like all of this is one big sign. RC: Well, maybe it is a sign. (he puts his arm around her shoulders) A sign that ours is a great love story. Because what’s a great love story without obstacles to overcome? Every fairytale has them. Terrible trials that only the worthy can transcend. But you can’t give up. That’s the deal. We want the happy ending, we can’t give up.
THAT'S THE PHONE Why did tory send the one of the dog? oh that's why the bus bench was so noticable!
Oh protestant that's why he's not father ?.. You're not? By the time you're done being blackmailed, everyone has seen the photo & used it to blackmail you!
A few pictures actually!
RC: So your husband is hijacking someone else’s blackmail. It’s kind of ingenious in a degenerate sort of way.
Ooh she's good! Ppole dancing is not just wow sexy, it is an art form & a sport! (her accent xd) Lol castle tipping her
the red tailed hawk sound effect?
I'm with becks on this. Maybe y'all need a monocular too tho. Did she bring her gun with her?
going to be more people here. I swear. Amish horror film lol. Not going to be him. Or going to be a scarecorw. Or dead. Or the scarecrow lol.
KB: Could everyone please stop saying man parts? RC: Well, we just followed the trail of disappointment and deception. Led us right to you.
Smart on beckett. *calls castle man-parts* You know that's a good idea. Say he's either signing the papers or dying, either way it gets you out of marriage.
that's why castle was keeping watch until a moment ago. Becks should have said "castle lets get out of here" & then started to leave w/o rogan & then he'd call them back sign the papers & they'd get out of there. maybe. idk.
ESPARISH JAVI & LANIE JUST SITTING THERE WITH NOBODY ELSE AROUND LOOKING OUT OVER THE INLAND OCEAN OR W/E IT IS SO THAT RICK ISN'T AFRAID OF STORMS... ROMANTIC. Wait, are THEY going to get married here instead!?!? JE: Now all we need is a bride and groom. WAS I RIGHT WAS I RIGHT HOLD ON they are in LOVE (even with their on & off again hot/cold
Ooh nice transition with the hands Love these interactions, they manage to make being held captive by a feared mob hitman funny. *castle can't see anything* *castle turning around* WAIT I THINK I KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING-- I MIGHT BE REMEMBERING. IT'S THE BIKER GANG?
RC: Why do you think? Husband, wife, future husband, your apartment? They find our dead bodies, the story of jealous rage writes itself.
knew it. biker gang. WAIT GANG VS MOB YES YES YES Wonder if the bikers still want rogan to pay em. I mean otherwise they were kind of.. using them.
you CAN thank them lol the contribution of the homicidal bikers is it already the next day? they gettin married today? RoL: You are a lucky man, Man Parts Wait yeah you're already back in her bar! *CONTINUES PLAYING HIS FRICKING ANGLE*
She's running so happy!
Who the heck are these people? will, idk, the el-masri family be here? Is that ryan up at the front? who are these people? I recognize,, none. I'd really really like to see some old characters return. Maybe Powell the jewel thief, or castle's friend in the mob, will from the fbi, agent mccord, kyra blaine (who has the initial kb again)...
OOH LANIE IS SO PRETTY! "called your dad" love those momen..ts... is that her mom's dress? she IS part of the wedding! Oh gpsh! I wore my mom's wedding dress to my grade 9 farewell but she was 113lbs when she got married lol. It also had dirt & rocks in it bc mum went rock climbing in it.
Bro: That's nice Me: *hands him my laptop* Bro: She likes the clear division on the hips- I wonder if it's because of backlash. Fans were like "that dress is sooo ugly" and they had to change it. It's a lot more normie than the last one but it <i>is</i> nice. I like the lace; not sure how I feel about the sheer peep-hope on her upper chest? seems indecisive. I really like the bodice. And again the lace detailing. Ahh it's her mom's dress. Esp since the last dress made her so emotional over her mom not being there. I like the little trails of lace extending down the skirt portion. I like the sleeveless.
Bro is literally watching a wedding tiktok right beside me.
LP: Yeah. For a second there, I wanted to marry you! Me: this fandom needs more femslash Martha got her earrins (that look a lot like the ones castle got gates) but they are generational earrings & so pretty & castle has been married twice & martha didn't give them these earrings
Why is he 20m away? Oh law Love the music Love his tie this is all so cute!
& then this happnes. Call her back CALL HER BACK! (also back in s1 it was established he has bluetooth in his car & yet he's calling her on the road?)
Stomp on the brakes castle so that they are ahead of you
the natives?
she's already called him ofc... "this is she" not "speaking" WAIT SHE'S THE EMERGENCY CONTACT NOT HIS MOM OR ALEXIS? OOH LOVE IT. tho if he was in trouble it would likely be WITH beckett.
Oof their nice wedding car
Oh no the car,
oh no fire,
oh no he dead ig
great episode ig
Love the humour humour & then boom death
Lol mum just got home, perfect timing but now she suddenly asked for the bloopers. I'll def show u the bonus features later.
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i-am-a-whimsy-boy · 3 years
Okay, does anybody else think about the time George and Watts got absolutely freaking wasted and still managed to figure out a crucial element of a case? Not only that, but afterwards, Watts goes to wine country to arrest a murderer, while drunk, and he manages to be perfectly functional, and George freaking keeps drinking. Either those madlads are absolute TANKS when it comes to booze, or else alcohol just has zero effect on them. These two are heavyweight champions and honestly, that is straight up iconic.
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laurastacey · 5 years
Watts to George: We didn't get to talk about it 'cause there was heterosexuals.
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benoitblanc · 2 years
001 murdoch mysteries and 003 peggy carter 💖💖💖
favorite character: EMILY GRACE LOML
least favorite character: the garlands tie. dear god i hate the garlands
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): murdoch and julia, brackenreid and margaret, emily and lillian, george and edna, & honestly probably henry and ruth because they crack me up. i have no idea what watts' love life is up to right now i'm super behind
character I find most attractive: emily emily emily
character I would marry: george crabtree light of my LIFE
character I would be best friends with: also emily, but i really just want to be friends with all of them. i think my runners-up are jackson and julia
a random thought: "do pigs have a soul then, sir?" is one of the funniest lines to have ever been uttered on television. i know emily is my favorite character but george is by far the best character and he has been carrying this show on his back for the last fifteen years
an unpopular opinion: i don't know how unpopular this is but murdoch seasons 1 to like 11 were absolute peak and i miss them. i feel as though the later seasons have been a little too soap-opera-y for my taste. 6-8 is by far my favorite period of murdoch because they balanced the personal drama with the mysteries/history/cool scientific gadgets really, really well
my canon OTP: jilliam still makes me feral to this day
my non-canon OTP: okay i hate that this is my answer but cora posted a gifset of watts and pendrick interacting from the most recent series and i've gotta say they would make a great and completely unhinged couple
most badass character: julia!
most epic villain: obviously gillies. moriarty who?
pairing I am not a fan of: i'm not that against them but i don't think that george and effie mesh very well as a couple. bring edna back you cowards
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i don't necessarily think they screwed violet up because she's so interesting and a type of character we really don't see very often on tv, but i wish her writing was a bit more consistent. then again i am two full seasons behind so maybe they've improved with her writing
favorite friendship: GEORGE AND MURDOCH
character I most identify with: definitely emily
character I wish I could be: also emily
how I feel about this character: I LOVE HER SO GODDAMN MUCH. seriously, though, i still cannot get over how real she feels, especially for the protagonist of a spy-fi show set in the '40s. she is such a mess of contradictions. she loves with such abandon and it terrifies her. she does her makeup while her world falls apart and gets into fistfights while falling in love. she is so human
any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: that's actually a hard one. i have never in my life made the ship peggy carter slash daniel sousa my entire personality. that has never happened to me. must suck to be that poor shmuck, though. the damn thing's been retconned THREE TIMES
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: JARVIS. JARVIS JARVIS JARVIS. holy SHIT i love their friendship. they're my second favorite dynamic, romantic or non-romantic, from anything ever, only beaten by ten and donna from doctor who
my unpopular opinion about this character: she is without fail MUCH more interesting as a character whenever steve isn't in the picture. the difference between the first and last episodes of what if is actually mind-blowing
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: season three and happily ever after with daniel i think she should have gotten to say fuck
send a fandom, ship, or character!!!
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Being Childhood Friends With George Crabtree Would Include
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not my gif
A/N: Thanks anon for requesting, I hope you like it! And woah I got a little carried away hehe.
Growing up in newfoundland or moving there as a kid.
Visiting him at his Aunt’s place.
Reading together.
There would always be something going on between the two of you, but neither one of you would acknowledge the common feelings.
I feel like when you were kids the two of you would have some like tree house or something.
Telling him about your dream to become a Private Investigator.
Of course he supports you 100%.
Once he moves to Toronto of course you’re heartbroken, but eventually you did get over it.
You and George kept in contact for a couple of years after he moved, but eventually the two of you got two busy, while he was a copper now and you working on your dream there really wasn't enough time.
So you would kind of annoy the Newfoundland constabulary and kind of nag them/help them with cases.
You actually made the newspaper and of course your biggest supporter saw the article and had the biggest smile on his face.
That's when you got a letter from a Private Detective agency in Toronto asking you to come and work for them.
Of course you said yes, I mean how could you pass up the opportunity.
Time skip sort of
Alright, so, this is after you’ve had the job for a few years.
Things were going steady at your job and you’ve settled into Toronto very nicely.
One day you were hired by the victims Mother to investigate their daughters murder.
So you arrived at the scene and could not believe your eyes when you saw your childhood best friend talking to the one and only Detective Murdoch.
You hadn't seen George in ages, so, you slowly made your way over there and greeted him with a “Good afternoon Constable”.
I kid you not when I say this man had the BIGGEST smile on his face, and gave you the biggest hug EVER.
“(Y/N)!! he greeted you.
Anyway, he invited you out for lunch for old times sake, and of course you said yes.
So, the two of you caught up and my god you didn't realize how much you missed him.
So, the two of you would often go for lunch together.
And you would be seeing a lot more of George because William telephoned you down to the station to ask if you would help them with a case.
Really, the only reason you said yes was to spend more time with George.
That’s when past feelings started to resurface.
You realized that you really liked George. I mean he’s sweet, funny, and very caring.
Eventually he asked you out to dinner.
It was at a very nice restaurant. (the best he could afford on a constable’s salary).
During the meal George seemed a little off, so you asked him what was wrong.
And he just spilled all his feelings about you to you.
He told you how he had the biggest crush on you as kids and how seeing you now has made him realize that he never really got over you.
You told him that you felt the exact same way.
And a few more dinner dates like that he asked you to be his Girlfriend/ boyfriend/S/O.
You still would help out with cases at the station house and if I’m being honest everybody loved having your company.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 21 February 1837
7 5
12 ¾
No kiss rain in the night and this morning till 8 then fine and F42 ½° - out in the stable and about and with Robert + 3 (a new man come this morning) at the upper pool (stopping the leakage) till breakfast at 9 50 to 10 55 sat musing and planning bedroom in east tower for A- and myself and dressing rooms heavy shower about 10 ½ had Charles Howarth at 10 55 about pen-trough for the meerdrift head – said I did not want any – only wanted the clow making – paid CH- two little bills in full up to today except Joseph Mann’s vent-pit frames making – nearly fair (high wind) and out again at 11 25 no! sat reading in my study till 12, and still raining from 12 to 12 ½ more or less in the north parlour till 1 Encyclopaedia of agriculture and hen writing copy of letter to Mr. Harper Robert Mann then came for me to tell me that my grandfather’s drain (that I had supposed so excellent) thro’ the quondam orchard was only a loop-hole drain and .:. might well be incapable of taking the water now boiling up near the great cherry-tree – a new drain to be made – But Robert came also to tell me that 2 of the rocks were coming down! Luckily tho’ 2 of the very large ones they are the2 most manageable – the 2 corner ones towards the north holding up the middle pool – But Robert thinks he can set all right again – had propped the lowmost so that we can keep it up where it is – some time with Robert and Samuel in the Lodge road laying 2 loads of rag at the jutting out (to widen the road) near the Lodge, and making up ruts in the road – then at the Lower pool, and getting up a laurel planted on the embankment near the great variegated holly and digging out new drain course thro’ the quondam orchard – John Booth all the day with the old bay horse and light cart carrying scraplings and rubbish from the old wall-race at the bottom of the quondam orchard to raise up the walk by the low pool – went to the meer-drift head – 3 or 4 masons hewing the large rag-stone for the meer-tail clow – found them all sitting at 4 ½ in the hut at their drinkings – sent them out – then by Lower brea lane to Mytholm – to see if George N- had ploughed up the little croft near the mill for tares – ye! but not sown – heavy rainy before I got back as far as Denmark – stood sometime in Charles Howarth’s barn porch – then with Robert Mann again till came in at 6 – wet – dressed – wrote and sent my letter to ‘John Harper Esquire St. Leonards’ Place York’ to say difficult to do the interstices between the hall – stoothing with cement – I thought plaster would look better than casing them either with oak or deal to be afterwards painted – if H- thinks plaster the best, to send over Crabtree or some plasterer who can and will do his work tidily and well – he might do the 2 bedrooms at the same time and give in an estimate for the hotel – mention Mr. Cole’s bringing his plan yesterday  a mere sketch without any explanatory detail – mention price and power – dinner at 7 – A- read French – coffee – I read partly aloud the pith of tonights paper and a little aloud out of the encyclopaedia of geology – then at 10 went to my study – read a little there Lindleys’ natural system then wrote all but the 1st 6 lines of today (downstairs)  till 10 55 – very showery day – cold and windy and wet and comfortless day – F36 ½° at 10 pm  
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I’m watching Murdoch Mysteries
(S:2 E:3) And man I love George Crabtree. Only he would go on a whole philosophic rant about the bible, all the while sounding brilliant (because he is) saying “what if time moves differently for god, the reason we haven’t heard from him in a while is because it’s still the 7th day, and tomorrow he may create something else, as important as land or water”
but then when questioned about what this thing may be he fucking says “like... a horse that runs backwards” holy shit. “think about it, it would never have to turn around” this lovely sunbeam of a man
It’s even better when you watch it, it’s at 27:01
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veryrealimagination · 2 years
George had been pacing his hotel room for an hour. His jacket, a nice one for the dinners he was attending, was draped over a chair. Thankfully, there was no blood on it. He had been following what appeared to be his superior, Detective Murdoch. Dressed completely strange, as he was in a leather jacket and denim, he approached him when he thought he was by himself. He had no idea what was going on. Where Doctor Ogden was? George thought the man went insane, ran off.
He had come here after almost being in a brawl with the other man. Having gone to confront him about the radical change, several of the others in the ‘club’ had helped in dragging him out after the Detective gave him a few punches to the chest.
What is wrong with Detective Murdoch? Has he finally gone insane? Did the stress of the new baby, the Black Hand, Detective Watts’s horrific lovelife, Higgins and Jordan, his newly found son?!
“Oi, bugalugs!”
“Inspector?” he asked, wondering when the man had managed to get into his hotel room. “Sir? What has been happening?” Then, he spotted the other man that was probably the reason for his ability to get in. “Terrance Meyers,” he groaned.
“Constable Crabtree,” he greeted, ignoring the tone. “Right, the only thing you really need to know is two things. Detective Murdoch went undercover, something of which you almost blew, and has now been captured.”
“Captured?!” he exclaimed. Almost blew? I’m fairly sure I blew it if the Detective has been captured! Oh no, I did say his name when I confronted him at that bar. That must have been it! I led someone to figuring out sir’s real identity and now he’s been captured!
“Crabtree!” Brackenreid loudly said, gaining his attention again, “We know where they are. You and I are getting them out.”
We’re getting them out? We’re getting them out! Them? “Them? Them?! There’s more than just Murdoch?” he asked, almost demanded, because they weren’t exactly telling him what was going on.
Meyers looked over at Brackenreid, who hadn’t been happy when he had learned the extent of what had happened “We believe that Murdoch will be used again Mr. Watts.”
Mr. Watts? Used against Mr. Watts?! Detective Watts?! Brackenreid motioned for Meyers to ignore them for a bit when George stood there shocked over what had been going on beyond his authors’ tour. He needed Crabtree into action now, questions much later. Couldn’t spend two hours explaining things now. A sharp tone might get him going fast, but it likely would lead to confusion.
Brackenreid had only used this one during his time in the military. Lots of lads that would go ramrod straight and needed something different than a captain yelling orders or a smack to the back of the head.
George only registered that something was crushing him? No, not crushing him. The inspector was wrapped around him. Oh, a hug. He hadn’t had one of those in a long time. No, he hadn’t had any celebratory, consolatory, hugs in a few months. There had been the hold and kiss with Effie before he left.
A hug he could use, eagerly wrapping around the older man. His heart started slowing down, and his mind stopped its endless listing of everything that was going bad right at that moment. Instead, it focused, which is what he needed when the important part of what he just learned popped up in his head.
Detective Murdoch and Detective Watts are in danger.
The hug only broke when Meyers cleared his throat for attention. Crabtree and Brackenreid turned to face the last man. “Change your clothes, Constable,” he said, walking out.
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siriuslyarrogant · 3 years
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I posted 1,154 times in 2021
29 posts created (3%)
1125 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 38.8 posts.
I added 45 tags in 2021
#murdoch mysteries - 11 posts
#text - 7 posts
#william murdoch - 6 posts
#mm unnecessay thoughts - 4 posts
#omgcp - 3 posts
#dead poets society - 3 posts
#thomas brackenreid - 3 posts
#george crabtree - 3 posts
#james gillies - 3 posts
#got george - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this is about something im writing rn its one of theose fics that follow the eps of a show but dur to storyline im hoing for the charcatwrs
My Top Posts in 2021
Unnecessary thoughts: Gillies
Okay so I've now seen all of the James Gillies episodes and I'm gonna rank them because I like ranking things and he's my favourite MM villain.
1. Big Murderer On Campus (2x07)
- so the whole lecture confession trick is wonderful. The fact that Murdoch sports Robert Perry as the weaker one and uses it.
- honestly the whole episode being like we know Gillies did most of the work but we can't prove it so next best thing
- George finding his mother as the subplot
2. Midnight Trian to Kingston (7x09)
- so I think this might of been the first episode I watched with Gillies in (this would've been years ago though).
- the fact it's all on a train, great
- the fact that much of the tension is created by Gillies' taunting people when all he does is sit there. He's just sitting there, driving people insane.
3. The Murdoch Trap (6x13) & Crime and Punishment (6x12)
- so I mostly like this episode due to the trap aspect (which also explains why I like the s14 episode that does something similar, more advanced though). It's like this mastermind criminal is going to act like a cat does will it catches mice, they flaut themselves until they cause themselves to lose.
- did Darcy deserve to die? Does this relate to this post? No and no, I just want to say it.
- mirrors, I don't know what to say about them but I enjoy the overdramatics
- Giles coming around to finally help Murdoch and Co was also nice to watch. It's like I have rules and morals but okay, maybe and just maybe, I was wrong.
4. Murdoch in Toyland (5x11)
- creepy dolls for the win, right?
- if someone gets buried alive it's going to be a dramatic episode and yeah
- the interrogation scene with Brackenreid being all I hate your guts and I will make you bleed
- honestly do prefer this episode due to others characters like George and Henry's fingermarks debate but the whole sawing off the head of someone who betrayed is something.
5. The Devil Inside (10x10)
- so aside from the s14 finale (which puts them in overuse) I actually like the flashbacks used in the show, including this episode.
- the whole being possessed by the devil and going insane was actually interesting
See the full post
16 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 16:22:09 GMT
You can't have my toy *pushes it into Niagara Falls*
21 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 21:47:06 GMT
Unnecessary thoughts: Big Murderer on Campus
So I just watched big murder on campus as a break from rewatching season 9 and woah despite the fact I've very recently watched the early seasons I forgot how different they are. Like the camera zooms, Julia and William not even being together, Brackenreid being a dick, Murdoch being very neurodivergent. So my random thoughts on this episode.
• "why are you shooting arrows in your office?"
"Because I thought bullets would be too disruptive."
• "get to the university quick."
"Quick..ly. Quickly."
• the noose loop with Robert Perry in it. Love Laurie Lynd's directing.
• honestly the whole lecture at the end
• "shut up James"
• George's two mothers and the fact he genuinely didn't think anything bad would come about by placing a newspaper advertisement
• I forgot how much Murdoch would just dissapear from a conversation if he got an idea
• Professor Godfrey looking down on Murdoch
• "I would give it a A-"
"A minus?"
• anytime the university is a used as a location is just great. Because I find the setting rather beautiful
• "mr perry for whatever reason went along with it". - dude took being in love with the bad boy to extreme levels
• Murdoch asks Julia out on a date.. to a lecture about batteries
• Gillies trying to get his hat back from Branckenreid
• the fact that if I didn't know until the letter and handwriting is revealed you don't really suspect Gilles and Perry
• I'm rementioning the ending lecture scene cause I love it
30 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 01:55:43 GMT
So I watched the Murdoch Effect
• for starters the modern theme song is excellent
• just George and Murdoch being on two completely different ends of the spectrum
• the ridiculousness of it all
• Murdoch being confused and amazed by everything while thinking he's being normal
• JULIA AS A DETECTIVE , also George as a detective BUT JULIA!
• brackenreid being some weird criminal in love with Emily just yeah
• I laughed a lot more than I should've
• henrys 'detective crabtree' sneer
- then Murdochs 'you alright Henry?"
• murdochs reaction to aunt daisy
• "You were raised by monks in Tibet"
"Jesuit priests in Nova Scotia"
"Explains a lot actually
• hit me *gets hit in shoulder not head*
• flip phones since it's 2012 and yep
• the whole scene in the interrogation room
• Murdoch trying to make up a story about how he knows about the flat iron building
• "doctor grace?" "No she just needs some air"
• "doctor grace?" "You just need some ice"
36 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 00:23:36 GMT
Brackenreid has a weakness for talented, attractive women (usually actresses) while Murdoch has a weakness for attractive, talented men (usually inventors) when it comes to murder investigations.
56 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 03:35:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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canadachronicles · 4 years
It's strange, isn't it? Things we've been told to pretend don't exist.
Detective Llewellyn Watts (Daniel Maslany) to Inspector Tom Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), on Murdoch and the Tramp [S14E01].
I’m so happy Murdoch Mondays have finally returned and the Season 14 premiere certainly was a “riot”, as Charles Chaplin (Matthew Finlan) would put it! Other vaudeville icon apperances included Stan Laurel (Ryan Tapley) -whom I had no idea had been Chaplin’s understudy!- and Buster Keaton (Alexander Elliot), and George Crabtree (Jonny Harris) once more inspired the people he met (oh, and Ruth is with child -and I’d watch Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy) smoke a cigar all day!)
But I loved this scene between Watts and Brackenreid. Whilst he, Margaret (Arwen Humphreys)and Nomi (Shailene Garnett) where at the Vaudeville Fest, he avoided a fellow inspector; so he didn’t have to introduce his biracial daughter whose existence he only recently discovered. Now that he knows about her, he’s determined to have her in his and his family’s life and Margaret -unsurprisingly- is all open arms, now. But it’s different when he has to indrocduce her to other people. The Station House 4 lot is family, but other inspectors... And Tom feels rubbish about it. So Llewellyn, who knows quite well about hiding and lying, and very “precisely” how “bloody awful” it feels offers compassion. It’s particularly poignant because of what passed between them. Tom’s first reaction when he suspected Jack -Llewellyn’s boyfriend -I hope, we haven’t seen him!)- his butcher, of being homosexual was disgust, then relief when the latter gave a plausible reason for attending a flamboyant gay murder victim party (lied). But Tom is the first person Llewellyn came out to, in last season’s finale, and although he was having a bloody hell of a day, Tom was supportive. So, Watts saying: “You can confide in me” when he sees the Inspector has a furrowed brow and a troubled mind, is all the more meaningful, and yes, poignant and beautiful.
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I’m watching Murdoch Mysteries and...did we...did we just...get...CANON GAY WATTS? Guys this is not a drill did that really happen? We were all pining for it for so long...and such an emotional episode too. And—wow I can’t believe it, what do I do with my life now? This is, as George Crabtree Sr would say, terribly terrific.
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