#georgette x sekido
georgette-mademoiselle Β· 5 months
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Mod: (( what Georgette first thought of the clones when she first meet them))
hantengu never really mentioned them to georgie it wasnt until she decided to join him in one mission where they then all appeared.
When she first met sekido that grimace glare of rage was enough to not want go go near him for a good while
Aizetsu would be the very first clone shed get along with the most especially since they both share in common there sadness but georgette tends to keep that side of her closed of limits or so she trys
To georgie aizetsu was somone that always kept more to themselves and not talk much he was always gazing out the window almost as if lost in thought he looked so peaceful. And thus she walked over and tried to make conversation with him even though she was shy and didnt really know what to say worried he would just find her annoying or bothersome but she managed to converse of him about something hed be interested in like how long does he train with his spear to if he gets along with the clones well. Since then theyve been close.
The second clone she would get along would be urogi and at first she was spooked alot by him because everytime he came flying to her to greet her its as if he was about to grab her by his talons and drag her to the air and throw her like an eagle hunting for prey nearly giving her a heart attack. She found him to be cute with all his joyus demeanor yet on edge but one day during his lookout session while flying she got the idea maybe she could bond with him by flying with him to. So as if she where summoning her sycthe through her back she used flesh manipulation to create them as wings and flew of. This surprised urogi as he had never seen her do this nor any of the other clones had. she would spooked him as he did to her but then laughed finding it amusing that she managed to be an equal at bieng playful.
The third would be karaku and my god did she not like him at first his constant teasing and flirty comments combined with his mischievous and carless nature to bring her down nearly wanted pull her own eye sockets out. At first she wouldn't say anything until he kept poking the bear and one day she just turned grabbed his uchiwa and smacked it across his face sending him miles away squashed like mosquito. He returns a couple minutes later to go. " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!??" Then she would walk away and only give him the finger "πŸ–•" he would not let that slide and came up to her grabbing her wrist tightly until she apologized and then she came up with an idea and that was to pull him foward as he was still gripping onto her and gave him a surprise kiss on his lips the immediate shock on his face was enough to let her go and run back to his room it was then she giggled and realized perhaps teasing him back wouldnt be such a bad idea after all. Since then she went from not liking him to having a very deep soft spot for karaku especially since hes the clone of pleasure himself she decided not to take anything personal anymore. There always teasing or being playful with each other now a days always trying to outreact one another.
And then sekido...as stated his rage on his look was enough to never wanting to be near him always giving him space rarely wanting to be in a room with him especially the things shed witnessed what the clones go through on a daily basis with him. But at times she had to intervine whenever an argument got bad with one of the clones or when he was about to throw a punch. It was hard at first his words where blunt and harsh for her to take sometimes and then one day when she was about to head out into the porch he was already there looking frustrated yet calm as he stared into the rose garden. But just as soon as georgie could go back inside he turned and signaled her to sit with him. She blinked this was the first gesture of something kind hes ever done to her so she sat with him and at first it was just silent until she spoke " e-erm...d-do you also like roses?...'" what a stupid question she thought no way hed be interested in something like that " only the thorns..." Why thorns she thought? It was silent again until she spoke again " you like the thorns because they perhaps represent strong will and protection?" Sekido nods finally she found something to bond over with him and thats how they spend all night together talking about such topics until they had to go inside before the sun sets. If the first time went well could the second time be the same? The answer yes and no it seemed to her that sekido tend to show his soft side more when they where alone only this was because shed learned that the others would make fun of him for it if they ever saw him this way. The next day she would talk to sekido about offering some kind of therapy session for him something to help distract him so the anger could cool down he scoffed at this idea saying he didnt need to be coddled or be treated as if he was weak she assured him that's not the intention that she only wants for him to feel calm and not be a danger for himself and everyone in the household so he finally gave in in these sessions with her and ever since then there relationship has gone from friendship to something more romantic.
She loves these clones equally but sekido has and always will be her favorite
She rarley sees zohakuten and when she does he says nothing but horrible things to her and wishes she never stayed with the others. Despite all this she hopes that one day just once that he would view her as his adopted mother.
Dividers by @/elryisia
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Quality Time.
Hantengu clones x Fem!Reader [WIP 3]
Warnings: sex.
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Aizetsu gave a broken moan when he felt her clench around him, grip unrelenting as she was nearing her climax. Shortly after, both clones began to feel a tingling sensation down below and hissed quietly before they increased their pacing. With each quick thrust, their breathing grew heavier and laboured, muscles tensing up each passing second until the sweet feeling of relief rushed through their bodies. Her walls clenched around Aizetsu, trying to force him to stay in and trying to milk him out of every single ounce of his seed. However, she would not be granted that satisfaction because the moment she finished, Aizetsu pulled out and splurted all his white goodness onto her back, panting heavily and letting out quivering moans as he fisted himself to ensure all of it got out. Karaku felt his release approach and just when she got ready to swallowβ€” "Last time I d-did it on yourβ€”ugh!β€”f-face, it got nice and clean..." he made a mess on her face, hair, and even her back. He pumped his cock a few more times with his hand before allowing it to lay limply on her face and splurt out every remaining drop. After they both finished, they got up, Aizetsu having grabbed their wife and gently placed her on the bed for Sekido.
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I finally got the motivation to work on it again πŸ₯Ί
Taglist (EAT):
@hawnkoii @fallstreakfeathers @dreamcorechild @lumitylovepill @hantengus-fuckass-clones @sunbrokenswords @georgette-mademoiselle @hearts4mitsuri @star-dust-wanderer @shytastemakerthing
Especially you @wetsmellyfarts
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echantedtoon Β· 2 months
Are we not going to talk about the fact that @georgette-mademoisellethe OC x canon is the 99 cent store version of @bloodbladesanddemons ? Her OC is.. .. . Disgusting to say the least. Her proportions are all wrong and the characters she draw look like they’ve been in a car accident. Seriously, I thought a child ran that account a first. Honey, bloodbladesanddemons is THE number one Sekido OC x canon shipper ☺️ only her OC, look better with Sekido. Every good OC x canon ship has its cheap knock offs. Let’s get one things clear…….. Sekido x Chizue > Sekido x Georgette
And you know what?
Guys. The fastest way to get blocked by me is 1. Being any kind of rude or 2. and/or bringing drama like this to my doorstep. I'm going to say this one last time so pay attention to anyone who might be sending an ask.
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 5 months
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Georgette and sekido part 8
This one is kinda a continuation to the last one i made yesterday
Even since the beginning of there first encounter she had always tried to keep away from him because he was very intimidating but after finally bieng alone to talk to him that fateful day there relationship started to slowly develop from there but would revert back when his anger got the best of him towards her accidentally.
But on this particular day she was avoiding him for a week now and soon his rage would dwell into fear he thought he was going to lose her for good and choose to be with the others instead of him permanently.
He was in his working station in his room mot even able to concentrate as he fidgets around his pen while the other massages his temple his leg making the same movement as his working hand he was nervous more so that his beloved could possibly be thinking to leave him now because he went to far in his words.
He may be the embodiment of anger but still shares the same anxiety as hantengu just not to that extreme. Soon his chest almost felt tight and suddenly hes gulping down his weakness near the edge of wanting to have a paranoid breakdown never in his life has he felt such guilt for his actions not like this hes not used to this feeling at all and it only agitates him more that hes in this vulnerable state of despair and shame.
But then the door slides open he had forgotten to lock it. it was georgette, she had come to check up on him after never leaving his room all day today sne was worried for his well-being but before she could even say anything something was already wrong by the shaking body gesture and hands clutched onto his head "sekido!" She called.
Immideatly he jolted to her way. His eyes where wide in fear and it looked as if he was fighting back tears seeing the glisten of his eyes while sweating. His panick attack was about to hit full blown but her presence and look of genuine concern blocked it from happening.
"g-gerogie..." Just before she could move towards him with open arms sekido jumped out of his seat to hold her missing her warmth her gentlness her scent everything about this woman he missed it all. Wrapping his arms around her waist before he fell to his knees the wetness of her dress as he silently sobs of relief.
"sekido! Sekido! Hey whats wrong? My thunder storm why do you weep?" She kneels down letting him rest upon her lap as he lets it all out fingers caressing his soft auborn colored hair.
His words took time to put together, pulling together to stop from hyperventilating until finally words managed to escape his mouth.
" i-i-...im sorry! Ok there! Sorry! I know im not the kindest of person in the world infact i dont even deserve to be treated with such gesture! Y-you deserve better ok! Go with ai hes more empathetic o-or urogi! He can make you smile! Even stupid karaku would be better of with you! J-just...*fighting the urge not to cry again* anyone but me ok! I dont want to hurt you like that ever again I'm sorry georgie im so sorry!...."
She sat there and listened to his woes, she had no idea that he would have been affected by her absence, she only wanted to give him room to breath no matter how long it taked but that wasnt the case sekido missed her since day one of leaving him alone and now his guilt took a toll on him that she would leave him for somone else somone better and kinder. Yet little did sekido know he was kind a very different kind of kindness that was rare to see.
" my love, why do you say such nonsense? I already have the most kindest most understanding man right her on my lap." She moves her other hand to rub his shoulder.
" your motherly nature when you look out for your comrades is something i admire, perhaps strict but nonetheless its because you care for there safety"
" and dont think ive forgotten the time when you nurtured me during the time i came home with my face disfigured you still complimented me thoughtful after i was feeling low self esteem in that moment and to top it off you even came to my care when i was sick due to my ability even though you didnt have to. i think about it often "she chuckles placing a kiss on his forhead.
" you are loved sekido, and you are wanted. Nobody is perfect and thats ok...im not eather. No matter how rocky our relationship gets i want us to be able to solve it together because at the end of the day while i love the other three i want to be with *you* more than anyone sekido.."
He listened and the more he did the more he was gaining his composure again. He needed to hear that this was something hes been needing to hear for a long time now. Hes flawed and thats ok she is aswell. As his worries finally drift away sekido finally had the courage to slowly lift himself up to her nuzzling on the crook of her neck the same she did to him during that day of her mental breakdown.
"thank you, my rose..."
"i really needed to hear that..." He deeply sighed feeling true relaxation now.
" i think if you hadnt had come here any time i would have already bashed my head againts the wall along with the other idiots."
She only laughed
" where going to have to work on a different approach for a better anger management for example"
Hands him a rubber stress ball "tada!'
"....what the fuck is that?'" he looked at it with disgust the texture feeling wrong to him
" a stress management ball you can squeeze it throw it and smash it to let your anger all out see? Im good at this!"
He just stares at it and then clutches it with his fists then snorts.
" well this sure looks fun.."
"because it is my little lightning bolt ❀️"
Dividers by @/elryisia
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 2 months
In battle if sekido or any of the clones are severely injured georgette will not hesitate to carry them all back home though sekido is always carried bridal style while aizetsu on her shoulder and urogi and karaku are needed assistance by her ghouls to carry back home since she finds them the heaviest.
She hopes those two dont wake up to see literal zombies carrying them or else theyd die officially right there of a heart attack.
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 3 months
Georgette and sekido on occasions have there own little tea party date where they have the three clones dressed as the characters if Alice in wonderland against there will
Aizetsu is the dormouse while karaku is dressed as the chesire cat and urogi is the march hair
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 5 months
Georgette and sekido part 11
Not enough kisses
Besides bieng shocked on the lips multiple times sekido loves to do it around her neck to her arms like the way gomez adams does to morticia sometimes in bed kiss all the way to her sides to be an even bigger tease its rare that hes playful thats karaku and urogis job but his is more tamer compared to them that it feels less threatening
The jolts her body takes is to much to bare yet cant help but giggle at this sensation the tickle of his lips trailing her collar bone very eager to bite in deep within her pale skin and static her every nerve but no. Small kissing as he makes his way onto her arm worshipping her in all her glory it was as if he was giving life to her again to be human with every electrical power that came out of his lips.
The kiss echoed in there room and soon he was basking all his love onto the palm of her hand with one last spark.
"your like a witch casting a spell on me its irritating how i cant stop taking my eyes of you. " He moves her kissed hand to cup his face.
"oh darling, because i am one" she giggles " but i assure you its no magic." With her other hand she points to his chest." Its because of your own feelings that you cannot help but act this way sweetheart."
" tch! Whatever blame me ok..." He knew exactly that he himself was responsible for the downfall of bieng a victim of feeling true love for the first time yet always acted in denial.
A wam feeling so scary yet beautiful for him.
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Dividers by @/elryisia
Part 1
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 4 months
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"π–‚π–π–Šπ–“ π–žπ–”π–š π–‰π–†π–“π–ˆπ–Š π–œπ–Žπ–™π– π–™π–π–Š π–‰π–Šπ–›π–Žπ–‘, π–™π–π–Š π–‰π–Šπ–›π–Žπ–‘ π–‰π–”π–˜π–Šπ–“π–™ π–ˆπ–π–†π–“π–Œπ–Š, π–™π–π–Š π–‰π–Šπ–›π–Žπ–‘ π–ˆπ–π–†π–“π–Œπ–Šπ–˜ π–žπ–”π–š." πŸ₯€πŸ’’
Art for my oneshot scenario
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 3 months
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Georgette and aizetsu part 1
based on the canon that georgette first clone to get along with was aizetsu and still hadnt bonded with sekido as she does now.
The rain
The rain poured throughout the household the garden of roses absorbing its life source thanks to mother nature. Georgette watched through the window sighing as she leaned in to watch. Today had been lonely for her everyone else was in there rooms bored while letting the storm pass meanwhile bieng alone in her room for to long only lingered in somberness and isolation though the more she watched the roses and how alive they must have felt in this stormy weather she thought to herself why not bask in mother natures tears to feel alive as the flowers itself? And so she did just that.
She walked out barefooted in the wet soil the smell of petrichor immediately soothed her malady a bit. She walked foward raindrops trickling down her skin and dress her hair crimson as a trail of blood as the water dropped down her tips. Closing her eyes she took a deep breathe and raised her arms shutting her mind of from the background noises and only meditating in the sound of nature.
"i am alive...im alive...i am still here" these words echoed through her mind until suddenly a hand placed on her shoulder turning it was aizetsu with a calm look in his face.
" its one of those days for you i see..." Georgette knew what he ment and nodded "rainy days like these make me feel sad when im only watching on the inside...
But when im outside, its as if it brings my life together and the sadness goes away..."
Aizetsu absorbed her words and he couldn't agree more with that " its true that the weather can change ones mood thou for me it does the opposite...*lifts a hand letting the rain hit on his palm* it makes me feel peace within myself..."
She smiles " looks like we both have something in common in appreciating natures tears" he looks at her " when i think about it more, how sad it is that mother nature crys for us to shed her compassion to us...
Even to us demons..." Georgette loved to listen to his ramblings of anything that intrested him it was rather eandering to see such demon be vulnerable and empathetic at the same time " she crys even to those who have been converted like us perhaps she wished our lives would have been different but alas whats done is done..."
He looks down "would you have wished your life to turn out differently than it is now?"
She didnt say anything at first but the more she thought about it she answered " demonhood has been hell... especially with the kind that converted me, despite that...perhaps i am satisfied with this lifestyle compared to the one prior...so no i think i wouldnt want it any different."
He looked curious " if i may ask...whos your master? Because from the way you talk about him he isnt like the one where with.."
Oh dear should she even talk about him? Perhaps its best not to talk about to much of him yet "lets just say he isnt a demon influenced by the blue spider lily plant more so...he was once something humans would find comfort until he no longer wasnt..."
"oh? Well he certainly sounds fascinating...how sad that he is no longer something humans would appreciate anymore..."
She looks down with a face a little more depressed than earlier in her room " indeed...perhaps one day maybe ill talk about him more but for now" raises her arms to the sky yet again inhaling the wet earth. "Lets just enjoy this moment together before its finally put to an end dont you think so morning dew?"
Aizetsu blinked in confusion "morning dew? Are you talking about me?" Georgette giggles and nods "yes indeed, your a morning dew as you are saddness so when you shed a tear you resemble a morning dew once your tears stops it means the old is dead and now a new comes in your life you will have something positive come into your life now aizetsu...maybe not now but soon it will.." *holding both his hands*
He blushed from her words and actions he couldnt believe she just complimented him in such a way no one had done before " o-oh.." he pulls back turning way as he scratched his head.
"your to cute..."
"perhaps one day ill be able to bond with the others soon though i have my doubts on the angry one..."
Aizetsu speaks as his bashfulness fades away " sekido? Hes difficult for sure...but i promise you that hes more than a serious leader looking after us..."
More than just a serious leader? " You mean theres a side i have yet to see then? Oh dear i hope someday ill be able to see that instead of annoying him that hell blast me!"
Aizetsu couldn't help but chuckle in that last comment " how sad to think perhaps he will...maybe talk to him when hes alone or when his mood isnt as bad i cant promise you that hell want to bond but it dosent hurt to try you know?"
Its true, if she just sulks in fear avoiding him she will get knowhere with him infact for all she knows showing such weakness only irritates him more
"as scary as that is your right i need to try harder than just hide. I-ill do it! Tomarrow though...i need this rain for good luck now"
And so georgette stood there know poured entirely that she was soaking "alright then but may i recommend using a towel before you get in? I wouldn't want you to cry when sekido yells at you for leaving mudprints...."
She opened one eye "true...fetch me one please!" Aizetsu nodded and went inside before he to stood with her for another hour until the rain finally stopped and went inside.
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Dividers by @/elryisia
Part 2 in the rain with sekido this time
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 4 months
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"π•°π–›π–Šπ–—π–‘π–†π–˜π–™π–Žπ–“π–Œ π–™π–—π–šπ–Š π–‘π–”π–›π–Š π–Ž 𝖆𝖒 π–žπ–”π–šπ–—π–˜ ❀️"
Quote from rule of rose
Georgette always vowed to protect him and his main body from her deranged master but in the end he would always found ways to make her miserable...
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 6 months
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𝕴 π–‘π–Šπ–†π–“ π–Žπ–“π–™π–” π–π–Žπ–˜ π–Šπ–†π–— π–‡π–—π–šπ–˜π–π–Žπ–“π–Œ π–π–Žπ–˜ π–π–†π–Žπ–— π–†π–œπ–†π–ž 𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–•π–‘π–†π–ˆπ–Š 𝖆 𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖑 π–Œπ–Žπ–‹π–™ π–šπ–•π–”π–“ π–π–Žπ–˜ π–Šπ–†π–—π–˜
π•³π–Š π–™π–π–Šπ–“ π–‘π–Šπ–†π–“π–˜ π–Žπ–“π–™π–” π–’π–ž π–Šπ–†π–— π–†π–˜ π–Žπ–‹ 𝖙𝖔 π–œπ–π–Žπ–˜π–•π–Šπ–— π–˜π–”π–’π–Šπ–™π–π–Žπ–“π–Œ 𝖙𝖔 π–’π–Š
π–‚π–Žπ–™π– π–π–Žπ–˜ π–”π–™π–π–Šπ–— 𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–π–Š π–•π–‘π–†π–ˆπ–Šπ–˜ π–™π–π–Š π–˜π–†π–’π–Š π–—π–”π–˜π–Š 𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖔 π–’π–ž π–Šπ–†π–— π–™π–π–Šπ–“ π–Œπ–Šπ–“π–™π–‘π–ž π–‘π–Šπ–†π–›π–Šπ–˜ 𝖆 π–˜π–’π–†π–‘π–‘ π–π–Žπ–˜π–˜
π•Ύπ–π–†π–π–ž π–‡π–—π–Šπ–†π–™π–π–Š 𝖔𝖋 π–Šπ–’π–‡π–†π–—π–—π–†π–˜π–˜π–’π–Šπ–“π–™ π–Šπ–˜π–ˆπ–†π–•π–Šπ–˜ π–™π–π–—π–”π–šπ–Œπ– π–π–Žπ–˜ π–’π–”π–šπ–™π– 𝖆𝖓𝖉 π–˜π–”π–”π–“ π–π–Š π–Žπ–˜ π–—π–Šπ–‰π–‰π–Šπ–— 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 π–†π–“π–ž π–˜π–™π–—π–†π–œπ–‡π–Šπ–—π–—π–ž π–Žπ–›π–Š π–Šπ–›π–Šπ–— π–˜π–Šπ–Šπ–“
Quote by my oc georgette mademoiselle ⚰️πŸ₯€
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 4 months
No thoughts just georgettes 5'10 tall ass swinging sekido around whenever shes feeling extra joyful while he flails around and passes out in her arms
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 6 months
" good morning my fellow batties πŸ¦‡
Today i thought id share you my most precious weapon "
" you see its not just zombies and ghosts that help me through battle sometimes if i must face my enemies alone i use my sycthe
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"I summon it through flesh manipulation from my open back this is why i often wear backless outfits so i can be fully prepared to defend myself "
"it is made of my blood which has rotten through many years so if anyone gets hit by it takes half the life source of that person which in turns heals me faster aswell as regeneration"
" then said person that got hit slowly rots away from the starting point where they got hit first could they survive? Possibly but good luck althou If i am fighting a demon there chances of survival is higher than a normal human"
" a fun thing about my scythe is i can use them as wings to fly! During the flesh manipulation process my scythe will soften a little before stretching to move around and wala! From a hard blade to soft skin"
" sometimes urogi will come to me begging to go sight seeing with me how could i say no to that puppy dog face of his?
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" well thats it batties! I hope i didnt ramble to long ❀️"
"and yes i have tried to take sekido fly with me once...he passed out in the end foaming... πŸ’€"
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 6 months
" π–‚π–π–Šπ–“ π–Ž π–‘π–”π–›π–Š π–žπ–”π–š...π–Žπ–™π–˜ π–†π–˜ π–Žπ–‹ π–Žπ–’ π–˜π–™π–Žπ–‘π–‘ π–π–šπ–’π–†π–“...
𝕹𝖔...π–Žπ–™π–˜ π–†π–˜ π–Žπ–‹ π–Žπ–’ π–˜π–™π–Žπ–‘π–‘ π–†π–‘π–Žπ–›π–Š...
π•Ώπ–π–Šπ–“ π–œπ–π–Šπ–“ π–žπ–”π–š π–˜π–π–”π–œ π–’π–Š 𝖆 π–Œπ–Šπ–˜π–™π–šπ–—π–Š 𝖔𝖋 π–‘π–”π–›π–Š 𝖙𝖔 π–’π–Š...
π•Ώπ–π–†π–™π–˜ π–œπ–π–Šπ–“ π–žπ–”π–š π–’π–†π–π–Š π–’π–Š π–—π–Šπ–†π–‘π–Žπ–Ÿπ–Š π–žπ–Šπ–˜...π–Ž 𝖆𝖒 π–Žπ–“π–‰π–Šπ–Šπ–‰ π–˜π–™π–Žπ–‘π–‘ π–π–Šπ–—π–Š..."
Quote: by my oc georgette mademoiselle πŸ₯€
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georgette-mademoiselle Β· 5 months
" date night with my Chihuahua boyfriend im kinda shy πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ"
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19 notes Β· View notes
georgette-mademoiselle Β· 5 months
" todays morning was awful..."
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(( poor aizetsu just wanted his coffee))
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