#georgette speaks
I’m baaaaaack from my date!! I didn’t get murdered after all!
It was perfect Miss Georgie! I never understood why humans love dates, but now I do!
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"welcome back my dear friend how was the picnic at the abandoned amusement park? Any ghosts sightings by chance?"
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
Friends, my time has come.
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I mean, it's a shame there's no option for "you sold me a computer infested with demons and basically your idea of tech support is 'Wow, sucks to be you'" but I made do with what I had. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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readingoals · 1 year
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Another annotated book but this time I sent it to Lauren for her birthday!
Sylvester is a book I grew up around. It's my mum's favourite book of all time and for as long as I've been alive there's been at least 3 copies on the family bookshelf and at least another 2 falling apart in mum's room. I read it for the first time in my early 20s and liked it but I don't think I really Got It or appreciated how good it is until I reread it this year.
The main trio (Sylvester, Phoebe and Tom) are genuinely hilarious and such dorks. I just adored reading all their interactions. I'd totally forgotten half of what happens in the story so it was a total joy to rediscover it and see what came back to me as I read.
Very glad I decided to annotate this one (I hope Lauren likes it as much!). Might have to make an effort to read more of Heyer's novels.
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psychidion · 2 years
‘Uncle Vester,’ pursued his small tormentor, ‘is the terriblest person in the world!’
‘You know, you shouldn’t talk like that about your uncle,’ Sir Nugent said earnestly. ‘I don’t say I like him myself, but I don’t go about saying he’s terrible! Top lofty, yes, but—’
‘Uncle Vester doesn’t wish you to like him!’ declared Edmund, very much flustered.
‘I daresay he don’t, but if you mean he’ll call me out— well, I don’t think he will. Mind, if he chooses to do so—’
‘Lord, Fotherby, don’t encourage him!’ said Tom, exasperated.
‘Uncle Vester will grind your bones!’ said Edmund.
‘Grind my bones?’ repeated Sir Nugent, astonished. ‘You’ve got windmills in your head, boy! What the deuce should he do that for?’
‘To make him bread,’ responded Edmund promptly.
‘But you don’t make bread with bones!’
‘Uncle Vester does,’ said Edmund.
‘That’s enough!’ said Tom, trying not to laugh. ‘It’s you that’s telling whiskers now! You know very well your uncle doesn’t do any such thing, so just you stop pitching it rum!’
Edmund, apparently recognizing Tom as a force to be reckoned with, subsided, and applied himself to his egg again.
~Sylvester, or The Wicked Uncle by Georgette Heyer
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buzzingblues · 7 months
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georgie, georgette if youre weird.
— seventeen
— they/she
— 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🩷💜💙 ??? understandable ???
— hatchetfield hs, class of ‘21. GO NIGHTHAWKS!
as in the arts kids, fuck football.
— you will most likely find me in the auditorium, somewhere in the witchwood, a smoke club meeting, or on a shift at pasqualli’s (gag)
#georgieblr: my tumblr 💫
#losers club: talking to friends! 💐
#i love music: current listens and/or recs!
#rb: reblogs
[ ooc info under the cut ⤵️]
hii this is @exalt1ora (maxie) !! this is my hatchetfield oc roleplay blog im very excited about it yippee
Georgie Davidson is a 17 year old student at Hatchetfield High School. She lives with her parents, Mr. Ken Davidson and Mrs. Carol Davidson, in a suburb near the outskirts of Witchwood Forest. She’s a music + theater nerd, a stoner, and an avid researcher of urban legends and local history.
Her relationships differ based on timelines and circumstance, but there are some through-lines.
- Best friends with Alice Woodward. They met at a CCRP take your kid to work day as elementary schoolers and have been inseparable since. Bill is also like a second father to her.
- Close friends with Ruth Fleming. Georgie started doing school theater very young, and pretty much knew everyone involved. Ruth joined the tech crew in middle school and, being a certified chatterbox, Georgie regularly spent her breaks trying to talk to the new girl. Eventually, she broke her down and they’ve been close since.
- Drifted apart childhood friends with Richie Lipschitz. In middle school, they rode the same bus and both ended up sitting next to each other one day. Georgie struck up a conversation out of boredom and something just stuck. They kept sitting with each other and talking more in school, becoming closer friends. But, Georgie started developing feelings for Richie and she didn’t understand them, so she began to distance herself. Now, they don’t speak at all.
- Family Friends (?) with Paul Matthews. Georgie was babysat by Paul as a child, often alongside Alice, as she’d frequently stay at the Woodward place. She still calls him Uncle Paul, a childhood habit.
- Charlotte Sweetly babysat Georgie once in a while, too. Mr. Davidson asked the employees of the office to look after his daughter as a last resort, and offered to pay as overtime. Charlotte accepted happily, and spent the night braiding Georgie’s hair, making cookies and singing with the girl. They did this regularly, until Mr. Davidson became uncomfortable with Georgie being around her husband, Sam. But, like Paul, she’s still Aunt Charlotte.
- Second-cousins with Zoey & Zach Chambers. They don’t see each other or talk like, ever. But, it makes Georgie feel very starstruck to be related to Hatchetfield’s finest actress.
- Friends with Deb, Trevor, Caitlyn, PJ, Reese, Rose, Ziggs, Sof, and Danny
- Dislikes Max Jägerman, Kyle Clauger, Brad Callahan, Grace Chasity, Brenda, Ted Spankoffski, The Metzgers
anyone not mentioned she has neutral feelings towards and would gladly be their friend <3 (ppl she dislikes feel free to interact still💪)
okay now some OOC maxie things !!
~ i’m new to tumblr rp so if i’m not great pls be understanding LOL thank u
~ multi-timeline blog, will try to appropriately tag specific timelines
~ open to multi-shipping on both ends like idc if you have other ships and i’m cool having more than one bc of the multi-timeline thing
~ as you can see i do have like. specific relationships planned out for her in MY story but anything can happen so i’m open to everything!! i honestly don’t care how u interact with them. befriend them, romance her, bully her, plot to kill them! do what you please
~ she is a minor character so no hardcore nsfw stuff
~ anyone can interact !! obviously not like, basic dni stuff. if ur a bigot and/or a sicko leave me alone. but like i said im new to this and as long as you’re a hatchetfield rp blog you are welcome PLS send me asks or dm or anything!!! love ya
i don’t really have separate timelines yet, so for rn, general in-world action will be tagged #hatchettrash
will tag ooc posts #ooc !!
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Notice Me Reader Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @ahordeofwasps! :D
Rules: Share 3 (or more!) small details from your WIP that you feel have gone/will go unnoticed. (You can choose whether or not to share why the detail is significant!)
I was tagged twice, so I'll give details from two WIPs!
The Case-files of Seo Yo-han (counting all of them as one WIP for this):
Shakespeare is referenced in every book:
Leo reads Richard II in The Unfortunate Moth.
Silver Glass has a quote from King Lear as the epigraph to the last bit of the flashback ("...I am a man/More sinn'd against than sinning").
Also in Glass, Phil quotes Othello when she says she and Alec both "loved not wisely but too well".
Houses Full of Deceit has a more light-hearted example according to the outline, where Leo attempts to flirt with Phil by reciting Romeo's "Juliet is the sun" speech. ("Attempts" is the key word.)
Mine Eyes Dazzle mostly references John Webster and Gilbert & Sullivan (yes, really!) instead, but one character quotes Henry V -- specifically Act 2, Scene II. Which gives Yo-han an important clue, because that scene is about a former friend who became a traitor.
2. The murderers in books 1 & 3 are foils, and so are the ones in 2 & 4. Leo kills because he's paid to, while Ji-hun kills because he enjoys it. Davit kills from a mixture of love and hate -- love of Alec, hate of Gwladys -- while the still-unnamed villain kills because they both love and hate their victim.
3. For most of HFOD everyone is running from Ji-hun. For the climax, I want to turn the tables on him. He sets a trap and thinks he's caught Leo and Yo-han, but really they know it's a trap and have set up one of their own! (Namely, Phil hiding nearby with a gun.)
Uneasy Money:
Of the seven Millner siblings, the three oldest are fluent in German, the middle two are semi-fluent, and the two youngest barely speak it at all. This is because their mother was German, and she died when the three oldest were teenagers. By then she'd spent years in Britain and had mostly stopped speaking German, so the younger children picked up less of it.
Loughlinter isn't a real place. I borrowed the name from Anthony Trollope's Palliser series. (Where, oddly, Loughlinter is in Scotland -- it should be spelt Lochlinter. So based on spelling alone, moving it to Northern Ireland makes more sense.) I'm still vague on where exactly it is. I'm leaning towards somewhere around Limavady solely because my crush is from there, but that doesn't fit with Helena's statement that it's "twenty miles from Belfast". (Limavady is sixty miles from Belfast.)
Everyone has very different ideas of what sort of story they're in. Gilbert thinks he's in a P. G. Wodehouse comedy, Helena thinks she's in a Georgette Heyer romance, Thomas thinks he's in an Emily Brontë Gothic novel, and Tarka thinks she's in a Charles Dickens mystery. All of them are partly right.
Tagging @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables, @sarandipitywrites, @oh-no-another-idea, @mysticstarlightduck, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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airasora · 10 months
Hey Aira, I had a fun idea and I was wondering what you think of it. All of your posting about Oliver and Company leading up to your audition has reminded me of one of my absolute favorite Disney songs, which is Perfect Isn't Easy, the one Georgette sings (sidenote: I want a bed like hers so bad xD).
Years ago I thought of how fun it would be to have a human version of that song, the sequence is hilarious, and I wanted to ask you who you would cast as Georgette, assuming that she really is as hot as she thinks she is. Like who do you think has the right face, body type, even mannerisms lol. I just think it has the potential to be real fun and your castings are always very interesting so I was just wondering 👀
Bonus if you have any ideas for the guys that are thirsting over her at the end of the song xD
I... can't help but think of Cruella x'D And not just the animated Disney one, but the live-action ones too. No, Georgette isn't straight-up evil, but there are certain mannerisms and the way she speaks, that she can be manipulative, that she's kinda attractive in a I hate that I love her kind of way and that she, underneath all that elegance and charm, has massive anger issues x'D
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Another reason I can't help but compare her to Cruella is also that while Cruella might not be conventionally attractive, she is STILL somehow attractive - mostly Emma Stone's version, but hell she has some panache no matter how portrays her and ugh I just can't help but love her.
As a sidenote, I don't know if I've ever said this before, but I unironically love the Emma Stone Cruella movie. If you go into it, not as a prequel or origin story of the animated Cruella, but the first live-action Cruella with Glenn Close, it really is somehow magnificent. I love this movie to my very core, and someday I WILL be making a fan edit with both Emma Stone and Glenn Close. Animated Cruella is fine, but godDAMN Emma Stone and Glenn Close have my little bisexual heart in an iron grip xD
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door · 9 months
9, 11, and 20 for the book ask meme!
book ask meme
9. Did you get into any new genres?
hmmmm not really? reading (especially fiction) was a big challenge for me this year, so anything that caught my eye that i thought might hold my interest, i read. it ended up being more nonfiction and het romance than i feel i typically read.
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
my favourite fiction was Why Shoot a Butler? by Georgette Heyer (1933), which was such a blast. the protagonist is just a bitch of a man, every person who speaks to him tells him to his face that he sucks and yet he manages to be just charming enough to carry it off. it's a wonderful entry in heyer's mysteries and i loved it. (fyi i wrote about all the heyers i read here)
my fave nonfiction was Merlin Tuttle's memoir, The Secret Lives of Bats (2015), which was wonderful if you love bats and want to read about a man repeatedly almost dying in pursuit of them
20. What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
there are a few books i would say i was eagerly anticipating (murderbot, the last book in the last binding series), but to be completely frank the real answer is Gay Architects by Voigt and Bresan, mostly because the english translation was due out in the fall of 2022 and it took until march 2023 for it to actually arrive. queer architecture is one of my very passionate niche interests and this is (maybe?) the first architectural history book explicitly about queer architects. and unfortunately, it is very poorly/lazily translated. i don't know if that was part of what delayed its release, but i found it very disappointing. it's still extremely valuable, and i'm very glad that books like it are finally being written, but whew. this was a $45 paperback and some of the chapters were no better than google translate
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Meet Joyce Penelope Foxworth;
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FC: Jordana Beatty.
Fic Title: The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook. 
Nicknames: Joy, Joyless, Joyful, Joyless Foxworth, Joyful Foxworth, Lost Girl, Joyless Wild Child, Wild Child, The Wild Child Wrangler, The Red Pirate, and The Sour Patch Kid. 
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Pronouns: She/her. 
Birthday: July 6th at 4:00 am. 
Height: 4'11. 
Hair Color: Dark Red. 
Eye Color: Coffee Brown.  
Place Of Birth: Auradon. 
Hobbies: Reading, singing, archery, sailing, swinging, treasure hunting, fishing, playing games, climbing, singing, and yodeling. 
Likes: History, reading, listening to music, animals, animal care, sailing, treasure hunting, fishing, playing games, pizza, climbing, singing, and yodeling. 
Dislikes: Broccoli, the color black, bullies, broccoli pizza, large crowds, clowns, public speaking, badgers, and editing history to the point where it is just false. 
Favorite musicians: Taylor Swift, Lesley Gore, and The Mighty Olympians. 
Physical Quirks/Scars: Freckles, uneven teeth, lanky frame, and pinkish skin. 
Family: Mr. Foxworth (Maternal Grandfather), Mrs. Foxworth (Maternal Grandmother), Penny Foxworth (Maternal Aunt), Jenny Foxworth (Mother), Nibs (Father), and Demurra (Older Full-Blooded Sister). 
Honorary Family: The Lost Boys, The Darlings, and Neverland Crew. 
Friends: Hannah Hook and Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah. 
Pets: Taffy (Bunny), Oliver (Cat), Georgette (Poodle), Fishy (Goldfish), and Hebe (Kitten). 
Love Interest: Avisa Olympian of Atlantic (Crush),
Fuega Madrigal (Future Partner).
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic. 
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert. 
Occupation: Back Up Kid Wrangler, Pirate, Highschool Student, and Vet (future job). 
Extracurriculars: Choir, Archery, and Belle's Book Club. 
Favorite Animal: Cats and Bunnies. 
Favorite Color: Forest Green and Pastel Pink. 
Favorite Book: 'Meet Kit' by Valerie Tripp. 
Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza.
Favorite Drink: Sprite. 
Favorite Movie/TV Show: Annie and Powerpuff Girls. 
Background: Once upon a time, Nibs left Neverland in search for something more–growing up and eventually meeting and falling in love with Jenny Foxworth. 
Having a daughter named Demurra and then another named Joyce 'Joy' Penelope Foxworth. 
Joyce would go on to befriend Hannah Hook and join her crew, becoming one of her closest and most trusted companions. 
"Choose your fighter" by Ava Max.
"You're on your own kid" by Taylor Swift. 
"Die Young" by Kesha. 
"Artemis" by Lindsey Stirling.
"Hot Mess" by Cobra Starship. 
"No Friends" by Cadmium.
"Strangers like me" by Phil Collins. 
Inspired by @thecaptainsgingersnap and @theinnerworkingsofoc.  This is @casinotrio1965 's oc in my Hananh Hook au.
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very-grownup · 9 months
It's time! for! the best books! of 2023! according to me! Ingrid! the only person whose opinion you should listen to!
Best character name: Sir Bonamy Ripple, "False Colours" by Georgette Heyer
Best book you could use as a weapon: "The Counte of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas
Best 'how dare you write a first novel this good?': "I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself" by Marisa Crane
Best book picked up because of a social media post: "If An Egyptian Cannot Speak English" by Noor Naga
Best tragic only novel because the author died of a brain tumour soon after publication: "The Auctioneer" by Joan Samson
Best book I read then gifted to a niece: "Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor" by Xiran Jay Zhao
Best book I could never read aloud: "Everything Abridged" by Dennard Dayle
Best book I lent to a friend with a warning not to read one story because of the main character using a sword to pleasure himself: "The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Best book by an author I discovered because of John Finnemore: "Headlong" by Michael Frayn
Best mystery novel with a detective who's a little weirdo: "The Village of Eight Graves" by Seishi Yokomizo
Best book in which someone is crushed to death by giant gears: "The Mill House Murders" by Yukito Ayatsuji
Best book with an autistic protagonist in spite of when it was written: "Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls" by Jane Lindskold
Best book with a main character who shares the name of a friend: "The Jasmine Throne" by Tasha Suri
Best book set in a parallel dimension: "Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle" by Vladimir Nabokov
Best book I've owned for 20 years and finally read: "Dragon Sword and Wind Child" by Noriko Ogiwara
Best sequel: "The Dragon Republic" by R.F. Kuang
Best book in translation from a translation: "The Howling Miller" by Arto Paasilinna
Best book where a tiger mauls a clown: "Stars of Chaos" by priest
Best tiny collection of short stories: "Instead of Three Wishes" by Megan Whalen Turner
Best book where talking about it gave me an excuse to mention Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service: "Guardian" by priest
Best memoir by a man who tried to kill Peter Sellers: "Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall" by Spike Milligan
Best work in translation about how much Agamemnon sucks: Emily Wilson's translation of Homer's "The Iliad"
Best book by someone I first knew of through old school webcomics: "The Twisted Ones" by T. Kingfisher
Best road trip novel: "The Road to Roswell" by Connie Willis
Best book I subscribed to a service for the purpose of reading: "Healthy Choices" by Lydia Bugg
Best dinosaurs: "Cosmonaut Keep" by Ken McLeod
Best 'huh I forgot I preordered that' book: "Beast in the Shadows" by Edogawa Rampo
Best book by an author living her best life: "Ascendant Sun" by Catherine Asaro
Best book with a protagonist who definitely isn't gay: "The Talented Mr Ripley" by Patricia Highsmith
Best book I was explicitly told to read by a friend: "A Psalm for the Wild-Built" by Becky Chambers
Best manga: Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
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" im never getting zohakuten another nerf gun again..." 💀
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(( he hit her with his nerf foam causing her to fall down the stairs she just wanted to clean his room))
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ageless-aislynn · 1 month
The initial previews of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster are out and I just had to take some screencaps from Ruba's playthrough of the first 30 minutes!
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Frank did get aged up a bit for some reason but at least my man is still thicker than a Snickers! Look at those brawny shoulders! 🥰
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2006!Frank is one of the pre-order bonus looks if you want him aged more appropriately. I don't even care, though. I don't mind him looking a little seasoned, lol! *chef's kiss* (I can even get used to him not being voiced by TJ Rotolo but I still really wish they'd cast him again. His voice is so iconic as Frank to me, what can I say?)
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Did we NEED a close up shot of Carlito's hairy chest as he walked towards the camera? Yes. Yes, we did. *nodnods* 😜
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The remaster was kind to both of the Keyes siblings, lol! Carlito and Isabela are both looking pretty darn beautiful! 💖💖
And speaking of beautiful...
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Jessie, my beloved, is looking gorgeous! 😍😍😍
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Zombie hugs, lol! Seriously, though, the fact that your options when you're grabbed are now buttons instead of "every move is the same two buttons but it depends on which direction you move the stick, which order you do them in AND which direction the zombie is facing to decide which move you actually DO" is just... Oh man, if nothing else, I'd love to play this game just for this improvement! 😎😎😎
But you know what I'm here for, of course...
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Leah, my sweet angel! Only one quick shot of her in this video but I'm really hoping to find somebody else who shows the full scene where we meet her because I'm BEYOND excited now that all of the NPCs are voiced instead of their dialogue just being text! In the 2006 version, the couple of things that Leah says aloud are the exact same thing that about 4 other female survivors all say (and they all share the same voice actor), so it's going to be fantastic for Leah to finally have her own voice! 😇😇😇
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Mannn, I have to say, as much as I'm too scared to try the Denuvo Anti-tamper on Georgette (it might be fine or it might irrevocably wreck her and I couldn't get her back to how she's blessedly not crashing anymore), I'm so super sad at missing all of the pre-order and digital deluxe bonus stuff. 😭😭😭
I'm trying to be chill about it but, man, I hope they'll offer at least the 2006!Frank and Frank in Chuck Greene's outfit for purchase down the line. 🤞😖🤞The 17 other costumes say they'll be sold individually, but the 3 pre-order bonuses only say they "may" eventually be available for purchase. OHHHHH, I WANT THEM, FRIENDS. I WANT THEM SO MUCH, I CAN'T EVEN.
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Anyway, just had to share my excitement at seeing some of the actual gameplay, cutscenes and the like!
*shakes fist at Denuvo* WHYYYYYYYYY MUST YOU SCARE ME AWAY? I had this in my cart to pre-order, you meanie, then I start seeing all of these horror stories about BSoD and system instabilities and now I can't trust that you won't wreck Georgette! 🤬🤬🤬
(I should mention that many, many people have reported that Denuvo works fine on their computers. But, if you've been reading my blog since last December, you'll know that, sadly, Georgette is not normal. She spent the first 5 months of her life in endless Blue Screens of Death, freezing, crashing up to 8 times an hours, etc. She has finally stabilized and is working correctly but if Denuvo DID cause a problem and I had to reset her, I don't know that I can replicate all of the things that caused her to stop crashing/freezing/etc. That's a BIG, MONSTER WORRY, friends. I don't want to go back to having a barely functioning, unfixable computer again. Ugh. 😭😭😭)
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party-kathi · 2 months
"I'm going to try to psychically implant in her mind a desire to come over here and make the first move, while she tries to do the same to me. Brace yourself. Psychic combat on this level can be a hard thing to watch."
"Or you could just go over and talk to her."
"No, no, this is the lesbian way. Loser has to speak first. It's a time-honored tradition."
- Scissor Link by Georgette Kaplan
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wordswithkittywitch · 3 months
ooooh can has feminine trans moodboard of georgette from Oliver and company? Thanks
I'll admit that the "can has" has risen from the year 2007 to cornobble me, metaphorically speaking, but as it is in regards to a dog I'll allow it.
Look for that moodboard to come out later today.
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
Top 9 books
Tagged by @hippolotamus @exhuastedpigeon @cowboy-buddie @thewolvesof1998 @buddierights
Now I’m gonna cheat a bit cos I love a book series so I’m counting series not books
1 Good Omens- a book that shaped my brain when I was but a young teen. Terry Prachett how I love you (I think it’s ok to include most but not all of the discworld nooks- especially the guards and witches ones)
2 Dragon Prince - first of Sunrunner books by Melanie Rawn - these were amazing and epic /tragic generational story telling in a medieval style world with princes and dragons and politics and scheming and people who could weave sun and moonlight to speak to other sunrunners across continents. Loved them so
3 Dragonflight Anne Macaffery “Lessa woke cold” took me to a world I wanted to live in
So basically all Pern Books- dragons bonded with riders fighting in the skys to protect their planet. Some dated concepts but dragons!!!!
4 Fredrika/Grand Sophy/Arabella by Georgette Heyer just a few of the regency romances I love - also got some mom and wlw ones on list
5 The Fionavar Triology Guy Gavriel Gay - magic /Celtic gods and myths/ Arthurian legends /elves /dwarves princes and tragedy. This book had the first character death that broke my heart. I can still remember sobbing!!
6 Green Creek series- TJ Klune - gay werewolves what’s not to like . Think these books changed my brain chemistry
7 RWRB I think we all love this one so no explanation
8 FoxHole court crazy brilliant unlike anything I’d read. I loved these damaged hurt humans who still had just enough faith left to trust one another
9 Heartstopper - adorable 🥰 hooked from the moment I started reading it
Tagging - im very tired so forgive me if I miss you - I meant to tagg you too @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @wikiangela @thekristen999 @honestlydarkprincess @bekkachaos @loserdiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @underwater-ninja-13 @spaceprincessem @rogerzsteven
Falling asleep now so tag u it
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shiroandblack · 2 years
It is a slow and gradual change, but the Noldor have started to abandon the letter 'Þ' in their words for the letter 's'. It was hard to pinpoint the source of this change, as with most innovations in the spoken word, it could simply be anyone deciding to pronounce a word in a particular way and others finding it better and following.
However, it is a conundrum for Indis who is of the Vanyar, who have not replaced the þorn. They would understand, certainly, if she did not speak the way they did. After all, she is of the Vanyar as they are so keen to remind her. To Finwë's people she was ever 'Indis of the Vanyar' or if they were feeling generous, 'Indis the Fair'.
"You have four Noldorin children, Indis," Finwë would shake his head and laugh, "my people have welcomed you for long."
But not all, she wanted to say then. And she wanted to say it now, as she saw Fëanàro's too bright silver-grey eyes piercing her own from across court. Indis swallowed, trying to hold his stare which has always burned.
Not for the first time, she wished Míriel had not died.
She had named all her children in the Noldorin fashion, forsaking the softer dialect of her own people. She had abandoned the soft silks and georgette dresses favoured by her people, replacing them with the samite and brocade of the Noldor. Her hair was no longer left loose to fly in the wind, instead it was braided intricately in a manner which has always been unsuited for her fine strands. The flowers usually woven into them were discarded and replaced with glittering gems.
And still — she is Indis of the Vanyar. They have never failed to remind her that she was not of their kindred. And Indis would always try to prove that she was, that her children were just as Noldorin as any other.
Now, they look at her and wonder how she will speak. Will she retain the þorn as the court of Ingwë does, or will she speak as them? Once again, converting a Vanyarin part of herself into Noldorin.
Fëanàro will take this as an insult to his mother, that is inevitable. Míriel would never discard the þorn in her name, but Míriel is dead and the dead do not make their will known to the living. Indis is Queen of the Noldor now, she must always put that first before her duties towards a dead friend.
So she speaks and it is with the 'sa-sí's her people now favour.
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