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selineram3421 · 1 year
Pew pew.
Part 2: The Traveling Medic
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Part 1
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ more cussing, mentions of blood, more weird dreams yay ⚠
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You stared at yourself in the mirror, not fully believing that you were actually animated.
Squishing your cheeks, messing with your hair, making weird faces. The reflection copied your every movement.
"This is really happening..", you mumble and look down at the sink, remembering what happened earlier.
After almost giving the doctor a heart attack with your sudden screeching, he introduced himself as Doctor Thomas. Then he provided you with some better clothes to help with the heat.
There wasn't anything he could do about your shoes though.
"You could stay here at the clinic for a while. Until you get your memory back.", Dr. Thomas offered.
"I can?", you asked, holding onto your new clothes and feeling thankful.
He nods.
I can't stay here for free though.. You thought and came up with a quick idea.
"Hey Doc, if its alright. Can I work at the clinic as well?", you ask.
"Now, you don't have to do that-", he says but you continue.
"Its fine! I'll work here until I regain my memory or until I can go out on my own.", you push. "I'll do my best as a medic or even just as a cleaning person!"
The old man pauses.
Please please please please please-! You repeat in your head, hoping he'll agree.
"Very well.", he says.
You almost jump up to cheer.
You stop yourself quickly.
"-you'll be doing both.", the doctor finishes.
"That's ok with me!", you say with a grin. "I'll keep this place spotless! And don't worry about blood, I can handle that stuff!"
Later, the doctor led you upstairs to an apartment above the clinic. Giving you the one at the end of the hallway.
"Some of these were made into rooms for the patients, so don't be too loud.", he says. "I'll let you know what rooms to clean tomorrow.", he then gives you a key before bidding you a good night.
"Geez.", you sigh as you make your way out of the bathroom. "I can't believe I met one of the characters already."
The bathroom was a small, with a toilet, sink, and bathtub.
Same with the apartment, it was a small space. With the living room, bedroom, and kitchen all in one room. It was better than sleeping in the desert though.
You shiver in disgust when thinking about the heat. "Ugh."
Having showered earlier, you get ready for bed, fluffing up the pillow before lying down and pulling the sheets over your form.
I wonder if this is all just a dream and I'll wake up in my actual apartment on Earth. You think before closing your eyes, letting sleep take hold.
That's the first color you see when opening your eyes.
You realize its the flower that Vash always thinks of whenever he remembers Rem.
They are pretty, swaying slightly as a breeze passes by. The blades of grass also moving with the wind.
What was it called again? Gerainium? Geranuim? You try to remember the name.
A voice says.
"That's right! They're called geranium!", you say with a smile.
Wait a second.
You sit up quickly and look to where you heard the voice, seeing the woman from last time.
"Rem.", you mumble.
She gives you a closed eyed smile, standing in the meadow of flowers with her hands behind her back.
Rushing to stand up, you begin firing off questions as you make your way over to the woman in white. "Why am I here? How did I get here? Can I go back home? Is there even a way back? And why do you keep showing up in my dreams?"
Now standing a few feet away, you start to feel tingles throughout your body.
"Why did this happen?", you ask, the tingles getting stronger.
Rem opens her eyes, still smiling at you.
"Take care of Vash for me."
Then her body starts slowly turning into red petals.
"Wait! You didn't answer me!", you shout and try to move but feel yourself sinking into the ground. "Please!", you reach out to her.
The ground is to your waist, and it continues to pull you down.
She just continues smiling before completely turning into petals.
You sit up with a gasp, breathing rapidly.
Looking around, you see that you're still in the small apartment and everything still looks animated.
"Shit.", you groan and flop back, the bed slightly shakes as you do so.
The sun is barely rising and you can hear movement outside your room. Looking over at the clothes you got yesterday, you decide its time to get up.
Let's get this show on the fucking road. You huff and get up, taking the clothes with you into the bathroom.
For most of the day, you cleaned the clinic. Sweeping the hallway, washing the surgical tools, and putting away medicine in the cabinets.
You're used to most of this work, as you helped your Mom with similar stuff back on Earth at her crummy job. She worked for two medical companies but only got paid for one, barely getting a raise when she deserved more.
Stop thinking about it. You shake the thoughts out of your head. Mom is fine.
Then later in the day, the doctor would teach you the basics. Luckily, you remembered most of the things from having taking a class on human anatomy.
Eventually, you started to help the doctor with treating patients.
It was mostly taking out bullets from wounds, or stitching someone up, but there was the occasional sick person. Then you got to learn about medicine. You knew some, but now you got to know in depth.
While doing all this, you earned some money and got to buy some proper clothes. Boots were the first thing you bought.
No more sand in my shoes!
After learning everything you needed to, you told the doctor that you remembered something.
"I remember coming from Jeneora Rock! Maybe someone will recognize me!"
You felt a little bad, but you had to leave.
"Alright.", Dr. Thomas said with a smile. "Let's get you prepared for the journey."
He helped you get everything you needed, like a map. Packing all of it in a medic backpack. Also putting a sleeping cot and tent.
The morning you had to leave, he gave you one last thing.
"Here, in honor of your completion of medical training.", he said and handed you a white pin with a red cross.
"Thanks Doc.", you said with a sad smile. "I'll write to you, ok?"
"Good luck.", he says and waves as you head out.
While walking towards the gate of the town, something catches your eye. Looking over, you see a clothing shop with a really cool red and white coat on display.
Might as well look like a badass. You smile and head over to buy it.
While getting the coat, you snag a pair of red shades. As you finally leave Lowland city, you put the pin on the breast pocket of your coat. It shines a bit when the sunlight hits it.
"Alright Noman's Land! Get ready for this traveling medic!", you say, raising a fist into the air.
Then a gust of hot wind slaps a paper onto your face.
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I wonder how you'll imagine the outfit.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 3
@summerdazed @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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kentwood524designs · 7 years
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Potted #geraniums in #mybackyard #geranium #geraniumflower #trailinggeranium #pinkgeranium #flowers #flowerinthegarden #flowersinmygarden #gerainium #pinkflower #pink #pinkfloral #pinks #allthingspink #allthingsfloral #backyard #backyardgarden #garden #gardening
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evelyn-foresis · 5 years
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whn your locked somwhere without computers you tend to draw.
finished off my 2018 sketchbook! all in pen unedited. like i literal just scanned these and was like “good enough“. and then posted them.
characters top left to botton right;
gerainium, ser’id, vai’aan, hei’o’as, loo’a’ei
azeera, kliq, manto
yar’ro, skr’r, veslamortza, copper
pyrope, ruby, garnet, seek
magnolia(maggie), kristlin, phlox, gerainium, holly, petunia
loiz, alermikin and other elexss’sei
zaikee, chichoien, lucile, ko’en, kirjik, saiphrin armour
alermikin, nickolas, shives
and watch me not tag the characters.....just the stories....
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gaddagetdown · 5 years
@lettersfromcottoncandy started following you
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   He gave her flowers. Not like, ‘ripped right out of the ground’ flowers. More like ‘I planted and cared for these specifically with the intention of giving them as welcoming gifts to lower the guard of any newcomers so I can determine how much of a threat they are to me’ flowers. Y’know, like Gerainiums. any fool can grow a geranium; he doesn’t waste the good flowers on potentially weak people
   There was even a cute little bow on it, so no one could mistake it for anything but a gift. Which it was. A gift, and not step one of a multi-faceted plan for utter domination. he brought two in case he needed to smash one on someone’s head
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Blue Lights Marker On Paper 2017, 9″x 12″ Rozanne Hardy Gerainium, Cranesbill
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raspberry0rain · 6 years
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This is a birthday gift to my best freind. it is of 595 aka faith.she is a very eccentric person and often can be seen flirting with anyone she sees. the flowers are morning glories which symbolize unrequieted loveand gerainiums which symbolize foolishness and unexpected events
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Found memories are found within my mind, when I see or think of gerainiums, sweet peas, roses, my favourite flowers and the ones I knew from the earliest ages. My go too flowers, with there two toned leaves, and knowing shape. Indoor or outdoor, I always smile when I see them, and now I often think back too my childhood, to my Grandad’s greenhouse, full of sweetpeas, the garden with a few roses, and those gerainiums. They will always be amongst my favourites, but now they also serve as a little reminder, a nudge and nod too the past, and sometimes this makes me smile, sometimes this makes me sad. It rather depends. Memory is a funny thing. The seasons bring with them different flowers, different plants, different memories of gardens and the people who tended them. A plant too brighten up my bedroom, to brighten up my life. Gardens started with enthuasium and love, that often dwindle as the weeks pass by, moods abate and darken, and all is lost, except for those memories. We shall try again, and perhaps one day we will be as good as our teachers once were, but without them here to guide us, we are unsure.
200ish words on gerainum, from @alloftheprompts
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Blue Lights
Marker On Paper
2017, 9″x 12″
Rozanne Hardy Gerainium, Cranesbill
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Blue Lights
Marker On Paper
2017, 9″x 12″
Rozanne Hardy Gerainium, Cranesbill
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