#german actors in german shows! unbelievable
pristina-nomine · 2 years
Max Schimmelpfenning!?!?
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spaceytrash · 1 year
Watching Daniel Craig movies as god intended: on youtube in 360p with spanish subtitles because I'm too broke to buy them or can only find them in German otherwise
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vivyen-qwq · 2 years
Today I've seen all of the 8 Sonic Prime season 1 episodes and I must say, I WAS STUNNED.
Watch out! Includes spoilers!
It was amazing! Every universe was a good idea and I felt like I read through fanfictions. Also I felt like every single character was acting like they would do (so no shadow edgelord or dump knuckles).
Everyone had a special part!
Amy had her moment when they were in this wild wood AU (=Another Universe) (btw I dunno what they were called again. I forgot. xD)
Tails had his moment when Sonic was in this world with the eggman empire thing. Same with rouge there.
What I think about the characters:
I really liked how Rouge joined the crew and in my opinion, she should be more active in team sonic. I like seeing her on that team. Even if I love seeing her act in Team Dark, this was a special moment! I liked it when she had her moments with Knuckles. I am not a Knuxouge shipper, but these moments made me smile, 'cause they were acting like good friends.
When I looked at Tails in this wood AU, I was not very pleased, bc he acted like a wild animal. But he was still cute. Nine was the one which reminded me of the fanfiction "where was my hero" and I was really surprised when I saw his spider-like invention on his back!
What can I say about Amy? She was amazing. Even if 2 versions of her were evil, she was still good. I was a little bit disturbed when I saw her as "Rusty Rose" but it was still cool.
Eggman or these other versions of eggman were not really impressive for me. I felt like they were all a part of the scientist. Like in this disney movie: "inside out" So yeah it was a funny idea to have a baby in this, but it kinda got on my nerves. xD
Sonic was unbelievably well written! He cared about his friends, he was like he is! It was so whoaaa! He still had his rivalry with Shadow and the fighting scene was so well animated. I really liked the plot twist, that this all was actually his fault and that he learned to appreciate the moments and memories with his friends in these other worlds.
Gladly Shadow was not really an edgelord like he was before in the games. I cannot describe why I felt like that. He spoke so softly and had not this sharp voice like in Team sonic racing for example. (Btw I am talking about the german voice actor, bc I watched it in German.) What I didn't like was when he had barely any scenes but I am sure that he will get more of it in the future (if there will be a second season).
I mostly had my eyes on Knuckles this entire time (bc he is my fav character in this entire franchise) and felt good while watching Sonic prime.
Since I saw the Sonic Boom Series with "Boom Knuckles" in it, I wasn't sure if this series would make fun of him and turn him into a ... well I would say not a well written character again, but I was impressed that he had his badass moments. Of course there were a few scenes I didn't really enjoy but all in all. It was good as heck.
I really loved the part when he was captain and even if I thought he could never be a good comanda/ leader (bc in my opinion he really messed up in sonic forces) he did a very good job. Even if I hated the start at this Pirate-Universe where he hid when this other ship appeared, I like how it turned out at the end. It kinda scared me how he looked at the part of the paradox prism and I first thought he would turn evil or would betray his crew, but he didn't.
So, now I come to the animation part:
It was very detailed, like the ears were moving when Sonic and the others showed emotions or they walked. It was very cartoon-like animated but what can I say? It's a kids show. I found it kind of annoying when they repeated these whole scenes when Sonic fell down on his face or against the walls but yeah. It's still a show for kids.
Ohhhh and the references with tails code being 1992 or others were really cool.
What also caught my attention was these time skips. It was kind of confusing to understand but it was okay.
And some of the characters had FANGS! Ahhh! ><
I absolutely LOVED these pixel animation parts when they remembered a piece of the past.
Now to put it all into a summary:
It was a great series and I hope they are releasing a second season. ^w^
It was much better (IN MY OPINION) than I thought it would be.
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ancientphantom · 2 years
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We have a bumper crop of new Phantom literature as we race into summer!
Patricia Peacock und das Phantom in der Oper by Tiffany Crockham is a German-language mystery about a crime-solving duo in period times who are stuck trying to protect a famous Italian diva at the Cairo Opera House who is being ruthlessly targeted, along with the rest of the ensemble, by a mysterious figure haunting the place.
The Voyeur of the Opera: Captive in His Lair by Dulcinea Drakos is a sultry retelling of the original story, with plenty of sex scenes and a focus on which of her two lovers Christine will choose in the end.
Not Alone by A.L. Flagg is a flipped-roles modern-day story in which a young woman named Eden is attacked, leaving her severely scarred and hiding from the world, until she falls in love with a newcomer and must decide whether she can come out of isolation and how to deal with the world that hurt her in the first place. (I’d call it a bit more of a Beauty & the Beast story, but like many publishers, this one claims it’s a “fusion” of that story with the Phantom one.)
Chandelier by Michael Leon is the sequel to his previous book, Phantoms, and carries on the story after Erik’s escape from the opera house, moving to the future of the 22nd century where an aging diva hides secrets from other performers and a young pianist is frightened by the sudden and incredible increase of his peformance skills.
The Phantom of Nob Hill Theater by John Luke Maxwell is a gay romance novel about a retired porn actor, the community theater performance he’s involved in, and someone behind the scenes trying to Stop the Show and/or kill the performers. Of course, it’s very sexy. It’s literally in the theater’s name.
The Lost Melody by Joanna Davidson Politano is a period story about a young pianist who, when her parents die, discovers a strange connection to a woman currently being held in an asylum and struggles with strange letters and unearthly music that seem to follow her everywhere she goes.
In Too Deep by Elaine Runmore is a period rewrite of the original story, in which Christina is a street busker singing for coins in an English port and is being followed by a mysterious dark figure in the shadows who would do anything to hear her voice...
Behind the Mask by MaryAnn Sires is a prequel to her long-running The Phantom’s Lady series, although the prerelease announcement doesn’t give us much to go on as far as what it’s about. We can probably safely guess it’s at least got some backstory for the Phantom and the other main characters, though!
Corruption by Jenika Snow is a modern-day version of the story in which the Phantom character is a hired killer for the Russian mafia and struggles with his love for the innocent young ballerina he knew in childhood, only to kidnap her and keep her hostage when he realizes that she is about to marry someone else.
A Dance with Danger by Marisa Wright is the story of a ballet dancer who, after his legs are crushed and he loses the ability to dance or walk, hides from the rest of the world, only to be dragged back into the light when he meets his brother’s beautiful ballerina fiancee and a power struggle begins to determine which of the brothers she will choose.
We also have three “maybe” options this week, for those who like to intrepidly find out exactly how much Phantom influence there is in a suspicious work:
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The Vanishing of Willa Sloan by Andrea Dias is a modern-day story about a girl whose mother vanishes during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing her to search for her until she discovers that her mother’s past as a ballerina in Paris was far from idyllic and that only traveling to Paris will allow her to finally learn the truth.
The Phantom Violinist: Play Like the Devil by Nigel Street has a lot of classic Phantom elements: a haunted, possibly evil violin that plays unbelievable music, a performer who isn’t sure whether their talent is their own or from some outside force, and of course dangerous performances that spiral out of control. However, it’s hard to tell if this is just one of those works that riffs on other evil violin stories (like Lovecraft’s Erich Zann) or whether it actually has a connection to the Phantom’s original story or one of its successors (the 1989 Little/Englund film would make sense...).
Ximphonic Versus: Symphony of the Phantom Knight by Scotlynd Xing Xin-Bedford is... well, to be honest, it’s very hard to tell what it is? It’s set five thousand years in the past in a fantasy universe in which a prince named Addonnis, a superlative singer, travels around with his mentor Concerto only to discover other ambitions when he encounters the princess of the faraway glass kingdom. It’s got a lot of music, haunting, and other Phantom-esque elements, but it offers no previews and I have no earthly clue what else is going on, so good luck to those who find out!
That’s it for this time, but let’s hope June’s offerings are just as exciting!
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ealeczander · 4 years
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ALSO 41!
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Why is nobody talking about this? This show gives the middle finger to the entirety of Hollywood! It’s proving that you can cast older actors, ESPECIALLY OLDER WOMEN, and let them carry the show! And also let them be sexy?! This absolutely never happens!
Not to mention the UNHEARD OF before concept of casting a female love interest the SAME age as the male! Tell me another series or movie where both characters are of age and the female is not 5 or 10 years younger. Very few and far between.
In conclusion, this show is actually really good and you should watch it.
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You will always be the winter soldier - Chapter 5
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Author’s Note: 
This is a flashback of your past with Bucky. Somethings weren’t witnessed by Bucky or you because I just want to give more details about the thoughts of other people as well. So this is definitely written in a third person perspective. This chapter is really long but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway. 
Bucky sits in a plane to Munich. Sam got information that the leader of the Flag smashers are currently working there. 
Bucky remembers the last time he was in Germany. It feels like an eternity ago.
„Tell me why I need to watch this series again.“, Bucky looked absolutely annoyed. 
„Its a classic. Everyone knows this series. It’s like general knowledge.“ You answered while scribbling something on your paper. 
„ And why aren't you watching this series?“ 
„Well my love, I know this series by my heart.“, you smiled at him and then saying the exact same thing the actor said on the screen proving him that you really do know this series.
Minutes later you closed your math book with a loud thump and throwing it on the ground. 
"I'm sorry. I don't want to torture you with this series. Maybe I can make it up to you." You winked at Bucky and kissed him on his right cheek. 
„Probably you will find a way.“, Bucky smiled mischievously and kissed you right on your lips with both of his hands on your cheeks. 
You and Bucky weren’t virgins but you both never had sex with each other yet. It made you nervous. 
And Bucky was nervous as well.The last time he had sex was an eternity ago and women changed through the times. Now women are so much more emancipated and strong-minded.
You kissed him. On his face, throat, neck and down his torso. You wanted him as much as he wanted you. 
In this night you and Bucky didn’t have just sex- you made love that night. It was something absolutely soft, and warm and caring about it. 
There was no much of talking and there was no pressure- it was just pure love without saying the word itself. 
Everything changed from that night on. From that day on you both were a couple, without labeling it.
Two weeks later Bucky accompanied you to university. It was something he did regularly and you enjoyed it. It gave your the feeling he was just a normal guy spending time with his girlfriend. And James from Bucharest was  indeed almost a normal guy. While you were bubbling about a math problem no one except math students could understand, he noticed a man.
Bucky knew when he was being followed and it agitated him. 
Now that he wasn’t just concerned with his life but also concerned with your safety it made him anxious. 
He grabbed your right arm and pulled you in a small alley.
You looked at him confused and scared. „What’s going on?“, you asked not understanding his sudden behavior. 
„I wanted to give this to you.“ Bucky pulled out a small mobile phone from his pocket. You looked confused because you already had a smartphone in your trouser pocket. 
„It’s a safe line. So, if you’re in danger or you just think you’re in danger- call me and I will come and get you.“
„You’re scarring me. Are you in trouble? Are WE in trouble? Do we need to run?“ You looked at him, touching his face to make sure he calmed down.
„No. Don’t worry. Everything’s alright.“ Bucky lied. „I’m just taking precautions.“
You doubted this reassurance.
„I can ditch university. I can come with you.“
„No. It calms me down to know that you’re safe at university.“ 
„Okay. But don’t forget: If you jump, I jump, remember?“ You quoted the movie you both watched last night. 
„You’re stuck with me. Where you go, I go.“
He kissed the palm of your left hand. „I’m not going anywhere.“, Bucky lied again. 
And with that he accompanied  you to university. As he left, you walked into your class and you took out your phone and your homework. You checked the latest news. The day before there was a bombing in Vienna but on this day there were breaking that there’s a picture of a suspect. The picture showed no other than Bucky himself. Your heart stopped for a moment and you couldn’t think clearly. This explained his behavior and fear. You knew he was innocent- no doubt about that. You knew the man you fell in love with and James would never do such thing. The only conclusion was that he was being fraud by someone else. You decided to skip the class and go home to find James. 
When you arrived outside, the campus was quite empty because the majority of the students were already in their classes. As you walked to the gate a man was calling you.
„Hey! Wait!“ He jogged to you. 
„You’re working with Bucky, aren’t you? You’re his accomplice.“ The man in front of you assumed. 
„None of your business.“, you muttered. You wanted to pass him but he stopped you by grabbing your shoulder. 
„My name’s Sam Wilson and you really need to come with me.“, he said, scarring you with his words.
His grip was so tight that you couldn’t break free.
„Im not coming with you. Who do you think you are?“
„I’m working with Captain America.“ He said. You could hear the pride in his voice.
„So? That doesn’t make you an authority. I don’t trust you.“
„You saw the picture, didn’t you? You saw the picture of him in the newspaper. You don’t strike me as a dumb person, yeah? You know what this picture means. They are after him. They are already here. So I need your help.“
„Why do you need my help? He’s innocent. That picture is fake and I know it. But do you? Do you believe in his innocence or what aim do you really pursue?“
Sam didn’t answer but he also didn’t let go of you. So the only thing that you could do was to kick him between his legs. But your head start wasn’t for long. You can’t outrun an athlete. He caught you with his hand which made you stumbled and you fell face forward on the ground. Your lip was bleeding. 
„Im sorry. I didn’t intend to hurt you.“
As you looked around you saw police officers pointing their guns at you and Sam. 
„You called the police?!“ You asked unbelievably.
„Ey. They’re pointing their guns at me too. So no- I didn’t call the police.“ 
They handcuffed you both and took off. Sam talked with someone via earpiece: „I’ve got her but the police got us both. I’m sorry.“
At the same time, Bucky, Steve and King T’Challa were also handcuffed. Steve looked at his childhood friend and shared the information Sam just gave him: „I’m sorry, but they’ve got her.“ 
To say that Bucky was furious was an understatement: He would burn down the whole city if they’d hurt her. 
When you arrived at the office in Berlin you couldn’t stop all the questions that were floating in your mind. „Why are we here? Since when is Germany responsible for crimes that happened in Vienna or Bucharest? Why were German police officers in Romania? What the heck is going on?“ You asked but everyone was ignoring you. 
Minutes later a man entered the room and you realized that this was Tony Stark. „Who is that?“ He asked, pointing his finger at you. You didn’t bother to answer him. You just turned your head away. „Alright. Kinda mean but we will get the answers anyway.“ He sat down next to Steve. „Is the thing you have with him even legal?“, he asked you again.
„You tell me. He was born in 1917. I was born 80 years later.“
Tony scrunched up his nose. 
The screen was turned on and you saw James. „Why is he in a cage? Why is there no lawyer? Is this how Germany practices its law now? Did you tell him his right to silence?“ You asked almost aggressively 
„You’re audacious and naive.“, said a man in a suit. 
„Stop insulting me. James is as innocence as I am. He wasn’t in Vienna and I told you that from the beginning. And no one in this damn room is listening. You’re just looking for a guy to take the blame. I don’t know how America treats their suspects but here in Germany they have human rights as well. They have dignity and they are still treated with respect and decency. All people have rights. We learned that 70 years ago and we will never ever forget it, understand?“, you spatted. „You imprisoned and treat him as if he’s a monster.“
„My dear child, do you know what he just did today in Bucharest? The damage he caused?“, the man screamed. 
„But it were you with the loaded guns, right?“
„He’s not just a suspect. He’s the delinquent.“
„In some countries there is a trial for this question to be answered, but you seemed to be hangman and judge in once.“ You provoked him. This was so unlike you that you really couldn’t understand the anger that was inside you. 
„I like her.“ Tony said. „She’s loyal like a golden retriever.“
„Stop insulting me even more. I’m defending the man I love that doesn’t mean I’m a puppy wagging its tail.“ 
Before anyone could say anymore to worsen the situation the power was gone for merely seconds but the power was back, Bucky disappeared from the video. Everyone in the room turned around and looked at you. 
„How are you going to explain this.“ Tony asked you 
„Kid, you stay here. Don’t even think about leaving this room.“ As Tony walked downstairs he asked himself if you’re related to a woman he met over 20 years ago who happens to have the same last surname like you did. No, unlikely. Almost impossible. 
Bucky, in his winter soldier mode only had one aim: to kill as many people as possible. But something was off. He hasn’t been the winter soldier for quite some time and the impact you had. The thought that you were hurt made him even more lethal. His priority was to find you and made sure you were okay. So everyone who fought him was a threat, an enemy.
It ended in a cafeteria where Bucky held a gun to the head of a seemingly important man. Bucky was circled with dozen of agents, all pointing a gun at him. 
„Where is she? Where is (y/f/n)?“ Bucky asked
„She’s okay. You don’t need to worry about her.“, Steve assured Bucky
„I don’t trust you. I need to see her.“ 
„We can bring her here. So you can see it for yourself.“ Steve suggested while Bucky just nodded. 
Steve and Tony ran upstairs and Tony grasped Steve by his arm. „What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You can’t bring her downstairs to him. He’s dangerous and she’s just a kid. You can’t control him.“
„He isn’t dangerous and I don’t think he would hurt her. After all they are something like a couple. She knows him. And we will be there as well. Trust me, Tony. Nothing will happen.“
So they both accompanied you downstairs. 
You’ve got nervous, shaking uncontrollably. „You don’t have to do this.“ Tony said. 
„And I’m really sorry that I compared you with a golden retriever. I just think that loyalty is a great character trait.“
You smiled at him. „It’s alright. I’m sorry too. For being so angry and impulsive and arrogant.“
„Are you scared?“ Tony asks. „No, I’m not. I trust him. I trust the man I love. He isn’t the winter soldier anymore. And that he remembers me in this moment- that’s a good sign, isn’t it? So I had a little impact on him.“
Steve opened the door. You felt all the eyes of the agents on you. Thats really made you uncomfortable but you tried to ignore and only concentrate on James. You tried to relax. Your hands where cold as ice- something that always happens when you get nervous. You walked towards him. „You need to let go of this man, James.“, you pointed with your eyes at the man. „I’m alright. I’m safe.“ You approached him. „You really need to let go of him.“ Your voice was firmer. „The agents here are scared of you. They see you as a threat. So I’m begging you: let go of him.“ 
And Bucky let go of him. „They hurt you.“ He stated looking at your bruised lips. „No, they didn’t. I stumbled.“ You reassured him. „James, you need to put down the gun as well. The avengers aren’t the enemy. We can trust them. I do. I trust them and I think we might need their help.“ And you kissed him. Right in front of anyone. You heard the thump of the gun greeting the ground as James let go of it. 
You broke the kiss and caressed his cheek. But before Bucky could say anything you looked to your right and something you saw made you so scared. You pushed Bucky with all the strength you’ve got, making him stumble a few steps backwards. But that was enough to take his spot. 
Bucky saw the redness on your shirt before he heard the bang of the gun. Steve and Tony screamed „NO!“, but it was already too late. You looked at it and all the color of your face vanished. You started to fall but Bucky caught you, laying you softly on the ground. Soon you lost you consciousness.
Steve used the chaos to get Bucky out of there. „They will help her. But you need to come. It’s not safe for you here.“ 
During that time agent Sharon Carter kept Steve and Bucky informed but Bucky had a really hard time. „She’s still sleeping. You are not missing anything.“ She assured him. 
When you woke up you were greeted by non other than Tony Stark itself. He read a German magazine. „Do you understand what you’re reading or are you just looking at the pictures?“ 
He looked up and grinned. „Really nice pictures. But I also get help with the translating.“ He pointed to his high technology-glasses. 
„How do you feel?“
„Exhausted but okay.“ 
You looked around and you saw James standing in the door frame. „James“ you whispered, reaching out for him. „I’m so relieved that you’re fine.“ Bucky looked at Tony who faintly shook his head indicating that you were still oblivious about the fight in Leipzig and the separation of the avengers. 
„What happened after I passed out?“, you asked
„You mean after you got shot.“, Tony corrected you. 
„Why did you pack?“, you ask James, forgetting the last question you just asked. 
„I’m leaving for Wakanda. They offered me to free me from the mind control and I’m gonna take that chance.“
„Take me with you. I want to be with you. I can’t imagine a life without you. Please, James.“ 
He looked you deep in your eyes. You could see how he’s debating on the inside. „Okay.“ And he kissed you passionately. 
Tony didn’t like that idea at all. „Okay, lovebirds. We better should look for a doctor to sign the release papers and you can rest a bit more.“ He ushered Bucky out of your room and when the door closed he let go of his facade.
„You can’t take her with you. Thats really selfish of you. She’s kid. She can’t throw away her life for you. She is not your psychologist. You know exactly what you are. You’re a murderer. Nothing will ever change that. You’re destroying her life. And you don’t care because after all you will always be the winter soldier. Nothing will change that.“
Bucky looked at Tony like he just got slapped. „I know who and what I am. I will never be good enough for her. Yeah, maybe I’m selfish taking her with me but I can’t imagine a life without her. I love her and I will protect her. I promise.“
„But can you protect her from yourself?“ 
As you packed your belongings James waited outside your room. „You don’t have to go with him. You don’t need to throw your life away. You don’t owe him anything.“, Tony stated. 
„I’m not throwing anything away. He’s my future. He’s anything I’ve ever wanted. Wakanda will be an adventure and I’m ready to take it.“
Tony suppressed all the things he wanted to tell you. He hugs you and said instead. „If he hurts you in anyway, call me. I’ll come and get you.“ He caress your hair and without noticing he took a single hair of you. He needed to know who you were to him. He couldn’t ignore his curiosity anymore. 
Chapter 6
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
A review for the movie "Echoes of the Past"
In Greek,
Kalavryta 1943
I was curious to see this movie because it polarized people so much. If you search it in movie rating sites, it is decent, around the 6-7 mark, but many Greeks, most of all the residents of Kalavryta themselves, loathed it and accused it of numerous historical inaccuracies and of an attempt to rewrite history by mellowing down the atrocities of the Nazis.
Both sides have a point. I don't believe at all that the movie intended to humanize the Nazis as a whole but it took some wrong decisions along the way that inevitably make it look that way.
[spoilers ahead]
First and foremost, the movie seriously lacks in script. People don't talk at all about anything that has any sort of impact. The majority of the scenes are essentially unnecessary and don't serve any purpose. In fact, the whole storyline of the German lawyer travelling to Greece to meet a survivor of the war crime in hopes of finding a GOTCHA moment and strengthening Germany's position against Greece's request for recompensation is not realistic, not convincing and hardly makes any sense. Are the recorded events not enough? Somehow Germany would change its whole stance because of a story an old man said? Very, very weak plot. Not only that, but the actual events of Kalavryta seem to take up only a short time in the narration. The conditions of the Nazi occupation in Kalavryta, what was the “excuse” for the atrocities, the aftermath - nothing is onscreen. The rest is the German lawyer being smug, then travel, then feel sorry. Hmmf. Obviously, it's clear that there was no budget to make this a full blown war / historical drama movie.
For a war crime of 700 + men and boys being executed one nice morning, the acting is unbelievably watered down. It feels like everyone in this movie is on Valium. As many decent actors play in this movie, the root of this problem is actually the entire lack of script that leaves the actors hanging, not knowing fully what they are supposed to do. Even in the scene where the women and children are locked in the school and set on fire, you can barely hear the women's reactions. And this happens in the middle of the movie and then is resolved like "oh yes this is over now let's move on". All characters are paper thin so how could the performances be any better?
RIP Max Von Sydow, whose acting is the best in the movie, but still he was not a good casting choice for the leading character. Much like it is covered with silly tricks, it is plain as day to everyone (not only Greek speakers) that he wasn't able to utter a mere Greek line at all. Which is why he didn't. Not a line. He is portrayed as dying from cancer, so he remains quiet and only mumbles unintelligible sounds to Greek characters but once the German lawyer arrives, he is rejuvenated and speaks fluently in English. Nobody is THAT stupid to miss that and not have a laugh about it. And I am wondering, why was the very talented Max Von Sydow so needed for a Greek role? In this movie, Yannis Voyatzis shows up for a little while. Voyatzis is a great old Greek actor who has played in international productions and speaks perfect English. Why waste him in a minor role when he can play perfectly an English speaking main Greek role? "Because Max Von Sydow is a big name and we managed to have him" Yes, always cheap show off with zero impact instead of substance. How very typical of us.
And now let's go to the burning issue. Kalavrytans were mad because according to the movie the women and children were rescued at the very last moment from an Austrian soldier in a crisis of conscience. Some even claimed this was a straight out lie, making it seem like the Nazis weren't so bad after all. I see where they come from but they are not entirely correct. The story about the Austrian soldier is well known in Greece. There is not clear evidence that he existed but why would Greeks fabricate the story about a decent enemy? I believe, where there's smoke, there is fire. But beyond this, I had a problem with the way the movie portrays this too. This man, whose existence is not even a certainty, is given a romantic background. He actually didn't want to be enrolled as a Nazi, but he couldn't flee to Switzerland because his wife had her mother bedridden with illness and she couldn't leave, so the man couldn't leave either and went as a Nazi in Greece out of LoVE. In short, BOLLOCKS. Why should he have a stupid romantic subplot? They could just say that he had a crisis of conscience, of (basic) compassion and empathy, and let the women and children go free. This would be fine with me. The rest was...very bothersome. And , in fact, Kalavrytans are right. Nazis are portrayed as extremely mellow. When they commandeer a house, they are being super polite to the owners and even friendly and playful with their children. Not that there weren't some who must have been of a softer demeanour but we simply know that... too few had the sheer luck of having so gentle Nazi visitors in their houses, who apologize for any inconvenience! The movie was apparently going for a "we're all human after all" message but doing this with the Nazis seems a little unfortunate.
As you see, the movie has some serious flaws. The one really good thing about it is the cinematography and the indoor settings. The best shot in the entire movie is a panoramic view of the mountainous town of Kalavryta. The scenery is just stunning and yet you see that shot twice for a little while and then no other outdoor location is used, even though the area is very beautiful. Still, the cinematography is very pretty.
The impact of the movie, however that may be, is achieved solely by the terrifying historical truth. The movie doesn't truly add to it.
Maybe what it adds is a bigger chance at recognition, wider acknowledgement of these people's sufferings. Which is why Greeks shouldn't fight this movie so much and give it a bad name. It is far from perfect but at least it offers some insight. Better this than nothing.
Rating: 6 / 10
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Richard Speight Jr's speech at the All Heroes Monument in Tonawanda
A couple of articles in full in case you have trouble accessing the links without a VPN:
Article by Peter Gallivan
BUFFALO, N.Y. — On June 6th, 1944, Warren "Skip" Muck was one of hundreds of American servicemen who dropped into Normandy to force Adolf Hitler's army out of France and beat them back to Germany.
On January 10, 1944, the City of Tonawanda native was killed in a foxhole in Foy, Belgium at the Battle of the Bulge. For decades, his family back here in Western New York had few details about his service and the day he died. That all changed with a simple phone call according to his niece, Becky Krurnowski. Becky says her mother, Skip's sister, got off of a call back in 2001 with more questions than answers. "She said there's an actor trying to get a hold of me, and something with Tom Hanks. They want to make a movie."
As it turned out, the actor was Richard Speight, researching for his upcoming role in "A Band of Brothers." Becky and her sister began a series of emails back and forth with the actor, telling him stories of Skip growing up, such as the time he swam across the Niagara River. Speight then took the stories to the writers and all of the sudden what was a bit began to grow, and Skip Muck became a series regular.
Krurnowski adds that this 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion will have special meaning to her, taking her back to the world premiere of "A Band of Brothers"— one she attended as a guest of the studio, on Omaha Beach, Normandy.
Krurnowski says until Episode 7, they had no idea exactly how Muck had died. It showed him sharing a foxhole with one of his best friends, Alex Penkala, when they took a direct hit from a German canon shell. Becky says her mom found comfort in knowing that Skip was with his men and with his friends when he lost his life.
Lou Michel article from the Buffalo News
Saluting 'unbelievable sacrifices' Monument honors local ties to "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers"
As some area veterans know, the story lines of two epic movies about World War II - "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers" -- center on two local families.
Now the memories of those World War II soldiers will be enshrined along the banks of the Niagara River in the City of Tonawanda.
That's because the four Niland brothers, whose story helped inspire "Saving Private Ryan," and Sgt. Warren H. "Skip" Muck, a central figure in "Band of Brothers," hailed from Tonawanda.
An Amherst couple, Rick and Lisa Lewis, donated $150,000 for the multistone monument to pay special tribute to the Nilands and Muck for their sacrifices.
"There will be one stone for each family, and etched on the stones will be the stories of the Niland brothers and Skip Muck," said Rick Lewis, whose family lived nearly a century in Tonawanda and became prominent when it owned the Talking Phone Book.
In the center of the veterans memorial plaza, which will be dedicated Saturday, will be a 10-foot-tall granite replica of the Washington Monument with a tribute to all other City of Tonawanda veterans from various wars.
"This will be in Niawanda Park directly behind City Hall, and at night it will be prominently illuminated, and I believe it will become a signature landmark for the City of Tonawanda," Lewis said.
The story about the Niland brothers is well known in some veteran circles.
On June 6, 1944, at the start of the Normandy invasion, Michael I. and Augusta Niland received the first of three telegrams that three of their four sons were missing in action. Two other telegrams soon followed, notifying the parents that two more sons were missing.
Their fourth son, Sgt. Frederick W. "Fritz" Niland, an Army paratrooper, was participating in the invasion.
War Department officials wasted no time ordering Fritz Niland out of the combat zone, once his whereabouts were determined. It was that effort that inspired the basic storyline of Steven Spielberg's 1998 movie starring Tom Hanks and Matt Damon.
The other Niland brothers were not as fortunate. Tech. Sgt. Robert J. Niland perished on the day of the invasion, and the next day, Lt. Preston T. Niland died. The third missing brother, Tech. Sgt. Edward F. Niland, was shot down over Burma and captured by the Japanese. He survived 11 months as a prisoner of war.
As for Muck, he became famous posthumously, with his story told in the best-selling book, "Band of Brothers," and later in the HBO cable network movie miniseries of the same name.
Muck was a member of Company E, 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, and one of about a dozen main characters. The story told of how the soldiers, first meeting in paratrooper school, became like a family.
"They banded together because they were up against so many hardships. That's why they called themselves the Band of Brothers. If any got injured, they would go to the hospital, get patched up and want to be back with their guys," said Becky Krurnowski, a 55-year-old niece of Muck.
In her City of Tonawanda home, she has a reminder of her uncle, who was killed Jan. 10, 1945, during the Battle of the Bulge.
"A million years ago, my mother gave me the American flag that had covered my uncle's coffin," Krurnowski said. "It's been in my family room for about 20 years now on display."
Adding a sense of irony, Lewis said, is the fact that Skip Muck and Fritz Niland were best friends before going off to war.
"The sacrifices made by the Muck and Niland families in Tonawanda are just unbelievable," said Thomas Beilein, a Niland family cousin and former sheriff of Niagara County who now serves as head of the State Commission on Correction.
"As children, we didn't hear stories about the sacrifices. The family never talked about it. They never held it out there for the world to see. They didn't wear it on their sleeve," said Beilein.
The monument will be officially unveiled at 11 a.m. Saturday with members of the Niland and Muck families present. Surviving members of the Band of Brothers, all around 90 years of age, are scheduled to travel here from different parts of the country to attend.
The actor who played Skip Muck, Richard Speight Jr., will also attend and speak at the dedication.
A military flyover and reception are also planned, and HBO has agreed to provide free showings of Band of Brothers after the ceremony in the nearby Riviera Theatre on Webster Street, North Tonawanda.
Pete Niland, son of the late Edward Niland, also is scheduled to speak at the ceremony.
"I'm going to especially thank Rick and Lisa Lewis, who are sponsoring this, and I'm going to make mention that this is an honor not only to our family but to all the Tonawanda families who sacrificed, and there were a number of them," said Niland.
Lewis said he and his wife have wanted to honor the two families for years and put a spotlight on the City of Tonawanda.
"The area has been very good to my family, and we're anxious to do some things for the community," said Lewis, who organized a special committee a year ago with City of Tonawanda Mayor Ronald Pilozzi and representatives from several veterans groups, including Post 264, American Legion.
Pilozzi, a Vietnam veteran who was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor and a Purple Heart, says he feels a special closeness for the monument.
"One of the reasons I'm so proud of it is I was in the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam," Pilozzi said, explaining that Muck and a Niland family member were in the 101st.
The 101st faced its toughest assignment during the Battle of Bastogne, one of the more famous encounters against the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge.
"The 101st Airborne was completely encircled and cut off by the Germans, but they made their stand and held out long enough for Gen. [George S.] Patton to come in and relieve them and basically defeat the Nazis," Pilozzi said of the division's bravery.
Describing himself as an amateur historian for the modest working-class City of Tonawanda, Lewis said the memorial will ensure that no one ever forgets the sacrifices and bravery demonstrated by the deceased relatives of the Niland and Muck families.
The City of Tonawanda has a tremendous history of which it can be very, very proud," he said. "I still have family members there and consider myself an amateur historian of the city."
The monument, Lewis explained, is designed with enough open space to add additional stones in the future, should Tonawanda want to honor other veterans.
The monument was chiseled and inscribed by Stone Art Memorial Co. of Lackawanna. The grayish colored granite was quarried in Maine.
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aaliyah-babe · 3 years
The One With The Butt: Part One
pairings: eventual joey x reader, jamie x reader
authors note: i own nothing from friends, all credit goes to their respective owners. feedback is always appreciated!
feedback is the glue that holds my writing together!
you guys had gotten invited to the play that joey was in, you were sat next to pheobe on the end,
“oh look! look, there’s joeys picture! this is so exciting!” rachel squealed, showing you all joeys picture.
“you can always spot who’s never seen one of his plays before, notice no fear, no sense of impending doom...” chandler trailed off,
“the exclamation point in the titles scares me. you know, it’s not just freud, it’s freud!” pheobe exclaims, and you giggle at her.
the lights went down as you readied yourself for joeys plays, they weren’t all bad, but they weren’t all good, don’t get yourself wrong he was a good actor, he just chose the wrong stuff to act in.
“shh. the magic is about to happen!” ross shushed everyone
“well, eva,” you heard joey say with a german accent and you sighed, knowing it was gonna be another bust. “we’ve done some excellent work here,”
you looked at pheobe and she gave you the same look before you started giggling quietly, and ross gave you a warning look which made you stop.
“and i would have to say your problem is quite clear,” joey said before stopping. a piano intro started playing before joey got up from his seat and began singing, “all you want is a dinkle, what you envy’s a schwang! a thing through which you can tinkle, or play with or simply let hang,”
you looked at ross before whispering, “now can we laugh,” and he started chuckling aswell.
the play went on for what felt like hours, you had looked through the cast around five times, pheobe nudging you to look at joeys dancing and singing at times which made you both laugh quietly, before the show was finished.
everybody on the stage took a bow before you all got up and started clapping, yelling at the cast,
“yes! excellent!”
they walked off the stage as you all groaned, sitting back down,
“oh my god, that was nauseating,” you sighed into pheobes shoulder,
“i feel violated,” rachel agreed,
“did anybody else feel like they wanted to peel the skin off their body to have something else to do?” monica asked,
“ross, 10:00,” chandler nudged ross,
“i’d it? feels like 2:00,” ross groaned,
“no, 10:00,”
“there’s a beautiful woman at 8, 9, 10:00!” chandler sighed which made you all look in his direction and see a very beautiful woman touching up her lipstick.
“wow she is pretty,” you agreed with chandler,
“she’s amazing! she makes the women i dream about look like short, fat, bald men,”
“well, go over to her. she’s not with anyone,” monica said to him,
“oh yeah, right. and what would my opening line be? “excuse me..” chandler said before blubbering words,
“oh come on! she’s a person, you can do it,” rachel encouraged,
“oh please could she be more out of my league? ross back me up here,” chandler patted ross on the back,
“he could never get a woman like that in a million years,” ross agreed,
“thank you,”
“oh, oh! but you know you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys!” pheobe encouraged him,
“oh yeah! come on chandler, do it!” you told him.
“you think?” he asked you all,
“oh yeah!”
“oh, god. i cant believe i’m even considering this. i’m very, very aware of my tongue,”
“come on!”
“here it goes,” chandler walked away and started talking to the woman,
he started saying a few things before he started walking back over,
“chandler?” the woman asked, making him go back over,
“wow, go chandler,” you nudged monica.
joey walked out and you all said hey.
“i didn’t know you could dance!” ross said,
everybody else said stuff to him about the play,
“was it good?” he asked, hopeful. your heart hurt for the boy.
everybody was silent before they all said the same things they did before.
“come on you guys, it wasn’t that bad, i was the lead! it was better than that thing with the trolls!” he argues,
“you’re right joey, you are, come here,” you hugged him,
“did you at least like it?” he asked, still hopeful,
“i’m not gonna lie to you joe. it wasn’t the best play,” his face fell, “but! you’re a good actor i just think your always going for the wrong roles!” you said and he smiled a little,
“thanks y/n/n,” he hugged you again, before letting you go not completely and just let his arm drape around your shoulder.
“she said yes! she said yes!” chandler ran over before turning to joey, “awful play man! woah!”
you rubbed joeys back, feeling bad for him a little.
“her names aurora and she’s italian and she pronounces my name “chand-ler,” “chand-ler,” he was proud of himself you could see, “i think i like it better that way- oh listen! the usher gave me this to give to you.” he gave joey a card.
“what is it?” rachel asked,
joey read the card as his face lit up, “estelle leonard talent agency, an agency left me its card!” he smiled,
“told you,” you whispered to him and he smiled at you.
“maybe they want to sign me!” he smiled happily,
“based on this play?” pheobe asked and joey frowned, “based on this play!”
you guys were hanging out at the coffee house and jamie had joined you, and once again joey distanced himself from you and him. what the hell was his problem? it pissed you off that your bestfriend clearly didn’t like your boyfriend and didn’t even try to hide it!
“hey, kids,” chandler walked in, after his date with aurora.
“hey, chandler,” jamie said to him,
“well this line is passion, and this is just a line,” phoebe read monica’s hand,
“wow i can’t believe i’ve been here seven seconds and you haven’t asked me about my date,” chandler said,
“how was your date chandler?” everybody asked,
“yeah, chand-ler?” monica said, making you smile.
“it was unbelievable! i’ve never met anyone like her. she’s had the most amazing life! she was in the israeli army...”
“luckily, none of the bullets hit the engine block. so, we made it to the border. but just barely and i... i’ve been talking about myself all night long, i’m sorry. what about you? tell me one of your stories!” aurora said to chandler, who smiled at the woman in front of him.
“alright, once.... once, i got on the subway, right? and it was at night and i rode it all the way to brooklyn, just for the hell of it,” he said which made aurora laugh and he smiled again,
“we talked till like 2:00,” chandler said, “it was this perfect evening... more or less,”
“all of the sudden we realise we’re in yemen!” aurora exclaims,
“i’m sorry we is?” chandler asked,
“we would be me and rick,” she answered,
“who’s rick?” joey asked,
“who’s rick?” chandler asked her,
“my husband,” she answered.
“ew,” everyone groaned for chandler,
“oh, so your divorced?” chandler asked,
“no,” she said,
“oh, i’m- i’m sorry your widowed... hopefully?” he asked again,
“no, i’m still married.”
“so uh, tell me. how do you think your husband would feel about you sitting here with me, sliding your foot so far up my pant leg you can count the change in my pocket?”
“don’t worry. i imagine he’d be okay with you because really with ethan,” she giggled,
“ethan? there’s an ethan?” chandler asked,
“ethan is my... boyfriend,” she answered
“what?!” everyone exclaimed.
“explain something to me. what kind of relationship do you imagine us having if you already have a husband and a boyfriend?” chandler asked,
“i suppose, mainly sexual,” she offers.
“aw, i’m sorry it didn’t work out,” monica apologised,
“what not work out? i’m seeing her again on thursday,” everyone looked at him confused, “didn’t you listen to the story?”
“didn’t you listen to the story?” you asked,
“yeah, this is twisted! how could you get involved with a woman like this?” monica asked,
“i had some trouble with it at first too, but the way i look at it, i get all of the good stuff, all the fun, all the talking, all the sex and none of the responsibility! i mean this is every guys fantasy,”
“that is not true,” phoebe said, “ross, jamie, is this your fantasy?”
“no,” they both said,
you smiled at your boyfriend before kissing his cheek, he looked at ross before they both nodded their heads, “yeah, it is,”
you glared at jamie.
“maybe somebody shouldn’t be with somebody then,” joey muttered but you heard him anyways, what is his deal? you were so going to talk to him after this.
“so you guys don’t mind going out with someone else, who’s going out with someone else?” monica asks.
“i couldn’t do it,” joey says,
“good for you, joe,” pheobe says to him,
“when i’m with a woman, i need to know that i’m going out with more people than she is,” that made you sigh,
“well, you know monogamy can be a tricky concept. i mean anthropologically speaking...” everybody pretended to sleep and fake snore as ross bored everyone,
“fine, fine. now you’ll never know,” he sighs,
“we’re kidding, go! tell us,” monica says,
“all right, there’s a theory put forth by richard leakey...” and there goes everybody snoring again,
let me know if you want to be mentioned in future taglists!
taglist: @zestygingergirl
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melancholicumsomnia · 3 years
[FIC] A Little Miracle In The Volume Part 6
A/N: Here’s Part 6 of my fic contribution to PEDRO PASCAL APPRECIATION WEEK 2021 of @pedrohub​! The #ppaw2021 theme of Day 6 is Pedro + Color, and of course the color is BROWN.
To @pedrocentric​, here’s the next part! To those few folks who have been following this fic, my humble thanks to you all! Last part will go up tomorrow!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
A Little Miracle In The Volume
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SOURCE: Audra Faye on Pinterest
Part Six
There was something about a battle scene – the potential for carnage and mayhem – that could draw out the bloodthirstiness in a man, even if it was a make believe one. 
That particular thought crossed Bill Burr’s mind as he watched crew members bustling with excitement as they set up the MBS Media Campus backlot for the filming of the climactic confrontation between Mando and his comrades against Moff Gideon and his Stormtroopers on Nevarro.
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After what he could only dub as the “Ceremonial Turnover of the 501st Legion” by Deb Chow to Taika Waititi, Bill gaped with some trepidation as a seemingly demented Taika jumped about and cackled in glee, “I’ve got my own Stormtroopers! Oooh, so many things I can do with them!” Noticing the comedian standing near one of the small buildings, Taika waved to him. “Hey, Bill! Nice to see ya! Care to join my band of merry Stormtroopers?”
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“Uh, I don’t think so,” Bill called back. “I just got done with a meeting with Rick about our episode. I’ll be getting my share of action soon, I guess. But thanks for asking, by the way.”
“Your loss, my friend,” Taika exclaimed as he hurried off to direct the men and women of the 501st Legion, who judging from their delighted faces never imagined that they’d actually be on set filming a Star Wars show.
The only person who didn’t seem too happy about the goings-on was the helmeted figure sitting in the cool shadows of a narrow alley. For some reason, Bill found himself gravitating toward that lonely figure.
“Hi, there! I’m Bill,” he introduced himself, reaching out his hand. “You must be Pedro.”
Pedro removed his helmet then, revealing the most expressive brown eyes that Bill had ever seen in his life. Judging from the glimmer in those doe-like orbs, he must’ve been thinking of something sad. Nevertheless, Pedro gave the comedian a nice smile and greeted, “Hi! It’s a pleasure to meet you. You’ll be playing Migs Mayfeld, right? How do you feel about being in a Star Wars TV show?” He asked the last with a teasing tone in his voice. 
“Frankly, I don’t know what I’m doing here,” Bill declared, a bit embarrassed. “I must be nuts to let Jon rope me into this.”
“Don’t worry. It’ll be fun. It’s just too bad that I won’t be around to do your episode with you. I’ll be going back to England to finish shooting Wonder Woman 1984. Then again, you’re pretty lucky because you won’t get to work with….”
Pedro’s voice trailed off then. 
Feeling left hanging, Bill gently coaxed, “Work with who?”
In answer to his question, puppeteer Jason Matthews approached Jon. “I already fixed the puppet as you have suggested. But Mr. Herzog won’t give him to me. He told me to tell you that you should send someone to inform him when you’re ready to start shooting.”
“Unbelievable!” Jon groaned. “How can we set up and rehearse when he’s keeping the Child in custody? Never mind. Tell Taika that we’ll focus on filming the skirmish for today. Depending upon how the action goes, we can figure out how we can CGI in IG-11 and the baby.”
Hearing that exchange, Bill turned to Pedro. “Herzog? They’re not talking about Werner Herzog, are they?”
“They are. Herzog’s playing the Client. He actually finished all of his scenes but he’s still hanging around the set because he developed this crazy fixation over the Child.”
“Having not seen the Child in question, I’d like to know if he’s really so cute that he has tamed a guy like Herzog.”
“Oh, he’s not just cute,” Pedro said with undisguised fondness. “There’s something magical about him. You’d understand once you see him.” He then sighed. “It’s just too sad that I didn’t get enough time with the baby off-screen. Werner just won’t let the kid out of his sight and, for some reason, he doesn’t like me.”
Bill straightened up with arms akimbo. His Boston accent grew thicker on his tongue as he declared in outrage, “That ain’t right! That baby should be with you, not him! He’s playing the bad guy!”
“You should try telling him that. A lot of people have tried talking to him, but he’s just too pigheaded.”
Bill snorted in strong disapproval. “Hmph! Looks like the time for talking is done. What we need is action.”
“Bill, it’s okay. I’ve already accepted it. After all, there is going to be a Season 2. I didn’t make any commitments, so I’ll get to spend more time with the Child then.”
“It still ain’t right that you’re not bonding with the kid as you should.” Bill made his decision in an instant. “That’s it! I’m goin’!”
“Going where?” Pedro asked in growing alarm.
“Where else? I’m gonna get back the kid.”
* * * * * * * * * * 
“Now, just sit there, little one, while I get some milk and cookies for you. Maybe a pair of headphones so you won’t get startled by all the explosions.”
As Werner went into the kitchen, the head of a sneaky figure slowly rose to peek through the trailer window. 
Bill saw the Child at once, sitting at the small dining table. “What the fuck? Is that Baby Yoda?”
At his muffled exclamation, Grogu slowly turned to him. The Child gave him a broad grin and waved his little hand.
“Aww! Ain’t ya a cutie!” It never even occurred to the comedian to ponder why the puppet moved by itself.
Carefully, Bill pushed the trailer door open and tiptoed inside. Picking up the baby, he whispered, “Come on, kid! I’m bringing you back to your Daddy.”
In reply, Grogu made happy cooing noises. 
“You like that, huh? Let’s go now.”
“Who are you?”
Bill felt his blood run icy cold at that angry voice. His head slowly moving to the left, he found himself gaping at Werner, now red in the face and carrying a glass of milk and a plate full of cookies.
“I…uh…” the comedian stammered, unsure of what to say. In the end, both he and the Child raised a hand and waved to the German filmmaker. “Bye!”
Bill darted out of the trailer before Werner could stop him. As he dashed off, he heard the German director shout, “Baby snatcher! Somebody stop him!”
Bill thought he was going to get away with the baby. Surely, an old man like Werner Herzog wouldn’t run after him. However, as he turned at the corner and onto the street leading to the backlot, he saw Werner giving chase. To make matters worse, he saw the old man grab an enormous gaffi stick from one of the props men.
“Give that baby back or I’ll kill you!”
“OH SHIT!!!” Bill exclaimed, realizing that his very life was now in jeopardy. 
Unknown to the comedian, as he rushed into the backlot, the shooting of the Nevarro skirmish scene had already commenced. There was a loud pop as a Stormtrooper shot a blaster right at him.
“Hey!” he yelled, cradling the Child protectively. “I gotta kid here!”
Rather than calling “Cut!”, from his director’s chair, Taika called out, “Hey, Bill! Fire back, man! You’re being attacked by my Stormtroopers!”
Taika made shooting gestures with both hands. “Pew pew!”
Rolling his eyes, Bill did as he was told, running straight down the center of the backlot while “Pew pew-ing” every extra that got into his path. At one point, there was an explosion at his left, so that he dodged to the side. Werner was relentless though. He followed the comedian in small, but swift strides, waving the gaffi stick menacingly in the air. Through it all, the Child crooked under Bill’s arm laughed and squealed.
At that moment, Pedro took his cue to step outside of the building to confront Moff Gideon’s troops. Great was his shock when he saw Bill hurrying toward him, baby in tow, and with a rampaging German director behind him. 
Bill even raised the baby high up in the air and cried, “I got the kid!”
In his fright to get away from Werner, Bill didn’t notice the large rock sticking out of the dirt.  Suddenly,  he tripped on the rock and the Child flew out of his hands. Grogu spread out his little arms and screamed, “Wheeeeeeee!”
Gasping, Pedro leaped up high, his arms stretched out in front of him. That sudden movement caused the helmet to slip from his head. As his body started to fall, he caught the Child easily and hugged him protectively as they hit the ground. 
“Are you okay, Grogu?” Pedro asked the Child worriedly, but the baby only laughed and flapped his arms like a bird, indicating that he wanted more. 
Bill stared at Pedro and Grogu. Dazed as he was, he couldn’t help blurting out, “You two really look like father and son. You have the same pretty brown eyes and…”
Whatever else he was going to say, the comedian never got to finish because a dark shadow loomed over him.
“Evil baby snatcher!” A breathless but visibly tear-filled Werner rapped him on the head with the stick.
“Owwww!” Bill grabbed his head, feeling the growing lump.
Seeing Pedro staring at him, it was Werner’s turn to be flustered. There was no mistaking the tears that fell from his eyes as he stammered, “I’m sorry. I left the Child for just a minute to get snacks for him, but…this baby snatcher…”
Pedro nodded. As Bill looked on, he gaped as the actor entrusted the baby back to the crying director. “Please keep an eye on him, Werner. Okay?”
Werner hugged the struggling baby in his arms. “I will. I promise I will. And I’m so sorry.” 
To the German filmmaker’s shock, Grogu pushed his face when Werner tried to kiss him. Whirling toward Pedro, Grogu reached out to him with his little arms, making desperate whining noises. 
At that very moment, Werner’s face turned pale when he saw the group of puppeteers who had joined the onlookers. This time, all the puppeteers were present and accounted for, having come out of the small building where the scene with the puppet was to be filmed. None of them had their controls. And, yet, the baby was wriggling and crying in his embrace. 
By then, Pedro had already put the helmet back on. Walking toward the struggling Child, he caressed Grogu’s little head. 
“Go with your grandpa, Grogu,” Pedro whispered. “It’ll only be for a little while. We’ll be back together to film a scene before you know it.” Raising his helmet a bit, he kissed Grogu in the spot between his eyes. Werner saw the teardrop hanging from Pedro’s jaw.
“Thank you, Pedro,” Werner could only stammer. “I’ll bring him back once you’re ready to shoot.” He then walked off with a crying Grogu in his arms, heading back for his trailer.
As Pedro helped him to his feet, Bill demanded, “Why did you do that for? I thought you wanted the kid?”
“I did, but…seeing how he chased you...” Pedro then confessed, “…I never realized how much Werner cared for the baby. It isn’t right to take the Child away from him like that.”
At that moment, a very happy Taika called out to him, “Great work, Bill! You got the action sequence I wanted for IG-11 just right. All I have to do is edit you out and I can CGI in the robot with the kid.”
Meanwhile, the members of the 501st Legion were all abuzz at seeing the Child for the first time. An exasperated Jon had the unit directors hand out an additional page of the non-disclosure agreement for them to sign.
When one lady in Stormtrooper armor gushed out, “Oh my God! I just saw a Baby Yoda! I can’t wait to tell my kids!”, Jon ordered Kim Richards, “Have her sign TWO NDAs!”
Hearing Jon’s order, Bill and Pedro laughed. When their laughter subsided, the comedian smiled warmly. “You’re a real nice guy, Pedro. I just hope I could get to work with you and the kid someday, although it doesn’t seem likely after this.”
“Who knows?” Pedro said reassuringly. “Maybe we will still have a need for a sharpshooter like Mayfeld in Season 2.”
“Maybe…” Bill trained his gaze toward Jon who was gathering signed papers. “Hey, Jon! If ever you want me back to work for ya, make sure this guy,” he then pointed to Pedro, “doesn’t have a helmet on.” Grinning at his fellow actor, he said, “I’m gonna call him ‘Brown Eyes’.”
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Pedro’s lips curled up in a wry pout. “Next time, please don’t drop the baby!”
Bill crossed his heart and raised his right hand while cupping the lump on his head with his left. “I swear that I will never drop the baby ever again!”
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flodaya · 4 years
What do you appreciate about Matteo?
unlike many others in this fandom it actually took me some time to really fall in love with matteo, i wasn’t his biggest fan from the moment he said “nicotine” in season 1 episode 1 clip 1. maybe because at that time I was still pretty hung up on isak as one of my favourite characters in the skam universe - which he still is btw - but at first I didn’t vibe with matteo’s stoner vibe as much. but the further I got to know him the more I came to love his soft spoken nature and his love for his friends, and by the time his season was about to start I was absolutely head over heels and I was so excited to follow him for 10 weeks
I appreciate so much about him. one of the things I appreciate the most is the representation of a shy introvert. you have no idea how hard it is to find a proper shy introverted main character in media. most shows often confuse introverted with awkward loner, but introverts can be social and charming and talkative if they are around the right people and in the right mood. and druck got that perfectly right with matteo, he is a very quiet talker, he often lets others - especially Jonas - talk for him in big social settings, he gains energy from being alone, yet - in his own words - he hates being alone meaning he is naturally a social person. I personally can relate a lot to that, I’m also a really social introvert, I get emotionally and physically drained from being in groups but I hate being alone for too long
another thing I love about matteo is how much love he has to give, he is so kind and welcoming. he must be one of the kindest characters in the skam universe, and not in the in-your-face goodie two-shoes way other characters are (who then call their love interest slurs but are still considered such kind characters…..), he is a little shit, we all know that, but an absolutely lovable one. he never wants to hurt anyone else’s feelings and when he does he regrets it afterwards and feels bad about it forever. most notably when he snaked on hanna in season 1, one whole year later he still felt bad about it, he missed having hanna as a friend but completely understood that she was still mad and he visibly felt awful, he apologized for it again and again, and I am glad that they were able to resolve their fight and become closer than ever
one thing I feel like a lot of people miss is how unbelievably funny matteo actually is. many things sadly get lost in translation because a lot of his humor is in how he says things rather than what he says, he has funny voices and impressions, he is rather sarcastic and quick-witted but in his very own quiet way. we all know and love the infamous “shhh your sister” but there are countless more examples of his humour. his jokes also often are very direct and dry, typical german humour, he is blunt and doesn’t sugar-coat the truth which often ends up being funny as hell
matteo can be very determined when he wants to be, if he puts his mind to something he will get it. in season 3 that “thing” was david obviously. I love how falling in love with david really woke up matteo from his passive life, he started really taking charge of his own life. and I loved watching the development from a quiet slacking stoner to a still quiet but now more present participant in his life
matteo is an incredibly layered character, there is so much more to him than what you think at first glance. of course michi’s portrayal adds another level of depth to him, the way he has managed to bring matteo to life is unbelievable and I am so thankful we got such a talented young actor to play matteo
this was the perfect way to kick off matteo appreciation week, I think I’ve put more effort into this than most of my essays for school. anyway, happy one year anniversary of matteo’s season!
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sanoiro · 4 years
Lucifer 5x08 - Spoiler Alert - Spoilers & Speculation (Midseason Finale)
Warning! There is always the possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Chris Rafferty
Directed By: Kevin Alejandro
Chris Rafferty has written/co-written the episodes:
1x09 - A Priest Walks into a Bar 2x06 - Monster 2x13 - A Good Day to Die 3x05 - Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards 3x07 - Off the Record 3x15 - High School Poppycock 4x04 - All About Eve 5x08 - Spoiler Alert
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 5 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
David Figlioli…Les Klumpsky
Behind The Scenes
The midseason finale…
In order to go through the S&S of the Midseason Finale, we will have in many points to go back to the rest of the S5P1 episodes, especially the 5x07, but also explore a part of 5x09 which up to this day remains untitled due to the spoiler it seems to give away.
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This episode can be better explained as the action and effect pattern. Whatever you do in due time it will catch up with you and that seems to be the theme here. We are not talking just about consequences although there will be plenty however the fact that in this episode we will probably realize that Lucifer’s decisions brought him to this point and the same applies for Chloe’s existence in his life and perhaps her entity as well. But I get ahead of myself…
Okay so as you have noticed throughout the season we have several subplots going and most of them will give way to 5x08 which in turn will lead us to the second part of S5.
First, we need to talk about the bracelets. I have mentioned many times that 5x08 will provide a permanent solution to whatever is going on with them and active seekers of that solution seem to be mainly Amenadiel and Maze. That is because most probably little Charlie provides part of that solution. If I’m correct then Charlie exhibits something that aids Lucifer and Daniel to a point but the real answer lies on 5x04. Additionally do remember that Dan seemed to be able to battle the influence of Azrael’s blade so keep that to the back of your head as well.  
As promised to many I will not reveal nothing of the script but I’ll provide you with a prop that laid in plain sight yet only the people who knew what it was about could decode it. That will be mentioned at the end of the episode as it is also connected to 5x09 so be sure that the bracelet issue will be out of the picture in this episode but we have so many things to cover still.
Second, comes the Serial Killer who appears in the episodes 5x07 and 5x08. It is true that on Twitter we were informed that Chloe and an Officer are in a very small freshly painted room and they had to act distresses and shaken. (I contemplated on hiding the name but then I decided against it mainly because she has already tagged Lauren in her posts. I’m still a bit uneasy about this to be honest).
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Many believe that Chloe gets kidnapped and that would be a good explanation yet as I have mentioned before do not expect her to die or at least to have a conventional ‘death’ believe the writers will not take that route. In this story we either get Lucifer to act impulsively and reclaim Chloe from death or in a very uncommon fashion we get that Chloe is more than a Miracle but do not go again to this poignant discussion she is an angel etc. Let’s speculate that Chloe is something more connected to Lucifer’s past and we will get how only at the end of 5x08 perhaps even in 5x09…
So enough with the small S&S of the two main subplots and let’s gate to what is happening during the episode!
Let’s talk locations something that I didn’t do in 5x07 because I wanted to focus more on the ones in 5x08.
- Precinct
- WB lot house
- Bronson Caves
- Linda’s house
- Freshly painted room
In order to break down the locations we need to see who is working with whom in this episode.
First, let’s start with Amenadiel and Maze. For the past episodes they have come very close and in this episode, they once again aim to deliver. There is a dedication there a need to protect their newfound family. Charlie, Lucifer, Dan and of course the rest of the not so much affected parties from the multiple threats they face in S1P1.
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We know that there is something like a fight breaking in at the precinct. A crowd gathers quickly I believe from the interrogation room to the main area. I believe it is mainly related to Chloe and the Officer being stuck in the small room (notice here she said room not cave) but that remains to be seen. 
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Lucifer and Maze seem to be rather pissed at least Maze that is and leads to probably the photo where Lucifer is behind an officer (the actor is a friend of Kevin Alejandro) where Lucifer shows him something (a photo? a number? a location?) and threatens to have some results. You can see that Maze is at the left side of that photo.
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Of course, the above scene might be happening somewhere else but my gut at the moment tells me that Lucifer has had enough and wants answers. I do not believe he ever recovered completely from 2x13 so that opens the proverbial can of worms…
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If I’m correct about this then Lucifer is wearing blue at the beginning of the episode and then purple. The reason for that speculation is because in one of Lesley-Ann’s videos Ellis’ stunt wears a purple shirt while Lucifer when he demands answers from that officer/security he wears the dark blue so I guess that the purple shirt is what we will see at the second half of the episode. PS I love the silver cufflinks on the blue shirt arrangement. That is also supported by Ella’s t-shirt in the precinct and then the car meaning Lucifer and Maze go in the precinct and then he leaves with Ella. 
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So perhaps that’s when Ella finds out? I’m not sure but it\s nice to suppose she does in 5x08. 
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Btw Alejandro here reminds me so much of James Marsters aka Spike in Buffy :P 
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Maybe today Satan... :D Rafferty was always a great tease... 
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In this episode, we have also seen Lucifer with some bullet halls but his shirts in 5x08 do not seem to fully support that incident in that episode as he wears deep purple and midnight blue shirts. Of course, that scene might be happening early on the episode but I could be cautious here.
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Now probably after the precinct scene, we had Amenadiel and Maze patterning up and of course Lucifer and Ella. Amenadiel and Maze seem to be again preoccupied with the bracelet mystery but also we have a scene where Maze is at Linda’s house with the same clothes and we also have Charlie in a beautiful onesie in light blue with moons and stars.
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^The baby proofed ceiling... 
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At the same time, Lucifer and Ella with his car pay a visit to a house at the suburbs which we know it’s at the lot and might or might not be connected to previous episodes of S5 yet I’m not certain about that one. In order for that to happen
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Okay so! We know that at some point Lucifer and Maze end up at the Bronson caves. Now here is a not so secret secret. Lucifer this season has three stages and many sets are constructed in order for the cast to not leave the lot often and for the requests of the writers' room to be easier to be full field. Of course, that has happened before with the country bar that was constructed in 4x04, or the hospital in 3x16 where Lucifer gets Abel’s soul back from Hell but in S5 they are doing some spectacular things with the props. Actually, one of the parts of the cave has been built in the stages so Lesley-Ann’s photo at the cave is in reality at the stages not on location.
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So we have Lucifer and Maze and also their stunts there (Well at least Lucifer’s that is). I do not know if the small room is supposed to be in the caves or somewhere completely different but for the most part of the episode our leads are trying to resolve the issue of the bracelet combined with Chloe and the Serial Killer.
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You can see that on location they changed the arrangement of the rocks a bit adding some bigger rocks to look perhaps like a planetary system. Also in Lesley-Ann’s photo, you can see at the right some stairs. I wished it was part of the prohibition tunnel Lucifer claimed LUX to be full with but only time will tell if that is true or it’s simply part of the cave system of the Bronson Caves.
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Notice the difference between the rocks that were placed from the production and down how the arrangement was a day before the shot on location. 
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A small trivia here. The Bronson Caves is mainly known as the Batcave as it was used as the Batcave for the Batman series back in the 1960s. Originally a quarry it remained unused in the 10th century and use for series and films have earned it a spot as an L.A. landmark from the state f California.
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Moving on!
The last acts of this episode will be interesting to see… We do have some unbelievable revelations and consequences in my opinion and in Lucifer series fashion we should be ready to perhaps welcome a hard to swallow, truth.
Lucifer in this season had an unparalleled growth. If you seek for Deckerstar romance I’m not sure we will get to have them in a relationship just yet and although that saddens me, in 5x09 it’s promised to finally move on towards that. Yes, they are in love and they appear to be also committed to each other but I do not think we have enough evidence to claim they are in a relationship but then again what happens in the stages between Ellis and Lauren as Lucifer and Chloe almost never gets out.
Concluding the 5x08 episode we should expect the following. Sure the serial will be killed or arrested with the probability laying on being killed but when have the writers ever played fair? I do not think that the officer who was with Chloe will make it either but here is into hoping! Usually, the reoccurring character that is mentioned or has few lines goes unsung into the light or fire…
We expect that Charlie will manifest an interesting side we were expecting since S4 but will become more prominent in S5 and even though it is expected it will probably catch us by surprise.
As I have said to expect Dan to be now aware of what is going on and who Lucifer actually is.
There is a young girl in the cast which I have no idea what her role is. Also, there is a small LUX scene in this episode for which we know next to nothing I’m afraid as it must be something really quick.
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Another information is that there was a bts with a flying harness. The bts says for floating only and I’ll believe that but I cannot swear to you it will be used for Lucifer. Sometimes stunts are employed in different jobs or have different routines so although I’m positive about it I cannot guarantee it’s for our show. Plus, we know that there is a lot of CGI happening in this episode.
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Now the last part I want to talk about before adding a small mention to 5x09. I have said many times that everything in this season is connected. When I saw that prop I wondered whether to not mention it or to do so with the minimal effect possible. So I did the second. I covered the extra spoilers around it and I left two things. Lucifer’s suit jacket and the engraved ankh on that prop. When the season drops you will get the whole thing but for now it.
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Borrowing some lines from Wikipedia you will probably realize where this is going:
This sequence was found in several Egyptian words, including the words meaning "mirror", "floral bouquet", and "life". In art, the symbol often appeared as a physical object representing either life or substances such as air or water that are related to it. It was especially commonly held in the hands of ancient Egyptian deities, or being given by them to the pharaoh, to represent their power to sustain life and to revive human souls in the afterlife.
Early versions bear a resemblance to the tyet symbol, a sign that represented the concept of "protection". In many respects the tyet resembles an ankh, except that its arms curve down. Its meaning is also reminiscent of the ankh, as it is often translated to mean "welfare" or "life" it’s also a symbol that came to be connected with the goddess Isis. In some decorative friezes in temples, all three signs, or the ankh and was alone, were positioned above the hieroglyph for a basket that represented the word "all": "all life and power" or "all life, power, and stability”.
For the ones who fear I have gone too far, fear not. Even with the above the actual plot is still well concealed but two things are exposed.
1) Everything at some point backfires.
2) AGN might have been into something.
That’s, of course, a spoiler based speculation but the spoiler is still there. The supernatural aspect of S5 rearranges things and views on people, reals and even entities. When they ask me - no idea with what authority I can answer those question as I’m but a fan - whether one will live more or they will both die or even if they will grow old etc the reality lies on a very simple truth. 
Most fans envision of Deckerstar and the series finale is based to what we know not what S5 introduces us to. New episodes mean new information and new facts to take into consideration. Above all? Lucifer as a series is not a regular show that abides to human rules meaning time, life, death and procreation. It goes beyond that and that is why we can rarely speculate about where it leads us as that damn Lightbringer shines too bright for any of us to see clearly where that path leads us.
Finally, I would like to add an observation from 5x09 but without bts. In one bts we saw that Lauren had certain marks but none noticed the deathly pale make up. 5x09 does not support Chloe’s death as you know but Deckerstar moving forward with also a romantic scene on location at Grand Park of L.A. So why should we so worried about?
Nothing really aside from the fact that Chloe was probably wrong as was Lucifer. Past and Present seem to be merged and new realizations arise thus giving our leads an equal footing but the consequences have most probably hit Chloe at the beginning of 5x09 not in a bad way necessarily yet enough for the whole mess of Dan, Charlie, Lucifer and Chloe to bring forward God’s appearance in 5x10 for some answers to be finally given as new problems once again plague the main storyline of the series. Nothing drastic ever brings forward only good or evil. Sometimes it makes you Fall, sometimes it makes you Rise Sometimes both happen and sometimes, sometimes everything is reinstated to the preconceived era of everything.
Spoiler Alert indeed…
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^That photo is placed chronologically at the time Lesley-Ann posted her stage ‘cave’photo. 
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freddie-moments · 4 years
10 day challenge: Freddie Mercury
Day 10: Everything you want to tell about Freddie
I had to written this in German, my native language and had to translate it with google. Hopefully it fits ;)
I don't know where to start. I've always been a fan of anyone / anything in my life. In the beginning it was Mickey Mouse, then Disney films, later boy groups and of course films, series and actors. Freddie Mercury died at a time when interesting in music was just starting for me. I am sure that I heard some Queen songs on the radio back then. I know that I got to know We are the champions and We will rock you relatively early, but didn't bother about it. At some point, The Show Must Go On, Who wants to live forever and Don’t stop me now came along. Oh yes, and Another one bites the dust and A Kind of Magic. I think that was pretty much all the songs that I consciously perceived, but which I didn't really know now that they were Queen.
The film Bohemian Rhapsody finally got me involved with the band, but mostly, of course, with Freddie Mercury. And he simply blew me away and presented me with a challenge: I've never been a fan of someone who was already dead. But it is simply unbelievable how much information, pictures and videos there are about Freddie. On the one hand, I'm so happy to be able to watch his concerts online. On the other hand, it also depresses me that I didn't even get the chance to see him live. But it's not just his incredibly good music that fascinates me. No, it's also his entire life story. Such a life as Freddie has led is probably no longer possible today. Be it his legendary parties or the fact that he was able to keep his illness secret until he was ready to tell everyone. To be able to keep something secret from the media today as a celebrity... no way.
Freddie has done everything in his life that he wanted to do. And what else could he have done if his illness hadn't been? How many wonderful songs would he have given us? Would he have an account on Instagram, twitter & co? He would have taken a lot of photos and posted them online, I'm pretty sure of that.
But it doesn't help anything. Freddie, this wonderful person, unfortunately left us much too early. However, his music and the memory of his life remain forever.
Legends don't die.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Biohackers Review: Twisty German Sci-Fi With A Medical Bent
The characters of Biohackers are faced with such mystery in situations that are larger than anything they could’ve imagined, that they play God in their own journey of synthetic science. Big stuff.
This six-part German Netflix series is everything but what you would expect of a European sci-fi thriller. Created by Christian Ditter (of How to Be Single and Love, Rosie), instead of moving from planet to planet in an unbelievable this-will-never-happen flurry, Biohackers is a fast-paced thriller that touches on lust and young relationships, as well as heartbreak and loss, and it’s the better for it. 
The show keeps the topic of modern science at its core, in a way attractive enough to keep even those disinterested with topics of biology engaged. By casting talented, young and diverse actors in the lead roles, Ditter creates a symphony of humour, gripping drama and romance.
Scene one of the first episode opens with a young seem-to-be couple on a train. Suddenly, passengers start to suffer respiratory problems, the numbers increasing more quickly as time goes on. A doctor is called for and a young medical student, Mia (Luna Wedler), offers her help. She tries to defibrillate the unconscious passengers, but her best efforts are not enough.
At first Biohackers looks like it might be a pandemic show – and in fact Netflix even decided to postpone its release date because of the sensitivity around COVID-19. In reality, though, similarities to the real world really aren’t that great – masks and any sign of house-quarantine are absent, but there are nods to racing against time for a vaccine.
Instead Biohackers is more character-centric, immediately flashing back to two weeks before the incident on the train where we find Mia moving into her student apartment and being greeted by three other freshmen. All three of Mia’s new flatmates are clearly eccentric and she is by far the most laid back of the group, right from their very first hello. Mia is at Freiburg University to study Medicine, and her ultimate goal is to get involved in the inside circle of her lecturer, Professor Tanja Lorenz (Jessica Schwarz). Her interest in Lorenz and her work at first seems like just another young student chasing her idol, but as the story unfolds, her true reason for wanting to get close to Lorenz is revealed to be much darker.
Professor Lorenz is an admired, well respected professor at Freiburg University, and the best in her field. Lorenz talks of the future of mankind in her lectures, encouraging her students to learn of the benefits of synthetic biology and new developments. Something in Lorenz’s speech triggers memories of Mia’s brother in hospital. There is a clear connection and we are left to ponder what that might be.
Mia befriends Lorenz’ assistant, Jasper (Adrian Julius Tillmann), as her way into Lorenz’ professional and personal life. As time goes on, she begins a romantic relationship with Jasper, but is driven to his roommate Niklas (Thomas Prenn), who is the boy we see with Mia on the train in the opening scene. The show begins to take a twisted turn that unravels a love triangle, elements of student life, wacky experiments of Mia’s roommates, a professor-student rivalry and the mystery of Mia’s absent family – all the while we are left in the dark as to what that opening scene signified.
Although the show is initially very multi-stranded, and slightly confusing because of a narrative that dives in many directions, with each episode things become narrowed down until we learn how everything is connected.
As storylines become clearer the suspense grows more intense. Perhaps what Biohackers is lacking is real peril, violence or nail-biting drama that would be needed to take it to another level, yet, the story takes an enjoyable and engaging turn into revenge territory, mixed with a final moment of mystery and a cliffhanger that should leave viewers hungry for a season two. The charm of the lead cast is worth watching the show for alone, and if you can be patient with the first two episodes, then you will watch the following four with excitement and ease.
The post Biohackers Review: Twisty German Sci-Fi With A Medical Bent appeared first on Den of Geek.
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
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An HYH Exclusive Interview with Dominic Mainl
[Over the last six seasons, Dominic Mainl has worked in the camera department on Homeland, working to get the shots you see in each episode onto your screens. For our “On the Record with…” series, Dom graciously answered our questions about what the Homeland experience has been like, including how he got started, what it’s like to work with cast and crew, and his most vivid memories. Thank you Dom for answering our questions! –the HYH team]
Hell Yeah Homeland: Your first Homeland episode was “Tin Man Is Down” in season three. How did the German guy become a part of the production?
Dom Mainl: Haha, pure luck? In 1998 I moved from tiny Bad Dürrheim, Germany, to Los Angeles because I wanted to work in Hollywood. I was already in the film industry in Germany and wanted to work with the best of the best and that meant moving to Los Angeles. It took a few years and a lot of hard work to “break into Hollywood” and yet another few years and even harder work to become established, but in the end it all worked out. I worked on the HBO show True Blood and met David Klein, ASC there. I really enjoy working with him and over the years we have become a good team, business partners and most importantly, very good friends. One day my phone rings and Dave said, “Hey man, I’m taking over as the Director of Photography on Homeland. Are you interested? I would love to have you on the crew” …. and I had no idea what Homeland even was! I had never heard of it! I said yes anyway because I love working with Dave and looked up the show online. So on my way out to Charlotte (where we shot season three) I started watching the first season and really, really liked it. So I was hyped about being part of the project after becoming part of the project. 
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HYH: What do you remember from your first day at set? 
DM: Every project, whether it’s film, tv or commercials, I have butterflies in my stomach the night before day one. David Klein says, “if you’re not nervous before day one you are phoning it in,” and he’s right. We love what we do and there are so many things that can go wrong, so even after 20+ years I still get nervous. The first day on Homeland was really easy though because all the actors are sooo unbelievably nice. As a focus puller I am quite immersed in all technical things to make sure nothing goes wrong (especially on day one!), so Homeland was no different from other shows in that respect.
HYH: We know you can’t talk about season eight yet, but looking back at previous seasons, what scenes still stick with you? Why?
DM: This is going to explain a lot about why I love working with Dave Klein: there’s a shot in season three when Brody is brought back to the US and it's the first time Carrie and Brody meet since he was shipped off to Caracas. He’s laying on the bed and the camera is right in his face. Carrie steps into the background and has an emotional monologue directed at the sleeping Brody. Remember that? 
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So, my job as a focus puller is to adjust focus during the shot. And I felt strongly about keeping Damian sharp in the foreground although the #1 star of the show just entered our shot and she was the only person talking! General rule of thumb for focus pullers: make sure the person talking is sharp. If a lot of people talk, make sure the star of the show is sharp... So here I was, new to the show, and breaking all the rules at once. But, to me, it felt so damn powerful to stay on Brody’s face to see his reaction as he slowly wakes to Carrie’s words, until he opens his eyes and (eventually) turns around. So I discussed this with Dave and he brought this idea up with director Lesli Linka Glatter and the producer/creator Alex Gansa and we ended up shooting two versions of this scene, one with the focus shifting to Carrie as she enters the frame and one that stayed with Brody. To Dave's credit he fought for my idea and in the end they used my version. That shows you how amazing it is to work with Dave Klein--you’re truly a part of the team.
HYH: Thinking of some iconic Homeland scenes (pretty much all the scenes which left us heartbroken)--like Brody‘s death scene, Quinn driving into a lethal hail of bullets--how much time did you have to prepare these scenes? How do you in the camera and photography department plan for these scenes? How many times do you shoot them before you got the material we see in the final and aired cut?
DM: Brody’s death was rather emotional for the crew as well because that was the very last shooting day of the season. We were shooting all night in Morocco and we had to bid Damian adieu after we wrapped. It was almost the same with Quinn, although we had a few days of shooting left after we killed off Rupert’s character… But Rupert served the crew champagne after the day ended, still bloodied from the scene, which was very sweet…. plus the bubbly was rather good so I didn’t mind killing him off, haha. As far as preparation for these scenes go, it's the same as for any other shot--for me, anyways. I prepare the gear the same way I would for any other scene as reliability is key. The most important part is that the equipment is functioning flawlessly because, in the end, if the camera doesn’t record what’s in front of it… why are we there?
HYH: Homeland’s main cinematographer is David Klein, and you two have worked together on many episodes over the years. Can you describe the working relationship between the two of you? 
DM: I was asked the same questions a few years ago and I have the same answer: it’s a privilege to work with David Klein because you get to work with him and not just for him. There is a fundamental difference. Of course, he’s the boss and all departmental decisions are his to make but he actively involves the camera operators and the focus pullers in the process and that’s what makes it so much fun! Sure, it really does take a while to establish such a good rapport and a working relationship like ours, because it is 100% built on trust. The example I mentioned [earlier] shows that we have each other’s back and that’s when you can get really creative…
HYH: Speaking of the art of cinematography and photography, how would you describe Homeland’s visual/photographic DNA?
DM: That’s a question for David Klein, haha. Of course I have my 2 cents but that’s not for me to answer…
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HYH: What's your secret about taking the perfect shot?
DM: Generally speaking, preparation. Hard work beats talent unless talent works hard. The perfect shot is when all the elements come together in synchronized harmony. Think of it as choreography - the actors, the frame, focus and camera platform (hand-held, dolly or Steadicam, etc.)… everything that moves, everything needs to be perfectly in sync to achieve what the director or the DP had in mind and there is a lot that can go wrong. But when it all goes right, it seems effortless. What’s my secret? Easy: Don’t fuck it up. Don’t be the one element that blows the shot.
HYH: You’ve traveled with the Homeland production all over the world -- to South Africa, Germany, Morocco, and several locations in the US. Which trip did you enjoy the most and which one was the hardest work? Why?
DM: I really enjoyed Morocco. And I really disliked Morocco. For clarification, I met my wife in Morocco while shooting the finale for season three there and I will always have fond memories of that time. And I disliked season eight in Morocco, because even though my wife had become a member of the crew by then (she is the script supervisor for season eight), shooting there the second time around was unnecessarily complicated and frustrating for reasons I will not go into detail at this point…. but it really wasn’t much fun.
We loved South Africa a lot, too. That was probably one of my favorite seasons. Not necessarily the scripts but the location.
HYH: Compared to other jobs you did before, what’s different about working on Homeland?
DM: After 7 years (well, on and off) of True Blood I was happy I didn’t have to work with vampires and at night anymore. The spy game turned out to be fun and intriguing but you pay the price for getting to see the world. The biggest challenge was the constant shifts in location. One, because we ship a lot of camera gear around the world which adds a ton of work and stress (carnets, inventory, maintenance, etc.). Two, it’s really hard to find and keep a good crew around and given we were on the road for six years we had to start over almost everywhere we went and train the team to the workflow that Dave and I have had established. I admit, I am quite demanding and finding a crew that could do the job to my expectations in all those locations was not easy. But we ended up making some life-long friends… and probably a handful of enemies too, haha.
HYH: From what we were able to follow on social media, we got the impression that filming season eight has been a long and tough journey, much harder than previous seasons. Is there anything you can share about the reasons why?
DM: Well, if you go into Africa expecting you can shoot an American TV schedule with an international crew within the same time frame and on the same budget... you have to be crazy! But there isn't just one party to blame for the exhausting Moroccan portion of season eight but rather a combination of unfortunate misunderstandings paired with inexperience and a healthy dose of negligence. As they say, “everything that could go wrong, did.”
HYH: Was there ever a scene for which you had just one take to get it right? Which one?
DM: Let’s just say there is going to be an explosion in season eight and we only had one try at it. And we nailed it.
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HYH: For the tech nerds among us, what's your favorite camera and objective and which scene you shot with it comes to your mind?
DM: Hands down, the ARRI Alexa Mini. Homeland is a predominantly handheld show in order to keep the tensions high while (subconsciously) keeping the audience always on the edge of [their] seat. If the cameras are handheld the image constantly moves. You can even see/feel the breathing of the camera operators. The Alexa Mini is lightweight yet robust and the sensor is the best money can buy. We used ARRI Master Primes for added sharpness for seasons five, six, seven, and eight, but sprinkled in a few Zeiss Supreme Primes this year to take off a little bit of weight. We also like to use Canon Cinema Zooms for their high quality.
HYH: Butter bei die Fische (Now’s the time for straight talk), why is Homeland still filmed in HD?
DM: Because Showtime wants it that way. I would’ve loved to shoot 4K or with a different aspect ratio or utilize a different sensor size but the people at the helm want to keep it “the way it was.”
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HYH: Homeland’s eighth and final season is wrapping up and now airing. How does it feel that the show is coming to an end soon?
DM: It’s bittersweet. I have had some of the best and some of the worst moments of my career on the set of Homeland and I know I will miss it down the road but right now I’m happy that Carrie finally gets to…. Never mind, can’t tell you that, haha. I know I’ll miss it but we’re just exhausted right now.
HYH: What other projects are you working on after Homeland? Any plans yet?
DM: Vacation. No more jobs in 2019 and hopefully a good movie with a good script in 2020. I think after six years of spy TV I want to take a break from the small screen, if possible.
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swissmissficrecs · 5 years
Other people’s favorites 2018 - Long fics
As I was assembling everyone's picks for their favorites from 2018 that didn't end up on  my own Best of 2018 list, the post was getting longer and longer so I decided to split it between long fics (over 10K) and short ones. I also had to disqualify some that were mentioned as they actually completed posting prior to 2018 or were in another fandom. Sorry if it wasn't clear, this was only for Sherlock Holmes fics. All of these are BBC verse. I hope this helps you discover something amazing!
A Hundred Crimson Sols by elldotsee (55K, E, Johnlock) Will Holmes is a chemical researcher recognized widely for his contributions to the new Mars exploration program. Thanks to his ground-breaking developments, the IMMC (International Mars Mission Corporation) is one step closer to Martian colonization. Will and his team of scientists are headed out on the first of three manned missions before the first group of settlers arrive. Three days before launch, one of the crew has to be replaced. Will panics because...new people. The replacement is of course one John Watson, biomedical engineer and space hottie who was pretty sure he had retired from actual space exploration and was now content to work in the nice, quiet research lab.
A Walk in the Woods by Ginger_Cat (16K, E, Johnlock) After a series of traumatic events, John has left London in self-imposed isolation. Permanently. There is, of course, one man who might succeed in bringing him home.
All We Do Is Fall by vitruvianwatson (16K, T, Johnlock) There's obviously a very good reason for Sherlock to take over John's bed in the middle of the night. It's absolutely not just because Sherlock is a drama queen, no siree, not at all.
Beauty from Ashes by BakerTumblings (209K, M, Johnlock) John Watson, MD, is a freelance Medical Coordinator, who has been hired by British Government leader Mycroft Holmes to work miracles on behalf of his brother, who is suffering from terrible sequelae of addiction, failure to thrive, and unsuccessful rehab stints. Cue the headstrong encounters!
Chaperones by MissDavis (34K, T, Johnlock) Right. Of course. Everyone assumed they were a couple and no one would question it. John put his elbows up on the table so he could rest his head in his hands. "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie's class and you won't have to share a room with a stranger?"  "Exactly." Sherlock beamed at him. "Don't worry about the cost. The Birmingham case last month paid more than enough to cover expenses for all three of us."
Enigma by khorazir (289K, M, Johnlock) It’s the autumn of 1941, war is raging in Europe, German U-boats are raiding Allied convoys in the Atlantic, the Luftwaffe is bombing English cities, and the cryptographers at Bletchley Park are working feverishly to decode their enemies' encrypted communications. One should consider this challenge and distraction enough for capricious codebreaker Sherlock Holmes. But the true enigmas are yet waiting to be deciphered: an unbreakable code, a strange murder, and the arrival of Surgeon Captain John H. Watson of the Royal Navy.
Extricate - An Ex Files Special by 7PercentSolution (231K, E, Viclock) When Sherlock met Victor, and what happened next. A backstory that explains why caring truly may not be an advantage. This follows ACD canon and ignores BBC season 4, allowing the two of them to meet while at University.
Fragile by Tor_Raptor (160K, T, Gen) Sherlock gets sick, not 'he'll recover in a few days' sick, but hospitalised for a long time sick. His friends are all there to help him, but he is Sherlock, he doesn't want or need their help.
Give It Welcome by Glenmore (13K, T, Johnlock) Rosie Watson is commissioned to write a story about memories of her favourite gifts.
Heart's Desire by 88thParallel (20K, G, Johnlock, Jolto) Reeling after a tragic loss, John Watson is surprised when he finds love again. After a lifetime of illness, Sherlock Holmes finally feels his heart truly beat for another. But as they move toward something more serious, an unbelievable truth is revealed that threatens to break both their hearts for good.
Hello You by weeesi (20K, T, Johnlock) John kind of can’t believe he’s doing this and kind of can’t imagine doing anything else. He dips his head, heart pounding.
Hiraeth by BiancaAparo (281K, M, Johnlock, Warstan, Mollstrade, Sherlock/OFC) Sherlock scowled, “This is the thanks I receive for coming to fetch you.” “I never asked you to come get me!” Violet shouted as he slammed the bedroom door...
Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Me by elldotsee (26K, M, Johnlock) Nothing to theorize here- Sherlock jumped, and all The Queen's horses might not be able to put him together again. Sherlock was gravely injured when he hit the pavement. John is by his side, but things are a bit not good for both of them.
Licence to Kiss by fellshish (13K, T, Johnlock) Sherlock loves John, and John loves... James Bond. He only made Sherlock watch every single film. Tedious. And now John's birthday is coming up. Sherlock can't tell him how he feels, but he can organise an amazing gift: John's very own spy adventure. Sherlock begs Mycroft for a real case with some extra gadgets. And perhaps some actors pretending to be criminals. What could possibly go wrong?
Rewind by All_I_need (87K, E, Johnlock and Warstan) About a month before John's wedding, he and Sherlock embark on one last case together: a murder at a remote hotel in the middle of nowhere. A lot can happen in a week. And a lot doesn't. But what if ...?
Sherlock Holmes, undercover lover by fellshish (51K, E, Johnlock) When the celebrity bachelor on a dating show begins receiving death threats, Sherlock goes undercover as a contestant to try and solve the puzzle before it's too late. Problem: he doesn't know how to seduce people. Who better than John 'three continents' Watson to provide seduction tips? It's not gay if you're helping out a friend.
Signs Following by Vulgarweed (24K, E, Johnlock) 1976. Bone Fiddle-verse; Appalachian AU. A couple years into their relationship, John and Sherlock are cozily setting up for spring with Mrs. Hudson's expert guidance when a distraught young woman appeals to them for help and sends them on one of their strangest cases yet - in order to solve one murder and prevent another, they must tangle with a sinister preacher and enter the much-sensationalized, little-understood world of Pentecostal Holiness believers who strictly observe Mark 16: 17-18.
The Darkness Within, So Close by shiplocks_of_love (42K, T, Gen) Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller deal with a new string of murders in Broadchurch. Help comes from an unlikely place as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson travel to West Dorset. But when the new crimes open old wounds and unearth the ghost of Moriarty, it becomes clear the game is not over yet.
The Dead Detective by DiscordantWords (47K, M, Johnlock) John Watson has spent the last three years of his life simply going through the motions. A chance encounter with a man claiming to be a stranded spy changes everything.
The Real Great Perfumers by shelleysprometheus (45K, E, Johnlock) The case, this case. This extraordinary, fascinating, scintillating case. A house. Designed entirely by its eccentric owner, built by no less than five hundred expert tradesmen in the heart of Marrakesh. A house that had, seemingly not only driven its owner out, but also to his quite unpleasant death. And a perfumer, a chemist no less, the very thought of the secrets that house could reveal, would reveal was irresistible. Sherlock had to have this case ... and it seems, he also had to have John!
The Subscription by delightful_fear (25K, E, Johnlock) John is back in the UK, but he's stuck in a bit of a rut. Some friends get him a subscription to add some excitement back into his life...
whiskies neat by Ellipsical (20K, E, Johnlock) Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
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