#germany 2007 friday
umseb · 8 months
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formula renault 3.5 driver sebastian vettel in the paddock on qualifying day, nürburg, germany - may 4, 2007 📷 east news / imago
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youjustwaitsunshine · 10 months
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Very Long 2010 pre-season Seb Post
Under the cut you will find posts from the sebsite which include:
The RB6 car launch + RB6 specs
Seb's test days in Jerez
Test days in Barcelona (original in german + my english translation)
a short blurb on the name of the car
some pictures
masterpost // pre-season 2010
10 | 02 | 10
2010 Car Launch
Sebastian Vettel | Driver – Car 5
Sebastian Vettel’s first foray into Formula One saw him fined for speeding in the pitlane during the first ten seconds of his debut. It’s fair to say he hasn’t slowed down much since.
Fame and fortune hasn’t made any discernable impact on Seb (“What fortune?” he asks, bewildered). He still gives his cars girl’s names, argues that there are more exciting things in life than driving Formula One cars (but not many) and is proud of being taller than Rubens Barrichello. He loathes being referred as ‘the new Schumacher,’ and so is relieved to see his Race of Champions team-mate returning to F1.
Born 3 July 1987 in the town of Heppenheim, Germany, Sebastian enjoyed a successful career in karting before making an immediate impression the moment he came into open-wheel racing. Starting the 2003 season aged 15, he won five of 19 races in his debut Formula BMW year, finishing second in the German Championship. The next year he took the title, winning 18 of the 20 races (he finished on the podium in the other two but doesn’t like to talk about them).
It marked Vettel as one to watch and he duly tested F1 cars for Williams and BMW-Sauber, while moving up through the junior ranks, impressing in Formula 3 and the World Series by Renault. Vettel’s chance in F1 came when he replaced Robert Kubica as BMW-Sauber’s third driver in the second half of the 2006 season. In addition to incurring the Stewards’ wrath, Vettel’s debut during Friday practice for the Turkish Grand Prix also saw him finish the day top of the timesheets.
While the performance on track was impressive, everyone was equally knocked out by the confidence and effervescence with which the teenage Seb dealt with the garage and Paddock. The authority with which he spoke and the evident self-deprecating wit stood him out as much as the blistering pace.
Sebastian finally got his chance to race a year later, standing in for the injured Kubica at the United States Grand Prix. Still only 19, he qualified seventh and finished eighth, becoming the youngest man to score a Championship point. Later in the 2007 season he moved to a permanent seat at Scuderia Toro Rosso. He made a lasting impression on future team-mate Mark Webber (and the rear of his car) during the monsoon-hit Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji before bouncing back a week later to secure fourth place at an equally waterlogged Chinese Grand Prix.
Confirmed for 2008, Vettel didn’t have the best start to his first full season and crashed out of the first four races, mostly as a result of being dragged into other drivers’ accidents. Fortunately the crash-magnet curse was soon lifted and Vettel scored points at Monaco, Montreal, Hockenheim, Valencia, Spa, Singapore, Fuji and Interlagos – though the only race anyone properly remembers is the Italian Grand Prix at Monza.
On the back of a strong fifth place in Belgium, Vettel and Scuderia Toro Rosso went to Italy in good form. Torrential rain over the weekend failed to dampen their pace and Vettel duly became, first, the youngest driver to take pole position in Formula One history, and then the youngest race winner, having utterly dominated the race in which a rudder may have been of more use than a steering wheel.
Elevated to the senior Red Bull team for 2009, Vettel won his second, and Red Bull Racing’s first, victory at the third race of the year. He followed it with a string of podium and solid points-scoring finishes and established himself as a firm championship contender with a second, commanding victory in the British Grand Prix. He finished the season strongly with further victories in Japan and Abu Dhabi that, together with four other podium finishes, took him to second place in the Drivers’ Championship.
Definitely a follower of the ‘second is first of the losers’ philosophy, Sebastian has loftier ambitions for 2010. He lists his lifetime ambitions as winning the Formula One World Championship and beating Kimi Räikkönen at badminton.
Chassis: Composite monocoque structure, designed and built in-house, carrying the Renault V8 engine as fully stressed member
Transmission: Seven-speed gearbox, longitudinally mounted with hydraulic system for power shift and clutch operation. AP Racing clutch
Wheels: OZ Racing, Front: 12.0in x 13in diam., Rear: 13.7in x 13in diam.
Tyres: Bridgestone
Suspension: Front: Aluminium alloy uprights, carbon-composite double wishbone with springs and anti-roll bar, Multimatic dampers
Rear: Aluminium alloy uprights, carbon-composite double wishbone with springs and anti-roll bar, Multimatic dampers
Brakes: Brembo calipers, Brembo carbon discs and pads
Electronics: FIA (MESL) standard control unit
Fuel: Total Group
Renault Engine RS27 – 2010
Number of cylinders: 8
Capacity: 2400cc
Max rpm: 18,000rpm
Number of valves: 32
Vee angle: 90 degrees
Power output: Not disclosed
Engine construction: Cylinder block in cast aluminium
Engine management: FIA (MESL) standard control unit TAG310B
Oil: Total Group
Weight: FIA minimum weight of 95kg
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important: the picture on the left is - on the sebsite - called 'sebi-vettel'
10 | 02 | 10
Sebastian and the RB6
It was windy, it was cold - rain was just a matter of time. Sebastian‘s face was nearly covered by his Beanie cap, but despite the dark clouds he was in really good mood. The reason why? It was the moment when his new car was unveiled. Sebastian laughs: „Finally we are back on the track - the winter break was far too long."
Sebastian stands in front of his car and proudly he gives a short version explanation: „We were lucky to have the best of all cars during the second half of the season. That means we had a very good base right from the beginning, so we just had to develop the car. In contrast some of the opponents had to develop completely new designed cars."
The only real new part: „I got a new seat, it‘s like having a new chair. Beside that in general all the more than thousand parts of a Formula One car have been optimised. "I have a feeling I can reach my target"… So far I have not made a decision regarding the car‘s name. So ideas are welcomed.More next Friday: Today and tomorrow my team mate Mark will do the shake down and the first laps.
On Friday it will be my turn and so on Friday evening I will able to give you further information, about how the RB6´s handling qualities.
Jerez Test
12 | 02 | 10
JEREZ TEST – Day Three
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 59
Best time: 1.21.783
Circuit length: 4.423 km
Fastest lap: J. Alguersuari – 1:19.919
Sebastian Vettel drove Red Bull Racing’s 2010 championship challenger, the RB6, for the first time today, as he took over from Mark Webber on day three of the current four-day test in Jerez.
After an initial run on dry tyres, Sebastian was forced to use intermediate and extremes for the rest of the day as wet weather set in from 0945hrs. The team’s plan was to focus on aero-testing, but progress was hampered by deteriorating weather. By 1615hrs, conditions were so wet on track that Red Bull Racing, in line with the other Formula One teams testing in Jerez, decided to end the session early. Despite the weather, the car ran without any problems today.
Sebastian Vettel commented; “After three months, it was good to come back and drive the car – it felt okay and we didn’t have any big issues. Obviously the weather is not ideal for us to find out more about the car, but we knew the rain was coming so we didn’t mess around this morning and went straight out to do some laps. It then rained all day, but you could face these conditions in a grand prix, so it’s important to do laps in the wet. Overall, we didn’t do enough because of the weather, but I’m pretty happy.”
Sebastian will be driving the RB6 again tomorrow for the last day of this current preseason F1 test at the Jerez Circuit.
2010 Rider on the Storm
Sebastian Vettel | Driver – Car 5
"You can't influence the weather, we have seen that today. After a three month break, I was finally able to sit in the car today and it was good fun, I am still able to drive and the car feels good. This morning I did some (a few) laps in the dry the car went well straight away, but then it started raining and I had to park the car for some time in the garage. For sure it's a shame that it wasn't dry all day but also its possible to have rain in a race and so you have to learn to keep up with diffrent weather conditions. At the moment its still very difficult to give an idea of where everybody stands due to the new rules and the big tanks. The teams are driving with diffrent fuel levels and this also keeps changing. I hope it continues raining over night so that nothing is left for tomorrow and I can speed though all day, but as I said we have to see as we can't tell mother nature what to do..."
13 | 02 | 10
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 90
Best time: 1.21.203
Circuit length: 4.423 km
Fastest lap: L. Hamilton – 1.19.583
Sebastian Vettel was at the wheel of Red Bull Racing’s RB6 today for the final day of the current Jerez test. It was his second day of testing, as Mark Webber had driven on days one and two.
The team’s plan was to focus on set-up work and aero testing, although the weather once again played a part and damp conditions in the morning meant Sebastian began the day on intermediate tyres.
Conditions dried by lunchtime, but a fuel pump failure in the afternoon cost the team around three hours of dry running time. Sebastian ended the day with a final long run on dry tyres.
At the end of the RB6’s first test, Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering said: “It’s been a productive first week with the RB6, despite the weather and lack of dry conditions. We’re pleased with the car overall, it’s showing a lot of promise.” The next test will take place at the Jerez Circuit, starting on Wednesday 17 February.
Barcelona Test
26 | 02 | 10
Barcelona Test - Tag 2 (english version below)
Sebastian Vettel | Fahrer – RB6-01
Auto: RB6-01
Runden: 125
Bestzeit: 1.21,258 Min.
Streckenlänge: 4,655 km
Tagesschnellster: N. Hülkenberg (1.20,614 Min.)
Das Team fuhr seine zweite Rennwochenend-Simulation, und am Ende des Tages hatte Sebastian 125 Runden zurückgelegt.
Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, sagte: „Heute erlebten wir in etwa eine Wiederholung der Renn-Simulation, die Mark gestern gefahren war. Alles lief mehr oder weniger nach Plan. Erneut stoppten wir das Auto während der Renn-Simulation. Dabei handelte es sich um eine Vorsichtsmaßnahme, um einige Dinge kontrollieren zu können. Es ging um ein kleines Problem, und wir konnten schon wenig später weiterfahren. Sebastian konnte die Simulation vor Ende des Testtages in voller Länge beenden. Wir drehten viele Runden und sind recht happy, was das Auto angeht."
Sebastian Vettel meinte: „Das war ein guter Tag - größere Probleme traten nicht auf. Im Verlauf des Nachmittags mussten wir wegen einer Kleinigkeit unterbrechen, aber bei Testfahrten ist das ziemlich normal. Während der Tests will man keine Schäden riskieren. Aus diesem Grund ist es am besten, das Auto abzustellen, sobald es im Hintergrund Alarmsignale gibt. Weil es in Jerez oft regnete, haben wir an den beiden kommenden Tagen noch viel Arbeit vor uns. Beispielsweise müssen wir mehr über die Reifen herausfinden und einige Abstimmungsarbeiten erledigen."
Sebastian Vettel wird morgen erneut zum Einsatz kommen, bevor Mark das Cockpit am Sonntag, dem letzten Testtag, wieder übernehmen wird.
Barcelona Test - Day 2
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 125
Best time: 1.21.285
Circuit length: 4.655 km
Fastest lap: N. Hülkenberg – 1:20.614
The team drove its second race simulation, and at the end of the day Sebastian had completed 125 laps.
Ian Morgen, Head of Race Engineering said; “Today we experienced about a repeat of the race simulation that Mark drove yesterday. Everything went more or less according to plan. We again stopped the car during the simulation. This was a safety measure to control a few things. It was a small problem and we could continue soon after. Sebastian could finish the race simulation in full length before end of the test day. We ran many laps and are quite happy about the car.”
Sebastian Vettel said: “This was a good day – no large problems showed up. During the course of the afternoon we had to take a break due to a small thing, but that’s pretty normal with testing drives. On test days you don’t want to risk damage. For that reason it’s best to stop the car once there’s alarms in the background. Because it rained a lot in Jerez, we have a lot of work to do in the coming few days. For example we have to find out more about the tires and do a bit of coordination work.”
Sebastian Vettel will take the wheel again tomorrow before passing it back again to Mark on Sunday, the last test day.
Barcelona Test - Tag 3 (english below)
Sebastian Vettel | Fahrer – RB6-02
Auto: RB6-02
Runden: 44
Bestzeit: 1.23,123 Min.
Streckenlänge: 4,655 km
Tagesschnellster: N. Rosberg (1.20,686 km)
Sebastian Vettel absolvierte in Barcelona beim letzten Test vor Saisonbeginn seinen zweiten Testtag. Der Tag wurde durch Regen beeinträchtigt. Morgens wurden wegen eines Mix aus Regenschauern und technischen Problemen nur wenige Runden gefahren. Der Nachmittag erwies sich als wertvoller, denn das Team arbeitete an der Abstimmung für das erste Rennen der Saison in Bahrain. Seine Bestzeit erreichte Sebastian während seiner letzten Runde des Tages. Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, sagte: „Nach den nächtlichen Umbauarbeiten mit Blick auf das für heute geplante Programm waren wir morgens wegen einiger technischer Probleme spät dran. Nachdem wir nachmittags richtig zum Fahren kamen, gelangen uns drei, vier Tests bezüglich der Abstimmungsrichtung für das Rennen in Bahrain. Sie brachten uns klare Resultate. Entsprechend beendeten wir den Tag in deutlich besserer Form." Am morgigen letzten Testtag werden sich Sebastian und Mark Webber das Auto teilen.
Barcelona Test - Day 3
Driver: Sebastian Vettel
Car: RB6 – 01
Laps: 44
Best time: 1:23.123
Circuit length: 4.655 km
Fastest lap: N. Rosberg – 1:20.686
Sebastian Vettel finished his second test day in Barcelona at the last test before the start of the season. The day was affected by rain. In the morning only few laps were run due to a mix of rain showers and technical problems. The afternoon showed to be more useful because the team worked on the race setup for the first race of the season in Bahrain. Sebastian reached his best time during the last lap of the day. Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering said; “After the nightly work in view of the program planned for the day we were late due to a few technical problems in the morning. After we got to driving in the afternoon, we managed to do three, four setup tests for the race in Bahrain. Those brought us clear results. Accordingly we finished the day in much better form.“ Tomorrow, on the last test day, Sebastian and Mark Webber will be sharing the car.
28 | 02 | 10
Barcelona Test - Tag 4 (english below)
Sebastian Vettel | Fahrer – RB6-02
Eigentlich wären meine Tests am Samstag abgeschlossen gewesen, aber durch die schlechten Wetterverhältnisse bin ich nicht auf meine gewünschten Kilometer gekommen.
Deswegen haben wir uns darauf geeinigt, dass ich am Sonntagvormittag nochmal ins Auto steige.
Am Freitag haben wir eine Rennsimulation gemacht, das verlief mehr oder weniger alles nach Plan. Jetzt muessen wir das erste Rennen in Bahrain abwarten, heute in 14 Tagen, wo alle die Hosen runterlassen... Wir müssen bis Bahrain noch etwas an unserem Topspeed arbeiten, aber insgesamt bin ich ganz zufrieden mit meinem Auto. Übrigens: Einen Namen habe ich auch schon, aber den werde ich erst am Montag vor dem GP in Bahrain auf meiner Website bekanntgeben...
Fahrer: Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber
Auto: RB6-02
Runden: 137 (Vettel – 76; Webber – 61)
Bestzeit: Vettel: 1.20,667 Min.
Streckenlänge: 4,655 km
Tagesschnellster: L. Hamilton (1.20,472 Min.)
Nachdem er gestern auf der Piste weniger Zeit als erwartet verbracht hatte, kam Sebastian vormittags zum Einsatz, während Mark unsere Vorbereitungen auf die neue Saison nachmittags beendete. Die beiden Fahrer standen vor ähnlichen Programmen, die das Team erfolgreich bewältigte. Die vorläufig endgültigen Abstimmungen für unterschiedliche Tankfüllungen beim Saisonbeginn wurden gefunden.
Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, sagte: „Weil wir gestern etwas Zeit verloren hatten, konnten wir mit Seb nicht alles abhaken, was wir uns vorgenommen hatten. Aus diesem Grund erledigten wir heute mehr oder weniger das Pensum von eineinhalb Testtagen, weshalb wir auf insgesamt 137 Runden kamen. Das war ein ziemlicher Wirbel, aber wir haben viel geschafft.
Der letzte Test verlief gut für uns. Nach eingeschränkten Testmöglichkeiten auf trockenem Asphalt während der beiden Tests in Jerez, hatten hier die fast komplett trockenen vier Testtage zur Folge, dass wir wieder auf Kurs kamen. Im Verlauf der Woche machten wir große Fortschritte. Das waren sehr gute Testfahrten."
Zwei Wochen trennen uns nun noch vom ersten WM-Lauf der Saison, dem Grand Prix von Bahrain.
Barcelona Test - Day 4
Usually, my Tests would have concluded on Saturday, but due to the bad weather conditions I did not get to the distance I wanted. Because of that we agreed that I’d get back into the car Sunday morning. On Friday we did a race simulation where everything went more or less according to plan. Now we need to wait for the first race in Bahrain, today in two weeks, where everyone will drop their pants… We’ll have to work on our top speed until then, but all in all I’m rather happy with the car. By the way: I have a name already, but I’ll only share that one on my website the Monday before the GP…
Drivers: Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber
Car: RB6-02
Laps: 137 (Vettel – 76; Webber – 61)
Best time: Vettel: 1:20.667
Circuit length: 4,655 km
Fastest lap: L. Hamilton – 1:20.472
After he spent less time on the track than expected, Sebastian was in the car in the morning, while Mark finished our preparations for the new season in the afternoon. Both drivers followed similar programs that the team successfully completed. The provisionally final setups for different tank fillings were found.
Ian Morgan, Head of Race Engineering, said; ”Because we lost some time yesterday, we couldn’t finish everything we set out to do with Seb. For that reason we went over more or less one and a half test days worth of work, which got us to 137 laps. That was a lot of turmoil but we managed to do a lot.
The last test went well for us. After limited testing opportunities on dry track during the tests in Jerez, the almost fully dry four days of testing here let us get back on course. During the course of the week we took great steps. These were very good test drives.”
Two weeks still separate us from the first World Championship race, the Bahrain GP.
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05 | 03 | 10
In diesem Jahr nenne ich sie Luscious Liz
Einige von Ihnen wissen vermutlich schon, dass ich meinen Formel 1-Rennwagen Namen gebe.
In der vorigen Saison fuhr ich zwei Autos, die ich auf die Namen Kate und Kates dirty Sister taufte.
In diesem Jahr nenne ich sie Luscious Liz!
This year I’m calling her Luscious Liz
A few of you probably already know that I give names to my F1 cars. In the last season I drove two cars who I christened Kate and Kates dirty Sister.
This year I’m calling her Luscious Liz!
back to the masterpost
the pre-season in general
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NIGHTWISH Singer And SABATON Drummer Welcome Their Second Child
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NIGHTWISH singer Floor Jansen and SABATON drummer Hannes Van Dahl have welcomed their second child, a daughter named Lucy.
Jansen and Van Dahl already have a six-year-old daughter named Freja, who was born on March 15, 2017.
The Dutch-born vocalist revealed the news in a social media post earlier today (Friday, October 20). She shared a photo of her, Hannes, Freja and Lucy holding hands, and she wrote: "There she is! With great happiness we can announce the birth of our second daughter Lucy! Big sister Freja is delighted with our dark haired little girl too!
"Health is not a given fact, and so it's humbling to report that both our baby girl as mom are in a great one! We are enjoying these special moments to the fullest and ask for understanding of our privacy in this intimate time! Big thanks for all the love and support we received during the pregnancy! We have now welcomed our dear Lucy into this beautiful world".
Shortly before Freja was born, Hannes was asked by Spain's Metal Journal whether his family situation would have an impact on his ability to tour with SABATON. Hannes said: "Well, you know, as far as I'm concerned, nothing will really change, 'cause this is what I do, an this is… this is what I do to make a living. People have had kids before in this business. So, to stop any worries — 'cause I know a lot of people are worried [about me] quitting the band — I will stay in the band. And as far as I can say, when it's time, I need to go and be there with my family. But when I've done that, I'm going back to touring. So I won't leave. I will be there."
Jansen herself had spoken about the challenges of raising a child while being in a touring band like NIGHTWISH. She told Finland's Radio Rock in 2016: "Of course, it's a very challenging combination, and I was very happy that the way [NIGHTWISH is] today — or, actually, have always been — it's a very open group; we can talk about things. And the guys, actually, were curious. A few months ago, we started talking about it, like, 'So, 2017… How about kids? Yeah?' So it's great to think about things together: how can we combine it? Also 'cause my partner is in a successful band, touring a lot. Yeah, then you need the cooperation of the people that you are family with also. So I am not afraid that won't work. It will be a challenge, for sure, but, yeah, a little SABATON or NIGHTWISH daycare program sounds lovely, doesn't it? [Laughs]"
Jansen also dismissed rumors that she would leave the band after welcoming her first child. She told Mariskal Rock TV: "No, I won't [quit NIGHTWISH]. I love this way too much; don't worry. You don't even have negative speculations one way or another. Things are great, and let's keep on doing this forever."
NIGHTWISH played its last concert before its current break from touring on June 17 at Lemonsoft Stadion in Vaasa.
In November 2022, Floor revealed that she was "cancer free" after undergoing surgery to have a tumor removed following a breast cancer diagnosis.
In April, NIGHTWISH surprised fans by announcing that the band was not going to be playing any live shows for the foreseeable future and would be not be touring in support of the group's next studio album, which is tentatively due in 2024.
Floor's debut solo album "Paragon", arrived in March.
As part of NIGHTWISH, Jansen has landed two number one albums in Finland, and Top Five albums in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Born in the Netherlands, Jansen joined her first band, one of the world's first symphonic metal bands, AFTER FOREVER, when she was only 16 years old. The group went on to release five albums from 2000 to 2007, before they broke up in 2009.
Jansen's next band, REVAMP, released two albums in 2010 and 2013, before she joined NIGHTWISH as a full-time member. NIGHTWISH's first album with Jansen as the lead singer was 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", which landed in Top 10s around the world. This was followed by 2020's "Human. :II: Nature." , which was also an international success.
Jansen has toured extensively with the band and appeared on three of NIGHTWISH's live albums "Showtime, Storytime", "Vehicle Of Spirit" and "Decades: Live In Buenos Aires".
In 2019, Jansen participated in the popular Dutch TV show "Beste Zangers" where she scored a big hit with "Phantom Of The Opera" together with Henk Poort. She was recognized with a Dutch Popprijs award — a prestigious accolade for artists that has made important contributions to Dutch music. In the same year, her first solo tour sold out in less than 24 hours.
Jansen performed live with NIGHTWISH for the first time on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington following the abrupt departure of the band's lead singer of five years, Anette Olzon. Jansen officially joined NIGHTWISH in 2013.
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a-silent-symphony · 2 years
NIGHTWISH's FLOOR JANSEN To Release New Solo Single 'Invincible' This Friday
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Floor Jansen, best known as the lead vocalist of the Finnish symphonic metal band NIGHTWISH, will release a new solo single, "Invincible", on Friday, January 13. She says: "This song tackles a sensitive and important subject."
"Invincible" is the fourth single from Floor's upcoming debut solo album, "Paragon", which will arrive on March 24. The LP showcases the Dutch-born singer's impressive vocal range and powerful voice on a diverse collection of pop-infused tracks and emotional ballads influenced by the sounds of her career.
"Paragon" includes the following tracks:
01. My Paragon 02. Daydream 03. Invincible 04. Hope 05. Come Full Circle 06. Storm 07. Me Without You 08. The Calm 09. Armoured Wings 10. Fire
Jansen said: "To renew yourself and take leaps into the unknown makes you grow. To age is a gift not everyone gets. I am a fortunate woman who got to make an album I never knew I could make. One that even defines me, where I am on my path. I have reached my PARAGON! I am so proud of this work! And grateful for all the amazing people in this beautiful life that helped me get here!"
With its mix of influences and powerful vocal performances, "Paragon" is an album that will appeal to fans of pop music and metal alike. It's the perfect addition to any music collection, and a must-have for fans of Floor Jansen and NIGHTWISH.
"Paragon" will be released digitally and physically on CD, vinyl, and a limited-edition deluxe box set. The album will be available on all major streaming platforms and at music retailers worldwide.
Following the release, Jansen will embark on a tour of The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria in April and May of 2023.
Floor has already released three singles from "Paragon": "Me Without You", "Storm" and "Fire".
As part of NIGHTWISH, Jansen has landed two number one albums in Finland, and Top Five albums in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Born in the Netherlands, Jansen joined her first band, one of the world's first symphonic metal bands, AFTER FOREVER, when she was only 16 years old. The group went on to release five albums from 2000 to 2007, before they broke up in 2009.
Jansen's next band, REVAMP, released two albums in 2010 and 2013, before she joined NIGHTWISH as a full-time member. NIGHTWISH's first album with Jansen as the lead singer was 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", which landed in Top 10s around the world. This was followed by 2020's "Human. :II: Nature." , which was also an international success.
Jansen has toured extensively with the band and appeared on three of NIGHTWISH's live albums "Showtime, Storytime", "Vehicle Of Spirit" and "Decades: Live In Buenos Aires".
In 2019, Jansen participated in the popular Dutch TV show "Beste Zangers" where she scored a big hit with "Phantom Of The Opera" together with Henk Poort. She was recognized with a Dutch Popprijs award — a prestigious accolade for artists that has made important contributions to Dutch music. In the same year, her first solo tour sold out in less than 24 hours.
Jansen performed live with NIGHTWISH for the first time on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington following the abrupt departure of the band's lead singer of five years, Anette Olzon. Jansen officially joined NIGHTWISH in 2013.
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sloggervlogger · 1 year
Silverback Gorilla Making Sure Ozala And Her Mum Behave Gorilla females Ozala and Biddy look like they have some kind of issue with each other and a closer look at Ozala does make you wonder if she might be pregnant? An extra clip today of Ozala and Biddy on the new mixed video Friday. (more info about posting schedules in the community post https://www.youtube.com/@SloggerVlogger/community) Gorilla Ozala seems to have had some issues with her Mother all day. When Ozala comes up to Biddy, the grey lady still feels the tension. She gets up, walks past her daughter and lets her know she's not easily intimidated. Doesn't Biddy look just amazing? Biddy still keeps her eye on Ozala. Ozala moves in the other direction. I know some of you mention it before and ask if Ozala could be pregnant. I didn't think so as the staff told me she's on birth control, but that doesn't mean it's always effective. Looking at her now, I'm wondering myself. It is always difficult to tell, as Gorillas have bigger bellies because they have larger intestines than omnivores or carnivores in order to digest the high volume of fibrous vegetation that they eat everyday. It is probably just wishful thinking and the imagination is running wild on that thought..... Lope, Shufai and a baby brother or sister ....... chaos would be a sure thing lol. It would be nice to have a baby in the family, but they really haven't got the space at the moment and I think Lope would have to be moved quite quickly. So it would be a bittersweet situation, but anyway like I said it's probably just wishful thinking. I think Oumbi was feeling the tension between the two females and he came and sat in the middle of the two. Biddy walked off and some close-up of Ozala enjoying her food. The current gorilla family at Twycross consists of 6 members, which are Oumbi, Ozala, Biddy, Asante, Lope and Shufai Oumbi ( 30 June 1992) Sons : Okanda 17 Apr 2011 born at Twycross Zoo, Hand raised and now at München Hellabrunn Germany. ( Videos of the family in Munich: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXC1aShJSBiViApL3h3GqE3i1nmX62v5t) Lope ( 3rd Jan 2013) and Shufai (24th Sep 2016) were both born at Twycross Zoo in England and they are still at the Zoo. Ozala (19 Mar 1994), had four sons and one daughter. Ozala's first mate was Ti. Ozala and Ti had Matadi on the 25th of May 2003 at Twycross Zoo. Then they had their daughter Ndoki on the 3rd of May 2007, but she sadly died on the 29th Aug 2007, unknown cause. Matadi is at the Antwerp Zoo in Belgium with his mate Mayani and they had a baby girl called Thandie. ( Don't miss the footage from Antwerp on this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXC1aShJSBiWoP6Dq9WJ9iSyKrLU2C89_) Matadi had another baby girl in June 2020 this time with Mambele and she's called Vizazi. Ti died in 26 Feb 2007, the cause of it was a stroke. Oumbi got moved to Twycross Zoo in 2009 to mate with the females. Ozala was Oumbi chosen mate. Asante (6th Jun 1985) is Ozalas half-sister. She hasn’t got any offspring. Biddy is Ozala's Mum as she was born in the wild in 1973, there is no record of siblings or parents. Her offspring are Mambie and Ozala. Don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell for more! #SloggerVlogger #Gorillas #SloggerVloggerGorillas Travel, Days out and Zoo hyperlapse YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/WatchAndSubTravel My merch shop links with worldwide delivery: Biggest collection of T-shirts, stickers, apparel, homeware and much more rawshutterbug Redbubble https://ift.tt/wrldhys #AD #RedbubbleAmbassador Customizable T-shirts, stickers, apparel, homeware and much more Gorillas rawshutterbug Zazzle: https://ift.tt/kDtL9ZA Amazon USA Store https://ift.tt/5ZYrElb #Ad #AmazonAssociate Amazon other countries through my website @ https://ift.tt/5E1dbj9 Some links above and in the video are affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission on final purchases with zero additional cost to you. Thank you for your visit and for supporting this channel. SloggerVlogger
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odinsson2021 · 2 years
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Thank you for Listening!!
Here's the Playlist:
Stormwitch-Rondo ala Turca-Eye of the Storm-1989-(Hot Blood Records)
Illi Noize-Stand all together-Get Ready-1990-(BMG Music)
Boycott-The Edge (Heavy Cargo)-Red-1992-(Sony Music)
Bon Jovi-Livin' on a Prayer-Slippery when wet-1986-(PolyGram Records)
Gary Moore-Friday on my Mind-Wild Frontier-1987-(10 Records)
Balance-In for the Count-In for the Count-1982-(CBS Records)
Journey-Seperate ways(World’s Apart)-Frontiers-1983-(Columbia Records)
Czakan-Free Line-Unreal-14.04.2023-(Pride&Joy Music)
Guns n’ Roses-Paradise City-Appetite for Destruction-1987-(Geffen Records)
Cinderella-Bad Seamstress Blues/Fallin’ Apart at the Seams-1988-(PolyGram Records)
Warrant-Cherry Pie-Cherry Pie-1990-(CBS Records)
Van Halen-Don't tell me (What Love can do)-Balance-1995-(Warner Bros. Records)
Whitesnake-Still of the Night-1987-1987-(EMI Records)
Evil Invaders-Die for me-Shattering Reflection-01.04.2023-(Napalm Records)
Metallica-For whom the Bell tolls-Ride the Lightning-1984-(Vertigo Records)
Annihilator-Allison Hell-Alice in Hell-1989-(Roadrunner Records)
Metalheads Germany Band-I am the war
Accept-Metal Heart-Metal Heart-1985-(RCA Records)
Manowar-Hail to England-Hail to England-1984-(Roadrunner Records)
Ad Infinitum-From the Ashes-Chapter III/Downfall-31.03.2023-(Napalm Records)
Saxon-Crusader-Crusader-1984-(Carrere Records)
Savatage-Edge of Thorns-Edge of Thorns-1993-(Atlantic Records)
W.A.S.P.-Heaven’s hung in Black-Dominator-2007-(Demolition Records)
Helloween-A Tale that wasn’t right-Keeper of the Seven Keys Pt. 1-1987-(Noise Records)
Blind Guardian-Mr. Sandman (Single)-1996-(Virgin Records)
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mariacallous · 2 years
The jailed Belarusian human rights activist Ales Bialiatski, the Russian human rights organisation Memorial and the Ukrainian human rights organisation Center for Civil Liberties have won the 2022 Nobel peace prize, in an award the committee said was to honour champions of “peaceful coexistence” during the most tumultuous period in Europe since the second world war.
“The peace prize laureates represent civil society in their home countries,” said Berit Reiss-Andersen, the chair of the Norwegian Nobel committee. “They have for many years promoted the right to criticise power and protect the fundamental rights of citizens.”
She called on Belarus to release Bialiatski from prison so the veteran activist could attend the award ceremony that will take place on 10 December in Oslo City Hall, when each recipient from the three neighbouring countries will receive 10m Swedish crowns (£804,000).
The committee’s decision will be widely seen as a strong rebuke to Vladimir Putin, who turned 70 on Friday, but Reiss-Andersen said the award was not meant to address the Russian president, a strong ally of the authoritarian Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko.
“This prize is not addressing President Putin, not for his birthday, or in any other sense – except that his government, as the government in Belarus, is representing an authoritarian government that is suppressing human rights activists,” she said.
The committee said it had chosen the three laureates to honour the champions of “human rights, democracy and peaceful coexistence” in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.
Bialiatski, the head of the Belarus rights group Viasna, was detained last July as part of a sweeping crackdown on the opposition by Lukashenko after huge anti-government demonstrations.
He is the fourth person to receive the Nobel peace prize while in prison or detention, after Carl von Ossietzky of Germany in 1935, Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar in 1991 and Liu Xiaobo of China in 2010.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the exiled leader of the Belarusian opposition abroad, congratulated Bialiatski, saying the award was “an important recognition for all Belarusians fighting for freedom & democracy”. “All political prisoners must be released without delay,” she tweeted.
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The news was also welcomed in Ukraine, where the Center for Civil Liberties said in a statement it “thanks the international community for their support”, and that the prize was “very important to us”.
The Center for Civil Liberties was established in 2007 and has done extensive work documenting Russian war crimes during the seven month-long conflict in Ukraine.
The third recipient, the Russia Memorial group, was shut down by the Kremlin last year, in what was widely seen as a watershed moment in Putin’s crackdown on independent thought. Memorial was founded in the late 1980s to document political repressions carried out under the Soviet Union, building a database of victims of the Great Terror and gulag camps. At the time of closure, Memorial was the country’s oldest human rights group.
The news that Memorial won the Nobel peace prize came as a court in Moscow was holding a hearing on seizing the group’s assets.
Reiss-Andersen said all three laureates made “an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human rights abuses and the abuse of power”.
Friday’s decision was quickly applauded by human rights activists in the region.
Tanya Lokshina, the Europe and Central Asia associate director at Human Rights Watch, called the decision “a great gesture of solidarity with rights groups besieged by autocrats”.
“Awarding Nobel prize to jailed Belarusian rights defender Ales Bialiatski, Center for Civil Liberties whose team is at the forefront of documenting war crimes in Ukraine, and Russian rights giant Memorial is a great gesture of solidarity with rights groups besieged by autocrats,” she tweeted.
“On Putin’s 70th birthday, the Nobel peace prize is awarded to a Russian human rights group that he shut down, a Ukrainian human rights group that is documenting his war crimes, and a Belarusian human rights activist whom his ally Lukashenko has imprisoned,” tweeted Kenneth Roth, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch.
But there was also criticism in Kyiv on the decision to award the prize to a Belarussian national and the Russian human rights group Memorial, two countries that Ukraine is currently at war with.
“Nobel Committee has an interesting understanding of word ‘peace’ if representatives of two countries that attacked a third one receive,” Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior Ukrainian presidential aide, tweeted.
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Asked whether the bestowing of the prize would “increase the risk for suppression and repression” of groups such as Memorial – and harm activists – Reiss-Andersen said: “This is a dilemma the Nobel committee often faces and it is something we always consider and take into consideration very seriously. But we also have the point of view that the individuals behind these organisations, they have chosen to take a risk and pay a high price and show courage to fight for what they believe in.
“We are of course particularly concerned about Mr Bialiatski, who is detained under very hard conditions in a prison … and we do pray that this prize will not affect him negatively. But we hope it might boost his morale.”
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.26 (after 1945)
1945 – The United Nations Charter is signed by 50 Allied nations in San Francisco, California. 1948 – Cold War: The first supply flights are made in response to the Berlin Blockade. 1948 – William Shockley files the original patent for the grown-junction transistor, the first bipolar junction transistor. 1948 – Shirley Jackson's short story The Lottery is published in The New Yorker magazine. 1952 – The Pan-Malayan Labour Party is founded in Malaya, as a union of statewide labour parties. 1953 – Lavrentiy Beria, head of MVD, is arrested by Nikita Khrushchev and other members of the Politburo. 1955 – The South African Congress Alliance adopts the Freedom Charter at the Congress of the People in Kliptown. 1959 – Swedish boxer Ingemar Johansson becomes world champion of heavy weight boxing, by defeating American Floyd Patterson on technical knockout after two minutes and three seconds in the third round at Yankee Stadium. 1960 – The former British Protectorate of British Somaliland gains its independence as Somaliland. 1960 – Madagascar gains its independence from France. 1963 – Cold War: U.S. President John F. Kennedy gave his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, underlining the support of the United States for democratic West Germany shortly after Soviet-supported East Germany erected the Berlin Wall. 1967 – Karol Wojtyła (later John Paul II) made a cardinal by Pope Paul VI. 1974 – The Universal Product Code is scanned for the first time to sell a package of Wrigley's chewing gum at the Marsh Supermarket in Troy, Ohio. 1975 – Two FBI agents and a member of the American Indian Movement are killed in a shootout on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; Leonard Peltier is later convicted of the murders in a controversial trial. 1977 – Elvis Presley held his final concert in Indianapolis, Indiana at Market Square Arena. 1978 – Air Canada Flight 189, flying to Toronto, overruns the runway and crashes into the Etobicoke Creek ravine. Two of the 107 passengers on board perish. 1981 – Dan-Air Flight 240, flying to East Midlands Airport, crashes in Nailstone, Leicestershire. All three crew members perish. 1988 – The first crash of an Airbus A320 occurs when Air France Flight 296Q crashes at Mulhouse–Habsheim Airfield in Habsheim, France, during an air show, killing three of the 136 people on board. 1991 – Yugoslav Wars: The Yugoslav People's Army begins the Ten-Day War in Slovenia. 1995 – Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani deposes his father Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar, in a bloodless coup d'état. 1997 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the Communications Decency Act violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. 1997 – J. K. Rowling publishes the first of her Harry Potter novel series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in United Kingdom. 2000 – The Human Genome Project announces the completion of a "rough draft" sequence. 2003 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Lawrence v. Texas that sex-based sodomy laws are unconstitutional. 2006 – Mari Alkatiri, the first Prime Minister of East Timor, resigns after weeks of political unrest. 2007 – Pope Benedict XVI reinstates the traditional laws of papal election in which a successful candidate must receive two-thirds of the votes. 2008 – A suicide bomber dressed as an Iraqi policeman detonates an explosive vest, killing 25 people. 2013 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, 5–4, that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional and in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 2015 – Five different terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia, Somalia, Kuwait, and Syria occurred on what was dubbed Bloody Friday by international media. Upwards of 750 people were either killed or injured in these uncoordinated attacks. 2015 – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, 5–4, that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marriage under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
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Film Friday (TW on this post there will be mentions of: Sexual assault,abuse and suicide)
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And for the final day I drew Tyler Perry. He was born on September 13 in 1969. In New Orleans, Louisiana as Emmitt Perry Jr. (He changed his name so he would distance himself from his dad). His childhood was horrible...He suffered through years and years of abuse by his dad, was sexually assaulted by 4 adults at different times during his childhood and he unfortunately attempted to commit suicide TWICE in his teens...He dropped out of High school and moved to Atlanta, Georgia (Thank God) and he later earned GED.After watching Oprah Winfrey and being inspired by her comments on how writing is cathartic, Perry began writing a series of letters to himself which became the foundation of his first ever musical 'I Know I’ve Been Changed' which was first presented on stage in Atlanta,Georgia.In 1992. Spending his life savings of $12,000 to debut his first musical,he was disappointed that only 30 people were in attendance.Tyler continued to work odd jobs while revising the show. After many failed attempts to restage the musical which really exhausted his resources,Tyler became homeless. A small Geo Metro car became his home (and he's 6'5" so there was definitely limited space).In 1998.Tyler tried his play one more time at the House of Blues in Atlanta. In this instance his production was performed in front of a sold-out crowd, forcing it to later move to a larger venue, the acclaimed Fox Theatre in Atlanta.In 2000.He created and performed for the first time a character named Madea, a pistol-packing grandma with gray hair, who became the feature in several of his subsequent plays and movies including 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman', 'Madea’s Family Reunion' and 'Madea Goes to Jail'.Tyler expanded his reach to television in 2007 with the TBS series House of Payne.In October 2012.He entered into an exclusive multi-year partnership with the Oprah Winfrey Network, to bring scripted shows to television. In 2016.Tyler opened the 'Tyler Perry Studios'(TPS) on 330 acres that were formerly the Fort McPherson Army base in Atlanta,Georgia. Tyler Perry Studios afforded the actor, producer, and director the unique capability of housing and maintaining both crew and acting talent for extended periods of time while shooting film and television on multiple state-of-the-art sound stages.In addition to writing Higher is Waiting, a New York Times bestselling book in 2017. Tyler by 2019. had developed seven television series, 17 feature films, 20 stage plays and more than 400 job opportunities for the Atlanta community. He and longtime girlfriend Gelila Bekele, have one son, Aman Tyler Perry, born on November 30 in 2014.
Source :
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wickershells · 8 months
can i talk (see: overshare) about my grandparents for a second. my first granddad (paternal) died when i was around 2 or 3 and i have virtually no memory of him besides what was told to me by others; for example how drunk he got at the news i was a girl and how, when he came in to see me, our flushed cheeks matched. his wife, my grandma, worked as a seamstress for a time before they married and moved temporarily to germany. they were born in 1942 and 1944 — war babies. he had innumerable health problems (including his lungs — from working in the mines as a teen, before his mandatory military service) and one day, he insisted my grandma spend the day with her sister, swore that he was fine, said he was just going to watch tv for a while. when she came back she thought he was napping. later, she would think that he knew, and he didn’t want her to be there when he went, and that this was his final act of love. out of everything wrong, the doctors labelled it heart failure — just like they would 18 or so years later, when she died, too. she was my only grandparent left at the time, and i would visit her every friday after school for lunch. she had this really beautiful house with really beautiful rose wallpaper and deep brown floors. she used to make a sultana fruit loaf, and it was my dad’s favourite dessert, and later when i scrambled together fragments of her recipe to make it myself, he smiled and said it tasted just like hers.
my gran & papa (maternal) died in 2007 and 2009 respectively, both of copd. she had been married to a man before him, an abusive man, and ran from him to be with my papa. she was a bus conductress and he had been the driver. they were pack-a-day smokers for most of their lives. she died on his birthday, december 6th, and i remember pretty vividly my mother telling me not to wish him a happy birthday when we visited; his face was dark and sunken and his hands were on the kitchen counter as he faced the wall. it was the same kitchen his wife would always sneak money or some almond nougat into my hand as i kissed her cheek (apparently, i was her favourite). my mum said he simply stopped trying to live after she died, and soon enough he was in the hospital for the same reasons, dying early morning christmas day. i was in bed with my parents because i couldn’t sleep (restless from excitement) and i woke to what i thought was the sound of my mum laughing. she went to the hospital, kissed him goodbye, then came home to spend time with us. my aunt said that our gran had asked for her husband as a christmas present, and god had given her what she wanted; we buried him in his favourite suit, a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, just like he wanted.
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zannatykhatun · 8 months
In addition to the above-mentioned products that have been on the shelf for
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As an old mature European market, Italy has little presence in the field of mobile Internet. This is partly related to the relatively conservative local entrepreneurial environment and the fact that global products have already occupied the local market. However, Bending Spoons is rarely active in the global market and has good results. This has a lot to do with the life and work background of its founders.
This is a story about three engineering students who teamed up to
start a business in a foreign country.
In 2007, Luca Ferrari was a graduate student in electrical engineering at the University of Padua.
As usual, Luca waited in line to ask  HE Tuber questions on the professor's meeting day. Francesco Patarnello, who was good at sociability, stood in front of Luca. After a while, the two started chatting enthusiastically and became friends.
In 2008, both Luca and Francesco were selected to be exchange students at the Technical University of Denmark...
The first Friday of November every year is J-Day in Denmark. In Danish, Juløl means "Christmas + Beer". J-Day is a drinking and carnival holiday created by the Danes to celebrate the coming of the Christmas season.
On J-Day in 2008, Matteo Danieli, an Italian guy who also went to Denmark to study, met another wave of Danish Polytechnic students when he went to the third bar. Miraculously, one of them was an Italian and he was from the University of Padua. alumnus, Francesco. When fellow villagers meet fellow villagers, they are very enthusiastic. (Francesco is probably a social cow and has connected 3 people)
Sharing accommodation and traveling together, three Italians founded their first company, Evertale, in Copenhagen, and launched Wink, an acquaintance social app for sharing photos among friends! , this app is only available in English and has received investment from Skype investors.
Wink! and Evertale eventually ended in closure, but Evertale's experience allowed the three founders to meet new talents and learn a lot of experience. It was almost a seamless transition. A few people couldn't wait to start over and founded Bending Spoons in Milan. The
focus also shifted from social networking to tools.
Although it is an Italian company, the Italian market is not big, which determines that Bending Spoons needs to develop overseas markets. Naturally, Bending Spoons’ employees are not limited to Italy, but come from many European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and Denmark. This has also made English a necessary working language, and also given Bending Spoons more attributes of an international Internet company.
Bending Spoons has been making toC products from the first day of its establishment, oriented to user needs, but Dagang Technology, which developed "Remini", is different. Compared with product operations, Dagong Technology is obviously stronger in technology.
3. Remini’s “Dad”: an overseas AI technology company
In the author’s opinion, selling “Remini” earlier is not a pity for Dagong Technology.
Because before Dagong Technology tried toC products, it had always had a stable toB business, including customized services such as algorithm customization and video restoration, as well as a SaaS platform. Remini or you and me back then, was more like the application of toB technology on toC products, and did not carry a heavy mission of generating revenue for enterprises.
Source: Dagong Technology official website
The success of "Remini" actually proves the possibility of AI image enhancement technology in the consumer market, helping Daxi Technology to know more clearly where its advantages lie. Therefore, it can also be seen that when image restoration technology can continue to bring income, Dagang Technology began to try a new direction based on AI algorithm capabilities - digital humans.
The author learned that Dayang Technology is trying to develop a digital human project because of the product "Hi3D" they showed at an event before.
In September 2022, Dayang Technology first launched a social app "Metata" based on the then-popular metaverse concept. According to the app description, generating avatar through face scanning, styling and chatting are the three main functions of "Metata" Function.
It is obvious that this App for C-end users is good at technology. First, it has caught up with a wave of "fake craze", and the other is avatar. As a representative of another world, we found that on a social platform with acquaintances, users It is hoped that the avatar will be more like the user himself, or his ideal self, and on a platform directed towards strangers, he hopes the avatar will be more imaginative. Judging from the introduction of the "Metata" App, it is more focused on socializing with strangers (the author can download the App, but cannot open it). The face scanning of Dagang is more technical, but the functions provided do not seem to be aligned with user needs. The App It has not been updated since its launch.
By January 2023, Dayang Technology launched "Hi3D" to make digital people. Although the App was launched on the App Store, judging from their display at the event, they returned to the toB direction where they are better at.
Although it is a toC product, “Hi3D” does not spend effort on attracting users or creating app usage scenarios for users or increasing activity. Instead, it focuses more on demonstrating the manufacturer’s technical capabilities:
1. Generate digital people quickly.
"Hi3D" captures the user's facial image through the front camera of the mobile phone and quickly generates a digital human image. The author created a new digital human 4 times, and the image generation time was basically 3-5 minutes.
However, except for the face, other body parts of the digital human in "Hi3D" are currently in the default state, and the height, shortness, fatness and thinness of the limbs cannot be adjusted.
2. It can restore the image of real people in a super real way (it can cure people's appearance anxiety for many years).
Unlike other toC products that generate digital people through scanning and try to make the characters have "good looks and good figure", the digital people generated by "Hi3D" focus on realism. The front camera of "Hi3D" completely uses Apple's original camera, so the captured face pictures are very clear. Small flaws such as uneven skin color, dark circles, and tear troughs will be magnified. By default, neck lines on the limbs and pores on the arms will be magnified. It's also very obvious.
The system currently provides 5 hairstyles, 6 sets of clothing, 7 expression states, 5 scenes, and 8 postures, movements and dance moves. Overall, the product should still be in a relatively preliminary stage, and there are not enough customization options. However, when the author switches hairstyles, expressions, and postures, and views the digital person from multiple angles, there are rarely any dead spots. Even the small details at the junction of trousers and ankles are handled very realistically.
3. Digital humans can interact.
Users can simply interact with the digital human by tapping on different parts of it, but the digital human’s replies are obviously robotic.
In addition to quickly creating digital people, "Hi3D" also has basic QR code adding friends and in-app chat functions. However, the overall design is relatively basic and lacks highlights. In the author's opinion, it is more like "Hi3D" is a big display The way to learn the technical capabilities of digital people in Gong Technology is made as much like an app as an added section.
At that event, Dagong Technology demonstrated an e-commerce scene in which digital people served as models to display clothing. Past news showed that 70% of the employees of Dagong Technology were in R&D positions. Both in terms of staffing and the digital human beings currently displayed by Dagong Technology Style, toC products will probably just be a convenient attempt at technology consumption scenarios.
The teams of Bending Spoons and Dagong Technology have different genes and are good at different things, which also leads to different development directions of the companies. As for "Remini", as the joint effort of the two companies, it can be considered very lucky to have met the right "parents" at the right time.
Author: Zhao Siyao; Editor: Yin Guanxiao; Produced by: White Whale Going to Sea Editorial Department
Source public account: Beluga Going Overseas (ID: baijingAPP), a pan-Internet outgoing overseas service platform.
This article is published with permission from Renren is a product manager cooperative media. Reprinting without permission is prohibited.
The title picture comes from Unsplash and is based on the CC0 license.
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
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umseb · 8 months
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bmw sauber reserve driver sebastian vettel in the garage on practice day, spain - may 11, 2007 📷 sven simon / imago
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thebugaftermayakovsky · 9 months
1905 - first Russian revolution, Freud's theory of sexuality, Potemkin incident 1912 - Stanislawski's acting method is created. 1914- assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, beginning of World War I. 1915- Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis 1916- Zurich, Cabaret Voltaire 1917 - Bolshevik Revolution 1918 - Assassination of the Tsar and the Romanov family 1922 - March on Rome and coming to power of Mussolini 1929 - Mayakovsky's bug. Prisypkin is frozen as a result of a fire during his wedding. 1930 - Mayakovsky's suicide. 1931- Second Spanish Republic 1932-33- Great famine in Ukraine, Holodomor (famine). Between 3 and 5 million people died. 1933- Hitler comes to power in Germany. 1936- Spanish Civil War. Murder of García Lorca. 1938 - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). 1939 - Invasion of Poland and beginning of World War II. 1940 - Torutra and execution of Vsevolod Meyerhold. 1945 - The US drops two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. 1947 - For the first time, insects are launched into space: In 1947, the United States sends fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) into space aboard a V2 rocket. They were the first animals in space and were part of a series of experiments to study the effects of cosmic rays on living organisms. 1948 - Nakba, and creation of the state of Israel. 1955 - First documenta in Kassel. 1955 - First Israeli raid on Gaza. 1959 - First color TV broadcast 1960 - The contraceptive pill for women is marketed. 1961 - First man launched into space: Yuri Gagarin 1968 - Tlatelolco Tragedy, French May 1969 - Riots at the Stone Wall 1971 - Commercialization of the first Intel 4004 microchip. Abandonment of the gold standard by Richard Nixon. 1975 - Thrilla in Manilla, Muhammad Ali faces Joe Frazier. 1978 - The Russian-Afghan war begins. It will end in 1992. 1979 - Prisypkin wakes up. The Clockwise Experiment: This concept was first developed and tested in 1979 in Ellen Langer's "counterclockwise" study, which examined the psychological effects of turning back the clock on the physiological state of an older adult. The research question was, "If we set the mind back twenty years, will the body reflect this change?". 1981- AIDS crisis, Michelangelo Miccolis is born. 1989- Fall of the Berlin Wall. Tiananmen Square, protests and massacre. Francis Fukuyama publishes "The End of History". Creation of the World Wide Web. 1990 - Nelson Mandela is released from prison. 1992 - Maastricht Treaty 1997 - Death of Princess Diana of Wales. 1999 - Putin comes to power in Russia. 2000 - Y2K. Y2K was a computer glitch, or bug, that may have caused problems when dealing with dates after December 31, 1999. 2001 - 9/11 2003- Beyoncé releases "Dangerously in Love". Beyoncé is 21 and already dating Jay Z. 2007 - #metoo 2008 - War in Georgia 2009 - Ru Paul's drag race 2011 - Arab Spring. 11M 2014 - Russia invades Donbas and annexes Crimea. 2016 - Murder of eco-activist Berta Cáceres. 2017 - Hollywood's #metoo 2018 - First Fridays for Climate Greta Thumberg strikes. 2020 - COVID. Murder of George Floyd 2022 - Rihanna's son is born. Russia invades Ukraine and war begins. Decriminalization of sex work in Belgium. The first person who does not die is born. Jan Fabre is found guilty of sexual harassment. Spanish government approves trans law recognizing free gender self-determination. NOW 2030 - The increase in global temperature is irreversible. 2031 - Third Spanish Republic 2032 - There is one person left on facebook 2039- Crypto Crash 2050 - Ecological Collapse 2060- End of Capitalism 3,050 - Days lengthen by 1/30th of a second 10,000 - Extinction of humanity. The water level rises by 5 m in relation to the present.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 11 months
Eric Hananoki at MMFA:
Commentator Ian Smith has shared material denying the Holocaust, defended Nazis as simply “protecting their sovereignty,” said World War II was actually “engineered White genocide facilitated by international usurers,” and attacked Jewish people for being behind “all of these things that are used to control us.” Trump National Doral Miami recently welcomed him as a speaker alongside key Trump officials, including Eric Trump.  As Media Matters previously reported, Trump’s Miami resort hosted the ReAwaken America tour last Friday and Saturday. Among the speakers were Eric and Lara Trump; Trump lawyers Christina Bobb and Alina Habba; former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn; former Trump economic adviser Peter Navarro; longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone; and former senior Trump Defense Department official Kash Patel. 
All of them appeared at an event that also featured Ian Smith, a virulent antisemite. Specifically: 
Smith has posted content denying the Holocaust. 
Smith endorsed Europa: The Last Battle, an antisemitic movie that defends Nazis and portrays Hitler as “only trying to save Germany from the Jews.” 
Smith defended Nazis as only “protecting their sovereignty” from Jewish people.  
Smith alleged that Jewish people are behind “all of these things that are used to control us,” including banking, the media, pornography, and Hollywood. He also said that “everybody that he [Biden] surrounds himself with is Jewish.”
Smith shared a meme stating that “all this woke stuff” is actually “coming from Jews.” 
Smith said of World War II: “Let’s stop pretending that World War I and II were some heroic tales of the Allies saving the world from the boogeyman and call them what they really were - engineered White genocide facilitated by international usurers who needed gut the White world from the inside to keep up their parasitic lifestyle.” He also wrote: “If the good guys won World War 1 and 2, then why is the world being ruled by a bunch of self-appointed Bolshevik organizations like WHO, UN, WEF?” 
Smith responded to a meme about the “enemy” with a symbol used to indicate Jewish people.
In 2007, Smith killed someone while driving drunk. In 2022, he was arrested for driving under the influence again. That charge was dropped and Smith instead pleaded guilty over his “refusal to take a breathalyzer test and careless driving.”  Media Matters documented Smith’s antisemitism prior to the start of the Trump Doral event. The tour still went ahead with his speech, with organizer Clay Clark defending him. He stated: “Our next presenter is a victim of a lot of hit pieces in the last 24 hours. … I called him last night and I said, ‘The media's coming after you.’ I'm super excited to have him on the stage. And the reason why the media comes after this guy is because he unapologetically celebrates what it means to be an American. He loves our country.”
Eric Trump has appeared alongside at least four Hitler-promoting antisemites on the tour. In addition to Smith, they are: 
Jason Dean, who has said that he has “NEVER been able to buy the Hilter/Nazi ‘Official Story’” and praised Adolf Hitler for having a “vision” and wanting “to straighten everything out” but “the bankers got him.”  
Scott McKay, who has said that “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we're trying to take down today.” He’s also claimed Jewish people orchestrated 9/11 and presidential assassinations and said Jewish people torture and eat children. 
Charlie Ward, who has shared posts praising Hitler for supposedly “warning us” about Judaism; claiming that “VIRUSES are Man (JEW) made”; and attacking the alleged Jewish media for supposedly lying about the Holocaust. 
While those three were removed from the tour after Media Matters revealed their antisemitic remarks, Smith will apparently continue his involvement with the Trump-backed tour. 
The Trump Doral National in Miami was home to the far-right conspiracy theorist convention called the ReAwaken America Tour.
It welcomed antisemite Ian Smith to the event.
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a-silent-symphony · 2 years
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NIGHTWISH's Floor Jansen has revealed that she is "cancer free" after recently undergoing surgery to have a tumor removed following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Earlier today (Friday, November 18),Floor took to her social media to write: "Great news! I am cancer free. The surgery took everything cancerous out and it hasn't spread! I'll get local radiation therapy in February to make sure everything stays out.
"I'm getting my energy back after the surgery and feel a huge relief to know it was successful! I'm not back to a 100% but I have no doubt the shows will give me the power push I need to rock with all of you on the upcoming European tour.
"Thank you for your amazing support and well wishes".
Jansen revealed her diagnosis last month. At the time, she wrote: "A letter to you, Life comes in waves, with ups and downs. I have had the joy of riding many highs, and I have shared these with you through social media and the many many shows worldwide throughout the many years of my career.
"But now a new wave hit me. Not a good one. I have breast cancer. It was diagnosed a little over 2 weeks ago and I will have surgery tomorrow to remove the tumor. My prognosis is very good!!! It seems to be a non-aggressive cancer, which seems to not have spread. I will keep my breast. And I will be cancer free after this surgery, plus a local radiation treatment that will take place three months after this surgery, hopefully. We will know more after the surgery to see if this positive prognosis stands.
"The word cancer is a shocker. All that you found important in life before this diagnosis changes radically within minutes. Now I just want to be healthy again. I want to see my daughter grow into a woman; I want to live! And the scariest part of this diagnosis is that I thought I was healthy! I didn't feel the cancer, I didn't know it was there until I, as a 40+ woman, went to a standard mammogram checkup. Something many countries offer, for free even for the lucky ones. Had I not gone there, the tumor would have gone undetected. In a year from now this could have grown much bigger. The thought of that makes me share this story with you. A mammogram is lifesaving! It's uncomfortable and you might think that you won't have something in your breasts anyway but GO! And for the men reading this: remind your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister to go and get checked. Even without the luxury I as a western woman experience with free mammogram checkups: GO! Luckily, there are many organizations that offer information about self-detection if you do not have access or funds for a mammogram. If I might inspire you to take good care of yourself, then something good will come out of this cancer diagnosis.
"If all goes as planned, I will be up and running in time for the European tour with NIGHTWISH, that will start on the 20th of November! And I am optimistic since my prognosis is good!
"I promise to take good care of myself.
"I will be off the grid for a while to focus on myself."
Jansen made her live debut as the frontwoman of NIGHTWISH on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington following the abrupt departure of the band's lead singer of five years, Anette Olzon. Jansen officially joined NIGHTWISH in 2013.
As part of NIGHTWISH, Jansen landed two number one albums in Finland, and Top Five albums in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Born in the Netherlands, Jansen joined her first band, one of the world's first symphonic metal bands, AFTER FOREVER, when she was only 16 years old. The group went on to release five albums from 2000 to 2007, before they broke up in 2009.
Jansen's next band, REVAMP, released two albums in 2010 and 2013, before she joined NIGHTWISH as a full-time member. NIGHTWISH's first album with Jansen as the lead singer was 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", which landed in Top 10s around the world. This was followed by 2020's "Human. :II: Nature." , which was also an international success.
Jansen has toured extensively with the band and appeared on three of NIGHTWISH's live albums "Showtime, Storytime", "Vehicle Of Spirit" and "Decades: Live In Buenos Aires".
In 2019, Jansen participated in the popular Dutch TV show "Beste Zangers" where she scored a big hit with "Phantom Of The Opera" together with Henk Poort. She was recognized with a Dutch Popprijs award — a prestigious accolade for artists that has made important contributions to Dutch music. In the same year, her first solo tour sold out in less than 24 hours.
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parkerbombshell · 1 year
From Whispers To Screams - 2007-part 3 // Y ahora qué?
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Thursdays 11:00am-1pm EST bombshellradio.com #indierock #classicrock #alternativerock #artrock Repeats Fridays 3am EST 1 Cold Shoulder - Kevin Ayers 2 And Then He Kissed Me - Asobi Seksu 3 This Is The Life - Amy MacDonald 4 Little Favours - KT Tunstall 5 The Magic Position - Patrick Wolf 6 No Cars Go - Arcade Fire 7 Spring And By Summer Fall - Blonde Redhead 8 Fiery Crash - Andrew Bird 9 My Rights Versus Yours - The New Pornographers 10 L’univers és una festa - Antònia Font  11 Temps o rellotge - Sanjosex 12 Lark - Au Revoir Simone 13 Caravan girl - Goldfrapp 14 1.000 People - Blackfield 15 Into The Fire - Lana Lane 16 Guitar - Prince 17 Let It Die - Foo Fighters 18 The Angry Mob - Kaiser Chiefs 19 Impossibly Germany - Wilco 20 Tranquilize - The Killers 21 Mama Cuchara - Manu Chao 22 A Martyr For My Love For You - The White Stripes 23 Tonight The Streets Are Ours - Richard Hawley 24 Aly, Walk With Me - The Raveonettes 25 Mer du Japon - Air 26 Who's Gonna Find Me - The Coral 27 Melody Day - Caribou 28 In Your Back - Keren Ann 29 One Week Last Summer - Joni Mitchell 30 One Two Three Four - Feist 31 Y Ahora Que? - Manu Chao     Read the full article
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