#get off my blgo damn
We’d like to begin addressing this thread:
We apologize for this post being so long but there is just...so much here.
@thetwistedrope response:
“ Anonymous When your "joking with friends" ends with a transwoman in pain and bullied and in tears, an abuse victim having massive anxiety attacks, and another innocent commentator being *bullied into deleting their blgo and then gaslight off the server as a scapegoat, it's gone too far.  Honestly, it would have been better if you and your friends realized you guys went way too far and stopped trying to double down and just admit you went too far and made amends.
None of you can read for shit, I s2g. The screencap of me being “envious” is a completely separate conversation. “
We would like to address that the Anon seems to be referring to a litany of events rather then listing them in chronological order.  We’d like to add that they are making a good point, but would have benefited their position by being chronological.
We‘d like to point out Devo begins with an insult, ironically she and her friends are the ones who have reading issues.  We’d like to mention that the anon is entirely correct.  The events are going to far.
“My part in the situation with Princess Triangle was not bullying. Full stop. “
We’d like to point out that telling a transwoman her fears are “unrealistic”, and she is making excuses, is wrong, but in this mod’s opinion, borders on bullying, and is in fact transphobic.  You told a transwoman her fears aren’t real so she has no excuse to not out herself, stand up and be put in a position of danger as she felt she was in.
“I never told PT to out themself. I mean, they already said that they were out as a trans woman, so how tf you can make someone who is already out, out themself again is a complete mystery to me. “
We’d like to mention, you were among the people telling her to sacrifice her support systems to stand up and “rock the boat” (as she put it).  Something she was terrified of and didn’t want to be the only person standing up and end up the object of ridicule.  Princess Triangle’s position was one of fear of being left alone and the possibility of being ousted, not from “”comfort”” but from a place she felt she was accepted in and she didn’t want to risk that for a fight not really hers.  We’d like to remind you, Devo and her friends, alleviated her of that fear by making it a reality.  For the record “PT” said she was visibly trans.  Princess Triangle stated they felt like they wouldn’t be safe and they would compromise what safety they had in the group.  We’d like to state that whether or not the group would have become hostile is irrelevant to the point that she felt like her life was in danger, and Devo and co. told her to risk it anyways. To her present mind, Pricness Triangle made it clear she feared reprisals, she feared danger, she lived in that fear, irregardless of validity, so for her, it was real, and she was still being told to sacrifice herself.  To those reading, this should be taken seriously, it is this mods opinion, her following statements and thoughts were in line with this thinking and fear.
“Repeat: All you fuckers are reading inaccurate, edited screen caps in regards to the PT incident. “
We’d like you to prove that the 200+ screengrabs are “edited” and “faked” since you want to now conveniently claim it.  We’d also like to mention that Devo’s friends have tried four different defenses to try and escape responsibility and accountability for what they did.  We’d like to discount this baseless claim.  They are quite genuine.  We’d like to add Devo just doesn’t want to admit her own words are against her own defense of innocence.  The screencaps are accurate, and speak for themselves.  The reality is not pretty.
You have had plenty of time to post the “correct” screencaps.  If these were truly wrong, why haven’t you?  (oh yes, of course, smarmy did and they were the same ones we had posted)  Of course, Smarmy using them to refute things probably doesn’t help your case.
“And I’m sorry, but shezep acting like it was okay to state, quite literally, that we were calling PT a nazi is, frankly, asinine and too far.“
We bring you back to reading comprehension.  We’d like to correct Devo’s staggering inability to read, out of convenience, again, Shezep said you and your friends liken everyone who fails to follow your empty moral leftist platitudes are labeled something horrible like a nazis.  Shezep was making a comment about how toxic the left-wing is, how someone must be an evil person because they do not conform to your left-wing ideals.  A point they are absolutely correct on.  We’d like to state that Shezep did not deserve to be shouted down, shit-talked and ridiculed when they left.  Isn’t Shezep trans also?  We do believe that is two transpeople Devo and co. have bullied, not a very good look for those who ‘champion the downtrodden, discriminated, and totally support LGBTQ+ people...as long as they obey and repeat the correct thoughts and opinions.
“Again, I wouldn’t have handled it that way, but it’s not my server. I’m sorry (except I’m not), but I have no remorse for calling PT out on their complacency. “
We’d like to express our surprise that “feeling unsafe and like my life is in danger” is now “complacency”.  Transpeople need support, they need their support systems, and as Shezep correctly states here, trans people are subject to discrimination.  Princess Triangle was unwilling to be put in a position to be discriminated against and you weren’t pleased.  We’d like to express our utter shock that her status as a transperson, something the social justice kemetics have stated before is very important (‘listen to transpeople when they tell you their experience because they know it better then you do.’ we paraphrased) An important point Devo and co. conveniently abandon when a transperson doesn’t agree with them.
“Us white folks who are able to stand up should stand up.“
We’d like to ask, are you then saying that you did tell PT to out themselves and be put in danger? 
“It hasn’t stopped any of you for coming after me because y’all think I’m not doing enough. Does that make you all transphobic? “
Considering we are correct and haven’t expressed positions such as “listen to trans and poc people when they tell you about their experiences, don’t argue with them, just agree”, toting it as extremely important...No.  We are calling out your hypocrisy, when you violate the important positions and moral tenets you espouse to being of import, only to throw them aside like used tissues when they no longer serve you because you can’t use it to brow-beat someone else.  We’d like to remind you, you have no place telling a transwoman to expose herself to discrimination and danger to serve your crusade. 
“Maybe you should look in the mirror before you toss more bricks at my head. “
We would, but the ample heaps of hypocritical trash you and friends hurl into the mirror, seem to have broken it.
“You can get as mad as you want about how other people talked to PT. Some people went a bit far, yes.“
We must express our utter shock at this statement.  Maybe instead of trying to sweep your wrong-doing under the rug you should call ourselves out and lecture each other over why what you did was wrong instead of inventing hollow defenses to try and deflect blame.  We’d like to state we are just holding you to your own moral standards you and your friends constantly spew.  You seem to not meet the requirements you have set.  We’d suggest you stop defending yourselves and stop the mental gymnastics.
“But at the end of the day, you can’t keep acting as if I can magically control what everyone else does or says. “
We’d like to say, no, but they do listen to you and respect your opinion and would fall back and lay off if you told them to.
“And you shouldn’t keep acting like me telling a white trans woman to consider standing up and pushing back in places where its safe to do so is somehow transphobic.“
We’d like to remind you, you participated in beating down a transwoman, told her, her fears aren’t realistic and don’t really matter.  She expressed she didn’t feel safe and that really should have ended the discussion right there.  You went too far, you know you went to far and you got caught.
“And if it is, you all owe many of us an apology for doing the same goddamn thing to us. I can’t tell you how many times ppl get mad because I’m not out there “fighting the good fight” enough. trans status be damned. “
Considering you tell everyone else they have NO EXCUSE not to ever go out and “fight the good fight”, you’re a hypocrite.  You don’t go out and fight the good fight, what gives you the right to demand others do the same when you refuse to? 
“Esp because you’re reading edited screencaps. “
We’d like to ask...Does it comfort you to pretend the screengrabs are faked and edited?  They are, as we stated, legitimate.  Claiming over and over they are edited and fake does not change the reality that they aren’t. You look like a massive transphobic hypocrite.  And you are, the only shame here should be yours.  We would also like to ask, what proof do you have the images were altered?  There is over 200 of them and that is a staggering amount of evidence to edit.
We would address smarmy’s contribution to the post but we will leave that for our cohort if they desire.  This mod sees nothing of substance in the addition that merits response.
We will move on to @heofspeckledplumage contribution.
“I remind everyone that the screenshots posted by Kemetic callouts from the public are being posted by two mods with a well-documented dislike of both Smarm and Devo. Honestly, that seems to be the main point of the blog is to throw accusations at Smarm and Devo until something sticks. “
We’d like to congratulate you on your own inability to read.  For the record, they all stick.  Have you even read our mission statement?  Your shimmering ignorance astounds us, it’s right there on the blog, it requires minimum effort to look, but that is probably too much for you to muster.  To alleviate your smooth lobes of the strain, we’ve linked it for you, here.  We do hope you will be able to understand all the confusing words.
“KCFTP is not a neutral, bias-free entity. They have everything to gain and little to lose by framing the situation on the server as they prefer and by editing screenshots because they post under pseudonyms. There is no connection that anyone is able to draw between them posting there and their Tumblr accounts, and thus no accountability for anything they see on the KCFTP blog. “
We’d like to address that we aren’t, our “bias” is calling out what we see as wrong.  Your friends are very loud, and they say alot of stupid things we need to address and dismantle.  We have alot to do, and they are the ones who say the most hypocritical and rather foolish sentiments, so we call it out.  We’d like to mention the KC blog is anything but impartial and is also run by the same loudmouthed jesters.
We’d like to mention, why should we be held accountable when none of you are either?  You don’t police each other when you’re out of line, so it is rather hypocritical of you to pull the victim card and pretend you are sunshine and gumdrops.  The point of this blog is to correct the community the social justice kemetics have ravaged and pillaged to the point that it has become a toxic and horrible place.  We’d like to point out people leave the community because of the social justice kemetics and not the others you scapegoat.
“It takes about two seconds of thinking before one realizes that this is so they can stir the pot and say whatever baseless things they wish to and enjoy zero repercussions on their main blogs. “
We must say that is beautiful sophistry.  We are astounded you are a mind reader and can accurately report on our thoughts and feelings, what an amazing power.
We’d like to state nothing we’ve said is baseless, the proof is there, it’s easy to spot, but continue to shove your head in your ass and pretend it’s a dream.  We’d like to state, we never see you address your friends wrong-doing, you never step up and tell them when they go too far.  We have to guess you feel they are in the right.  Bullying transpeople, scapegoating someone at random on the server to blame for the screengrabs, labeling everyone a bigot and racist when they disagree, sending suicide anons to people.  You must be complicit in such thinking that these things are ok. 
“They are cowards and everything they say should be viewed through the lens of people who will stop at nothing to twist words to their own advantage. “
We’d like to say, you are confused again.  We understand the kool-aid is very disorienting, let us clarify: We don’t need to twist anything, that would be you and your friends.  Stop yelling at the strawmen, you’re scaring them.
The advantage is already ours because we don’t lie, we tell you the naked truth and why we disagree with your positions, opinions, and how your bullying isn’t just.
With the number of times you and your comrades have twisted other peoples words to your advantage--to the point where you have created entirely false statements, it is the height of arrogance and hypocrisy to accuse us of doing the same. At least we use your own words against you, instead of lies we made up.
“Stop hounding Devo and Smarm. You all need some hobbies. For all some of you talk about piety to the gods you could surely add some shrine time if you did that instead of trying to make Smarm and Devo responsible for everything the Kemetic community does.Quite frankly, y'all need to stop.“
We find this statement hilarious.  We have ample hobbies and shrine time, thank you for your concern.  The ones who need to stop are”y’all” not us.  “Y’all” have chased so many good people out of this community and made it so unsafe this blog became necessary to try and stem the tide of toxic waste you all vomit into the community.  We must say, for all the moral tantrums and hollow posturing you and your friends do, you do little else for this community.  All you people do is demand everyone be a far leftist, if they don’t you all squeal “BIGOT!!!” like a paniced pig.  You preach morality and commit nothing towards it but armchair activism of the vapidly myopic kind.  We’re sick of it.
You are quite right, Devo and smarm are responsible...They caused the rifts in the community.  They chased people away.  They began the drama with their social justice crusades and demands of kow towing to the groupthink.  They turned the community into an unwelcoming place.  And you helped them.
What was that you said earlier about accountability?  You seem to be ok with dismissing any and all accountability when addressed to Devo and smarm, but you want us to be accountable.  How hypocritical of you.  Clearly you need to spend more time in shrine contemplating Ma’at and treating people well, but wait, none of you really do that do you.  We’d like to tell you to close your mouth and try to really take a hard look at your friends antics. 
The hostility they have reduced the community to. 
We’d like you to spend less time being an apologist for these abusive schoolyard bullies, and more time seriously considering Ma’at.
You all act like moralizing puritanical inquisitors hunting for heretics to crucify, and that’s exactly what you do. 
You vilify good people who love the gods, and when an actual racist bigot sauntered into our community...you were all pretty quiet.  We found that very interesting. 
For all the posts and comments declaring how you loathe nazis and bigots and racists, when a real one showed up you lot barely spoke on it other then “just block kay?”
Then you continue on demeaning and denigrating everyone but them. 
You’re a hypocrite and nothing any of you say should ever be listened to.
The evidence piles up, speckled, and your friends weigh heavy on that scale against them.  Before you spread more lies about us (which is against ma’at we believe), sit down and consider if all the people chased away, all the people bullied out of the community, inventing fake racist gods to worship, claiming the Netjeru aren’t really that important to the religion, seeking to escape repercussions by spreading lies, brow-beating people down, corrupting others, and harassing others until they delete their blogs, consider if their actions...are just.  We did, and we viewed it is not so.  So sit.  The. FUCK.  Down!
We care about this religion, this community and we’ve seen the diarrhea you and your friends have excreted on it, turning it into a hostile and unfriendly place.
We are here to make sure, you are all held accountable.  You’re welcome.
--Memphis and Cairo
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thetwistedrope · 6 years
When your "joking with friends" ends with a transwoman in pain and bullied and in tears, an abuse victim having massive anxiety attacks, and another innocent commentator being *bullied into deleting their blgo and then gaslight off the server as a scapegoat, it's gone too far. Honestly, it would have been better if you and your friends realized you guys went way too far and stopped trying to double down and just admit you went too far and made amends.
None of you can read for shit, I s2g. The screencap of me being “envious” is a completely separate conversation. 
My part in the situation with Princess Triangle was not bullying. Full stop. 
I never told PT to out themself. I mean, they already said that they were out as a trans woman, so how tf you can make someone who is already out, out themself again is a complete mystery to me. That being said, I understand that trans people have to technically out themselves several times, because not everyone will know. But that doesn’t change the fact that I never ever said that she needed to out herself in order to make change happen. 
All I told PT was that it bothered me that they seemed to realize that there are problems in the organizations they participate in, and yet that they seemingly do nothing about it. And that if it were me, I’d be trying to improve things by saying something. That’s quite literally it. 
I never knew that in order to stand up or say something, it meant you absolutely had to out yourself. Wow. I must be doing this wrong. 
PT said plenty of things that were not-cool, but you all are reading edited screen caps, so I don’t expect you to realize that. 
Repeat: All you fuckers are reading inaccurate, edited screen caps in regards to the PT incident. 
And I’m sorry, but shezep acting like it was okay to state, quite literally, that we were calling PT a nazi is, frankly, asinine and too far. They needed to step down if that’s how they were going to handle delicate matters. He was given more of a chance than I would have given him, and instead of being reflective and changing their behaviour, he’s opted to just. Not. That’s not my problem. At all. 
I can’t comment on the commentator because I had very little to do with that. I’m not a moderator on this server. I only have so much sway and energy to meddle in moderation affairs. The issue with ibises (the person that got booted, afaict), is frankly, out of my hands and shouldn’t be attributed to me as far as I’m concerned. Again, I wouldn’t have handled it that way, but it’s not my server. 
I’m sorry (except I’m not), but I have no remorse for calling PT out on their complacency. The fact that they are trans means fuckall to me, as a fellow trans person. Us white folks who are able to stand up should stand up. WW notoriously hide behind their whiteness and use it as an excuse not to do anything. There is no reason that even us white trans people can not stand up and help fight back against oppression when we see it. 
And lmao. You don’t have to out yourself to do that. Fucking morons. 
Like. It hasn’t stopped any of you for coming after me because y’all think I’m not doing enough. Does that make you all transphobic? Maybe you should look in the mirror before you toss more bricks at my head. 
You can get as mad as you want about how other people talked to PT. Some people went a bit far, yes. But at the end of the day, you can’t keep acting as if I can magically control what everyone else does or says. 
And you shouldn’t keep acting like me telling a white trans woman to consider standing up and pushing back in places where its safe to do so is somehow transphobic. Sorry. it’s not. One trans person to another, it’s not. 
And if it is, you all owe many of us an apology for doing the same goddamn thing to us. I can’t tell you how many times ppl get mad because I’m not out there “fighting the good fight” enough. trans status be damned. 
Frankly, all of the people joining in on this should be ashamed as far as I’m concerned. You’re taking a very real issue, which is transphobia, and conflating it with something that is, honestly, an intersectionality issue at best. Its no wonder ppl don’t take us seriously when this is the kind of bullshit that people pull. 
Further, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Esp because you’re reading edited screencaps. 
Have a #blessed day, anon. 
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rusig · 11 years
sorry! I didn't want to delete and leave people wondering. I'm gone now though! So sorry.
I wasn't telling you to delete so I am not gonna feel bad. I was telling you to do whatever you want with your blog omf chill out.
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