#get on a flight..vote...get a hotel room... get a passport
southkoreaandjapan · 1 year
Hello Japan
June 28, 2023.
Today was a travel day - but it was a short travel day, relatively speaking with a 2 hour flight to Japan - and just like that we were closer to home.
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Japan is a LOT bigger than South Korea but Seoul with 25 million people is a lot bigger than Tokyo with 12 million. Both of those cities have more people than live in the entire state of Michigan since we have under 10 million. PHEW!!
Take a look at Japan transposed on Michigan. If you were to start in at the Mackinac Bridge and start driving you would be in Mexico before you got to the end of Japan territory. Surprised? So Japan is 51% bigger in land mass that Michigan but they has 144 MILLION more people that Michigan.
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The first day we were here we just moved into our hotel in downtown Tokyo and had a lovely dinner to get to know our new guide, Ken-san. Tokyo feels different than Seoul and is not an vertical.
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It is vertical - don't get me wrong - but there are more old "high rise" buildings of 10 - 15 stories and more old with the new. But this is really just a first impression.
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Day 2 - June 29, 2023
Today we visited a Suma Wrestling facility. This is NOT a sport that I would EVER seek out - but now that I know more - I have to confess, I am kind of interested. - although NOT even close enough to attend an event. NO EVEN CLOSE!!! We spent an hour with Bungonishiki while he showed us some of his exercises.
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He is retired and now trying to keep the sport alive working with youth. He was willing to help us understand this ancient sport. He was a very nice man.
The average match is 7 second - FYI! The wrestlers live in a dorm like setting and eat an enormous amount of calories every day while training several hours.
The top 70 wrestlers earn an very good living and the top make a VERY good living - I'm talking FOUR million dollars a year.
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We watched a couple of videos of matches including one with a guy who weighed 600 lbs and I am still trying to figure out how to "UNSEE" that. OMG!!! Later we went to see a Sumo ring. Before your match you fling a little salt to honor the gods. Who is the god of Sumo? you ask. No flipping idea.
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This sport is old - it is kinda' like the jousting idiocy for Japan. Each kingdom or shogunate (this might not be the right word) had a bunch of the guys and they would challenge the group from another kingdom./shogunate. Now these guys have sponsors - like McDonalds - and I am not kidding. The grand champion (also not the right word) was sponsored by a Russian yogurt company. The skirt below (again - not the right word ) was the company that sponsored our friend.
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On to lunch... We went to this delightful place where we had to remove our shoes - VERY COMMON PRACTICE - and then each of us had a little cast iron pot filled with broth, vegetable and chicken., called "nabe." or "hot pot." The flame will last long enough to cook everything in the pot. I thought the process was pretty cool and the food was delicious. Our little group of 11 were in two different rooms.
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Next we took a walk and ended up in a pachinko parlor. I read the book "Pachinko" but I never actually understood what the parlor looked like nor how the game was played. But now I do.
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The book was about WAY more than the Pachinko parlor however and we asked Ken-san about the current treatment of Korean heritage people living in Japan and he said it was much better now than before, I'm not sure what "before" covered but during "before" this people - no matter how many generations of their family had lived in Japan had no nationality. They were not permitted to have employment in high esteemed professions and had no voting or passport rights. A Pachinko parlor - because it is a gambling establishment - was considered "dirty" or "unworthy" (probably not the right word but you get the picture.). The Korean heritage people were permitted to work in Pachinko parlors. And although the gambling and the establishments are "dirty" they are used by everyone regardless of heritage.
We wanted to give it a try so Anson tried it and SURPRISE lost my money.
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It may have had something to do with not having a clue what he was doing - but let's face it the house always wins.
From there we headed to a Bonsai shop. That entire process is remarkable!
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My biggest  surprise was to discover that these trees grow this way "in the wild" on different mountains.  My second surprise was that these tiny and beautiful trees go through the entire season cycle.  For example if you have a bonsai weeping cherry in the spring it will bloom, just like the one in my front yard.  A flowering crabapple will bloom and produce teeny tiny apples.  
Anyway one of the apprentices, who work 6 years, 7 days a week, 12 to 15 hours a day for room, board and training took us on a little tour of the place and showed us some of the techniques used by the gardeners to keep these trees looking beautiful.  
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The apprentice referred many times to “my Master” and it creeped me out.  We got to meet his Master and he signed a book about Bonsai that Shannon and Jim purchased.
We discovered that these trees either flow left or right and owner needs to know that so that it can be placed correctly.  If not - a person can ruin the feng shui of the entire home, business or organization. The tree below flows left.
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It turns out that the gardener actually “freezes” (again - wrong word) the growth.  An example is that tree that is 800 years old.
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See the white wood.  That is dead - but no more of the tree with die provided the caretaker knows what they are doing. Let in it natural habitat the tree would continue to di. These trees are beautiful and very, very pricey.  Not to mention that you better have enough money to hire a gardener to take care of it.  Check out the pic below - clearly they are flowing right. (I'm a quick study!)
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We headed back to the hotel but before we knew it it was time to eat - AGAIN.  This time we took a taxi.
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Ken-san has told me that he feared this particular meal would be a little “wheat -heavy” so he had purchased a lovely salad for me while everyone else enjoyed the “gluten-FULL” meal.  While it all looked good to me - I can say I did love the salad.
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We opted for the subway on the way home and it was a delightful trip - with the exception that many of the stations are not very assessable.  Mark and Jay are both using a cane and have become great buddies scoping out benches together.  They are also both troopers but an escalator or an elevator would be nice.  The subway stations and cars  - like everything here - are immaculate. 
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We have a station right by our hotel - so super easy peasy. See...
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Still loving Tokyo....
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reddeath · 2 years
brothers. it finally happened. after 2 years of efforts. i have finally got a photo ID.
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roserozu22 · 5 years
Chapter 8: Yurio's debut! Second Event: Skate Canada Part 1
Author's note: I'm sorry for the long wait. I've been busy writing other works and I'm trying to develop a schedule, including the extremely annoying writer's block. Please note, I live in the U.K. and since article 13 and 11 had the YES vote from the EU parliament, I'm not sure if I can post the next chapter(s) of all my current works. If I can't thank you all for supporting me and I hope that one day, we'll meet again. A massive thanks to my beta I Will Achieve Vikturi! Also, I've got a new Tumblr account you can find me here: roserozu 22. (just remove the spaces.)
Disclaimer: See the prologue.
Warning: Yurio's swearing towards JJ. Implied smut (I cannot write smut to save my life and I've tried in the past but failed to do so)
A few days after Yuri's pregnancy was revealed it was time for Yurio to pack his suitcase and get ready for his first skating event in Canada.
"Are you okay?" Yuri asked Yurio, while helping the young teenager to pack his suitcase.
"I'm really excited," Yurio replied. "Are you coming too?"
"Of course. I need to show support to my Chīsana tora."
Yurio smiled happily and his eyes swiftly went to Yuri's stomach, where his little sister or brother is growing. "Can you feel the baby kick yet?"
"It's still little, but in a few months' time I may be able to feel it kicking, and when I do you can feel it too."
Unknown to the two, Yuri's Victor was outside eavesdropping on them.
'Yurio, you will be a great big brother!' Victor thought happily. Victor then decided it was time to enter the room.
"My two favourite Yuris are in the same room. My heart can't take it!"A very dramatic Victor exclaimed.
"Old man." Yurio growled at Victor.
"Easy Yurio," Yuri warned the Russian Tiger. "Victor, was there a reason why you came here?"
"Not really," Victor replied, "I just wanted to say hello."
Both Yuris rolled their eyes at Victor's antics and the small family then continued packing.
Later that evening, a family of three was eating a bowl of Solyanka with slices of Darnitsky bread. The family were eating dinner in a comfortable silence until Victor opened his mouth."Do you have an outfit?"
"No," Yurio replied. "I couldn't find an outfit that suited me."
"I may have kept some of my old skating competition costumes from my junior days; there might be something that you like, Yurio."
After Yuri, Victor, and Yurio finished eating, all three then descended into Victor and Yuri's room. Victor swiftly went into their wardrobe and took out a box that said 'Victor's Junior Figure Skating days.'
Victor rapidly opened the box and placed many different costumes on the bed for Yurio to choose from.
"I forgot how many competitions you had entered, Victor." Yuri said, as he helped Yurio to try on the clothes.
After many failed likes from Yurio, there was one that caught his eye, however. "This is the one that I like."
Victor nodded. "Go on, try it on."
Yurio rapidly put on the costume and he couldn't help but admire how it looked on him. The top of the costume is all white, but with a black cross and a black circle around the waist. On the shoulder blades some fake feathers happen to look like wings, sprouting. The trousers of the costume are also white, but with a black swirl coming from the top of the costume.
"It looks lovely on you." Yuri praised. "It does suit your short skate, but have you thought of a costume for your free skate?"
"Thank you, and I haven't but Lilia is sorting out the free skate costume for me." Yurio smiled. "Hey old man, what are you going to wear?"
"I have the perfect costume in mind." Victor said as he went through another box but this time says 'Victor and Yuri's wedding.' Victor then took out a photo of his and Yuri's wedding and pointed to his tux, which was a black three Piece Suit with a white shirt and a handkerchief in one of the pockets and black formal trousers. "The costume is based on our wedding day." Victor explained.
"I thought the song meant sexual passion and desire?" Yurio asked in confusion.
"It does, but it was after the wedding the song came to play." Victor explained while ignoring Yuri's blushing face at the implication of the honeymoon.
"What about the free skate?" Yurio asked.
"Yeah, I haven't seen you practice your routine yet."
"It'll be a surprise, my sweet, beautiful Yuri."
"Well, I can't wait to see it!"
Three weeks later, it was time for Victor, Yuri, Yurio, and Yakov to fly over to Canada for the Grand Prix Final first qualifying round.
"Yurio, did you bring anything with you to play with?" Yuri asked. "Especially it's an eight hour and forty-five minute flight."
"Yep!" Yurio replied. "I got my Nintendo Switch and my phone so I can watch my downloaded movies and T.V. shows and listen to my music. What did you bring with you?"
"I'll be asleep on the plane, due to my anxiety medication…" Yuri was about to finish his reply but was interrupted by Victor.
"... And you are still suffering from morning sickness."
"Victor!" Yuri hissed.
"Yakov, please calm down." Yuri pleaded. "I wanted to come with you all. Please don't be mad."
Yuri seeing that Yakov hasn't calmed down, Yuri gently touched Yakov's arm and gave him a small smile that said 'It's okay, you and the others will look after me.' Yakov sees the trust in Yuri's eyes, and he calms down instantly.
"The flight to Kelowna International Airport is ready to board. All baggage that is unattended will be destroyed."
"This is us. Let us go." Yakov commanded.
Two hours into the flight, Yuri and Yakov both fell asleep while Yuri was unconsciously cradling his stomach where his baby is developing at the same time Victor was watching something on his phone and Yurio was playing on his Nintendo Switch. Until a very pretty flight attendants started to come round with food and drinks.
"Yuri." Victor whispered, as he gently tried to wake him up.
"W...What is it?" Yuri mumbled sleepily.
Victor smiled at Yuri's sleepy cuteness. "Yuri, the flight's attendant is coming around with snacks and drinks."
Hearing that explanation Yuri tried but failed to wake up properly to order his food and drink so Victor took the lead.
"May I have a plain ham sandwich with a packet of crisps. My husband, who has yet to fully wake up, will have the same but without the crisps." Victor ordered knowing that Yuri would only nibble on his food when half-asleep.
"Of course sir, what would you like to drink?" the female flight attendant asked.
"I will have a bottle of Pepsi Max, and for my husband, he will have Honey and Lemon Green Tea if you have that flavour. If not, then he'll have fruit tea."
The flight attendant then gave Victor their orders and swiftly left to take other people's orders.
A few minutes later, though it felt like hours, Yuri finished his snack and drink and promptly went back to sleep.
"Oh, moya lyubov." Victor said softly as gently stroked Yuri's hair, not noticing that Yurio is watching them protectively.
After a long flight Victor, Yuri, Yurio, and Yakov arrived at Kelowna International Airport. However, Victor is seen holding Yuri up by his waist as Yuri is still feeling tired.
"Let's get our bags and get the bus to the Grand Okanagan Resort."Yakov commanded, albeit with gentleness in his eyes.
Yurio and Victor nodded in understanding.
"How long is the drive to the hotel?" Yuri asked, while yawning.
"Roughly, fifteen to seventeen minutes." Victor replied. "Yuri, you can rest once we get to the hotel."
Thirty minutes after going through security and getting their bags it was time for them to go to the hotel via a taxi that was arranged by the ISU (The International Skating Union).
Fifteen to seventeen minutes later they arrived at their destination. The outside of the hotel has a majestic feel to it. As before you enter the hotel, you can see a wooden pathway that takes you all the way through the hotel grounds. On the grounds themselves you have an outdoor pool, and you can see the Okanagan Lake and you can walk to the pier.
"Wow!" Yurio said like he was in a daze as they were walking towards the reception area. If the outside looks majestic, so does the reception area. As behind the reception desk, there's a wall made out of wood, and as for the reception desks they looked like they are made out of marble stone.
"Welcome to Marriott Grand Okanagan Resort." The male receptionist greeted them after entering the reception. "May I see your passports?"
The skaters, the coach and Ballerino showed their passports to the male receptionist. "Okay, Mr. and Mr. Nikiforov, you two will be staying in a deluxe suite with a lovely lake view." The receptionist explained while giving Yuri the suite key. "As for you Mr. Plisetsky and Mr. Yakov, you two will be staying in a two queen guest bedroom with a lake view" The male receptionist said as he gave Yakov the key to the room. "I will get the porter to show you the rooms." As quickly as the male receptionist left to get the porter, the receptionist swiftly came back.
Porter then took the suitcases and entered the lift, while waiting patiently for the others to get in. "Okay, the first stop is Mr. Plisetsky and Mr. Yakov's room on the 2nd floor." the porter explained as he pressed a button on the right side of the lift.
A few short seconds later a voice was called to be heard from the lift speakers. "2nd floor. 2ème étage." The porter then lifted Yurio and Yakov's bags and left the lift, which then caused Yuri, Victor, Yakov and Yurio to leave the lift as well. The porter went down the hallway and stopped by the door that says '208'. Yakov then used the keycard to enter the room. The room itself is approximately 300sqft/27sqm. While the layout of the room is the two queens are next to each other but with a small gap between them as there is a bedside table with an alarm clock and a telephone, while one of the beds is next to a balcony that shows the beautiful view of the lake. 32in T.V. with an LCD screen on the wall in front of the beds 32in T.V. with an LCD screen.
Below the T.V., there is a desk table with a chair, and on top of that desk is an iPod dock and radio and all around the room there are plugs that allow you to charge phones, portable gaming systems and so on.
"The room has been built in air-conditioning, if you so wish the windows may be opened but not for smoking." the porter explained. "The room also offers 24-hour room service, complimentary bottled water, if you so wish, you can make your own tea and coffee with our coffee maker / tea service and there is a mini-refrigerator."
"Does the room have free wifi?" Yurio asked.
"Yes." the porter replied. "As for the T.V., the functions allow you to watch local cable/satellite and international cable/satellite also including CNN."
The porter quickly saw that Yurio had made himself at home by plugging his phone and Nintendo Switch. "I shall leave you two be." the porter said suddenly. The porter then looked at Yuri and Victor and motioned them to leave the room.
"Yurio, we'll see you later for dinner." Yuri said, as he and Victor were leaving. Yurio just nodded as he was busy charging his electronics.
After a few minutes on the lift, Yuri and Victor then arrived at the Deluxe floor. The porter then took them to a door that says 'D502'. Yuri then placed the keycard in the slot in front of the door, and entered the room. As they entered the room, Yuri's jaw dropped to the floor as he was surprised by how big the room is. However, Victor wasn't affected by the size of the room. The size of the room is approximately 310sqft/28sqm-400sqft/36sq. On one side of the room, there is a king-size bed that is separated from the rest of the room by a small wall. Opposite this wall is a living area that consisted of a sofa (that turns into a bed). On the wall opposite there is a 42in T.V with an LCD screen that has the same features as the TV in Yurio's and Yakov's room as well as the service and view of the lake from the balcony.
"The difference in this Deluxe room than the other rooms is, in the bathroom there are three whirlpool baths. There is one that can fit two people while there is a whirlpool master bath. I shall leave you two be." The porter then left the room.
"Victor!" Yuri shouted. "When you go extra, YOU go extra!"
"My beautiful Yuri, I want you to be comfortable after such a long journey. And besides, we have privacy."
"...But we have privacy in the other rooms." Yuri argued weakly.
Victor just smiled at Yuri and gently put his arms around him and gave him a kiss on top of his head, which then caused Yuri to turn around and face Victor.
"Moya Lyubov', Ya tebya ochen' lyublyu." Victor said in Russian.
This caused Yuri to smile gently and Victor then slowly escorted them to the bathroom to try out the master whirlpool bath.
Later that evening around 7pm, everyone was wearing their casual but best clothing and was seen walking to the closest restaurant and bar called 'OAK + CRU' that Victor found on his Iphone 7.
As all four entered the establishment, one of the waiters greeted them at the door.
"I made a reservation under the name Nikiforov."
The waiter promptly looked at the computer and looked for the name Nikiforov. The waiter then proceeded to confirm a few things with Victor.
"Did you reserve a private patio table?"
"Yes." Victor replied. "Is there a problem?"
"No." The waiter replied.
After those words were spoken the waiter escorted the four to a family table. As Yuri and the others were sitting down the same waiter started to explain about the private patio, "Now normally we don't serve underage people on private patios, and you can only order from," The waiter then gave Yurio and the others a menu. "From this menu."
"Can we have the usual menu?" Yuri asked politely.
The waiter briefly gave Yuri a look of confusion but swiftly replaced the confusion from his face with a look of being a professional waiter and then the waiter left.
"Why did you ask for the usual menu?" Yakov asked.
"Yuri." Victor said. "You're not feeling well are you?"
"I'm fine." Yuri reassured Victor and the others. "It was that the menu had too much food for four people and…"
"You're still trying to eat normally but having large amounts of food in one sitting could make you relapse." Yakov finished off.
Yuri was about to say something else, but the waiter arrived with the usual dinner and drinks menu. he then left for others to decide what they want to eat and drink.
"What are you having to drink Yuri?" Victor asked.
"I may just have a glass of lime water… I don't fancy any drinks from the drink menu." Yuri replied although shakily.
"Do you want us both to share the food?" Victor asked as he noticed how shaky Yuri was.
Yuri just nodded in reply. This caused Victor to smile sadly, but you can see the love shining in his eyes.
"Okay, we'll share." Victor smiled to Yuri and then looked at Yurio and Yakov and asked them, "What about you two?"
"I'm going to have coca-cola with ice." Yurio replied.
"While I'm having Noble Ridge, Meritage from the tap." Yakov replied.
The waiter then arrived at their table with a notepad and pen ready.
"My husband and I would like to have a jug of lime water, and as for food can we share a Margherita Pizza with a side portion of chips?"
The waiter wrote down Victor's and Yuri's order on his notepad and quickly looked to Yakov and Yurio.
"I would like a glass of coca-cola with ice and I'd like to try the O+C Burger, and I won't have the pudding" Yurio told the waiter.
The waiter also wrote down Yurio's food and drink choice. As for Yakov he ordered the Noble Ridge, Meritage from the tap and for food he ordered Seasonal Soup as a starter and main course Steelhead Salmon and no pudding.
A few hours later, all four went back to their rooms, with their stomachs full of food and Victor's wallet feeling lighter as all of them went to bed, ready for Yurio's Skate Canada Event, which was happening in two days.
Russian Translation:
Moya Lyubov' - My Love
Ya tebya ochen' lyubov - I love you
French Translation:
2ème étage: 2nd floor
Darnitsky - recipe, method and link: www . yuliyas blog /blog /2012 /11 /08 / borodinsky -bread- dark -russian -rye-breadmaker -recipe / (just remove the spaces)
1 1/4 cup warm water
1 3/4 cup rye flour
1 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
2 tbsp malt (or beer kit mixture)
1 tbsp molasses
2 tbsp white vinegar
1 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 tbsp caraway seeds
2 tsp active dry yeast
1. Place all ingredients into the breadmaker pan in the order specified by the manufacturer.
2. Choose a "basic bread" cycle or something similar. When the program finishes, shake the bread out of the pan and let cool on a wire rack.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Did Strength of Thai Baht Affect Number of Arrivals from UK in 2019? Interview with TAT
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On 24 August 2015 the GBP/THB was at 56. Almost exactly one year later the Baht was at 45.53, and on 3 September 2019 travellers to the Kingdom of Thailand could get just 36.96 Thai Baht for 1 GBP. Despite the strength of the Thai Baht many would argue that Thailand still represents excellent value for money as a destination, and with approximately 39.77 million people visiting the country in 2019, the numbers seem to suggest that many agree. So how has the strong Baht, Brexit and other UK-related issues impacted Thailand's tourism industry?
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That's just one of the questions that Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com puts to Chiravadee Khunsub, Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand - UK, Ireland and South Africa, in this exclusive interview. Filmed at TAT's office in London on 8 January 2020, Khun Chiravadee tell us how the UK market was affected by the strength of the Thai Baht in 2019 and what she expects for 2020. We discuss visitor arrival numbers and tourism revenue from the UK in 2019, what targets TAT has for 2020, and what trends Khun Chiravadee is seeing. With so many airlines now flying directly to secondary destinations within Thailand, and from secondary destinations in the UK, we also talk about how that is changing the tourism sector and which airports in the UK Khun Chiravadee would like to see have more direct flights to Thailand. We talk about emerging destinations within Thailand, especially Isaan, and what lessons can be learned from Buri Ram's success with sport tourism. We also talk about the demographics of visitor arrivals, tourism revenue and whether Airbnb distorts those numbers, how TAT plans to market Thailand to the UK market this year and which market segments they are going after the most. All that and much, much more in the FHD video and podcast below.
Thailand Tourism Industry Interview with Chiravadee Khunsub
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Airport Served Record 38,786,422 Pax in 2019  British Airways Starts Offsetting Carbon Emissions on All Flights Within UK  Marriott Opens Second JW on Hainan Island, China  Airbus Partners Aston Martin for Special Edition Helicopter  Dassault Aviation Appoints Charles Wemaëre as VP Worldwide Spares  Boeing Appoints Niel Golightly as SVP of Communications  Jayson Goldstein Joins Four Seasons Boston as F&B Director  Vietjet Takes Delivery of Two More Airbus Aircraft  Two Executive Appointments at Bombardier Aviation  Air India No Longer Available on Sabre GDS  Thailand Targets Tourism Revenue of 3.18 Trillion Baht in 2020  Pictures from Ascot United vs Banstead Athletic on 4 Jan 2020  Gen Z - Airbnb's Fastest Growing Market for Experiences in Asia Pacific  Air Canada Takes Delivery of First Airbus A220-300  AirAsia Launches Flights Between Kuala Lumpur and Dalat, Vietnam  Cebu Pacific Orders 15 Airbus Aircraft, Including Up To 10 A321XLRs  American Airlines and Royal Air Maroc to Codeshare  New Immigration Requirements to Help Solomon Islands Fight Measles  Vietjet Launches Danang - Singapore Flights  American Express GBT Forecasts Stable Air Prices in 2020  Etihad and Kuwait Airways to Codeshare  PAG and Inmark Purchase Grand Hyatt Seoul  British Airways and Iberia Achieve IATA NDC @Scale Certification  Air Caraïbes Takes Delivery of First A350-1000  Aman Signs Fourth Resort in Japan  Hamilton to Host HSBC New Zealand Sevens 25-26 January 2020  Thales' New Touchscreen Cockpit Displays Now Available on Airbus A350s  Mongolian Airlines to Expand Network with Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner  British Airways to Trial AI-Powered Robots at London Heathrow  Dusit Thani Resort Opens in Shuangyue Bay, China  Six Senses Signs First Hotel in UK  Mandarin Oriental to Take Over Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi  Cebu Pacific Offering Passengers Roaming WiFi Kits  Air France Orders 60 Airbus A220-300 Aircraft  Sindhorn Midtown Hotel in Bangkok Appoints Jee Hoong Tan as GM  British Airways to Launch LHR Flights to Portland, USA  Braathens Takes Delivery of First of Five New ATR 72-600s  Cebu Pacific Joins IATA  Thailand: Airbnb Adds Saraburi to Beyond Big Cities Campaign  New International Rugby Sevens Competition to be Launched in February  Sindhorn Midtown Hotel in Bangkok Appoints Nicha Ruenthip as DOSM  Qatar Airways to Launch Flights to Santorini and Dubrovnik  British Airways Signs Joint Business Agreement with China Southern  Air Canada Rouge Completes In-Flight Wi-Fi Installation  Saab Wins Order for Digital Air Traffic Towers in Netherlands  Whitbread Secures Fourth Premier Inn Hotel in Dublin, Ireland  Amman to Host CAPA Middle East & Africa Aviation Summit 2020  Boeing to Suspend Production of 737 MAX  Cathay Pacific's Inbound Hong Kong Traffic Down 46% in November  Singapore Airlines to Launch Flights to Brussels, Belgium  Wego Signs Retailing Agreement with ATPCO  GTR Opens Air Cargo Hub at KLIA Air Cargo Terminal 1  Bombardier Uses SAF to Deliver Challenger 350 to Latitude 33 Aviation  Swiss-Belhotel Signs First Hotel in Malaysia  Czech Air Force Orders Two More Airbus C295 Aircraft  New Boeing-Built Satellite to Orbit Over Asia Pacific  Third Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Opens in Malaysia  Hong Kong Airport Reports Further Drop in Pax, Cargo and Flights  Air Canada Launches Flights Between Vancouver and Auckland, New Zealand  Andaz Macau Appoints Chikako Shimizu as GM  Cathay Pacific to Take Over Air New Zealand's Auckland-Hong Kong Service  Four Seasons Opens Second Luxury Resort in Megeve, France  Ireland's Department of Defence Orders Two Airbus C295 Aircraft  Best Western Plus Opens in Nairobi, Kenya  Qatar Airways Launches Flights to Gaborone, Botswana  Korean Air to Revamp SkyPass Frequent Flyer Program  Embraer E175-E2 Performs Maiden Flight  Charlie Sullivan Joins CWT's Air Distribution Team  Marriott Opens Third Sheraton Hotel in Beijing, China  Radisson Blu Opens Resort in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Qantas Chooses Airbus A350-1000 for Ultra Long-Haul Flights  Executive Appointments at Banyan Tree  BA to Launch LHR Flights to Six New European Destinations in 2020  Korean Air to Revamp SkyPass Frequent Flyer Program  Embraer E175-E2 Performs Maiden Flight  Charlie Sullivan Joins CWT's Air Distribution Team  Marriott Opens Third Sheraton Hotel in Beijing, China  Radisson Blu Opens Resort in Cam Ranh, Vietnam  Qantas Chooses Airbus A350-1000 for Ultra Long-Haul Flights  Executive Appointments at Banyan Tree  BA to Launch LHR Flights to Six New European Destinations in 2020  How Technology is Shaping Airports of the Future  FCM and Flight Centre Achieve NDC Level 4 Certification  Dusit Rebrands Luxury Resort in Philippines  Emirates Launches Flights to Mexico via Barcelona  Air Canada's First Airbus A220-300 Completes Maiden Flight  FAA Certifies ExecuJet MRO Malaysia to Work on Dassault Jets  AirAsia Launches Snap  Air France-KLM Orders 10 A350-900 Aircraft  Bundeswehr Takes Delivery of First Airbus H145 SAR Helicopter  Drew Crawley to Join American Express Global Business Travel as CCO  Cape Town 7s 2019 to Take Place 13-15 December  Congo Airways to Replace Dash 8-400s with Embraer E175 Aircraft  Ascent Solutions Installs Two E-Gates at NAIA 2 Departures  Michel Poussau Appointed GM of Rugby World Cup 2023  Wetherspoon to Invest £200 Million Developing New Pubs and Hotels  IATA Asks EU to Support Sustainable Aviation Fuel Transition  Boeing Delivers First Modified MV-22 Osprey to United States Marine Corps  Marriott Signs Six Hotels in India  Accor to Rebrand Hotel in Queensland, Australia  MHG Signs Two Hotels in Doha, Qatar  Vietjet Launches Flights to New Delhi from Hanoi and Saigon  SKY Signs Purchase Agreement for 10 Airbus A321XLRs  British Airways Trials 3D Printing  SAS' First A350 to Enter Long-Haul Service on 28 January  Air Italy and Oman Air Sign Codeshare Agreement  ACH and Aston Martin to Unveil 'New Creation' in January  Qantas Signs FFP Agreement with Air France - KLM Group  Malaysia Airlines Launches Shuttle Fares on Flights Between KL and Singapore  Accor to Open 125-Room Mercure Hotel in Canberra in January  Openings Push Australia's Hotel Inventory to Over 300,000 Rooms  Alban Dutemple Appointed Cluster GM of Two Hotels in Bahrain  Air New Zealand Trials Edible Coffee Cups  Manchester Airport Unveils Details of £1 Billion Transformation  South Africa Beat New Zealand to Win Dubai Sevens  Aviation: RPKs Up 3.4% in October 2019  China Airlines to Launch Flights Between Taipei and Cebu, Philippines  Seaplanes in Thailand? Interview with Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane  Seven HD Videos from IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok  Vietnam Airlines Signs EngineWise Service Agreement with Pratt & Whitney  Future of Airline Distribution and NDC - Interview with Yanik Hoyles, IATA  Cambodia Airways Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director  HD Videos and Interviews  Podcasts from HD Video Interviews  Travel Trade Shows in 2019, 2020 and 2021  High-Res Picture Galleries  Travel News Asia - Latest Travel Industry News  Read the full article
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faruangeldiary · 7 years
I Left My Soul In Korea
When I leaving for Korea
It seemed i am going to Heaven
When I sat on my seat
The Thai Air hostess peeked on Ji Chang Wook image on my Tab Home Screen and smiled.
When I landed on Thailand Airport
I stepped foot on the land where i felt myself free from cage
When I was looking around the Thai Aiport
I was breathing freely with my consent.
When I landed on Hong Kong Airport
I had crush on lots of Male Staff
When I took another flight for Korea
I met adorable Korean guy ( i asked about some questions related to K-food)
When I went to Immigration Staff
Ahjussi shocked and showed my passport to his Colleague. ( As i was appearing on the KBS Competition “Quiz on Korea 2016″)
When i went out from the Incheon Airport
The person was holding the play card of “KBS Quiz on Korea 2016″
When he was taking to the Taxi Van (the most expensive taxi in Korea). The same van idols usually go in for schedules.
I fell in love with him at first sight.
When i sat on the Taxi with humble Ajhussi and handsome dream guy.
I was continuously talking to him about Korea. He gave me so much information related to quiz. I was happy i would meet him soon (i mistook him as KBS staff but he was the airport staff).
When he revealed he is airport staff
I was shocked and felt disappointed. My heart was broken into pieces.
When I reached to Somerset Palace
The Korean coordinators welcomed me.
When i reached to my hotel room around 11:00PM KST ( i had 12 hours of flight) from Pakistan to Korea
I was jumping on my bed and screaming “Finally i am in Korea”
When i didn’t wake up on time.
The Korean coordinator called us on phone for orientation.
When I started introducing myself in orientation
I was excited to meet new people but i was nervous too because i was accompanied with my younger brother. All other participants even younger than me came alone from the far without any hesitation. I felt outcast at the moment
When my brother called me handicap in front of others.
I felt offended and i wish i could slap him on his face. I was again outcast and my confidence scattered away.
When  i was silently sitting in the room
The participant from Nepal approached me and started talking about Pakistani Music.
When i went to Han River.
I ate chicken without any worries.
When my brother came late from the washroom.
I was waiting for someone to help me in walking down the steep roadside. My Korean coordinator held my hand and then i walked down the steep road side.
When everyone was going for Yacht.
I was waiting for someone to help me. Someone reminded about me to my brother. He then came back to help me.
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When i was playing Tuho- The traditional game of Korea.
Participant from the Morocco rushed towards me and hold my sticks.
When i was going towards Daechon Beach.
My Korean coordinator helped me in rolling up my jeans
When i was going into the water alone.
The same girl from Morocco held my hand immediately for the support.
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When the adorable participant from Laos was taking pictures of me
I turned myself into Model XD
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When I was meeting with myself and having fun.
Someone was making memories of mine from their cameras.
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When adorable EXO fan (participant from Spain) came into my room on the night before the competition.
I had fear in my mind if I lost the competition, I had to face domestic violence again but I had to hide my scares in front of her. Actually I had fun with her. I wish I could laugh more but I had to goodbye her because I was in pain. I didn’t want to get hurt again and reveal my dark side. I wanted to keep her innocent and adorable image in my eyes.
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When I was nervous at the backstage
I had conversation with participant from the Uruguay. He gave me confidence to stand on the stage. I had deep conversation with him, the photographer didn’t waste his time to capture this memory. If that participant wasn’t there with me. I might ended up with another attack of Epilepsy when i realized KBS mgmt didn’t provide English translation on screen. He saved my life once again. They changed the pattern of quiz in fortnight.
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When 1st Round of KBS Competition Quiz on Korea 2016 started
I became dumb because I didn’t know what she is saying.
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When I didn't qualify for the 3rd round
I cried alot in secret but i pretended that i am alright when Indonesian participant hugged me.
When a guy asked me for the help in taking picture with participant from Mongolia
The first time someone asked help from me during my trip. 
When i met my Korean friends for the first time
I hugged them and cried.
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When I met Lee Hwi Jae, Monsta-X and kissed Song Joong Ki and Park Bogum
It seemed I was dreaming.
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When my Korean coordinators got confused when i ordered beef burger from McDonald
I wish i could tell them truth about myself.
When someone asked me about why i didn't answer of any questions in Round 1 ( it was in Korean language) in a sarcastic way.
The Nepali participant stood by my side and answered on my behalf that she did not know Korean much. Afterwards he revealed he voted me for Friendship Award. I was overwhelmed from his gesture. I went back to my room afterwards and cried loudly.
When i was leaving Korea
I cried at Airport and throughout on the flight.
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When I went back to Pakistan
I felt I was caught and thrown into cage.
When my mom yelled at me
why I didn’t wear any scarf/stoll to cover my chest. When she got know that someone gift me alcohol as my friend mistook me non-Muslim. (it was slip of tongue when she saw empty alcohol plastic bottle). As it was the unique, it could be used for decoration, so i emptied and washed it. I wish i should have lied about the bottle to the mom.
When I was beaten and mentally tortured by my parents
because I didn’t wear scarf and received alcohol gift (which I had not taken even a sip of it). They physically and mentally abused me when I told them that I wanted to go Korea for studies.
When everyone refused to help me in getting scholarship for Korea.
I got another Epilepsy after 5 years. Then I ended up asking assistance from the strangers for the scholarship.
When my younger brother left house for not allowing him  to marry with the girl whom he wants by my parents.
I ended up in hospital and diagnosed that one of my nerve got narrowed which affected my whole body. I wish God should have given me silent death that time.
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When I got realized the no one is damn care about my feelings.
I ended up in isolation again and now I went back where I started from.
When I received call from Embassy that I didn't get scholarship.
I ended up in that phase where I cannot say if I am living or am just a dead body.
I had a great time in Korea. I met myself over there. I was free. I ate whatever i want. No one was interfering in my personal space. I was living with my real identity. When they didn't let me in, God sent a girl to cheer me up. When I was nervous at the backstage, God sent the angel to motivate me to fight against the odds. When I didn't qualify for 3rd round, God sent someone to hug me and let me met with my Korean friends for the first time. When i was sad, God turns my dream into reality of meeting one of my favorite kpop group Monsta-X. I am proud of myself because I had reached there on my own. I didn’t go any institute to learn about Korea and its language. I studied about Korea by myself despite of strong criticism. I felt outcast because of my brother. I wanted to go Korea by myself but once again my family proved me that i am stupid insane handicap who will always be dependent on others.
Though Korea has many social problems. I don’t need any friends to be with me for 24/7. For me just one smile even from stranger is the enough food i need, to live my life freely forever. At least I can live with my real identity. I left my soul in Korea. I am living in fears. I should say I am waiting for my death.
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whereisyaya · 8 years
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On August 2016, I became a naturalized US citizen. I was excited about two things the most; voting in an election and visa-free travel to Europe! The day of my oath, I immediately registered to vote and then applied for my passport. Once the passport arrived in the mail, I grabbed my laptop and began searching flights to Amsterdam!
Amsterdam has been on my list for a while but I had made a promise to myself that I would plan that trip only after I got my US passport. So, pretty much. This was the year that Amsterdam finally happened.
I was really hoping for a direct flight because I would rather pay extra than dealing with lay-over issues. However, as I began searching I realized that the difference between direct flights and those with layovers was quite significant. One particular airline WOW Air, was literally offering a round-trip for half the price. The only catch was a lay-over in Iceland.   I kept toying with the idea but was not sure if I wanted to pull the trigger yet. It was going to be a quick trip. A long weekend with a day here and there, so 4-5 days max.  That meant that if I wasted even a day stuck in an airport in Iceland that could ruin my entire trip. Plus, I had no idea about WOW and had never heard of them. A quick google-search provided some reviews and most of the complaints were about the fact that they charged for everything from a glass of water on the flight to check-in and carry-on luggage larger than a book-bag. On the other hand, there were very few complaints about being stuck at airports and delayed flights. I surmised that I didn’t really need luxuries on a plane and since I travel mostly with just a book-bag, the complaints didn’t really apply to me. Still, I wasn’t sure or ready to take the risk yet.
Fate works in interesting ways because that night, I was meeting some friends for dinner and the waitress also happened to be a friend. As we chatted, she mentioned she was heading to Amsterdam with some friends later that week and was flying WOW Air! This was a sign! She was just as nervous flying the airline but I figured, this was just the push I needed. I walked home from dinner – luckily the restaurant was across the street from my building – and booked a roundtrip to Amsterdam without giving it a second thought! The next day, I began researching lodging options and before you know it, I was on my way to a solo trip to Amsterdam.
All Aboard!
My friend Jordyn messaged me on Facebook when she arrived in Amsterdam to confirm that it was a pretty smooth flight but I should make sure to grab a bottle of water before I boarded the flight. LOL, point taken!
A few weeks before my flight, WOW did scare me a lot with their constant emails about the 20-30 minute changes in my flights and I was started to worry about missing my connecting flight. I spent an hour on the phone with a customer rep called “Mary” from a call-center in India, who assured me that I should not miss my connecting flights even with a 45 minute layover. Still, I was getting quite nervous at that point. The day of the flight, we found out that our flight was delayed an hour and everyone was freaking out because they all had connecting flights. This time another passenger called and he was assured that they would adjust our connecting fights accordingly. Ok WOW Air, don’t let me have a meltdown in Iceland!
I am glad I took a water bottle with me on the flight because, you did have to pay for everything and since I wasn’t really hungry, I didn’t mind.  The layover was pretty smooth and quick and once the flight took off from Iceland, I was a lot more relaxed because next stop was going to be Amsterdam!
Schiphol International Airport is an interesting airport which falls somewhere between pretty basic to not completely barren. Make of that as you will! I had read on travel blogs that cabs are very expensive and so if you are staying close to Centraal Station, it is probably best to just take the metro. I only had a book-bag so I went for that option. The yellow ticket machines were quite confusing and the lines were long. Everyone was getting frustrated. Luckily, I found an NS counter where I could interact with an actual human
With my newly purchases Anonymous OV Chipkaart, I was able to board a direct railway train to Cetraal Station. The trains run pretty frequently and I was at Centraal Station within 15-20 minutes of boarding the train. As I stepped out of Centraal Station, I was already enchanted by the hustle and bustle around me.
I had arrivedin Asmterdam.
I had jotted directions down on paper and since I still don’t have a smart international phone, I didn’t have google directions to help me. Note to self, yet again. GET AN SMART PHONE FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL! I remember making this mental note to myself after my recent Mexico trip.
I asked a few policemen for directions and was then able to walk to my AirBNB which was not more than a 10 minute walk!
 Tip:  Try your best to book your lodging within walking distance to Centraal Station because, it is the easiest way to get from the airport to your hotel. A cab will cost you close to 50 euros. The metro costs 4 euros. You do the math!
I had spent a week trying to decide where I should stay in Amsterdam. I had no clue. What areas were the best? Where was the nightlife? What was central and what was close to public transportation? I wondered if I should stay in a house-boat to make the experience unique but then again, I did not want to end up in an area far away.
When it came to this booking ordeal, I was in for a rude awakening:  a vacation in Europe is much different than a trip to Asia or Latin America. Everything was quite expensive. The travel gods may have been extra benevolent the day I finally took the plunge and booked my lodging because I managed to pick the perfect place! I settled on a hotel called Hotel Anco in the heart of the Red Light District. The Red Light District is generally a good area to stay in because it is central to everything and within walking distance to Centraal Station and thus all the Trams you need to take. For those who would prefer staying in hostels, there were plenty of hostels nearby as well on Warmoestraat (street) which is also where a lot of the nightlife is. You can walk out of your room and go next door to a bar!
From Centraal station, it was a quick 10 minute walk for me and my room was one of the cutest and coziest rooms I have ever stayed in. The steep spiral steps up to my room were scary but I realized they were very indicative of how a lot of buildings in Amsterdam are. The room was quite tiny which I loved because it felt that much cozier. Perfect for resting my head late after an exhausting day and night and sleeping in till 2pm the next day. Yes, because of jet-lag, I wouldn’t wake up till after 2pm every day (but hey it was my vacation) and I would often miss the free breakfast in the morning. Oh well. All I needed was a cup of tea anyway which they were always happy to provide.
My room overlooked the canal and I could literally see a brothel from my window. In the morning, as I would bring up and bring a cup of tea from the café to my room and plan my agenda for the day on my desk, I would look out of the window and enjoy the boats floating around the canal. At night, when I returned home late and sat writing on my desk, I could watch the drunk revelers stumbling in and out of the brothel rooms while the working women gestured for clients and haggled for rates. It made for a very interesting people-watching experience.
The staff was extremely friendly and I would always stop by the café for a cup of tea after a day of sight-seeing and converse with the person working their shift. They gave my tips of where to go and since I was so depressed after the 2016 election, we even had some very interesting conversations about politics. My room had a small TV which meant that as much as I did not want to, I could not peel myself away from the constant news cycle of Trump winning the election and the wave of protests all around America. I knew that if I had not been hiding away from reality in Amsterdam, I would probably be on the streets of DC joining the protests as well. Soon, the news was too much so I switched the channel to brain-dead MTV and watched constant marathons of Catfish re-runs. What a peculiar show.
I honestly loved everything about my room, the hotel and the staff! I was right in the middle of the nightlife and also within walking distance to Centraal Station which meant that any Tram I needed to take, I could find at that station.
Tip: Book your lodging as close to Centraal Station because how easy it is to navigate the city from there. Also, staying in the Red Light District not only adds a unique Amsterdam touch to your trip but you are then also close to all the action. Pardon the pun!
Public Transportation
 At Schiphol airport is where I began my public transportation experience and took my first metro ride in Amsterdam.  The city has a metro system and a Tram system but the metro is the equivalent of a commuter train while Trams are what everyone takes within the city. Most sights and landmarks are accessible by Tram. I took the metro only to and from the airport but for the rest of the trip, I was hopping on and off Trams like nobody’s business!
It should also be noted that Amsterdam is fairly small and one can walk everywhere. Trams also stop running around 10pm or midnight so I rode the Tram a lot during the day to see the sights and at night, I traveled mostly by foot.  
I opted for the Anonymous OV ChipKaart which I could load with more money as I needed. It was also the option many travel bloggers had recommended as well. I paid about 8 euros for the card and loaded 20 Euros on it. The good thing was that it works on Trams as well so I thought it was a good option. Surprisingly, I didn’t have to reload my card at all during my trip so 20 euros lasted me the entire time.
Another point to note is that the ChipKaarts require a minimum balance for travel which was very strange and different from most other places I have visited. For inner city travel like Trams, your card must have a minimum of 4 euros and for intercity travel like the metro, you must have a minimum of 20 euros. I don’t know. Don’t ask. I am sure there is a logical reason for that somewhere.  
On my last day, I had about 4 euros left on my card but I couldn’t use it to get back to the airport because of the minimum requirement. Do in Rome, as the Romans do. I guess. Besides, it wasn’t a big issue because I had already made the most of my card during the trip. So to get back to the airport, I bought a disposable one way!
All Trams leave and end at Centraal Station so as I went sight-seeing, I would just walk to Centraal, hop on the right Tram and go visit whatever I had planned for the day. Afterwards, I would jump on whichever Tram was heading back towards Centraal and voila, I was home! It was that easy.
Tip: Get an anonymous OV ChipKaart. If you are going to reload at the yellow machine, make sure you have coins as they only take coins! Remember the minimum requirements on the card and use Trams mostly for daytime travel. Oh and did I mention, how convenient Centraal Station is for Tram travel. Oh I already did. Good!
 Red Light District
 I had arrived in Amsterdam on a late Thursday afternoon and technically I could salvage that day by hitting up a quick sight but you all know that I HATE and absolutely DETEST a trip where I am exhausted from constantly being on the go. Thus, I deliberately decided that  I would take it easy that day. Since I was staying in the Red Light District, I could possibly maybe walk around that area and check that off my list. Other than that, I was just going to relax! The decision was further confirmed for me when it began to rain and though it was pretty to watch the raindrops splatter over the canal from my window, I am NOT a fan of getting wet so I definitely was not going to venture too far off on my first night. I was also still emotionally drained from the results of the elections so I was struggling to find my happy travel place. Instead, I checked into the hotel and sat on my bed watching CNN.
 When the news got too much for me, I switched the TV off and went down to the café of the hotel where one of the nicest staff was on her shift. Debbie made me a cup of Earl Grey and we talked about the elections. Seemed like the entire world had spent a night of tossing and turning with worry of what was in store with Donald Trump as president of the US. Besides, political woes, Debbie also offered some great tips about the city. She gave me a map and pointed out where everything was. After the rain subsided, I decided to venture out for a walk and do a quick stroll through the Red Light District. Debbie was so nice that she even let me borrow her umbrella just in case the rain got worse again.
 The red light district was interesting to say the least. It was so strange to see scantily clad women smiling and beckoning drunk revelers from behind their glass doors.  I had read on many travel blogs that photography was absolutely prohibited and that made sense. Plus, I thought it would be too disrespectful to do such a thing since I had read that many of these women had day jobs as well.
 I popped into the Museum of Erotica, even though I had read on numerous blogs that it was a waste of money. After a walk around the street, there realy wasn’t  much to do, so I still decided to give the museum a try. Well, all the blogs were absolutely correct. The museum was a quick three floor space which really did not provide any insight. Felt more like a rip-off but since it was right there, I figured I would check it out while visiting such a sex-positive city.
 After my five minute jaunt at the museum, I walked over to an eatery and had my first of many meals that constituted of nothing but French Fries…or Patats or Frites. Whatever you prefer calling them, they are delicious and make for a perfect meal on the go. I would always get the peanut sauce on top but there were so many different sauces to try from that I would experiment with different combinations as well.
 I was also amazed to see all the different marijuana flavored food items everywhere. It was perfectly normal for someone to walk into a store at the end of the night and grab a bottle of water with a marijuana brownie or ice-cream. I spoke to a few travelers who were desperately searching for a coffee shop. Those who want to partake in the more herbal aspects of this city should know that Amsterdam has cafes and then it has coffee-shops. Cafes are regular cafes where one could order coffee or tea. Coffeehouses are where they can purchase marijuana and even smoke it there. Good point to note, if you decide to stumble into a coffee-shop expecting a cup of joe with your kids and are met with the biggest whiff of second-hand hash smoke instead.
 I returned home from my meal and sat on my desk for the rest of the night finishing up some writing as I watched the view from my room while trying my best to not pay attention to the news.
 Tip: Don’t waste your money on the Erotic Museum! Don’t try to take pictures of the working girls. They will yell at you and embarrass you, rightfully so.
 Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art
 As I mentioned earlier, my jet-lag rhythm was very different in Europe than it was for my trip to Asia. In Thailand, I would often find myself wide awake at 5am which allowed for a good few hours of travel prep and getting an early start. On my first day in Amsterdam, I didn’t open my eyes till 2pm. I wasn’t complaining but, I also realized that if I wanted to sleep in, I did not have the luxury to laze around in bed planning the day’s agenda with my lonely Planet books and the internet. I had to get on my feet and rush out the door within minutes.
 I ran down to the café and after a friendly chat with Karl and Debbie, I brought a cup of tea up to my room and sat at my desk quickly rummaging through my researched notes for the day. I had two museums to see; the Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art and the Van Gogh Museum. Chop chop, no time to waste. With the hour, I was dressed and walking over to Central Station to catch my very first Tram in Amsterdam.
 The Trams were fairly easy to navigate and they also run pretty frequently. One can take either the number 2 or number 5 and get off at the Van Baerlestraat stop. On my way there, my Tram passed the MOCO and I saw signs for a Warhol and Banksy exhibit. A friend had told me about the exhibit and although Moco was not on my list before, I knew now that I just had to go see an exhibit of two of my favorite pop artists. Perfect luck!
 I am a modern art person, so I enjoyed the Stedelijk a lot. The admission was about 18 euros which is pricey but I realized that unlike other cities, all the museums in Amsterdam charge an admission fee.  So for my thrifty travelers, make sure to budget for that! The lines also get pretty long especially in the summer so if you can purchase tickets in advance it may not be a bad idea.
 I got to see the works of some of my favorite artists like Roy Lichtenstein, Rothko, Mondrian and Matisse to name a few. There was also a room where one could make their own art and I enjoyed that area as well. I left the museum around 5pm and I was not planning to go to the Van Gogh Museum till 7 when the lines died down so after a quick bite of a delicious stroopwaafel, I got in line for the Moco. The Banksy and Warhol exhibit was everything I had imagined it to be and Banksy’s work and their messages were almost consoling and cathartic with the recent election results. If you are a fan of modern art, definitely go see the Stedelijk. It is worth it.
 Oh and the audio tour is free here so that is an added bonus!
 Some helpful details:
Admission:  18 euros
Address:  Museumplein 10, 1071 DJ
Hours:  Daily 10am – 6pm
Tram: 2,5 to Van Baerlestraat
  Tip: Good idea to visit the Stedelikj on the same day as the Van Gogh Museum because they are right next to each other! If you want, you can even squeeze in a trip to the Moco and make it a day of three museums like me!
 Van Gogh Museum
 The wonderful thing about the Van Gogh Museum is that it is right next door to the Stedelijk, MOCO and Vondel Park, so one can definitely hit up two – maybe even three - sights in one day.
 A notable point I read on all the travel blogs was that lines at Amsterdam museums get very long so purchasing tickets in advance is highly recommended. Now of course the time of year you go, makes a huge difference too. During the summer, the lines will definitely be excruciatingly long. However, in the winter, they are long-ish but not interminable. I myself didn’t want to purchase a bunch of tickets in advance so I hoped and prayed that the cold weather of November would deter some of the tourists. I did make sure to follow the one golden advice I received which was that “if you are only going to buy one ticket in advance, make that the Anne Frank Museum.” The rest you can still leave up to luck chance. Which is  exactly what I did. I did plan my visits in a way, that made sure that I was able to see all the museums.
 Another helpful tip I received was that on Fridays, the Van Gogh museum has extended hours and is open till 10pm. So if you can, make sure to go on a Friday because the lines get shorter and shorter as the day winds down. I saved the Stedlijk and the Van Gogh for a Friday for exactly that reason. When I had first arrived that day and walked by the long line for the Van Gogh museum, I was intimidated because it was freezing that day and you have to line up outside. Still, I hoped the line would get shorter by 7pm which is when I had decided to go.
 The afternoon was spent at the Stedlijk and then after a quick stop at the Moco, I arrived to line up at the Van Gogh at exactly 7pm. Luckily the line had gotten much shorter. The museum was amazing and cameras are allowed. Just a general rule to follow with most museums; no flash photography. By the way, if you are looking for Starry Night, you won’t find it here. That is kept at the MOMA in New York City.
 I have to admit that I didn’t know much about Van Gogh’s art besides the fact that he is the painter who chopped his ear off. This museum was a great way to learn about, not just his art but his life as well. An interesting fact I learned was that he did not start an actual painting career till he was well in his forties. An inspiration for all of us who wonder if we will ever leave a mark in this world or if our time is already up. Also, he was self-taught and learned as he went along.  There was a time that he was in his hometown and became interested in farmers and peasants so his work during those days was primarily about farmers as subjects. When he went to Paris he wrote to his brother about the changing wave of art and began to teach himself the new tide which he was going to flow with. He also had a very close relationship with his brother and they wrote letters to each other a lot. You can see and hear some of those letters (translated in different languages) to get a feel for the artists himself and not just his work.
 There were three very insightful blogs that helped me plan my trip to the Van Gogh Museum.
 The first one that I recommend is Sarah Shumate’s blog The Wander Blogger. In fact, I read a lot of her other entries because she has detailed her entire trip to Amsterdam quite skillfully and I found it very helpful. For the Van Gogh museum, her entry “Expression Through Color: The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam” does a wonderful job in describing the museum logistics but also the art itself. She has shared some pictures and photographs of the work as well.
 Another blog which I found particularly helpful in planning was Ashley’s blog titled – quite obviously – The Amsterdam Blog: Amsterdam through British Eyes. Her article “How to Avoid Cues at the Van Gogh Museum” is particularly helpful for obvious reasons.
 The last blog, I bookmarked was an interesting take called “The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam: Why I dislike it” by Riccardo and Martina of the “Travel like a Local” blog. It was quite an interesting take and although it did not deter me from visiting the museum, I did find some of the suggestions very helpful.
 Some helpful details:
Admission: 17 euros
Address: Museumplein 6, 1071 DJ Amsterdam
Hours:  9-6 (Fridays untill 10pm)
Tram: 2, 3, 5 and 12 Van Baerlestraat stop
 Tip: Go on a Friday evening. 7pm on a Friday is a good time to go!
 Anne Frank House
 No trip to Amsterdam can ever be complete without a trip to the Anne Frank Museum. It remains to be one of the most popular museums in Amsterdam where lines of hopeful visitors stretch for blocks. The lucky ones may have read a travel blog here and there and purchased an advance ticket. I was one of those and boy am I glad I did!
 My ticket was from 3pm on Saturday and I was petrified that I would sleep through and miss it! I had no alarm clock (no smart phone) and was so jet-lagged that I wouldn’t open my eyes till 2pm! Fortunately, I think this exact paranoia became my alarm clock and I woke up just in time to get ready and rush off on the tram to the Westermark stop. I figured I would just grab a cup of coffee once I got to the area rather than waste time drinking tea at the hotel.
 I had about 40 minutes to kill when I arrived significantly early at the museum. The line was already half-way down the block. The woman at the door told me to come back at 2:45pm with my ticket which was good to hear because I immediately went and grabbed a cup of coffee from a nearby café and then even did some souvenir shopping.
 When I returned to the museum, the line of hopefuls now stretched up to three blocks. Luckily, I did not have to wait in line and with my ticket, I was immediately ushered in. Once inside the museum, there is absolutely no photography allowed (flash or without flash) out of respect. One can, however take photographs outside the green door which is something I did when I first arrived.
 I also recommend reading the book Diary of Anne Frank before your trip so the visit to the museum would be even more informative. I had ordered the book from my library but it never arrived before my trip so I must admit, I was envious of those who knew the story behind each room and each person. Once again, as Trump’s team back home spoke about registries for Muslims and building walls for Latinos, I felt that this museum and the stories behind every room were both cathartic and nerve wrecking.    
 Everything at the House is organized extremely well and one can truly feel the emotions that come with the time and the story.  The museum also has a wonderful café where I sat down for another cup of tea and gathered my thoughts before heading out. Outside as I walked by all the tourists lined up, I couldn’t help but feel bad because many of them would probably not even get a chance to make it inside.  Last entry to the museum is about 30 minutes before closing time which is 7pm weeknights and 9pm on Saturdays. However, the queue for the House closes much earlier and depending on how busy it is, this can be as much as 2 hours before closing time. 
 After a quick supper of Herring from a nearby fish-stall and then a Stroopwaffel for dessert, I hopped back on the tram and headed over to the Rambrandt House.
 A blog that I found extremely helpful was Carly Moore’s entry on the Anne Frank House on her blog Girl out of Bounds.
 Also,  Sarah Shumate’s blog The Wander Blogger had a great entry on the Anne Frank House. She was also lucky and smart enough to read the book before the visit and her blogs remains a must read for anyone planning to visit the house.
 Some helpful details:
Admission: 9 euros.
Address:  Prinsengracht 263-267, 1016 GV Amsterdam
Hours: November - March  Open every day from 9 AM to 7 PM (until 9 PM on Saturdays). Different times for different seasons.
Tram: 13, 14 and 17 Westermark stop
 Tip: I will just repeat the tip I got! If you are going to buy one ticket in advance, make sure it is for the Anne Frank House.  You won’t be sorry. Also try reading the book before your trip to get a true feel for the House and its significance. Oh and no photography allowed.  
  Rembrandt House
 After leaving the Anne Frank House, I hopped on the number 14 Tram and made my way over to the Waterlooplien stop to pay a visit to the Rembrandt House. I was advised to visit the Rembrandt House before the Rijksmuseum so I could step back in time and get a feel for the artist himself and his environment before witnessing the masterpieces that came out of this amazing house. This was also the house which led to Rembrandt’s bankruptcy and where he lost his children and his wife, Saskia but they say, an artist produces his greatest work at times of pain and despair.
 There were no lines at this museum, so that was definitely a great plus. Also, the audio tours at this museum are free so I highly recommend making the most of those. One can easily loose themselves in the different rooms as they make their way all the way to the top floor. The kitchen where a violent argument took place between him and his mistress over his other mistress and was then later sued by mistress 1 for a breach of his promise to marry her. I also loved small and tiny cupboard beds which seemed both cozy and claustrophobic.
 The house offers free etching demonstrations at different times so do try to check those out if you can!  I enjoyed the visit a lot and sometimes, it’s just as fun to learn about the artist as it is to see their art.
 Kieren McGovern’s post “Rembrandt House Museum: Amsterdam” on the blog When in Amsterdam is a good one to check out to plan for your trip.
 Some helpful details:
Admission:   13 euros
Address:  Jodenbreestraat 4, 1011 NK Amsterdam
Hours:  Daily, 10 AM – 6 PM
Tram: Lines 9 and 14, Waterlooplein stop
 Tip: Visit the Rembrandt House before visiting The Rijksmuseum to get a feel of where many of the masterpieces were created and the artist’s own colorful life.  
  Rijks Museum
 On a Sunday afternoon, I headed over to see the Rijksmuseum. It was a wonderful museum and one of my favorites in Amsterdam. It is HUGE so account for an entire day. The great thing is that the famous Iamsterdam sign is right outside so if you want to try to climb the letters and get the quintessential Amsterdam photo, you can do that on the same day as your visit to Rijksmuseum. It gets really crowded so I actually went back there late at night and got my YaYa picture when there were hardly any tourists there!
 The line for the tickets is supposed to be long but I was lucky, the day I went because it did not seem as long. However, once inside the line to check your bags and coats was twice as long. Luckily I didn’t have a bag so could walk right into the exhibits. Make sure to not take any bulky coats or bags with you so you don’t have to wait in different lines all day.
 Rembrandt’s Night Watch is the main attraction here and there is actually an entire room dedicated to the painting called The Night Watch Room. It is truly a magnificent piece of art.  The Gallery of Honor is where most people spend their time but the entire museum is great. A fact worth mentioning is that four out of the 40 paintings ever painted by Vermeer are at the Rijksmuseum, so make sure to see them. All four are right next to each other. Photography is allowed, however no flash photography so knock yourself out taking pictures of the Night Watch, the Vermeers and many other amazing artists.  There is a great collection of modern artists and the famous Mondrian inspired Yves Saint Laurent dress is also part of the permanent collection.
 If you are short on time, there is an excellent article by Sonia Kolasinska called “How to See the Rijksmuseum in 2 Hours” which I recommend.
 I have already mentioned the benefit of not taking bags with you to the museum so another great article about how to avoid long lines at the Rijksmuseum which you would probably find helpful is the article, appropriately titled “How to Avoid the Queues at the Rijksmuseum” by Ashley on her Amsterdam blog.
 And for good measure, here is another excellent article by Cecily Layzell called “Marveling at Old Masters at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum” on the Forbes Travel guide.
  Admission:   17.50 euros
Address:  Museumstraat 1 1071 XX Amsterdam
Hours:  Daily 9am-430p
Tram:  2, 5 to Rijksmuseum stop
 Tip: Iamsterdam sign is right outside so you can take some great pictures afterwards.  Try to leave the book-bags at home in order to avoid another longer line before you enter the exhibits. The Night Watch and the Vermeers are a must see!
 After my surprise discovery of Lumpini Park in Bangkok, I decided that a day in a famous city park, is not a bad item to add to my travel list. It’s a free thing to do and also makes for a calm, relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. That is why on my way back from Rijksmuseum, I stopped by Vondelpark and took a nice leisurely stroll.
 Although renting a bike is something most tourists do – I opted out – this is a great place to take a bike ride if the traffic of the city intimidate you. there are also some great cafes in the park where one can grab a bite and on Friday nights, it has the famous skate night. You get bonus points if you are able to spot Pablo Picasso’s sculpture The Fish. I wasn’t as lucky!
 Vondelpark is very close to the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum, so it’s a great item to check off your list after a visit to one of those museums.
 One of the best blogs I read about Vondelpark was Martin Solly’s article “A lazy afternoon around Amsterdam’s Vondelpark” on the Late Rooms blog. It is the most detailed blog which talks about all the unknown gems about this park. It is how I found out about the Night Skate as well but unfortunately didn’t get to check it out.
 Another great article by Biking Amsterdam on Vondel Park.
 Sarah Shumate has another great article “An afternoon in Amsterdam’s Vondelpark” on her website the wander blogger.
 Sarah Shumate has another great article “An afternoon in Amsterdam’s Vondelpark” on her website the wander blogger.
  Admission: Free
Address:  1071 AA AMSTERDAM
Hours:  24 hours
Tram: 1,2,5 to Leidseplein
  Tip: A great place to bike if the city traffic daunts you!
 Yes I am a foodie all the way and love trying out the local fare. Here are a few local deicacies, I highly recommend!
Whether you call them fries, patas or frites! These are surely in abundance everywhere you look in Amsterdam and make for an excellent meal on the go. I would always get the peanut sauce on top but there are so many sauces to try from, that I couldn’t help but mix and match something new each time. It was definitely my go to meal whether I was in between sight-seeing or just walking back to my room after a night out. The grab-and-go nature of this meal is a great way of saving time when you have a packed agenda!
Even if you are not much of a fish person, you must try this delicacy at least once! I had read about it before my trip so I knew that I had to give it a taste! After visiting the Anne Frank House, I stopped by one of the fish stalls to try this local dutch snack for supper!  Although I’m not a big fan of fish unless its fried, I just had to. Although Herring  is known to tastiest in the summer time, one can enjoy it year round. It also lowers your bad cholesterol, so that is an added plus. For a nominal amount like 2 to 3 euros, you get a tiny, rectangular silver-backed cardboard plate with the herring cut in bite-sized pieces along with finely diced onions and some sliced pickles on the side. A toothpick is also provided to serve as a utensil. It was quite tasty – with the initial fishy taste – and the onions and pickles definitely helped.
If you are one to hunt for dessert (like myself) or just have a sweet tooth (also like myself), you must try a Stroopwafle from one of the stands. A waffle made from two thin layers of baked dough, held – more like glued together – by a hot, caramel filling. Heaven in a bite! Since it is nice and hot, it’s a perfect snack to warm yourself up on a cold day, which worked perfectly for me. If you want to really treat yourself, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea to go along with it.
There is cheese and cheese shops everywhere. Many tourists, will definitely buy a bunch to take back with them, however, I would always stop by the different stores and sample all their different types of cheese. Helps kill the appetite while also introducing your palette to the diversity of cheese. There was one in particular which had a very spicy tang to it and I bought a little bit to munch on in my room at odd hours of the day and night.
 Wok to Go:
Chinese food in a takeaway carton. Ground breaking! I know. But, once again it is a delicious meal if you are on the go and want to try something different after eating too many fries during your trip. They are open late at night, so I would often grab a carton after a night out and bring back to my room. I will always fondly remember the night I sat eating lo-mein out of the red Wok to Go box at 3am  as I tried to write but instead sat on my window watching customers haggling with the working girls. Hashtag Amsterdam!
  1 - Tips & Miscellaneous recommendations  
I read some warnings about beggars on a few blogs but I have to honest, I did not encounter any during my trip. Regardless, with Amsterdam or any other city you travel to, keep your wits around you and try not to call attention to yourself. For the most part, it felt like one of the safest cities in the world. What else do you expect from a city where recreational marijuana is legal.
 Tulips and Clogs:
Tulips and Clogs are the most common souvenirs in Amsterdam. Similar to rugs and carpets in Istanbul, don’t let the vendors sniff out the tourist in you. Apparently they can get very aggressive and will hike up prices for their items to an astronomical amount. I always just pop in and out of stores and ask for prices. Then on my last day, I return to the one place which seemed most reasonable and get all my souvenirs there. On this trip I bought two great T-shirts, a mug and tiny clogs.
Biking around Amsterdam is definitely a must-do which surprisingly I didn’t partake in because I enjoyed walking everywhere. Regardless I recommend doing the bike thing since it is a popular way to commute in Amsterdam. If traffic on the road overwhelms you, Vondelpark is a great place to rent a bike and bike around.  
 Oh and apart from the blogs I have already shared with you, I do want to give a shout-out to two wonderful blogs about Amsterdam.
 The first one is The Wander Blogger. I have already mentioned it a few times but definitely read all the other essays about Amsterdam that Sarah Shumate has shared on her blog.
 Another great blog is by the New York Times bestselling author Nomadic Matt of the New York Times bestseller How Travel the World on $50 a day. On his blog, he has an amazing essay titled “How to spend 4 days in Amsterdam”. I thought it was quite apt for me since I literally spent 4-5 days in the city myself so it was great to know that it was doable. You can read that blog post here.
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jacewilliams1 · 4 years
Are pilots rediscovering how to travel by light airplane?
By long standing tradition, baseball players never talk to a pitcher in the middle of a perfect game—if everything is going well, why jinx it? The same mindset applies to pilots, who are often hesitant to acknowledge good news for fear of chasing it away. I’m going to violate that unwritten rule because I think it’s worth exploring an interesting development: general aviation is doing surprisingly well during the coronavirus pandemic.
If it feels like the traffic pattern is crowded and the flight school next door is busy, you’re not alone. ForeFlight reported piston airplane flying over the July 4 weekend (as tracked by their app) was up 10% on 2019, while turboprops were up 8%. AOPA reports that, after a major decline in March and April, members’ flying hours picked up significantly in June and July. Calls about financing are up too, as some pilots have decided this is the time to buy an airplane or finish a rating. This is hardly a revolution, but some GA airports are busier than airline hubs right now.
I’ve noticed the increase in activity on some of my recent trips, from the Southeast to the Midwest. A few weeks ago, I landed at Custer County Airport in South Dakota, a beautiful but remote landing strip close to Mt. Rushmore that was buzzing with activity. As I took advantage of some cheap self-serve fuel, another pilot wandered over to chat (from a very Covid-appropriate 10 feet). He was flying home to Denver in a Cessna 172 after visiting family in the area. A scenic two-hour flight in the Skyhawk was easier than a six-hour drive and safer than flying on an airline.
Two things are worth noting here. First, a lot of the strength is in light airplanes—as the 172 pilot illustrates, this isn’t just a business jet boom for billionaires escaping the city. And secondly, a lot of the activity is because people are really going places, not just practicing landings. Both of these are encouraging developments, because I believe traveling by light airplane is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life (it is the tagline for Air Facts, after all).
Public vs. Private
Some pilots may be breaking state-mandated health rules and behaving irresponsibly, but what I’ve seen so far is the opposite—pilots are using airplanes precisely because they allow for social distancing. This is part of a larger trend, as people around the world reevaluate how they get around, comparing the tradeoffs between public and private transportation.
Customers are voting with their wallets right now and airlines aren’t winning.
Public transportation is almost universally weak right now. Uber rides have declined by 75% almost overnight, the New York City subway is unusually quiet, and TSA screenings for airline passengers are down 70% from 2019 levels (although they are up noticeably from the bottom in April). While the risk of getting sick from an commercial flight appears to be low, passengers are voting with their wallets right now and airlines aren’t winning.
Private transportation, on the other hand, has seen renewed interest. Car sales in China are up 15% over last year as more commuters decide the hassle of traffic beats the risk of a bus ride during a pandemic. In America, you can’t hardly buy a bike or an RV right now because sales are so strong. Even house prices have risen, contrary to most predictions from late March, as people invest in their quarantine locations instead of concerts and restaurant meals.
General aviation certainly falls into that private category, and has benefited from the rapidly shifting social norms. Flying club members have found new value in their 1/12th ownership in a Cherokee. Airline pilots have taken early retirement or been furloughed, and they’re getting back into general aviation airplanes either for fun or for a new career. Million-milers have started to consider private aviation instead of United. And employees working from home might have just a bit more time to pursue a new activity like learning to fly. This renewed interest in aviation is not universal and it could easily fade away, but so far it seems genuine.
You don’t know what you have until you lose it, and over the last four months many Americans have realized how much they like to travel. Sure, some business trips are a waste of time and the three-hour layover at O’Hare is nobody’s idea of fun, but travel is a defining characteristic of our country. Visiting a customer five states away or taking the kids to the beach are relatively routine experiences in the 21st century, not some exotic idea from a 1930s science fiction magazine. When that easy travel went away this spring, people noticed.
A new type of travel?
In addition to how we’re traveling, where we’re traveling has also changed. With most foreign borders closed and cruise ships parked, national parks and lake houses have become 2020’s preferred destinations. For GA pilots, these are ideal places to fly—no need for 2000-mile airplane range and passports, just a duffel bag and a quick flight. 
I did a version of this in July and was thrilled with the results. I used a piston airplane to take my kids on a quick lake vacation, and with a convenient airport near my destination I could do it in a day, eliminating the need for hotel rooms and other travel logistics. I never would have tried this in a car, and the nearest airline airport was over an hour away. We never got closer than 20 feet to another person, and enjoyed every minute of it.
Many state parks still feature convenient airports.
In many ways, we’re rediscovering some great ideas from 50 years ago (heck, even drive-in movie theaters are making a comeback). While we’re mining the past, pilots should take inspiration from this time period, general aviation’s golden age. Flip through an Air Facts or Flying magazine from the 60s and 70s and you’ll see all kinds of interesting ads, some of which seem foreign in today’s world. One promoted a golf course with an airport nearby, using the catchy headline “Drop in for tee.” Oklahoma encouraged pilots to “try a flying vacation” and see their fabulous state lodges, five of which featured lighted airstrips. The message was clear: airplanes are for going places and having fun.
Some of those state park airports may be a little run down these days, but most are still around, making regional trips in the US convenient and fun. They’re part of a network of 5,000+ public airports, one of the crown jewels in America’s transportation infrastructure. 
It’s even possible that technology might allow for more relaxed schedules and easier flight planning for some of these new travelers. Need to stay a day longer because of bad weather? Zoom and cell phones mean many people can work remotely while waiting for the storms to move out.
Piston airplanes might have a role to play in business travel as well. While the Fortune 500 companies are using their business jets, smaller companies might appreciate the privacy and flexibility of a Cirrus or a Cessna 310. If people really leave big cities like New York or San Francisco due to remote working policies (a popular prediction right now that I’m a little skeptical of), workers could find themselves living much closer to a general aviation airport than before. It’s easier to start flight training in Manhattan, Kansas, than Manhattan Island. 
Encouraging new pilots
Of course to support real growth in general aviation flying, we’ll need to train new pilots. That will take a renewed commitment to flight training. In addition to ads about fly-in destinations, those aviation magazines from 50 years ago were also packed with encouragement for new pilots. Full page Cessna ads show the simple 150 and offer $5 intro lessons. Another one offers renters a convenient new option: “Lease-a-Plane offers America a new system in General Aviation. Now you can rent a plane as easily as you rent a car.”
Magazines from the 1960s and 70s were packed with ads for fly-in destinations.
Such ideas are unlikely to come back, but newer ones offer some hope. AOPA’s recent work to grow the number of flying clubs is starting to pay off, with over 1,000 groups in their database. These offer affordable flight training programs with a social infrastructure to keep new pilots engaged, and should be the first point of contact for many new pilots. The growth of the experimental airplane community means pilots can travel in comfort without spending $500,000 for a new airplane.
Another new technology might help pilots at the very earliest stage. Microsoft’s new Flight Simulator game, out this month, represents the first totally new simulator in years and looks simply amazing. It’s attracting a lot of attention, from the general public as well as aviation enthusiasts. I know Microsoft Flight Simulator was a critical step in my path to becoming a pilot, starting in the early 90s; perhaps the latest edition will hook the next generation while they’re spending more time at home.
Of course I don’t really want to go back in time, and nostalgia can be crippling as well as inspiring. Leisure suits and high inflation can stay in the 70s. In aviation, I’d much rather have datalink weather and WAAS approaches than Flight Watch and NDBs. Other than fuel prices (which are 30% higher today than they were in 1980, adjusted for inflation), I agree with Richard Collins’s philosophy: “may the good old days never return.”
It’s also easy to overstate general aviation’s recent strength. There is still plenty of bad news in the world, whether it’s significant Covid-19 outbreaks or massive airline layoffs. A small bump in flight activity does not signal a return to the glory days. However, we shouldn’t bury our head in the sand either. In the wake of a once-in-a-lifetime public health crisis and economic collapse, the fact that our little corner of the aviation world has survived is worth celebrating. More importantly, it’s worth building on.
The post Are pilots rediscovering how to travel by light airplane? appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2020/08/are-pilots-rediscovering-how-to-travel-by-light-airplane/
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/10-gift-ideas-that-are-perfect-for-business-travelers/
10 gift ideas that are perfect for business travelers
In need of gift inspiration for the business traveler in your life? Here are 10 gift ideas, hand-picked by a panel of business travel gurus and voted the best by 10Best readers. 
1. Bluffworks Travel Blazer
Bluffworks Travel Blazer doesn’t wrinkle — Photo courtesy of Bluffworks
This ultra-functional blazer from Bluffworks goes with you from an Uber to an airplane to a business meeting. Made from machine washable quick-dry polyester, the lightweight blazer is packed with hidden pockets and won’t wrinkle, even if it’s been stuffed in a duffel bag for a week.
To buy: bluffworks.com, $220
All clothes on sale through Cyber Monday
2. Asobu Coldbrew Insulated Portable Brewer
Asobu Coldbrew Insulated Portable Brewer allows you to enjoy coffee on the go — Photo courtesy of Asobu
An ideal gift for the coffee-loving business traveler, the Asobu Coldbrew Insulated Portable Brewer is a leak-proof and insulated carafe for fresh cold brew on the go. It comes in black, copper, silver and white and requires only coarse ground coffee and cold water.
To buy: asobubottle.com, $39.99
Use code winder5 for an additional 5 percent off sitewide
3. eBags Kalya Underseat Carry-on
eBags Kalya Underseat Carry-on will fit under the seat in front of you — Photo courtesy of eBags
This eBags carry-on, designed to fit under an airplane seat, organizes everything a business traveler might need in flight. A built-in USB outlet offers quick charging, while a front flat pocket stows books, magazines or an e-reader.
To buy: ebags.com, $129.99
4. Airpocket
The Airpocket puts your essentials in reach on airplanes — Photo courtesy of Airpocket
Frequent flyers understand the annoyance of trying to keep what you want on the plane at hand while also juggling a carry-on and personal item. The Airpocket can slide into a purse, briefcase or backpack and keeps all your essentials –book, boarding pass and electronics – organized in a pouch that fits in the seat-back pocket.
To buy: theairpocket.com, $68
5. Mophie Charge Stream Powerstation Wireless
Mophie Charge Stream Powerstation Wireless will keep your devices alive — Photo courtesy of mophie
The Charge Stream Powerstation Wireless charges Qi-enabled devices, including the latest iPhones and Samsungs, from anywhere with one push of a button and no wires necessary. A USB-A port services wired devices like tablets with hours of power.
To buy: mophie.com, $79.95
6. Skyroam Solis with GoData
Skyroam Solis with GoData will provide Wi-Fi wherever you go — Photo courtesy of Skyroam
The Skyroam Solis keeps you connected wherever you go. Match it with a data plan, and you’ll have fast 4G LTE mobile Wi-Fi worldwide, as well as a built-in 6000 mAh bower bank to quickly charge devices.
To buy: skyroam.com, $149.99
Use code WIFICYBORG Black Friday through Cyber Monday for 20 percent off
7. Herschel Supply Company Search Passport Holder
Herschel Supply Company Search Passport Holder has plenty of room for your essentials — Photo courtesy of Herschel Supply Company
This sleek leather passport holder from Herschel Supply Company comes equipped with a Tile Slim Bluetooth tracker to help locate the wallet if lost. Other features include multiple card slots and storage sleeves and a pen loop to help keep your travel essentials organized.
To buy: herschel.com, $84.99
8. Toad & Co Flextime Skinny Pant
Toad & Co Flextime Skinny Pants don’t get baggy — Photo courtesy of Toad & Co
Toad & Co. calls this their “ultimate go-anywhere, do-anything pant.” Stretchy but never baggy, the Flextime Skinny Pant transitions from airplane to office, sheds moisture, dries quickly and resists stains. A hidden zipper pocket secures valuables when you’re on the move.
To buy: toadandco.com, $85
Use code TOADGIFT for 25 percent off in-season products and 50 percent off past season items
9. Fancii Cool Mist Personal Travel Humidifier
Fancii Cool Mist Personal Travel Humidifier will revive your skin — Photo courtesy of Fancii & Co.
Nothing can dry you out faster than spending time in climate-controlled airplanes and hotel rooms. This personal travel humidifier returns moisture to the air to soothe dry skin and nasal passages. Small and lightweight, the device easily fits in a purse or backpack and works with any standard-sized water bottle.
To buy: fancii.com, $29.99
Use code BF2018 from Black Friday through Cyber Monday for 35 percent off plus free shipping
10. Original Cord Tacos
Original Cord Tacos keep everything organized — Photo courtesy of THIS IS GROUND
Made from premium leather, the Cord Taco keeps all those headphones and wires for charging phones, tablets and e-readers neat and organized. They come in two different sizes and multiple colors to help organize your bag in style.
To buy: thisisground.com, $25-$35
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
One of the girls from Casa Amor claims Love Island producers hid this major plot twist from viewers
One of the girls from Casa Amor claims Love Island producers hid this major plot twist from viewers
Love Island fever is well and truly taking over the country.
From Megan and Laura fighting over a man to crying as Jack and Dani fall in love day by day, we literally count down the hours until the next episode. Just us?
The drama intensified after ITV2 producers split the cast into two separate villas and sent in six new men and six new women. Oh, you cruel things, you.
We flew into the Love Island villa to find out all the cast secrets and here’s what we know…
Is Love Island Staged?
With all the drama, it makes you wonder – how much of it is staged? This week, fans have been taking to social media to discuss just how fixed they’re convinced the show is.
And now, a former contestant has shed light on this very topic.
Savanna Darnell, who you may remember from her brief stint at Casa Amor, appeared on Lewys Ball’s YouTube channel and revealed that she and Wes got close during their time at the rival house.
She said: “Me and Wes actually really got on. We got on really well, we shared a bed-they never showed that. We had a cuddle.
“We were having a great time, we were giggling and they just never wanted to show it.
“Me and Wes were singing the whole time, joking about, we were like up till stupid o’ clock giggling and laughing in bed – that’s what you didn’t see hunnies.”
One eagle-eyed fan also recently took to Twitter to claim they believe the show is staged, all because of these two clips of Georgia.
It comes after Caroline Flack entered the island on Sunday night’s show to dump Ellie and Charlie from the villa. The Twitter user shared two pictures of Georgia having a meltdown following the dumping, and claimed that in one clip, she had full acrylic nails and didn’t have any on in the second.
Here’s the tweet in question….
Uhmm, excuse me but how is the 2nd photo technically filmed only moments after the 1st? You telling me she’s lost all her nails in 10 min 😂 it doesn’t bother me that Love Island is so staged this year, but it REALLY bothers me that it’s not even staged properly…#loveisland pic.twitter.com/HUmM90RDEJ
— Anca M (@_anchorr_) July 15, 2018
So what’s your verdict?
It comes after Frankie, who recently left the villa, told The Sun that his relationship with Samira didn’t get enough airtime, especially their mysterious night in the hideaway that was never aired.
He said: “It’s weird for me because obviously it’s a big thing for everyone in the villa. Everyone was cheering us into the hideaway, everyone was happy for us.”
And then it was unearthed that Megan and new girl, Alex, were in a raunchy music video for grime rapper Giggs together last year and even posed for pictures together on social media.
Viewers took to Twitter in their droves to comment: ‘@LoveIsland how come Megan didn’t let on that she already knew Alexandra ? Makes me think it’s all a fix ?? #LoveIsIand #fakeisland #scripted?
‘So Megan & Alexandra know each other but I haven’t even seen them talk to each other yet #LoveIsland’; ‘Is Megan really pretending she don’t know Alexandra? #LoveIsland’
‘Why is Alexandra pretending she doesn’t already know Megan?”.
To add fuel to the fire this viral video emerged this week…
Eagle-eyed viewers are convinced the kiss between Georgia Steel and Jack Fowler was staged – and if you look closely, you’ll see what they mean.
The footage, which was shown from varying angles on the spin-off show, Aftersun, showed a missing bottle of champagne in the two differing shots, leading viewers to believe it was re-shot.
I genuinely can’t believe people don’t see how staged love island was last night And all the acting that was involved..
— Havva (@havvarebke) July 3, 2018
Im actually fed up with people talking about love island 🙄🙄. The program is staged. And people believe it’s real. It’s a SHITE program. And it is completely FAKE.
— Robert #letsgo (@rangerslad1983) July 3, 2018
Then, former contestant Tyla Carr spoke to The Daily Star and suggested that a lot more is down to the producers than we first thought. She said,
“What viewers don’t see is there is always a producer on site. They don’t live in the villa with us but someone generally comes in every hour to have a chat.”
“They would often tannoy an announcement asking for someone to come to the sofa to have a chat with one of the producers. They tell you what they want you to talk about, and who with.”
She does clarify that the producers don’t make the contestants do anything they don’t want to do, but certain topics of conversation are prompted.
However, an ITV2 spokesperson denied the allegations, calling them ‘absolutely untrue’.
“It is absolutely untrue to suggest that Love Island is fake. The opinions they have and the relationships formed are completely within the control of the Islanders themselves. Love Island is a combination of reality and produced elements. Any produced elements are designed to allow viewers to understand what the Islanders are feeling and to help move narrative threads on.”
So there you have it. We’re not naive enough to think that they’re completely left to their own devices, but according to show bosses, everything is down to the Islanders.
Want more secrets from the villa? Keep reading to find out what happened when we jetted out to the Love Island villa to meet the cast, chat to Caroline Flack and find out all the villa secrets…
How do the Love Island cast communicate with each other?
The recently dumped islander, Adam Collard and Zara McDermott, told OK! Magazine how they really communicate with each other away from prying eyes and ears of the producers and other islanders.
“We used to write messages to each other when we were in bed so other people couldn’t hear what we were saying,” said Adam. “We deleted our messages but the producers told me that they still have them all.”
Are Love Islanders allowed phones?
The Love Islanders are allowed phones, but not to communicate with the outside world. Samsung provide them with phones and they have an island chat where they can talk amongst the other Islanders and then Love Island producers can contact them from the control room.
Do the Love Island cast get free clothes and makeup?
There’s plenty of makeup and clothes on offer for the Islanders. GHD has supplied all of the hair styling tools (from straighteners to curlers) in the glam room, while Superdrug has stocked the bathroom full of toiletries. Missguided is offering the Islanders clothes to supplement their own wardrobes.
In fact, Adam revealed just how many free clothes they get, adding: “We get a sack full of clothes from Missguided delivered every couple of weeks. Everyone gets given their own sack of things that suit their style.”
Do the Love Island cast know each other?
Producers go to some seriously extreme lengths to keep the contestants from meeting before the show. They are all flown over on different days and different flights. They also stay in different parts of the Island in a plethora of hotels. They have their own personal chaperone to keep them safe and from trying to find the other Islanders and even have their phones confiscated before they jet out.
When we interviewed the new cast, including Samira, Kendall, Hayley, Laura and Dani, there were four security members waiting in the corridor to ensure they didn’t bump into other cast members; it was akin to an mi5 operation.
The Love Island 2018 cast is hotting up, with new bombshells already
Are the Love Island cast head-hunted?
Most of the Islanders are head-hunted by producers or talent scouts via Instagram. A lot of this year’s contestants have been approached several times to go on previous shows.
How many people apply for Love Island?
Over 150,000 people applied to be on this series and there’s plenty of potential islanders waiting in the wings in Mallorca to enter the villa in the coming weeks as ‘bombshells’. You can still apply through the show and they keep casting for new contestants. 
How to get a place on Love Island: The 2018 cast, producers and Caroline Flack reveal the key to success
Is Love Island scripted?
The show is far from scripted. “The beauty of the format is that it allows us to do what we want,” one producer told us. “We follow the way the stories lead, we don’t go in with a master plan. The beauty is that we can be reactive and flexible so we follow where the islanders lead us.”
How does Caroline fly out to Love Island?
Caroline can be flown out with a few hours’ warning. “We’ll get Caroline a passport and fly her out if there’s a reason for her to be here tomorrow, and none of us know when that will be as none of us know where the contestants will take us,” said one.
Is Love Island cut chronologically?
The show isn’t cut chronologically. It doesn’t begin in the morning and end in the night; the producers can end a show in the middle of the night to give them time to adapt to what is happening. The evictions often happen at 3am after public votes have been counted up.
Who cleans the Love Island villa?
A cleaner comes into the villa once a week to give it a spruce up and change all the bed sheets.
Why is the Love Island bedroom so long?
Ever wondered why the bedroom is so long? Well, it’s because there’s a secret kitchen behind the bedroom. The house is owned by a Spanish farmer and the producers had to build a wall to divide his kitchen in half and use the other half as the bedroom.
How much alcohol do they drink on Love Island?
There’s no restrictions on how much the cast can drink. One producer explained: “There’s no limit, we just sort of monitor things, they can have a drink and we are careful that they don’t have too much to drink, but there’s no limit, it’s just a case by case basis.”
Here’s where to buy your Love Island water bottle (and why it will change your life)
Are the Love Island producers on social media?
The producers are just as addicted as we are and spend the hours after the show has aired trawling social media for reaction. “We are really invested in the cast already and consider them like our children.”
Do the producers match-make Love Island couples?
The producers never get the match-making right. One of them told us that they all sit around and try and pair the potential couples up – and have never got it right!
Is there a psychologist for Love Island?
It can get pretty intense in the villa so there’s pyschological help on hand for anyone who needs it.
First look: This is the beauty accessory that the Love Island cast will be wearing in the villa
How long did it take to build the Love Island villa?
The new villa took eight weeks to put together and it’s a complete set that’s brought in every year. The sundeck is very different this year and comes away from the wall, while a swing has been added to help with filming.
What is the security like on Love Island?
Anyone coming and going from the villa has to use hand sanitiser to keep germs out. There’s also tonnes of security on site and gates to stop any trespassers sneaking in.
Who cooks for the Love Island cast?
A catering station is set up in the grounds of the villa with chefs on hand to make food for the production team and the Islanders.
Are the Love Island cast given contraception?
Love Island have their own branded range of condoms – there are over 200 in the house and they will be replenished as needed.
How many cameras are there in the Love Island villa?
There are 72 cameras dotted around the villa. They are mostly hidden so the contestants will forget they are being filmed.
Primark has given us a sneak peek of its Love Island fashion range and it’s our type on paper
Is the Love Island grass real?
The grass and flowers are all fake in the villa.
What are the Love Island slogans?
All around the villa, there are neon slogans on the wall including “Get laid all night long”, and famous Love Island catchphrases from last year like ‘muggy’, ‘crack on’ and ‘all my eggs in one basket’.
Are there cameras in the Love Island toilet?
There ARE cameras in the toilet just in case but the footage isn’t monitored. They have it for health and safety reasons.
What’s in the Love Island hideaway?
The Hideaway has a kingsize bed with gold sheets, a fur throw and a mirrored headboard, as well as its own private terrace with sprawling views of the hills.
Here’s your first look inside the super plush new Love Island villa
Are there clocks in Love Island?
Just like Big Brother, there are no clocks in the villa meaning the Islanders never know what the time is.
What are the Love Island Jacuzzi rules?
The contestants are not allowed to jump into the Jacuzzi for a dip unless the producers say that they’re allowed to.
After a first look at the official merchandise and the new love island cast of 2018, the time is FINALLY upon us. That’s right, people, wave goodbye to your social life for eight weeks because Love Island 2018 is finally here – but it’s not too late to apply for Love Island 2018 so act fast!
The Love Island finale date has been revealed and we’re absolutely dreading it
Get to know the new cast before they head in…
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The shocking secrets we discovered when we went behind the scenes at the Love Island villa
The shocking secrets we discovered when we went behind the scenes at the Love Island villa
Love Island is fast upon us. Anyone else literally counting down the hours until Monday?
We might be biased but we consider it to be the greatest reality TV series, like, ever, so we jumped at the chance to jet out to the Love Island villa to meet the cast, chat to Caroline Flack and find out all the villa secrets.
We grilled the show’s producers for all the juicy secrets from behind the scenes – and our minds were blown. Here’s what we found out about everyone’s favourite TV show…
Do the Love Island cast know each other?
1. Producers go to some seriously extreme lengths to keep the contestants from meeting before the show. They are all flown over on different days and different flights. They also stay in different parts of the Island in a plethora of hotels. They have their own personal chaperone to keep them safe and from trying to find the other Islanders and even have their phones confiscated before they jet out.
When we interviewed the new cast, including Samira, Kendall, Hayley, Laura and Dani, there were four security members waiting in the corridor to ensure they didn’t bump into other cast members; it was akin to an mi5 operation.
Here’s everything we know about the Love Island 2018 cast
Are Love Islanders allowed phones?
2. The Love Islanders are allowed phones, but not to communicate with the outside world. Samsung provide them with phones and they have an island chat where they can talk amongst the other Islanders and then Love Island producers can contact them from the control room.
Are the Love Island cast head-hunted?
3. Most of the Islanders are head-hunted by producers or talent scouts via Instagram. A lot of this year’s contestants have been approached several times to go on previous shows.
How many people apply for Love Island?
4. Over 150,000 people applied to be on this series and there’s plenty of potential islanders waiting in the wings in Mallorca to enter the villa in the coming weeks as ‘bombshells’. You can still apply through the show and they keep casting for new contestants. 
Montana gives her top tips for nailing that Love Island 2018 audition 👊
Is Love Island scripted?
5. The show is far from scripted. “The beauty of the format is that it allows us to do what we want,” one producer told us. “We follow the way the stories lead, we don’t go in with a master plan. The beauty is that we can be reactive and flexible so we follow where the islanders lead us.”
How does Caroline fly out to Love Island?
6. Caroline can be flown out with a few hours’ warning. “We’ll get Caroline a passport and fly her out if there’s a reason for her to be here tomorrow, and none of us know when that will be as none of us know where the contestants will take us,” said one.
Is Love Island cut chronologically?
7. The show isn’t cut chronologically. It doesn’t begin in the morning and end in the night; the producers can end a show in the middle of the night to give them time to adapt to what is happening. The evictions often happen at 3am after public votes have been counted up.
Who cleans the Love Island villa?
8. A cleaner comes into the villa once a week to give it a spruce up and change all the bed sheets.
Why is the Love Island bedroom so long?
9. Ever wondered why the bedroom is so long? Well, it’s because there’s a secret kitchen behind the bedroom. The house is owned by a Spanish farmer and the producers had to build a wall to divide his kitchen in half and use the other half as the bedroom.
How much alcohol do they drink on Love Island?
10. There’s no restrictions on how much the cast can drink. One producer explained: “There’s no limit, we just sort of monitor things, they can have a drink and we are careful that they don’t have too much to drink, but there’s no limit, it’s just a case by case basis.”
The Love Island water bottles are back for 2018, here’s how to get yours…
Are the Love Island producers on social media?
11. The producers are just as addicted as we are and spend the hours after the show has aired trawling social media for reaction. “We are really invested in the cast already and consider them like our children.”
Do the producers match-make Love Island couples?
12. The producers never get the match-making right. One of them told us that they all sit around and try and pair the potential couples up – and have never got it right!
Is there a psychologist for Love Island?
13. It can get pretty intense in the villa so there’s pyschological help on hand for anyone who needs it.
Do the Love Island cast get free clothes and makeup?
14. There’s plenty of makeup and clothes on offer for the Islanders. GHD has supplied all of the hair styling tools (from straighteners to curlers) in the glam room, while Superdrug has stocked the bathroom full of toiletries. Missguided is offering the Islanders clothes to supplement their own wardrobes – and Kendall confessed she’s taking an impressive ten pairs of shoes with her.
First look: This is the beauty accessory that the Love Island cast will be wearing in the villa
How long did it take to build the Love Island villa?
15. The new villa took eight weeks to put together and it’s a complete set that’s brought in every year. The sundeck is very different this year and comes away from the wall, while a swing has been added to help with filming.
What is the security like on Love Island?
16. Anyone coming and going from the villa has to use hand sanitiser to keep germs out. There’s also tonnes of security on site and gates to stop any trespassers sneaking in.
Who cooks for the Love Island cast?
17. A catering station is set up in the grounds of the villa with chefs on hand to make food for the production team and the Islanders.
Are the Love Island cast given contraception?
18. Love Island have their own branded range of condoms – there are over 200 in the house and they will be replenished as needed.
How many cameras are there in the Love Island villa?
19. There are 72 cameras dotted around the villa. They are mostly hidden so the contestants will forget they are being filmed.
Primark has given us a sneak peek of its Love Island fashion range and it’s our type on paper
Is the Love Island grass real?
20. The grass and flowers are all fake in the villa.
What are the Love Island slogans?
21. All around the villa, there are neon slogans on the wall including “Get laid all night long”, and famous Love Island catchphrases from last year like ‘muggy’, ‘crack on’ and ‘all my eggs in one basket’.
Are there cameras in the Love Island toilet?
22. There ARE cameras in the toilet just in case but the footage isn’t monitored. They have it for health and safety reasons.
What’s in the Love Island hideaway?
23. The Hideaway has a kingsize bed with gold sheets, a fur throw and a mirrored headboard, as well as its own private terrace with sprawling views of the hills.
Here’s your first look inside the super plush new Love Island villa
Are there clocks in Love Island?
24. Just like Big Brother, there are no clocks in the villa meaning the Islanders never know what the time is.
What are the Love Island Jacuzzi rules?
25. The contestants are not allowed to jump into the Jacuzzi for a dip unless the producers say that they’re allowed to.
After a first look at the official merchandise and the new love island cast of 2018, the time is FINALLY upon us. That’s right, people, wave goodbye to your social life for eight weeks because Love Island 2018 is finally here – but it’s not too late to apply for Love Island 2018 so act fast!
Love Island 2018: All the details you need to know
Get to know the new cast before they head in…
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